patch-2.1.90 linux/kernel/kmod.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.89/linux/kernel/kmod.c linux/kernel/kmod.c
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+	kmod, the new module loader (replaces kerneld)
+	Kirk Petersen
+#define __KERNEL_SYSCALLS__
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/unistd.h>
+static inline _syscall1(int,delete_module,const char *,name_user)
+	kmod_unload_delay and modprobe_path are set via /proc/sys.
+int kmod_unload_delay = 60;
+char modprobe_path[256] = "/sbin/modprobe";
+char module_name[64] = "";
+char * argv[] = { "modprobe", "-k", NULL, NULL, };
+char * envp[] = { "HOME=/", "TERM=linux", NULL, };
+	kmod_queue synchronizes the kmod thread and the rest of the system
+	kmod_unload_timer is what we use to unload modules
+	after kmod_unload_delay seconds
+struct wait_queue * kmod_queue = NULL;
+struct timer_list kmod_unload_timer;
+	kmod_thread is the thread that does most of the work.  kmod_unload and
+	request_module tell it to wake up and do work.
+int kmod_thread(void * data)
+	int pid;
+	/*
+		Initialize basic thread information
+	*/
+	current->session = 1;
+	current->pgrp = 1;
+	sprintf(current->comm, "kmod");
+	sigfillset(&current->blocked);
+	/*
+		This is the main kmod_thread loop.  It first sleeps, then
+		handles requests from request_module or kmod_unload.
+	*/
+	while (1) {
+		interruptible_sleep_on(&kmod_queue);
+		/*
+			If request_module woke us up, we should try to
+			load module_name.  If not, kmod_unload woke us up,
+			do call delete_module.
+			(if somehow both want us to do something, ignore the
+			 delete_module request)
+		*/
+		if (module_name[0] == '\0') {
+			delete_module(NULL);
+		} else {
+			pid = fork();
+			if (pid > 0) {
+				waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
+				module_name[0] = '\0';
+				wake_up(&kmod_queue);
+			} else
+			if (pid == 0) {
+				/*
+					Call modprobe with module_name.  If execve returns,
+					print out an error.
+				*/
+				argv[2] = module_name;
+				execve(modprobe_path, argv, envp);
+				printk("kmod: failed to load module %s\n", module_name);
+				_exit(0);
+			} else {
+				printk("error, fork failed in kmod\n");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;	/* Never reached. */
+	kmod_unload is the function that the kernel calls when
+	the kmod_unload_timer expires
+void kmod_unload(unsigned long x)
+	/*
+		wake up the kmod thread, which does the work
+		(we can't call delete_module, as it locks the kernel and
+		 we are in the bottom half of the kernel (right?))
+		once it is awake, reset the timer
+	*/
+	wake_up(&kmod_queue);
+	kmod_unload_timer.expires = jiffies + (kmod_unload_delay * HZ);
+	add_timer(&kmod_unload_timer);
+int kmod_init(void)
+	printk ("Starting kmod\n");
+	kernel_thread(kmod_thread, NULL, 0);
+ = NULL;
+	kmod_unload_timer.prev = NULL;
+	kmod_unload_timer.expires = jiffies + (5 * 60 * HZ);
+ = 0L;
+	kmod_unload_timer.function = kmod_unload;
+	add_timer(&kmod_unload_timer);
+	return 0;
+	request_module, the function that everyone calls when they need a
+	module to be loaded
+int request_module(const char * name)
+	/* first, copy the name of the module into module_name */
+	/* then wake_up() the kmod daemon */
+	/* wait for the kmod daemon to finish (it will wake us up) */
+	/*
+		kmod_thread is sleeping, so start by copying the name of
+		the module into module_name.  Once that is done, wake up
+		kmod_thread.
+	*/
+	strcpy(module_name, name);
+	wake_up(&kmod_queue);
+	/*
+		Now that we have told kmod_thread what to do, we want to
+		go to sleep and let it do its work.  It will wake us up,
+		at which point we will be done (the module will be loaded).
+	*/
+	interruptible_sleep_on(&kmod_queue);
+	return 0;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,