patch-2.3.99-pre8 linux/drivers/s390/misc/chandev.c
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- Date:
Fri May 12 11:41:44 2000
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- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.99-pre7/linux/drivers/s390/misc/chandev.c linux/drivers/s390/misc/chandev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+ * drivers/s390/misc/chandev.c
+ * common channel device layer
+ *
+ * S390 version
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, IBM Corporation
+ * Author(s): Denis Joseph Barrow (,
+ */
+#define __KERNEL_SYSCALLS__
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/ctype.h>
+#include <asm/queue.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/unistd.h>
+#include <asm/chandev.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+static chandev_model_info *chandev_models_head=NULL;
+static chandev *chandev_head=NULL;
+static chandev_noauto_range *chandev_noauto_head=NULL;
+static chandev_force *chandev_force_head=NULL;
+static chandev_probelist *chandev_probelist_head=NULL;
+static int use_devno_names=FALSE;
+static int chandev_conf_read=FALSE;
+static void *chandev_alloc_listmember(list **listhead,size_t size)
+ void *newmember=kmalloc(GFP_KERNEL,size);
+ if(newmember)
+ add_to_list(listhead,newmember);
+ return(newmember);
+void chandev_free_listmember(list **listhead,list *member)
+ if(remove_from_list(listhead,member))
+ kfree(member);
+ else
+ printk(KERN_CRIT"chandev_free_listmember detected nonexistant"
+ "listmember listhead=%p member %p\n",listhead,member);
+void chandev_free_all(list **listhead)
+ while(*listhead)
+ chandev_free_listmember(listhead,*listhead);
+void chandev_add_model(chandev_type chan_type,u16 cu_type,u8 cu_model,u8 max_port_no)
+ chandev_model_info *newmodel;
+ if((newmodel=chandev_alloc_listmember(
+ (list **)&chandev_models_head,sizeof(chandev_model_info))))
+ {
+ newmodel->chan_type=chan_type;
+ newmodel->cu_type=cu_type;
+ newmodel->cu_model=cu_model;
+ newmodel->max_port_no=max_port_no;
+ }
+void chandev_remove(chandev *member)
+ chandev_free_listmember((list **)&chandev_head,(list *)member);
+void chandev_remove_all(void)
+ chandev_free_all((list **)&chandev_head);
+void chandev_remove_model(chandev_model_info *model)
+ chandev *curr_chandev;
+ for(curr_chandev=chandev_head;curr_chandev!=NULL;
+ curr_chandev=curr_chandev->next)
+ if(curr_chandev->model_info==model)
+ chandev_remove(curr_chandev);
+ chandev_free_listmember((list **)&chandev_models_head,(list *)model);
+void chandev_remove_all_models(void)
+ while(chandev_models_head)
+ chandev_remove_model(chandev_models_head);
+void chandev_del_model(u16 cu_type,u8 cu_model)
+ chandev_model_info *curr_model;
+ for(curr_model=chandev_models_head;curr_model!=NULL;
+ curr_model=curr_model->next)
+ if(curr_model->cu_type==cu_type&&curr_model->cu_model==cu_model)
+ chandev_remove_model(curr_model);
+static void chandev_init_default_models(void)
+ /* P390/Planter 3172 emulation assume maximum 16 to be safe. */
+ chandev_add_model(lcs,0x3088,0x1,15);
+ /* 3172/2216 Paralell the 2216 allows 16 ports per card the */
+ /* the original 3172 only allows 4 we will assume the max of 16 */
+ chandev_add_model(lcs|ctc,0x3088,0x8,15);
+ /* 3172/2216 Escon serial the 2216 allows 16 ports per card the */
+ /* the original 3172 only allows 4 we will assume the max of 16 */
+ chandev_add_model(lcs|escon,0x3088,0x1F,15);
+ /* Only 2 ports allowed on OSA2 cards model 0x60 */
+ chandev_add_model(lcs,0x3088,0x60,1);
+ /* Osa-D we currently aren't too emotionally involved with this */
+ chandev_add_model(osad,0x3088,0x62,0);
+void chandev_add(dev_info_t *newdevinfo,chandev_model_info *newmodelinfo)
+ chandev *new_chandev;
+ if((new_chandev=chandev_alloc_listmember(
+ (list **)&chandev_head,sizeof(chandev))))
+ {
+ new_chandev->model_info=newmodelinfo;
+ new_chandev->devno=newdevinfo->devno;
+ new_chandev->irq=newdevinfo->irq;
+ }
+void chandev_collect_devices(void)
+ int curr_irq,loopcnt=0,err;
+ dev_info_t curr_devinfo;
+ chandev_model_info *curr_model;
+ for(curr_irq=get_irq_first();curr_irq>=0; curr_irq=get_irq_next(curr_irq))
+ {
+ /* check read chandev
+ * we had to do the cu_model check also because ctc devices
+ * have the same cutype & after asking some people
+ * the model numbers are given out pseudo randomly so
+ * we can't just take a range of them also the dev_type & models are 0
+ */
+ loopcnt++;
+ if(loopcnt>0x10000)
+ {
+ printk(KERN_ERR"chandev_collect_devices detected infinite loop bug in get_irq_next\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if((err=get_dev_info_by_irq(curr_irq,&curr_devinfo)))
+ {
+ printk("chandev_collect_devices get_dev_info_by_irq reported err=%X on irq %d\n"
+ "should not happen\n",err,curr_irq);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(curr_model=chandev_models_head;curr_model!=NULL;
+ curr_model=curr_model->next)
+ {
+ if((curr_model->cu_type==curr_devinfo.sid_data.cu_type)&&
+ (curr_model->cu_model==curr_devinfo.sid_data.cu_model)
+ &&((curr_devinfo.status&DEVSTAT_DEVICE_OWNED)==0))
+ chandev_add(&curr_devinfo,curr_model);
+ }
+ }
+void chandev_add_force(chandev_type chan_type,s32 devif_num,u16 read_devno,
+u16 write_devno,s16 port_no,u8 do_ip_checksumming,u8 use_hw_stats)
+ chandev_force *new_chandev_force;
+ if((new_chandev_force=chandev_alloc_listmember(
+ (list **)&chandev_force_head,sizeof(chandev_force))))
+ {
+ new_chandev_force->chan_type=chan_type;
+ new_chandev_force->devif_num=devif_num;
+ new_chandev_force->read_devno=read_devno;
+ new_chandev_force->write_devno=write_devno;
+ new_chandev_force->port_no=port_no;
+ new_chandev_force->do_ip_checksumming=do_ip_checksumming;
+ new_chandev_force->use_hw_stats=use_hw_stats;
+ }
+void chandev_del_force(u16 read_devno)
+ chandev_force *curr_force;
+ for(curr_force=chandev_force_head;curr_force!=NULL;
+ curr_force=curr_force->next)
+ {
+ if(curr_force->read_devno==read_devno)
+ chandev_free_listmember((list **)&chandev_force_head,
+ (list *)curr_force);
+ }
+void chandev_pack_args(char *str)
+ char *newstr=str;
+ while(*str)
+ {
+ if(isspace(*str))
+ str++;
+ else
+ *newstr++=*str++;
+ }
+ *newstr=0;
+typedef enum
+ isnull=0,
+ isstr=1,
+ isnum=2,
+ iscomma=4,
+} chandev_strval;
+chandev_strval chandev_strcmp(char *teststr,char **str,long *endlong)
+ char *cur=*str;
+ chandev_strval retval=isnull;
+ int len=strlen(teststr);
+ if(strncmp(teststr,*str,len)==0)
+ {
+ *str+=len;
+ retval=isstr;
+ *endlong=simple_strtol(cur,str,0);
+ if(cur!=*str)
+ retval|=isnum;
+ if(**str==',')
+ retval|=iscomma;
+ }
+ return(retval);
+static char *argstrs[]=
+ "noauto",
+ "lcs",
+ "ctc",
+ "escon",
+ "del_force",
+ "use_devno_names"
+ "dont_use_devno_names",
+ "add_model"
+ "del_model"
+ "del_all_models"
+typedef enum
+ stridx_mult=16,
+ first_stridx=0,
+ noauto_stridx=first_stridx,
+ lcs_stridx,
+ ctc_stridx,
+ escon_stridx,
+ del_force_stridx,
+ use_devno_names_stridx,
+ dont_use_devno_names_stridx,
+ add_model_stridx,
+ del_model_stridx,
+ del_all_models_stridx,
+ last_stridx,
+} chandev_str_enum;
+void chandev_add_noauto(u16 lo_devno,u16 hi_devno)
+ chandev_noauto_range *new_range;
+ if((new_range=chandev_alloc_listmember(
+ (list **)&chandev_noauto_head,sizeof(chandev_noauto_range))))
+ {
+ new_range->lo_devno=lo_devno;
+ new_range->hi_devno=hi_devno;
+ }
+static char chandev_keydescript[]=
+"chan_type key bitfield\nctc=0x1,escon=0x2,lcs=0x4,lcs=0x4,osad=0x8,claw=0x16\n";
+static void chandev_print_args(void)
+ printk("valid chandev arguments are"
+ "<> indicate optional parameters | indicate a choice.\n");
+ printk("noauto,<lo_devno>,<hi_devno>\n"
+ "don't probe a range of device numbers for channel devices\n");
+ printk("lcs|ctc|escon<devif_num>,read_devno,write_devno,<port_no>,"
+ "<do_ip_checksumming>,<use_hw_stats>\n");
+ printk("e.g. ctc0,0x7c00,0x7c01,-1,0,0\n");
+ printk(" tells the channel layer to force ctc0 if detected to use\n"
+ " cuu's 7c00 & 7c01 port ( rel adapter no ) is invalid for\n"
+ " ctc's so use -1 don't do checksumming on received ip\n"
+ " packets & as ctc doesn't have hardware stats ignore this\n"
+ " parameter\n\n");
+ printk("del_force read_devno\n"
+ "delete a forced channel device from force list.\n");
+ printk("use_devno_names, tells the channel layer to assign device\n"
+ "names based on the read channel cuu number\n"
+ "e.g. a token ring read channel 0x7c00 would have an interface"
+ "called tr0x7c00 this avoids name collisions on devices.");
+ printk("add_model chan_type cu_model max_port no\n"
+ "tells the channel layer to probe for the device described\n");
+ printk("%s use max_port_no of 0 for devices where this field "
+ "is invalid.\n",chandev_keydescript);
+ printk("del_model cu_type cu_model\n");
+ printk("del_all_models\n");
+static int chandev_setup(char *str)
+ chandev_strval val=isnull;
+ chandev_str_enum stridx;
+ long endlong;
+ chandev_type chan_type;
+ memset(ints,0,sizeof(ints));
+ chandev_pack_args(str);
+ for(stridx=first_stridx;stridx<last_stridx;stridx++)
+ if((val=chandev_strcmp(argstrs[stridx],&str,&endlong)))
+ break;
+ if(val)
+ {
+ if(val&iscomma)
+ get_options(str,CHANDEV_MAX_EXTRA_INTS,ints);
+ else
+ ints[0]=0;
+ val=(((chandev_strval)stridx)*stridx_mult)+(val&~isstr);
+ switch(val)
+ {
+ case noauto_stridx*stridx_mult:
+ case (noauto_stridx*stridx_mult)|iscomma:
+ switch(ints[0])
+ {
+ case 0:
+ chandev_free_all((list **)&chandev_noauto_head);
+ chandev_add_noauto(0,0xffff);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ ints[2]=ints[1];
+ case 2:
+ chandev_add_noauto(ints[1],ints[2]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case (ctc_stridx*stridx_mult)|isnum|iscomma:
+ case (escon_stridx*stridx_mult)|isnum|iscomma:
+ case (lcs_stridx*stridx_mult)|isnum|iscomma:
+ switch(val)
+ {
+ case (ctc_stridx*stridx_mult)|isnum|iscomma:
+ chan_type=ctc;
+ break;
+ case (escon_stridx*stridx_mult)|isnum|iscomma:
+ chan_type=escon;
+ break;
+ case (lcs_stridx*stridx_mult)|isnum|iscomma:
+ chan_type=lcs;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto BadArgs;
+ }
+ chandev_add_force(chan_type,endlong,ints[1],ints[2],
+ ints[3],ints[4],ints[5]);
+ break;
+ case (del_force_stridx*stridx_mult)|iscomma:
+ if(ints[0]!=1)
+ goto BadArgs;
+ chandev_del_force(ints[1]);
+ break;
+ case (use_devno_names_stridx*stridx_mult):
+ use_devno_names=1;
+ break;
+ case (dont_use_devno_names_stridx*stridx_mult):
+ use_devno_names=0;
+ case (add_model_stridx*stridx_mult)|iscomma:
+ if(ints[0]<3)
+ goto BadArgs;
+ if(ints[0]==3)
+ {
+ ints[0]=4;
+ ints[4]=-1;
+ }
+ chandev_add_model(ints[1],ints[2],ints[3],ints[4]);
+ break;
+ case (del_model_stridx*stridx_mult)|iscomma:
+ if(ints[0]!=2)
+ goto BadArgs;
+ chandev_del_model(ints[1],ints[2]);
+ break;
+ case del_all_models_stridx*stridx_mult:
+ chandev_remove_all_models();
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto BadArgs;
+ }
+ }
+ return(1);
+ BadArgs:
+ chandev_print_args();
+ return(0);
+int chandev_doprobe(chandev_force *force,chandev *read_chandev,
+chandev *write_chandev)
+ chandev_probelist *probe;
+ chandev_model_info *model_info;
+ chandev_probeinfo probeinfo;
+ int retval=-1,hint=-1;
+ model_info=read_chandev->model_info;
+ if(read_chandev->model_info!=write_chandev->model_info||
+ (force&&((force->chan_type&model_info->chan_type)==0)))
+ return(-1); /* inconsistent */
+ for(probe=chandev_probelist_head;
+ probe!=NULL;
+ probe=probe->next)
+ {
+ if(probe->chan_type&model_info->chan_type)
+ {
+ if(use_devno_names)
+ probeinfo.devif_num=read_chandev->devno;
+ else
+ probeinfo.devif_num=-1;
+ probeinfo.read_irq=read_chandev->irq;
+ probeinfo.write_irq=write_chandev->irq;
+ probeinfo.max_port_no=model_info->max_port_no;
+ if(force)
+ {
+ probeinfo.forced_port_no=force->port_no;
+ if(force->devif_num!=-1)
+ probeinfo.devif_num=force->devif_num;
+ probeinfo.do_ip_checksumming=force->do_ip_checksumming;
+ probeinfo.use_hw_stats=force->use_hw_stats;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ probeinfo.forced_port_no=-1;
+ probeinfo.do_ip_checksumming=FALSE;
+ probeinfo.use_hw_stats=FALSE;
+ if(probe->chan_type&lcs)
+ {
+ hint=(read_chandev->devno&0xFF)>>1;
+ if(hint>model_info->max_port_no)
+ {
+ /* The card is possibly emulated e.g P/390 */
+ /* or possibly configured to use a shared */
+ /* port configured by osa-sf. */
+ hint=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ probeinfo.hint_port_no=hint;
+ retval=probe->probefunc(&probeinfo);
+ if(retval==0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return(retval);
+void chandev_probe(void)
+ chandev *read_chandev,*write_chandev,*curr_chandev;
+ chandev_force *curr_force;
+ chandev_noauto_range *curr_noauto;
+ chandev_collect_devices();
+ for(curr_force=chandev_force_head;curr_force!=NULL;
+ curr_force=curr_force->next)
+ {
+ for(read_chandev=chandev_head;
+ read_chandev!=NULL;
+ read_chandev=read_chandev->next)
+ if(read_chandev->devno==curr_force->read_devno)
+ {
+ for(write_chandev=chandev_head;
+ write_chandev!=NULL;
+ write_chandev=write_chandev->next)
+ if(write_chandev->devno==
+ curr_force->write_devno)
+ {
+ if(chandev_doprobe(curr_force,
+ read_chandev,
+ write_chandev)==0)
+ {
+ chandev_remove(read_chandev);
+ chandev_remove(write_chandev);
+ goto chandev_probe_skip;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ chandev_probe_skip:
+ }
+ for(curr_chandev=chandev_head;
+ curr_chandev!=NULL;
+ curr_chandev=curr_chandev->next)
+ {
+ for(curr_noauto=chandev_noauto_head;curr_noauto!=NULL;
+ curr_noauto=curr_noauto->next)
+ {
+ if(curr_chandev->devno>=curr_noauto->lo_devno&&
+ curr_chandev->devno<=curr_noauto->hi_devno)
+ {
+ chandev_remove(curr_chandev);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(curr_chandev=chandev_head;curr_chandev!=NULL;
+ curr_chandev=curr_chandev->next)
+ {
+ if(curr_chandev->next&&curr_chandev->model_info==
+ curr_chandev->next->model_info)
+ {
+ chandev_doprobe(NULL,curr_chandev,curr_chandev->next);
+ curr_chandev=curr_chandev->next;
+ }
+ }
+ chandev_remove_all();
+int chandev_do_setup(char *buff,int size)
+ int curr,startline=0,comment=FALSE,newline=FALSE,oldnewline=TRUE;
+ int rc=1;
+ buff[size]=0;
+ for(curr=0;curr<=size;curr++)
+ {
+ if(buff[curr]=='#')
+ {
+ comment=TRUE;
+ newline=FALSE;
+ }
+ else if(buff[curr]==10||buff[curr]==13||buff[curr]==0)
+ {
+ buff[curr]=0;
+ comment=FALSE;
+ newline=TRUE;
+ }
+ if(comment==FALSE&&curr>startline
+ &&((oldnewline==TRUE&&newline==FALSE)||curr==size))
+ {
+ if((rc=chandev_setup(&buff[startline]))==0)
+ break;
+ startline=curr+1;
+ }
+ oldnewline=newline;
+ }
+ return(rc);
+void chandev_read_conf(void)
+#define CHANDEV_FILE "/etc/chandev.conf"
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ char *buff;
+ int curr,left,len,fd;
+ chandev_conf_read=TRUE;
+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
+ if(stat(CHANDEV_FILE,&statbuf)==0)
+ {
+ set_fs(USER_DS);
+ buff=vmalloc(statbuf.st_size+1);
+ if(buff)
+ {
+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
+ if((fd=open(CHANDEV_FILE,O_RDONLY,0))!=-1)
+ {
+ curr=0;
+ left=statbuf.st_size;
+ while((len=read(fd,&buff[curr],left))>0)
+ {
+ curr+=len;
+ left-=len;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ set_fs(USER_DS);
+ chandev_do_setup(buff,statbuf.st_size);
+ vfree(buff);
+ }
+ }
+ set_fs(USER_DS);
+void chandev_register_and_probe(chandev_probefunc probefunc,chandev_type chan_type)
+ chandev_probelist *new_probe;
+ if(!chandev_conf_read)
+ chandev_read_conf();
+ if((new_probe=chandev_alloc_listmember((list **)&
+ chandev_probelist_head,sizeof(chandev_probelist))))
+ {
+ new_probe->probefunc=probefunc;
+ new_probe->chan_type=chan_type;
+ chandev_probe();
+ }
+void chandev_unregister(chandev_probefunc probefunc)
+ chandev_probelist *curr_probe=NULL;
+ for(curr_probe=chandev_probelist_head;curr_probe!=NULL;
+ curr_probe=curr_probe->next)
+ {
+ if(curr_probe->probefunc==probefunc)
+ chandev_free_listmember((list **)&chandev_probelist_head,
+ (list *)curr_probe);
+ }
+#define chandev_printf(exitchan,args...) \
+splen=sprintf(spbuff,##args); \
+spoffset+=splen; \
+if(spoffset>offset) { \
+ spbuff+=splen; \
+ currlen+=splen; \
+} \
+if(currlen>=length) \
+ goto exitchan;
+static int chandev_read_proc(char *page, char **start, off_t offset,
+ int length, int *eof, void *data)
+ char *spbuff=*start=page;
+ int currlen=0,splen;
+ off_t spoffset=0;
+ chandev_model_info *curr_model;
+ chandev_noauto_range *curr_noauto;
+ chandev_force *curr_force;
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"Channels enabled for detection\n");
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"chan_type cu_type cu_model max_port_no\n");
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"=================================================\n");
+ for(curr_model=chandev_models_head;curr_model!=NULL;
+ curr_model=curr_model->next)
+ {
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"0x%02x 0x%04x 0x%02x %d\n",
+ curr_model->chan_type,(int)curr_model->cu_type,
+ (int)curr_model->cu_model,(int)curr_model->max_port_no);
+ }
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"%s",chandev_keydescript);
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"No auto devno ranges\n");
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit," From To \n");
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"====================\n");
+ for(curr_noauto=chandev_noauto_head;curr_noauto!=NULL;
+ curr_noauto=curr_noauto->next)
+ {
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"0x%4x 0x%4x\n",
+ curr_noauto->lo_devno,
+ curr_noauto->hi_devno);
+ }
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"\nForced devices\n");
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"chan_type defif_num read_devno write_devno port_no ip_cksum hw_stats\n");
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"====================================================================\n");
+ for(curr_force=chandev_force_head;curr_force!=NULL;
+ curr_force=curr_force->next)
+ {
+ chandev_printf(chan_exit,"0x%2x %d 0x%4x 0x%4x %4d %1d %1d\n",
+ curr_force->chan_type,curr_force->devif_num,
+ curr_force->read_devno,curr_force->write_devno,
+ curr_force->port_no,curr_force->do_ip_checksumming,
+ curr_force->use_hw_stats);
+ }
+ *eof=TRUE;
+ chan_exit:
+ if(currlen>length) {
+ /* rewind to previous printf so that we are correctly
+ * aligned if we get called to print another page.
+ */
+ currlen-=splen;
+ }
+ return(currlen);
+static int chandev_write_proc(struct file *file, const char *buffer,
+ unsigned long count, void *data)
+ int rc;
+ char *buff;
+ buff=vmalloc(count+1);
+ if(buff)
+ {
+ rc = copy_from_user(buff,buffer,count);
+ if (rc)
+ goto chandev_write_exit;
+ chandev_do_setup(buff,count);
+ rc=count;
+ chandev_write_exit:
+ vfree(buff);
+ return rc;
+ }
+ else
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ return(0);
+static void __init chandev_create_proc(void)
+ struct proc_dir_entry *dir_entry=
+ create_proc_entry("chandev",0644,
+ &proc_root);
+ if(dir_entry)
+ {
+ dir_entry->read_proc=&chandev_read_proc;
+ dir_entry->write_proc=&chandev_write_proc;
+ }
+static int __init chandev_init(void)
+ chandev_init_default_models();
+ chandev_create_proc();
+ return(0);
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: