patch-2.3.23 linux/arch/arm/kernel/debug-armo.S
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- Lines: 87
- Date:
Wed Oct 20 16:29:08 1999
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.22/linux/arch/arm/kernel/debug-armo.S linux/arch/arm/kernel/debug-armo.S
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * linux/arch/arm/kernel/debug-armo.S
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 Russell King
+ *
+ * 26-bit debugging code
+ */
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+ .macro addruart,rx
+ mov \rx, #0x03000000
+ orr \rx, \rx, #0x00010000
+ orr \rx, \rx, #0x00000fe0
+ .endm
+ .macro senduart,rd,rx
+ strb \rd, [\rx]
+ .endm
+ .macro busyuart,rd,rx
+1002: ldrb \rd, [\rx, #0x14]
+ and \rd, \rd, #0x60
+ teq \rd, #0x60
+ bne 1002b
+ .endm
+ .macro waituart,rd,rx
+1001: ldrb \rd, [\rx, #0x18]
+ tst \rd, #0x10
+ beq 1001b
+ .endm
+ .text
+ * Useful debugging routines
+ */
+ mov r1, #8
+ b printhex
+ mov r1, #4
+ b printhex
+ mov r1, #2
+printhex: ldr r2, =hexbuf
+ add r3, r2, r1
+ mov r1, #0
+ strb r1, [r3]
+1: and r1, r0, #15
+ mov r0, r0, lsr #4
+ cmp r1, #10
+ addlt r1, r1, #'0'
+ addge r1, r1, #'a' - 10
+ strb r1, [r3, #-1]!
+ teq r3, r2
+ bne 1b
+ mov r0, r2
+ b printascii
+ .ltorg
+ addruart r3
+ b 2f
+1: waituart r2, r3
+ senduart r1, r3
+ busyuart r2, r3
+ teq r1, #'\n'
+ moveq r1, #'\r'
+ beq 1b
+2: teq r0, #0
+ ldrneb r1, [r0], #1
+ teqne r1, #0
+ bne 1b
+ mov pc, lr
+ addruart r3
+ mov r1, r0
+ mov r0, #0
+ b 1b
+ .bss
+hexbuf: .space 16
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: