patch-2.2.0-pre8 linux/drivers/net/rclanmtl.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.0-pre7/linux/drivers/net/rclanmtl.h linux/drivers/net/rclanmtl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+** *************************************************************************
+**     R C L A N M T L . H             $Revision: 5 $
+**  RedCreek I2O LAN Message Transport Layer header file.
+**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+**  ---     Copyright (c) 1997-1999, RedCreek Communications Inc.     ---
+**  ---                   All rights reserved.                        ---
+**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+**  File Description:
+**  Header file for host I2O (Intelligent I/O) LAN message transport layer 
+**  API and data types.
+**  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+**  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+**  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+**  (at your option) any later version.
+**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+**  GNU General Public License for more details.
+**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+**  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+**  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+** *************************************************************************
+#ifndef RCLANMTL_H
+#define RCLANMTL_H
+/* Linux specific includes */
+#define kprintf printk
+#ifdef RC_LINUX_MODULE     /* linux modules need non-library version of string functions */
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* PCI/45 Configuration space values */
+#define RC_PCI45_VENDOR_ID  0x4916
+#define RC_PCI45_DEVICE_ID  0x1960
+ /* RedCreek API function return values */
+#define RC_RTN_NO_ERROR             0
+#define RC_RTN_I2O_NOT_INIT         1
+#define RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY         2
+#define RC_RTN_TCB_ERROR            3
+#define RC_RTN_MALLOC_ERROR         6
+#define RC_RTN_NO_I2O_STATUS        9
+#define RC_RTN_NO_FIRM_VER         10
+#define RC_RTN_NO_LINK_SPEED       11
+/* Driver capability flags */
+#define WARM_REBOOT_CAPABLE      0x01
+ /* scalar data types */
+typedef unsigned char   U8;
+typedef unsigned char*  PU8;
+typedef unsigned short  U16;
+typedef unsigned short* PU16;
+typedef unsigned long   U32;
+typedef unsigned long*  PU32;
+typedef unsigned long   BF;
+typedef int             RC_RETURN;
+ /* 
+ **
+ ** pointer to void function - type used for WaitCallback in some functions 
+ */
+typedef void (*PFNWAITCALLBACK)(void);  /* void argument avoids compiler complaint */
+ /*
+ **
+ ** Pointer to user's transmit callback function.  This user function is
+ ** called from RCProcI2OMsgQ() when packet have been transmitted from buffers
+ ** given in the RCI2OSendPacket() function.  BufferContext is a pointer to
+ ** an array of 32 bit context values.  These are the values the user assigned
+ ** and passed in the TCB to the RCI2OSendPacket() function.  PcktCount
+ ** indicates the number of buffer context values in the BufferContext[] array.
+ ** The User's TransmitCallbackFunction should recover (put back in free queue)
+ ** the packet buffers associated with the buffer context values.
+ */
+typedef void (*PFNTXCALLBACK)(U32  Status,
+                              U16  PcktCount,
+                              PU32 BufferContext,
+                              U16  AdaterID);
+ /* 
+ **
+ ** Pointer to user's receive callback function.  This user function
+ ** is called from RCProcI2OMsgQ() when packets have been received into
+ ** previously posted packet buffers throught the RCPostRecvBuffers() function.
+ ** The received callback function should process the Packet Descriptor Block
+ ** pointed to by PacketDescBlock. See Packet Decription Block below.
+ */
+typedef void (*PFNRXCALLBACK)(U32  Status,
+                              U8   PktCount,
+                              U32  BucketsRemain,
+                              PU32 PacketDescBlock,
+                              U16  AdapterID);
+ /* 
+ ** type PFNCALLBACK 
+ **
+ ** Pointer to user's generic callback function.  This user function
+ ** can be passed to LANReset or LANShutdown and is called when the 
+ ** the reset or shutdown is complete.
+ ** Param1 and Param2 are invalid for LANReset and LANShutdown.
+ */
+typedef void (*PFNCALLBACK)(U32  Status,
+                              U32  Param1,
+                              U32  Param2,
+                              U16  AdapterID);
+** Status - Transmit and Receive callback status word 
+** A 32 bit Status is returned to the TX and RX callback functions.  This value
+** contains both the reply status and the detailed status as follows:
+**  32    24     16            0
+**  +------+------+------------+
+**  | Reply|      |  Detailed  |
+**  |Status|   0  |   Status   |
+**  +------+------+------------+
+** Reply Status and Detailed Status of zero indicates No Errors.
+ /* reply message status defines */
+#define    I2O_REPLY_STATUS_SUCCESS                    0x00
+#define    I2O_REPLY_STATUS_TRANSACTION_ERROR          0x0A
+/* DetailedStatusCode defines */
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_SUCCESS                         0x0000
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_DEVICE_FAILURE                  0x0001
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND           0x0002
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_TRANSMIT_ERROR                  0x0003
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_TRANSMIT_ABORTED                0x0004
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_RECEIVE_ERROR                   0x0005
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_RECEIVE_ABORTED                 0x0006
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_DMA_ERROR                       0x0007
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_BAD_PACKET_DETECTED             0x0008
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY                   0x0009
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_BUCKET_OVERRUN                  0x000A
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_IOP_INTERNAL_ERROR              0x000B
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_CANCELED                        0x000C
+#define    I2O_LAN_DSC_PARTIAL_PACKET_RETURNED         0x0010
+** Packet Description Block   (Received packets)
+** A pointer to this block structure is returned to the ReceiveCallback 
+** function.  It contains the list of packet buffers which have either been
+** filled with a packet or returned to host due to a LANReset function. 
+** Currently there will only be one packet per receive bucket (buffer) posted. 
+**   32   24               0     
+**  +-----------------------+  -\
+**  |   Buffer 1 Context    |    \
+**  +-----------------------+     \
+**  |      0xC0000000       |     / First Bucket Descriptor
+**  +-----+-----------------+    /
+**  |  0  | packet 1 length |   / 
+**  +-----------------------+  -\
+**  |   Buffer 2 Context    |    \
+**  +-----------------------+     \
+**  |      0xC0000000       |     / Second Bucket Descriptor
+**  +-----+-----------------+    /
+**  |  0  | packet 2 length |   / 
+**  +-----+-----------------+  -
+**  |         ...           |  ----- more bucket descriptors
+**  +-----------------------+  -\
+**  |   Buffer n Context    |    \
+**  +-----------------------+     \
+**  |      0xC0000000       |     / Last Bucket Descriptor
+**  +-----+-----------------+    /
+**  |  0  | packet n length |   / 
+**  +-----+-----------------+  -
+** Buffer Context values are those given to adapter in the TCB on calls to
+** RCPostRecvBuffers().
+** Transaction Control Block (TCB) structure
+** A structure like this is filled in by the user and passed by reference to 
+** RCI2OSendPacket() and RCPostRecvBuffers() functions.  Minimum size is five
+** 32-bit words for one buffer with one segment descriptor.  
+** MAX_NMBR_POST_BUFFERS_PER_MSG defines the maximum single segment buffers
+** that can be described in a given TCB.
+**   32                    0
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer Count        |  Number of buffers in the TCB
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer 1 Context    |  first buffer reference
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer 1 Seg Count  |  number of segments in buffer
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer 1 Seg Desc 1 |  first segment descriptor (size, physical address)
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |         ...           |  more segment descriptors (size, physical address)
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer 1 Seg Desc n |  last segment descriptor (size, physical address)
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer 2 Context    |  second buffer reference
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer 2 Seg Count  |  number of segments in buffer
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer 2 Seg Desc 1 |  segment descriptor (size, physical address)
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |         ...           |  more segment descriptors (size, physical address)
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer 2 Seg Desc n |
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |         ...           |  more buffer descriptor blocks ...
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer n Context    |
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer n Seg Count  |
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer n Seg Desc 1 |
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |         ...           |
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |   Buffer n Seg Desc n |
+**  +-----------------------+
+** A TCB for one contigous packet buffer would look like the following:
+**   32                    0
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |         1             |  one buffer in the TCB
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |  <user's Context>     |  user's buffer reference
+**  +-----------------------+
+**  |         1             |  one segment buffer
+**  +-----------------------+                            _
+**  |    <buffer size>      |  size                       \ 
+**  +-----------------------+                              \ segment descriptor
+**  |  <physical address>   |  physical address of buffer  /
+**  +-----------------------+                            _/
+ /* Buffer Segment Descriptor */
+typedef struct
+    U32 size;
+    U32 phyAddress;
+typedef PU32 PRCTCB;
+** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+** Exported functions comprising the API to the LAN I2O message transport layer
+** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /*
+ ** InitRCI2OMsgLayer()
+ ** 
+ ** Called once prior to using the I2O LAN message transport layer.  User 
+ ** provides both the physical and virual address of a locked page buffer 
+ ** that is used as a private buffer for the RedCreek I2O message
+ ** transport layer.  This buffer must be a contigous memory block of a 
+ ** minimum of 16K bytes and long word aligned.  The user also must provide
+ ** the base address of the RedCreek PCI adapter assigned by BIOS or operating
+ ** system.  The user provided value AdapterID is a zero based index of the
+ ** Ravlin 45/PCI adapter.  This interface number is used in all subsequent API
+ ** calls to identify which adpapter for which the function is intended.  
+ ** Up to sixteen interfaces are supported with this API.
+ **
+ ** Inputs:  AdapterID - interface number from 0 to 15
+ **          pciBaseAddr - virual base address of PCI (set by BIOS)
+ **          p_msgbuf - virual address to private message block (min. 16K)
+ **          p_phymsgbuf - physical address of private message block
+ **          TransmitCallbackFunction - address of user's TX callback function
+ **          ReceiveCallbackFunction  - address of user's RX callback function
+ **
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCInitI2OMsgLayer(U16 AdapterID, U32 pciBaseAddr, 
+                            PU8 p_msgbuf,  PU8 p_phymsgbuf,
+                            PFNTXCALLBACK TransmitCallbackFunction,
+                            PFNRXCALLBACK ReceiveCallbackFunction,
+                            PFNCALLBACK   RebootCallbackFunction);
+ /*
+ ** RCSetRavlinIPandMask()
+ **
+ ** Set the Ravlin 45/PCI cards IP address and network mask.
+ **
+ ** IP address and mask must be in network byte order.
+ ** For example, IP address and mask would be
+ ** 0x04030201 and 0x00FFFFFF on a little endian machine.
+ **
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCSetRavlinIPandMask(U16 AdapterID, U32 ipAddr, U32 netMask);
+** =========================================================================
+** RCGetRavlinIPandMask()
+** get the IP address and MASK from the card
+** =========================================================================
+RCGetRavlinIPandMask(U16 AdapterID, PU32 pIpAddr, PU32 pNetMask, 
+                        PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback);
+ /* 
+ ** RCProcI2OMsgQ()
+ ** 
+ ** Called from user's polling loop or Interrupt Service Routine for a PCI 
+ ** interrupt from the RedCreek PCI adapter.  User responsible for determining
+ ** and hooking the PCI interrupt. This function will call the registered
+ ** callback functions, TransmitCallbackFunction or ReceiveCallbackFunction,
+ ** if a TX or RX transaction has completed.
+ */
+void RCProcI2OMsgQ(U16 AdapterID);
+ /*
+ ** Disable and Enable I2O interrupts.  I2O interrupts are enabled at Init time
+ ** but can be disabled and re-enabled through these two function calls.
+ ** Packets will still be put into any posted recieved buffers and packets will
+ ** be sent through RCI2OSendPacket() functions.  Disabling I2O interrupts
+ ** will prevent hardware interrupt to host even though the outbound I2O msg
+ ** queue is not emtpy.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCEnableI2OInterrupts(U16 adapterID);
+RC_RETURN RCDisableI2OInterrupts(U16 AdapterID);
+ /* 
+ ** RCPostRecvBuffers()
+ ** 
+ ** Post user's page locked buffers for use by the PCI adapter to
+ ** return ethernet packets received from the LAN.  Transaction Control Block,
+ ** provided by user, contains buffer descriptor(s) which includes a buffer
+ ** context number along with buffer size and physical address.  See TCB above.
+ ** The buffer context and actual packet length are returned to the 
+ ** ReceiveCallbackFunction when packets have been received.  Buffers posted
+ ** to the RedCreek adapter are considered owned by the adapter until the
+ ** context is return to user through the ReceiveCallbackFunction.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCPostRecvBuffers(U16 AdapterID, PRCTCB pTransactionCtrlBlock);
+ /*
+ ** RCI2OSendPacket()
+ ** 
+ ** Send user's ethernet packet from a locked page buffer.  
+ ** Packet must have full MAC header, however without a CRC.  
+ ** Initiator context is a user provided value that is returned 
+ ** to the TransmitCallbackFunction when packet buffer is free.
+ ** Transmit buffer are considered owned by the adapter until context's
+ ** returned to user through the TransmitCallbackFunction.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCI2OSendPacket(U16 AdapterID, 
+                          U32 context, 
+                          PRCTCB pTransactionCtrlBlock);
+ /* Ethernet Link Statistics structure */
+typedef struct tag_RC_link_stats
+    U32 TX_good;      /* good transmit frames */
+    U32 TX_maxcol;    /* frames not TX due to MAX collisions */
+    U32 TX_latecol;   /* frames not TX due to late collisions */
+    U32 TX_urun;      /* frames not TX due to DMA underrun */
+    U32 TX_crs;       /* frames TX with lost carrier sense */
+    U32 TX_def;       /* frames deferred due to activity on link */
+    U32 TX_singlecol; /* frames TX with one and only on collision */
+    U32 TX_multcol;   /* frames TX with more than one collision */
+    U32 TX_totcol;    /* total collisions detected during TX */
+    U32 Rcv_good;     /* good frames received */
+    U32 Rcv_CRCerr;   /* frames RX and discarded with CRC errors */
+    U32 Rcv_alignerr; /* frames RX with alignment and CRC errors */
+    U32 Rcv_reserr;   /* good frames discarded due to no RX buffer */
+    U32 Rcv_orun;     /* RX frames lost due to FIFO overrun */
+    U32 Rcv_cdt;      /* RX frames with collision during RX */
+    U32 Rcv_runt;     /* RX frames shorter than 64 bytes */
+ /*
+ ** RCGetLinkStatistics()
+ **
+ ** Returns link statistics in user's structure at address StatsReturnAddr
+ ** If given, not NULL, the function WaitCallback is called during the wait
+ ** loop while waiting for the adapter to respond.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCGetLinkStatistics(U16 AdapterID,
+                              P_RCLINKSTATS StatsReturnAddr,
+                              PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback);
+ /*
+ ** RCGetLinkStatus()
+ **
+ ** Return link status, up or down, to user's location addressed by ReturnAddr.
+ ** If given, not NULL, the function WaitCallback is called during the wait
+ ** loop while waiting for the adapter to respond.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCGetLinkStatus(U16 AdapterID, 
+                          PU32 pReturnStatus,
+                          PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback);
+ /* Link Status defines - value returned in pReturnStatus */
+#define RC_LAN_LINK_STATUS_DOWN     0
+#define RC_LAN_LINK_STATUS_UP       1
+ /*
+ ** RCGetMAC()
+ **
+ ** Get the current MAC address assigned to user.  RedCreek Ravlin 45/PCI 
+ ** has two MAC addresses.  One which is private to the PCI Card, and 
+ ** another MAC which is given to the user as its link layer MAC address. The
+ ** adapter runs in promiscous mode because of the dual address requirement.
+ ** The MAC address is returned to the unsigned char array pointer to by mac.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCGetMAC(U16 AdapterID, PU8 mac, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback);
+ /*
+ ** RCSetMAC()
+ **
+ ** Set a new user port MAC address.  This address will be returned on
+ ** subsequent RCGetMAC() calls.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCSetMAC(U16 AdapterID, PU8 mac);
+ /*
+ ** RCSetLinkSpeed()
+ **
+ ** set adapter's link speed based on given input code.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCSetLinkSpeed(U16 AdapterID, U16 LinkSpeedCode);
+ /* Set link speed codes */
+#define LNK_SPD_AUTO_NEG_NWAY   0
+#define LNK_SPD_100MB_FULL      1
+#define LNK_SPD_100MB_HALF      2
+#define LNK_SPD_10MB_FULL       3
+#define LNK_SPD_10MB_HALF       4
+ /*
+ ** RCGetLinkSpeed()
+ **
+ ** Return link speed code.
+ */
+ /* Return link speed codes */
+#define LNK_SPD_UNKNOWN         0
+#define LNK_SPD_100MB_FULL      1
+#define LNK_SPD_100MB_HALF      2
+#define LNK_SPD_10MB_FULL       3
+#define LNK_SPD_10MB_HALF       4
+RCGetLinkSpeed(U16 AdapterID, PU32 pLinkSpeedCode, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback);
+** =========================================================================
+** RCSetPromiscuousMode(U16 AdapterID, U16 Mode)
+** Defined values for Mode:
+**  0 - turn off promiscuous mode
+**  1 - turn on  promiscuous mode
+** =========================================================================
+RCSetPromiscuousMode(U16 AdapterID, U16 Mode);
+** =========================================================================
+** RCGetPromiscuousMode(U16 AdapterID, PU32 pMode, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback)
+** get promiscuous mode setting
+** Possible return values placed in pMode:
+**  0 = promisuous mode not set
+**  1 = promisuous mode is set
+** =========================================================================
+RCGetPromiscuousMode(U16 AdapterID, PU32 pMode, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback);
+** =========================================================================
+** RCSetBroadcastMode(U16 AdapterID, U16 Mode)
+** Defined values for Mode:
+**  0 - turn off promiscuous mode
+**  1 - turn on  promiscuous mode
+** =========================================================================
+RCSetBroadcastMode(U16 AdapterID, U16 Mode);
+** =========================================================================
+** RCGetBroadcastMode(U16 AdapterID, PU32 pMode, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback)
+** get broadcast mode setting
+** Possible return values placed in pMode:
+**  0 = broadcast mode not set
+**  1 = broadcast mode is set
+** =========================================================================
+RCGetBroadcastMode(U16 AdapterID, PU32 pMode, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback);
+** =========================================================================
+** RCReportDriverCapability(U16 AdapterID, U32 capability)
+** Currently defined bits:
+** =========================================================================
+RCReportDriverCapability(U16 AdapterID, U32 capability);
+** RCGetFirmwareVer()
+** Return firmware version in the form "SoftwareVersion : Bt BootVersion"
+** WARNING: user's space pointed to by pFirmString should be at least 60 bytes.
+RCGetFirmwareVer(U16 AdapterID, PU8 pFirmString, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback);
+** ----------------------------------------------
+** LAN adapter Reset and Shutdown functions
+** ----------------------------------------------
+ /* resource flag bit assignments for RCResetLANCard() & RCShutdownLANCard() */
+ /*
+ ** RCResetLANCard()
+ **
+ ** Reset LAN card operation.  Causes a software reset of the ethernet
+ ** controller and restarts the command and receive units. Depending on 
+ ** the ResourceFlags given, the buffers are either returned to the
+ ** host with reply status of I2O_REPLY_STATUS_ABORT_NO_DATA_TRANSFER and
+ ** detailed status of I2O_LAN_DSC_CANCELED (new receive buffers must be
+ ** posted after issuing this) OR the buffers are kept and reused by
+ ** the ethernet controller. If CallbackFunction is not NULL, the function
+ ** will be called when the reset is complete.  If the CallbackFunction is
+ ** NULL,a 1 will be put into the ReturnAddr after waiting for the reset 
+ ** to complete (please disable I2O interrupts during this method).
+ ** Any outstanding transmit or receive buffers that are complete will be
+ ** returned via the normal reply messages before the requested resource
+ ** buffers are returned.
+ ** A call to RCPostRecvBuffers() is needed to return the ethernet to full
+ ** operation if the receive buffers were returned during LANReset.
+ ** Note: The IOP status is not affected by a LAN reset.
+ */
+RC_RETURN RCResetLANCard(U16 AdapterID, U16 ResourceFlags, PU32 ReturnAddr, PFNCALLBACK CallbackFunction);
+ /*
+ ** RCShutdownLANCard()
+ **
+ ** Shutdown LAN card operation and put into an idle (suspended) state.
+ ** The LAN card is restarted with RCResetLANCard() function.
+ ** Depending on the ResourceFlags given, the buffers are either returned 
+ ** to the host with reply status of I2O_REPLY_STATUS_ABORT_NO_DATA_TRANSFER 
+ ** and detailed status of I2O_LAN_DSC_CANCELED (new receive buffers must be
+ ** posted after issuing this) OR the buffers are kept and reused by
+ ** the ethernet controller. If CallbackFunction is not NULL, the function
+ ** will be called when the reset is complete.  If the CallbackFunction is
+ ** NULL,a 1 will be put into the ReturnAddr after waiting for the reset 
+ ** to complete (please disable I2O interrupts during this method).
+ ** Any outstanding transmit or receive buffers that are complete will be
+ ** returned via the normal reply messages before the requested resource
+ ** buffers are returned.
+ ** Note: The IOP status is not affected by a LAN shutdown.
+ */                                      
+RCShutdownLANCard(U16 AdapterID, U16 ResourceFlags, PU32 ReturnAddr, PFNCALLBACK CallbackFunction);
+ /*
+ ** RCResetIOP();
+ **     Initializes IOPState to I2O_IOP_STATE_RESET.
+ **     Stops access to outbound message Q.
+ **     Discards any outstanding transmit or posted receive buffers.
+ **     Clears outbound message Q. 
+ */
+RCResetIOP(U16 AdapterID);
+#endif /* RCLANMTL_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,