Removed rpms ============ - NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome - akonadi-calendar-lang - akonadi-mime-lang - akonadi-notes-lang - akonadi-server-sqlite - budgie-control-center-devel - calendarsupport-lang - corepack18 - eventviews-lang - fonttools - gnome-builder-plugin-jhbuild - google-arimo-fonts - google-cousine-fonts - google-croscore-fonts - google-tinos-fonts - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-hpc-examples - imb_2021_3-gnu-mpich-hpc - imb_2021_3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - imb_2021_3-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - incidenceeditor-lang - kColorPicker-devel - kImageAnnotator - kImageAnnotator-devel - kernel-livepatch-6_4_0-150600_5-default - kimap-lang - kmime-lang - kontactinterface-lang - kpimtextedit-lang - ksmtp-lang - ktnef-lang - libKF5AkonadiAgentBase5 - libKF5AkonadiCalendar5 - libKF5AkonadiContact5 - libKF5AkonadiCore5 - libKF5AkonadiMime5 - libKF5AkonadiNotes5 - libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 - libKF5AkonadiSearch5 - libKF5AkonadiWidgets5 - libKF5AkonadiXml5 - libKF5CalendarSupport5 - libKF5CalendarUtils5 - libKF5ContactEditor5 - libKF5EventViews5 - libKF5GrantleeTheme5 - libKF5Gravatar5 - libKF5IMAP5 - libKF5IdentityManagement5 - libKF5IdentityManagementWidgets5 - libKF5IncidenceEditor5 - libKF5KontactInterface5 - libKF5Ldap5 - libKF5Libkdepim5 - libKF5Libkleo5 - libKF5MailCommon5 - libKF5MailImporter5 - libKF5MailImporterAkonadi5 - libKF5MailTransport5 - libKF5MailTransportAkonadi5 - libKF5Mbox5 - libKF5Mime5 - libKF5PimCommon5 - libKF5PimCommonAkonadi5 - libKF5PimCommonAutoCorrection5 - libKF5PimTextEdit5 - libKF5Tnef5 - libKPimAddressbookImportExport5 - libKPimAddressbookImportExport5-devel - libKPimGAPIBlogger5 - libKPimGAPICalendar5 - libKPimGAPIContacts5 - libKPimGAPICore5 - libKPimGAPIDrive5 - libKPimGAPILatitude5 - libKPimGAPIMaps5 - libKPimGAPITasks5 - libKPimImportWizard5 - libKPimItinerary5 - libKPimItinerary5-lang - libKPimPkPass5 - libKPimSMTP5 - libSDL2-devel - libSDL2-devel-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-devel - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit - libcamel-1_2-62 - libcamel-1_2-62-32bit - libdigikamcore8_1_0 - libdpdk-20_0 - libebackend-1_2-10 - libebackend-1_2-10-32bit - libebook-1_2-20 - libebook-1_2-20-32bit - libebook-contacts-1_2-3 - libebook-contacts-1_2-3-32bit - libecal-2_0-1 - libecal-2_0-1-32bit - libedata-book-1_2-26 - libedata-book-1_2-26-32bit - libedata-cal-2_0-1 - libedata-cal-2_0-1-32bit - libedataserver-1_2-24 - libedataserver-1_2-24-32bit - libedataserverui-1_2-2 - libedataserverui-1_2-2-32bit - libevtlog-4_3-0 - libfm-qt12 - libgnome-desktop-3-18 - libgnome-desktop-3-18-32bit - libgravatar-lang - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libjim0_81 - libkColorPicker0 - libkImageAnnotator0 - libkerfuffle22 - libldns2 - libmariadbd104-devel - libmfx-devel - libmfx-samples - libmysqld-devel - libmysqld19 - libnco-5_1_7 - libnco_c++-5_1_7 - libopenblas-gnu12-hpc - libopenblas-gnu12-hpc-devel - libopenblas-pthreads-gnu12-hpc - libopenblas-pthreads-gnu12-hpc-devel - libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_21-gnu-hpc - libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_21-gnu-hpc-devel - libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_21-gnu12-hpc - libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_21-gnu12-hpc-devel - libopenblas_0_3_21-gnu-hpc - libopenblas_0_3_21-gnu-hpc-devel - libopenblas_0_3_21-gnu12-hpc - libopenblas_0_3_21-gnu12-hpc-devel - libopencv405 - libopencv_aruco405 - libopencv_face405 - libopencv_highgui405 - libopencv_imgcodecs405 - libopencv_objdetect405 - libopencv_superres405 - libopencv_videoio405 - libopencv_videostab405 - libopencv_ximgproc405 - libopenshot23 - libopenssl1_1-hmac - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit - libopenvswitch-2_14-0 - libovn-20_06-0 - libpapi_7_0_0-hpc - libqwt6 - libraft3 - lua51-luv-devel - lua53-luv-devel - mariadb104 - mariadb104-bench - mariadb104-client - mariadb104-errormessages - mariadb104-galera - mariadb104-rpm-macros - mariadb104-test - mariadb104-tools - mspack-tools - nautilus-evince - nodejs18 - nodejs18-devel - nodejs18-docs - npm18 - ocaml-benchmark - ocaml-benchmark-devel - ocaml-lablgtk2 - ocaml-lablgtk2-devel - ocaml-obuild - openblas-pthreads_0_3_21-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openblas-pthreads_0_3_21-gnu12-hpc-devel-static - openblas_0_3_21-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openblas_0_3_21-gnu12-hpc-devel-static - papi_7_0_0-hpc - papi_7_0_0-hpc-devel - papi_7_0_0-hpc-devel-static - patterns-kde-kde_telepathy - pcp-pmda-bind2 - pcp-pmda-rpm - pcp-pmda-vmware - pgadmin4-web - pulseaudio-gdm-hooks - python-pybind11-common-devel - python3-Flask-Babel - python3-Flask-Compress - python3-Flask-Gravatar - python3-Flask-Paranoid - python3-Flask-RESTful - python3-Flask-Security-Too - python3-GitPython - python3-GooCalendar - python3-Kivy - python3-Kivy-devel - python3-PyInstaller - python3-PyQRCode - python3-abimap - python3-abimap-doc - python3-abseil - python3-aniso8601 - python3-argon2-cffi - python3-astor - python3-bandit - python3-beren - python3-bind - python3-bson - python3-cachelib - python3-cl - python3-colander - python3-colormap - python3-coveralls - python3-deepdiff - python3-gitdb - python3-httpretty - python3-jaraco.base - python3-jaraco.classes - python3-jaraco.itertools - python3-jaraco.logging - python3-jaraco.packaging - - python3-keyring-pass - python3-ldap3 - python3-lib3to6 - python3-mailman - python3-mailman-hyperkitty - python3-msk - python3-msm - python3-nose-cov - python3-nose-progressive - python3-nose-timer - python3-onionshare - python3-padatious - python3-phonenumbers - python3-pick - python3-pip-api - python3-pipreqs - python3-pocketsphinx-python - python3-pook - python3-pydot - python3-pylineclip - python3-pyramid-chameleon - python3-pytest-git - python3-python-stdnum - python3-relatorio - python3-rst.linker - python3-salt-testsuite - python3-semantic_version - python3-smmap - python3-stem - python3-streamz - python3-sure - python3-ua-parser - python3-ujson - python3-user-agents - python3-wolframalpha - python3-xxhash - python3-yarg - python3-zxcvbn - python311-ruff - qemu-kvm - qwt6-designer - qwt6-devel - qwt6-devel-doc - qwt6-examples - sysprof-capture-devel-static - sysprof-ui - sysprof-ui-devel - thermal-monitor - warewulf4-doc - warewulf4-slurm - wsdd Added rpms ========== - 7zip - NetworkManager-applet-openvpn - NetworkManager-applet-strongswan - NetworkManager-connection-editor-lang - QGnomePlatform-colorschemes - SDL2-devel - SDL2-devel-32bit - SDL2_ttf-devel - akonadi-calendar - akonadiconsole-lang - alligator - alligator-lang - angelfish - angelfish-lang - apptainer-leap - apptainer-sle15_5 - apptainer-sle15_6 - arianna - arianna-lang - blame - budgie-control-center-bash-completion - budgie-session - budgie-session-lang - calindori - calindori-lang - cargo1.76 - cowsql-devel - cpupower-bash-completion - cpupower-lang - cpupower-rebuild - dbus-1-glib-bash-completion - dolphin-zsh-completion - doxygen-1_10 - dpdk-devel-static - dpdk-thunderx-devel-static - foot-themes - ghc-ansi-terminal-types - ghc-ansi-terminal-types-devel - ghc-base-unicode-symbols - ghc-base-unicode-symbols-devel - ghc-bitvec - ghc-bitvec-devel - ghc-crypton - ghc-crypton-connection - ghc-crypton-connection-devel - ghc-crypton-devel - ghc-crypton-x509 - ghc-crypton-x509-devel - ghc-crypton-x509-store - ghc-crypton-x509-store-devel - ghc-crypton-x509-system - ghc-crypton-x509-system-devel - ghc-crypton-x509-validation - ghc-crypton-x509-validation-devel - ghc-data-array-byte - ghc-data-array-byte-devel - ghc-digits - ghc-digits-devel - ghc-foldable1-classes-compat - ghc-foldable1-classes-compat-devel - ghc-generically - ghc-generically-devel - ghc-gridtables - ghc-gridtables-devel - ghc-hslua-cli - ghc-hslua-cli-devel - ghc-hslua-list - ghc-hslua-list-devel - ghc-hslua-module-zip - ghc-hslua-module-zip-devel - ghc-hslua-repl - ghc-hslua-repl-devel - ghc-hslua-typing - ghc-hslua-typing-devel - ghc-integer-conversion - ghc-integer-conversion-devel - ghc-isocline - ghc-isocline-devel - ghc-network-control - ghc-network-control-devel - ghc-ordered-containers - ghc-ordered-containers-devel - ghc-pandoc-lua-engine - ghc-pandoc-lua-engine-devel - ghc-pandoc-server - ghc-pandoc-server-devel - ghc-recv - ghc-recv-devel - ghc-skylighting-format-ansi - ghc-skylighting-format-ansi-devel - ghc-skylighting-format-blaze-html - ghc-skylighting-format-blaze-html-devel - ghc-skylighting-format-context - ghc-skylighting-format-context-devel - ghc-skylighting-format-latex - ghc-skylighting-format-latex-devel - ghc-text-iso8601 - ghc-text-iso8601-devel - ghc-toml-parser - ghc-toml-parser-devel - ghc-typst - ghc-typst-devel - ghc-typst-symbols - ghc-typst-symbols-devel - ghc-vector-stream - ghc-vector-stream-devel - ghc-wai-cors - ghc-wai-cors-devel - gnome-bluetooth-1 - gnome-bluetooth-1-devel - gnome-bluetooth-1-lang - gscan2pdf - gscan2pdf-lang - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-hpc - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_11-hpc-examples - hugo - hugo-bash-completion - human-theme-gtk - imb_2021_7-gnu-mpich-hpc - imb_2021_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - imb_2021_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - ispell-sq - kColorPicker-Qt5-devel - kColorPicker-Qt6-devel - kImageAnnotator-Qt5-devel - kImageAnnotator-Qt6-devel - kasts - kasts-lang - kclock - kclock-lang - kernel-livepatch-6_4_0-150600_8-default - keysmith - keysmith-lang - kidentitymanagement - kimap - kjournald - kjournald-lang - kmbox - kmime - koko - koko-lang - kongress - kongress-lang - konsole-zsh-completion - kpkpass - krecorder - krecorder-lang - ktextaddons - ktextaddons-devel - ktextaddons-lang - ktls-utils - ktnef-common - ktrip - ktrip-lang - kweather - kweather-lang - kweathercore-devel - libKF5KWeatherCore5 - libKF5TextAddonsWidgets1 - libKF5TextAutoCorrectionCore1 - libKF5TextAutoCorrectionWidgets1 - libKF5TextEditTextToSpeech1 - libKF5TextEmoticonsCore1 - libKF5TextEmoticonsWidgets1 - libKF5TextGrammarCheck1 - libKF5TextTranslator1 - libKF5TextUtils1 - libKPim5AddressbookImportExport5 - libKPim5AddressbookImportExport5-devel - libKPim5AkonadiAgentBase5 - libKPim5AkonadiCalendar5 - libKPim5AkonadiCalendar5-lang - libKPim5AkonadiContact5 - libKPim5AkonadiCore5 - libKPim5AkonadiMime5 - libKPim5AkonadiMime5-lang - libKPim5AkonadiNotes5 - libKPim5AkonadiNotes5-lang - libKPim5AkonadiPrivate5 - libKPim5AkonadiSearch5 - libKPim5AkonadiWidgets5 - libKPim5AkonadiXml5 - libKPim5CalendarSupport5 - libKPim5CalendarSupport5-lang - libKPim5CalendarUtils5 - libKPim5ContactEditor5 - libKPim5EventViews5 - libKPim5EventViews5-lang - libKPim5GAPIBlogger5 - libKPim5GAPICalendar5 - libKPim5GAPICore5 - libKPim5GAPIDrive5 - libKPim5GAPILatitude5 - libKPim5GAPIMaps5 - libKPim5GAPIPeople5 - libKPim5GAPITasks5 - libKPim5GrantleeTheme5 - libKPim5Gravatar5 - libKPim5Gravatar5-lang - libKPim5IMAP5 - libKPim5IMAP5-lang - libKPim5IdentityManagement5 - libKPim5IdentityManagementWidgets5 - libKPim5ImportWizard5 - libKPim5IncidenceEditor5 - libKPim5IncidenceEditor5-lang - libKPim5Itinerary5 - libKPim5Itinerary5-lang - libKPim5KontactInterface5 - libKPim5KontactInterface5-lang - libKPim5Ldap5 - libKPim5Libkdepim5 - libKPim5MailCommon5 - libKPim5MailImporter5 - libKPim5MailImporterAkonadi5 - libKPim5MailTransport5 - libKPim5Mbox5 - libKPim5Mime5 - libKPim5Mime5-lang - libKPim5PimCommon5 - libKPim5PimCommonAkonadi5 - libKPim5PkPass5 - libKPim5SMTP5 - libKPim5SMTP5-lang - libKPim5TextEdit5 - libKPim5TextEdit5-lang - libKPim5Tnef5 - libKPim5Tnef5-lang - libKPim5libkleo5 - libKPublicTransportOnboard1 - libQt6Grpc6 - libQt6Protobuf6 - libabsl2308_0_0 - libabsl2308_0_0-32bit - libbudgie-appindexer0 - libbudgie-raven-plugin0 - libcamel-1_2-64 - libcowsql0 - libcpupower1 - libdbus-glib-1-2 - libdbus-glib-1-2-32bit - libdecor-0-0-32bit - libdecor-32bit - libdigikamcore8_2_0 - libdvdread4 - libdvdread4-32bit - libebackend-1_2-11 - libebook-1_2-21 - libebook-contacts-1_2-4 - libecal-2_0-2 - libedata-book-1_2-27 - libedata-cal-2_0-2 - libedataserver-1_2-27 - libedataserverui-1_2-4 - libedataserverui4-1_0-0 - libevent-2_1-7 - libevent-2_1-7-32bit - libevent-devel-static - libevtlog-4_6-0 - libfm-qt14 - libgnome-bluetooth13 - libgrpc++1_60 - libgrpc1_60 - libgrpc37 - libhdf5_1_10_11-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_11-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_11-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhunspell-1_7-0 - libhunspell-1_7-0-32bit - libkColorPicker-Qt5-0 - libkColorPicker-Qt6-0 - libkImageAnnotator-Qt5-0 - libkImageAnnotator-Qt6-0 - libkerfuffle23 - libkgapi - libldns3 - libluv-devel - libluv1 - libmemcachedprotocol0 - libnco-5_1_9 - libnco_c++-5_1_9 - libnsl1 - libnxz-devel - libnxz0 - libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_25-gnu-hpc - libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_25-gnu-hpc-devel - libopenblas_0_3_25-gnu-hpc - libopenblas_0_3_25-gnu-hpc-devel - libopencv409 - libopencv_aruco409 - libopencv_face409 - libopencv_gapi409 - libopencv_highgui409 - libopencv_imgcodecs409 - libopencv_objdetect409 - libopencv_optflow409 - libopencv_superres409 - libopencv_videoio409 - libopencv_videostab409 - libopencv_ximgproc409 - libopenshot25 - libopenssl-3-fips-provider - libopenssl-fips-provider - libpapi_7_1_0-hpc - libprotobuf-lite25_1_0 - libprotobuf-lite25_1_0-32bit - libprotobuf25_1_0 - libprotobuf25_1_0-32bit - libprotoc25_1_0 - libprotoc25_1_0-32bit - libqat4 - libqwt6-qt5-6_2 - libqwt6-qt6-6_2 - libraft0 - librav1e0_6 - librav1e0_6-32bit - libre2-11-32bit - libspf2-apidocs - libtag-doc - libupb37 - libusdm0 - libwebrtc-audio-coding-1-3 - libwebrtc-audio-coding-1-3-32bit - libwebrtc-audio-coding-devel - libwebrtc-audio-coding-devel-static - libwebrtc-audio-processing-1-3 - libwebrtc-audio-processing-1-3-32bit - libwebrtc-audio-processing-devel - libwebrtc-audio-processing-devel-static - libxml++-5_0-1 - libxml++-5_0-1-32bit - libxml++30-devel - local-npm-registry - lttng-modules-kmp-rt - lua-lmod-apparmor-abstractions - lxqt-menu-data - lxqt-menu-data-devel - magpie - magpie-devel - magpie-lang - mailman3 - maven-enforcer-extension - maven-plugin-plugin-bootstrap - merkuro - merkuro-lang - merkuro-plasmoid - mspack-examples - neovim - neovim-lang - netdata-plugin-apps - netdata-plugin-chartsd - netdata-plugin-cups - netdata-plugin-debugfs - netdata-plugin-freeipmi - netdata-plugin-go - netdata-plugin-nfacct - netdata-plugin-perf - netdata-plugin-pythond - netdata-plugin-slabinfo - ocaml-astring - ocaml-astring-devel - ocaml-bigarray-compat - ocaml-bigarray-compat-devel - ocaml-bisect_ppx - ocaml-bisect_ppx-devel - ocaml-bos - ocaml-bos-devel - ocaml-camlp-streams - ocaml-camlp-streams-devel - ocaml-cmdliner - ocaml-cmdliner-devel - ocaml-ctypes - ocaml-ctypes-devel - ocaml-fmt - ocaml-fmt-devel - ocaml-fpath - ocaml-fpath-devel - ocaml-integers - ocaml-integers-devel - ocaml-logs - ocaml-logs-devel - ocaml-luv - ocaml-luv-devel - ocaml-ocaml-compiler-libs - ocaml-ocaml-compiler-libs-devel - ocaml-ppx_derivers - ocaml-ppx_derivers-devel - ocaml-ppx_deriving - ocaml-ppx_deriving-devel - ocaml-ppxlib - ocaml-ppxlib-devel - ocaml-ptmap - ocaml-ptmap-devel - ocaml-rresult - ocaml-rresult-devel - ocaml-sedlex - ocaml-sedlex-devel - ocaml-sexplib0 - ocaml-sexplib0-devel - ocaml-sha - ocaml-sha-devel - openblas-pthreads_0_3_25-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openblas_0_3_25-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openssl-pkcs11-sign-provider - pandoc-cli - papi_7_1_0-hpc - papi_7_1_0-hpc-devel - papi_7_1_0-hpc-devel-static - pdftk-javadoc - perl-Gtk3-SimpleList - perl-Mail-SPF_XS - pgadmin4-cloud - pgadmin4-desktop - picom-conf - picom-conf-lang - pipewire-jack - plasma-framework-desktoptheme - plasmatube - plasmatube-lang - python3-Flask-Mail - python3-PyICU - python3-Pyro4 - python3-ZConfig - python3-ZConfig-doc - python3-caldav - python3-colorlog - python3-falcon-doc - python3-icalendar - python3-manuel - python3-persistent - python3-persistent-devel - python3-poppler-qt5 - python3-poppler-qt5-devel - python3-pybind11-common-devel - python3-pyusb - python3-qrcode - python3-radexreader - python3-speaklater - python3-sybil - python3-tblib - python3-vobject - python3-zope.component - python3-zope.configuration - python3-zope.exceptions - python3-zope.hookable - python3-zope.hookable-doc - python3-zope.i18nmessageid - python3-zope.i18nmessageid-doc - python3-zope.schema - python3-zope.testrunner - python311-AnyQt - python311-Authlib - python311-CacheControl - python311-CherryPy - python311-EasyProcess - python311-Flask-Babel - python311-Flask-Compress - python311-Flask-Gravatar - python311-Flask-Login - python311-Flask-Mailman - python311-Flask-Migrate - python311-Flask-Paranoid - python311-Flask-Principal - python311-Flask-RESTful - python311-Flask-SQLAlchemy - python311-Flask-Security-Too - python311-Flask-SocketIO - python311-Flask-WTF - python311-GooCalendar - python311-Kivy - python311-Kivy-devel - python311-Levenshtein - python311-Mako - python311-PyQRCode - python311-PyVirtualDisplay - python311-SQLAlchemy1 - python311-WTForms - python311-WTForms-lang - python311-abseil - python311-aiosqlite - python311-alembic - python311-aniso8601 - python311-asyncpg - python311-authheaders - python311-beren - python311-bson - python311-cachelib - python311-cachy - python311-cepa - python311-check-manifest - python311-cheroot - python311-cleo - python311-colour - python311-databases - python311-deepdiff - python311-dirty-equals - python311-distro - python311-dkimpy - python311-docopt - python311-dulwich - python311-entrypoint2 - python311-fakeredis - python311-falcon - python311-fastapi - python311-fastnumbers - python311-flexmock - python311-gmpy2 - python311-grpcio - python311-httpagentparser - python311-httplib2 - python311-httpretty - python311-importlib-resources - python311-infinity - python311-intervals - python311-isort - python311-jsonpickle - python311-ldap3 - python311-mailman-hyperkitty - python311-mailmanclient - python311-matplotlib - python311-matplotlib-cairo - python311-matplotlib-gtk-common - python311-matplotlib-gtk3 - python311-matplotlib-gtk4 - python311-matplotlib-latex - python311-matplotlib-qt - python311-matplotlib-testdata - python311-matplotlib-tk - python311-matplotlib-web - python311-msgpack - python311-mypy - python311-natsort - python311-onionshare - python311-opencv - python311-ordered-set - python311-orjson - python311-passlib - python311-peewee - python311-phonenumbers - python311-pick - python311-pip-api - python311-pipreqs - python311-poetry - python311-poetry-plugin-export - python311-polib - python311-pook - python311-protobuf - python311-psycopg - python311-psycopg-c - python311-psycopg-pool - python311-pycodestyle - python311-pydocstyle - python311-pydot - python311-pyenchant - python311-pyflakes - python311-pylons-sphinx-themes - python311-pyotp - python311-pypng - python311-pyside6 - python311-pyside6-devel - python311-pytest-forked - python311-pytest-qt - python311-pytest-services - python311-pytest-xvfb - python311-python-gnupg - python311-python-jose - python311-python-jose-cryptography - python311-python-multipart - python311-python-socketio - python311-python-stdnum - python311-qtwebengine-qt5 - python311-qtwebengine-qt5-devel - python311-rapidfuzz - python311-redis - python311-relatorio - python311-requests-unixsocket - python311-scikit-build - python311-shiboken6 - python311-shiboken6-devel - python311-solv - python311-sphinx-tabs - python311-sshtunnel - python311-starlette - python311-sure - python311-time-machine - python311-typed-ast - python311-typer - python311-ua-parser - python311-ujson - python311-urllib3_1 - python311-user-agents - python311-vncdotool - python311-waitress - python311-waitress-doc - python311-xmltodict - python311-xxhash - python311-yarg - python311-zc.lockfile - python311-zxcvbn - python312-argcomplete - python312-click - python312-editables - python312-flit-core - python312-hatchling - python312-packaging - python312-pathspec - python312-pipx - python312-platformdirs - python312-pluggy - python312-trove-classifiers - python312-userpath - python312-wheel - qmlkonsole - qmlkonsole-lang - qt6-grpc-devel - qt6-grpc-docs-html - qt6-grpc-docs-qch - qt6-grpc-examples - qt6-grpc-private-devel - qt6-protobuf-devel - qt6-protobuf-private-devel - qtilitools - qwt6-qt5-designer - qwt6-qt5-devel - qwt6-qt5-devel-doc - qwt6-qt5-examples - qwt6-qt6-designer - qwt6-qt6-devel - qwt6-qt6-devel-doc - qwt6-qt6-examples - rcshist - rust1.76 - sddm-greeter-qt5 - sddm-greeter-qt6 - sddm-qt6 - sddm-qt6-branding-upstream - sequoia-sq - sequoia-sq-bash-completion - sequoia-sq-fish-completion - sequoia-sq-zsh-completion - skanpage - skanpage-lang - snpguest - snphost - syslog-ng-cloudauth - system-user-pgadmin - telly-skout - telly-skout-lang - tokodon - tokodon-lang - totem-video-thumbnailer - typelib-1_0-BudgieRaven-1_0 - typelib-1_0-EDataServerUI4-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GnomeBluetooth-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Vte-2_91 - typelib-1_0-Vte-3_91 - unison-doc - unison-text - util-linux-tty-tools - vte-tools-gtk4 - warewulf4-man - warewulf4-overlay-slurm - wireplumber-zsh-completion - xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt Package Source Changes ====================== FAudio +- update to 23.12: + * Removed an unused variable from the QOA decoder. 23.12 is + functionally identical to 23.11. + +- update to 23.11: + * The mixer thread no longer crashes when attempting to read + voices using WMAUDIO3 buffer data + * SDL2: Fix regression that prevented devices with >8 channels + from opening + +- update to 23.10: + * Minor static analysis fix for F3DAudio + * FACT now supports all publicly known WaveBank format versions + +- update to 23.07: + * FACT: When parsing SoundBanks, explicitly update the read + offset for each data region + * XNA_Song: Fix possible truncation of total seconds when + opening QOA files + * Xbox GDK support is now considered Ready to Ship + * UWP support is now deprecated and will be removed in FAudio + 24.01 + * XNA_Song now supports QOA input files + * FACT: Add support for `WAVEBANKSTREAMING_INVALIDCONTENT` + notifications + * Added FilterWetDryMixEXT extension + +- update to 23.03: + * CMake: Add feature macros for usleep for tests + * GDK: + - GDK now builds dynamic libraries, rather than static + - Look for "SDL" rather than "SDL2", to match the + upstream Git repository name + +- update to 23.01: + * Remove PlatformToolset lines from visualc-gdk project + +- update to 22.12: + * Added a Visual Studio solution for GDK support + * Minor cleanup in the utils/ folder + +- Update to 22.10: + * Added a quick comment to the SDL backend. + +- Update to 22.09.01: + * Fix a regression where requesting a specific mastering voice format + would return a format overwritten by device defaults + +- Update to 22.09: + * Update to SDL 2.24. This has been made a hard requirement, as it + fixes/adds way too much to ignore: + 2.1 and 4.1 audio is now supported + * On Windows, we now prioritize DirectSound over WASAPI + * The PulseAudio samples hack has been removed + * The non-power-of-two samples hack for Emscripten/OSS has also been removed + * GetDeviceDetails(0) now uses SDL_GetDefaultAudioInfo, obsoleting our hack + +- Update to 22.08: + * FACT: Add support for WAVEBANKPREPARED notifications + * Included the matrix coefficient test program in matrix_defaults.inl, + for developers that need to replicate it + * FXReverb: Fix a spec violation in Process() that could corrupt reverb output + when enabled/disabled with precise timing + * FACT: Fill all fields for WAVESTOP notifications, avoiding uninitialized memory issues + +- Update to 22.05. Changes since 22.02: + * FACT: Clamp SoundBank Q factor to ignore the 0.67 case, for now + * CMake: Remove some uicommon files that no longer exist + +- update to 22.02: + * The Wine/Win32 backend is now considered stable. + All Wine users should upgrade to 7.0 or newer + All non-Wine users will (and should) continue to use + the SDL backend. + * GStreamer support has been removed. + Wine/Win32 will continue to use MediaFoundation. + All other users should already be on patent/royalty-free + codecs. + * utils: Minor cleanup of uicommon. + * csharp: Expose an IntPtr overload for + stb_vorbis_get_samples_float_interleaved. + +- update 22.01: + * Continued work on the experimental Wine/Win32 platform backend. + +- update to 21.12: + * Fixed a build error when WMA support is enabled. + +- update to 21.11: + * GStreamer support is now deprecated. + Wine users should migrate to 6.20 and newer, and everyone else should move to + codecs that are not patent-encumbered. + GStreamer support will be fully removed in the first release after Wine 7.0. + * Removed the C++ wrapper. Use the headers/PE binaries found in Wine 6.20 and newer. + * Minor fixes and cleanups found by Coverity + * Dont assert on WMA buffer and FAUDIO_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE type + * FACT: Send FACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_CUESTOP Notification on Cue Stop + * Continued work on the experimental Wine/Win32 platform backend + +- update to 21.10: + * Minor WinRT project update for latest SDL Git revision + * Continued work on the experimental Wine/Win32 platform backend + +- update to 21.09: + * FACT: Fix a crash from an uninitialized pointer when a WaveBank does not have a name + table. + * platform_sdl2: When querying the default device, ignore audio devices with way too many + channels. + * platform_win32: Minor Win32 buildfixes + +- update to 21.07: + * Fix incorrect value for MF_MT_AUDIO_AVG_BYTES_PER_SECOND. + +- update to 21.05: + * CMake: Add 'Requires' for GStreamer to the pkgconfig file + * Updated source to github. + +- update to 21.04: + * Added support for SDL_GetAudioDeviceSpec, coming in a future SDL release + * FACT: Implemented accurate Fast/Slow/SinCos RPC curve types + * Added support for XMA2 audio, for Xbox 360 data + * Voice filters/effects should be processed even when SendCount is 0 + * FACT: Fix parsing/calculation of filter Q factors + * FACT: Enforce STOPPING flag for fade-outs or RPC releases + * FACT: Various fixes for parsing big-endian SoundBanks + +- update to 21.03.5: + * Fixes a regression that caused SoundBanks to no longer parse correctly + +- update to 21.03: + * Implemented FACT_FLAG_MANAGEDATA + * Implemented the CUEPLAY and CUESTOP notification types + * Added support for XACT 3.0 content + * Added support for WaveBanks with endian-swapped PCM data + +- update to 21.02: + * XACT: All notification types with the PERSIST flag are now recorded + +- update to 21.01: + Enforce SDL 2.0.9 or newer as a build requirement + Micro-optimize byte swapping for XACT file parsing + +- update to 20.12: + Added an x64 configuration to visualc + CMake project now generates a pkgconfig file + Fix compatibility with CMake 2.8.12 + GStreamer builds now explicitly check for >=1.9.2 + Initialize the subformat for GetDeviceFormat, fixes a ton of Ubisoft games + Don't assert when FAudio_Initialize Flags includes FAUDIO_DEBUG_ENGINE + +- update to 20.10: + Add support for WAVESTOP notifications + Add support for engines without settings files (or empty settings files) + Add power-of-two quantum fallback paths for *BSD and Emscripten + Return a unique error code for audio engines with a bad platform ID + Fix a deadlock in Wolfenstein: The Old Blood related to callbacks + Fix a crash for streaming WaveBanks when calling Destroy + stb_vorbis: Handle malloc(0) calls + +- The FFmpeg backend for WMA decoding has been replaced with GStreamer. + Distributors are encouraged to configure their FAudio builds with + - DGSTREAMER=ON even if a WMA plugin is not available by default; + end users can provide their own plugins if needed. + added -DGSTREAMER=ON flag for gstreamer backend. + +- update to 20.09: + IGLDevice has been replaced with FNA3D, the new graphics library for FNA! + Direct3D 11 is now supported and is the default for Windows/Xbox + Vulkan is now available as an experimental backend + Metal is now the default for Apple platforms + ModernGL and ThreadedGL have been removed + THREADED_GL and DISABLE_THREADING have been removed + MojoShader is now statically linked directly into FNA3D + SDL2_image has been replaced with FNA3D_Image, which is built into FNA3D + Add experimental support for WebAssembly via Emscripten and mono-wasm + Update to FAudio 20.09 + Mesa +- Update to bugfix release 23.3.4 + - -> + +- split python36-buildfix.patch into two patches python36-buildfix1.patch + and python36-buildfix2.patch; apply the latter only on sle15-sp6/Leap 15.6 + since on newer python releases than 3.6 it changes behaviour to + remove required=True option + +- python36-buildfix.patch + * src/freedreno/registers/ hopefully fixes aarch64 + build + +- u_0001-intel-genxml-Drop-from-__future__-import-annotations.patch + u_0002-intel-genxml-Add-a-untyped-OrderedDict-fallback-for-.patch + python36-buildfix.patch + * fixes build against python 3.6 + +- let Mesa-dri require libvulkan1 to get zink/swrast driver + fallbacks working (hopefully); probably related: + + +- Update to bugfix release 23.3.3 + - -> + +- Update to bugfix release 23.3.2 + - -> + +- Update to version 23.3.0: + * It includes NVK, a new reverse-engineered Vulkan driver for + Nvidia hardware. This driver is still in experimental phase, + not quite ready for prime time yet, but adventurous users can + give it a go! + * New extensions & features (in no particular order): + - VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness on ANV + - VK_KHR_maintenance5 on RADV + - OpenGL ES 3.1 on Asahi + - GL_ARB_compute_shader on Asahi + - GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters on Asahi + - GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store on Asahi + - GL_ARB_shader_image_size on Asahi + - GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object on Asahi + - GL_ARB_sample_shading on Asahi + - GL_OES_sample_variables on Asahi + - GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation on Asahi + - GL_OES_gpu_shader5 on Asahi + - EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache works when disk caching is disabled + - VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix on RADV/GFX11+ +- Drop patches fixed upstream: + * U_clover-llvm-move-to-modern-pass-manager.patch + * U_radeonsi-prefix-function-with-si_-to-prevent-name-co.patch +- Refresh patches with quilt. +- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN. + Mesa:drivers +- Update to bugfix release 23.3.4 + - -> + +- split python36-buildfix.patch into two patches python36-buildfix1.patch + and python36-buildfix2.patch; apply the latter only on sle15-sp6/Leap 15.6 + since on newer python releases than 3.6 it changes behaviour to + remove required=True option + +- python36-buildfix.patch + * src/freedreno/registers/ hopefully fixes aarch64 + build + +- u_0001-intel-genxml-Drop-from-__future__-import-annotations.patch + u_0002-intel-genxml-Add-a-untyped-OrderedDict-fallback-for-.patch + python36-buildfix.patch + * fixes build against python 3.6 + +- let Mesa-dri require libvulkan1 to get zink/swrast driver + fallbacks working (hopefully); probably related: + + +- Update to bugfix release 23.3.3 + - -> + +- Update to bugfix release 23.3.2 + - -> + +- Update to version 23.3.0: + * It includes NVK, a new reverse-engineered Vulkan driver for + Nvidia hardware. This driver is still in experimental phase, + not quite ready for prime time yet, but adventurous users can + give it a go! + * New extensions & features (in no particular order): + - VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness on ANV + - VK_KHR_maintenance5 on RADV + - OpenGL ES 3.1 on Asahi + - GL_ARB_compute_shader on Asahi + - GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters on Asahi + - GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store on Asahi + - GL_ARB_shader_image_size on Asahi + - GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object on Asahi + - GL_ARB_sample_shading on Asahi + - GL_OES_sample_variables on Asahi + - GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation on Asahi + - GL_OES_gpu_shader5 on Asahi + - EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache works when disk caching is disabled + - VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix on RADV/GFX11+ +- Drop patches fixed upstream: + * U_clover-llvm-move-to-modern-pass-manager.patch + * U_radeonsi-prefix-function-with-si_-to-prevent-name-co.patch +- Refresh patches with quilt. +- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN. + ModemManager +- Add explicit /usr/bin/dbus-daemon BuildRequires: Needed for + tests. + +- Update to version 1.20.6: + + build: New build option to allow disabling the installation of + examples. + + core: + - Fix crash when uninhibiting partially removed device. + - Fix crash when attempting to load an invalid shared utils + library. + + mmcli: + - Allow JSON and key/value output when creating SMS messages. + - Improved JSON output in network scan results. + + libmm-glib: + - Avoid using g_time_zone_new_offset() unless glib >= 2.58. + - Fix flags to string conversion utils to allow multiple flags. + + MBIM: + - Reset cached SIM info when SIM is unlocked. + - Fix synchronizing the state of the SIM hot swap configured + flag. + - Fix bug cleaning up the LTE attach info unsolicited message + handler. + - Fallback from QMI UIM service only if unsupported. + - Add missing support for 'emergency' APN type. + + QMI: + - Fix processing and exposing PCOs. + - Fix power up on modems that don't support power state change + indications. + + plugins: + - telit: + . add additional support for 5G modems. + . added port type hints for FN990 0x1070, 0x1071 + compositions. + . increase allowed initial delay in AT ports. + . fallback to AT commands if loading revision via MBIM fails. + - quectel: add support for EC21-EUX usb modules. + - xmm: fix crash parsing XACT? response. +- Changes from version 1.20.4: + + build: + - Don't hardcode building shared libraries, so that meson's + default_library option can be used properly, + - po: Added missing Georgian translation in LINGUAS. + + QMI: + - Fixed loading NR5G signal info. + - Fixed memory leaks when processing signal info. + - Correctly scaled the SNR value reported in NR5G. + - Fixed invalid use-after-free actions due to improper handling + of proxy removal events. + + MBIM: + - Fixed processing MbimSmsStatusFlag as flags, not as an enum. + - Fixed invalid use-after-free actions due to improper handling + of proxy removal events. + - Chained up device notifications through the MMPortMbim + object. + + Messaging: Allowed Delete operation during enabling/disabling. + + Core: Don't assume port tables always exist so that + long-standing operations holding an object reference can finish + cleanly even after the initial object disposal has already been + run. + + plugins: + - quectel: added new firehose/sahara support udev tags in new + models. + - broadmobi: added MM_PLUGIN_REQUIRED_QCDM flag. + - cinterion: + . added a delay to the ^SWWAN? command. + . added retry mechanism to the ^SWWAN? command. +- Changes from version 1.20.2: + + build: + - Fixed building without MBIM support. + - Fixed building without tests support. + - Disabled test interface in base manager if building without + tests. + - Updated intel plugin dependencies to require XMM shared + utils. + - Fixed templates to make build reproducible. + + FCC unlock: Updated shell scripts to avoid requiring bash. + + MBIM: + - Ignored SIM related indications during a SIM slot switch + operation. + - Updated capabilities loading to use Microsoft Extensions if + available. + - Updated supported modes loading to use the CustomDataClass + field contents. + + SIM: Fixed length when reading GID1/GID2 using AT commands. + + Several other minor improvements and fixes. +- Changes from version 1.20.0: + + API: + - New 'Modem.Sar' interface to allow the host to manage the SAR + power level. + - New 'Modem.GetCellInfo()' method, that allows querying + information about the current serving and neighboring cells. + Currently including 'cell-type' and 'serving' fields for all + cell types, plus additional type-specific fields: + . CDMA: 'nid', 'sid', 'base-station-id', 'ref-pn' and + 'pilot-strength'. + . GSM: 'operator-id', 'lac', 'ci', 'timing-advance', 'arfcn', + 'base-station-id' and 'rx-level'. + . UMTS: 'operator-id', 'lac', 'ci', 'frequency-fdd-ul', + 'frequency-fdd-dl', 'frequency-tdd', 'uarfcn', 'psc', + 'rscp', 'ecio' and 'path-loss'. + . TDSCDMA: 'operator-id', 'lac', 'ci', 'uarfcn', + 'cell-parameter-id', 'timing-advance', 'rscp' and + 'path-loss'. + . LTE: 'operator-id', 'tac', 'ci', 'physical-ci', 'earfcn', + 'rsrp', 'rsrq' and 'timing-advance'. + . 5GNR: 'operator-id', 'tac', 'ci', 'physical-ci', 'nrarfcn', + 'rsrp', 'rsrq', 'sinr' and 'timing-advance'. + - New 'access-type-preference', 'roaming-allowance', + 'profile-name', 'profile-enabled' and 'profile-source' + fields in the 'Bearer.Properties' property, that can also be + used in both 'Modem.Simple.Connect()' and + 'Modem.CreateBearer()'. + - New 'Modem.Modem3gpp.SetPacketServiceState()' method and + 'Modem.Modem3gpp.PacketServiceState' property, which allow + management the explicit attach or detach to packet service on + the current registered network. + - New 'Modem.Modem3gpp.SetNr5gRegistrationSettings()' method + and 'Modem.Modem3gpp.Nr5gRegistrationSettings' property, to + allow management of 5G specific settings like 'mico-mode' or + 'drx-cycle'. + - New 'start-date', 'uplink-speed' and 'downlnk-speed' fields + in the 'Bearer.Stats' property. + - New 'Bearer.ReloadStatsSupported' property to indicate + whether reloading ongoing stats is supported or not. + - New 'Modem.Modem3gppProfileManager.IndexField' property, to + indicate which field is to be used as unique index in the + profile management operations. + - New 'Sim.SimType', 'Sim.EsimStatus' and 'Sim.Removability' + properties to improve the management of eSIM related + operations. + - New 'Sim.Gid1' and 'Sim.Gid2' properties, which allow + identifying SIM cards that should have different settings + applied. + - New 'Modem.Signal.SetupThresholds() method, + 'Modem.Signal.RssiThreshold' and + 'Modem.Signal.ErrorRateThreshold' to allow configuring + thresholds so that the modem emits indications whenever the + signal quality values change based on those thresholds. For + RSSI a delta amount of dBm can be given, and for error rate + just a boolean to enable or disable the corresponding event. + - New 'error-rate' fields in the 'Modem.Signal.Cdma', + 'Modem.Signal.Evdo', 'Modem.Signal.Gsm', 'Modem.Signal.Umts', + 'Modem.Signal.Lte' and 'Modem.Signal.Nr5g' properties. + + Core: + - Detecting an eSIM without an active profile in the current + SIM slot will lead to the modem being in Failed state, in the + same way as if the slot was for a physical SIM and no SIM was + inserted. + - Default amount of AT probing attempts is updated to 6, to + cope with modems that are slower to boot. + - New '--test-mbimex-profile-management' option in the daemon, + to enable support for profile management operations using the + Microsoft extensions. This is an optional feature because it + requires using the 'apn-type' field as unique index, which + not all users of the profile management API may expect. + - Implemented some initial support to automatically hide + personal details (e.g. phone numbers, SMS contents...) from + logs, right now only applicable to QMI and MBIM logs. Updated + support for this feature will keep on being integrated in + future 1.20.x updates. The new '--log-personal-info' option + in the daemon allows to disable this feature completely. + - Added new filter match option for subsystem vendor id, + required in several PCI based Qualcomm modules. + - QCDM port probing will no longer automatically run for all + plugins, only in those that explicitly require it. + - Implemented support for suspend/resume detection based on + ChromeOS' powerd daemon. + - Added Cat-M and NB-IoT LPWA access technologies. + + Modem interface: On 3GPP+3GPP2 multimode devices, a missing SIM + card will now force the modem into Failed state, as if it was a + 3GPP-only device. + + Simple interface: Explicitly wait for PS domain to be attached + during a connection attempt. + + 3GPP interface: Updated to report domain registration changes + altogether whenever possible (e.g. when using the QMI or MBIM + protocols). + + MBIM: + - Implemented support to use the Microsoft-defined MBIM + extensions v2 and v3 whenever supported by the device. The + ModemManager daemon will negotiate which version to use with + the modem, so that the highest version supported is enabled. + This negotiation applies to the whole device, so any other + user of the MBIM device will automatically start using the + newly agreed version. + - Implemented current modes switching using MBIMEx v2.0 + extensions. + - Trigger explicit disconnection if a connection attempt fails. + - Modem will be flagged as unusable if 10 consecutive MBIM + requests timeout. + - Enabled multiplex support for devices in the WWAN subsystem. + + QMI: + - Updated logic to by default prefer 'Signal Info' over the + deprecated 'Signal Strength' operations. + - Updated logic to by default prefer 'System Info' over the + deprecated 'Serving System' operations. + - Updated power state transition logic to ensure the new state + is reached before returning success to the user. + - Implemented support for the 'Modem3gppProfileManager.Updated' + signal using PDC refresh notifications. + - Modem will be flagged as unusable if 10 consecutive QMI + requests timeout. + - Implemented DTMF support. + - Implemented support for automatic SIM IMSI switch detection + under certain roaming scenarios. + - Updated the logic to move the PS domain state to 'registered' + based on the DSD System Status indications. + - Updated endpoint type detection logic to be based on the net + driver. + - Updated endpoint number selection to be based on the data + port. + - Updated connection logic to allocate separate WDS clients per + endpoint. + - Added support for PCO reporting. + + plugins: + - quectel: Added FCC unlock support for the EM05-G. + - telit: + . Band management updated to prefer using QMI whenever + available, as well as to detect the #BND command format + automatically. + . Added support for LPWA modems. + - fibocom: + . Implemented optional support to power down and up the modem + during the update of the initial EPS bearer settings. + . Implemented initial EPS bearer settings management in the + MA510. + - intel: New generic plugin for Intel PCI devices with vid + 0x8086. + - xmm: Prefer GNSS control ports explicitly tagged via udev + tags. + - foxconn: Use the new FOX QMI service to load firmware + version. + - cinterion: Added support for PCIe based devices. +- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro. +- Switch to meson buildsystem, add meson BuildRequires and macros. +- Add xsltproc and pkgconfig(bash-completion) BuildRequires: New + dependencies. + +- Update to version 1.18.12: + + This release fixes a few very critical issues that happpen when + using a glib2 newer or equal than 2.73.2, plus numerous fixes + for the Core, MBIM, QMI, 3GPP profile manager interface, SMS, + libmm-glib, and mmcli. + + Plugins: + - sierra: disable +CPOL in the GL7600. + - telit: add LE910Cx MBIM composition port hints. + - telit: add port type hints for LN920 0x1060, 0x1061 + compositions. + - icera: fix double free on %%IPSYS=? response processing + - mtk: fix task completion when loading supported modes. +- Add new pkgconfig modules build requirements: gio-2.0, glib-2.0, + gmodule-2.0, and gobject-2.0. +- Update ModemManager.keyring to the new upstream key: + A814D09B9C5BC01945A64308AECE0239C6606AD5. Found at + + +- Disable make_check call, tests currently fails due to our switch + to glib 2.73.2. + + + + NetworkManager -- Update to version 1.38.6 (bsc#1208631): +- Add python3.6-in-sle.patch: SLE still takes python 3.6 as primary + system, the patch allows meson to find python 3.6 in SLE. + +- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN. + +- Update to version 1.44.2: + + Better log IPv4 Address Conflict Detection (ACD) conflicts + + Remove the upper limit of 65535 for PIDs read from the PID file + + Allow missing default gateway with oFono + + Honor the CLICOLOR_FORCE environment variable + + Fix generating connection with IPv6 method disabled vs ignored + + Fix possible segmentation fault when doing a checkpoint + rollback + + Documentation improvements +- Switch to source services, use explicit released tag. + +- Update to version 1.44.0: + + Introduce a new "link" setting that holds properties related to + the kernel link such as "tx-queue-length", "gso-max-size", + "gso-max-segments", "gro-max-size". + + Support sending a DHCPv6 prefix delegation hint via the + "ipv6.dhcp-pd-hint" connection property. + + Support new bond options: "arp_missed_max", "lacp_active", + "ns_ip6_target". + + Add new "initial-eps-bearer-configure" and + "initial-eps-bearer-apn" properties in the GSM setting. + + Setting "connection.stable-id=default${CONNECTION}" changed + behavior to be identical to the built-in default value when the + stable-id is not set. + + Add a "[keyfile].rename" option to NetworkManager.conf to force + renaming profiles on disk when their name changes. + + The ifcfg-rh plugin is deprecated; it will only receive + bugfixes and no new features. A warning is emitted the log when + a connection in ifcfg-rh format is found. + + To automatically migrate existing ifcfg-rh connections to the + keyfile format, a new configuration option + "main.migrate-ifcfg-rh" is provided. Migration is disabled by + default, but the default value can be changed at build time via + "--with-config-migrate-ifcfg-rh-default=yes". + + When configuring hostnames in non-public TLD (like + "example.local"), use the TLD as default search domain instead + of the full hostname. + + Always apply DNS options from the [global-dns] configuration + section + + The NetworkManager daemon now acquires the D-Bus name only + after populating the D-Bus tree. This can add a delay during + startup but it is required to avoid race conditions with other + services depending on NM. + + Add a "version-id" argument to the Update2() D-Bus call to + guard against concurrent modifications of profiles. + + Don't use tentative IPv6 addresses to resolve the system + hostname via DNS. + + Track the number of autoconnect retries left for each device + and connection. Previously it was tracked only per connection + and this lead to unexpected behaviors in case of multiconnect + profiles. + + Set VLAN filtering options on bridge via netlink instead of + sysfs. + + nm-cloud-setup now supports IMDSv2 on Amazon EC2. + + nmtui now allows to enable or disable Wi-Fi and WWAN radios. + + Honor ignore-carrier=no for bond/bridge/team devices. + + Add version mismatch warning when running nmcli commands. +- Rebase patches with quilt. + +- Update to version 1.42.8: + + Add support for ppp 2.5.0. + + Fix nft rules for balance-slb bonding. + + Support port priority for bonding. + + Fix regression handling the PKEY_ID for infiniband profiles in + ifcfg-rh format. + + Fix race in nm-cloud-setup that caused partial configuration + and loss of connectivity with multiple interfaces. + + Don't touch "net.ipv6.conf.$IFACE.forwarding" unless explicitly + required for IPv6 sharing. + + Various bugfixes related to team, Wi-Fi P2P, IPv6LL. + + Automatically unblock autoconnect of profiles during reapply. + +- Update URL tag to + NM's newest home page:, and main + package summary to: standard Linux network configuration tool + suite. + +- Add nm-runstatedir.patch: to correct rundir from /var/run to /run + for systemd FHS compatibility + +- Update to version 1.42.6: + + Emit the dhcp-change dispatcher event also after a lease + renewal. + + Fix assertion failure on DHCP renewal. + + Add support for EC2 IMDSv2 in nm-cloud-setup. + + Allow setting tunnel flags for ip6gre & ip6gretap connection + profiles. + + Improve the Wi-Fi hotspot functionality. + + Fix setting the Wi-Fi roaming policy based on the number of + seen BSSIDs. + + Support the "no-aaaa" resolv.conf option. + + Some oFono fixes. + +- Update to version 1.42.4: + + Fix a possible crash when [global-dns] is used and improve the + documentation. + + Documentation improvements. + +- Changes from version 1.38.6 (bsc#1208631): -- Changes from version 1.38.4: + +- Update to version 1.42.2: + + Add build option to set the mobile-broadband-provider-info + database path. + + Add new "ipv[46].replace-local-rule" setting to control whether + to remove the local route rule that is automatically generated. + + Add the DHCPv6 IAID to the lease information exposed in /run + and on D-Bus. + + Fix assuming team connections at boot. + + Fix race condition when setting the MAC address of an OVS + interface. + + Fix constructing the IPv4 name servers variable passed to + dispatcher scripts. + + Don't use tentative IPv6 address to resolve the system hostname + via DNS. + + Deprecate the "Master" property of the NMActiveConnection D-Bus + object in favor of the new "Controller" property. +- Drop 1539.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Refresh patch with quilt: + + 0001-Coerce-connectivity-LIMITED-to-NONE-when-device-is-d.patch + +- Add 1539.patch: Fix constructing the IPv4 nameserver variable + (boo#1208371). + +- Pass session_tracking=systemd and + session_tracking_consolekit=false to meson, no longer build + support for consolekit as session tracker. + +- Update to version 1.42.0: + + Added support for source load balancing for Ethernet Bonds. + + Allow specifying vhost name (SNI) for a manually DNS-over-TLS + server. Only works with systemd-resolved plugin. + + Connections can now be activated on a loopback interface. + + Added support of IPv4 ECMP routes. The ECMP routes will get + merged. + +- Update to version 1.40.12: + + Make sure "external-ids" stays up to date in Open vSwitch + database on a connection reapply. + + Retry if a netlink sockets runs out of buffer space before + we're able to read results of a link change. + + Fix a possible race involving concurrent invocation of iptables + in IPv4 shared mode. + + Other various fixes. + +- Update to version 1.40.10: + + Fix the evaluation of the autoconnect retries. + + nm-cloud-setup now preserves addresses added externally. + + Ensure that dnsmasq is stopped after changing the dns backend + and restarting the service. + + Fix honoring an explicit DHCPv6 DUID with dhclient. + + Other various fixes. + +- Update to version 1.40.8: + + Fixed a bug that caused devices (MACsec in particular) to be + stuck in UNAVAILABLE state and not transition to DISCONNECTED + if the carrier was ready too early. + + Improved interoperability of MACsec with some Aruba switches by + allowing CKN shorter than 64 characters. + + Fixed an assertion failure when restarting NetworkManager with + MACsec links configured. + + Fixed a possible DHCP helper crash when handling failure to + connect to D-Bus. + + Corrected calculation of expiration time for items configured + from IPv6 neighbor discovery messages. + + Various fixes for platforms that don't allow unaligned memory + access. + +- Drop iptables BuildRequires and -Diptables meson parameter: + iptables is legacy (obsoleted in favor of nft). Additionally. + meson has proper fallback detection to assume the correct path, + should it need to use iptables. +- Recommend nftables instead of iptables. + +- Update to version 1.40.6: + + team: + - Also set empty port configuration so teamd knows about the + port. + - Restore port configuration after teamd respawn. +- Changes from version 1.40.4: + + dhcp: revert restarting DHCP when MAC address changes, for + example during a bond fail over. + + Various documentation fixes. + + Fix non-exported ABI in libnm which was wrongly present in the + header files but unusable so far. + + ifcfg-rh: fix writing ethtool pause settings to file. + + core: set "proto static" for manual routing rules configured by + NetworkManager. + + Various minor bugfixes. + +- Keep netconfig support. The rc-manager auto detection will select + appropriate manager during runtime. + +- Use a with_netconfig define instead of relying on bcond: bcond is + meant to have extrenally controllable build conditions (build -D, + or OBS prjconf). + +- Update to version 1.40.2: + + Ensure that resolv.conf gets updated when the configuration + changes. + + Fix setting as bond primary an interface that doesn't exist yet + when the bond is activated. + + The number of autoconnect retries is now accounted + independently for each device when there are profiles with + multi-connect=multiple. + + Don't print duplicate entries in the output of "NetworkManager + - -print-config". + + Fix the ifcfg-rh plugin to properly read infiniband P-Key + connection profiles without an explicit interface name. + + Allow the removal of a bond port connection profile from the + bond via nmcli. + + Fix race condition during the activation of veth profiles when + the peer already exists. + + Decline the DHCPv6 lease if all addresses fail IPv6 duplicate + address detection (DAD). + + Wait that devices get carrier before trying to resolve the + system hostname on them via DNS. + + Fix race condition during the initial activation of OVS + interfaces. + + Profiles generated by nm-initrd-generator now have lower than + default priority. + + Fix error when adding many SR-IOV virtual functions (VFs). + +- Disabling netconfig compiling option for openSUSE Tumbleweed. + +- Drop dependency on sysconfig-netconfig: the collection of shell + scripts is not required for regular operation. + +- Update to version 1.40.0: + + During the build, stop relying on intltool for i18n and use + gettext only. + + Undeprecate nm_remote_connection_get_secrets() in libnm. + + NetworkManager now will restart DHCP if the MAC changes on a + device. +- Drop intltool BuildRequires following upstream changes. +- Refresh patches with quilt. +- Stop passing dnssec_trigger=%{_libexecdir}/dnssec-trigger-script + to meson, support dropped upstream. + +- Update to version 1.38.4: +- Create /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d by default, allowing easy + override for NetworkManager.conf file with drop-in. +- Move default config file to + /usr/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, as part of main + package. +- Branding upstream package is now just a config drop-in to + disable conncheck. +- Ensure /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d is part of the package. + NetworkManager-applet +- Use %autosetup instead of %setup/%patch. + +- Support build environments like SLE 15 SP5 and Leap 15.5 which + had %{_distconfdir) not defined yet. + +- Update to version 1.34.0: + + Fix crash when importing WireGuard connections. + + Fix ineffective "Don't show message again" button in + notifications. + + Drop build dependency on gudev. + + Add setting to suppress broadband unlock prompt. + + Replace occurrences of "master", "slave" and "blacklist". + + Updated translations. +- Drop long disabled polkit-devel BuildRequires, patch it was + needed for is dropped. +- Drop pkgconfig(gudev-1.0) BuildRequires: No longer needed + following upstream changes. +- Rebase feature-app-indicator-desktop-file.patch with quilt. +- Pass sysconfdir=%{_distconfdir} to meson setup, move to UsrEtc. +- Pass b_lto=true to meson setup, use link time optimization. +- Add fdupes BuildRequires and macro, remove duplicate files. +- Move translations to NetworkManager-connection-editor-lang, + replace the NetworkManager-connection-editor Recommends with a + hard Requires. Also add Obsoletes and Provides to ease updates. + The reason for moving the translations are as follows: One can + install NetworkManager-connection-editor without needing + NetworkManager-applet, so in order to make the translations for + NetworkManager-connection-editor installable without pulling the + dependencies of NetworkManager-applet. + +- Update to version 1.32.0: + + Allow using MTU larger than 10000 octets. + + Prefer using AppIndicator outside X11. + + Added support for importing WireGuard profiles from wg-quick + files. + + Updated translations. +- Drop meson-0.61-build-fix.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 1.30.0: + + wifi: change description for wpa-psk to include also WPA3. + + editor: remove unused fields from wifi page. + + applet: replace libnotify with GNotification. + + gschema: bring back org.gnome.nm-applet schema. + + Updated translations. +- Drop pkgconfig(libnotify) BuildRequires: no longer needed. +- Rebase feature-app-indicator-desktop-file.patch. +- Conflict with libnma0 < 1.10.4: the glib schema was upstream + wrongly moved to libnma, even though only a part of it was + supposed to be there. libnm 1.10.4 fixes this situation. + +- Update to version 1.28.0: + + Use correct font size for headings in order to make lives of + HiDPI a little less miserable. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 1.26.0: + + Improve error messages and error dialogs. + + Improve Wi-Fi security combo error handling. + + Stop providing WEP by default. + + Replace the lock icon for WEP networks with an exclamation + mark. + + Fix meson 0.61 issues. + + Make the tooltip of the status icon available for + screen readers. + + Fix OWE wireless security option not showed + on "Connect to a Hidden Network" dialog. + + Fix OWE wireless security option not being saved + when chosen from nm-connection-editor. + + Move 802.1 dialog margins for the inner vbox. + + Align labels for Ethernet dialog. + + Move all Wi-FI entries to a submenu. + + Fix the VPN plugins dialog margins. + + Add a scrolled window for the VPN page. + + Internal improvements. + + Update translations. +- Drop disabled nm-applet-private-connection.patch: We have not had + this patch enabled for 6 months, and so far no bugs filed. Debian + had a similar patch, and they too have dropped it, so it seems to + no longer be needed. +- Drop 107.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Add 107.patch: Fix build with meson 0.61.0 and newer. + NetworkManager-branding:openSUSE +- Fix most rpmlint warnings: + + suse-zypp-packageand: use current Supplements: (A and B) syntax + over packagand(A:B) + + summary-ended-with-dot: Remove dot at the end of Summary: + + no-%build-section: Add empty %build section + + branding-supplements-missing: Fixes as part of + suse-zypp-packageand. + +- Expliciltly BuildRequire NetworkManager-branding-upstream: + branding-upstream is produced by NetworkManager and is guaranteed + to be the same version. Breaks a self-cycle. + +- Move conncheck config file out of /etc. No longer + import main config file. + NetworkManager-openconnect +- Update to version 1.2.10: + + Improved cancellation handling. + + Support SAML/SSO authentication for some VPN protocols. + + Allow useragent override. + + Support webkit2gtk-4.1. + + Allow choosing certificates/keys from PKCS#11 tokens. + + Allow custom interface name. + + Allow UDP connectivity to be disabled. + + Support multi-certificate authentication for AnyConnect. + + Fix hangs with external browsers which spam stdout. + + Updated translations. +- Drop dbus-location.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Add pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) BuildRequires: New dependency. + +- Add dbus-location.patch: move dbus system.d conf file to /usr + (bsc#1204795) +- Due to patching: add BRs autoconf, automake and libtool + +- Update to version 1.2.8: + + Gtk4 version of the editor plugin is now available (for use + with Control Center of GNOME 42 or later). + + Fix SNI and authgroup problems. + + Handle IPv6 nameservers. + + Allow IP prefixes of 0 for routing rules. + + Updated translations. +- Add pkgconfig(gtk4) and pkgconfig(libnma-gtk4) BuildRequires and + pass --with-gtk4=yes to configure, build the gtk4 version. +- Stop passing --without-libnm-glib to configure, no longer + needed, nor recognized. +- Add optional libxml2-tools BuildRequires, build runs + xml-stripblanks preprocessing if available. + NetworkManager-openvpn +- Rename gnome subpackage to NetworkManager-applet-openvpn + to more accurately reflect its usage +- Add missing supplements: + - NM and openvpn + - NMA subpackage: Main package and NMA + +- Drop nm-openvpn-fix-importing-pkcs12-ca.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 1.10.2: + + IP condfiguration is no longer required in TAP mode. + + Fix initialization of secret flags. + + Add support for DOMAIN-SEARCH option. + + Set data-ciphers option with chosen cipher. + + Update translations. + +- Update to version 1.10.0: + + Add support for "allow-compression" parameter. + + Fix a regression in preserving the "tls-auth" settings. + + Add support for "tls-min" and "tls-cipher" parameters. + + Include the new gnome-control-center name in the AppData file. + + Drop libnm-glib support, nobody is likely using it anymore. + + Fix importing profiles with a PKCS#12 CA. + + Make sure the plugin object links with glib. + + Dropped dependency on intltool. + + Updated translations. +- Drop intltool BuildRequires following upstream changes. +- Rebase patch with quilt. + +- Update to version 1.8.18: + + Gtk4 version of the editor plugin is now available (for use + with Control Center of GNOME 42 or later). + + Updated translations. +- Drop nm-openvpn-bsc#1186091.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Rebase patch with quilt. +- Add pkgconfig(gtk4) and pkgconfig(libnma-gtk4) BuildRequires and + pass --with-gtk4=yes to configure, build the gtk4 version. +- Stop passing --without-libnm-glib to configure, no longer + needed, nor recognized. +- Pass --enable-lto=yes to configure, build using LTO support. +- Add optional libxml2-tools BuildRequires, build runs + xml-stripblanks preprocessing if available. NetworkManager-pptp +- Update to version 1.2.12: + + Dropped the libnm-glib support (obsolete since 2014). + + Add support for building with upcoming pppd version (2.5.0). + + Improvement to the build & test system. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 1.2.10: + + libnm-glib compatibility (NetworkManager < 1.0) is disabled by + default. + + It can be enabled by passing --with-libnm-glib to configure + script. Nobody should need it by now. Users that still use this + are encourage to let us know before the libnm-glib support is + removed for good. + + The auth helper in external UI mode can now be run without a + display server. This is useful when activating connections with + "nmcli --ask". + + Gtk4 version of the editor plugin is now available (for use + with Control Center of GNOME 42 or later). + + Updated translations. +- Add pkgconfig(gtk4) and pkgconfig(libnma-gtk4) BuildRequires and + pass --with-gtk4=yes to configure, build the gtk4 version. +- Stop passing --without-libnm-glib to configure, no longer + needed, nor recognized. +- Add optional libxml2-tools BuildRequires, build runs + xml-stripblanks preprocessing if available. + NetworkManager-strongswan +- Rename gnome subpackage to NetworkManager-applet-strongswan + to more accurately reflect its usage +- Add missing supplements: + - NM and strongswan-nm + - NMA subpackage: Main package and NMA + +- Update to version 1.6.0 + + Support for GTK4 + + Removed libnm-glib compatibility +- Add pkgconfig(gtk4) because the new version requires this +- Add pkgconfig(libnma-gtk4) because the new version requires this + +- Update to version 1.5.2 + + Reduce height of config dialog by moving options/proposals to tabs + + Migrated appdata to metainfo (renamed and moved the file) +- Update to version 1.5.1 + + Fixes password entry for private keys + +- Update to version 1.5.0: + + EAP-TLS authentication + + Certificate source (file, agent, smartcard) is selectable + independently + + Add support to configure local and remote identities + + Support configuring a custom server port + + Show hint regarding password storage policy + + Replaced the term "gateway" with "server" + + Fixes build issues due to use of deprecated GLib + macros/functions + + Updated Glade file to GTK 3.2 + +- Set the path for the VPN service name file correctly to + %_vpnservicedir (provided by macros.NetworkManager). +- Pass --with-nm-libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} to configure to behave + the same as all the other NM-VPN plugins. This results in + nm-strongswan-auth-dialog moving from + %{_libexecdir}/NetworkManager to %{_libexecdir}, but considering + all the other auth-dialog helpers are there as well it is + perfectly welcome. + - from the author + from the author. QGnomePlatform:qt5 +- Drop (libQt5Gui5 and gnome-session) and + (libQt6Gui6 and gnome-session) Supplements: No longer install + automatically when the above conditions are met. Upstream have + stopped maintenance of these packages, and are considered + obsolete. + +- Update to version 0.9.1: + + Changes: + - Thinner border between window and decorations + - Added support for KColorScheme using Adwaita-like color + schemes + - Added integration for QtQuick Controls2 applications + - Added support for color-scheme in GSettings backend + - Implemented reasonable icon fallback - depends on Qt change + 476542 + - Qt6: implemented support for QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorSize + and QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorTheme + + Fixes: + - Do not crash when GSettings shema is not found + - Respect QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE env variable + - Fixed titlebar dimming on Wayland + - Fixed regression in rendering titlebar on vanilla Qt +- Drop 0001-fix-qt-6.5-compilation.patch as it is included in + version 0.9.1 +- Adjust fix-XSetTransientForHint.patch for version 0.9.1 +- Split QGnomePlatform's new color schemes into a new package + called "QGnomePlatform-colorschemes" + +- Add 0001-fix-qt-6.5-compilation.patch to fix a compilation + error with qt 6.5 + QGnomePlatform:qt6 +- Drop (libQt5Gui5 and gnome-session) and + (libQt6Gui6 and gnome-session) Supplements: No longer install + automatically when the above conditions are met. Upstream have + stopped maintenance of these packages, and are considered + obsolete. + +- Update to version 0.9.1: + + Changes: + - Thinner border between window and decorations + - Added support for KColorScheme using Adwaita-like color + schemes + - Added integration for QtQuick Controls2 applications + - Added support for color-scheme in GSettings backend + - Implemented reasonable icon fallback - depends on Qt change + 476542 + - Qt6: implemented support for QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorSize + and QPlatformTheme::MouseCursorTheme + + Fixes: + - Do not crash when GSettings shema is not found + - Respect QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE env variable + - Fixed titlebar dimming on Wayland + - Fixed regression in rendering titlebar on vanilla Qt +- Drop 0001-fix-qt-6.5-compilation.patch as it is included in + version 0.9.1 +- Adjust fix-XSetTransientForHint.patch for version 0.9.1 +- Split QGnomePlatform's new color schemes into a new package + called "QGnomePlatform-colorschemes" + +- Add 0001-fix-qt-6.5-compilation.patch to fix a compilation + error with qt 6.5 + SDL2 +- Update to release 2.28.5 + * Added support for the HP HyperX Clutch Gladiate controller + * Fixed a crash if a controller is disconnected while SDL is + opening it + * Fixed a crash on Linux if XInput2 isn't available at runtime + +- Enable direct PipeWire support + +- Update to release 2.28.4 + * Enable clipping for zero sized rectangles in the SDL renderer + * Notify X11 clipboard managers when the clipboard changes + * Fixed sensor timestamps for third-party PS5 controllers + * Added detection for Logitech and Simagic racing wheels + +- Update to release 2.28.3 + * Added a gamepad mapping for the G-Shark GS-GP702 + * Fixed touchpad events for the Razer Wolverine V2 Pro in PS5 mode + +- Update to release 2.28.2 + * Fixed 8BitDo gamepad mapping when in XInput mode on Linux + * Fixed controller lockup initializing some unofficial PS4 + replica controllers + * Fixed video initialization on headless Linux systems using VNC + +- Update to release 2.28.1 + * Added support for the Nintendo Online Famicom controllers + * Improved support for third-party Nintendo Switch controllers + * Fixed setting the player LED on Nintendo Switch controllers + * Added Linux controller mapping for the Logitech Chillstream + +- Update to release 2.28 + * Added SDL_HasWindowSurface() and SDL_DestroyWindowSurface() to + switch between the window surface and rendering APIs. + * Added a display event SDL_DISPLAYEVENT_MOVED which is sent + when the primary monitor changes or displays change position + relative to each other. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_ENABLE_SCREEN_KEYBOARD to control + whether the on-screen keyboard should be shown when text input + is active. +- Delete 0001-Cleanup-add-brace-6545.patch, + 0002-Update-for-SDL3-coding-style-6717.patch, + 0003-Clang-Tidy-fixes-6725.patch (inapplicable), + 0004-evdev_kbd-Use-current-keymap.patch (merged). + +- Update to release 2.26.5 + * Fixed handling of third party PS4 controller input reports + * Added support for the trigger buttons on the Victrix Pro FS + for PS5 + * Added mapping for Flydigi Vader 2 with the latest firmware + ( + * Added mapping for DualSense Edge Wireless Controller on Linux + * Added mapping for Hori Pokken Tournament DX Pro Pad + * Improved the speed and quality of audio resampling + * Fixed crash on Linux if dbus can't be initialized + +- Update to release 2.26.4 + * Fixed using older game controller mappings on Linux + +- Use current keymap on console + ( ) + + 0001-Cleanup-add-brace-6545.patch + + 0002-Update-for-SDL3-coding-style-6717.patch + + 0003-Clang-Tidy-fixes-6725.patch + + 0004-evdev_kbd-Use-current-keymap.patch + +- Update to release 2.26.3 + * Fixed infinite loop shutting down WGI controllers + * Fixed centering the D-pad on some Xbox controllers + +- Update to release 2.26.2 + * Fixed long delay at startup when a Razer keyboard is + connected + * Fixed not receiving SDLK_5 or SDL_SCANCODE_5 when using the + AZERTY keyboard layout on Linux +- Enable libsamplerate and libdecor components +- Remove unused tslib build requirement + +- Update to release 2.26.1 + * Improved audio resampling quality + * Fixed crash if SDL_GetPointDisplayIndex() or + SDL_GetRectDisplayIndex() are called before SDL_VideoInit() + +- Update to release 2.26 + * Added SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels() to get the window size in + pixels, which may differ from the window coordinate size for + windows with high-DPI support. + * Added simulated vsync synchronization for the software + renderer. + * Added the mouse position to SDL_MouseWheelEvent. + * Added SDL_ResetHints() to reset all hints to their default + values. + * Added SDL_GetJoystickGUIDInfo() to get device information + encoded in a joystick GUID. + * Added XBOX Hints. + * Added support for PS3 and Wii controllers to the HIDAPI + driver (not enabled by default). + * Added access to the individual left and right gyro sensors of + the combined Joy-Cons controller. + * Added a microsecond timestamp to SDL_SensorEvent and + SDL_ControllerSensorEvent, when the hardware provides that + information. +- Delete sdl2-khronos.patch (merged) +- Drop CVE-2022-4743.patch. + +- Update to release 2.24.2 + * Fixed crash in Wayland_HasScreenKeyboardSupport() + +- Drop unused buildrequires on nasm + +- Update to release 2.24.1 + * Fixed shader compilation issues using the OpenGL ES2 renderer + +- Update to release 2.24.0 + * Added a number of function relating to input devices such as + keyboard and joystick. + * Added support for the NVIDIA Shield Controller to the HIDAPI + driver, supporting rumble and battery status + * Added support for opening audio devices with 3 or 5 channels + (2.1, 4.1). All channel counts from Mono to 7.1 are now + supported. +- Drop baselibs.conf (no SDL2_ttf-dependent Tumbleweed packages + themselves have baselibs). +- Drop fix-xi2-crash.patch (merged) +- Rename devel package to just %name-devel, which is what most + our packages do. + +- Add fix-xi2-crash.patch + +- Restore sdl2-symvers.patch to full symbol list to facilitate + application installation with Leap 15.x's SDL2. + +- Update to release 2.0.22 + * Added SDL_RenderGetWindow() to get the window associated with a renderer + * Added floating point rectangle functions: SDL_PointInFRect(), + SDL_FRectEmpty(), SDL_FRectEquals(), SDL_FRectEqualsEpsilon(), + SDL_HasIntersectionF(), SDL_IntersectFRect(), SDL_UnionFRect(), + SDL_EncloseFPoints(), SDL_IntersectFRectAndLine(). + * Added SDL_IsTextInputShown() which returns whether the IME + window is currently shown. + * Added SDL_ClearComposition() to dismiss the composition + window without disabling IME input. + * Added SDL_TEXTEDITING_EXT event for handling long composition + text, and a hint SDL_HINT_IME_SUPPORT_EXTENDED_TEXT to enable + it. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_CENTER to control + whether the mouse should be constrained to the whole window + or the center of the window when relative mode is enabled. + * The mouse is now automatically captured when mouse buttons + are pressed, and the hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_AUTO_CAPTURE allows + you to control this behavior. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_FOREIGN_WINDOW_OPENGL to let + SDL know that a foreign window will be used with OpenGL. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_FOREIGN_WINDOW_VULKAN to let + SDL know that a foreign window will be used with Vulkan. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_QUIT_ON_LAST_WINDOW_CLOSE to specify + whether an SDL_QUIT event will be delivered when the last + application window is closed. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ROG_CHAKRAM to control + whether ROG Chakram mice show up as joysticks. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_X11_WINDOW_TYPE to specify the + _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE of SDL windows. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_WAYLAND_PREFER_LIBDECOR to + allow using libdecor with compositors that support + xdg-decoration. + +- Drop 0001-Fix-build-against-wayland-1.20.patch + Fixed upstream: + +- Update to release 2.0.20 + * SDL_RenderGeometryRaw() takes a pointer to SDL_Color, not + int. You can cast color data in SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32 format + (SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888 on little endian systems) for this + parameter. + * Improved accuracy of horizontal and vertical line drawing + when using OpenGL or OpenGLES. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_RENDER_LINE_METHOD to control the + method of line drawing used, to select speed, correctness, + and compatibility. + +- Add 0001-Fix-build-against-wayland-1.20.patch + +- Update to release 2.0.18 + * Added SDL_RenderGeometry() and SDL_RenderGeometryRaw() to + allow rendering of arbitrary shapes using the SDL 2D render + API. + * Added SDL_SetTextureUserData() and SDL_GetTextureUserData() + to associate application data with an SDL texture. + * Added SDL_RenderWindowToLogical() and + SDL_RenderLogicalToWindow() to convert between window + coordinates and logical render coordinates. + * Added SDL_RenderSetVSync() to change whether a renderer + present is synchronized with vblank at runtime. + * Added SDL_PremultiplyAlpha() to premultiply alpha on a block + of SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888 pixels. + * Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGED which is + sent when a window changes what display it is centered on. + * Added SDL_GetWindowICCProfile() to query a window's ICC + profile, and a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ICCPROF_CHANGED + that is sent when it changes. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_EGL_ALLOW_TRANSPARENCY to allow + EGL windows to be transparent instead of opaque. + * Added SDL_SetWindowMouseRect() and SDL_GetWindowMouseRect() + to confine the mouse cursor to an area of a window. + * You can now read precise mouse wheel motion using 'preciseX' + and 'preciseY' event fields. + * Added SDL_GameControllerHasRumble() and + SDL_GameControllerHasRumbleTriggers() to query whether a game + controller supports rumble. + * Added SDL_JoystickHasRumble() and + SDL_JoystickHasRumbleTriggers() to query whether a joystick + supports rumble. + * SDL's hidapi implementation is now available as a public API + in SDL_hidapi.h. +- Drop SDL2-endian.patch (inapplicable), + sdl2-fix-wayland-fullscreen.patch (merged), + audio-Support-pulse-as-an-alias-for-pulseaudio.patch (merged) +- Drop CVE-2021-33657.patch. + +- Support "pulse" as an alias for pulseaudio (bsc#1191868, + bsc#1189778): + audio-Support-pulse-as-an-alias-for-pulseaudio.patch + +- sdl2-fix-wayland-fullscreen.patch + * fix wayland issue for wlroot, see + +- Update to release 2.0.16 + * Better native Wayland support, including handling for + client-side decorations and other functionality in place. + * Support for being able to directly interface with PipeWire for + audio input/output, a variety of new APIs, support for the + Amazon Luna game controller, rumble support for more + controllers. + * NOTE: Switching away (e.g. with Alt-Tab) from fullscreen + windows created with the SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN flag will now + minimize them. If your window manager is configured to now show + minimzed windows in either the Alt-Tab list or the task bar, + you will have difficulty unminimizing these windows. + +- update to 2.0.14: + * Added support for PS5 DualSense and Xbox Series X controllers to the HIDAPI controller driver + * Vulkan support to the KMSDRM video driver + * see details on + +- Restore libSDL2main.a, patching it out was not easily possible. + +- Update to release 2.0.12 + * Support for the Google Stadia controller and other game + controllers + * A new video driver for offscreen rendering + * ARM NEON optimizations +- Drop CVE-2019-13616.patch (merged upstream) +- Drop sdl2-surface-pitch-overflow.patch. + -- sdl2-khronos.patch - * fixes build on i586 (boo#1158176) +- Temporarily work around -fno-common build failure [boo#1160382]. + +- sdl2-khronos.patch + * fixes build on i586 (boo#1153455, boo#1158176) + +- Update sdl2-symvers.patch for SDL 2.0.9/2.0.10. + +- Drop libSDL2main.a from libSDL-2_0-devel. It is only used + during build. + +- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library. + +- Update to version 2.0.10 + * The SDL_RW* macros have been turned into functions that are + available only in 2.0.10 and onward + * Added SDL_SIMDGetAlignment(), SDL_SIMDAlloc(), and + SDL_SIMDFree(), to allocate memory aligned for SIMD + operations for the current CPU + * Added SDL_RenderDrawPointF(), SDL_RenderDrawPointsF(), + SDL_RenderDrawLineF(), SDL_RenderDrawLinesF(), + SDL_RenderDrawRectF(), SDL_RenderDrawRectsF(), + SDL_RenderFillRectF(), SDL_RenderFillRectsF(), + SDL_RenderCopyF(), SDL_RenderCopyExF(), to allow floating + point precision in the SDL rendering API. + * Added SDL_GetTouchDeviceType() to get the type of a touch + device, which can be a touch screen or a trackpad in relative + or absolute coordinate mode. + * The SDL rendering API now uses batched rendering by default, + for improved performance + * Added SDL_RenderFlush() to force batched render commands to + execute, if you're going to mix SDL rendering with native + rendering + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_RENDER_BATCHING to control whether + batching should be used for the rendering API. This defaults + to "1" if you don't specify what rendering driver to use when + creating the renderer. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_EVENT_LOGGING to enable logging of + SDL events for debugging purposes + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG_FILE to specify + a file that will be loaded at joystick initialization with + game controller bindings + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_TOUCH_EVENTS to control + whether SDL will synthesize touch events from mouse events + * Improved handling of malformed WAVE and BMP files, fixing + potential security exploits (boo#1142031 CVE-2019-13626) + * Removed the Mir video driver in favor of Wayland + * Security fixes: CVE-2019-7635 (boo#1124827), CVE-2019-7636 + (boo#1124826), CVE-2019-7638 (boo#1124824). +- Refreshed sdl2-symvers.patch +- Drop CVE-2019-13626.patch, CVE-2019-7636.patch, + CVE-2019-7635.patch. + +- Update to version 2.0.9 + * Added a new sensor API, initialized by passing + SDL_INIT_SENSOR to SDL_Init(), and defined in SDL_sensor.h + * Added an event SDL_SENSORUPDATE which is sent when a sensor + is updated + * Added SDL_GetDisplayOrientation() to return the current + display orientation + * Added an event SDL_DISPLAYEVENT which is sent when the + display orientation changes + * Added HIDAPI joystick drivers for more consistent support + for Xbox, PS4 and Nintendo Switch Pro controller support + across platforms. (Thanks to Valve for contributing the PS4 + and Nintendo Switch Pro controller support) + * Added support for many other popular game controllers + * Added SDL_JoystickGetDevicePlayerIndex(), + SDL_JoystickGetPlayerIndex(), and + SDL_GameControllerGetPlayerIndex() to get the player index for + a controller. For XInput controllers this returns the XInput + index for the controller. + * Added SDL_GameControllerRumble() and SDL_JoystickRumble() + which allow simple rumble without using the haptics API + * Added SDL_GameControllerMappingForDeviceIndex() to get the + mapping for a controller before it's opened + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME to control + the mouse double-click time + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK_RADIUS to control + the mouse double-click radius, in pixels + * Added SDL_HasColorKey() to return whether a surface has a + colorkey active + * Added SDL_HasAVX512F() to return whether the CPU has + AVX-512F features + * Added SDL_IsTablet() to return whether the application is + running on a tablet + * Added SDL_THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL for threads that + must run at the highest priority + * Added SDL_LinuxSetThreadPriority() to allow adjusting the + thread priority of native threads using RealtimeKit if + available. +- Dropped 7babfecee045.patch (merged upstream) + +- Add 7babfecee045.patch, fixes launching Firewatch + +- SDL2-endian.patch: bring up patch from SDL1, use optimized + byteswap routines from the C library. +- build with --disable-3dnow, do not pass -m3dnow to the compiler + modern cpus do not support this instructions at all. + SDL2_ttf +- Update to relesae 2.22 + * Unspecified bug fixes + +- Update to release 2.20.2 + * Build system changes only + +- Add back Provides: SDL2_ttf = %version to library package: the + python bindings somewhat rely on the name to find the right + library. + +- Update to release 2.20.1 + * Build updates for non-Linux platforms +- Rename devel package to just %name-devel, which is what most + our packages do. + +- Update to release 2.20.0 + * Added TTF_GetFontWrappedAlign() and TTF_SetFontWrappedAlign() + to set alignment on wrapped text + * Added functions to render using FreeType LCD algorithm: + TTF_RenderText_LCD(), TTF_RenderUTF8_LCD(), + TTF_RenderUNICODE_LCD(), TTF_RenderText_LCD_Wrapped(), + TTF_RenderUTF8_LCD_Wrapped(), + TTF_RenderUNICODE_LCD_Wrapped(), TTF_RenderGlyph_LCD(), + TTF_RenderGlyph32_LCD(). + * Added TTF_SetFontDirection() and TTF_SetFontScriptName() for + additional control over fonts using HarfBuzz + * Fix memory corruption loading malformed TTF files + [CVE-2022-27470] +- Drop baselibs.conf (no SDL2_ttf-dependent Tumbleweed packages + themselves have baselibs). + +- Update to release 2.0.18 + * Added TTF_GetFreeTypeVersion() and TTF_GetHarfBuzzVersion() + * Added support for Signed Distance Field rendering with + TTF_SetFontSDF() and TTF_GetFontSDF() + * Added optional DPI-scaling of fonts, with new functions. + * Added 32-bit character support. + * Added functions to set direction and script when using Harfbuzz. + * Added extended API for text measurement. + * Added TTF_SetFontSize() to set font size dynamically. + * Added 'Shaded' and 'Solid' text wrapped functions. + * Added TTF_HINTING_LIGHT_SUBPIXEL for better results at small + text sizes at a performance cost + -- Some metadata spruce-up: add current URLs, softer wildcarding - in the files list, more robust make install call - -- created package (version 2.0.0) - based on SDL_ttf package - abseil-cpp -- Add options-old.patch - * Make the headers always tell the truth about the ABI to fix - linker error when using new compilers (boo#1203378) +- fix build for non-SUSE distributions + +- update to 20230802.1: + * Add StdcppWaiter to the end of the list of waiter + implementations + +- update to 20230802.0 + What's New: + * Added the nullability library for designating the expected + nullability of pointers. Currently these serve as annotations + only, but it is expected that compilers will one day be able + to use these annotations for diagnostic purposes. + * Added the prefetch library as a portable layer for moving data + into caches before it is read. + * Abseil's hash tables now detect many more programming errors + in debug and sanitizer builds. + * Abseil's synchronization objects now differentiate absolute + waits (when passed an absl::Time) from relative waits (when + passed an absl::Duration) when the underlying platform supports + differentiating these cases. This only makes a difference when + system clocks are adjusted. + * Abseil's flag parsing library includes additional methods that + make it easier to use when another library also expects to be + able to parse flags. + * absl::string_view is now available as a smaller target, + @com_google_absl//absl/strings:string_view, so that users may + use this library without depending on the much larger + @com_google_absl//absl/strings target. + +- Fix build on older systems by requiring C++17 compliant compiler +- Added patch: + * cmake.patch + + lower the cmake requirement to 3.5 in order to be able to + build on SLE12SP5 + +- Add baselibs.conf to make protobuf happy. Hopefully temporary. + +- update to 20230125.3 + Details can be found on: + + +- update to 20230125.2 + What's New: + The Abseil logging library has been released. This library + provides facilities for writing short text messages about the + status of a program to stderr, disk files, or other sinks + (via an extension API). See the logging library documentation + for more information. + An extension point, AbslStringify(), allows user-defined types + to seamlessly work with Abseil's string formatting functions + like absl::StrCat() and absl::StrFormat(). + A library for computing CRC32C checksums has been added. + Floating-point parsing now uses the Eisel-Lemire algorithm, + which provides a significant speed improvement. + The flags library now provides suggestions for the closest + flag(s) in the case of misspelled flags. + Using CMake to install Abseil now makes the installed artifacts + (in particular absl/base/options.h) reflect the compiled ABI. + Breaking Changes: + Abseil now requires at least C++14 and follows Google's Foundational + C++ Support Policy. See this table for a list of currently supported + versions compilers, platforms, and build tools. + The legacy spellings of the thread annotation macros/functions + (e.g. GUARDED_BY()) have been removed by default in favor of the + ABSL_ prefixed versions (e.g. ABSL_GUARDED_BY()) due to clashes with + other libraries. The compatibility macro ABSL_LEGACY_THREAD_ANNOTATIONS + can be defined on the compile command-line to temporarily restore these + spellings, but this compatibility macro will be removed in the future. + Known Issues + The Abseil logging library in this release is not a feature-complete + replacement for glog yet. VLOG and DFATAL are examples of features + that have not yet been released. +- obsolete Fix-maes-msse41-leaking-into-pkgconfig.patch + +- update to 20220623.1: + * minor warning fix + +- Update to version 20220623.0 + What's New: + * Added absl::AnyInvocable, a move-only function type. + * Added absl::CordBuffer, a type for buffering data for eventual inclusion an + absl::Cord, which is useful for writing zero-copy code. + * Added support for command-line flags of type absl::optional. + Breaking Changes: + * CMake builds now use the flag ABSL_BUILD_TESTING (default: OFF) to control + whether or not unit tests are built. + * The ABSL_DEPRECATED macro now works with the GCC compiler. GCC users that + are experiencing new warnings can use -Wno-deprecated-declatations silence + the warnings or use -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations to see warnings but + not fail the build. + * ABSL_CONST_INIT uses the C++20 keyword constinit when available. Some + compilers are more strict about where this keyword must appear compared to + the pre-C++20 implementation. + * Bazel builds now depend on the bazelbuild/bazel-skylib repository. + See Abseil's WORKSPACE file for an example of how to add this dependency. + Other: + * This will be the last release to support C++11. Future releases will require at least C++14. +- run spec-cleaner + +- Remove obsolete 0%{suse_version} < 1500 conditions + +- Add options-old.patch, options-cxx17.patch (boo#1203378) + * Ensure ABI stability regardless of compiler settings per instruction in the header. + +- Implement shlib packaging policy + accel-config +- Update to versione 4.1.4: + * Fix a bug while reading json objects + * Do not save traffic class attributes + * Handle cmd_status initialization failure without exiting + * Remove SET_ERR macro which is error prone + * Skip check for ats_disable if attribute absent + * Add parameter for specifying dev and wq + * Fix bug about checking result of decompression +- Update to version 4.1.3: + * be less greedy in _cleanup greps +- Update to version 4.1.2: + * Fix a memory leak bug +- Update to version 4.1.1: + * update Standards-Version to 4.6.2 in control file + * Use asm volatile for compilers that don't support + __builtin_ia32_mfence + * Fixes for pedantic compiler warnings + * Update copyright years in man pages + * Fix some syntax errors and cleanup in man pages + * Fix --help and other options + * Fix a bug with empty wq driver name + * Fix bug about finding a mismatched wq + * Add op mask to check if an op is available + * Decide whether to do the operation or not + * Fix batch event log core check output issues + * Provide --skip-config to run dsa tests without device reset + akonadi-calendar +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.0: + * Use correct identity when sending iTIP counter-proposal (kde#458524) + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.07.80: + * Fix linking with self-built gpgmepp + * Explicitly search for KPim{5,6}Libkleo + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Make sure to extract only email + * Fix generate emails (don't create "foo" >) + * Avoid too big dialogbox + * Generate properties for CalendarSettings + * Add Akonadi::CalendarUtils::displayName overload that takes ETM instead of ETMCalendar + * Don't link twice against KF::Codecs + * Add messagelib dependency + * Sign/encrypt iTIP emails (kde#297956) + * make free/busy invokable from QML + * Fix platforms name + * Remove the never set "MailTransport" setting + * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works + * Simplify default mail transport code + * Don't needlessly link against KIOWidgets + * Add akonadi-mime dependency explicitly + * Adapt to KMailTransportAkonadi being integrated into AkonadiMime + * Expose missing kidentitymanagement + * Add TodoModel (coming from eventviews) + * Bump library version + * Move SearchCollectionHelper to akonadi-calendar + * Move CalendarSupport::createMimeData here + * not export symbol of private methods + * Add QCH support + * Add missing lib + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akonadi-calendar-tools +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Remove unused libkdepim dependency + * Remove the HTML export feature + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akonadi-contact +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.07.80: + * Use CTRL+E for editing contact + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Too many changes since 23.04.3, only listing bugfixes: + * Fix creating new contact with familiy and sur-name (kde#451237) + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akonadi-import-wizard +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * not export symbol of private methods + * Fix install headers + * Remove duplicate alias + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akonadi-mime +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * increase version + * Second step: move/adapt class from kmailtransportakonadi + * not export symbol of private methods + * Fix generate qch + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akonadi-notes +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Add missing Q_REQUIRED_RESULT + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akonadi-search +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * htmltotext needs a QGuiApplication, because QTextHtmlParser does + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.1: + * Update Rust dependencies (kde#474526) + * Move convertion from html to text out-of-process (kde#474747) + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Disable broken test + * Enable testing again + * Parse html with rust + * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works + * Add specific debug category for email + * Add basic test for calendar indexer + * Use smart pointers in Index + * Add debug output for calendar indexer + * Modernize codebase of CalendarIndexer + * not export symbol of private methods + * Exclude more duplicate contact + * Avoid to show duplicate mails + * [runner] Filter out email matches where writing doesn't make sense + * Port to new api + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akonadi-server +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * Only keep mysql log from the last session (kde#456983) + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Fix Provides/Obsoletes: the removed package was named + akonadi-server-sqlite, not akonadi-sqlite + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.07.80: + * Debugging helper: indicate resource name in "Unknown resource" error msg + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Too many changes since 23.04.3, only listing bugfixes: + * Check for config file in the location of CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR (kde#418265) + * Fix wrong for clause in Akonadi::Session (kde#468343) + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Allow running mysql_upgrade when starting Akonadi + * Remove dangling reference + * Avoid crashing before priting debug output when setting up db + * Fix crash on server shutdown (kde#462692) + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + * Fix a bug in for clause in EntityTreeModel + * Remove dead code from FavoriteCollectionsModel + * Fix wrong for clause in Akonadi::Session (kde#468343) + * Add a test for faulty iteration in Akonadi::Session +- Drop patches, merged upstream: + * 0001-Fix-wrong-for-clause-in-Akonadi-Session.patch + * 0002-Remove-dead-code-from-FavoriteCollectionsModel.patch + * 0003-Fix-a-bug-in-for-clause-in-EntityTreeModel.patch + * 0001-Fix-crash-on-server-shutdown.patch + * 0001-Avoid-crashing-before-priting-debug-output-when-sett.patch + * 0001-Remove-dangling-reference.patch + * 0001-Allow-running-mysql_upgrade-when-starting-Akonadi.patch + +- Add more fixes: + * 0001-Avoid-crashing-before-priting-debug-output-when-sett.patch + (kde#468985) + * 0001-Remove-dangling-reference.patch + * 0001-Allow-running-mysql_upgrade-when-starting-Akonadi.patch + (kde#402680) + +- Add upstream changes: + * 0001-Fix-wrong-for-clause-in-Akonadi-Session.patch (kde#458315) + * 0002-Remove-dead-code-from-FavoriteCollectionsModel.patch + * 0003-Fix-a-bug-in-for-clause-in-EntityTreeModel.patch + * 0001-Fix-crash-on-server-shutdown.patch (kde#450217, kde#462692) + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akonadiconsole +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Add title + * Use ClearCacheFoldersJob + * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works + * Adapt to new akonadi-contact/akonadi-contact-editor api + * Fix enable/disable buttons + * Not necessary to use slot here + * Add info when we can't find element + * Allow to translate akonadiconsole + * Remove unused method + * Remove search configwidget + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + akregator +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.0: + * Add project_license to appstream metadata + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works + * Port to Qt6 + * Adapt to new api + * Comment print code Qt6 for the moment + * Adapt to new api + * Add separator + * Show header in qtc6 + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + alex -- Update alex to version - [#]# Change in - * Fix bug with repeated numeral characters *outside* of `r{n,m}` - repetitions. This was a regression introduced in 3.2.7. - [#]# Changes in 3.2.7 - * Allow arbitrary repetitions in regexps. - Previously, the `r{n,m}` and related forms were restricted to single - digit numbers `n` and `m`. - * DFA minimization used to crash on tokens of the form `c*` which - produce automata with only accepting states. Considering the empty - set of non-accepting states as an equivalence class caused - minimization to crash with exception. - * The `small_base` flag is removed. Extremely old GHCs will no longer - build. - * A number of bug fixes and clearer diagnostics. - -- make rpmlint happy - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update alex to version 3.2.6. - [#]# Changes in 3.2.6: - * Support for the GHC 9.2. - The array access primops now use the fixed-sized numeric types - corresponding to the width of the data accessed. Additionally, the - primops to convert to and from fixed-sized numeric types have been - given new names. - 9.2 isn't cut yet, so these changes are somewhat speculative. - Unfortunately, GHC must used a released version of Alex (and Happy) - at all times until further changes have been made, so we must make - the release to actually implement these changes in GHC. - If the final GHC 9.2 ends up being different, this release will be - marked broken to make it less likely people use it by accident. - -- Add memory constraints for riscv64 - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. -- Update alex to version 3.2.5. - * Build fixes for GHC 8.8.x. This allows us to run the test - suite again. - -- Disable tests on aarch64 as they are broken. - See: - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Drop config.log from doc to fix build-compare - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Run the test suite by default. -- Build and install the man page and the documentation. - -- Update alex to version 3.2.4. - * Remove dependency on QuickCheck - * Change the way that bootstrapping is done: see for build - instructions - * fix issue when using cpphs (#116) - * Manage line length in generated files [GH-84] - * Fix issue when identifier with multiple single quotes, e.g. `foo''` was used - * Allow omitting spaces around `=` in macro definitions - * Include pre-generated Parser.hs and Scan.hs in the Hackage upload, to - make bootstrapping easier. - -- Drop autom4te.cache/requests from doc to fix build-compare - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version 3.2.1 revision 1 with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version 3.2.1 with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version 3.1.7 revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- update to 3.1.7 - * Add support for %encoding directive (allows to control --latin1 from inside - Alex scripts) - * Make code forward-compatible with in-progress proposals - * Suppress more warnings - -- update to 3.1.6 - * drop dependency on happy - -- update to 3.1.5 -- drop alex-3.1.4-ghc-7.10.patch, merged by upstream - * Generate less warning-laden code, and suppress other warnings. - * Bug fixes. - -- add alex-3.1.4-ghc-7.10.patch - * temporary disable tests - -- update to 3.1.4 - * Add Applicative/Functor instances for GHC 7.10 +- Add alex at version analitza +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.04.3 + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + apache2 +- Add OpenSSL 3.x support: [bsc#1217722, jsc#PED-6570] + * Upstream: + * Add httpd-OpenSSL-3.patch + apparmor +- Add apparmor-abstractions-openssl-allow-version-specific-en.patch to + allow version specific engdef & engines openssl paths (boo#1219571) + +- Update to AppArmor 3.1.7 + - aa-logprof: don't skip exec events in hats + - fix aa-cleanprof to work with named profiles + - add permissions in various abstractions + - see + for the full list of changes +- drop upstreamed apparmor-systemd-sessions.patch + +- Add dovecot-unix_chkpwd.diff to allow dovecot-auth to execute + unix_chkpwd, and add a profile for unix_chkpwd. This is needed + for PAM 1.6 (boo#1219139) +- Refresh apparmor.keyring - the key was renewed + +- Actually apply the previously added patch for bsc#1216878 + +- Add apparmor-systemd-sessions.patch to allow read access to + /run/systemd/sessions/ (bsc#1216878) + apparmor:libapparmor +- Add apparmor-abstractions-openssl-allow-version-specific-en.patch to + allow version specific engdef & engines openssl paths (boo#1219571) + +- Update to AppArmor 3.1.7 + - aa-logprof: don't skip exec events in hats + - fix aa-cleanprof to work with named profiles + - add permissions in various abstractions + - see + for the full list of changes +- drop upstreamed apparmor-systemd-sessions.patch + +- Add dovecot-unix_chkpwd.diff to allow dovecot-auth to execute + unix_chkpwd, and add a profile for unix_chkpwd. This is needed + for PAM 1.6 (boo#1219139) +- Refresh apparmor.keyring - the key was renewed + +- Actually apply the previously added patch for bsc#1216878 + +- Add apparmor-systemd-sessions.patch to allow read access to + /run/systemd/sessions/ (bsc#1216878) + apptainer +- Updated apptainer to version 1.2.5 + * Added `libnvidia-nvvm` to `nvliblist.conf`. Newer NVIDIA + Drivers (known with >= 525.85.05) require this lib to compile + OpenCL programs against NVIDIA GPUs, i.e. `libnvidia-opencl` + depends on `libnvidia-nvvm`. + * Disable the usage of cgroup in instance creation when + `--fakeroot` is passed. + * Disable the usage of cgroup in instance creation when `hidepid` + mount option on `/proc` is set. + * Fixed a regression introduced in 1.2.0 where the user's + password file information was not copied in to the container + when there was a parent root-mapped user namespace (as is the + case for example in `cvmfsexec`). + * Added the upcoming NVIDIA driver library `` + to the list of libraries to add to NVIDIA GPU-enabled + containers. Fixed missing error handling during the creation + of an encrypted image that lead to the generation of corrupted + images. + * Use `APPTAINER_TMPDIR` for temporary files during privileged + image encryption. + * If rootless unified cgroups v2 is available when starting an + image but `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` or `DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS` is + not set, print an info message that stats will not be available + instead of exiting with a fatal error. + * Allow templated build arguments to definition files to have + empty values. +- Package .def templates separately for different SPs. + +- Do not build squashfuse, require it as a dependency. + Removed: squashfuse-0.1.105.tar.gz, 70.patch +- Replace awkward 'Obsoletes: singularity-*' as well as the + 'Provides: Singularity' by 'Conflicts:' and drop the provides - + the versioning scheme does not match and we do not automatically + migrate from one to the other. +- Exclude platforms which do not provide all build dependencies. + ark +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * Fix opening of AppImage files + * Fix checks using old ISO mimetype + * Don't hardcode bzip2 mimetype in tests + * Fix support for bzip2 format with shared-mime-info 2.3 + * Explicitly support new application/vnd.efi.iso mimetype + * snapcraft: bump content pack version. +- Drop patch, merged upstream: + * 0001-Fix-support-for-bzip2-format-with-shared-mime-info-2.patch + +- Add patch to fix bzip2 support with shared-mime-info >= 2.3: + * 0001-Fix-support-for-bzip2-format-with-shared-mime-info-2.patch +- Drop patch, not necessary since Leap 15.2: + * 0001-Support-building-against-libarchive-3.3.2-again.patch + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.1: + * snapcraft: put rar in list. + * snapcraft: rar in amd64 only. + * snapcraft: set qt plugin path in build and runtime env. + * snapcraft: Initial add file + * Drop unused ItemModels dependency + * Add missing KWindowSystem dependency + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Make sure welcomeview messages are extracted (kde#472341) + * Port QString::count() which is deprecated in qt6 + * Disable doc build for Qt6 for now + * Adjust CI to KF6 + * Adapt part metadata handling to KF6 + * Adapt part factory to KF6 + * Remove unused include + * Convert desktop file metadata to JSON for KF6 + * Allow building against KF6 libs + * doc: usa a non-deprecated entity in the man page + * loadtest: add test for a simple static library + * loadtest: test number of entries + * lastPathSegment: don't strip slash if it is the only character in the path (kde#469795) + * Update homepage URL to (kde#469583) + * Port sidebar to QDockWidget + * Small code improvements + * Fix leaking actions + * Call showWelcomeScreen() only when needed + * Bump KF_MIN_VERSION to 5.101 + * New welcome screen UI + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.1: + * lastPathSegment: don't strip slash if it is the only character in the path (kde#469795) + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + artikulate +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * snapcraft: bump content pack version, new dependency qtbase-private + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.1: + * snapcraft: try stage for data files. + * snapcraft: use override-prime to manipulate data files into the correct location. + * snapcraft: fix organize yaml for data. + * snapcraft: Fix path to where data is installed. Fix qqc env. + * snapcraft: fix artikulate-data plugin. + * snapcraft: Initial add snapcraft file + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Use NewStuff.Action instead of custom download page + * Modernized CourseModel codebase + * Remove extra ';' + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + assimp +- Reenable the Collada parser. +- Removed patch 0001-Don-t-build-the-collada-importer-exporter-tests.patch +- Add patch (boo#1207377, CVE-2022-45748) + * 0001-ColladaParser-check-values-length-5462.patch +- Improved tests filtering + attica-qt5 +- Update to 5.114.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.113.0 + +- Update to 5.113.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.112.0 + autofs +- Removed following upstreamed patches because of upgrade: + * autofs-5.1.6-fix-quoted-string-length-calc-in-expand.patch + * 0001-use_hostname_for_mounts-shouldn-t-prevent-selection-.patch + * 0002-Fix-monotonic_elapsed.patch Deleted + * 0003-autofs-5.1.4-fix-fd-leak-in-rpc_do_create_client.patch Deleted + * 0004-autofs-5.1.3-add-port-parameter-to-rpc_ping.patch + * 0005-autofs-5.1.4-fix-incorrect-locking-in-sss-lookup.patch + * autofs-5.1.3-revert-fix-argc-off-by-one-in-mount_aut.patch + * autofs-5-1-3-check-map-instances-for-staleness-on-map-update.patch + * autofs-5-1-3-fix-ordering-of-seteuid-setegid-in-do_spawn.patch + * autofs-5-1-3-fix-possible-map-instance-memory-leak.patch + * autofs-5.1.3-revert-fix-argc-off-by-one-in-mount_aut.patch + * autofs-5.1.6-fix-quoted-string-length-calc-in-expand.patch +- Add autofs-suse-manpage-remove-initdir.patch + Removes references of initdir from man pages (bsc#1207881) +- Move dbus-1 system.d file to /usr (bsc#1203362) +- Moved -autofs- file from user specif directory + /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d to vendor specific directory + /usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d. So, users changes can + still be done in /etc and will not be overwritten by an update. +- Use OPTIONS instead of AUTOFS_OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/autofs + (bsc#1199027) +- Add autofs-Test-TCP-request-correctly-in-nfs_get_info.patch + Fix bug when rpcbind not visible + (bsc#1195587 bsc#1195595) +- update to 5.1.8: + * add xdr_exports(). + * remove mount.x and rpcgen dependencies. + * dont use realloc in host exports list processing. + * use sprintf() when constructing hosts mapent. + * fix mnts_remove_amdmount() uses wrong list. + * Fix option for master read wait. + * eliminate cache_lookup_offset() usage. + * fix is mounted check on non existent path. + * simplify cache_get_parent(). + * set offset parent in update_offset_entry(). + * remove redundant variables from mount_autofs_offset(). + * remove unused parameter form do_mount_autofs_offset(). + * refactor umount_multi_triggers(). + * eliminate clean_stale_multi_triggers(). + * simplify mount_subtree() mount check. + * fix mnts_get_expire_list() expire list construction. + * fix inconsistent locking in umount_subtree_mounts(). + * fix return from umount_subtree_mounts() on offset list delete. + * pass mapent_cache to update_offset_entry(). + * fix inconsistent locking in parse_mount(). + * remove unused mount offset list lock functions. + * eliminate count_mounts() from expire_proc_indirect(). + * eliminate some strlen calls in offset handling. + * don't add offset mounts to mounted mounts table. + * reduce umount EBUSY check delay. + * cleanup cache_delete() a little. + * rename path to m_offset in update_offset_entry(). + * don't pass root to do_mount_autofs_offset(). + * rename tree implementation functions. + * add some multi-mount macros. + * remove unused functions cache_dump_multi() and cache_dump_cache(). + * add a len field to struct autofs_point. + * make tree implementation data independent. + * add mapent tree implementation. + * add tree_mapent_add_node(). + * add tree_mapent_delete_offsets(). + * add tree_mapent_traverse_subtree(). + * fix mount_fullpath(). + * add tree_mapent_cleanup_offsets(). + * add set_offset_tree_catatonic(). + * add mount and umount offsets functions. + * switch to use tree implementation for offsets. + * remove obsolete functions. + * remove redundant local var from sun_mount(). + * use mount_fullpath() in one spot in parse_mount(). + * pass root length to mount_fullpath(). + * remove unused function master_submount_list_empty(). + * move amd mounts removal into lib/mounts.c. + * check for offset with no mount location. + * remove mounts_mutex. + * remove unused variable from get_exports(). + * add missing free in handle_mounts(). + * remove redundant if check. + * fix possible memory leak in master_parse(). + * fix possible memory leak in mnts_add_amdmount(). + * fix double unlock in parse_mount(). + * add length check in umount_subtree_mounts(). + * fix flags check in umount_multi(). + * dont try umount after stat() ENOENT fail. + * remove redundant assignment in master_add_amd_mount_section_mounts(). + * fix dead code in mnts_add_mount(). + * fix arg not used in error print. + * fix missing lock release in mount_subtree(). + * fix double free in parse_mapent(). + * refactor lookup_prune_one_cache() a bit. + * cater for empty mounts list in mnts_get_expire_list(). + * add ext_mount_hash_mutex lock helpers. + * fix amd section mounts map reload. + * fix dandling symlink creation if nis support is not available. + * dont use AUTOFS_DEV_IOCTL_CLOSEMOUNT. + * fix lookup_prune_one_cache() refactoring change. + * fix amd hosts mount expire. + * fix offset entries order. + * use mapent tree root for tree_mapent_add_node(). + * eliminate redundant cache lookup in tree_mapent_add_node(). + * fix hosts map offset order. + * fix direct mount deadlock. + * add missing description of null map option. + * fix nonstrict offset mount fail handling. + * fix concat_options() error handling. + * eliminate some more alloca usage. + * use default stack size for threads. + * fix use of possibly NULL var in lookup_program.c:match_key(). + * fix incorrect print format specifiers in get_pkt(). + * add mapent path length check in handle_packet_expire_direct(). + * add copy length check in umount_autofs_indirect(). + * add some buffer length checks to master map parser. + * add buffer length check to rmdir_path(). + * eliminate buffer usage from handle_mounts_cleanup(). + * add buffer length checks to autofs mount_mount(). + * make NFS version check flags consistent. + * refactor get_nfs_info(). +- drop autofs-5.1.7-Fix-option-for-master_read_wait.patch, + autofs-5.1.7-use-default-stack-size-for-threads.patch: upstream +- autofs-5.1.7-use-default-stack-size-for-threads.patch: Use default + stack size for threads (bsc#1189199) +- Upgrade to 5.1.7 + - make bind mounts propagation slave by default. + - update ldap READMEs and schema definitions. + - fix program map multi-mount lookup after mount fail. + - fix browse dir not re-created on symlink expire. + - fix a regression with map instance lookup. + - correct fsf address. + - samples: fix Makefile targets' directory dependencies + - remove intr hosts map mount option. + - fix trailing dollar sun entry expansion. + - initialize struct addrinfo for getaddrinfo() calls. + - fix quoted string length calc in expandsunent(). + - fix autofs mount options construction. + - mount_nfs.c fix local rdma share not mounting. + - Remove unneeded second call to PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG. + - Do not append parentheses to PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG. + - Use PKG_CHECK_MODULES to detect the libxml2 library. + - fix ldap sasl reconnect problem. + - samples/ldap.schema fix. + - fix configure force shutdown check. + - fix crash in sun_mount(). + - fix lookup_nss_read_master() nsswicth check return. + - fix typo in open_sss_lib(). + - fix sss_master_map_wait timing. + - add sss ECONREFUSED return handling. + - use mapname in sss context for setautomntent(). + - add support for new sss autofs proto version call. + - fix retries check in setautomntent_wait(). + - refactor sss setautomntent(). + - improve sss setautomntent() error handling. + - refactor sss getautomntent(). + - improve sss getautomntent() error handling. + - sss introduce calculate_retry_count() function. + - move readall into struct master. + - sss introduce a flag to indicate map being read. + - update sss timeout documentation. + - refactor sss getautomntbyname(). + - improve sss getautomntbyname() error handling. + - use a valid timeout in lookup_prune_one_cache(). + - dont prune offset map entries. + - simplify sss source stale check. + - include linux/nfs.h directly in rpc_subs.h. + - fix typo in daemon/automount.c. + - fix direct mount unlink_mount_tree() path. + - fix unlink mounts umount order. + - fix incorrect logical compare in unlink_mount_tree(). + - use bit flag for force unlink mounts. + - improve force unlink option description. + - remove command fifo on autofs mount fail. + - add force unlink mounts and exit option. + - cleanup stale logpri fifo pipes on unlink and exit. + - fix incorrect systemctl command syntax in autofs(8). + - update list.h. + - add hashtable implementation. + - change mountpoint to mp in struct ext_mount. + - make external mounts independent of amd_entry. + - make external mounts use simpler hashtable. + - add a hash index to mnt_list. + - use mnt_list for submounts. + - use mnt_list for amdmounts. + - make umount_autofs() static. + - remove force parameter from umount_all(). + - fix remount expire. + - fix stale offset directories disable mount. + - use struct mnt_list to track mounted mounts. + - use struct mnt_list mounted list for expire. + - remove unused function tree_get_mnt_list(). + - only add expre alarm for active mounts. + - move submount check into conditional_alarm_add(). + - move lib/master.c to daemon/master.c. + - use master_list_empty() for list empty check. + - add helper to construct mount point path. + - check defaults_read_config() return. + - move AUTOFS_LIB to end of build rule lines. + - make autofs.a a shared library. + - make lookup_file.c nss map read status return handling consistent. + - fix empty mounts list return from unlink_mount_tree(). +- Refreshed autofs-5.1.1-dbus-udisks-monitor.patch +- Replaced automount-fix-master-wait.patch with upstream patch + autofs-5.1.7-Fix-option-for-master_read_wait.patch +- automount-fix-master-wait.patch: Fix options string for master wait + (bsc#1178006) +- autofs-nsswitch-usr-etc.patch: Use /usr/etc/nsswitch.conf if + /etc/nsswitch.con is unavailable (bsc#1175238) +- Upgrade to 5.1.6 + - support strictexpire mount option. + - fix hesiod string check in master_parse(). + - add NULL check for get_addr_string() return. + - use malloc(3) in spawn.c. + - add mount_verbose configuration option. + - optionally log mount requestor process info. + - log mount call arguments if mount_verbose is set. + - Fix NFS mount from IPv6 addresses. + - make expire remaining log level debug. + - allow period following macro in selector value. + - fix macro expansion in selector values. + - fix typing errors. + - Explain /etc/auto.master.d usage. + - plus map includes are only allowed in file sources. + - Update README. + - fix additional typing errors. + - update autofs(8) offset map entry update description. + - increase group buffer size geometrically. + - also use strictexpire for offsets. + - remove unused function has_fstab_option(). + - remove unused function reverse_mnt_list(). + - remove a couple of old debug messages. + - fix amd entry memory leak. + - fix unlink_mount_tree() not umounting mounts. + - use ignore option for offset mounts as well. + - add config option for "ignore" mount option + - use bit flags for autofs mount types in mnt_list. + - use mp instead of path in mnt_list entries. + - always use PROC_MOUNTS to make mount lists. + - add glibc getmntent_r(). + - use local getmntent_r in table_is_mounted(). + - refactor unlink_active_mounts() in direct.c. + - don't use tree_is_mounted() for mounted checks. + - use single unlink_umount_tree() for both direct and indirect mounts. + - move unlink_mount_tree() to lib/mounts.c. + - use local_getmntent_r() for unlink_mount_tree(). + - use local getmntent_r() in get_mnt_list(). + - use local getmntent_r() in tree_make_mnt_list(). + - fix missing initialization of autofs_point flags. +- NetworkManager-autofs: reload rather than restart autofs.service + * If complex network setups are being brought up, autofs.service + may be restarted too quickly, causing systemd to consider the + service failed. "reload" avoids that, and works just fine. +- Fix autofs restart when Networkmanager connection is brought up + * NetworkManager-autofs: /bin/systemctl has been removed in + systemd-244 +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel: + allow OBS to shortcut by using systemd-devel-mini. +- Remove legacy LSB-init script code, we don't have that anymore. +- Drop pre-12.2 parts from build recipe +- Switch %systemd_requires to %systemd_ordering, since %service_* + can deal with its absence. +- Upgrade to 5.1.5 + - fix flag file permission. + - fix directory create permission. + - fix use after free in do_master_list_reset(). + - fix deadlock in dumpmaps. + - dont use array for path when not necessary. + - fix prefix option handling in expand_entry(). + - fix sublink option not set from defaults. + - fix error return in do_nfs_mount(). + - add error handling for ext_mount_add(). + - account for recent libnsl changes. + - use_hostname_for_mounts shouldn't prevent selection among replicas. + - fix monotonic_elapsed. + - Makefiles.rules: remove 'samples' from SUBDIRS. + - dont allow trailing slash in master map mount points. + - fix libresolv configure check. + - add fedfs-getsrvinfo.c. + - add mount.fedfs.c. + - add fedfs-map-nfs4.c. + - add conditional inclusion of fedfs binaries. + - add an example fedfs master map entry to the installed master map. + - improve hostname lookup error logging. + - fix rpm spec install premissions on and auto.smb. + - tiny patch for autofs typo and possible bug. + - add units After line to include statd service. + - use systemd sd_notify() at startup. + - fix NFS version mask usage. + - fix fd leak in rpc_do_create_client(). + - add-man page note about extra slashes in paths. + - change expire type naming to better reflect usage. + - use defines for expire type. + - enable SIGUSR2 handling in rpm spec file. + - fix age setting at startup. + - fix update_negative_cache() map source usage. + - fix program usage message. + - mark removed cache entry negative. + - set bind mount as propagation slave. + - add master map pseudo options for mount propagation. + - fix use after free in parse_ldap_config(). + - fix incorrect locking in sss lookup. + - fix amd parser opts option handling. + - fix possible NULL pointer dereference in get_defaults_entry(). + - better handle hesiod support not built in. + - fix indent in automount(8) man page. + - remove autofs4 module load code. + - add NULL check in prepare_attempt_prefix(). + - update build info with systemd. + - use flags for startup boolean options. + - move close stdio descriptors to become_daemon(). + - add systemd service command line option. + - refactor negative map entry check. + - remove unused function dump_master(). + - remove unused function dump_state_queue(). + - remove couple of undeeded requires. + - Removed patches: + * autofs-5-1-3-fix-ordering-of-seteuid-setegid-in-do_spawn.patch + * autofs-5-1-3-fix-possible-map-instance-memory-leak.patch + * autofs-5-1-3-check-map-instances-for-staleness-on-map-update.patch + * 0001-use_hostname_for_mounts-shouldn-t-prevent-selection-.patch + * 0002-Fix-monotonic_elapsed.patch + * 0003-autofs-5.1.4-fix-fd-leak-in-rpc_do_create_client.patch + - Updated spec file to use native autofs service files + autoyast2 +- jsc#PED-6407 + - enabled lvm_vg_reuse to be used in general/storage/proposal + section +- 4.6.6 + +- Install standard SLES when the AY XML profile selects SLE_HPC, + it has been dropped in SP6 (jsc#PED-7841) +- 4.6.5 + baloo5 +- Update to 5.114.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.113.0: + * [IndexCleaner] Remove no-op recursion over includedFolders + * [ExtractorProcess] Remove unused members + * [TimeEstimator] Cleanup, remove QObject depency + * Use forward declaration for Baloo::Database + * Remove inacurate mimetype check in xattrindexer and indexcleaner + +- Update to 5.113.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.112.0: + * Remove two obsolete benchmark tests + * [ExtractorProcess] Handle signal mangling by DrKonqi + * [ExtractorProcess] Test the various processing states + * [ExtractorProcess] Make the extractor process path a constructor argument + * [BasicIndexingBenchmark] Allow to keep temporary DB + * [QueryTest] Add test case for terms folded to empty strings + * [DocumentUrlDb] Reduce allocations during path reconstruction + * Shortcut non-matching phrase queries + * [EngineQuery] Remove AND/OR operations + * [QueryTest] Move AND/OR queries to searchstring tests + * [QueryParser] Remove it, as it is no longer used + * [SearchStore] Always use TermGenerator instead of QueryParser + * [Extractor] Do not emit startedIndexingFile for skipped documents + * Remove dead registerBalooWatcher DBus method + * [FileWatchTest] Check attr changed signal when XAttr is not available + * [FileWatchTest] Clean up and enhance result checks + * [FileWatchTest] Replace common boilerplate with RAII + * [KInotify] Fix _k_addWatches helper when hitting descriptor limit + * [KInotify] Simplify dirIter logic, use unique_ptr + * [KInotify] Always add all watches in the event loop + * [KInotifyTest] Extend renaming tests + * [KInotifyTest] Move common boilerplate to init + * [KInotify] Silence EventMoveSelf warning when not relevant + * [KInotify] Removed unused and obsolete `available()` method + +- Update to 5.112.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.111.0: + * [PendingFile] Remove default constructor, METATYPE declaration + * [PendingFile] Remove unused and incorrect setPath method + +- Update to 5.111.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.110.0: + * Use the FSID as the device identifier where possible (kde#402154) + +- Update to 5.110.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.109.0 + +- Update to 5.109.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.108.0: + * Document uses and abuses of Baloo::IndexerConfig + * [BalooSearch] Add sort order option + * [Codecs] Make encode/decode methods static, cleanup + * [QueryTest] Add full stack test + * [TermGeneratorTest] Extend phrase coverage + * [AdvancedQueryParserTest] Extend phrase coverage + * [SearchStore] Move private helpers to anonymous namespace + * [BasicIndexingJob] Ignore filename based mimetype for empty files + * Reduce filesystem dependencies in more tests + * [DocumentUrlDbTest] Remove file system dependencies from test + * [DocumentUrlDb] Split document addition and file tree creation + * [DocumentUrlDbTest] Use explicit recursion when walking directory tree + * [Transaction] Use DocumentUrlDB::contains + * [DocumentUrlDB] Add `contains` method + * Remove proxy for obsolete org.kde.baloo interface + * [Transaction] Remove Transaction::exec convenience method + * Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers + +- Update to 5.108.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.107.0: + * [Document] Fix parameter name for setParentId + * [WriteTransaction] Avoid false warning when removing empty xattr terms + * [DocumentUrlDB] Remove recursive removal of parent directories + * [AdvancedQueryParser] Correctly parse empty quoted strings + * [AdvancedQueryParser] Fix minor error in test case + * Remove qt6 CI builds + * [UnindexedFileIndexer] Split into multiple transactions + * [FirstRunIndexer] Split initial index run into multiple transactions + * Move basic indexing test/benchmark to autotests + * [BasicIndexingTest] Add options for transaction size and index dir + * [WriteIoTest] Set required parent id + * Minor fixes for manual tests + * Fix signedness mismatch compiler warning + * Fix compiler warning by using an STL-style iterator instead + * Remove redundant transactiontest + * [UnindexedFileIndexer] Skip document when BasicIndexingJob fails + * [Transaction] Allow to fully reset the transaction state + * [WriteTransactionTest] Use unique_ptr for DB and temp dir + * [Transaction] Use unique_ptr for write transaction + * Verify parentId when adding documents + * [DatabaseDbis] Use default member initializers instead of constructor + * Remove unused QMimeDatabase instance from UnindexedFileIndexer + +- Update to 5.107.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.106.0: + * Use common helper for Property/JSON conversion + * Don't install D-Bus interfaces without BUILD_INDEXER_SERVICE + * Make building of the service optional, add packaging documentation + * Minor fixes for DocumentUrlDB::updateUrl method + * [IdTreeDB] Consolidate put/del into common set + * [MetadataMoverTest] Add some more test documentation + * Remove dead code paths from DocumentUrlDB::del + * Cleanup some leftover stale code + * Use more RAII in unit tests + * port to standard C++ smart pointers where possible + * Add some documentation for DocumentDB/DocumentIdDB + * [balooshow] Improve display of property and plaintext terms + * Move KFileMetaData documentation reference up + +- Update to 5.106.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.105.0: + * baloosearch: Inform the user when the specified dir is not canonical + * aggressively resource constrain baloo_file + +- Update to 5.105.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.104.0: + * Add conventional python virtual-env folder to exclude filters + * [TermGenerator] Skip all unprintable characters + * Define the translation domain of BalooEngine + +- Update to 5.104.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.103.0: + * extactor: add KAboutData + +- Update to 5.103.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.102.0: + * Fix automoc issues on generated DBus source files + * Don't skip automoc for DBus interfaces + baloo5-widgets +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Too many changes since 23.04.3, only listing bugfixes: + * Fix displaying image dimensions with exiv2 0.28 (kde#470859) + * Allow FileMetata properties on desktop and recentlyused (kde#460117) + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.1: + * Allow FileMetata properties on desktop and recentlyused (kde#460117) + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + baobab +- Convert to source service for easier updating. + bcache-tools +- Update to snapshot 1.1+git37.a5e3753 + * support ``bcache show -d`` for nvdimm-meta device +- Abolish /usr/bin/env [boo#1216370] +- Delete (merged): + 0001-bcache-tools-set-zoned-size-aligned-data_offset-on-b.patch + 0002-bcache-tools-add-is_zoned_device.patch + 0003-bcache-tools-convert-writeback-to-writethrough-mode-.patch + 0004-bcache-tools-add-struct-cache_sb_disk-into-bcache.h.patch + 0005-bcache-tools-bitwise.h-more-swap-bitwise-for-differe.patch + 0006-bcache-tools-list.h-only-define-offsetof-when-it-is-.patch + 0007-bcache-tools-add-to_cache_sb-and-to_cache_sb_disk.patch + 0008-bcache-tools-define-separated-super-block-for-in-mem.patch + 0009-bcache-tools-upgrade-super-block-versions-for-featur.patch + 0010-bcache-tools-add-large_bucket-incompat-feature.patch + 0011-bcache-tools-add-print_cache_set_supported_feature_s.patch + 0012-bcache-tools-Fix-potential-coredump-issues.patch + 0013-bcache-tools-Export-CACHED_UUID-and-CACHED_LABEL.patch + 0014-bcache-tools-Remove-the-dependency-on-libsmartcols.patch + 0015-bcache-tools-make-permit-only-one-cache-device-to-be.patch + 0016-bcache-tools-add-bcache-status.patch + 0017-bcache-tools-add-man-page-bcache-status.8.patch + 0018-Makefile-install-bcache-status.patch + 0019-bcache.h-fix-typo-from-SUUP-to-SUPP.patch + 0020-bcache-tools-only-call-set_bucket_size-for-cache-dev.patch + 0021-bcache.h-add-BCH_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_LARGE_BUCKET-to-BC.patch + 0022-bcache-tools-check-incompatible-feature-set.patch + 0023-bcache-tools-introduce-BCH_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_LOG_LARG.patch + 0024-bcache-tools-display-obsoleted-bucket-size-configura.patch + 0025-bcache-tools-recover-the-missing-sb.csum-for-showing.patch + 0026-bcache-tools-only-call-to_cache_sb-for-bcache-device.patch + 0027-bcache-tools-improve-column-alignment-for-bcache-sho.patch + 0028-bcache-tools-Update-super-block-version-in-bch_set_f.patch + 0029-bcache-tools-improve-is_zoned_device.patch + bcc +- Switch to LLVM 17 +- Change LLVM version macro to the cleaner alternative suggested in + SR#1134405 +- Update to version 0.29.1 + * support for kernel up to 6.6. + * new bcc tools: rdmaucma + * bcc tool update: tcpstates, statsnoop, runqlat, bio tools, + tcptop, slabratetop, tcprtt, etc. + * doc update, other bug fixes and tools improvement, and some new + enhancement for powerpc and riscv. + +- Remove unneeded Requires on python3-future. + bind +- Update to new Major Version 9.18.24. + This has many enhancements, bug fixes and changes. + Breaking Changes: + * Some options have been removed and some have been deprecated + and will be removed in the future. + For a complete list, see: + + Major Changes: + * Support for securing DNS traffic using Transport Layer Security + (TLS). TLS is used by both DNS-over-TLS (DoT) and + DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH). + * Support for zone transfers over TLS (XFR-over-TLS, XoT) for + both incoming and outgoing zone transfers. + * The dig tool is now able to send DoT queries (+tls option). + * Support for OpenSSL 3.0 APIs was added. + * dnssec-checkds, dnssec-coverage, dnssec-keymgr, which have been + removed in favor of the dnssec-policy feature + * python3-bind is deprecated and the subpackage has been removed + * A number of utilities have been moved from /usr/sbin to + /usr/bin: + named-checkconf named-checkzone named-compilezone + dnssec-dsfromkey dnssec-importkey dnssec-keyfromlabel + dnssec-keygen dnssec-revoke dnssec-settime dnssec-signzone + dnssec-verify dnssec-cds named-journalprint nsec3hash + * The lib directory was renamed from 'named' to 'bind' + For a complete list of changes, see: + * Bind Release Notes + + * The CHANGES file in the source RPM + Security Fixes: + * Validating DNS messages containing a lot of DNSSEC signatures + could cause excessive CPU load, leading to a denial-of-service + condition. This has been fixed. (CVE-2023-50387) + [bsc#1219823] + * Preparing an NSEC3 closest encloser proof could cause excessive + CPU load, leading to a denial-of-service condition. This has + been fixed. (CVE-2023-50868) + [bsc#1219826] + * Parsing DNS messages with many different names could cause + excessive CPU load. This has been fixed. (CVE-2023-4408) + [bsc#1219851] + * Specific queries could cause named to crash with an assertion + failure when nxdomain-redirect was enabled. This has been + fixed. (CVE-2023-5517) + [bsc#1219852] + * A bad interaction between DNS64 and serve-stale could cause + named to crash with an assertion failure, when both of these + features were enabled. This has been fixed. (CVE-2023-5679) + [bsc#1219853] + * Query patterns that continuously triggered cache database + maintenance could cause an excessive amount of memory to be + allocated, exceeding max-cache-size and potentially leading to + all available memory on the host running named being exhausted. + This has been fixed. (CVE-2023-6516) + [bsc#1219854] + Packaging notes: + * libnghttps2 added as BuildRequires for tls support + * named-bootconf.diff patch is obsolete and has been removed + [jsc#PED-7932] +- Update KillMode to 'control-group' in named.service to handle + forked processes better. + [bsc#1215755] + bitcoin -- fixed upstream version number change: it's not 0.x anymore +- Enable LTO and test package for Leap +- Enable sqlite3 support for wallet +- Enable asm optimizations unconditionally + +- Provide user/group symbol for user created during pre. + +- Update to version 26.0: + * doc: update release notes for 26.0 + * doc: update manual pages for 26.0 + * build: bump version to v26.0 final + * doc: update release notes for v26.0rc3 + * doc: update manual pages for v26.0rc3 + * build: bump version to v26.0rc3 + * build: Fix regression in "ARMv8 CRC32 intrinsics" test + * ci: Avoid toolset ambiguity that MSVC can't handle + * p2p: do not make automatic outbound connections to addnode peers + * ci: Switch from `apt` to `apt-get` + * ci: Update apt cache + * pool: change memusage_test to use int64_t, add allocation check + * pool: make sure PoolAllocator uses the correct alignment + * doc: regenerate example bitcoin.conf + * doc: rewrite explanation for -par= + * doc: update manual pages for v26.0rc2 + * build: bump version to v26.0rc2 + * gui: fix crash on selecting "Mask values" in transaction view + * guix: update signapple + * guix: Zip needs to include all files with time as SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH + * test: add coverage for snapshot chainstate not matching AssumeUTXO parameters + * assumeutxo, blockstorage: prevent core dump on invalid hash + * [test] Test i2p private key constraints + * [net] Check i2p private key constraints + * bugfix: Mark CNoDestination and PubKeyDestination constructor explicit + * qt: 26.0rc2 translations update + * doc: generate example bitcoin.conf for v26.0rc1 + * doc: generate manual pages for v26.0rc1 + * build: bump version to v26.0rc1 + * qt: 26.0rc1 translations update + * doc: consolidate release note fragments + * test: enable reindex readonly test on *BSD and macOS as root + * ci: Add missing --external to podman image prune + * Revert "gui: provide wallet controller context to wallet actions" + * doc: add historical release notes for 24.2 + * chainparams, assumeutxo: Fix signet txoutset hash + * chainparams, assumeutxo: Fix testnet txoutset hash + * assumeutxo: Check deserialized coins for out of range values + * docs: Add release notes for #28685 + * scripted-diff: Rename hash_serialized_2 to hash_serialized_3 + * coinstats: Fix hash_serialized2 calculation + * fuzz: Increase merge -rss_limit_mb + * refactor: Remove CBlockFileInfo::SetNull + * build: Include `config/bitcoin-config.h` explicitly in `util/trace.h` + * [fuzz] Delete i2p target + * log: Don't log cache rebalancing in absense of a snapshot chainstate + * test: De-dublicate/optimize assumeutxo test for further extensions + * test: check au file with changed outpoint index + * test: Check tx metadata is migrated to watchonly + * wallet: Reload watchonly and solvables wallets after migration + * wallet: Copy all tx metadata to watchonly wallet + * build: move -fstack-reuse=none to CORE_CXXFLAGS + * docs: Add reference to total.coverage report + * test: Fix failing time check in + * test: Check that a failed wallet migration is cleaned up + * doc: add historical release notes for 25.1 + * test: assumeutxo file with unknown block hash + * test: Add assumeutxo test for wrong hash + * assumeutxo: fail early if snapshot block hash doesn't match AssumeUTXO parameters + * fuzz: Allow multiple --m_dir args + * net: remove unused CConnman::FindNode(const CSubNet&) + * netbase: possibly change the result of LookupSubNet() to CJDNS + * doc: add release note for #27460 (new `importmempool` RPC) + * gui: disable top bar menu actions during shutdown + * gui: provide wallet controller context to wallet actions + * miniscript: make GetWitnessSize accurate for tapscript + * test: add tests for miniscript GetWitnessSize + * test: remove mutable global contexts in miniscript fuzzer/test + * fuzz: Merge with -set_cover_merge=1 + * lint: Include test_utxo_snapshots in lint_shell + * fuzz: add coverage for `bitcoinconsensus_verify_script_with_spent_outputs` + * docs: add release notes for #28539 + * docs: add docs for additional libconsensus functions + * docs: link to rust-bitcoinconsensus + * lib: add Taproot support to libconsensus + * test: fix `assert_debug_log` call-site bugs, add type checks + * ci: always prune all dangling bitcoin-ci-test images + * ci: Add missing CI_RETRY_EXE before git clone + * ci: Export `IN_GETOPT_BIN` on macOS + * Revert "ci: Upgrading pip version in macos environment" + * ci: add label to docker images + * test: Fuzz merge with -use_value_profile=0 for now + * ci: Bump asan + * ci: Drop no longer needed `NOLINTNEXTLINE` + * tidy: modernize-use-emplace + * test: Check snapshot file with wrong number of coins + * refactor: Remove unused nchaintx from SnapshotMetadata constructor + * test: don't run old binaries under valgrind + * test: BIP324: add check for missing garbage terminator detection + * doc: assumeutxo prune and index notes + * ci: Install Android API 31 platform as Qt expects + * test: Add Wallet Unlock Context Manager + * test: Use pathlib over os.path #28362 + * build: add `-mbranch-protection=bti` to aarch64 hardening flags + * devtools: sleep cleanup and documentation + * contrib: add test for macOS linker version to symbol-check + * depends: update LD64_VERSION to 711 + * ci: use LLVM/Clang 17 in tidy job + * ci: use LLVM 17.0.2 in MSAN jobs + * test: check that loading snapshot not matching AssumeUTXO parameters fails + * docs: fix typo + * test: fix usdt undeclared function errors on mantis + * test: Unit test for inferring scripts with hybrid and uncompressed keys + * test: Scripts with hybrid pubkeys are migrated to watchonly + * descriptors: Move InferScript's pubkey validity checks to InferPubkey + * descriptors: Check result of InferPubkey + * ci: move-only CI_CONTAINER_ID to + * ci: Work around podman stop bug + * ci: Add set -ex to + * ci: Rename 04_install to 02_run_container + * qt: Update translation source file for v26.0 string freeze + * Adjust Gradle properties + * miniscript: remove P2WSH-specific part of GetStackSize doc comment + * qa: bound testing for TapMiniscript + * miniscript: have a custom Node destructor + * qa: Tapscript Miniscript signing functional tests + * qa: list descriptors in Miniscript signing functional tests + * script/sign: Miniscript support in Tapscript + * MOVEONLY: script/sign: move Satisfier declaration above Tapscript signing + * qa: functional test Miniscript inside Taproot descriptors + * descriptor: parse Miniscript expressions within Taproot descriptors + * descriptor: Tapscript-specific Miniscript key serialization / parsing + * fuzz: miniscript: higher sensitivity for max stack size limit under Tapscript + * qa: test Miniscript max stack size tracking + * miniscript: check maximum stack size during execution + * fuzz: adapt Miniscript targets to Tapscript + * qa: Tapscript-Miniscript unit tests + * pubkey: introduce a GetEvenCorrespondingCPubKey helper + * miniscript: account for keys as being 32 bytes under Taproot context + * miniscript: adapt resources checks depending on context + * serialize: make GetSizeOfCompactSize constexpr + * miniscript: sanity asserts context in ComputeType + * miniscript: make 'd:' have the 'u' property under Tapscript context + * miniscript: introduce a multi_a fragment + * miniscript: restrict multi() usage to P2WSH context + * miniscript: store the script context within the Node structure + * miniscript: introduce a MsContext() helper to contexts + * miniscript: don't anticipate signature presence in CalcStackSize() + * miniscript: add a missing dup key check bypass in Parse() + * gui: fix coin control input size accounting for taproot spends + * gui: remove legacy wallet creation + * rpc: Use Ensure(Any)Chainman in assumeutxo related RPCs + * doc: Drop references to assumevalid in assumeutxo docs + * test: Rename wait_until_helper to wait_until_helper_internal + * chain: Rename HaveTxsDownloaded to HaveNumChainTxs + * blockstorage: Let FlushChainstateBlockFile return true in case of missing cursor + * validation, test: Improve and document nChainTx check for testability + * doc: Add snapshot chainstate removal warning to reindexing documentation + * test: Improvements of feature_assumeutxo + * doc: Add and edit some comments around assumeutxo + * validation: remove unused mempool param in DetectSnapshotChainstate + * test: Use feerate higher than minrelay fee in wallet_fundraw + * doc: update example pulls in + * github actions: Fix test-one-commit when parent of head is merge commit + * wallet: No BDB creation, unless -deprecatedrpc=create_bdb + * assumeutxo: change getchainstates RPC to return a list of chainstates + * net: move MaybeFlipIPv6toCJDNS() from net to netbase + * net: move IsReachable() code to netbase and encapsulate it + * fuzz: ConsumeNetAddr(): avoid IPv6 addresses that look like CJDNS + * net: put CJDNS prefix byte in a constant + * test: display abrupt shutdown errors in console output + * i2p: destroy the session if we get an unexpected error from the I2P router + * i2p: also sleep after errors in Accept() + * ci: Avoid cache depends/build + * test: Bump walletpassphrase timeouts to avoid intermittent issues + * headerssync: update params for 26.x + * kernel: update m_assumed_* chain params for 26.x + * kernel: update chainTxData for 26.x + * kernel: update nMinimumChainWork & defaultAssumeValid for 26.x + * qt: enable -ltcg for windows HOST + * test: BIP324: add checks for v1 prefix matching / wrong network magic detection + * gui: Add wallet name to address book page + * ci: Only run functional tests on windows in master + * tests: assumeutxo: accept final height from either chainstate + * descriptors: disallow hybrid public keys + * test: assumeutxo: avoid race in functional test + * test: add wait_for_connect to BitcoinTestFramework.connect_nodes + * net: raise V1_PREFIX_LEN from 12 to 16 + * build: Update qt package up to 5.15.10 + * [test] Make PeerManager's rng deterministic in tests + * [net processing] FeeFilterRounder doesn't own a FastRandomContext + * [net processing] Make fee filter rounder non-global + * qt: Add "Session id" label to peer details + * refactor: add and use EnsureAnyAddrman in rpc + * doc: add release notes for #27511 + * rpc: `getaddrmaninfo` followups + * typo: in + * ci: Print Linux kernel info + * http: bugfix: track closed connection + * http: log connection instead of request count + * http: refactor: use encapsulated HTTPRequestTracker + * depends: fix unusable memory_resource in macos qt build + * [net processing] Addr shuffle uses PeerManager's rng + * [net processing] PushAddress uses PeerManager's rng + * [net processing] PeerManager holds a FastRandomContext + * qt: Add "Transport" label to peer details + * doc: mention BIP324 support in + * test: enable v2 transport between nodes in some functional tests + * test: Functional test for opportunistic encryption + * net: expose transport types/session IDs of connections in RPC and logs + * net: reconnect with V1Transport under certain conditions + * sync: modernize CSemaphore / CSemaphoreGrant + * rpc: addnode arg to use BIP324 v2 p2p + * net: use V2Transport when NODE_P2P_V2 service flag is present + * rpc: don't report v2 handshake bytes in the per-type sent byte statistics + * net: advertise NODE_P2P_V2 if CLI arg -v2transport is on + * chainparams: add signet assumeutxo param at height 160_000 + * chainparams: add testnet assumeutxo param at height 2_500_000 + * test: getrawaddrman RPC + * rpc: getrawaddrman for addrman entries + * bench: drop NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS from disconnected_txs + * doc: fix link to file in + * [doc] add release note for submitpackage + * [rpc] allow submitpackage to be called outside of regtest + * [rpc] require package to be a tree in submitpackage + * [txpackages] IsChildWithParentsTree() + * [doc] parent pay for child in aggregate CheckFeeRate + * test: add coverage to + * doc: add note about confusing HaveTxsDownloaded name + * contrib: add script to demo/test assumeutxo + * test: add feature_assumeutxo functional test + * rpc: add getchainstates + * refuse to activate a UTXO snapshot if mempool not empty + * rpc: add loadtxoutset + * validation: do not activate snapshot if behind active chain + * validation: assumeutxo: swap m_mempool on snapshot activation + * blockstorage: segment normal/assumedvalid blockfiles + * validation: populate nChainTx value for assumedvalid chainstates + * test: adjust chainstate tests to use recognized snapshot base + * validation: pruning for multiple chainstates + * validation: indexing changes for assumeutxo + * net_processing: validationinterface: ignore some events for bg chain + * wallet: validationinterface: only handle active chain notifications + * validationinterface: only send zmq notifications for active + * validation: pass ChainstateRole for validationinterface calls + * validation: only call UpdatedBlockTip for active chainstate + * validation: add ChainstateRole + * validation: MaybeRebalanceCaches when chain leaves IBD + * chainparams: add blockhash to AssumeutxoData + * assumeutxo: remove snapshot during -reindex{-chainstate} + * bugfix: correct is_snapshot_cs in VerifyDB + * net_processing: Request assumeutxo background chain blocks + * Add instructions for to + * Update parameters in headerssync.cpp + * Add script to the repository + * lint: fix custom mypy cache dir setting + * Add package evaluation fuzzer + * key: don't allocate secure mem for null (invalid) key + * Add make_secure_unique helper + * wallet: Add TxStateString function for debugging and logging + * tests: Use manual bumps instead of bumpfee for resendwallettransactions + * test: Avoid test failure on Linux root without cap-add LINUX_IMMUTABLE + * build, macos: Fix `qt` package build with new Xcode 15 linker + * net: Simplify v2 recv logic by decoupling AAD from state machine + * net: Drop v2 garbage authentication packet + * test: Test loading wallets with conflicts without a chain + * wallet: Check last block and conflict height are valid in MarkConflicted + * rpc: bumpfee, improve doc for 'reduce_output' arg + * ci: Install Homebrew's `pkg-config` package + * bench: Add SHA256 implementation specific benchmarks + * Add ability to specify SHA256 implementation for benchmark purposes + * doc: Be vague instead of wrong about MALLOC_ARENA_MAX + * test: add unit test coverage for Python ECDSA implementation + * Add functional test to catch too large vsize packages + * Handle over-sized (in virtual bytes) packages with no in-mempool ancestors + * Bugfix: Pass correct virtual size to CheckPackageLimits + * Replace MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE with MAX_PACKAGE_WEIGHT to avoid vbyte confusion + * test: add functional test for getaddrmaninfo + * ci: Use nproc over MAKEJOBS in 01_base_install + * Remove SER_GETHASH, hard-code client version in CKeyPool serialize + * Remove CHashWriter type + * Remove unused GetType() from OverrideStream, CVectorWriter, SpanReader + * Add regression test for m_limit mutation + * contrib/bash-completions: use package naming conventions + * fuzz: Add missing PROVIDE_FUZZ_MAIN_FUNCTION guard to __AFL_FUZZ_INIT + * rpc: Introduce getaddrmaninfo for count of addresses stored in new/tried table + * ci: Reintroduce fixed "test-each-commit" job + * doc: add release note + * test: check `descriptorprocesspsbt` return hex encoded tx + * rpc: `descriptorprocesspsbt` return hex encoded tx + * Refactor: Replace 'isMockableChain' with inline 'ChainType' check for 'submitpackage' + * build: remove dmg dependencies + * macdeploy: remove DMG generation from deploy script + * build: produce a .zip for macOS distribution + * build: add -zip option to macdeployqtplus + * Return CAutoFile from BlockManager::Open*File() + * Make BufferedFile to be a CAutoFile wrapper + * refactor: Drop unused fclose() from BufferedFile + * tests: fix incorrect assumption in v2transport_test + * Remove MemPoolAccept::m_limits, only have local copies for carveouts + * doc: Remove confusing assert linter + * test: cover read-only blockstore + * [fuzz] Don't use afl++ deferred forkserver mode + * build: use _LIBCPP_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE over ENABLE_ASSERTIONS + * Revert "Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#28279: ci: Add test-each-commit task" + * ci: use LLVM 17.0.0 in MSAN jobs + * scripted-diff: use SER_PARAMS_OPFUNC + * serialize: add SER_PARAMS_OPFUNC + * serialize: specify type for ParamsWrapper not ref + * serialize: move ser_action functions out of global namespace + * Amend bumpfee for inputs with overlapping ancestry + * Bump unconfirmed parent txs to target feerate + * coinselection: Move GetSelectionWaste into SelectionResult + * [node] interface to get bump fees + * Make MiniMinerMempoolEntry fields private + * Remove unused imports + * Fix calculation of ancestor set feerates in test + * Match tx names to index in miniminer overlap test + * [test] mempool coins disappearing mid-package evaluation + * [refactor] split setup in mempool_limit test + * [test framework] add ability to spend only confirmed utxos + * [validation] don't LimitMempoolSize in any subpackage submissions + * [validation] return correct result when already-in-mempool tx gets evicted + * [refactor] back-fill results in AcceptPackage + * [validation] make PackageMempoolAcceptResult members mutable + * [validation] add AcceptSubPackage to delegate Accept* calls and clean up m_view + * [CCoinsViewMemPool] track non-base coins and allow Reset + * [policy] check for duplicate txids in package + * fuzz: Rework addr fuzzing + * fuzz: Drop unused params from serialize helpers + * make DisconnectedBlockTransactions responsible for its own memory management + * MOVEONLY: DisconnectedBlockTransactions to its own file + * rewrite DisconnectedBlockTransactions as a list + map + * ci: clang-17 for fuzz and tsan + * Do not use std::vector = {} to release memory + * add std::list to memusage + * [bench] DisconnectedBlockTransactions + * [refactor] Remove compat.h from kernel headers + * [refactor] Remove netaddress.h from kernel headers + * [refactor] Add CChainParams member to CConnman + * [refactor] Add missing includes for next commit + * kernel: Move MessageStartChars to its own file + * [refactor] Define MessageStartChars as std::array + * [refactor] Allow std::array in serialize.h + * gui: macOS, make appMenuBar part of the main app window + * wallet: Use CTxDestination in CRecipient rather than scriptPubKey + * Add PubKeyDestination for P2PK scripts + * Allow CNoDestination to represent a raw script + * Make WitnessUnknown members private + * [fuzz] Use afl++ shared-memory fuzzing + * doc: Clarify that -fstack-reuse=all bugs exist on all versions of GCC + * scripted-diff: Rename CBufferedFile to BufferedFile + * Remove unused GetType() from CBufferedFile and CAutoFile + * dbwrapper: Use DataStream for batch operations + * qt: Silence `-Wcast-function-type` warning + * rpc: Deprecate rpcserialversion=0 + * doc: fix typos and mistakes in BIP324 code comments + * net: do not use send buffer to store/cache garbage + * net: merge V2Transport constructors, move key gen + * gui: macOS, do not process dock icon actions during shutdown + * refactor: remove clientversion include from dbwrapper.h + * refactor: Use DataStream now that version/type are unused + * Remove version/hashing options from CBlockLocator/CDiskBlockIndex + * index: add [nodiscard] attribute to functions writing to the db + * consensus/validation.h: remove needless GetTransactionOutputWeight helper + * [refactor] batch-add transactions to DisconnectedBlockTransactions + * index: coinstats reorg, fail when block cannot be reversed + * net: detect wrong-network V1 talking to V2Transport + * test: add unit tests for V2Transport + * net: make V2Transport preallocate receive buffer space + * net: make V2Transport send uniformly random number garbage bytes + * net: add short message encoding/decoding support to V2Transport + * net: make V2Transport auto-detect incoming V1 and fall back to it + * net: add V2Transport class with subset of BIP324 functionality + * crypto: Spanify EllSwiftPubKey constructor + * net: remove unused Transport::SetReceiveVersion + * net: add have_next_message argument to Transport::GetBytesToSend() + * doc: s/--no-substitute/--no-substitutes in guix/INSTALL + * doc: add release note for PR #28414 + * test: remove unnecessary finalizepsbt rpc calls + * depends: cctools 986 & ld64 711 + * depends: libtapi 1300.0.6.5 + * ci: enable chattr +i capability inside containers + * unit test: add coverage for BlockManager + * fuzz: introduce and use `ConsumePrivateKey` helper + * wallet rpc: return final tx hex from walletprocesspsbt if complete + * test: remove unused variables in `p2p_invalid_block` + * test: Combine sync_send_with_ping and sync_with_ping + * Remove unused legacy CHashVerifier + * test: add tests that exercise WithParams() + * Use serialization parameters for CAddress serialization + * Squashed 'src/secp256k1/' changes from c545fdc374..199d27cea3 + * ci: Limit test-each-commit to --max-count=6 + * ci: Add test-each-commit task + * ci: Bump `actions/checkout` version + * test: p2p: check that `getaddr` msgs are only responded once per connection + * test: remove fixed timeouts from feature_config_args + * ci: Avoid saving the same Ccache cache + * ci: Avoid oversubscription in functional tests on Windows + * qt: Update translation source file + * qt: Bump Transifex slug for 26.x + * qt: Translation updates from Transifex + * blockstorage: Return on fatal undo file flush error + * blockstorage: Return on fatal block file flush error + * blockstorage: Mark FindBlockPos as nodiscard + * Refactor: Remove m_is_test_chain + * fuzz: add ConstructPubKeyBytes function + * build: use -muse-unaligned-vector-move for Windows + * doc: Fill in the required skills in the good_first_issue template + * ci, windows: Do not run extended functional tests for pull requests + * guix: remove GCC 10 workaround from NSIS + * ci: Asan with -ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern + * [doc] move comment about AlreadyHaveTx DoS score to the right place + * [log] add more logs related to orphan handling + * [log] add category TXPACKAGES for orphanage and package relay + * [log] include wtxid in tx {relay,validation,orphanage} logging + * Support for serialization parameters + * Rename CSerAction* to Action* + * Replace READWRITEAS macro with AsBase wrapping function + * test: improve sock_tests/move_assignment + * doc: Release notes for testnet defaulting to -acceptnonstdtxn=0 + * config: default acceptnonstdtxn=0 on all chains + * ci: Remove unused TEST_RUNNER_ENV="LC_ALL=C" from s390x task + * ci: Remove /ro_base bind mount + * doc: Remove sudo from command that is already run as root + * test: Support powerpc64le in + * log: Print error message when coindb is in inconsistent state + * guix: use clang-toolchain-15 for macOS compilation + * depends: use LLVM/Clang 15.0.6 for macOS cross-compile + * script: replace deprecated pkg_resources with importlib.metadata + * refactor: Use HashWriter over legacy CHashWriter (via SerializeHash) + * refactor: Use HashWriter over legacy CHashWriter + * ci: Run "Win64 native" job on GitHub Actions + * net: remove Sock default constructor, it's not necessary + * net: remove now unnecessary Sock::Get() + * wallet: accurately account for the size of the witness stack + * wallet: use descriptor satisfaction size to estimate inputs size + * script/signingprovider: introduce a MultiSigningProvider + * descriptor: introduce a method to get the satisfaction size + * miniscript: introduce a helper to get the maximum witness size + * miniscript: make GetStackSize independent of P2WSH context + * net: don't check if the socket is valid in ConnectSocketDirectly() + * net: don't check if the socket is valid in GetBindAddress() + * i2p: avoid using Sock::Get() for checking for a valid socket + * rpc: Add MaybeArg() and Arg() default helper + * guix: drop Windows broken-longjmp.patch + * guix: drop NSIS patch now that we use 3.09 + * guix: use cross-* keyword arguments + * guix: update time-machine to 160f78a4d92205df986ed9efcce7d3aac188cb24 + * guix: update python-oscrypto to 1.3.0 + * guix: backport glibc patch to fix powerpc build + * test: previous releases: speed up fetching sources with shallow clone + * refactor: make Transport::ReceivedBytes just return success/fail + * net: move message conversion to wire bytes from PushMessage to SocketSendData + * net: measure send buffer fullness based on memory usage + * fuzz: add bidirectional fragmented transport test + * net: make V1Transport implicitly use current chainparams + * net: abstract sending side of transport serialization further + * refactor: rename Transport class receive functions + * net: add V1Transport lock protecting receive state + * refactor: merge transport serializer and deserializer into Transport class + * test: roundtrip wallet backwards compat downgrade + * test: Add 25.0 to wallet backwards compatibiilty test + * test: Run upgrade test on all nodes + * test: Run downgrade test on descriptor wallets + * test: Add 0.21 tr() incompatibility test + * test: add logging 0.17 incompatibilities in wallet back compat + * test: Refactor v19 addmultisigaddress test to be distinct + * test: Remove w1_v18 from wallet backwards compatibility + * test: Fix 0.16 wallet paths and downgrade test + * ci: Add missing prefix to CI_IMAGE_NAME_TAG + * fuzz: coinselection, fix `m_cost_of_change` + * fuzz: coinselection, BnB should never produce change + * fuzz: coinselection, compare `GetSelectedValue` with target + * fuzz: coinselection, improve `ComputeAndSetWaste` + * fuzz: coinselection, add coverage for `Merge` + * fuzz: coinselection, add coverage for `GetShuffledInputVector`/`GetInputSet` + * fuzz: coinselection, add coverage for `AddInputs` + * ci: Remove no longer applicable section + * ci: Start with clean env + * ci: Limit scope of some env vars + * test:, fix intermittent failure in "restore using dumped wallet" + * Update help text for spend and rawtransaction rpcs + * test: add functional test for deadlock situation + * fuzz: coinselection, add coverage for `EligibleForSpending` + * fuzz: coinselection, add `CreateCoins` + * test: add basic tests for sendmsgtopeer to + * rpc: add test-only sendmsgtopeer rpc + * guix: consolidate Linux GCC package + * guix: consolidate glibc 2.27 package + * ci: Use concurrency for pull requests only + * test: Fix intermittent issue in mempool_reorg + * test: Support riscv64 in + * test: fix 'unknown named parameter' test in `wallet_basic` + * ci: Disable cache save for pull requests in GitHub Actions + * test: ensure acceptstalefeeestimates is supported only on regtest chain + * assumeutxo cleanup: Move IsInitialBlockDownload & NotifyHeaderTip to ChainstateManager + * ci: Remove distro-name from task name + * ci: Switch remaining tasks to self-hosted + * ci: Add missing amd64 to win64-cross task + * ci: Add missing ${CI_RETRY_EXE} before curl + * guix: pre time-machine bump changes (Windows) + * Remove unused includes from wallet.cpp + * doc, refactor: Changing -torcontrol help to specify that a default port is used + * removed StrFormatInternalBug quote delimitation + * rpc: remove one more quote from non-string oneline description + * crypto: make ChaCha20::SetKey wipe buffer + * tests: miscellaneous hex / std::byte improvements + * fuzz: support std::byte in Consume{Fixed,Variable}LengthByteVector + * crypto: require key on ChaCha20 initialization + * random: simplify FastRandomContext::randbytes using fillrand + * crypto: refactor ChaCha20 classes to use Span interface + * Remove unused includes from blockfilter.h + * Make post-p2sh consensus rules mandatory for tx relay + * doc, policy: Clarify comment on STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS + * move-only: Create src/kernel/mempool_removal_reason.h + * Remove unused includes from txmempool.h + * Refactor: Remove confusing static_cast + * refactor: Add missing includes + * ci: Refactor: Remove CI_USE_APT_INSTALL + * ci: Ensure that only a single workflow processes `github.ref` at a time + * tx fees, policy: doc: update and delete unnecessary comment + * bitcoin-tidy: Apply bitcoin-unterminated-logprintf to spkm as well + * refactor: Enable all clang-tidy plugin bitcoin tests + * ci: Avoid error on macOS native + * ci: Fix macOS-cross SDK rsync + * refactor: Remove PERSISTENT_WORKER_* yaml templates + * refactor: add missing headers for BIP324 ciphersuite + * Rename script/standard.{cpp/h} to script/solver.{cpp/h} + * Clean up script/standard.{h/cpp} includes + * Clean up things that include script/standard.h + * MOVEONLY: Move datacarrier defaults to policy.h + * Move CTxDestination to its own file + * Move Taproot{SpendData/Builder} to signingprovider.{h/cpp} + * Move CScriptID to script.{h/cpp} + * Remove ScriptHash from CScriptID constructor + * Move MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS from script/standard.h to policy/policy.h + * ci: Drop no longer needed `macos_sdk_cache` + * [functional test] transaction orphan handling + * [test framework] make it easier to fast-forward setmocktime + * crypto: BIP324 ciphersuite follow-up + * gui: make '-min' minimize wallet loading dialog + * test: check backup from `migratewallet` can be successfully restored + * fuzz: coins_view: remove an incorrect assertion + * bitcoin-tidy: fix macOS build + * test: wallet, verify migration doesn't crash for an invalid script + * wallet: disallow migration of invalid or not-watched scripts + * test: locked_wallet, skip default fee estimation + * doc: use llvm-config for bitcoin-tidy example + * doc: Improve documentation of rpcallowip rpchelp + * ci: Move tidy to persistent worker + * ci: Use hard-coded root path for CI containers + * ci: Only create folders when needed + * ci: Drop BASE_SCRATCH_DIR from LIBCXX_DIR + * ci: Run "macOS native x86_64" job on GitHub Actions + * Sort includes in compat.h + * remove unused limits.h include in compat.h + * Replace LocaleIndependentAtoi with ToIntegral + * iwyu on torcontrol + * Remove unused boost signals2 from torcontrol + * refactor: Enforce C-str fmt strings in WalletLogPrintf() + * doc: Fix bitcoin-unterminated-logprintf tidy comments + * ci: Use qemu-user through container engine + * doc: remove Fedora libdb4-*-devel install docs + * mempool_entry: improve struct packing + * test: add bip157 coverage for (start height > stop height) disconnect + * test: check for specific disconnect reasons in + * Add importmempool RPC + * refactor: Add and use kernel::ImportMempoolOptions + * doc: Clarify the getmempoolinfo.loaded RPC field documentation + * Remove Chainstate::LoadMempool + * refactor: Correct dbwrapper key naming + * build: Remove leveldb from BITCOIN_INCLUDES + * refactor: Move CDBWrapper leveldb members to their own context struct + * refactor: Split dbwrapper CDBWrapper::EstimateSize implementation + * refactor: Move HandleError to dbwrapper implementation + * refactor: Split dbwrapper CDBWrapper::Exists implementation + * refactor: Fix logging.h includes + * refactor: Split dbwrapper CDBWrapper::Read implementation + * refactor: Pimpl leveldb::Iterator for CDBIterator + * refactor: Split dbwrapper CDBIterator::GetValue implementation + * refactor: Split dbwrapper CDBIterator::GetKey implementation + * refactor: Split dbwrapper CDBIterator::Seek implementation + * refactor: Pimpl leveldb::batch for CDBBatch + * refactor: Split dbwrapper CDBatch::Erase implementation + * refactor: Split dbwrapper CDBBatch::Write implementation + * fuzz: coins_view: correct an incorrect assertion + * p2p: network-specific management of outbound connections + * test: Add test for outbound protection by network + * p2p: Protect extra full outbound peers by network + * doc: Add release note + * p2p: Introduce data struct to track connection counts by network + * tidy: Integrate bicoin-tidy clang-tidy plugin + * refactor: fix unterminated LogPrintf()s + * lint: remove /* Continued */ markers from codebase + * lint: remove + * lint: drop DIR_IWYU global + * scripted-diff: Specify Python major version explicitly on Windows + * net_processing: Clean up INVENTORY_BROADCAST_MAX constants + * test: Check tx from disconnected block is immediately requestable + * net_processing: don't add txids to m_tx_inventory_known_filter + * net_processing: drop m_recently_announced_invs bloom filter + * refactor: use "if constexpr" in std::vector's Unserialize() + * refactor: use "if constexpr" in std::vector's Serialize() + * refactor: use "if constexpr" in prevector's Unserialize() + * refactor: use "if constexpr" in prevector's Serialize() + * refactor: use fold expressions instead of recursive calls in UnserializeMany() + * refactor: use fold expressions instead of recursive calls in SerializeMany() + * validation: when adding txs due to a block reorg, allow immediate relay + * mempool_entry: add mempool entry sequence number + * qa: Close SQLite connection properly + * doc: make it clear that `node` in `addnode` refers to the node's address + * test: `addnode` with an invalid command should throw an error + * rpc, refactor: clean-up `addnode` + * scripted-diff: Rename CBlockTreeDB -> BlockTreeDB + * refactor: Wrap DestroyDB in dbwrapper helper + * ci: Add missing linux-headers package to ASan task + * ci: Move ASan USDT to persistent_worker + * Fixup style of moved code + * move-only: Move CBlockTreeDB to node/blockstorage + * index: Drop legacy -txindex check + * scripted-diff: Use blocks_path where possible + * script: update flake8 to 6.1.0 + * test: python E721 updates + * Remove unused MessageStartChars parameters from BlockManager methods + * ci: Use documented `CCACHE_MAXSIZE` instead of `CCACHE_SIZE` + * qa, doc: Fix comment + * test: remove redundant test values + * test: use common assert_signing_completed_successfully helper + * test: add coverage for passing an invalid sighashtype + * Remove unused raw-pointer read helper from univalue + * refactor: Revert addition of univalue sighash string check + * doc: Correct release-notes for sighashtype exceptions + * tests: add decryption test to bip324_tests + * Add BIP324Cipher, encapsulating key agreement, derivation, and stream/AEAD ciphers + * crypto: support split plaintext in ChaCha20Poly1305 Encrypt/Decrypt + * bench: add benchmark for FSChaCha20Poly1305 + * crypto: add FSChaCha20Poly1305, rekeying wrapper around ChaCha20Poly1305 + * crypto: add FSChaCha20, a rekeying wrapper around ChaCha20 + * crypto: add the ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD as specified in RFC8439 + * crypto: remove outdated variant of ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD + * test: remove unused `totalOut` code + * test: remove unecessary `decoderawtransaction` calls + * net processing: clamp -blockreconstructionextratxn to uint32_t bounds + * net processing: clamp -maxorphantx to uint32_t bounds + * doc: document PeerManager::Options members + * test: refactor: deduplicate segwitv0 ECDSA signing for tx inputs + * kernel: Remove Univalue from kernel library + * kernel: Split ParseSighashString + * test: Avoid intermittent issues due to async events in validationinterface_tests + * test: drop duplicate getaddrs from p2p_getaddr_caching + * test: fix intermittent failure in p2p_getaddr_caching + * scripted-diff: Use blocks_path where possible + * test: Add blocks_path property to TestNode + * test: Drop 22.x node from TxindexCompatibilityTest + * refactor: deduplicate ignores_incoming_txs + * refactor: set ignore_incoming_txs in ApplyArgsManOptions + * test: Use clean chain in MempoolCompatibilityTest + * doc: misc changes in release-process + * suppressions: note that 'type:ClassName::MethodName' should be used + * doc: filter out merge-script from list of authors + * doc: remove generate changelog section from + * doc: remove note to update version number + * valgrind: add suppression for bug 472219 + * Don't derive secure_allocator from std::allocator + * Remove unused function `reliesOnAssumedValid` + * Cache block index entry corresponding to assumeutxo snapshot base blockhash + * Move CheckBlockIndex() from Chainstate to ChainstateManager + * Documentation improvements for assumeutxo + * Fix initialization of setBlockIndexCandidates when working with multiple chainstates + * Tighten requirements for adding elements to setBlockIndexCandidates + * [net processing] Move -capturemessages to PeerManager::Options + * [net processing] Move -blockreconstructionextratxn to PeerManager::Options + * [net processing] Move -maxorphantx to PeerManager::Options + * [net processing] Move -txreconciliation to PeerManager::Options + * [net processing] Use ignore_incoming_txs from m_opts + * [net processing] Introduce PeerManager options + * ci: Keep system env vars as-is + * ci: Set PATH inside the CI env + * ci: Remove P_CI_DIR and --workdir + * test: create wallet specific for test_locked_wallet case + * refactor: Use reinterpret_cast where appropriate + * refactor: Avoid casting away constness + * refactor: Remove unused C-style casts + * Add UBSan `-fsanitize=integer` suppressions for `src/secp256k1` subtree + * fuzz: use `ConnmanTestMsg` in `connman` + * refactor: Make more transaction size variables signed + * fuzz: Re-enable symbolize=1 in ASAN_OPTIONS + * RPC/Mining: Document template_request better for getblocktemplate + * RPC/rpcdoccheck: Error if a oneline_description has a quote for a non-string + * Bugfix: RPC: Remove quotes from non-string oneline descriptions + * fuzz: increase coverage of the descriptor targets + * fuzz: add a new, more efficient, descriptor parsing target + * Move block-storage-related logic to ChainstateManager + * refactor: Use EnsureAnyNodeContext + * test: Add SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue to mockscheduler RPC + * fuzz: make the parsed descriptor testing into a function + * Rework receive buffer pushback + * test: wallet, add coverage for watch-only raw sh script migration + * descriptor: InferScript, do not return top-level only func as sub descriptor + * doc: correct Fedora systemtap dep + * lint: Ignore check_fileopens failure on **kwargs + * test: Ignore UTF-8 errors in assert_debug_log + * test: Fix debug_log_size helper + * Inline short, often-called, rarely-changed basic CNetAddr getters + * Convert GetLocal() to std::optional and remove out-param + * Use higher-level CNetAddr and CNode helpers in net.cpp + * Add CNetAddr::IsPrivacyNet() and CNode::IsConnectedThroughPrivacyNet() + * test: fix intermittent failure in + * GetLocal() type-safety, naming, const, and formatting cleanups + * Add and use CNetAddr::HasCJDNSPrefix() helper + * Move GetLocal() declaration from header to implementation + * Move CaptureMessageToFile() declaration from header to implementation + * Move IsPeerAddrLocalGood() declaration from header to implementation + * test: cover addrv2 support in anchors.dat with a TorV3 address + * streams: Teach AutoFile how to XOR + * lint: Add missing `set -ex` to ci/lint/ + * doc: Add doc comment to ci/test_imagefile + * test: fix file perturbation + * contrib: move user32.dll from bitcoind.exe libs + * init: abort loading of blockindex in case of missing height. + * build: adapt Windows builds for libsecp256k1 build changes + * Squashed 'src/secp256k1/' changes from 705ce7ed8c..c545fdc374 + * ci: document that -Wreturn-type has been fixed upstream (Windows) + * depends: xcb-proto 1.15.2 + * clang-tidy: turn on modernize-use-noexcept + * validation: use noexcept instead of deprecated throw() + * test: Disable known broken USDT test + * refactor: use Span for SipHash::Write + * fuzz: Bump FuzzedDataProvider.h + * doc: update windows -fstack-clash-protection doc + * ci: Use DOCKER_BUILDKIT for lint image + * test: Clear block index flags when testing snapshots + * Update CheckBlockIndex invariants for chains based on an assumeutxo snapshot + * Add wrapper for adding entries to a chainstate's block index candidates + * Move block-arrival information / preciousblock counters to ChainstateManager + * test: Add helper functions for checking node versions + * Remove CChain dependency in node/blockstorage + * Explicitly track maximum block height stored in undo files + * Added `longpollid` and `data` params to `template_request` #27998 + * scripted-diff: Use new FUZZ_TARGET macro everywhere + * fuzz: Accept options in FUZZ_TARGET macro + * Add AutoFile::detail_fread member function + * refactor: Modernize AutoFile + * Switch all callers from poly1305_auth to Poly1305 class + * tests: add more Poly1305 test vectors + * crypto: add Poly1305 class with std::byte Span interface + * crypto: switch poly1305 to incremental implementation + * fuzz: Generate process_message targets individually + * ci: Add missing -O2 to valgrind tasks + * guix: backport glibc patch to prevent redundant librt link + * contrib: remove librt from release deps + * build: remove check for gettimeofday & librt + * doc: Remove comments that just repeat what the code does + * refactor: Remove redundant file check from AutoFile shift operators + * Extract util::Xor, Add key_offset option, Add bench + * refactor: Remove duplicate allNetMessageTypesVec + * kernel: Remove StartShutdown calls from validation code + * wallet: loading, log descriptor parsing error details + * refactor: Move stopafterblockimport handling out of blockstorage + * test: indexes, fix on error infinite loop + * test: add keep_alive option to socks5 proxy in test_framework + * test: cover TorV3 address in p2p_addrv2_relay + * test: add support for all networks in CAddress in + * index: verify blocks data existence only once + * init: don't start indexes sync thread prematurely + * refactor: simplify pruning violation check + * make GetFirstStoredBlock assert that 'start_block' always has data + * refactor: index, decouple 'Init' from 'Start' + * test: Check expected_stderr after stop + * test: add ChaCha20 test triggering 32-bit block counter overflow + * test: make assumeUTXO test capture the expected fatal error + * refactor: init indexes, decouple 'Start()' from the creation step + * doc: describe 'init load' thread actions + * scripted-diff: rename 'loadblk' thread name to 'initload' + * init: start indexes sync earlier + * tests: improve ChaCha20 unit tests + * crypto: Implement RFC8439-compatible variant of ChaCha20 + * wallet: bdb: include bdb header from our implementation files only + * wallet: bdb: don't use bdb define in header + * wallet: bdb: move BerkeleyDatabase constructor to cpp file + * wallet: bdb: move SafeDbt to cpp file + * wallet: bdb: move SpanFromDbt to below SafeDbt's implementation + * test: miner: add coverage for `-blockmintxfee` setting + * wallet: bdb: move TxnBegin to cpp file since it uses a bdb function + * wallet: bdb: drop default parameter + * wallet: sqlite: force sqlite3.h to be included by the cpp files + * test: wallet, add coverage for addressbook migration + * wallet: migration bugfix, persist empty labels + * wallet: migration bugfix, clone 'send' record label to all wallets + * test: remove race in the user-agent reception check + * test: Restore unlimited timeout in IndexWaitSynced + * ci: Print full lscpu output + * ci: Remove deprecated container.greedy + * gui: send, left alignment for "bytes" and "change" label + * Fix RPCConsole wallet selection + * qt: remove confusing "Dust" label from coincontrol / sendcoins dialog + * test: refactor: deduplicate legacy ECDSA signing for tx inputs + * docs: fixup honggfuzz patch + * descriptor: assert we never parse a sane miniscript with no pubkey + * qa: make sure we don't let unspendable Miniscript descriptors be imported + * descriptor: refuse to parse unspendable miniscript descriptors + * Consolidate Win32-specific error formatting + * Show descriptive error messages when FileCommit fails + * ci: re-enable gui tests for s390x + * doc: Fix verify-binaries link in contrib README + * Allow std::byte serialization + * Allow FastRandomContext::randbytes for all byte types + * script: appease spelling linter + * script: update ignored-words.txt + * script: update linter dependencies + * test: fix PEP484 no implicit optional argument types errors + * script, test: add missing python type annotations + * test: add ellswift test vectors from BIP324 + * test: Add ellswift unit tests + * test: Add python ellswift implementation to test framework + * test: Rename EncodeDecimal to serialization_fallback + * refactor: remove in-code warning suppression + * contrib: add macOS fixup_chains check to security-check + * ci: filter all subtrees from tidy output + * build: support -no_fixup_chains in ld64 + * miniscript: make GetStackSize() and GetOps() return optionals + * Remove now-unnecessary poll, fcntl includes from net(base).cpp + * refactor: Drop unsafe AsBytePtr function + * fuzz: Generate rpc fuzz targets individually + * test: add coverage for descriptor ID + * wallet: bugfix, always use apostrophe for spkm descriptor ID + * refactor: extract descriptor ID calculation from spkm GetID() + * wallet: do not allow loading descriptor with an invalid ID + * guix: Specify symbols in modules explicitly + * guix: Drop unneeded modules + * guix: Unify fetch methods + * test: Use same timeout for all index sync + * ci: remove duplicate python3 from CI configs + * ci: remove duplicate bsdmainutils from CI configs + * kernel: Add fatalError method to notifications + * kernel: Add flushError method to notifications + * scripted-diff: Rename FatalError to FatalErrorf + * kernel: Pass interrupt reference to chainman + * util: Add SignalInterrupt class and use in shutdown.cpp + * doc: simplify the router options in doc/ + * doc: clarify when and how to launch the SAM bridge in doc/ + * doc: Add release note for wallet loading changes + * walletdb: Remove loading code where the database is iterated + * walletdb: refactor decryption key loading + * walletdb: refactor defaultkey and wkey loading + * walletdb: refactor active spkm loading + * walletdb: refactor tx loading + * walletdb: refactor address book loading + * walletdb: Refactor descriptor wallet records loading + * walletdb: Refactor legacy wallet record loading into its own function + * test: EC: optimize scalar multiplication of G by using lookup table + * test: add secp256k1 module with FE (field element) and GE (group element) classes + * Use only Span{} constructor for byte-like types where possible + * util: Allow std::byte and char Span serialization + * tests: Test for bumping single output transaction + * test: Test bumpfee reduce_output + * bumpfee: Allow original change position to be specified + * net: remove unused `CConnmanTest` + * wallet: Give deprecation warning when loading a legacy wallet + * gui: Add File > Migrate Wallet + * Bench test for EllSwift ECDH + * gui: Optionally return passphrase after unlocking + * Bench tests for CKey->EllSwift + * Fuzz test for Ellswift ECDH + * Fuzz test for CKey->EllSwift->CPubKey creation/decoding + * Unit test for ellswift creation/decoding roundtrip + * Add ElligatorSwift key creation and ECDH logic + * Enable ellswift module in libsecp256k1 + * gui: Disable and uncheck blank when private keys are disabled + * http: update libevent workaround to correct version + * MaybePunishNodeForTx: Remove unused message arg and logging + * guix: Update `python-lief` package to 0.13.2 + * test: refactor: usdt_mempool: store all events + * test: refactor: remove unnecessary nonlocal + * test: log sanity check assertion failures + * test: store utxocache events + * test: refactor: deduplicate handle_utxocache_* logic + * test: refactor: rename inbound to is_inbound + * test: refactor: remove unnecessary blocks_checked counter + * test: Fix intermittent issue in + * test: Add implicit-signed-integer-truncation:*/include/c++/ suppression + * GUI: TransactionRecord: When time/index/etc match, sort send before receive + * Bugfix: Ignore ischange flag when we're not the sender + * GUI: Remove SendToSelf TransactionRecord type + * GUI: TransactionRecord: Refactor to turn send-to-self into send+receive pairs + * GUI: TransactionRecord: Use "any from me" as the criteria for deciding whether a transaction is a send or receive + * contrib: remove macOS lazy_bind check + * build: explicitly opt-in to new fixup_chains functionality for darwin + * depends: Bump MacOS minimum runtime requirement to 11.0 + * depends: bump darwin clang to 11.1 + * test: added coverage to estimatefee + * test: Run fuzz tests on macOS + * Added static_assert to check that base_blob is using whole bytes. + * [fuzz] Show that SRD budgets for non-dust change + * [bug] Increase SRD target by change_fee + * Add more tests for the BIP21 implementation + * net: Give seednodes time before falling back to fixed seeds + * Squashed 'src/secp256k1/' changes from 4258c54f4e..705ce7ed8c + * test: Use TestNode *_path properties where possible + * test: Allow pathlib.Path as RPC argument via authproxy + * scripted-diff: Use wallets_path and chain_path where possible + * test: Use wallet_dir lambda in wallet_multiwallet test where possible + * fuzz: Avoid OOM in transaction fuzz target + * qt: show own outputs on PSBT signing window + * depends: modernize clang flags + * ci: disable false-positive warnings for now + * ci: Run fuzz target even if input folder is empty + * ci: install llvm-symbolizer in MSAN jobs + * ci: use LLVM 16.0.6 in MSAN jobs + * fuzz: Fix implicit-integer-sign-change in wallet/fees fuzz target + * scripted-diff: Following the C++ Standard rules for identifiers with _. + * fuzz: addrman, avoid `ConsumeDeserializable` when possible + * salvage: Remove use of ReadKeyValue in salvage + * feerate: For GetFeePerK() return nSatoshisPerK instead of round trip through GetFee + * test: refactor: introduce `generate_keypair` helper with WIF support + * walletdb: Refactor hd chain loading to its own function + * walletdb: Refactor encryption key loading to its own function + * walletdb: Refactor crypted key loading to its own function + * walletdb: Refactor key reading and loading to its own function + * Manage exceptions in bcc callback functions + * fuzz: wallet, add target for CoinControl + * bench: disable birth time block skip for wallet_create_tx.cpp + * doc: test: update TestShell instructions + * validation: add missing insert to m_dirty_blockindex + * Remove the syscall sandbox + * validation: Stricter assumeutxo error handling in InvalidateCoinsDBOnDisk + * validation: Stricter assumeutxo error handling in LoadChainstate + * refactor: rename BCLog::BLOCKSTORE to BLOCKSTORAGE + * doc: release note re raising on invalid -debug/debugexclude/loglevel + * init: remove config option names from translated -loglevel strings + * net: net_processing, add `ProcessCompactBlockTxns` + * refactor: Avoid copy of bilingual_str when formatting, Fix ADL violation + * build: suppress external warnings by default + * test: clean up is node stopped + * test: ensure old fee_estimate.dat not read on restart and flushed + * tx fees, policy: read stale fee estimates with a regtest-only option + * tx fees, policy: do not read estimates of old fee_estimates.dat + * refactor: Make m_count_with_* in CTxMemPoolEntry int64_t, drop UBSAN supp + * tx fees, policy: periodically flush fee estimates to fee_estimates.dat + * test: Make linter to look for `BOOST_ASSERT` macros + * test: Kill `BOOST_ASSERT` + * test: move random.h include header from setup_common.h to cpp + * test: move remaining random test util code from setup_common to random + * test: -loglevel raises on invalid values + * init: raise on invalid loglevel config option + * test: -debug and -debugexclude raise on invalid values + * init: raise on invalid debug/debugexclude config options + * fuzz: wallet, add target for `fees` + * ci: Switch to `amd64` container in "ARM" task + * ci: Bump macOS cross task to ubuntu:jammy + * interfaces, wallet: Expose migrate wallet + * ci: Use latest `macos-ventura-xcode:14.3.1` image + * wallet: Document blank flag use in descriptor wallets + * wallet: Ensure that the blank wallet flag is unset after imports + * build: make sure we can overwrite config.{guess,sub} + * scripted-diff: Use datadir from options in chainstatemanager test + * test: Add test for migrating default wallet and plain file wallet + * wallet: Generated migrated wallet's path from walletdir and name + * Remove txmempool implicit-integer-sign-change sanitizer suppressions + * Use `int32_t` type for most transaction size/weight values + * test: fix intermittent failure in + * fuzz: Fix mini_miner_selection running out of coin + * net: do not `break` when `addr` is not from a distinct network group + * test: add coverage for `/deploymentinfo` passing a blockhash + * rest: bugfix, fix crash error when calling `/deploymentinfo` + * refactor: decouple early return commands from AppInit + * gui: return EXIT_FAILURE on post-init fatal errors + * Return EXIT_FAILURE on post-init fatal errors + * ci: Use podman stop over podman kill + * contrib: docs fix --import-keys flag on + * refactor: index: use `AbortNode` in fatal error helper + * move ThreadImport ABC error to use AbortNode + * rpc, wallet: Include information about blank flag + * doc: Clarify that -datacarriersize applies to the full raw scriptPubKey, not the data push + * test: Add -datacarriersize=2 tests + * Remove mapRelay + * net_processing: relay txs from m_most_recent_block + * walletdb: Refactor wallet flags loading + * walletdb: Refactor minversion loading + * ci: Invalidate Cirrus CI docker cache + * ci: Nuke Android APK task, Use credits for tsan + * test: add unit test for local address advertising + * net: restrict self-advertisements with privacy networks + * net, refactor: pass reference for peer address in GetReachabilityFrom + * net, refactor: pass CNode instead of CNetAddr to GetLocalAddress + * ci: enable AArch64 target in MSAN jobs + * ci: use LLVM 16.0.5 in MSAN jobs + * doc: add release note about removal of `deprecatedrpc=walletwarningfield` flag + * Restorewallet/createwallet help documentation fixups/improvements + * rpc: remove deprecated "warning" field from {create,load,restore,unload}wallet + * test: avoid sporadic MINIMALDATA failure in (fixes #27595) + * [fuzz] Only check duplicate coinbase script when block was valid + * wallet: Add tracing for sqlite statements + * guix: remove cURL from build env + * Mitigate timeout in CalculateTotalBumpFees + * Update .style.yapf + * wallet: Add GetPrefixCursor to DatabaseBatch + * streams: Drop confusing DataStream::Serialize method and << operator + * doc: update getnodeaddresses for CJDNS, I2P and Tor and rm link + * walletdb: Handle when database keys are empty + * walletdb: Consistently clear key and value streams before writing + * Add public Boost headers explicitly + * test: Avoid `BOOST_ASSERT` macro + * fuzz: fix wallet notifications.cpp + * test: add block sync to + * scripted-diff: move settings to common namespace + * move-only: Move settings to the common library + * kernel: Remove chainparams, chainparamsbase, args, settings from kernel library + * refactor: Remove gArgs access from validation.cpp + * refactor: Add path argument to FindSnapshotChainstateDir + * refactor: Add stop_at_height option in ChainstateManager + * fuzz: Avoid timeout in utxo_total_supply + * ci: Enable float-divide-by-zero check + * ci: Use podman for persistent workers + * ci: Prune dangling images on RESTART_CI_DOCKER_BEFORE_RUN + * ci: return to using Ubuntu 22.04 in MSAN jobs + * ci: compile clang and compiler-rt in MSAN jobs + * ci: use LLVM 16.0.4 in MSAN jobs + * ci: remove extra CC & CXX from MSAN jobs + * ci: standardize custom libc++ usage in MSAN jobs + * fix includes for touched header files (iwyu) + * Add [[nodiscard]] where ignoring a Result return type is an error + * lint: stop ignoring LIEF imports + * ci: Avoid leaking HOME var into CI pod + * ci: Remove "default" test env + * ci: Add missing set -e to + * contrib/init: Better systemd integration + * test: ensure addrman test is finite + * addrman: change asserts to Assumes + * p2p, refactor: return `std::optional` in `LookupHost` + * p2p, refactor: return vector/optional in `Lookup` + * p2p, refactor: return `std::vector` in `LookupHost` + * p2p, refactor: return `std::vector` in `LookupIntern` + * fuzz: Change LIMIT_TO_MESSAGE_TYPE from a compile-time to a run-time setting + * doc: Fix broken link in release notes + * test: Move test_chain_listunspent wallet check from mempool_packages to wallet_basic + * p2p: Log addresses of stalling peers + * bench: Remove incorrect LoadWallet call in WalletBalance + * tests: Move ADDRESS_BCRT1_UNSPENDABLE to wallet/test/util.h + * tests, bench: Consolidate {Test,Bench}Un/LoadWallet helper + * test: Throw error when -signetchallenge is non-hex + * Fix `#include`s in `src/wallet` + * wallet: skip block scan if block was created before wallet birthday + * refactor: single method to append new spkm to the wallet + * doc: Fix typo in doc/ URL + * doc: Add doc/release-notes/ + * use 'byte'/'bytes' for bech32(m) validation error + * doc: update `Select` function description + * refactor: de-duplicate lookups + * Unconditionally return when compact block status == READ_STATUS_FAILED + * refactor: Replace std::optional with util::Result + * util: Add void support to util::Result + * Add tests for parallel compact block downloads + * Support up to 3 parallel compact block txn fetchings + * rpc: Fix invalid bech32 handling + * build: disable boost multi index safe mode + * depends: remove redundant stdlib option + * index: prevent race by calling 'CustomInit' prior setting 'synced' flag + * test: Make `util/` honor `BITCOINUTIL` and `BITCOINTX` + * ci: Log qa-assets repo last commit + * fuzz: Print error message when FUZZ is missing + * test: p2p: check misbehavior for non-continuous headers messages + * ci: remove MSAN getrandom syscall workaround + * random: switch to using getrandom() directly + * random: add [[maybe_unused]] to GetDevURandom + * random: getentropy on macOS does not need unistd.h + * ci, iwyu: Double maximum line length for includes + * refactor: Move system from util to common library + * refactor: Split util::AnyPtr into its own file + * refactor: Split util::insert into its own file + * refactor: Move ScheduleBatchPriority to its own file + * kernel: Add warning method to notifications + * kernel: Add progress method to notifications + * kernel: Add headerTip method to notifications + * kernel: Add notification interface + * test: Explicitly specify directory where to search tests for + * test: fix `include_immature_coinbase` logic in `get_utxos` + * test: fix `interface_usdt_mempool` by mining a block after each test + * test: fix mature utxos addition to wallet in `mempool_package_limits` + * test: fix intermittent issue in `feature_bip68_sequence` + * doc: add 24.1 release notes + * doc: add 23.2 release notes + * Only request full blocks from the peer we thought had the block in-flight + * Convert mapBlocksInFlight to a multimap + * Remove nBlocksInFlight + * alias BlockDownloadMap for mapBlocksInFlight + * build: Detect USDT the same way how it is used in the code + * doc: remove Security section from + * build: Bump minimum supported GCC to g++-9 + * ci: Bump centos:stream8 to centos:stream9 + * ci: Document the false positive error for g++-9 + * build: Do not define `ENABLE_ZMQ` when ZMQ is not available + * test: Add test to check tx in the last block can be downloaded + * test: Split up test_notfound_on_unannounced_tx test case + * index: Enable reindex-chainstate with active indexes + * index: Use first block from locator instead of looking for fork point + * ci: Reduce tsan CPU and memory for faster scheduling + * ci: Use credits for ARM task + * msvc: Provide `ObjectFileName` explicitly + * doc: remove mention of glibc 2.10+ + * doc: Rework + * ci: remove RUN_SECURITY_TESTS + * ci: Drop NO_WERROR=1 for clang-10 build + * build: Bump minimum Clang to clang-10 + * doc: Remove outdated CentOS comment + * qt, test: Add missed header + * ci: Fix "Number of CPUs" output + * ConnectTip: don't log total disk read time in bench + * guix: remove redundant glibc patches + * guix: document when certain guix patches can be dropped + * ci: Remove unused errtrace trap ERR + * walletdb: Remove unused CreateMockWalletDatabase + * add `lief` to `spelling.ignore-words` + * test: fix spelling in `interface_usdt_utxocache` + * test: add coverage for wallet read write db deadlock + * walletdb: scope bdb::EraseRecords under a single db txn + * wallet: bugfix, GetNewCursor() misses to provide batch ptr to BerkeleyCursor + * doc, test: Document steps to reproduce TSan warning for `libdb` + * doc: Remove unused NO_BLOOM_VERSION constant + * build, doc: Adjust comment after PR27254 + * Add wallets_conflicts + * wallet, tests: mark unconflicted txs as inactive + * ci: Run iwyu on all src files + * build: cleanup comments after adding yet another libtool hack + * build: Fix shared lib linking for darwin with lld + * test: Return dict in MiniWallet::send_to + * doc: remove version number from + * depends: no-longer nuke* in native_clang package + * [mempool] clear mapDeltas entry if prioritisetransaction sets delta to 0 + * [functional test] prioritisation is not removed during replacement and expiry + * [functional test] getprioritisedtransactions RPC + * [rpc] add getprioritisedtransactions + * [mempool] add GetPrioritisedTransactions + * refactor, blockstorage: Replace stopafterblockimport arg + * refactor, blockstorage: Replace blocksdir arg + * refactor, BlockManager: Replace fastprune from arg with options + * refactor/iwyu: Complete includes for blockmanager_args + * refactor: Move functions to BlockManager methods + * zmq: Pass lambda to zmq's ZMQPublishRawBlockNotifier + * ci: Remove CI_EXEC bloat + * test: added coverage to + * move-only: Move almost all CI_EXEC code to + * refactor: Declare g_zmq_notification_interface as unique_ptr + * msvc: Do not define `HAVE_CONSENSUS_LIB` + * msvc: Clean up `libbitcoin_consensus` source files + * scripted-diff: Rename `libbitcoinconsensus` to `libbitcoin_consensus` + * refactor: Use ChainType enum exhaustively + * net_processing: Boost inv trickle rate + * txmempool: have CompareDepthAndScore sort missing txs first + * Temporarily work around gcc-13 warning bug in interfaces_tests + * p2p: Avoid prematurely clearing download state for other peers + * Fix clang-tidy performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization warnings + * Remove unused find_value global function + * scripted-diff: Use UniValue::find_value method + * Add UniValue::find_value method + * scripted-diff: Remove unused chainparamsbase includes + * Add missing definitions in prep for scripted diff + * refactor: Replace string chain name constants with ChainTypes + * refactor: Introduce ChainType getters for ArgsManager + * refactor: Create chaintype files + * add ryanofsky to trusted-keys + * doc: clarify PR 26076 release note + * refactor: Remove unused GetTimeMillis + * test: add test for `descriptorprocesspsbt` RPC + * ci: fix asan task name + * test: Treat `bitcoin-wallet` binary in the same way as others + * test, refactor: Add `set_binary_paths` function + * util: improve streams.h:FindByte() performance + * [bench] add streams findbyte + * fuzz: BIP 42, BIP 30, CVE-2018-17144 + * Move LoadVerifyActivateChainstate to ChainTestingSetup + * msvc: Cleanup after upgrading libsecp256k1 up to 0.3.0 + * ci: Remove CI_EXEC bloat in test/ + * ci: Move CI container kill out of + * ci: Pass full env to CI pod to avoid missing a var + * scripted-diff: Use platform-agnostic `ALWAYS_INLINE` macro + * Introduce platform-agnostic `ALWAYS_INLINE` macro + * [doc] Add post branch-off note about fuzz input pruning + * Remove unused chainparams from BlockManager methods + * Replace pindex pointer with block reference + * Add BlockManagerOpts::chainparams reference + * rpc: add descriptorprocesspsbt rpc + * test: dedup file hashing using `sha256sum_file` helper + * rpc: Add check for unintended option/parameter name clashes + * test: Update python tests to use named parameters instead of options objects + * RPC: Allow RPC methods accepting options to take named parameters + * RPC: Add add OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS type + * wallet, bench: Remove unused database options from WalletBenchLoading + * tests: Modify records directly in wallet ckey loading test + * tests: Update DuplicateMockDatabase for MockableDatabase + * scripted-diff: Replace CreateMockWalletDB with CreateMockableWalletDB + * wallet, tests: Include wallet/test/util.h + * wallet: Move DummyDatabase to salvage + * wallet, tests: Replace usage of dummy db with mockable db + * Introduce MockableDatabase for wallet unit tests + * ci: Use arm_container.dockerfile + * clarify processing of mempool-msgs when NODE_BLOOM + * Avoid dereferencing interruption_point if it is nullptr + * contrib: add ELF ABI check to + * test: Add util to mine invalid blocks + * fuzz: addrman, add coverage for `network` field in `Select()`, `Size()` and `GetAddr()` + * test: Simplify + * test: add ripemd160 to test framework modules list + * test: added coverage to + * ci: remove usage of untrusted bpfcc-tools + * ci: use LLVM/clang-16 in native_asan job + * rpc: scanblocks, add "completed" flag to the result obj + * rpc: scanblocks, do not traverse the whole chain block by block + * test: remove modinv python util helper function + * rpc: return block hash & height in getbalances, gettransaction & getwalletinfo JSONs + * refactor: Make ListSelected return vector + * wallet: Move CoinCointrol definitions to .cpp + * wallet: Use std::optional for GetExternalOutput and fixups + * scripted-diff: Rename setSelected->m_selected_inputs + * test: fix `` on big-endian systems + * build: Use newest `config.{guess,sub}` available + * test: simplify uint256 (de)serialization routines + * wallet: introduce generic recursive tx state updating function + * ci: Bump ci/lint/Dockerfile + * bugfix: Fix incorrect debug.log config file path + * init: Error if ignored bitcoin.conf file is found + * lint: Fix lint-format-strings false positives when format specifiers have argument positions + * depends: latest config.sub + * depends: latest config.guess + * test: Use python3.8 pow() + * Bump python minimum version to 3.8 + * test: Remove unused sanitizer suppressions + * test: prevent intermittent failures + * depends: reuse _config_opts for CMake options + * test: cover fastprune with excessive block size + * blockstorage: Adjust fastprune limit if block exceeds blockfile size + * move-only: Extract common/args and common/config.cpp from util/system + * p2p: "skip netgroup diversity of new connections for tor/i2p/cjdns" follow-up + * [test] mempool full in package accept + * [validation] set PackageValidationState when mempool full + * [policy] disallow transactions under min relay fee, even in packages + * [test] package cpfp bumps parents =minrelaytxfee + * [test util] mock mempool minimum feerate + * test: bumpfee, add coverage for "send coins back to yourself" + * bumpfee: enable send coins back to yourself + * fuzz: re-enable prioritisetransaction & analyzepsbt RPC + * refactor: Remove CAddressBookData::destdata + * wallet: Add DatabaseBatch::ErasePrefix method + * [fuzz] Add MiniMiner target + diff fuzz against BlockAssembler + * [unit test] GatherClusters and MiniMiner unit tests + * refactor: coinselector_tests, unify wallet creation code + * test: coverage for bnb max weight + * wallet: clean post coin selection max weight filter + * coin selection: BnB, don't return selection if exceeds max allowed tx weight + * test: coin selection, add coverage for SRD + * coin selection: heap-ify SRD, don't return selection if exceeds max tx weight + * coin selection: knapsack, select closest UTXO above target if result exceeds max tx size + * test: add coverage to ensure the first arg of scantxoutset is needed + * logging: log ASN when using `-asmap` + * tracepoints: Disables `-Wgnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments` to compile without warnings + * Switch hardened derivation marker to h in descriptors + * wallet: Use steady clock to calculate number of derive iterations + * wallet: Use steady clock to measure scanning duration + * qt: Use steady clock to throttle GUI notifications + * test: Use steady clock in index tests + * net: Use steady clock in InterruptibleRecv + * net: add `GetMappedAS` in `CConnman` + * Implement Mini version of BlockAssembler to calculate mining scores + * validation: Move warningcache to ChainstateManager + * [mempool] find connected mempool entries with GatherClusters(…) + * util: implement prevector's move ctor & move assignment + * test: CScriptCheck is used a lot in std::vector, make sure that's efficient + * util: prevector's move ctor and move assignment is `noexcept` + * bench: Add benchmark for prevector usage in std::vector + * test: various `converttopsbt` check cleanups in + * Use PoolAllocator for CCoinsMap + * Call ReallocateCache() on each Flush() + * Add PoolResource fuzzer + * Calculate memory usage correctly for unordered_maps that use PoolAllocator + * Add pool based memory resource & allocator + * refactor: rpc: hide and rename ParseNonRFCJSONValue() + * test: move coverage on ParseNonRFCJSONValue() to UniValue::read() + * rpc, tests: in `utxoupdatepsbt` also look for the transaction in the txindex + * doc: clarify new_only param for Select function + * bench: test select for a new table with only one address + * bench: add coverage for addrman select with network parameter + * test: increase coverage of addrman select (without network) + * test: add addrman test for special case + * tests: add addrman_select_by_network test + * addrman: add functionality to select by network + * scripted-diff: rename local variables to match modern conventions + * refactor: consolidate select logic for new and tried tables + * refactor: generalize select logic + * addrman: Introduce helper to generalize looking up an addrman entry + * test: add coverage for `-bantime` + * doc: document json rpc endpoints + * wallet: refactor coin selection algos to return util::Result + * refactor: update Select_ function + * prune, import: fixes #23852 + * Build: Log when test -f fails in Makefile + * Build: Use AM_V_GEN in Makefiles where appropriate + * rpc: extract psbt updating logic into ProcessPSBT + * doc: add release notes for `abandoned` field in `gettransaction` and `listtransactions` + * rpc, wallet: add `abandoned` field for all categories of transactions in ListTransactions + * assumeutxo: catch and log fs::remove error instead of two exist checks + * test: test banlist database recreation + * Add test for `sendmany` rpc that uses `subtractfeefrom` parameter + * test, init: perturb file to ensure failure instead of only deleting them + * rpc, docs: Add note for commands that supports only legacy wallets + * test: perturb anchors.dat to test it doesn't throw an error during initialization + * Periodically check disk space to avoid corruption + * Implement CCoinsViewErrorCatcher::HaveCoin + * test: add coverage for rpc error when trying to rescan beyond pruned data + * build: Drop redundant qt/bitcoin.cpp + * build: Include qt sources for parsing with + +- Update to version 25.0: + * doc: update release notes for 25.0 + * doc: update manual pages for 25.0 + * build: bump version to v25.0 final + * doc: update manual pages for v25.0rc2 + * build: bump version to v25.0rc2 + * net_processing: Boost inv trickle rate + * txmempool: have CompareDepthAndScore sort missing txs first + * p2p: Avoid prematurely clearing download state for other peers +- Drop 392dc68e.patch + +- Add 392dc68e.patch: Fix build with gcc 13. + +- Update to version 24.0.1 + changelogs: + * + * + * + +- fixed upstream version number change: it's not 0.x anymore` blinken +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.0: + * Fix lintian cleanup in snapcraft.yaml + * Add snapcraft 23.08 release + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers + * Add Flatpak CI/CD Integration + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + bluedevil5 +- Update to 5.27.10 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.27.9: + * Adapt to plasma-framework being renamed to libplasma + * Adapt to plasma-framework moving to Plasma + bluez-qt +- Update to 5.114.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.113.0 + +- Update to 5.113.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.112.0 + +- Update to 5.112.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.111.0 + +- Update to 5.111.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.110.0 + +- Update to 5.110.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.109.0 + +- Update to 5.109.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.108.0: + * Remove code variants for building with Qt 6 + * Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers + +- Update to 5.108.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.107.0: + * Remove qt6 CI builds + +- Update to 5.107.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.106.0 + +- Update to 5.106.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.105.0 + +- Update to 5.105.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.104.0 + +- Update to 5.104.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.103.0 + +- Update to 5.103.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.102.0 + bomber +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * Disable flatpak CI + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.1: + * snapcraft: Initial add snapcraft file + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + bouncycastle +- Update to version 1.77: + * Defects Fixed: + - Using an unescaped '=' in an X.500 RDN would result in the + RDN being truncated silently. The issue is now detected and + an exception is thrown. + - asn1.eac.CertificateBody was returning certificateEffectiveDate + from getCertificateExpirationDate(). This has been fixed to + return certificateExpirationDate. + - DTLS: Fixed retransmission in response to re-receipt of an + aggregated ChangeCipherSpec. + - (D)TLS: Fixed compliance for supported_groups extension. + Server will no longer negotiate an EC cipher suite using a + default curve when the ClientHello includes the supported_groups + extension but it contains no curves in common with the server. + Similarly, a DH cipher suite will not be negotiated when the + ClientHello includes supported_groups, containing at least one + FFDHE group, but none in common with the server. + - IllegalStateException was being thrown by Ed25519/Ed448 SignatureSpi. + - TLS: class annotation issues that could occur between the BC + provider and the TLS API for the GCMParameterSpec class when + the jars were loaded on the boot class path have been addressed. + - Attempt to create an ASN.1 OID from a zero length byte array + is now caught at construction time. + - Attempt to create an X.509 extension block which is empty will + now be blocked cause an exception. + - IES implementation will now accept a null ParameterSpec if no + nonce is needed. + - An internal method in Arrays was failing to construct its + failure message correctly on an error. + - HSSKeyPublicParameters.generateLMSContext() would fail for a + unit depth key. + * Additional Features and Functionality: + - BCJSSE: Added org.bouncycastle.jsse.client.omitSigAlgsCertExtension + and org.bouncycastle.jsse.server.omitSigAlgsCertExtension boolean + system properties to control (for client and server resp.) whether + the signature_algorithms_cert extension should be omitted if it + would be identical to signature_algorithms. Defaults to true, the + historical behaviour. + - The low-level HPKE API now allows the sender to specify an + ephemeral key pair. + - Support has been added for the delta-certificate requests in line + with the current Chameleon Cert draft from the IETF. + - Some accommodation has been added for historical systems to + accommodate variations in the SHA-1 digest OID for CMS SignedData. + - TLS: the TLS API will now try "RSAwithDigestAndMFG1" as well as + the newer RSAPSS algorithm names when used with the JCA. + - TLS: RSA key exchange cipher suites are now disabled by default. + - Support has been added for PKCS#10 requests to allow certificates + using the altSignature/altPublicKey extensions. + * Notes: + - Kyber and Dilithium have been updated according to the latest + draft of the standard. Dilithium-AES and Kyber-AES have now been + removed. Kyber now produces 256 bit secrets for all parameter sets + (in line with the draft standard). + - NTRU has been updated to produce 256 bit secrets in line with Kyber. + - SPHINCS+ can now be used to generate certificates in line with + those used by (Open Quantum Safe) OQS. + - Falcon object idenitifiers are now in line with OQS as well. + - PQC CMS SignedData now defaults to SHA-256 for signed attributes + rather than SHAKE-256. This is also a compatibility change, but may + change further again as the IETF standard for CMS is updated. + +- Update to version 1.76: + * Defects Fixed: + - Service allocation in the provider could fail due to the lack + of a permission block. This has been fixed. + - JceKeyFingerPrintCalculator has been generalised for different + providers by using "SHA-256" for the algorithm string. + - BCJSSE: Fixed a regression in 1.74 (NullPointerException) that + prevents a BCJSSE server from negotiating TLSv1.1 or earlier. + - DTLS: Fixed server support for client_certificate_type extension. + - Cipher.unwrap() for HQC could fail due to a miscalculation of + the length of the KEM packet. This has been fixed. + - There was exposure to a Java 7 method in the Java 5 to Java 8 + BCTLS jar which could cause issues with some TLS 1.2 cipher + suites running on older JVMs. This is now fixed. + * Additional Features and Functionality: + - BCJSSE: Following OpenJDK, finalizers have been removed from + SSLSocket subclasses. Applications should close sockets and + not rely on garbage collection. + - BCJSSE: Added support for boolean system property + "jdk.tls.client.useCompatibilityMode" (default "true"). + - DTLS: Added server support for session resumption. + - JcaPKCS10CertificationRequest will now work with EC on the + OpenJDK provider. + - TimeStamp generation now supports the SHA3 algorithm set. + - The SPHINCS+ simple parameters are now fully supported in the + BCPQC provider. + - Kyber, Classic McEliece, HQC, and Bike now supported by the + CRMF/CMS/CMP APIs. + - Builder classes have been add for PGP ASCII Armored streams + allowing CRCs and versions to now be optional. + - An UnknownPacket type has been added to the PGP APIs to allow + for forwards compatibility with upcoming revisions to the standard. + * Rebase patch bouncycastle-notests.patch +- Update to version 1.75: + * Defects Fixed: + - Several Java 8 method calls were accidentally introduced in + the Java 5 to Java 8 build. The affected classes have been + refactored to remove this. + - (D)TLS: renegotiation after resumption now fixed to avoid + breaking connection. + * Notes: + - The ASN.1 core package has had some dead and retired methods + cleaned up and removed. + bovo +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * Disable flatpak CI + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.1: + * snapcraft: Initial add snapcraft file + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + breeze +- Update to 5.27.10 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code changes since 5.27.9 + breeze-gtk +- Update to 5.27.10 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code changes since 5.27.9 + breeze5-icons +- Update to 5.114.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.113.0 + +- Update to 5.113.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.112.0 + +- Update to 5.112.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.111.0 + +- Update to 5.111.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.110.0 + +- Update to 5.110.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.109.0: + * Add filled `bookmarks-bookmarked` icon (kde#473694) + +- Update to 5.109.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.108.0 + +- Update to 5.108.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.107.0: + * Export cmake config so that a app can ensure that breeze-icons is installed + * Remove qt6 CI builds + +- Update to 5.107.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.106.0 + +- Update to 5.106.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.105.0: + * Make monochrome MS-DOS executable icons respect the color scheme + * Increase moon size for redshift-status-on icon + * Add mimetype icons for alembic files + * Add new Partition Manager app icon + * Make media-flash icon actually look like a typical flash memory card (kde#468006) + * Add new icons for the pixelate and blur tools in Spectacle + +- Update to 5.105.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.104.0: + * Add icons for showing and hiding a virtual keyboard + * Redshift icons: Add missing semi-transparency, add new breeze-dark icons + * Update Redshift icons to off on & sun (kde#462215) + * Delete false Gparted and Kwikdisk icons (kde#467319) + +- Update to 5.104.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.103.0: + * Add draw-number + +- Update to 5.103.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.102.0 + brickv +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.25 + - Fix Python dev-mode default handling + - Do not touch /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages on Debian Linux + - Convert Debian Linux package build to debhelper + - Disable ADC calibration for 7p Bricks + - Add missing pkg_resources dependency on Linux + - Update all temperature readings with 10 Hz + - Stop callback emulator from delivering results to destroyed plugins + - Avoid crash while loading the 3D model in all IMU plugins + - Avoid PyQt5 import problem with the Qt module + - Fix accidental dependency on newer PyQt5 version on Linux + +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.23 + - Allow saving config when Modbus master timeout is changed for RS485 Bricklet + - Enable Python development mode when running from source + - Fix socket leak on connect error + - Add manual y-axis scaling for plot widget + - Remove all driver files for Windows 7 and earlier + - Fix calibration dialog title for Compass Bricklet plugin + - Fix Galileo satellite numbers for GPS Bricklet 3.0 + - Add support for IPv6 connections + - Add commandline options to specify host, port and secret + - Add tab select menu that stays in the top left corner + - Fix corner cases in IMU Brick(let) plugin untab handling + - Add manual firmware list update button if auto-search for updates is disabled + - remove upstream patch 0001-red-Handle-service-provider-country-codes-missing-in.patch + +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.22 + - Add support for GPS Bricklet 3.0 and ESP32 (Ethernet) Brick + - Add Data Logger support for GPS Bricklet 3.0 + - Improve plot color palette for dark themes + - Rework plot timing logic to greatly reduce jitter + - Draw a vertical line to indicate time jumps in plots + - Fix driver installation on Windows + - Upgrade bundled Python to 3.9 on Windows (Windows 8.1 required) + - added 0001-red-Handle-service-provider-country-codes-missing-in.patch to fix build + +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.21 + - Fix serial port listing on Apple M1 Macs + - Truncate RED Brick log file view to 10MB + - Improve hex input mode for RS232 Bricklet 2.0 + - Improve compatibility with Python 3.10 + - Fix OpenGL problems on macOS 12 + budgie-control-center +- Add LGPL-3.0-or-later based on legaldb review + cc-tls-certificate.c/.h are under LGPL-3.0+ + +- GNOME Bluetooth v1 will stick around until we can remove it + from here - hopefully very soon + +- Update to version 1.3.0+0: + * shell: fix visibility check for rows and avoid empty searches + * shell: avoid activating panel from an empty search + * Set last-panel only for noncrashing panels + * network: Increase maximum MTU value from 10000 to 65536 + * display: Removed the loop from the snapping function + * display: Try snapping all the displays after a config change + * sound: Prevent duplicate sound device entries + * common: hostname-entry: Update hostname only after apply is + clicked + * usage: Fix confirmation dialog when clearing history + * thunderbold: Don't cast CcBoltPanel when cancelled + * user-accounts: close CcAvatarChooser before showing + GtkFileChooser + * user-accounts: disallow commas in real name + * printers: Use CUPS dest API for printing test page + instead CUPS IPP API + * keyboard: country matches should not be shown under a + language name. + * display: Add 32:9 to known aspect ratios + * sound: Add a "None" option to the alert chooser + * sound: Update sounds directory mtime when changing alert + * sound: Don't flip the balance and fade sliders in RTL + * Rework cc-usage-panel.c to display dialog on history + clearance + * Update POT for the latest translatables + * Add support for switching the file manager + +- Update to version 1.2.0+0: + * thunderbolt: Ensure client and devices exist when setting + visibility + * thunderbolt: Hide panel if there's no thunderbolt hardware + * info-overview: Remove "Mesa" prefix for Intel Iris driver + * wwan: wait for apn_list to exist to add SIM providers + * wwan: Set apn access method before adding to list + * wwan: Update apn list only if device is available + * wwan: Track apn list updates + * Better english for the duplicate fingerprint + * user-account: Return duplicate notification when the finger is + exist + * info-overview: Add "Kernel Version" row + * info: Make get_hardware_model use a hostnamed property getter + * net-device-ethernet: Don't check device iface name + * net-device-ethernet: Prevent double free + * network: Fixed Network profiles shown on wrong device + * network: Fix an assertion failure + * cc-printers-panel: don't show two Add Printer buttons at once + +- Update to version 1.1.1+0: + * Update background preview to look more like Budgie + * Ensure VNC/RDP remote control settings is honored + * Handle keybindings extraction + * More comprehensive C string extraction + * panels: wwan: Add WWAN 5G connection support + +- Update to version 1.1.0+0: + * Update GLib dependency to 2.70 + * power: Remove support for power-profiles-daemon < 0.9.0 + * build: Add script to detect files in XDG_DATA_DIRS + * sharing: Turn off VNC gsettings key when turning off VNC (CVE-2022-1736, lp#1971415) + * sharing: Turn off RDP gsettings key when turning off RDP (lp#1971415) + * applications: Switch to g_spawn_check_wait_status() + * applications: Properly protect against NULL app_id + * wacom: Explicitly discard input from touchscreens + * wacom: Allow NULL monitors in calibration + * wwan: Make sure secrets are set when querying connection APN password + * display: Always show refresh rate + * network: Fix saving passwords for non-wifi connections + * build: Bump required gsettings-desktop-schemas version + * ua: Use the new high contrast key + * datetime: Remove tzname_daylight + * keyboard-shortcut-editor: fix leak of accel string + * keyboard-item: fix leak on unused CcKeyCombo + * keyboard-manager: fix leak of section list store + * common: Fix leak of GUdevDevice + * network: fix critical when opening VPN details page + * wacom: Add scenario tester + * wacom: Add a fake stylus when mocking a tablet + * wacom: Split off notebook switching for detected stylus + * wacom: Print errors for libwacom_new_from_*() calls + * info-overview: Allow changing "Device Name" by pressing "Enter" + * small typo + * Ensure buddies gresource includes sound test icons + * Remove Python from dependencies + * Fix typo in feature template + * Edit typo in bug_report template + +- Update to version 1.0.2+0: + * Add missing systemd-service file for vnc sharing + * v1.0.2 version bump + * Rework VNC screensharing to work with GNOME 42 version of + GNOME Remote Desktop + * Rework fractional scaling to disable the lock-screen + GNOME/Budgie screensaver goes into a flash loop when + fractional scaling options are used. + * Move some items out to fix some fallback. + * Enable setting a dark distributor logo for Fedora. + * build: Bump required gsettings-desktop-schemas version + * small typo + * Ensure buddies gresource includes sound test icons + * Correct build issues with documentation meson option/disable + wayland building as a default + * Bump microrelease + * Reorganize directories to match budgie-desktop + * Port: Add individual app icons + * Fix lintian reported typo + * network: Fix OWE settings + +- Split out bash completion into subpackage + budgie-desktop +- Add budgie-session.patch: add support for Budgie Session + to Budgie 10.8 + +- Update to version 10.8.2+0: + * Use user-space variables to pass temporary screenshot data + * notifications: Try to guess app id if getting from hints fails + * Fix oversight in custom icon theme path reading + * Fix initial tray icon scaling + * Simplify Raven notification group + * Update translations + * fix compilation errors against latest gcc + * Unbox primitives for DBusMenu nodes + * Add setting for tray icon scaling + * Make dark theme switch apply to color scheme pref + * Include keywords when performing fuzzy searches + * Add xdg-desktop-portal config + * Work around more SN/dbusmenu quirks + * Move below initialization of radio buttons + * Update README for 10.8 assets +- Trash applet not needed for 10.8 + +- Update to version 10.8+0: + * Drop libmutter-12 support in favor of magpie-0 + * Polkit dialog will now show the action description + and action ID when graphical privilege escalation is requested + * Status applet now provides the ability to control the + Performance / Power profile modes offered by + power-profiles-daemon. + * System Tray has adopted the Status Notifier specification + * Application Indexer's fuzzy scoring function has been + ported to C + * Default colour is now green + * Kvantum and Murrine themes are now hidden in + Budgie Desktop Settings + * We now search for plugins in both /usr and /usr/local + +- Update to version 10.7.2+0: + * Just have a use-old-zenity option to avoid issues with + zenity version detection + * Bump to 10.7.2 + * Remove comment related to GTK_CHECK_VERSION that causes + faux error noise during compile + * fix: check of zenity on OSes with older Meson + * add detection of zenity version and use different flags for + old vs new zenity + * budgie-menu: Make category buttons keyboard navigable + * Fix screenshot for libmutter-12 + * budgie-menu: Change the selection policy from NONE to SINGLE + * Fix panel growing memory consumption over increasing numbers + of notifications + * Use correct C header for meta_keybindings_set_custom_handler + * Added code to manage max_notifications_per_group + * Minor optimizations, edited comments + * Limited the number of notifications to prevent infinit + accumulation, causing raven to choke + * feat: ensure Budgie Menu application lists height + allocation accounts for GTK scaling factor + * Fix Gtk gdk_x11_window_get_frame_extents + - change since Gtk version 3… + * Fix SoundOutput and Calendar widget settings schemas + * Relevancy algorithm refinements + +- Update to version 10.7.1+20: + * Fix screenshot for libmutter-12 + * Update tray plugin description + * Add timeout to watcher init in tray applet + * budgie-menu: Change the selection policy from NONE to SINGLE + * Fix panel growing memory consumption over increasing numbers + of notifications + * Use correct C header for meta_keybindings_set_custom_handler + * Added code to manage max_notifications_per_group + * Introduce mutter-12 support (bsc#1209895) + +- Budgie Desktop 10.7 "Superhero Raven" + * New application indexer, replacing our use of libgnome-menus + and unifying our logic used in both Budgie Menu and Budgie Run + Dialog + * Budgie Desktop Settings now has a new design for widget + selection + * Budgie Menu now leverages switcheroo-control if available to + switch between GPU environments when launching applications + that request it + * Budgie Menu now provides a "personal user menu" which has + quick XDG directory access + * In the new bottom strip of Budgie Menu, we now have buttons for + launching Budgie Desktop Settings, Budgie Control Center + and our new Power Dialog + * New Budgie Screenshot application built into the desktop + * Full list available at: + +- Add BRs pkgconfig(gee-0.8), pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0), + pkgconfig(libcanberra), pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3) +- New libraries libbudgie-appindexer0, libbudgie-raven-plugin0 +- New introspection binding BudgieRaven-1.0 +- Some change of namespace from org.solus-project to + org.buddiesofbudgie + +- Update to version 10.6.4+0: + * Bump to 10.6.4 + * Add missing gio-unix-2.0 dependencies + * Update timezone if no custom timezone set + * Resolve numerous issues with the Workspace Applet + +- Update to version 10.6.3+0: + * Bump to 10.6.3 + * Add setting for workspace item size + * Obtain custom timezone using the schema key name + * Builtin theme: Dim labels in menu when submenus are revealed + * Add support for Mutter 11 (GNOME 43) + * Improve scaling change message to request further user action +- Move autostart back to /etc until aaa_base is fixed + +- Add Recommends xdg-desktop-portal-gnome for flatpak and snapd + users + +- Update to version 10.6.2+0: + * Bump to 10.6.2 + * Reset ITL buttons if group updated while pinned + * Disconnect from the allocation changed signal to avoid having + notification popups move unexpectedly + * Fix math for calculating right panel strut + * fix broken C std for gvc subproject + * Set notif popup position after size allocation + * Rewrite initial applet layout to prevent position desync + * ITL: Prevent segfault when attempting to swap buttons + * Workspace item size now independent of workspace width + * Attempt re-adding nameless windows on name change. + * Set a mininum expiry timeout for notification popups + * Drop unnecessary Comment in daemon desktop that produces + warning. + * Fixes spec compliance for closing notifications + * Reset ITL button's first_app and class group app on swap + * IconTasklist: Swap button key in hashtable when first_app + changes + * Fix various compile-time warnings in Vala code + * Workspaces: Adjust app spacing and align with panel edges + * Increase size and density of workspaces in workspace applet + * Use a Mutex for Raven threading + * Remove gtk3 from lib_applet_budgiemenu_resources deps + * Compile some gresources into intermediate static libraries + * Use meson warning_level instead of global warning flags + * Fix deprecations in vapi and ClockApplet + * Use simple selectors in _widgets.scss to resolve warning + * Mark [GtkChild] properties as unowned to resolve compiler + warnings + * Regenerate vapi for mutter 10 This commit updates the vapi for + mutter 10/clutter et al since the stable release of GNOME 42. + This also fixes an existing issue with our generation of + CursorTracker.get_pointer where params both return values. + +- Enforce update to latest budgie-desktop-branding 20220627.1 + +- Update to version 10.6.1+0: + * Tag 10.6.1 Release + * Update button ID to launcher when pinning and open app and + back to app ID when unpinning it + * Fix regression where non pinned icons were not reorderable in + icon tasklist + * Attempt to fix a regression in dragging that was caused by + inconsistent application IDs. + * Remove delay when opening apps + * Sync translations. Updated transifex config. + * Remove check for window hints when removing button in + Icon tasklist + * Improve racyness when a notification is closed and another + one shown in quick succession + * Fix regression in IconTasklist. + * Don't modify notification group HashTables while iterating + over them + * Re-connect to the Raven signal to clear all notifications + * Ensure new applications icons are displayed in tasklist + when using restrict-to-workspace + * Fix inconsistency when opening Raven + * Add a null check to budgie_popover_manager_ungrab + +- Change gnome-bluetooth requires to be compatible with older + distributions + - * Proper icon tasklist scaling (#64) - * Fix inconsistency when opening Raven (#68) + * Proper icon tasklist scaling + * Fix inconsistency when opening Raven - * Actually fix notification pausing sometimes breaking Firefox notifications + * Actually fix notification pausing sometimes breaking Firefox + notifications - * Fix some applications showing their own notification popups when paused + * Fix some applications showing their own notification popups when + paused - * Ensure gschema override for switch-input-source* is formatted correctly. + * Ensure gschema override for switch-input-source* is formatted + correctly. - * Perform additional sanity check on add_app due to invalid windows being tracked on app closures. + * Perform additional sanity check on add_app due to invalid windows + being tracked on app closures. - * Clock applet: Don't show empty second/date label if not enabled (#2168) - * Revert "Use ibus daemonize to allow ibus popups to appear Closes: #729 (#2111)" + * Clock applet: Don't show empty second/date label if not enabled + * Revert "Use ibus daemonize to allow ibus popups to appear - * Add Mutter 9 support (#2165) + * Add Mutter 9 support - * Use ibus daemonize to allow ibus popups to appear Closes: #729 (#2111) - * Enable Mod3 (Meta or Hyper) for Tab Switching (#2164) + * Use ibus daemonize to allow ibus popups to appear + * Enable Mod3 (Meta or Hyper) for Tab Switching - * Resolve issues with status applet spacing persistence (#2093) + * Resolve issues with status applet spacing persistence - * Add spacing setting to StatusApplet (#2088) - * Add setting to pause notifications while apps are fullscreen (#2092) - * Synchronize X errors in carbon_child_realize (#2091) + * Add spacing setting to StatusApplet + * Add setting to pause notifications while apps are fullscreen + * Synchronize X errors in carbon_child_realize - * Prevent Budgie Desktop Settings from being pinned via drag-and-drop. Fixes #2085. - * Use standard mute/unmute methods (#2084) + * Prevent Budgie Desktop Settings from being pinned via + drag-and-drop + * Use standard mute/unmute methods - * Fix regression in Budgie Desktop Settings icon handling (#2082) + * Fix regression in Budgie Desktop Settings icon handling - * Fix issue with KeePass causing panel segfaults (#2072) + * Fix issue with KeePass causing panel segfaults - * Rejig nemo support with desktop settings (#2064) - * Apply dock mode class on init (#2058) + * Rejig nemo support with desktop settings + * Apply dock mode class on init - * Implement setting to choose which side of the screen Raven opens on + * Implement setting to choose which side of the screen Raven + opens on - * Rework-grab-and-ungrab-keys.patch (gh#solus-project/budgie-desktop#1907) + * Rework-grab-and-ungrab-keys.patch + (gh#solus-project/budgie-desktop#1907) budgie-desktop-view +- Move autostart back to %_distconfdir as aaa_base is fixed + +- Update to version 1.3+0: + * Bump to 1.3 + * Update translations + * Make hover selection more obvious, tie in loading cursor. + * Ensure Budgie Desktop View updates position + and geometry on root window workarea change. + * Add CODEOWNERS + * Set focus to first VISIBLE item on arrow key press + * Don't specify the file manager for trash icon + * meson: Remove non standard optimization logic + * Add translation support for trash icon + * make update-desktop-database's + target directory explicit + * drop all support code for creating config.h + * Use correct path for building xdg_appdir value. + * Rename amd64 builds + * Enable dependency caching, only do Ubuntu multiarch builds + * Try to fix risc-v matrix + budgie-screensaver +- Move autostart back to %_distconfdir as aaa_base is fixed +- Use new budgie namespace for desktop file aswell + calendarsupport +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Make calendar priting work with any KCalendarCore::Calendar + * Remove unused KIMAP dependency + * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works + * Add KConfig to the public link interface + * Remove CalendarSupport::createMimeData + * not export symbol of private methods + * Remove unused alias now + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + cantor +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * snapcraft: add license text. + * snapcraft: Add new dep qtbase private. + * snapcraft: bump content pack version. + * Disable flatpak CI + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.1: + * snapcraft: fix analitza source. + * snapcraft: Initial commit snapcraft files + * [maxima] clear the variables created in TestMaxima::testVariableModel() + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.07.80: + * CI: Also drop obsolete dependency on KF5Pty there + * Drop KPty dependency + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Some cleanup in the Sage backend + * [sage] allow to specify plot format and size in the application settings. + * [sage] don't call sage-cleaner explicitly. + * Fix displaying plots in sagemath>=9.7 (kde#468598) + * Add Flatpak CI/CD Integration + * Make sure zoom percentage translation can be parsed back + * Fix gcc dangling reference warnings + * Catch exception by const & + * Make percent value localizable + * [sage] bump the minimal supported version of Sage to 9.2 (kde#408176) + * Port away from deprecated standard path + * [octave] evaluate the option "integrate plots" on every expression execution + * Added changes that were forgotten in the previous two commits. + * [maxima] always trim the command string and remove line breaks (kde#465277) + * Don't use strict icon size mode when picking icon + * [lua] refactored and fixed the parsing of LuaJIT's output. (kde#461135) + * [tests] skip testInterrupt for python. + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.1: + * Fix displaying plots in sagemath>=9.7 (kde#468598) + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + celluloid +- Update to version 0.26 + * Fix a bug where the header bar keeps hiding even when a menu + is open. + * Use toasts instead of dialog to report mpv errors. + * Change default screenshot format to PNG. + * Fix crash that happens when the mpv-config-file key in + GSettings contains a path rather than a URI. + * Expose the Position MPRIS property. + * Use the numeric style class for the time/duration label, + which stops it from jumping around as it changes. + +- Set version requirement for libadwaita-1 + +- Update to version 0.25 + * Fix crash when using multiple windows. + * Port the about dialog to libadwaita. + * Fix cursor not autohiding on KDE. + * Fix mouse presses/releases becoming unreliable during + playback. + * Add Estonian, Georgian, Lithuanian, Occitan and Tamil + translations. + +- Replace youtube-dl with yt-dlp Recommends: youtube-dl is dead + upstream, and celluloid/mpv upstream switched to yt-dlp. See: + + +- Fix source URL + +- Update to version 0.24 + * Add Malay translation by @dinazmi. + * Use libadwaita. + * Fix on_load hook in scripts not triggering. + * Add option to make the video area draggable. + * Fix autofit breaking when playing small videos. + * Make controls layout adaptive. + * Display chapter marks in the seek bar. + * Display chapter titles in the seek bar popover. + +- Updated build requirements + +- Update to version 0.23 + * Fix autofit triggering regardless of settings. + * Fix window size shrinking across sessions. + * Fix crash when playing files with names containing invalid + encoding. + * Fix drag-and-drop not working with some file managers. + * Fix playback starting when the last playlist item is removed. + cervisia +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Prepare qt6 build system + * Add CMakePresets.json support + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + cjose +- Add OpenSSL 3.2 compatibility: [bsc#1217722] + * Fixed upstream: + * Add cjose-OpenSSL2-compat.patch + clamav-database +- database refresh on 2024-02-19 (bsc#1084929) + +- database refresh on 2024-02-12 (bsc#1084929) + +- database refresh on 2024-02-05 (bsc#1084929) + clipgrab +- Update to version 3.9.10 (no changelog supplied) + colord-kde +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Improve CMakePresets.json + * Drop unused KIO dependency + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + -- Downgrade gnome-color-manager to Suggests, instead of Recommends - -- Update to version 0.3.0 - * New translations - * Fix setting an ICC profile while KDE SC is starting - * Fix setting the ICC_PROFILE X atom that applications like Krita, - digikam, gimp use - * Add a mimetype handler to handle ICC profile files - * Handle the talk with colord using auto generated classes from XML - interface - * Improved support for colord 0.8 - * Improved information about why the calibration button is disabled - * Moved the code that scans and parse ICC profiles to a thread so we - don’t block the main KDED process -- Added liblcms2-devel BuildRequires - combustion +- Update to version 1.3+git5: + * Set the snapper snapshot as important=yes + * Remove unnecessary chmod + +- Update to version 1.3+git3: + * 30firstboot: Do not detect firstboot in the zipl initrd "initgrub" mode + (bsc#1218065) + * Handle absence of NM and wicked properly + * Use dracut $hookdir instead of hardcoding + +- Update to version 1.3: + * Add udev rule for VMware guestinfo + * Read VMware guestinfo value as base64 encoded gzipped script + * Support VMware guestinfo + +- Update to version 1.2+git9: + * Override subvol= with the new snapshot if necessary + +- Update to version 1.2+git8: + * Set mount propagation flags for /sysroot in the right order + compton-conf +- Added Conflicts: picom-conf as the two no longer co-install + conmon +- New upstream release 2.1.10 + Bug fixes: + * Fix incorrect free in conn_sock (removes fix-incorrect-free-in-conn_sock.patch) + * logging: Respect log-size-max immediately after open + +- Add fix-incorrect-free-in-conn_sock.patch + This fixes a regression in 2.1.9 + ( and + + +- New upstream release 2.1.9 + [#]## Bug fixes + * fix some issues flagged by SAST scan + * src: fix write after end of buffer + * src: open all files with O_CLOEXEC + * oom-score: restore oom score before running exit command + [#]## Features + * Forward more messages on the sd-notify socket + * logging: -l passthrough accepts TTYs + +- Update to version 2.1.8: + * stdio: ignore EIO for terminals (bsc#1217773) + * ensure console socket buffers are properly sized + * conmon: drop return after pexit() + * ctrl: make accept4 failures fatal + * logging: avoid opening /dev/null for each write + * oom: restore old OOM score + * Use default umask 0022 + * cli: log parsing errors to stderr + * Changes to build conmon for riscv64 + * Changes to build conmon for ppc64le + * Fix close_other_fds on FreeBSD + coq +- Update to version 8.19.0. The most impactful changes: + * Sort polymorphism makes it possible to share common constructs + over `Type`, `Prop` and `SProp`. + * The notation `term%_scope` to set a scope only temporarily (in + addition to `term%scope` for opening a scope applying to all + subterms). + * `lazy`, `simpl`, `cbn` and `cbv` and the associated `Eval` and + `eval` reductions learned to do head reduction when given flag + `head`. + * New Ltac2 APIs, improved Ltac2 `exact` and dynamic building of + Ltac2 term patterns. + * New performance evaluation facilities: `Instructions` to count + CPU instructions used by a command and Profiling system to + produce trace files. + * New command `Attributes` to assign attributes such as + `deprecated` to a library file. +- Notable breaking changes: + * `replace` with `by tac` does not automatically attempt to solve + the generated equality subgoal using the hypotheses. Use `by + first [assumption | symmetry;assumption | tac]` if you need the + previous behaviour. + * Removed old deprecated files from the standard library. +- Use %fdupes in the documentation package. + +- Revert last change: this is now set in ocaml-rpm-macros. +- Increase stack size limit in QEMU user space builds. Here ulimit + has no effect, so we add a wrapper around ocamlopt.opt to PATH + that adds "-s ..." to the qemu- command line. + +- Increase stack size limit to fix build on riscv64. + +- Update to version 8.18.0. + * The default locality of `Hint` and `Instance` commands was + switched to `export`. + * The universe unification algorithm can now delay the commitment + to a sort (the algorithm used to pick `Type`). Thanks to this + feature many `Prop` and `SProp` annotations can be now omitted. + * Ltac2 supports array literals, maps and sets of primitive + datatypes such as names (of constants, inductive types, etc) + and fine-grained control over profiling. + * The warning system offers new categories, enabling finer + (de)activation of specific warnings. This should be + particularly useful to handle deprecations. + * Many new lemmas useful for teaching analysis with Coq are now + part of the standard library about real numbers. + * The `#[deprecated]` attribute can now be applied to definitions. + +- Update to version 8.17.1. + * Fixed incorrect paths emitted by coqdep in some cases for META + files which prevented dune builds for plugins from working + correctly. + * Fixed shadowing of record fields in extraction to OCaml. + * Fixed an impossible-to-turn-off debug message "backtracking and + redoing byextend on ...". + * Fixed a major memory regression affecting MathComp 2. +- Classify desktop entry under Science instead of Education. +- Add screenshot URL to AppStream metadata. + +- Update to version 8.17.0. + * Fixed a logical inconsistency due to `vm_compute` in presence + of side-effects in the enviroment (e.g. using Back or Fail). + * It is now possible to dynamically enable or disable notations. + * Support multiple scopes in `Arguments` and `Bind Scope`. + * The tactics chapter of the manual has many improvements in + presentation and wording. The documented grammar is semi- + automatically checked for consistency with the implementation. + * Fixes to the `auto` and `eauto` tactics, to respect hint + priorities and the documented use of simple apply. This is a + potentially breaking change. + * New Ltac2 APIs, deep pattern-matching with `as` clauses and + handling of literals, support for record types and preterms. + * Move from :> to :: syntax for declaring typeclass fields as + instances, fixing a confusion with declaration of coercions. + * Standard library improvements. + +- Build with ocaml-rpm-macros to get proper Requires and Provides + for coq-devel. This should prevent incompatibilities with other + Ocaml libraries when building native objects against coq-devel. + +- Update to version 8.16.1. + * Fixed the conversion of `Prod` values in the native compiler. + * Added `SProp` check for opaque names in conversion. + * Pass the correct environment to compute η-expansion of + cofixpoints in VM and native compilation. + * Fixed an inconsistency with conversion of primitive arrays, and + associated incomplete strong normalization of primitive arrays + with `lazy`. + * `Print Assumptions` treats opaque definitions with missing + proofs (as found in .vos files, produced using -vos) as axioms + instead of ignoring them. + +- Update to version 8.16.0. + * The guard checker (see `Guarded`) now ensures strong + normalization under any reduction strategy. + * Irrelevant terms (in the `SProp` sort) are now squashed to a + dummy value during conversion, fixing a subject reduction + issue and making proof conversion faster. + * Introduction of reversible coercions, which allow coercions + relying on meta-level resolution such as type-classes or + canonical structures. Also allow coercions that do not fullfill + the uniform inheritance condition. + * Generalized rewriting support for rewriting with `Type`-valued + relations and in `Type` contexts, using the + `Classes.CMorphisms` library. + * Added the boolean equality scheme command for decidable + inductive types. + * Added a `Print Notation` command. + * Incompatibilities in name generation for Program obligations, + `eauto` treatment of tactic failure levels, use of `ident` in + notations, parsing of module expressions. + * Standard library reorganization and deprecations. + * Improve the treatment of standard library numbers by + `Extraction`. +- Coq requires ocamlfind at runtime now. + +- Update to version 8.15.2. + * Tactics `intuition` and `dintuition` use + `Tauto.intuition_solver` (defined as `auto with *`) instead of + hardcoding `auto with *`. This makes it possible to change the + default solver with `Ltac Tauto.intuition_solver ::= ...`. + * Fixed an uncaught exception `UnableToUnify` with + bidirectionality hints. + * Fixed multiple CoqIDE bugs. + * Fixed an incorrect implementation of `SFClassify`, allowing for + a proof of `False` since 8.11.0, due to Axioms present in + `Float.Axioms`. +- Rename coq.desktop to fr.inria.coq.coqide.desktop as the + documentation suggests, add an accompanying metainfo file. +- Declare documentation as noarch. + +- Update to version 8.15.1. + * Fixes an inconsistency when using module subtyping with + inductive types. + * Speeds up CoqIDE on large files. + * Fixes a bug where `coqc -vok` was not creating a .vok file. + * Fixes a regression in `cbn`. + * Improves usability of schemes with `elim foo using scheme with + (P0 := ...)` (the `P0` name was not accessible in 8.15.0). + +- Update to version 8.15.0. + * The `apply with` tactic no longer renames arguments unless + the compatibility flag `Apply With Renaming` is set. + * Improvements to the `auto` tactic family, fixing `Hint Unfold` + behavior, and generalizing the use of discrimination nets. + * The `typeclasses eauto` tactic has a new `best_effort` option + allowing it to return partial solutions to a proof search + problem, depending on the mode declarations associated to each + constraint. This mode is used by typeclass resolution during + type inference to provide more precise error messages. + * Many commands and options were deprecated or removed after + deprecation and more consistently support locality attributes. + * The `Import` command is extended with `import_categories` to + select the components of a module to import or not, including + features such as hints, coercions, and notations. + * A visual Ltac debugger is now available in CoqIDE. + * For more details, see refman/changes.html in coq-doc. + +- Update to version 8.14.1. + * Fixed the implementation of persistent arrays used by the VM + and native compute so that it uses a uniform representation. + Previously, storing primitive floats inside primitive arrays + could cause memory corruption. + * Fixed missing registration of universe constraints in Module + Type elaboration. + * Made `abstract` more robust with respect to Ltac `constr` + bindings containing existential variables. + * Correct support of trailing `let` by tactic `specialize`. + * Fixed an anomaly with `Extraction Conservative Types` when + extracting pattern-matching on singleton types. + * Regular error instead of an anomaly when calling `Separate + Extraction` in a module. + +- Update to version 8.14.0. + * The internal representation of match has changed to a more + space-efficient and cleaner structure, allowing the fix of a + completeness issue with cumulative inductive types in the type- + checker. The internal representation is now closer to the user- + level view of match, where the argument context of branches and + the inductive binders in and as do not carry type annotations. + * A new coqnative binary performs separate native compilation of + libraries, starting from a .vo file. It is supported by + coq_makefile. + * Improvements to typeclasses and canonical structure resolution, + allowing more terms to be considered as classes or keys. + * More control over notations declarations and support for + primitive types in string and number notations. + * Removal of deprecated tactics, notably omega, which has been + replaced by a greatly improved lia, along with many bug fixes. + * New Ltac2 APIs for interaction with Ltac1, manipulation of + inductive types and printing. + * Many changes and additions to the standard library in the + numbers, vectors and lists libraries. A new signed primitive + integers library Sint63 is available in addition to the + unsigned Uint63 library. + * For more details, see refman/changes.html in coq-doc. + cosign +- updated to 2.2.3 (jsc#SLE-23879) + Bug Fixes: + * Fix race condition on verification with multiple signatures attached to image (#3486) + * fix(clean): Fix clean cmd for private registries (#3446) + * Fixed BYO PKI verification (#3427) + Features: + * Allow for option in cosign attest and attest-blob to upload attestation as supported in Rekor (#3466) + * Add support for OpenVEX predicate type (#3405) + Documentation: + * Resolves #3088: `version` sub-command expected behaviour documentation and testing (#3447) + * add examples for cosign attach signature cmd (#3468) + Misc: + * Remove CertSubject function (#3467) + * Use local rekor and fulcio instances in e2e tests (#3478) +- bumped embedded to fix the Terrapin attack CVE-2023-48795 (bsc#1218207) + +- updated to 2.2.2 (jsc#SLE-23879) + v2.2.2 adds a new container with a shell, +, in addition to the existing + container without a shell. + For private deployments, we have also added an alias for + - -insecure-skip-log, --private-infrastructure. + Bug Fixes: + * chore(deps): bump from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6 (#3411) which fixes a bug with using Azure KMS + * Don't require CT log keys if using a key/sk (#3415) + * Fix copy without any flag set (#3409) + * Update cosign generate cmd to not include newline (#3393) + * Fix idempotency error with signing (#3371) + Features: + * Add --yes flag cosign import-key-pair to skip the overwrite confirmation. (#3383) + * Use the timeout flag value in verify* commands. (#3391) + * add --private-infrastructure flag (#3369) + Container Updates: + * Bump builder image to use go1.21.4 and add new cosign image tags with shell (#3373) + Documentation: + * Update (#3358) + cpupower -- Add turbostat support for MeteorLake platforms (jsc#PED-4325) - A tools-power-turbostat-Add-support-for-MeteorLake-platforms.patch +- Fix library file version: -> + (bsc#1217044) + A cpupower_fix_library_so_name.patch -- Add Emerald Ridge Intel CPU model support: - * jsc#PED-4393 - intel-speed-select tool support for EMR - A tools-power-turbostat-Introduce-support-for-EMR.patch - A add_emerald_ridge_intel_family.patch - * jsc#PED-4395 - Add EMR CPU support to turbostat - A tools-power-x86-intel-speed-select-Add-Emerald-Rapid-quirk.patch - -- Update to latest intel-speed-select package version from 1.10 to 1.13 - (jsc#PED-2137): - 1.13: - * Fix build failure when using gcc options -Wl,--as-needed - * Fix warning for perf_cap.cpu may be uninitialized - * Fix off by one check for MAX_DIE_PER_PACKAGE - * Fix issue with use of get_physical_die_id instead of - get_physical_die_id - * Warn if turbo is disabled and SST turbo-freq feature is requested - 1.12: - * Allows out of band SST support, where some remote agent - changes SST profiles via some Board Management Controller. - * HFI support to process config level changes in oob mode - 1.11: - * Update max performance when BIOS disabled turbo - -- Update to latest turbostat version 2022.07.28 - jsc#PED-1028 - Includes: - Add ADL-N platform to Turbostat - jsc#PED-1027 - Add RPL-P platform to Turbostat - jsc#PED-1029 - Add RPL-S platform to Turbostat - jsc#PED-1026 -- Explicitly add patch to support Raptorlake-S - jsc#PED-2066 - A tools-power-turbostat-add-support-for-RPL-S.diff +- Rename libcpupower0 to libcpupower1 following changes in SONAME. +- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling. + +- Add wildcard for powercap.h since powercap patches have reached mainline +- Build bash-completion noarch + +- clean up sources: drop rapl_monitor.patch and + cpupower_rapl.patch. + +- Move bash-completion to subpackage so it isn't installed when + not needed + +- Remove powercap capabilities to patch againt latest kernel sources + - > still keep the patches, will be removed after trying to get this + mainline +- Add netlink (libnl-devel) requires + +- add rebuild subpackage to trigger rebuild on kernel updates + +- Change to building the package from kernel-source based on + how the perf package works +- Removed patches: + * turbostat_makefile_fix_asm_header.patch + * remove_bits_h.patch + * x86_perf_makefile_fix_asm_header.patch +- Remove all tarballs and git script +- Use %lang_package +- Correct ix86 to %ix86 csp-billing-adapter +- Update to version 0.9.0: + * Add metering archive feature + csp-billing-adapter-local +- Update to version 0.5.0: + * Attempt to backup archive before saving + * Add get_archive_location function + * Add metering archive hook implementations + cutmp3 +- Update to version 3.0.3 + * Quickfix, eliminated warnings -Wunused-result and + - Wformat-security + version 3.0.2: + * Minor bugfixes, eliminated warnings +- Switch to new upstream source + -- update to 1.9.4 - dbus-1-glib +- Try to guard against incomplete update stacks (boo#1202241): + + Add split-provides to libdbus-1-glib and bash-completion + sub-package. + + Add explicit conflict to bash-completion subpackage against + dbus-1-glib < 0.112 (when the package split happened) + + Ensure dbus-1-glib-tool gets the correct library version + installed. + +- Add relevant dbus-1-glib- provides/obsoletes also in + baselibs.conf (boo#1193502). + +- Add signature and keyring as sources, verify tarball with gpg. + +- Update to version 0.112: + + Dependencies: + - dbus 1.8 was already required, but is more strongly required + now: the workarounds that were used to run continuous + integration with dbus 1.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 'trusty' have been + removed. (Note that dbus 1.8 has already reached end-of-life + for security support, and newer dbus stable branches are + strongly recommended.) + - pkg-config 0.28 is required when building from git. + + Enhancements: + - Rewrite document, based on Wayland's + equivalent. + - A generated ChangeLog file, which made up a significant + proportion of the size of source tarball releases, is no + longer included. + - Improve man page. + - Add test coverage for fdo#80557 + - Use more modern GLib assertions in unit tests. + - Improve continuous integration to be run by GitLab in + addition to Travis-CI. + - Add clearer license information using + SPDX-License-Identifier. + + Fixes: + - Allow glib-genmarshal to be overridden with + `./configure GLIB_GENMARSHAL=/path/to/glib-genmarshal`, for + cross-compilation. + - Avoid a double-free in dbus-binding-tool for certain inputs, + possibly involving nested introspection data structures. + - Report a better error for excessive recursion depth or + unsupported data types. + - Map the 15 most-recently-added DBusGError members to their + corresponding D-Bus error names. + - Mark all documented symbols as deprecated. + - Fix unit test failures during distcheck by enabling + assertions. + - Fix a core dump during installed-tests by not attempting to + close a shared DBusConnection. +- Package COPYING as license, and NEWS as docs. +- Add explicit pkgconfig BuildRequires. +- Replace dbus-1-devel and glib2-devel with pkgconfig variants that + configure checks for: pkgconfig(dbus-1), pkgconfig(glib-2.0), + pkgconfig(gobject-2.0) and pkgconfig(gio-2.0) BuildRequires. +- Drop hard Requires and BuildRequires that are not needed as they + are added automatically. +- Split out bash-completion sub-package. +- Split out shared library into own sub-package, and Require it + from the devel package, and add to the baselibs.conf. Following + the SLPP standard. Add Provides and Obsoletes for the no longer + existing main package. +- Use ldconfig_scriptlets for post(un) handling. +- Add soname define, ease future updates. + +- Update to version 0.110: + Dependencies: + + GLib 2.40 is required + Enhancements: + + The GLib main-loop glue, "dbus-gmain", is now available as a separate + subproject (the dbus-gmain branch in dbus-glib's git repository) for + embedding in larger projects like dbus-glib and dbus-python via the + `git subtree` or `git submodule` commands. This removes dbus-python's + dependency on the rest of dbus-glib. + Fixes: + + can now detect gtk-doc >= 1.26. + + More files have per-file copyright information. +- Run spec-cleaner + -- Update to version 0.100.2: - + Respin tarball. - -- Update to version 0.100.1: - + dbus-gproxy: Verify sender of NameOwnerChanged signals to be - o.f.DBus (CVE-2013-0292, bnc#804392). - + Some cleanups. - + Other bugs fixed: fdo#23633, fdo#40711, fdo#55729, fdo#55730. - -- Update to version 0.100: - + Enhancements: - - Support building on Android with androgenizer - (fdo#42532) - - Respect NOCONFIGURE=1 in - + Fixes: - - Fix several GVariant reference leaks in - dbus_g_value_parse_variant (fdo#41125) - - Don't crash if an error code is out of range for its domain - or has a negative code (fdo#40151) - - Fix compilation with -Werror=format-security - - Don't crash if dbus_g_proxy_new_for_peer() is used to talk to - the dbus-daemon (fdo#41126) - -- Further dependency changes: Let dbus-1-glib-devel require - dbus-1-devel (implicitly pulls dbus-1). - -- Fix and loosen dependency towards dbus-1. Reported by Andreas - Jaeger . - -- license update: AFL-2.1 or GPL-2.0+ - License is a dual license choice of either Academic Free License 2.1 or - GNU GPL 2+. This is the SPDX format for that license - -- Update to version 0.98: - + Fix the documentation, a lot. We have nearly 100% coverage now. - (fdo#37793) - + In specialized collection iterators, check that the type is - correct; g_critical and return harmlessly, rather than - crashing, if not - + If library users register specialized GTypes, warn if their - vtables have missing callbacks which would cause accessors to - crash - + Fix production of documentation out-of-tree with newer gtk-doc - + Simplify invoke_object_method() and OOM handling in - dbus-gobject (fdo#35767) -- Changes from version 0.96: - + Fix a regression in marshalling GObject instances as object - paths, which broke NetworkManager (fdo#37852, deb#628890) - + Fix crashes when sending a message when disconnected from D-Bus - but still working through our backlog of incoming messages, - similar to fdo#12675 (fdo#38406) - + Cope more gracefully, with a critical warning instead of a - memory leak, if programmer error causes G_VALUE_COLLECT to fail - (fdo#38406, nokia#86280, nokia#180486) - + Avoid an assertion failure when unregistering a proxy if - GetNameOwner failed (fdo#38408, nokia#116862) - + Don't report various programmer errors as "out of memory"; - raise suitable critical warnings instead, and don't leak memory - (fdo#35767, fdo#35766) - + If a remote process sends a wrong method call on the Properties - interface, send back an error reply, instead of warning on - stderr and not replying (fdo#35766) - + Show a warning if dbus_g_method_return fails to marshal - something (fdo#29884, nokia#180486) - + Remove remnants of i18n (fdo#36428) - + Remove dead code (nokia#180486) -- Drop dbus-1-glib-fix-marshalling-regression.patch: fixed - upstream. - -- cross-build fix: use host's dbus-binding-tool - -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - (cf. packaging guidelines) -- Add dbus-1-glib-devel to baselibs - -- Add dbus-1-glib-fix-marshalling-regression.patch: this fixes a - regression causing issues in NetworkManager; taken from git. - -- Update to version 0.94: - + Check validity of more arguments, don't report "out of memory" - or "should not have been reached" if an invalid string or - boolean is given, and abandon broken containers more gracefully - (fdo#30171) - + Allow underscores in error names (fdo#30274) - + If an object is on more than one connection, emit signals on - all of them; if it's unregistered, only unregister it from the - requested connection (fdo#32087) - + Fix ability to switch a DBusConnection from one GMainContext to - another (fdo#35115) - + Forbid a ReturnVal annotation after the first OUT , which - had never worked correctly anyway (fdo#35952) - + Remove false claim that we use Introspect() at runtime, and - document more error cases (fdo#36216) - + Remove unused support for translated messages (fdo#36428) - + Don't corrupt internal data if a GObject is registered twice on - the same (connection, path) tuple, and fix out-of-bounds - reading (fdo#36793) - + Fix multiple signal emissions if an object is removed from all - of its locations then re-exported, and a memory leak if an - exported object is disposed (fdo#36811) - + Log the error message if object registration fails (fdo#37795) - + Several small fixes. - + Remove Doxygen support (as gtk-doc is used) (fdo#10890) - + Build fixes. - + Bugs fixed: fdo#22667, fdo#22854, fdo#23616, fdo#26952, - fdo#27193, fdo#27598, fdo#29884, fdo#32351, fdo#33145, - fdo#33646, fdo#34282, fdo#37060, fdo#37062, fdo#37789, - fdo#37790, fdo#37812. - -- Update to version 0.92: - + Require glib 2.26: this dependency bump was missed in 0.90. - -- Update to version 0.90: - + Add DBusGObjectPath, DBusGSignature typedefs - + Give specialized GArrays iteration/appending support - + fdo#30428: add dbus_g_value_parse_g_variant - + Fix switching a connection's GMainContext - + Various small fixes - -- Update to version 0.88: - + Allow duplicate object path registrations for different - connections - + Don't use the identifier "interface" in public headers - + Don't pass malformed error interface to dbus (rh#581794) - + Fix a crash in dbus_pending_call_cancel() (fdo#14579) - + Fix lookup of regular properties when shadow properties are - used - + fdo#28715: Add dbus_g_value_build_g_variant() - + Support DBUS_TYPE_G_SIGNATURE - + Respect property access flags for writing, allow disabling for - reads - + Documentation improvements - + Build fixes, especially for windows -- Drop bug-628607-access-flags-CVE-2010-1172.diff: fixed upstream. - -- honor access properties from xml file (CVE-2010-1172, bnc#628607) - -- use %_smp_mflags - -- Update to version 0.86: - + core: allow duplicate property names on GInterfaces - + core: performance optimization for object info lookup - + Fix hyphenated error codes correctly - + Free errors returned by method implementations - + Trivial compiler warning fixes - + Use AM_SILENT_RULES if available - + Turn the gtk-doc documentation into buildable shape - -- Update to version 0.84: - + Support duplicate object registrations - + Only re-set registration list if it's non-empty - + Copy object registration list when unregistering. - + fdo#19623 - Add dbus_g_bus_get_private - + fdo#25119 - Don't leak DBusGMethodInvocation for no-reply calls - + Import dbus-bus-introspect.xml upstream - + dbus-gvalue: set an error when demarshal_basic doesn't - recognize type - + Man page fixes. - -- add baselibs.conf as a source -- package documentation as noarch - -- Update to version 0.82: - + Fix format-security warning - + Use -fno-strict-aliasing by default - + fdo#14183 - Listen to NameOwnerChanged using arg0 matching - + Use g_strdup instead of strdup in dbus_g_method_get_sender - + fdo#13908: make dbus_g_type_specialized_init() safe for library - users to call - + fdo#16776: teach dbus_g_method_return_error about DBUS_GERROR - + fdo#20884: dbus_g_proxy_manager_replace_name_owner: don't leave - freed memory in the hash table if the name was the owner's - first - + dbus_g_type_specialized_init: make some effort at being - thread-safe - + add --with-dbus-binding-tool configure option to use an - external dbus-binding-tool - + fdo#5688: don't assert when exported object is destroyed - * after* D-Bus connection closes - + fdo#21219: implement unregistration of objects - + dbus-gobject: save the ObjectRegistration on each object, not - just the path - + fdo#20879 - Use --skip-source argument for glib-genmarshal - + fdo#19927 - Use const for GError * param we're not modifying - + fdo#13908: silently initialize specialized types whenever - required - + fdo#21362 - Remove use of deprecated symbols - + fdo#21753 - Correctly initialize GValues in dbus-binding-tool - generated code - + fdo#22244 - Only include , not individual headers - + fdo#20343 - Add a man page for dbus-binding-tool - + fdo#18294 - Be defensive about a possibly NULL property string - + Various build fixes. -- Remove AutoReqProv: it's default now. -- Remove -fno-strict-aliasing from our custom CFLAGS since it's by - default now. -- Drop dbus-1-glib-selinux.patch: unneeded now. -- Drop marshall-skip-source.patch: fixed upstream. -- Use libexecdir whenever possible. -- Remove Requires from doc package since it's purely html files. - -- Do not add source file name as comment for glib-genmarshall Aufruf. - This creates otherwise files with temporary filenames that make - comparison of builds impossible (marshall-skip-source.patch) - dconf-editor +- Convert to source service for easier updating. + dd_rescue +- build against openssl 1.1 (bsc#1193438) + deja-dup +- Update to version 45.2: + + Fix not being prompted for packagekit installs during a + restore. + + Allow using the '~/' alias for the home dir in more text + entries. + + Add clearer error message when auto-backups can't be set in + flatpak mode. + + Fix compilation on non-glibc systems. + + Updated translations. + digikam +- Update to 8.2.0: + +- Drop 0001-Use-FindLibExiv2.cmake-from-ECM.patch, no longer + necessary +- Rebase 0001-Look-for-each-akonadi-component-separately.patch + +- Require extra-cmake-modules at build time + +- Add patch to detect and use libexiv2 0.28.1 + * 0001-Use-FindLibExiv2.cmake-from-ECM.patch + discover +- Update appstream build requirement for compatibility with 1.0.0 + (boo#1217047) +- Remove obsolete version checks + +- Update to 5.27.10 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.27.9: + * AppStream 1.0: Use #ifdef to support both stable and 0.x versions + * CMake: Remove obsolete AppStream version check + * Refactor roughCount into an atomic QGadget, fix usage of i18np (kde#476148) + * Update to reflect move of KUserFeedback to Frameworks + distribution-logos-openSUSE +- switch to a service using zstd + +- list the source url + +- Update Leap 15.6 branding poo#131666 + dolphin +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.3: + * Adapt to renamed activities library repo + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * Reflect move of KActivities out of Frameworks to Plasma + * Update to reflect move of KUserFeedback to Frameworks + * Process correct model when applying service menu changes (kde#475547) + * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files. + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.0: + * Copy Location: Make sure to export path with native separators + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.07.90: + * Don't compute size for non-local urls (kde#472912) + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers + * Use ellipsis everywhere instead of three dots + * Move focus from hiding selection mode bars to view (kde#469621) + * Fix Refresh tooltip text and add Refresh whatsThis text (kde#469263) + * Hide application/x-trash files following showHidenFiles + * Tabbar: duplicate tab when double clicking on it (kde#470388) + * Settings Add ViewModes > Content display + * Expand or collapse all selected folders on Key Right/Left + * KDirectoryContentsCounter: show intermediate dir size counting results, improve stopping, improve data caching + * Add a TODO KF6 to solve bug 464722 + * Fix build without KF5Activities + * Disable Qt6 CI build in master, use kf6 branch for Qt6 + * Fix test regression in DolphinMainWindowTest::testGoActions + * Revert "Adapt autotest to new expected "Space" key behaviour" + * Fix activating the Selection Mode with a keyboard shortcut (kde#465489) + * Add DolphinTabPage::inactiveViewContainer() + * Improve copying and moving items between panels + * FilterBar: improve keyboard behavior and tab ordering + * TerminalPanel: better check if terminal needs to change its currentWorkingDirectory when unmounting + * DolphinView: allow selectUrls to be considered for selection in more cases (kde#407161) + * Reuse existing proxy style (kde#468548) + * Make "don't run me with sudo/kdesu" message informative + * Add test for openFiles() + * Context menu: allow to show copy to/move to inactive split view (kde#356436) + * panels/information: Add option to not show information for hovered item (kde#364956) + * Prevent dragging on non-writable directories + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.1: + * Revert "Restrict attaching instances to those on the same activity or same virtual desktop" (kde#408919) + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Fix build without KF5Activities + * Fix activating the Selection Mode with a keyboard shortcut (kde#465489) + * Restrict attaching instances to those on the same activity or same virtual desktop + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release +- Rebase patches: + * dolphin-go_up.diff + * 0001-Revert-Disallow-executing-Dolphin-as-root-on-Linux.patch + dolphin-plugins +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.3: + * mountisoaction: add preferred raw disk mimetypes (kde#475659) + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 +- Update package description (boo#1214802) + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Fix install in kf + * Better detect Qt6 + * Use ECMDeprecationSettings + * Allow to build in KF6 + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + dpdk -- fix build with SLE15-SP6 kernel [bsc#1214818] -- added patches - + 0007-igb-uio-remove_wrapper_api.patch - + 0008-SLE15-SP6-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch - -- security update -- added patches - fix CVE-2022-2132 [bsc#1202903], DoS when a Vhost header crosses more than two descriptors and exhausts all mbufs - + dpdk-CVE-2022-2132.patch - fix CVE-2022-28199 [bsc#1202956], buffer overflow in the vhost code - + dpdk-CVE-2022-28199.patch - -- fix build with SLE15-SP5 kernel [bsc#1203845] -- added patches - + 0005-kni-use-dedicated-function-to-set-random-MAC-address.patch - + 0006-kni-use-dedicated-function-to-set-MAC-address.patch - -- added patch to fix build issue with 15 SP5 kernel (bsc#1203845) - + 0004-kni-update-kernel-API-to-set-random-MAC-address.patch - -- - Fix for SG#63176, bsc#1198873: Read PCI device name as UTF strings. -- - kni: allow configuring thread granularity (bsc#1195172) -- added patches - + 0001-kni-allow-configuring-thread-granularity.patch - + 0001-usertools-read-PCI-device-name-as-UTF-8.patch - -- security update -- added patches - fix CVE-2021-3839 [bsc#1198963], dpdk: OOB write irelated to vhost communication n vhost_user_set_inflight_fd() - + dpdk-CVE-2021-3839.patch - fix CVE-2022-0669 [bsc#1198964], dpdk: DoS by exhausting available fd in vhost-user slave process - + dpdk-CVE-2022-0669.patch +- Update legacy DPDK package to newer DPDK v22.11 [jsc#PED-6170] +- Build dpdk with python in the system [bsc#1218856] +- Fix dpdk build on SLES-15-SP6 kernel [bsc#1214818] +- Fix dpdk build on SLES-15-SP5 kernel [bsc#1203845] +- Fixed issues in upstream, [bsc#1195172] [bsc#1198873] [bsc#1202903] [bsc#1202956] +- Added patches, + + 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.3.patch + + 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.5.patch +- Removed the patches as fixed in upstream, + - 0001-kni-allow-configuring-thread-granularity.patch + - 0001-usertools-read-PCI-device-name-as-UTF-8.patch + - 0004-kni-update-kernel-API-to-set-random-MAC-address.patch + - 0005-kni-use-dedicated-function-to-set-random-MAC-address.patch + - 0006-kni-use-dedicated-function-to-set-MAC-address.patch + - 0007-igb-uio-remove_wrapper_api.patch: Removed igb_uio driver in Upstream + - 0003-dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch: Removed igb_uio driver in Upstream + - 0008-SLE15-SP6-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch: Fixed in 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.5.patch + - dpdk-CVE-2021-3839.patch + - dpdk-CVE-2022-0669.patch + - dpdk-CVE-2022-2132.patch + - dpdk-CVE-2022-28199.patch -- Fix build error with SLE15-SP4 kernel (bsc#1190362): - 0003-dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch +- add 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.5.patch to fix build against + kernel 6.5. + +- raise constraints to 8GB to cover SLE15 builds as well + +- add 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.3.patch to fix build against + kernel 6.3. + +-- Update to LTS release version v22.11.1 + Some of the new features are, + * Added initial LoongArch architecture support. + * Added support for multiple mbuf pools per ethdev Rx queue. + * Added support for congestion management in ethdev. + * Added protocol header based buffer split. + * Added proactive error handling mode for ethdev. + * Added ethdev Rx/Tx descriptor dump API. + * Added ethdev hairpin memory configuration options. + * Added new configuration flags for hairpin queues in rte_eth_hairpin_conf: + * Added strict queue to pre-configuration flow hints. + * Added configuration for asynchronous flow connection tracking. + * Added support for queue-based async query in flow API. + * Added new function rte_flow_async_action_handle_query() to query the action asynchronously. + * Extended metering and marking support in the flow API. + * Added flow offload action to route packets to kernel. + * Updated AF_XDP driver. + * Updated AMD Pensando ionic driver. + * Added GVE net PMD. + * Updated Intel iavf driver. + * Updated Intel ice driver. + * Added Intel idpf driver. + * Updated Marvell cnxk driver. + * Added Microsoft mana driver. + * Updated Netronome nfp driver. + * Added flow API support: + * Updated NVIDIA mlx5 driver. + * Updated NXP dpaa2 driver. + * Updated Wangxun ngbe driver. + * Added DMA vChannel unconfiguration for async vhost. + * Added non-blocking notify API to vhost library. + * Added support for MACsec in rte_security. + * Added new algorithms to cryptodev. + * Updated Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) crypto driver. + * Updated Marvell cnxk crypto driver. + * Updated aesni_mb crypto driver. + * Updated ipsec_mb crypto driver. + * Added UADK crypto driver. + * Added bbdev operation for FFT processing. + * Added Intel ACC200 bbdev driver. + * Added eventdev adapter instance get API. + * Added eventdev Tx adapter queue start/stop API. + * Added event crypto adapter vectorization support. + * Added NitroSketch in membership library. + * Added Intel uncore frequency control API to the power library. + * Added security performance test application. + * Updated IPsec sample application. + * Updated FIPS validation sample application. + * Rewrote pmdinfo script. + * More details can be found in + + * Removed the patches as fixed in upstream + 0001-build-try-to-get-kernel-version-from-kernel-source.patch + kni-fix-build-with-Linux-5.18.patch + * Added Patches: + 0001-fix-cpu-compatibility.patch + * Rebased patches: + 0002-SLE15-SP3-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch + +- Cleanup Sphinx build leftovers for reproducible builds + +- also strip meson generated runpaths when installing examples + manually (bsc#1200620) + +- add kni-fix-build-with-Linux-5.18.patch to fix build with kernel + 5.18 -- Update LTS version to maintenance release 19.11.10 +- Update to version 21.11.1 + * acl: add missing C++ guards + * app/compress-perf: Various bug fixes + * app/dumpcap: check for failure to set promiscuous + * app/fib: fix division by zero + * app/pdump: abort on multi-core capture limit + * app/regex: fix number of matches + * app/testpmd: Various bug fixes + * baseband/acc100: avoid out-of-bounds access + * bpf: add missing C++ guards + * bus/pci: assign driver pointer before mapping + * common/cnxk: Various bug fixes + * common/mlx5: Various bug fixes + * common/sfc_efx/base: fix recirculation ID set in outer rules + * compressdev: fix missing space in log macro + * eal/linux: + * fix device monitor stop return + * fix illegal memory access in uevent handler + * log hugepage create errors with filename + * Full change log can be found online: + +- Rebased 0001-build-try-to-get-kernel-version-from-kernel-source.patch +- Dropped upstream fixed fix-buildsystem-python36.patch +- fixes CVE-2022-0669 [bsc#1198964], CVE-2021-3839 [bsc#1198963 + +- Update to LTS version 21.11. + 21.11 should be supported for at least two years, the new major + ABI version is 22. New Features: + * General + * hugetlbfs subdirectories + * AddressSanitizer (ASan) integration for debug + * mempool flag for non-IO usages + * device class for DMA accelerators and drivers for + * HiSilicon, Intel DSA, Intel IOAT, Marvell CNXK and NXP DPAA + * device class for GPU devices and driver for NVIDIA CUDA + * Toeplitz hash using Galois Fields New Instructions (GFNI) + * Networking + * MTU handling rework + * get all MAC addresses of a port + * RSS based on L3/L4 checksum fields + * flow match on L2TPv2 and PPP + * flow flex parser for custom header + * control delivery of HW Rx metadata + * transfer flows API rework + * shared Rx queue + * driver for NXP ENETFEC + * vDPA driver for Xilinx devices + * virtio RSS + * vhost power monitor wakeup + * testpmd multi-process + * pcapng library and dumpcap tool + * API/ABI + * API namespace improvements and cleanups + * API internals hidden + * flags check for future ABI compatibility + * More details in the release notes: + +- Update to LTS version 20.11.0, new features: + * General + * mbuf dynamic area increased from 16 to 36 bytes + * ring zero cop + * SIMD bitwidth limit API + * moved igb_uio to dpdk-kmods/linux + * removed Python 2 support + * removed Make support, meson + pkg-config files are + now used to build applications + * Networking + * FEC AP + * Rx buffer split + * thread safety in flow API + * shared action in flow API + * flow sampling and mirroring + * tunnel offload API + * multi-port hairpin + * Solarflare EF100 architecture + * Wangxun txgbe driver + * vhost-vDPA backend in virtio-user + * removed vhost dequeue zero-copy + * removed legacy ethdev filtering + * SWX pipeline aligned with P4 + * Baseband + * Intel ACC100 driver + * Cryptography + * raw datapath API + * Broadcom BCMFS symmetric crypto driver + * RegEx + * Marvell OCTEON TX2 regex driver + * Others + * Intel DLB/DLB2 drivers + * Intel DSA support in IOAT driver + * Full changes and more details in the release notes: + +- Rebased 0002-SLE15-SP3-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch +- Drop outdated 0001-fix-cpu-compatibility.patch +- Drop outdated 0003-dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch +- Added 0001-build-try-to-get-kernel-version-from-kernel-source.patch + Allow host system to have a different kernel than the target + system, fixes kernel module installation path for such case. + Submitted upstream 2022-02-26 +- Added fix-buildsystem-python36.patch for Leap as the buildsystem + uses python syntax introduced with python37, but Leap still + sticks with 3.6, so this backports it for the old python version. + +- - Update LTS version to maintenance release 19.11.10 +- rename + dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch + to + 0003-dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch + +- Fix build error with SLE15-SP4 kernel (bsc#1190362): + dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch + +- Add BuildRequires kernel-syms and modutils for proper + dependencies to be inserted in the resulting binary RPM, as + pointed by rpmlint dpdk22 -- Fix dpdk22 build error for SLE-15-SP6 [bsc#1218856] - - Build dpdk22 with python in the system. - -- fix build with SLE15-SP6 kernel [bsc#1214819] -- added patches - + 0003-SLE15-SP6-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch - dpdk:thunderx -- fix build with SLE15-SP6 kernel [bsc#1214818] -- added patches - + 0007-igb-uio-remove_wrapper_api.patch - + 0008-SLE15-SP6-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch - -- security update -- added patches - fix CVE-2022-2132 [bsc#1202903], DoS when a Vhost header crosses more than two descriptors and exhausts all mbufs - + dpdk-CVE-2022-2132.patch - fix CVE-2022-28199 [bsc#1202956], buffer overflow in the vhost code - + dpdk-CVE-2022-28199.patch - -- fix build with SLE15-SP5 kernel [bsc#1203845] -- added patches - + 0005-kni-use-dedicated-function-to-set-random-MAC-address.patch - + 0006-kni-use-dedicated-function-to-set-MAC-address.patch - -- added patch to fix build issue with 15 SP5 kernel (bsc#1203845) - + 0004-kni-update-kernel-API-to-set-random-MAC-address.patch - -- - Fix for SG#63176, bsc#1198873: Read PCI device name as UTF strings. -- - kni: allow configuring thread granularity (bsc#1195172) -- added patches - + 0001-kni-allow-configuring-thread-granularity.patch - + 0001-usertools-read-PCI-device-name-as-UTF-8.patch - -- security update -- added patches - fix CVE-2021-3839 [bsc#1198963], dpdk: OOB write irelated to vhost communication n vhost_user_set_inflight_fd() - + dpdk-CVE-2021-3839.patch - fix CVE-2022-0669 [bsc#1198964], dpdk: DoS by exhausting available fd in vhost-user slave process - + dpdk-CVE-2022-0669.patch +- Update legacy DPDK package to newer DPDK v22.11 [jsc#PED-6170] +- Build dpdk with python in the system [bsc#1218856] +- Fix dpdk build on SLES-15-SP6 kernel [bsc#1214818] +- Fix dpdk build on SLES-15-SP5 kernel [bsc#1203845] +- Fixed issues in upstream, [bsc#1195172] [bsc#1198873] [bsc#1202903] [bsc#1202956] +- Added patches, + + 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.3.patch + + 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.5.patch +- Removed the patches as fixed in upstream, + - 0001-kni-allow-configuring-thread-granularity.patch + - 0001-usertools-read-PCI-device-name-as-UTF-8.patch + - 0004-kni-update-kernel-API-to-set-random-MAC-address.patch + - 0005-kni-use-dedicated-function-to-set-random-MAC-address.patch + - 0006-kni-use-dedicated-function-to-set-MAC-address.patch + - 0007-igb-uio-remove_wrapper_api.patch: Removed igb_uio driver in Upstream + - 0003-dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch: Removed igb_uio driver in Upstream + - 0008-SLE15-SP6-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch: Fixed in 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.5.patch + - dpdk-CVE-2021-3839.patch + - dpdk-CVE-2022-0669.patch + - dpdk-CVE-2022-2132.patch + - dpdk-CVE-2022-28199.patch -- Fix build error with SLE15-SP4 kernel (bsc#1190362): - 0003-dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch +- add 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.5.patch to fix build against + kernel 6.5. + +- raise constraints to 8GB to cover SLE15 builds as well + +- add 0001-kni-fix-build-with-Linux-6.3.patch to fix build against + kernel 6.3. + +-- Update to LTS release version v22.11.1 + Some of the new features are, + * Added initial LoongArch architecture support. + * Added support for multiple mbuf pools per ethdev Rx queue. + * Added support for congestion management in ethdev. + * Added protocol header based buffer split. + * Added proactive error handling mode for ethdev. + * Added ethdev Rx/Tx descriptor dump API. + * Added ethdev hairpin memory configuration options. + * Added new configuration flags for hairpin queues in rte_eth_hairpin_conf: + * Added strict queue to pre-configuration flow hints. + * Added configuration for asynchronous flow connection tracking. + * Added support for queue-based async query in flow API. + * Added new function rte_flow_async_action_handle_query() to query the action asynchronously. + * Extended metering and marking support in the flow API. + * Added flow offload action to route packets to kernel. + * Updated AF_XDP driver. + * Updated AMD Pensando ionic driver. + * Added GVE net PMD. + * Updated Intel iavf driver. + * Updated Intel ice driver. + * Added Intel idpf driver. + * Updated Marvell cnxk driver. + * Added Microsoft mana driver. + * Updated Netronome nfp driver. + * Added flow API support: + * Updated NVIDIA mlx5 driver. + * Updated NXP dpaa2 driver. + * Updated Wangxun ngbe driver. + * Added DMA vChannel unconfiguration for async vhost. + * Added non-blocking notify API to vhost library. + * Added support for MACsec in rte_security. + * Added new algorithms to cryptodev. + * Updated Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) crypto driver. + * Updated Marvell cnxk crypto driver. + * Updated aesni_mb crypto driver. + * Updated ipsec_mb crypto driver. + * Added UADK crypto driver. + * Added bbdev operation for FFT processing. + * Added Intel ACC200 bbdev driver. + * Added eventdev adapter instance get API. + * Added eventdev Tx adapter queue start/stop API. + * Added event crypto adapter vectorization support. + * Added NitroSketch in membership library. + * Added Intel uncore frequency control API to the power library. + * Added security performance test application. + * Updated IPsec sample application. + * Updated FIPS validation sample application. + * Rewrote pmdinfo script. + * More details can be found in + + * Removed the patches as fixed in upstream + 0001-build-try-to-get-kernel-version-from-kernel-source.patch + kni-fix-build-with-Linux-5.18.patch + * Added Patches: + 0001-fix-cpu-compatibility.patch + * Rebased patches: + 0002-SLE15-SP3-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch + +- Cleanup Sphinx build leftovers for reproducible builds + +- also strip meson generated runpaths when installing examples + manually (bsc#1200620) + +- add kni-fix-build-with-Linux-5.18.patch to fix build with kernel + 5.18 -- Update LTS version to maintenance release 19.11.10 +- Update to version 21.11.1 + * acl: add missing C++ guards + * app/compress-perf: Various bug fixes + * app/dumpcap: check for failure to set promiscuous + * app/fib: fix division by zero + * app/pdump: abort on multi-core capture limit + * app/regex: fix number of matches + * app/testpmd: Various bug fixes + * baseband/acc100: avoid out-of-bounds access + * bpf: add missing C++ guards + * bus/pci: assign driver pointer before mapping + * common/cnxk: Various bug fixes + * common/mlx5: Various bug fixes + * common/sfc_efx/base: fix recirculation ID set in outer rules + * compressdev: fix missing space in log macro + * eal/linux: + * fix device monitor stop return + * fix illegal memory access in uevent handler + * log hugepage create errors with filename + * Full change log can be found online: + +- Rebased 0001-build-try-to-get-kernel-version-from-kernel-source.patch +- Dropped upstream fixed fix-buildsystem-python36.patch +- fixes CVE-2022-0669 [bsc#1198964], CVE-2021-3839 [bsc#1198963 + +- Update to LTS version 21.11. + 21.11 should be supported for at least two years, the new major + ABI version is 22. New Features: + * General + * hugetlbfs subdirectories + * AddressSanitizer (ASan) integration for debug + * mempool flag for non-IO usages + * device class for DMA accelerators and drivers for + * HiSilicon, Intel DSA, Intel IOAT, Marvell CNXK and NXP DPAA + * device class for GPU devices and driver for NVIDIA CUDA + * Toeplitz hash using Galois Fields New Instructions (GFNI) + * Networking + * MTU handling rework + * get all MAC addresses of a port + * RSS based on L3/L4 checksum fields + * flow match on L2TPv2 and PPP + * flow flex parser for custom header + * control delivery of HW Rx metadata + * transfer flows API rework + * shared Rx queue + * driver for NXP ENETFEC + * vDPA driver for Xilinx devices + * virtio RSS + * vhost power monitor wakeup + * testpmd multi-process + * pcapng library and dumpcap tool + * API/ABI + * API namespace improvements and cleanups + * API internals hidden + * flags check for future ABI compatibility + * More details in the release notes: + +- Update to LTS version 20.11.0, new features: + * General + * mbuf dynamic area increased from 16 to 36 bytes + * ring zero cop + * SIMD bitwidth limit API + * moved igb_uio to dpdk-kmods/linux + * removed Python 2 support + * removed Make support, meson + pkg-config files are + now used to build applications + * Networking + * FEC AP + * Rx buffer split + * thread safety in flow API + * shared action in flow API + * flow sampling and mirroring + * tunnel offload API + * multi-port hairpin + * Solarflare EF100 architecture + * Wangxun txgbe driver + * vhost-vDPA backend in virtio-user + * removed vhost dequeue zero-copy + * removed legacy ethdev filtering + * SWX pipeline aligned with P4 + * Baseband + * Intel ACC100 driver + * Cryptography + * raw datapath API + * Broadcom BCMFS symmetric crypto driver + * RegEx + * Marvell OCTEON TX2 regex driver + * Others + * Intel DLB/DLB2 drivers + * Intel DSA support in IOAT driver + * Full changes and more details in the release notes: + +- Rebased 0002-SLE15-SP3-compatibility-patch-for-kni.patch +- Drop outdated 0001-fix-cpu-compatibility.patch +- Drop outdated 0003-dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch +- Added 0001-build-try-to-get-kernel-version-from-kernel-source.patch + Allow host system to have a different kernel than the target + system, fixes kernel module installation path for such case. + Submitted upstream 2022-02-26 +- Added fix-buildsystem-python36.patch for Leap as the buildsystem + uses python syntax introduced with python37, but Leap still + sticks with 3.6, so this backports it for the old python version. + +- - Update LTS version to maintenance release 19.11.10 +- rename + dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch + to + 0003-dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch + +- Fix build error with SLE15-SP4 kernel (bsc#1190362): + dpdk-fallthrough-comment-fixes.patch + +- Add BuildRequires kernel-syms and modutils for proper + dependencies to be inserted in the resulting binary RPM, as + pointed by rpmlint dqlite +- update to 1.16.3: + * canonical/raft is now a private implementation detail of dqlite + canonical/raft will no longer be updated, replaced by + cowsql/raft fork + * Fix many cases of arithmetic on void pointers + +- update to 1.16.2: + * fix for using dqlite with SQLite versions greater than 3.45.0 + * A more readable logging format + * internal improvement to how dqlite reacts to Raft state changes + * new dqlite_node configuration option to control snapshot + compression + dragonplayer +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + drkonqi5 +- Switch to the latest GCC version available in Leap for packages + that can't build with the default compiler + +- Update to 5.27.10 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.27.9: + * Update to reflect move of KUserFeedback to Frameworks + dtb-aarch64 +- net/rds: Fix UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in rds_cmsg_recv + (bsc#1219127 CVE-2024-23849). +- commit 7f27245 + +- x86/coco: Define cc_vendor without CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_CC_PLATFORM + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 98c6595 + +- x86/kvm: Fix SEV check in sev_map_percpu_data() (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 082b8e1 + +- KVM: x86: Give a hint when Win2016 might fail to boot due to + XSAVES erratum (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit d5577b6 + +- KVM: x86: Check irqchip mode before create PIT (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit d2cbe00 + +- Update config files (bsc#1219440). + Update the CONFIG_LSM option to include the BPF LSM in the default set of + LSMs that get enabled when booting up. The new version of systemd in + SLE15-SP6 requires the BPF LSM. +- commit bf6e39d + +- KVM: introduce CONFIG_KVM_COMMON (jsc#PED-7322). +- Update config files. +- commit 60742fc + +- Update metadata: "scsi: lpfc: Use unsigned type for num_sge (bsc#1214746)." + Move patch into sorted section. +- commit bf77043 + +- virt: sev-guest: Convert to platform remove callback returning + void (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 5752a5f + +- KVM: remove CONFIG_HAVE_KVM_IRQFD (jsc#PED-7322). +- Update config files. +- commit 6e3621a + +- KVM: remove CONFIG_HAVE_KVM_EVENTFD (jsc#PED-7322). +- Update config files. +- commit 6361a8e + +- Update config files. +- commit 6ba26a3 + +- KVM x86/xen: add an override for PVCLOCK_TSC_STABLE_BIT + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 737fb0e + +- octeontx2-af: Initialize maps (jsc#PED-6931). +- net: intel: fix old compiler regressions (jsc#PED-4874). +- octeontx2-pf: Fix a memleak otx2_sq_init (jsc#PED-6931). +- idpf: avoid compiler padding in virtchnl2_ptype struct + (jsc#PED-6716). +- octeontx2-pf: Remove xdp queues on program detach + (jsc#PED-6931). +- ixgbe: Fix an error handling path in + ixgbe_read_iosf_sb_reg_x550() (jsc#PED-4872). +- e1000e: correct maximum frequency adjustment values + (jsc#PED-4868). +- bnxt_en: Make PTP timestamp HWRM more silent (jsc#PED-5742). +- gve: Fix skb truesize underestimation (bsc#1214479). +- commit 610ddc5 + +- KVM: nSVM: Hide more stuff under CONFIG_KVM_HYPERV/CONFIG_HYPERV + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit c8c1c08 + +- team: Fix use-after-free when an option instance allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- commit aa6501b + +- KVM: nVMX: Hide more stuff under CONFIG_KVM_HYPERV (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit bc6ea0c + +- net: dsa: microchip: provide a list of valid protocols for + xmit handler (git-fixes). +- commit 14ae17e + +- nfp: flower: fix for take a mutex lock in soft irq context + and rcu lock (git-fixes). +- commit 8699210 + +- net: hns: fix fake link up on xge port (git-fixes). +- commit 7b3f477 + +- net: hns: fix wrong head when modify the tx feature when + sending packets (git-fixes). +- commit 848eb56 + +- net: atlantic: Fix NULL dereference of skb pointer in + (git-fixes). +- commit bfa6175 + +- net: stmmac: fix FPE events losing (git-fixes). +- commit 2382976 + +- net: ravb: Keep reverse order of operations in ravb_remove() + (git-fixes). +- commit d60c1dc + +- net: ravb: Stop DMA in case of failures on ravb_open() + (git-fixes). +- commit 536e15e + +- net: ravb: Start TX queues after HW initialization succeeded + (git-fixes). +- commit 67bd94d + +- net: ravb: Make write access to CXR35 first before accessing + other EMAC registers (git-fixes). +- commit 2f42ed8 + +- net: ravb: Use pm_runtime_resume_and_get() (git-fixes). +- commit f02fced + +- net: ravb: Check return value of reset_control_deassert() + (git-fixes). +- commit 864deed + +- net: libwx: fix memory leak on msix entry (git-fixes). +- commit 159ffaa + +- KVM: nVMX: Introduce accessor to get Hyper-V eVMCS pointer + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 4c639bf + +- KVM: nVMX: Introduce helpers to check if Hyper-V evmptr12 is + valid/set (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit bc7347a + +- KVM: x86: Make Hyper-V emulation optional (jsc#PED-7322). +- Update config files. +- commit 87507f6 + +- Drop ASoC AMD ACP patch causing a regression (bsc#1219789) +- commit 1eacaea + +- KVM: nVMX: Move guest_cpuid_has_evmcs() to hyperv.h (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 2cbad81 + +- KVM: nVMX: Split off helper for emulating VMCLEAR on Hyper-V + eVMCS (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 82136e4 + +- KVM: x86: Introduce helper to handle Hyper-V paravirt TLB + flush requests (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 92008f5 + +- KVM: VMX: Split off hyperv_evmcs.{ch} (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 056eb46 + +- KVM: x86: Introduce helper to check if vector is set in Hyper-V + SynIC (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit ee580aa + +- KVM: x86: Introduce helper to check if auto-EOI is set in + Hyper-V SynIC (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 3628f1b + +- KVM: VMX: Split off vmx_onhyperv.{ch} from hyperv.{ch} + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit a52f7d7 + +- KVM: x86: Move Hyper-V partition assist page out of Hyper-V + emulation context (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit c274d49 + +- KVM: x86/xen: Remove unneeded xen context from kvm_arch when + !CONFIG_KVM_XEN (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 1a3426d + +- KVM: x86/mmu: fix comment about mmu_unsync_pages_lock + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 6927f64 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: always take tdp_mmu_pages_lock (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 3c339d8 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: remove unnecessary "bool shared" argument from + iterators (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 26089fe + +- KVM: x86/mmu: remove unnecessary "bool shared" argument from + functions (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 20e6465 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Check for leaf SPTE when clearing dirty bit in + the TDP MMU (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 04b615d + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Fix off-by-1 when splitting huge pages during + CLEAR (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit ca542a6 + +- KVM: x86: Harden copying of userspace-array against overflow + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 2624bb5 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Track emulated counter events instead of previous + counter (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 50f3c68 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Update sample period in pmc_write_counter() + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit b607273 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove manual clearing of fields in kvm_pmu_init() + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 5d80669 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Stop calling kvm_pmu_reset() at RESET (it's + redundant) (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit ba0d28d + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Reset the PMU, i.e. stop counters, before + refreshing (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 3e9e29b + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Move PMU reset logic to common x86 code + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 4d829a7 + +- KVM: SVM,VMX: Use %rip-relative addressing to access + kvm_rebooting (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 94d4ceb + +- KVM: SVM: Don't intercept IRET when injecting NMI and vNMI is + enabled (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit abf0f42 + +- KVM: SVM: Explicitly require FLUSHBYASID to enable SEV support + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 51dc0ef + +- KVM: nSVM: Advertise support for flush-by-ASID (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit d96ff28 + +- Revert "nSVM: Check for reserved encodings of TLB_CONTROL in + nested VMCB" (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 733d5b1 + +- KVM: x86: Don't unnecessarily force masterclock update on vCPU + hotplug (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit e2477e4 + +- KVM: x86: Use a switch statement and macros in + __feature_translate() (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 26af95a + +- KVM: x86: Advertise CPUID.(EAX=7,ECX=2):EDX[5:0] to userspace + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 8de3668 + +- blacklist.conf: false positive +- commit 3612d1b + +- dm: limit the number of targets and parameter size area + (bsc#1219827, bsc#1219146, CVE-2023-52429, CVE-2024-23851). +- commit 7512798 + +- KVM: x86: Turn off KVM_WERROR by default for all configs + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 427cbaf + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Declare flush_remote_tlbs{_range}() hooks iff + HYPERV!=n (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 47fe30a + +- mm: memcontrol: don't throttle dying tasks on memory.high + (bsc#1219889). +- kernel/fork: beware of __put_task_struct() calling context + (bsc#1216761). +- commit e3538e2 + +- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LAM + enabled" (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit e0b7547 + +- docs/perf: Add ampere_cspmu to toctree to fix a build warning (jsc#PED-7859) +- commit 5a39b75 + +- KVM: x86: Advertise and enable LAM (user and supervisor) + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit be96f66 + +- KVM: x86: Virtualize LAM for user pointer (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 51ea9b3 + +- KVM: x86: Virtualize LAM for supervisor pointer (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 4719d36 + +- perf vendor events arm64 AmpereOneX: Add core PMU events and metrics (jsc#PED-7859) +- commit 8763e5d + +- netdevsim: Don't accept device bound programs (git-fixes). +- commit c28704b + +- ravb: Fix races between ravb_tx_timeout_work() and net related + ops (git-fixes). +- commit ca1ed03 + +- r8169: prevent potential deadlock in rtl8169_close (git-fixes). +- commit c6c74b1 + +- r8169: fix deadlock on RTL8125 in jumbo mtu mode (git-fixes). +- commit 350e699 + +- net: stmmac: xgmac: Disable FPE MMC interrupts (git-fixes). +- commit 4d4a44e + +- dpaa2-eth: recycle the RX buffer only after all processing done + (git-fixes). +- commit 6f9cf91 + +- KVM: x86: Untag addresses for LAM emulation where applicable + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 3aca57c + +- dpaa2-eth: increase the needed headroom to account for alignment + (git-fixes). +- commit aeead7c + +- net: rswitch: Fix missing dev_kfree_skb_any() in error path + (git-fixes). +- commit dfab415 + +- net: rswitch: Fix return value in rswitch_start_xmit() + (git-fixes). +- commit 3061c1f + +- net: rswitch: Fix type of ret in rswitch_start_xmit() + (git-fixes). +- commit 3bd4f02 + +- net: ipa: fix one GSI register field width (git-fixes). +- commit 57e43ae + +- net: axienet: Fix check for partial TX checksum (git-fixes). +- commit 765d022 + +- amd-xgbe: propagate the correct speed and duplex status + (git-fixes). +- commit ca7f648 + +- amd-xgbe: handle the corner-case during tx completion + (git-fixes). +- commit 05c99da + +- amd-xgbe: handle corner-case during sfp hotplug (git-fixes). +- commit 63bb25f + +- net: veth: fix ethtool stats reporting (git-fixes). +- commit 40065a7 + +- wireguard: use DEV_STATS_INC() (git-fixes). +- commit c56067d + +- net: wangxun: fix kernel panic due to null pointer (git-fixes). +- commit cc57ffc + +- KVM: x86: Introduce get_untagged_addr() in kvm_x86_ops and + call it in emulator (jsc#PED-7322). +- Refresh + patches.suse/KVM-SEV-Make-AVIC-backing-VMSA-and-VMCB-memory-allocation-SNP-sa. +- commit db34c34 + +- stmmac: dwmac-loongson: Add architecture dependency (git-fixes). +- commit 746bbc5 + +- macvlan: Don't propagate promisc change to lower dev in passthru + (git-fixes). +- commit ad66810 + +- pds_core: use correct index to mask irq (git-fixes). +- commit f2391e5 + +- net: stmmac: avoid rx queue overrun (git-fixes). +- commit 3a28d91 + +- net: stmmac: fix rx budget limit check (git-fixes). +- commit 739b241 + +- KVM: x86: Remove kvm_vcpu_is_illegal_gpa() (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 214f40f + +- KVM: x86: Add & use kvm_vcpu_is_legal_cr3() to check CR3's + legality (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 0ea18e6 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop non-PA bits when getting GFN for guest's PGD + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit a7a4e2c + +- KVM: x86: Add X86EMUL_F_INVLPG and pass it in em_invlpg() + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit 469975b + +- KVM: x86: Add an emulation flag for implicit system access + (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit d9485ea + +- KVM: x86: Consolidate flags for __linearize() (jsc#PED-7322). +- commit bc10a7d + +- tools arch x86: Sync the msr-index.h copy with the + kernel sources to pick IA32_MKTME_KEYID_PARTITIONING + (perf-sync-headers). +- Delete + patches.suse/sync-tools-arch-header-for-support-branch-counters-logging.patch. +- commit 4348ec9 + +- tools headers x86 cpufeatures: Sync with the kernel sources + to pick TDX, Zen, APIC MSR fence changes (perf-sync-headers). +- commit 13aa64d + +- perf evlist: Fix evlist__new_default() for > 1 core PMU + (git-fixes). +- perf db-export: Fix missing reference count get in + call_path_from_sample() (git-fixes). +- perf stat: Fix hard coded LL miss units (git-fixes). +- perf env: Avoid recursively taking env->bpf_progs.lock + (git-fixes). +- perf vendor events: Remove UTF-8 characters from cmn.json + (git-fixes). +- perf unwind-libunwind: Fix base address for .eh_frame + (git-fixes). +- perf unwind-libdw: Handle JIT-generated DSOs properly + (git-fixes). +- perf genelf: Set ELF program header addresses properly + (git-fixes). +- perf hisi-ptt: Fix one memory leakage in + hisi_ptt_process_auxtrace_event() (git-fixes). +- perf header: Fix one memory leakage in + perf_event__fprintf_event_update() (git-fixes). +- perf stat: Fix help message for --metric-no-threshold option + (git-fixes). +- perf stat: Exit perf stat if parse groups fails (git-fixes). +- perf mem: Fix error on hybrid related to availability of mem + event in a PMU (git-fixes). +- perf vendor events powerpc: Update datasource event name to + fix duplicate events (git-fixes). +- perf vendor events arm64 AmpereOne: Rename BPU_FLUSH_MEM_FAULT + to GPC_FLUSH_MEM_FAULT (git-fixes). +- perf test record user-regs: Fix mask for vg register + (git-fixes). +- perf docs: Fix man page formatting for 'perf lock' (git-fixes). +- perf test record+probe_libc_inet_pton: Fix call chain match + on powerpc (bsc#1218986). +- perf tests: Skip pipe test if noploop symbol is missing + (bsc#1219617). +- perf tests lib: Add (bsc#1219617). +- perf header: Fix segfault on build_mem_topology() error path + (git-fixes). +- perf test: Remove atomics from test_loop to avoid test failures + (git-fixes). +- commit a32b1b0 + +- hv_netvsc: Register VF in netvsc_probe if NET_DEVICE_REGISTER + missed (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: Fix race condition between netvsc_probe and + netvsc_remove (git-fixes). +- scsi: storvsc: Fix ring buffer size calculation (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: Calculate correct ring size when PAGE_SIZE is not + 4 Kbytes (git-fixes). +- commit 721575c + +- s390/scm: fix virtual vs physical address confusion (git-fixes + bsc#1219816). +- commit d8288d6 + +- s390/boot: always align vmalloc area on segment boundary + (git-fixes bsc#1219815). +- commit 08905ad + +- s390/vfio-ap: fix sysfs status attribute for AP queue devices + (git-fixes bsc#1219814). +- commit 2f4c817 + +- s390/ptrace: handle setting of fpc register correctly (git-fixes + bsc#1219812). +- commit be5b93a + +- s390/qeth: Fix potential loss of L3-IP@ in case of network + issues (git-fixes bsc#1219811). +- commit 32d0fc0 + +- Reference recently released CVE +- Update + patches.suse/x86-coco-Disable-32-bit-emulation-by-default-on-TDX-.patch + (jsc#PED-7322 CVE-2024-25744). +- Update + patches.suse/x86-entry-convert-int-0x80-emulation-to-idtentry.patch + (bsc#1217927 CVE-2024-25744). +- Update + patches.suse/x86-entry-do-not-allow-external-0x80-interrupts.patch + (bsc#1217927 CVE-2024-25744). +- Update + patches.suse/x86-tdx-Allow-32-bit-emulation-by-default.patch + (jsc#PED-7322 CVE-2024-25744). +- commit 06d4b38 + +- KVM: s390: vsie: fix race during shadow creation (git-fixes + bsc#1219810). +- commit 8180746 + +- KVM: s390: fix setting of fpc register (git-fixes bsc#1219809). +- commit 478f49e + +- KVM: s390: fix cc for successful PQAP (git-fixes bsc#1219808). +- commit 51e5204 + +- KVM: s390: add stat counter for shadow gmap events + (jsc#PED-5439). +- commit 256c0f9 + +- KVM: s390: add tracepoint in gmap notifier (jsc#PED-5439). +- commit 06f0c94 + +- nvme-host: fix the updating of the firmware version (git-fixes). +- commit 9bc381c + +- x86/MCE: Always save CS register on AMD Zen IF Poison errors (git-fixes). +- commit 63e2bb6 + +- x86/entry/ia32: Ensure s32 is sign extended to s64 (git-fixes). +- commit d1f7bea + +- x86/srso: Move retbleed IBPB check into existing 'has_microcode' code block (git-fixes). +- commit b594e28 + +- x86/srso: Print mitigation for retbleed IBPB case (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/x86-srso-fix-vulnerability-reporting-for-missing-microcode.patch. +- commit 5b45539 + +- x86/purgatory: Remove LTO flags (git-fixes). +- commit 215c902 + +- x86/kvm: Do not try to disable kvmclock if it was not enabled (git-fixes). +- commit 0a9eee3 + +- scsi: fnic: unlock on error path in fnic_queuecommand() + (git-fixes). +- commit af1e53a + +- net: ethernet: cortina: Drop TSO support (git-fixes). +- commit 1041212 + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-errata-Add-Cortex-A520-speculative-unprivilege.patch (git-fixes, bsc#1219443) + Add reference to bsc#1219443. +- commit b300257 + +- arm64: errata: Add Cortex-A510 speculative unprivileged load (bsc#1219443) + Enable erratum workaround. +- commit b26ca40 + +- r8169: fix network lost after resume on DASH systems + (git-fixes). +- commit c170312 + +- r8169: add handling DASH when DASH is disabled (git-fixes). +- commit 43f9a07 + +- net: ethernet: cortina: Fix MTU max setting (git-fixes). +- commit cdfb94f + +- net: ethernet: cortina: Handle large frames (git-fixes). +- commit 76e929a + +- net: ethernet: cortina: Fix max RX frame define (git-fixes). +- commit 1807254 + +- bonding: stop the device in bond_setup_by_slave() (git-fixes). +- commit 072954c + +- ppp: limit MRU to 64K (git-fixes). +- commit 80ad17a + +- net: mvneta: fix calls to page_pool_get_stats (git-fixes). +- commit 73be237 + +- net: hns3: fix VF wrong speed and duplex issue (git-fixes). +- commit 01a4b9c + +- net: phy: realtek: add 5Gbps support to rtl822x_config_aneg() + (bsc#1217417). +- net: phy: realtek: use generic MDIO constants (bsc#1217417). +- net: mdio: add 2.5g and 5g related PMA speed constants + (bsc#1217417). +- commit 51b8f13 + +- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix bogus core_id to attr name mapping + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix out-of-bounds memory access (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (aspeed-pwm-tacho) mutex for tach reading (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-pci-o2micro: Fix a warm reboot issue that disk + can't be detected by BIOS (git-fixes). +- drm/i915/gvt: Fix uninitialized variable in handle_mmio() + (git-fixes). +- commit fb6968f + +- scsi: fnic: Increment driver version (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Improve logs and add support for multiqueue (MQ) + (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Add support for multiqueue (MQ) in fnic driver + (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Add support for multiqueue (MQ) in fnic_main.c + (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Remove usage of host_lock (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Define stats to track multiqueue (MQ) IOs + (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Modify ISRs to support multiqueue (MQ) + (jsc#PED-7888). +- commit 4ae8e51 + +- scsi: fnic: Refactor and redefine fnic.h for multiqueue + (jsc#PED-7888). +- Refresh + patches.suse/fnic-move-fnic_fnic_flush_tx-to-a-work-queue.patch. +- commit 5d5bc93 + +- scsi: fnic: Get copy workqueue count and interrupt mode from + config (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Rename wq_copy to hw_copy_wq (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Add and improve log messages (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Add and use fnic number (jsc#PED-7888). +- scsi: fnic: Modify definitions to sync with VIC firmware + (jsc#PED-7888). +- commit 4104ea5 + +- net: hns3: fix VF reset fail issue (git-fixes). +- commit 357e0c0 + +- net: hns3: fix variable may not initialized problem in + hns3_init_mac_addr() (git-fixes). +- commit 761dece + +- net: hns3: fix out-of-bounds access may occur when coalesce + info is read via debugfs (git-fixes). +- commit 9368f32 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect capability bit display for copper port + (git-fixes). +- commit 7b8e42d + +- net: hns3: add barrier in vf mailbox reply process (git-fixes). +- commit deb564c + +- net: hns3: fix add VLAN fail issue (git-fixes). +- commit 6ae1571 + +- ipvlan: add ipvlan_route_v6_outbound() helper (git-fixes). +- commit 5f2d3b6 + +- net: enetc: shorten enetc_setup_xdp_prog() error message to + fit NETLINK_MAX_FMTMSG_LEN (git-fixes). +- commit f882476 + +- net: sfp: add quirk for FS's 2.5G copper SFP (git-fixes). +- commit eb7d824 + +- driver core: Replace kstrdup() + strreplace() with + kstrdup_and_replace() (jsc#PED-6054 bsc#1219692). +- lib/string_helpers: Add kstrdup_and_replace() helper + (jsc#PED-6054 bsc#1219692). +- commit d4a62fc + +- net: ethernet: mtk_wed: fix EXT_INT_STATUS_RX_FBUF definitions + for MT7986 SoC (git-fixes). +- commit be286c4 + +- blacklist.conf: drop two entries to be revived (bsc#1219692) +- commit ba7ec6f + +- net: spider_net: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() + (git-fixes). +- commit 722bf2b + +- lib/string_helpers: Change returned value of the strreplace() + (bsc#1219692). +- jbd2: Avoid printing outside the boundary of the buffer + (bsc#1219692). +- commit 8aa13d7 + +- mlxsw: Use size_mul() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes). +- commit a527704 + +- net: ethernet: adi: adin1110: Fix uninitialized variable + (git-fixes). +- commit 4905ac5 + +- net: mdio-mux: fix C45 access returning -EIO after API change + (git-fixes). +- commit 8842ac4 + +- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Fix possible memory leak in + bcm_sf2_mdio_register() (git-fixes). +- commit 8a76104 + +- team: fix null-ptr-deref when team device type is changed + (git-fixes). +- commit c07a0c7 + +- net: fec: use netdev_err_once() instead of netdev_err() + (git-fixes). +- commit 45e8d45 + +- wifi: iwlwifi: exit eSR only after the FW does (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix waiting for beacons logic (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU use in TDLS fast-xmit (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix wiphy delayed work queueing (git-fixes). +- wifi: iwlwifi: fix double-free bug (git-fixes). +- selftests: cmsg_ipv6: repeat the exact packet (git-fixes). +- selftests: net: let big_tcp test cope with slow env (git-fixes). +- atm: idt77252: fix a memleak in open_card_ubr0 (git-fixes). +- selftests: net: avoid just another constant wait (git-fixes). +- selftests: net: cut more slack for gro fwd tests (git-fixes). +- crypto: algif_hash - Remove bogus SGL free on zero-length + error path (git-fixes). +- crypto: ccp - Fix null pointer dereference in + __sev_platform_shutdown_locked (git-fixes). +- commit f9fa694 + +- Drop the driver core change that caused memory corruption (bsc#1219692 bsc#1219732) + patches.suse/driver-core-Replace-kstrdup-strreplace-with-kstrdup_.patch + required the change of strreplace() API behavior as an implicit prerequiste +- commit 9bd691b + +- sched: fair: move unused stub functions to header (git fixes + (sched)). +- sched/fair: Fix the decision for load balance (git fixes + (sched)). +- sched/core: Fix RQCF_ACT_SKIP leak (git fixes (sched)). +- commit ec9d436 + +- Update + patches.suse/Bluetooth-Fix-atomicity-violation-in-min-max-_key_si.patch + (git-fixes bsc#1219608 CVE-2024-24860). +- commit 060d07f + +- Update + patches.suse/mm-lock_vma_under_rcu-must-check-vma-anon_vma-.patch + (bsc#1012628 per-VMA_lock_fix CVE-2024-1312 bsc#1219731). +- commit 91e52e6 + +- Refresh patches.suse/RAS-AMD-ATL-Add-MI300-support.patch. + Fix min() related warning. +- commit 7a6c291 + +- Update + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-potential-fence-use-after-free-.patch + (bsc#1219128 CVE-2023-51042 jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 + jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 + jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 + jsc#PED-6071). +- commit 72ce736 + +- iommu: Don't reserve 0-length IOVA region (git-fixes) +- commit d83c0fa + +- rpm/ install scripts/gdb when enabled in config + (bsc#1219653) + They are put into -devel subpackage. And a proper link to + /usr/share/gdb/auto-load/ is created. +- commit 1dccf2a + +- fs/buffer.c: disable per-CPU buffer_head cache for isolated (bsc#1219631) +- commit 55bb990 + +- EDAC/amd64: Add MI300 row retirement support (jsc#PED-7618). +- commit 36c2567 + +- RAS/AMD/ATL: Add MI300 DRAM to normalized address translation support (jsc#PED-7618). +- commit 76938a8 + +- RAS/AMD/ATL: Fix array overflow in get_logical_coh_st_fabric_id_mi300() (jsc#PED-7618). +- commit d6d16c5 + +- RAS/AMD/ATL: Add MI300 support (jsc#PED-7618). +- commit c9f0c56 + +- Documentation: RAS: Add index and address translation section (jsc#PED-7618). +- commit f894cc4 + +- EDAC/amd64: Use new AMD Address Translation Library (jsc#PED-7618). +- commit 22937f8 + +- RAS: Introduce AMD Address Translation Library (jsc#PED-7618). +- commit 2857e01 + +- netfilter: nf_tables: check if catch-all set element is active + in next generation (CVE-2024-1085 bsc#1219429). +- commit c4588a6 + +- mm/writeback: fix possible divide-by-zero in wb_dirty_limits(), + again (git-fixes). +- commit 5ddccd0 + +- mm: migrate: fix getting incorrect page mapping during page + migration (git-fixes). +- commit 54204d1 + +- mm: migrate: record the mlocked page status to remove + unnecessary lru drain (git-fixes). +- commit 1782112 + +- mm/gup: fix follow_devmap_pd() on page==NULL handling + (git-fixes). +- commit 3518c0e + +- mm: page_alloc: unreserve highatomic page blocks before oom + (git-fixes). +- commit 61457c0 + +- mm: page_alloc: enforce minimum zone size to do high atomic + reserves (git-fixes). +- commit 4f2bf1e + +- mm: page_alloc: correct high atomic reserve calculations + (git-fixes). +- commit 5a4ddfb + +- mm: fix unmap_mapping_range high bits shift bug (git-fixes). +- commit 7453200 + +- mm/shmem: fix race in shmem_undo_range w/THP (git-fixes). +- commit 6a39858 + +- mm: fix for negative counter: nr_file_hugepages (git-fixes). +- commit db03bb0 + +- mm: fix unaccount of memory on vma_link() failure (git-fixes). +- commit 8c916f3 + +- mm/mremap: fix unaccount of memory on vma_merge() failure + (git-fixes). +- commit 1139c35 + +- mm: zswap: fix pool refcount bug around shrink_worker() + (git-fixes). +- commit ae8fafe + +- mm/migrate: fix do_pages_move for compat pointers (git-fixes). +- commit d66394c + +- mm: mempolicy: keep VMA walk if both MPOL_MF_STRICT and + MPOL_MF_MOVE are specified (git-fixes). +- commit d9dbc78 + +- slab: kmalloc_size_roundup() must not return 0 for non-zero size + (git-fixes). +- commit 4566078 + +- mm/slab_common: fix slab_caches list corruption after + kmem_cache_destroy() (git-fixes). +- commit 5566bfb + +- netfilter: nf_tables: reject QUEUE/DROP verdict parameters + (CVE-2024-1086 bsc#1219434). +- commit 459b678 + +- KVM: x86: Add support for "protected VMs" that can utilize + private memory (jsc#PED-5122). +- Update config files. +- commit 646dbdf + +- blacklist.conf: add f96c48670319 ("mm: disable CONFIG_PER_VMA_LOCK until its fixed") +- commit 8e3f9d5 + +- tick/sched: Preserve number of idle sleeps across CPU hotplug (git-fixes) +- commit 60b5ecb + +- KVM: Convert KVM_ARCH_WANT_MMU_NOTIFIER to + CONFIG_KVM_GENERIC_MMU_NOTIFIER (jsc#PED-5122). +- Update config files. +- commit dd9b571 + +- KVM: x86: add missing "depends on KVM" (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: guest-memfd: fix unused-function warning (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Allow arch code to track number of memslot address spaces + per VM (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Drop superfluous __KVM_VCPU_MULTIPLE_ADDRESS_SPACE macro + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle page fault for private memory + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: x86: Disallow hugepages when memory attributes are mixed + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: x86: "Reset" vcpu->run->exit_reason early in KVM_RUN + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Add KVM_CREATE_GUEST_MEMFD ioctl() for guest-specific + backing memory (jsc#PED-5122). +- fs: Rename anon_inode_getfile_secure() and + anon_inode_getfd_secure() (jsc#PED-5122). +- mm: Add AS_UNMOVABLE to mark mapping as completely unmovable + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Introduce per-page memory attributes (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Drop .on_unlock() mmu_notifier hook (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Add a dedicated mmu_notifier flag for reclaiming freed + memory (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Add KVM_EXIT_MEMORY_FAULT exit to report faults to + userspace (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Introduce KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION2 (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: PPC: Return '1' unconditionally for KVM_CAP_SYNC_MMU + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: PPC: Drop dead code related to KVM_ARCH_WANT_MMU_NOTIFIER + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: WARN if there are dangling MMU invalidations at VM + destruction (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Use gfn instead of hva for mmu_notifier_retry + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Assert that mmu_invalidate_in_progress *never* goes + negative (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: Tweak kvm_hva_range and hva_handler_t to allow reusing + for gfn ranges (jsc#PED-5122). +- commit 5a43605 + +- perf: arm_cspmu: ampere_cspmu: Add support for Ampere SoC PMU (jsc#PED-7859) +- commit 1242994 + +- perf: arm_cspmu: Support implementation specific validation (jsc#PED-7859) +- commit 36b0b74 + +- perf: arm_cspmu: Support implementation specific filters (jsc#PED-7859) +- commit d78d04c + +- perf: arm_cspmu: Split 64-bit write to 32-bit writes (jsc#PED-7859) +- commit ae4b62f + +- perf: arm_cspmu: Separate Arm and vendor module (jsc#PED-7859) +- commit d997aaf + +- x86/CPU/AMD: Add X86_FEATURE_ZEN1 (jsc#PED-5122). +- commit 91f26ba + +- reiserfs: Avoid touching renamed directory if parent does not + change (git-fixes). +- commit 1175a85 + +- afs: fix the usage of read_seqbegin_or_lock() in + afs_find_server*() (git-fixes). +- commit 81e58a2 + +- afs: fix the usage of read_seqbegin_or_lock() in + afs_lookup_volume_rcu() (git-fixes). +- commit 17037c1 + +- jfs: fix array-index-out-of-bounds in diNewExt (git-fixes). +- commit 924a4d7 + +- jfs: fix uaf in jfs_evict_inode (git-fixes). +- commit 4a45faa + +- jfs: fix array-index-out-of-bounds in dbAdjTree (git-fixes). +- commit 8299bf8 + +- jfs: fix slab-out-of-bounds Read in dtSearch (git-fixes). +- commit 1662dc0 + +- UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in dtSplitRoot (git-fixes). +- commit 40de905 + +- FS:JFS:UBSAN:array-index-out-of-bounds in dbAdjTree (git-fixes). +- commit cfc648a + +- x86/cpufeatures: Add SEV-SNP CPU feature (jsc#PED-5122). +- Refresh patches.suse/kabi-reserve-cpuid-leaves.patch. +- commit ecc8bfa + +- crypto: ccp: Add the SNP_SET_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Add the SNP_COMMIT command (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Add the SNP_PLATFORM_STATUS command (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/cpufeatures: Enable/unmask SEV-SNP CPU feature + (jsc#PED-5122). +- KVM: SEV: Make AVIC backing, VMSA and VMCB memory allocation + SNP safe (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Add panic notifier for SEV/SNP firmware shutdown + on kdump (jsc#PED-5122). +- iommu/amd: Clean up RMP entries for IOMMU pages during SNP + shutdown (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Handle legacy SEV commands when SNP is enabled + (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Handle non-volatile INIT_EX data when SNP is + enabled (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Handle the legacy TMR allocation when SNP is + enabled (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/sev: Introduce an SNP leaked pages list (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Provide an API to issue SEV and SNP commands + (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Add support to initialize the AMD-SP for SEV-SNP + (jsc#PED-5122). +- crypto: ccp: Define the SEV-SNP commands (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/sev: Adjust the directmap to avoid inadvertent RMP faults + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/sev: Add helper functions for RMPUPDATE and PSMASH + instruction (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/fault: Dump RMP table information when RMP page faults occur + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/traps: Define RMP violation #PF error code (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/fault: Add helper for dumping RMP entries (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/sev: Add RMP entry lookup helpers (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/mtrr: Don't print errors if MtrrFixDramModEn is set when + SNP enabled (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/sev: Add SEV-SNP host initialization support (jsc#PED-5122). +- iommu/amd: Don't rely on external callers to enable IOMMU SNP + support (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/speculation: Do not enable Automatic IBRS if SEV-SNP is + enabled (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/sme: Fix memory encryption setting if enabled by default + and not overridden (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/mm: Fix memory encryption features advertisement + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/sev: Harden #VC instruction emulation somewhat + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Add X86_FEATURE_ZEN5 (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Drop now unused CPU erratum checking function + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Get rid of amd_erratum_1485 (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Get rid of amd_erratum_400 (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Get rid of amd_erratum_383 (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Get rid of amd_erratum_1054 (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Move the DIV0 bug detection to the Zen1 init + function (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Move Zenbleed check to the Zen2 init function + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Rename init_amd_zn() to init_amd_zen_common() + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Call the spectral chicken in the Zen2 init function + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Move erratum 1076 fix into the Zen1 init function + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Move the Zen3 BTC_NO detection to the Zen3 init + function (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Carve out the erratum 1386 fix (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/CPU/AMD: Add ZenX generations flags (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/cpu/intel_epb: Don't rely on link order (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/barrier: Do not serialize MSR accesses on AMD + (jsc#PED-5122). +- x86/cpu: Fix AMD erratum #1485 on Zen4-based CPUs + (jsc#PED-5122). +- commit 708312f + +- usb: xhci-plat: fix usb disconnect issue after s4 (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Add quirk to decrease IN-ep poll interval for + Microchip USB491x hub (git-fixes). +- tty: allow TIOCSLCKTRMIOS with CAP_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE + (git-fixes). +- spmi: mediatek: Fix UAF on device remove (git-fixes). +- spmi: mtk-pmif: Serialize PMIF status check and command + submission (git-fixes). +- watchdog: it87_wdt: Keep WDTCTRL bit 3 unmodified for + IT8784/IT8786 (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix RCU dereference in __cfg80211_bss_update + (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211: free beacon_ies when overridden from hidden BSS + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Add additional USB IDs for RTL8192EU devices + (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath12k: fix and enable AP mode for WCN7850 (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath11k: fix race due to setting + ATH11K_FLAG_EXT_IRQ_ENABLED too early (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath9k: Fix potential array-index-out-of-bounds read in + ath9k_htc_txstatus() (git-fixes). +- wifi: wfx: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in + wfx_set_mfp_ap() (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7996: add PCI IDs for mt7992 (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: connac: fix EHT phy mode check (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: correct wrong BBP register in RxDCOC calibration + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: restart beacon queue when hardware reset + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtw89: fix timeout calculation in rtw89_roc_end() + (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Fix thermal zone suspend-resume synchronization + (git-fixes). +- commit 556e60c + +- libsubcmd: Fix memory leak in uniq() (git-fixes). +- misc: lis3lv02d_i2c: Add missing setting of the reg_ctrl + callback (git-fixes). +- PCI: switchtec: Fix stdev_release() crash after surprise hot + remove (git-fixes). +- PCI: Fix 64GT/s effective data rate calculation (git-fixes). +- PCI: Only override AMD USB controller if required (git-fixes). +- PCI/AER: Decode Requester ID when no error info found + (git-fixes). +- i3c: master: cdns: Update maximum prescaler value for i2c clock + (git-fixes). +- mailbox: arm_mhuv2: Fix a bug for mhuv2_sender_interrupt + (git-fixes). +- leds: trigger: panic: Don't register panic notifier if creating + the trigger failed (git-fixes). +- mfd: ti_am335x_tscadc: Fix TI SoC dependencies (git-fixes). +- media: i2c: imx335: Fix hblank min/max values (git-fixes). +- media: ddbridge: fix an error code problem in ddb_probe + (git-fixes). +- media: amphion: remove mutext lock in condition of wait_event + (git-fixes). +- media: rkisp1: resizer: Stop manual allocation of + v4l2_subdev_state (git-fixes). +- media: rkisp1: Fix IRQ disable race issue (git-fixes). +- media: rkisp1: Store IRQ lines (git-fixes). +- media: rkisp1: Fix IRQ handler return values (git-fixes). +- media: rkisp1: Drop IRQF_SHARED (git-fixes). +- media: uvcvideo: Fix power line control for SunplusIT camera + (git-fixes). +- media: uvcvideo: Fix power line control for a Chicony camera + (git-fixes). +- media: rockchip: rga: fix swizzling for RGB formats (git-fixes). +- media: stk1160: Fixed high volume of stk1160_dbg messages + (git-fixes). +- soc: xilinx: fix unhandled SGI warning message (git-fixes). +- soc: xilinx: Fix for call trace due to the usage of + smp_processor_id() (git-fixes). +- net: phy: at803x: fix passing the wrong reference for + config_intr (git-fixes). +- PCI: Add no PM reset quirk for NVIDIA Spectrum devices + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: micrel: fix ts_info value in case of no phc + (git-fixes). +- pstore/ram: Fix crash when setting number of cpus to an odd + number (git-fixes). +- PNP: ACPI: fix fortify warning (git-fixes). +- regulator: core: Only increment use_count when enable_count + changes (git-fixes). +- commit 1095bc9 + +- drm/amdgpu: Fix missing error code in 'gmc_v6/7/8/9_0_hw_init()' + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: Fix 'node' NULL check in + 'svm_range_get_range_boundaries()' (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Release 'adev->pm.fw' before return in + 'amdgpu_device_need_post()' (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Fix with right return code '-EIO' in + 'amdgpu_gmc_vram_checking()' (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/powerplay: Fix kzalloc parameter 'ATOM_Tonga_PPM_Table' + in 'get_platform_power_management_table()' (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix avg vs input power reporting on smu7 + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: Fix lock dependency warning with srcu (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: Fix lock dependency warning (git-fixes). +- i2c: rk3x: Adjust mask/value offset for i2c2 on rv1126 + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix fan speed set failure in automatic mode + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: apply the RV2 system aperture fix to RN/CZN as well + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: Fix iterator used outside loop in + 'kfd_add_peer_prop()' (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Drop 'fence' check in 'to_amdgpu_amdkfd_fence()' + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Fix '*fw' from request_firmware() not released in + 'amdgpu_ucode_request()' (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Let KFD sync with VM fences (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix minor issues in BW Allocation Phase2 + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Fix ecc irq enable/disable unpaired (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: make flip_timestamp_in_us a 64-bit variable + (git-fixes). +- drm: using mul_u32_u32() requires linux/math64.h (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: fix writeback programming for YUV cases + (git-fixes). +- commit 9877917 + +- powerpc: iommu: Bring back table group release_ownership() + call (git-fixes). +- drm/tegra: Do not assume that a NULL domain means no DMA IOMMU + (git-fixes). +- iommu: Allow ops->default_domain to work when !CONFIG_IOMMU_DMA + (git-fixes). +- commit ba460b4 + +- drm/msm/dpu: Ratelimit framedone timeout msgs (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: enable writeback on SM8450 (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: enable writeback on SM8350 (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: Add DisplayPort controller for SM8650 (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dsi: Enable runtime PM (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: only flush mes process context if mes support is + there (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix ftrace event amdgpu_bo_move always move on + same heap (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: fix mes set shader debugger process management + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: For prefetch mode > 0, extend prefetch if + possible (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix MST PBN/X.Y value calculations (git-fixes). +- drm/exynos: Call drm_atomic_helper_shutdown() at shutdown/unbind + time (git-fixes). +- drm/mipi-dsi: Fix detach call without attach (git-fixes). +- drm/framebuffer: Fix use of uninitialized variable (git-fixes). +- drm/drm_file: fix use of uninitialized variable (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: anx7625: Fix Set HPD irq detect window to 2ms + (git-fixes). +- drm/panel-edp: Add override_edid_mode quirk for generic edp + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix tiled display misalignment (git-fixes). +- crypto: stm32/crc32 - fix parsing list of devices (git-fixes). +- Documentation/sphinx: fix Python string escapes (git-fixes). +- commit 63f49fd + +- 9p: Fix initialisation of netfs_inode for 9p (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: clk-imx8qxp: fix LVDS bypass, pixel and phy clocks + (git-fixes). +- clk: mmp: pxa168: Fix memory leak in pxa168_clk_init() + (git-fixes). +- clk: hi3620: Fix memory leak in hi3620_mmc_clk_init() + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: amd: Add new dmi entries for acp5x platform (git-fixes). +- ASoC: doc: Fix undefined SND_SOC_DAPM_NOPM argument (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: intel-dspcfg: add filters for ARL-S and ARL + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: Refer to correct stream index at loops (git-fixes). +- accel/habanalabs: add support for Gaudi2C device (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix possible multiple reject send (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_sync: fix BR/EDR wakeup bug (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: ISO: Avoid creating child socket if PA sync is + terminating (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: qca: Set both WIDEBAND_SPEECH and LE_STATES quirks + for QCA2066 (git-fixes). +- crypto: octeontx2 - Fix cptvf driver cleanup (git-fixes). +- crypto: p10-aes-gcm - Avoid -Wstringop-overflow warnings + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: NUMA: Fix the logic of getting the fake_pxm value + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: extlog: fix NULL pointer dereference check (git-fixes). +- ACPI: APEI: set memory failure flags as MF_ACTION_REQUIRED on + synchronous events (git-fixes). +- ACPI: video: Add quirk for the Colorful X15 AT 23 Laptop + (git-fixes). +- commit 2d4658b + +- rpm/mkspec: sort entries in _multibuild + Otherwise it creates unnecessary diffs when tar-up-ing. It's of course + due to readdir() using "random" order as served by the underlying + filesystem. + See for example: + +- commit d1155de + +- tick-sched: Fix idle and iowait sleeptime accounting vs CPU (bsc#1219497) +- commit c0129ec + +- blacklist.conf: add 'nvme: fix error-handling for io_uring + nvme-passthrough' +- commit 36e1796 + +- nvme-rdma: Fix transfer length when write_generate/read_verify + are 0 (git-fixes). +- nvme: trace: avoid memcpy overflow warning (git-fixes). +- nvmet: re-fix tracing strncpy() warning (git-fixes). +- nvme: fix max_discard_sectors calculation (git-fixes). +- nvmet-tcp: fix a missing endianess conversion in + nvmet_tcp_try_peek_pdu (git-fixes). +- nvme-pci: fix sleeping function called from interrupt context + (git-fixes). +- Revert "nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating + association" (git-fixes). +- nvme: blank out authentication fabrics options if not configured + (git-fixes). +- nvme: catch errors from nvme_configure_metadata() (git-fixes). +- nvme-tcp: only evaluate 'tls' option if TLS is selected + (git-fixes). + Refresh: + - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-fix-compile-time-checks-for-TLS-mode.patch +- nvme-auth: set explanation code for failure2 msgs (git-fixes). +- commit 542cb02 + +- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1219582). +- scsi: lpfc: Move determination of vmid_flag after VMID + reinitialization completes (bsc#1219582). +- scsi: lpfc: Reinitialize an NPIV's VMID data structures after + FDISC (bsc#1219582). +- scsi: lpfc: Change VMID driver load time parameters to read only + (bsc#1219582). +- commit a28d317 + +- ceph: select FS_ENCRYPTION_ALGS if FS_ENCRYPTION (bsc#1219567). +- ceph_wait_on_conflict_unlink(): grab reference before dropping + - >d_lock (bsc#1219566). +- commit 9d8ca8e + +- afs: Hide silly-rename files from userspace (git-fixes). +- commit 7f411ab + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable headset mic on Vaio VJFE-ADL + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: amd: yc: Add DMI quirk for MSI Bravo 15 C7VF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qcom: sc8280xp: limit speaker volumes (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Apply headset jack quirk for non-bass alc287 + thinkpads (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 14-fq0xxx + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix the external mic not being recognised + for Acer Swift 1 SF114-32 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add delay quirk for MOTU M Series 2nd revision + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add speaker pin verbtable for Dell dual + speaker platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add a quirk for Yamaha YIT-W12TX transmitter + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP ZBook Power + (git-fixes). +- commit 3a5699c + +- misc: fastrpc: Mark all sessions as invalid in cb_remove + (git-fixes). +- serial: max310x: prevent infinite while() loop in port startup + (git-fixes). +- serial: max310x: fail probe if clock crystal is unstable + (git-fixes). +- serial: max310x: improve crystal stable clock detection + (git-fixes). +- serial: max310x: set default value when reading clock ready bit + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: fix the PD disabled case (git-fixes). +- usb: ucsi_acpi: Fix command completion handling (git-fixes). +- usb: ucsi: Add missing ppm_lock (git-fixes). +- usb: ulpi: Fix debugfs directory leak (git-fixes). +- Revert "usb: typec: tcpm: fix cc role at port reset" + (git-fixes). +- USB: hub: check for alternate port before enabling + A_ALT_HNP_SUPPORT (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: core: handle power lost in workqueue (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix NULL pointer dereference in + dwc3_gadget_suspend (git-fixes). +- usb: core: Prevent null pointer dereference in + update_port_device_state (git-fixes). +- xhci: fix off by one check when adding a secondary interrupter + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci-plat: Add support for + XHCI_SG_TRB_CACHE_SIZE_QUIRK (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: fix is_slave_direction() return false when + DMA_DEV_TO_DEV (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: fsl-qdma: Fix a memory leak related to the queue + command DMA (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: fsl-qdma: Fix a memory leak related to the status + queue DMA (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: ti: k3-udma: Report short packet errors (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: fsl-dpaa2-qdma: Fix the size of dma pools + (git-fixes). +- phy: ti: phy-omap-usb2: Fix NULL pointer dereference for SRP + (git-fixes). +- phy: renesas: rcar-gen3-usb2: Fix returning wrong error code + (git-fixes). +- commit a23ce22 + +- ASoC: cs35l56: Firmware file must match the version of preloaded + firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 726969d + +- ASoC: cs35l56: Wake transactions need to be issued twice + (git-fixes). +- commit 92aa6aa + +- drm/amd/display: Add NULL check for kzalloc in + 'amdgpu_dm_atomic_commit_tail()' (git-fixes). +- drm/amd: Don't init MEC2 firmware when it fails to load + (git-fixes). +- Input: atkbd - do not skip atkbd_deactivate() when skipping + ATKBD_CMD_GETID (git-fixes). +- Input: atkbd - skip ATKBD_CMD_SETLEDS when skipping + ATKBD_CMD_GETID (git-fixes). +- Input: bcm5974 - check endpoint type before starting traffic + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Firmware file must match the version of + preloaded firmware (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Allow more time for firmware to boot (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Load tunings for the correct speaker models + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix misuse of wm_adsp 'part' string for silicon + revision (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix for initializing ASP1 mixer registers + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Remove unused hibernate wake constants + (git-fixes). +- commit a79a167 + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Initialize all ASP1 registers (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix default SDW TX mixer registers (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix to ensure ASP1 registers match cache + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Remove buggy checks from + cs35l56_is_fw_reload_needed() (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: Don't add the same register patch multiple times + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: cs35l56_component_remove() must clean up wm_adsp + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs35l56: cs35l56_component_remove() must clear + cs35l56->component (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix firmware file search order (git-fixes). +- ASoC: sun4i-spdif: Fix requirements for H6 (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-wsa-macro: fix compander volume hack + (git-fixes). +- commit 210b81e + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Fix filename string field layout + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Fix order of searching for firmware files + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa883x: fix PA volume control (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: handle deferred probe (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix headphones volume controls + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Sort quirk table entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk for RODE NT-USB+ (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix typo (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Suppress vmaster control for Dolphin models + (git-fixes). +- commit cbd1581 + +- workqueue: Provide one lock class key per work_on_cpu() callsite + (bsc#1219510). +- commit cc7032e + +- workqueue: Override implicit ordered attribute in + workqueue_apply_unbound_cpumask() (bsc#1219509). +- commit 6b333df + +- perf/arm-cmn: Fix the unhandled overflow status of counter 4 to 7 (bsc#1219496) +- commit 2ad8787 + +- Update patches.suse/sbsa_gwdt-Calculate-timeout-with-64-bit-math.patch (git-fixes, bsc#1219470) + Add reference to bsc#1219470. +- commit f55db61 + +- Update patches.suse/i2c-designware-Disable-TX_EMPTY-irq-while-waiting-fo.patch (git-fixes, bsc#1219473) + Add reference to bsc#1219473. +- commit 4fc714a + +- net: phy: realtek: add support for RTL8126A-integrated 5Gbps + PHY (bsc#1217417). +- r8169: add support for RTL8126A (bsc#1217417). +- commit cff22d0 + +- r8169: fix rtl8125b PAUSE frames blasting when suspended + (bsc#1217417). +- commit 1d2e69e + +- nfc: nci: free rx_data_reassembly skb on NCI device cleanup + (git-fixes). +- HID: bpf: actually free hdev memory after attaching a HID-BPF + program (git-fixes). +- HID: bpf: remove double fdget() (git-fixes). +- HID: i2c-hid-of: fix NULL-deref on failed power up (git-fixes). +- HID: hidraw: fix a problem of memory leak in hidraw_release() + (git-fixes). +- firewire: core: correct documentation of fw_csr_string() + kernel API (git-fixes). +- regulator: ti-abb: don't use + devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname for shared interrupt + register (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: improve do/while loop in sc16is7xx_irq() + (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: remove obsolete loop in sc16is7xx_port_irq() + (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: fix invalid sc16is7xx_lines bitfield in + case of probe error (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: fix unconditional activation of THRI + interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit 5ceb45c + +- supported.conf: Add new VFIO modules +- commit 0e15e54 + +- vfio/pds: Add missing PCI_IOV depends (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Fix calculations in pds_vfio_dirty_sync (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- Refresh patches.suse/vfio-Move-iova_bitmap-into-iommufd. +- commit d637959 + +- selftests/bpf: user_ringbuf.c define c_ringbuf_size + (jsc#PED-6811). +- commit 777a0e5 + +- Revert "scsi: fcoe: Fix potential deadlock on &fip->ctlr_lock" + (bsc#1219141). +- fnic: move fnic_fnic_flush_tx() to a work queue (bsc#1219141). +- commit 43e1290 + +- xen-netback: don't produce zero-size SKB frags (CVE-2023-46838, + XSA-448, bsc#1218836). +- commit b4061c7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-typec-tcpm-Support-multiple-capabilities.patch. + Fixes an error that I made backporting. + It leads to an unused variable warning. + Does not really hurt, but should not happen +- commit 2ce740a + +- fanotify: allow "weak" fsid when watching a single filesystem (bsc#1218177). +- commit 1ae4770 + +- fanotify: store fsid in mark instead of in connector (bsc#1218177). +- commit 6a1149a + +- s390/pci: Use dma-iommu layer (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- Update config files. +- commit 5632afd + +- maple_tree: replace data before marking dead in split and + spanning store (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: change mas_adopt_children() parent usage + (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: introduce mas_tree_parent() definition + (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: introduce mas_put_in_tree() (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: reorder replacement of nodes to avoid live lock + (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: add hex output to maple_arange64 dump (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: fix the arguments to __must_hold() (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: use MAS_BUG_ON() from mas_topiary_range() + (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: use MAS_BUG_ON() when setting a leaf node as a + parent (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: add debug BUG_ON and WARN_ON variants (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: add format option to mt_dump() (bsc#1219404). +- maple_tree: clean up mas_parent_enum() and rename to + mas_parent_type() (bsc#1219404). +- commit eb22d39 + +- vfio: Move iova_bitmap into iommufd (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- Update config files. +- commit 999dadf + +- iommufd: Do not UAF during iommufd_put_object() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add iommufd_ctx to iommufd_put_object() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Fix _test_mock_dirty_bitmaps() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Drop vfio_file_iommu_group() stub to fudge around a KVM + wart (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Fix possible sleep while in atomic context + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Fix mutex lock->magic != lock warning (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Fix printk arg in of_iommu_get_resv_regions() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Set variable intel_dirty_ops to static (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Fix incorrect cache invalidation for mm notification + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Add MTL to quirk list to skip TE disabling + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Make context clearing consistent with context + mapping (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Disable PCI ATS in legacy passthrough mode + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Omit devTLB invalidation requests when TES=0 + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Support enforce_cache_coherency only for empty + domains (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Avoid more races around device probe (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- MAINTAINERS: list all Qualcomm IOMMU drivers in the QUALCOMM + IOMMU entry (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Flow ERR_PTR out from __iommu_domain_alloc() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- s390/pci: Fix reset of IOMMU software counters (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/dma: Use a large flush queue and timeout for + shadow_on_flush (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/dma: Allow a single FQ in addition to per-CPU FQs + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/s390: Disable deferred flush for ISM devices (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- s390/pci: prepare is_passed_through() for dma-iommu + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Allow .iotlb_sync_map to fail and handle s390's -ENOMEM + return (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/dart: Remove the force_bypass variable (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/dart: Call apple_dart_finalize_domain() as part of + alloc_paging() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/dart: Convert to domain_alloc_paging() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/dart: Move the blocked domain support to a global static + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/dart: Use static global identity domains (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Convert to alloc_domain_paging() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Use ops->blocked_domain (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Update the definition of the blocking domain + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Move IOMMU_DOMAIN_BLOCKED global statics to + ops->blocked_domain (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: change iommu_map_sgtable to return signed values + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- powerpc/iommu: Do not do platform domain attach atctions after + probe (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Fix return code in iommu_group_alloc_default_domain() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Do not use IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA if CONFIG_IOMMU_DMA is not + enabled (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Remove duplicate include (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/iova: Manage the depot list size (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/iova: Make the rcache depot scale better (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Improve map/unmap sanity checks (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Retire map/unmap ops (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/tegra-smmu: Update to {map,unmap}_pages (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/sun50i: Update to {map,unmap}_pages (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/rockchip: Update to {map,unmap}_pages (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/omap: Update to {map,unmap}_pages (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/exynos: Update to {map,unmap}_pages (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/omap: Convert to generic_single_device_group() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/ipmmu-vmsa: Convert to generic_single_device_group() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/rockchip: Convert to generic_single_device_group() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/sprd: Convert to generic_single_device_group() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/sun50i: Convert to generic_single_device_group() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add generic_single_device_group() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Remove useless group refcounting (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Convert remaining simple drivers to domain_alloc_paging() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Convert simple drivers with DOMAIN_DMA to + domain_alloc_paging() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add ops->domain_alloc_paging() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add __iommu_group_domain_alloc() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Require a default_domain for all iommu drivers + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/sun50i: Add an IOMMU_IDENTITIY_DOMAIN (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/mtk_iommu: Add an IOMMU_IDENTITIY_DOMAIN (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/ipmmu: Add an IOMMU_IDENTITIY_DOMAIN (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/qcom_iommu: Add an IOMMU_IDENTITIY_DOMAIN (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Remove ops->set_platform_dma_ops() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/msm: Implement an IDENTITY domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/omap: Implement an IDENTITY domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/tegra-smmu: Support DMA domains in tegra (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/tegra-smmu: Implement an IDENTITY domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/exynos: Implement an IDENTITY domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Allow an IDENTITY domain as the default_domain in ARM32 + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Reorganize iommu_get_default_domain_type() to respect + def_domain_type() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/mtk_iommu_v1: Implement an IDENTITY domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/tegra-gart: Remove tegra-gart (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/fsl_pamu: Implement a PLATFORM domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add IOMMU_DOMAIN_PLATFORM for S390 (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- powerpc/iommu: Setup a default domain and remove + set_platform_dma_ops (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add IOMMU_DOMAIN_PLATFORM (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add iommu_ops->identity_domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Remove DMA_FQ type from domain allocation path + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- Revert "iommu: Fix false ownership failure on AMD systems with + PASID activated" (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Remove unused EXPORT_SYMBOLS (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Remove amd_iommu_device_info() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Remove PPR support (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_v2 module (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Initialize iommu_device->max_pasids (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Enable device ATS/PASID/PRI capabilities + independently (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Introduce iommu_dev_data.flags to track device + capabilities (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Introduce iommu_dev_data.ppr (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Rename ats related variables (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Modify logic for checking GT and PPR features + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Consolidate feature detection and reporting logic + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Miscellaneous clean up when free domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Do not set amd_iommu_pgtable in pass-through mode + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Introduce helper functions for managing GCR3 table + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Refactor protection domain allocation code + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Consolidate logic to allocate protection domain + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Consolidate timeout pre-define to amd_iommu_type.h + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Remove unused amd_io_pgtable.pt_root variable + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- Revert "iommu/vt-d: Remove unused function" (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: debugfs: Support dumping a specified page table + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: debugfs: Create/remove debugfs file per {device, + pasid} (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: debugfs: Dump entry pointing to huge page + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Remove unused function (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/virtio: Add __counted_by for struct viommu_request and + use struct_size() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: arm-smmu: Add SM7150 GPU SMMUv2 (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3-sva: Remove bond refcount (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3-sva: Remove unused iommu_sva handle + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Rename cdcfg to cd_table (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Update comment about STE liveness + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Cleanup arm_smmu_domain_finalise + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Move CD table to arm_smmu_master + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Refactor write_ctx_desc (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: move stall_enabled to the cd table + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Encapsulate ctx_desc_cfg init in + alloc_cd_tables (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Replace s1_cfg with cdtab_cfg (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Move ctx_desc out of s1_cfg (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-qcom: Add SM7150 SMMUv2 (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-qcom: Add SDM670 MDSS compatible (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/tegra-smmu: Drop unnecessary error check for for + debugfs_create_dir() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Organize the mock domain alloc functions closer to + Joerg's tree (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Fix page-size check in iommufd_test_dirty() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add iopt_area_alloc() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Fix missing update of domains_itree after splitting + iopt_area (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Disallow read-only mappings to nest parent domain + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Add nested domain allocation (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Set the nested domain to a device (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Make domain attach helpers to be extern + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Add helper to setup pasid nested translation + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Add helper for nested domain allocation + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Extend dmar_domain to support nested domain + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add data structure for Intel VT-d stage-1 domain + allocation (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Enhance capability check for nested parent domain + allocation (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Add coverage for IOMMU_HWPT_ALLOC with nested + HWPTs (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Add nested domain allocation for mock domain + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add iommu_copy_struct_from_user helper (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add a nested HW pagetable object (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Pass in parent domain with user_data to domain_alloc_user + op (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Share iommufd_hwpt_alloc with IOMMUFD_OBJ_HWPT_NESTED + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Derive iommufd_hwpt_paging from iommufd_hw_pagetable + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/device: Wrap IOMMUFD_OBJ_HWPT_PAGING-only configurations + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Rename IOMMUFD_OBJ_HW_PAGETABLE to + IOMMUFD_OBJ_HWPT_PAGING (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add IOMMU_DOMAIN_NESTED (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Only enforce cache coherency in + iommufd_hw_pagetable_alloc (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Test IOMMU_HWPT_GET_DIRTY_BITMAP_NO_CLEAR flag + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Test out_capabilities in IOMMU_GET_HW_INFO + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Test IOMMU_HWPT_GET_DIRTY_BITMAP (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Test IOMMU_HWPT_SET_DIRTY_TRACKING + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Test IOMMU_HWPT_ALLOC_DIRTY_TRACKING + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Expand mock_domain with dev_flags + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Access/Dirty bit support for SS domains + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Access/Dirty bit support in IOPTEs (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Add domain_alloc_user based domain allocation + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add a flag to skip clearing of IOPTE dirty + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add capabilities to IOMMU_GET_HW_INFO (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add IOMMU_HWPT_GET_DIRTY_BITMAP (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add IOMMU_HWPT_SET_DIRTY_TRACKING (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add a flag to enforce dirty tracking on attach + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add iommu_domain ops for dirty tracking (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/iova_bitmap: Move symbols to IOMMUFD namespace + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/iova_bitmap: Export more API symbols (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Correct IOMMU_HWPT_ALLOC_NEST_PARENT description + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Rework TEST_LENGTH to test min_size explicitly + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Add domain_alloc_user op (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Add domain_alloc_user() support in iommu mock + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Support allocating nested parent domain (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Flow user flags for domain allocation to + domain_alloc_user() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Use the domain_alloc_user() op for domain allocation + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add new iommu op to create domains owned by userspace + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Iterate idev_ids in mock_domain's alloc_hwpt + test (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Fix spelling errors in comments (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mtty: Enable migration support (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mtty: Overhaul mtty interrupt handling (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Fix smatch errors in vfio_combine_iova_ranges() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/cdx: Add parentheses between bitwise AND expression and + logical NOT (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mlx5: Activate the chunk mode functionality (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mlx5: Add support for READING in chunk mode (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mlx5: Add support for SAVING in chunk mode (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mlx5: Pre-allocate chunks for the STOP_COPY phase + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mlx5: Rename some stuff to match chunk mode (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mlx5: Enable querying state size which is > 4GB + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mlx5: Refactor the SAVE callback to activate a work only + upon an error (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/mlx5: Wake up the reader post of disabling the SAVING + migration file (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: use __aligned_u64 in struct vfio_device_ioeventfd + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: use __aligned_u64 in struct vfio_device_gfx_plane_info + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: trivially use __aligned_u64 for ioctl structs + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio-cdx: add bus mastering device feature support (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: add bus master feature to device feature ioctl + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- cdx: add support for bus mastering (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- commit 5461635 + +- PM: sleep: Fix possible deadlocks in core system-wide PM code + (git-fixes). +- commit 186fd19 + +- async: Introduce async_schedule_dev_nocall() (git-fixes). +- commit 3d2402e + +- async: Split async_schedule_node_domain() (git-fixes). +- commit 02d0aec + +- vfio/pci: Clear VFIO_IRQ_INFO_NORESIZE for MSI-X (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Support dynamic MSI-X (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Probe and store ability to support dynamic MSI-X + (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Use bitfield for struct vfio_pci_core_device flags + (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Update stale comment (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Remove interrupt context counter (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Use xarray for interrupt context storage + (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Move to single error path (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Prepare for dynamic interrupt context storage + (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Remove negative check on unsigned vector + (jsc#PED-7785). +- vfio/pci: Consolidate irq cleanup on MSI/MSI-X disable + (jsc#PED-7785). +- commit bb72f32 + +- serial: sc16is7xx: change EFR lock to operate on each channels + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/serial-sc16is7xx-convert-from-_raw_-to-_noinc_-regma.patch. +- commit b43ff48 + +- serial: core: Simplify uart_get_rs485_mode() (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/serial-core-imx-do-not-set-RS485-enabled-if-it-is-no.patch. +- commit 52b3d86 + +- selftests: bonding: do not test arp/ns target with mode + balance-alb/tlb (git-fixes). +- selftests: netdevsim: fix the udp_tunnel_nic test (git-fixes). +- selftests: net: fix rps_default_mask with >32 CPUs (git-fixes). +- selftest: Don't reuse port for SO_INCOMING_CPU test (git-fixes). +- selftests: bonding: Increase timeout to 1200s (git-fixes). +- nouveau/vmm: don't set addr on the fail path to avoid warning + (git-fixes). +- rtc: cmos: Use ACPI alarm for non-Intel x86 systems too + (git-fixes). +- soundwire: fix initializing sysfs for same devices on different + buses (git-fixes). +- soundwire: bus: introduce controller_id (git-fixes). +- serial: core: set missing supported flag for RX during TX GPIO + (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: convert from _raw_ to _noinc_ regmap + functions for FIFO (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: remove unused line structure member + (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: remove global regmap from struct + sc16is7xx_port (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: remove wasteful static buffer in + sc16is7xx_regmap_name() (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: improve regmap debugfs by using one regmap + per port (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ad7091r: Enable internal vref if external vref is + not supplied (git-fixes). +- thermal: intel: hfi: Add syscore callbacks for system-wide PM + (git-fixes). +- mmc: mmc_spi: remove custom DMA mapped buffers (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Use mrq.sbc in close-ended ffu (git-fixes). +- scripts/get_abi: fix source path leak (git-fixes). +- thermal: intel: hfi: Disable an HFI instance when all its CPUs + go offline (git-fixes). +- thermal: intel: hfi: Refactor enabling code into helper + functions (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix kernel-doc for uart_port_unlock_irqrestore() + (git-fixes). +- serial: sc16is7xx: Use port lock wrappers (git-fixes). +- serial: core: Provide port lock wrappers (git-fixes). +- thermal: trip: Drop lockdep assertion from + thermal_zone_trip_id() (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Store trip pointer in struct thermal_instance + (git-fixes). +- thermal: trip: Drop redundant trips check from + for_each_thermal_trip() (git-fixes). +- commit 9cd2e11 + +- drm/amdgpu/pm: Fix the power source flag error (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix uninitialized variable usage in core_link_ + 'read_dpcd() & write_dpcd()' functions (git-fixes). +- gpiolib: acpi: Ignore touchpad wakeup on GPD G1619-04 + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Align the returned error code with legacy DP + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Port DENTIST hang and TDR fixes to OTG disable + W/A (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix late derefrence 'dsc' check in + 'link_set_dsc_pps_packet()' (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix variable deferencing before NULL check + in edp_setup_replay() (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: correct the cu count for gfx v11 (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ad7091r: Allow users to configure device events + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ad7091r: Set alert bit in config register (git-fixes). +- drm: Don't unref the same fb many times by mistake due to + deadlock handling (git-fixes). +- drm/panel-edp: drm/panel-edp: Fix AUO B116XTN02 name + (git-fixes). +- drm/panel-edp: drm/panel-edp: Fix AUO B116XAK01 name and timing + (git-fixes). +- drm/panel-edp: Add AUO B116XTN02, BOE NT116WHM-N21,836X2, + NV116WHM-N49 V8.0 (git-fixes). +- docs: fix command injection (git-fixes). +- crypto: api - Disallow identical driver names (git-fixes). +- commit 38dac4b + +- kernel-source: Fix description typo +- commit 8abff35 + +- nvmet-tcp: Fix the H2C expected PDU len calculation + (bsc#1217987 bsc#1217988 bsc#1217989 CVE-2023-6535 CVE-2023-6536 + CVE-2023-6356). +- nvmet-tcp: remove boilerplate code (bsc#1217987 bsc#1217988 + bsc#1217989 CVE-2023-6535 CVE-2023-6536 CVE-2023-6356). +- nvmet-tcp: fix a crash in nvmet_req_complete() (bsc#1217987 + bsc#1217988 bsc#1217989 CVE-2023-6535 CVE-2023-6536 + CVE-2023-6356). +- nvmet-tcp: Fix a kernel panic when host sends an invalid H2C + PDU length (bsc#1217987 bsc#1217988 bsc#1217989 CVE-2023-6535 + CVE-2023-6536 CVE-2023-6356). +- commit abe1056 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix sink caps op current check (git-fixes). +- commit 0565e82 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: Support multiple capabilities (jsc#PED-6054). +- usb: hub: Replace hardcoded quirk value with BIT() macro + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit b09eb06 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: skip checking port->send_discover in PD3.0 + (git-fixes). +- commit 7e54159 + +- vfio: Compile vfio_group infrastructure optionally (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- Update config files. +- commit 31c540c + +- clocksource: disable watchdog checks on TSC when TSC is watchdog + (bsc#1215885). +- commit 277f89c + +- rswitch: Fix imbalance phy_power_off() calling (git-fixes). +- commit 537c1a6 + +- rswitch: Fix renesas_eth_sw_remove() implementation (git-fixes). +- commit b476e28 + +- nfp: flower: avoid rmmod nfp crash issues (git-fixes). +- commit 3a0449b + +- net: phy: mscc: macsec: reject PN update requests (git-fixes). +- commit ccf5c28 + +- mlxsw: fix mlxsw_sp2_nve_vxlan_learning_set() return type + (git-fixes). +- commit e16a1ab + +- iommu: Avoid unnecessary cache invalidations (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Avoid memory allocation in iommu_suspend() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/apple-dart: Handle DMA_FQ domains in attach_dev() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: arm-smmu: Fix SDM630 clocks description + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Avoid constructing invalid range commands + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/mediatek: Fix share pgtable for iova over 4GB + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Explicitly include correct DT includes (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Optimise PCI SAC address trick (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Avoid locking/unlocking for iommu_probe_device() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Split iommu_group_add_device() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Always destroy the iommu_group during + iommu_release_device() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Do not export iommu_device_link/unlink() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Move the iommu driver sysfs setup into + iommu_init/deinit_device() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add iommu_init/deinit_device() paired functions + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Simplify the __iommu_group_remove_device() flow + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Inline iommu_group_get_for_dev() into + __iommu_probe_device() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Use iommu_group_ref_get/put() for dev->iommu_group + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Have __iommu_probe_device() check for already probed + devices (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Rearrange DTE bit definations (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Remove unsued extern declaration + amd_iommu_init_hardware() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Enable PPR/GA interrupt after interrupt handler setup + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Consolidate PPR log enablement (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Disable PPR log/interrupt in iommu_disable() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Enable separate interrupt for PPR and GA log + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Refactor IOMMU interrupt handling logic for Event, + PPR, and GA logs (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Handle PPR log overflow (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Generalize log overflow handling (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd/iommu_v2: Clear pasid state in free path (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Remove unused extern declaration + dmar_parse_dev_scope() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Fix to convert mm pfn to dma pfn (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Remove rmrr check in domain attaching device path + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Prevent RESV_DIRECT devices from blocking domains + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- dmaengine/idxd: Re-enable kernel workqueue under DMA API + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Add set_dev_pasid callback for dma domain + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Prepare for set_dev_pasid callback (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Make prq draining code generic (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Remove pasid_mutex (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Add domain_flush_pasid_iotlb() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Move global PASID allocation from SVA to core + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Generalize PASID 0 for normal DMA w/o PASID (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: arm-smmu: Fix MSM8998 clocks description + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: iommu: qcom,iommu: Add QSMMUv2 and MSM8976 + compatibles (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: iommu: qcom,iommu: Add qcom,ctx-asid property + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-qcom: Add SM6375 SMMUv2 (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-qcom: Add SM6350 DPU compatible (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-qcom: Add SM6375 DPU compatible (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-qcom: Sort the compatible list alphabetically + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/qcom: Add support for QSMMUv2 and QSMMU-500 secured + contexts (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/qcom: Index contexts by asid number to allow asid 0 + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/qcom: Use the asid read from device-tree if specified + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu: Clean up resource handling during Qualcomm + context probe (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Change vmid alloc strategy from bitmap to + ida (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: rockchip: Allocate tables from all available memory + for IOMMU v2 (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/ipmmu-vmsa: Allow PCIe devices (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/ipmmu-vmsa: Convert to read_poll_timeout_atomic() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- MAINTAINERS: iommu/mediatek: Update the header file name + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/mediatek: mt8188: Add iova_region_larb_msk (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/mediatek: Add MT8188 IOMMU Support (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/mediatek: Add enable IOMMU SMC command for INFRA masters + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/mediatek: Adjust mtk_iommu_config flow (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: mediatek: mt8188: Add binding for MM & INFRA IOMMU + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/apple-dart: mark apple_dart_pm_ops static (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Don't leak the platform device memory when + unloading the module (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Implement hw_info for iommu capability query + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Add coverage for IOMMU_GET_HW_INFO ioctl + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add IOMMU_GET_HW_INFO (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add new iommu op to get iommu hardware information + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Move dev_iommu_ops() to private header (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Remove iommufd_ref_to_users() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Make the mock iommu driver into a real driver + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Support IO page table replacement (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Add IOMMU_TEST_OP_ACCESS_REPLACE_IOAS coverage + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add iommufd_access_replace() API (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Use iommufd_access_change_ioas in + iommufd_access_destroy_object (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add iommufd_access_change_ioas(_id) helpers + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Allow passing in iopt_access_list_id to + iopt_remove_access() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Do not allow !ops->dma_unmap in vfio_pin/unpin_pages() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Add a selftest for IOMMU_HWPT_ALLOC + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Return the real idev id from selftest + mock_domain (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add IOMMU_HWPT_ALLOC (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/selftest: Test iommufd_device_replace() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Make destroy_rwsem use a lock class per object type + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add iommufd_device_replace() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Introduce a new iommu_group_replace_domain() API + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Reorganize iommufd_device_attach into + iommufd_device_change_pt (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Fix locking around hwpt allocation (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Allow a hwpt to be aborted after allocation + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add enforced_cache_coherency to + iommufd_hw_pagetable_alloc() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Move putting a hwpt to a helper function (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Make sw_msi_start a group global (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Use the iommufd_group to avoid duplicate MSI setup + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Keep track of each device's reserved regions instead + of groups (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Export iommu_get_resv_regions() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Replace the hwpt->devices list with iommufd_group + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add iommufd_group (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Move isolated msi enforcement to iommufd_device_bind() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Send type for SUSPEND_STATUS command (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: fix return value in pds_vfio_get_lm_file() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- pds_core: Fix function header descriptions (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: align capability structures (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/type1: fix cap_migration information leak (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Use module_fsl_mc_driver macro to simplify the code + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/cdx: Remove redundant initialization owner in + vfio_cdx_driver (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Add Kconfig and documentation (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Add support for firmware recovery (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Add support for dirty page tracking (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Add VFIO live migration support (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: register with the pds_core PF (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- pds_core: Require callers of register/unregister to pass PF + drvdata (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pds: Initial support for pds VFIO driver (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Commonize combine_ranges for use in other VFIO drivers + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- kvm/vfio: avoid bouncing the mutex when adding and deleting + groups (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- kvm/vfio: ensure kvg instance stays around in + kvm_vfio_group_add() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- docs: vfio: Add vfio device cdev description (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Move the IOMMU_CAP_CACHE_COHERENCY check in + __vfio_register_dev() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Add VFIO_DEVICE_[AT|DE]TACH_IOMMUFD_PT (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Add VFIO_DEVICE_BIND_IOMMUFD (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Avoid repeated user pointer cast in + vfio_device_fops_unl_ioctl() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add iommufd_ctx_from_fd() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Test kvm pointer in _vfio_device_get_kvm_safe() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Add cdev for vfio_device (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Move device_del() before waiting for the last vfio_device + registration refcount (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Move vfio_device_group_unregister() to be the first + operation in unregister (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio-iommufd: Add detach_ioas support for emulated VFIO devices + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd/device: Add iommufd_access_detach() API (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio-iommufd: Add detach_ioas support for physical VFIO devices + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Record devid in vfio_device_file (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio-iommufd: Split bind/attach into two steps (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio-iommufd: Move noiommu compat validation out of + vfio_iommufd_bind() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Make vfio_df_open() single open for device cdev path + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Add cdev_device_open_cnt to vfio_group (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Block device access via device fd until device is opened + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Pass struct vfio_device_file * to vfio_device_open/close() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- kvm/vfio: Accept vfio device file from userspace (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- kvm/vfio: Prepare for accepting vfio device fd (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Accept vfio device file in the KVM facing kAPI + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Refine vfio file kAPIs for KVM (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Allocate per device file structure (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Allow passing zero-length fd array in + VFIO_DEVICE_PCI_HOT_RESET (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Copy hot-reset device info to userspace in the + devices loop (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Extend VFIO_DEVICE_GET_PCI_HOT_RESET_INFO for vfio + device cdev (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Add helper to search vfio_device in a dev_set + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio: Mark cdev usage in vfio_device (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add helper to retrieve iommufd_ctx and devid + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Add iommufd_ctx_has_group() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommufd: Reserve all negative IDs in the iommufd xarray + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Move the existing hot reset logic to be a helper + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Update comment around group_fd get in + vfio_pci_ioctl_pci_hot_reset() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- commit 5a8a192 + +- x86/tsc: Extend watchdog check exemption to 4-Sockets platform (jsc#PED-7786). +- commit 8c26887 + +- qlcnic: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-6886). +- commit 2cd64fa + +- drivers: base: Free devm resources when unregistering a device + (jsc#PED-6054) +- Refresh + patches.suse/kernfs-fix-missing-kernfs_iattr_rwsem-locking.patch. +- commit 1ff927f + +- lib/string_helpers: Add kstrdup_and_replace() helper + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 425f257 + +- vfio/cdx: add support for CDX bus (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- Update config files. +- commit 1dda3a4 + +- vfio/platform: Cleanup Kconfig (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- Update config files. +- commit 20a24ad + +- vfio/fsl: Create Kconfig sub-menu (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Cleanup Kconfig (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci-core: Add capability for AtomicOp completer support + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Also demote hiding standard cap messages (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Clear VFIO_IRQ_INFO_NORESIZE for MSI-X (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Support dynamic MSI-X (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Probe and store ability to support dynamic MSI-X + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Use bitfield for struct vfio_pci_core_device flags + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Update stale comment (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Remove interrupt context counter (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Use xarray for interrupt context storage (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Move to single error path (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Prepare for dynamic interrupt context storage + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Remove negative check on unsigned vector (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: Consolidate irq cleanup on MSI/MSI-X disable + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- vfio/pci: demote hiding ecap messages to debug level + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- commit 35c9b4b + +- iommu: Fix crash during syfs iommu_groups/N/type (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- commit ccef64e + +- device property: Clarify usage scope of some struct + fwnode_handle members (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit a9856b6 + +- iommu/amd: Remove extern from function prototypes (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Use BIT/BIT_ULL macro to define bit fields + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Fix DTE_IRQ_PHYS_ADDR_MASK macro (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Fix compile error for unused function (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Improving Interrupt Remapping Table Invalidation + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Do not Invalidate IRT when IRTE caching is disabled + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Remove the unused struct amd_ir_data.ref + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Switch amd_iommu_update_ga() to use modify_irte_ga() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Update copyright notice (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/amd: Use page mode macros in fetch_pte() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Tidy the control flow in iommu_group_store_type() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Remove __iommu_group_for_each_dev() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Allow IOMMU_RESV_DIRECT to work on ARM (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Consolidate the default_domain setup to one function + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Revise iommu_group_alloc_default_domain() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Consolidate the code to calculate the target default + domain type (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Remove the assignment of group->domain during default + domain alloc (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Do iommu_group_create_direct_mappings() before attach + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Fix iommu_probe_device() to attach the right domain + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Replace iommu_group_do_dma_first_attach with + __iommu_device_set_domain (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Remove iommu_group_do_dma_first_attach() from + iommu_group_add_device() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Replace __iommu_group_dma_first_attach() with set_domain + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Use __iommu_group_set_domain() in + iommu_change_dev_def_domain() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Use __iommu_group_set_domain() for __iommu_attach_group() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Make __iommu_group_set_domain() handle error unwind + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add for_each_group_device() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Replace iommu_group_device_count() with + list_count_nodes() (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Suppress empty whitespaces in prints (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Use flush queue capability (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu: Add a capability for flush queue support (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/iova: Optimize iova_magazine_alloc() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Remove commented-out code (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Remove two WARN_ON in domain_context_mapping_one() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Handle the failure case of dmar_reenable_qi() + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/vt-d: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/fsl: Use driver_managed_dma to allow VFIO to work + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/fsl: Move ENODEV to fsl_pamu_probe_device() (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/fsl: Always allocate a group for non-pci devices + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: arm-smmu: Add SDX75 SMMU compatible (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: arm-smmu: Add SM6375 GPU SMMU (jsc#PED-7779 + jsc#PED-7780). +- dt-bindings: iommu: arm,smmu: enable clocks for sa8775p Adreno + SMMU (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Set TTL invalidation hint better + (jsc#PED-7779 jsc#PED-7780). +- commit 9bad5bb + +- driver core: make device_is_dependent() static (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit d020041 + +- driver core: Replace kstrdup() + strreplace() with + kstrdup_and_replace() (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 3214968 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: Refactor the PPS APDO selection + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit ec52f17 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: add get max power support (jsc#PED-6054). +- usb: typec: tcpm: fix cc role at port reset (git-fixes). +- commit 0ea7d31 + +- usb: typec: change altmode SVID to u16 entry (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 37d29a2 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: add tcpm_port_error_recovery symbol + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit a85d742 + +- usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: enable sysfs usb role access + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 8dfd45f + +- usb: typec: tcpm: reset counter when enter into unattached + state after try role (git-fixes). +- commit e166f48 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: not sink vbus if operational current is 0mA + (git-fixes). +- commit ca613ac + +- cpu/hotplug: Increase the number of dynamic states (jsc#PED-7789). +- commit c2f3ebe + +- thunderbolt: Keep link as asymmetric if preferred by hardware + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 49c8848 + +- thunderbolt: Disable PCIe extended encapsulation upon teardown + properly (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 46ca554 + +- thunderbolt: Make PCIe tunnel setup and teardown follow CM guide + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 8e6fc8d + +- thunderbolt: Improve logging when DisplayPort resource is + added due to hotplug (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit d195201 + +- tracing: Add kabi placeholders (git-fixes). +- commit fe66dad + +- kernel/crash_core.c: make __crash_hotplug_lock static + (git-fixes). +- commit b795e50 + +- Update config files: disable CONFIG_USELIB (bsc#1219222) + It's only for the old libc5. Let's reduce the possible attack surfaces. +- commit a92262c + +- kexec: drop dependency on ARCH_SUPPORTS_KEXEC from CRASH_DUMP + (git-fixes). +- commit 2b8e009 + +- thunderbolt: Use tb_dp_read_cap() to read DP_COMMON_CAP as well + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 817c431 + +- thunderbolt: Disable CL states only when actually needed + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 12f7c4b + +- thunderbolt: Transition link to asymmetric only when both + sides support it (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit c0db739 + +- thunderbolt: Log XDomain link speed and width (jsc#PED-6054). +- thunderbolt: Move width_name() helper to tb.h (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 3864ca8 + +- wifi: brcmfmac: Fix use-after-free bug in brcmf_cfg80211_detach + (CVE-2023-47233 bsc#1216702). +- commit 358e411 + +- thunderbolt: Handle lane bonding of Gen 4 XDomain links properly + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 903c24d + +- thunderbolt: Unwind TMU configuration if + tb_switch_set_tmu_mode_params() fails (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit beff1a5 + +- net: dsa: qca8k: fix potential MDIO bus conflict when accessing + internal PHYs via management frames (git-fixes). +- commit 652abc9 + +- thunderbolt: Remove duplicated re-assignment of pointer 'out' + (jsc#PED-6054). +- commit 051cc47 + +- net: dsa: qca8k: fix regmap bulk read/write methods on big + endian systems (git-fixes). +- commit 72d26f3 + +- net: ethernet: mediatek: disable irq before schedule napi + (git-fixes). +- commit be9ea94 + +- net: stmmac: dwmac-stm32: fix resume on STM32 MCU (git-fixes). +- commit 70db3b0 + +- net: ethernet: ti: am65-cpsw: Fix error code in + am65_cpsw_nuss_init_tx_chns() (git-fixes). +- commit 654c23c + +- rswitch: Fix PHY station management clock setting (git-fixes). +- commit b773ebb + +- sky2: Make sure there is at least one frag_addr available + (git-fixes). +- commit 77a9b4b + +- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Avoid EEPROM timeout when EEPROM is absent + (git-fixes). +- commit 9713936 + +- drivers/net: process the result of hdlc_open() and add call + of hdlc_close() in uhdlc_close() (git-fixes). +- commit 09258c6 + +- net: hinic: Fix warning-hinic_set_vlan_fliter() warn: variable + dereferenced before check 'hwdev' (git-fixes). +- commit 6fc3024 + +- net/mlx5e: fix a potential double-free in fs_any_create_groups + (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5e: fix a double-free in arfs_create_groups + (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5e: Ignore IPsec replay window values on sender side + (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5e: Allow software parsing when IPsec crypto is enabled + (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5: Use mlx5 device constant for selecting CQ period + mode for ASO (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5: DR, Can't go to uplink vport on RX rule + (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5: DR, Use the right GVMI number for drop action + (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5: Bridge, fix multicast packets sent to uplink + (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5: Fix a WARN upon a callback command failure + (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5e: Fix peer flow lists handling (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5e: Fix inconsistent hairpin RQT sizes (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5e: Fix operation precedence bug in port timestamping + napi_poll context (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5: Fix query of sd_group field (jsc#PED-3311). +- net/mlx5e: Use the correct lag ports number when creating TISes + (jsc#PED-3311). +- i40e: update xdp_rxq_info::frag_size for ZC enabled Rx queue + (jsc#PED-4874). +- i40e: set xdp_rxq_info::frag_size (jsc#PED-4874). +- ice: update xdp_rxq_info::frag_size for ZC enabled Rx queue + (jsc#PED-4876). +- intel: xsk: initialize skb_frag_t::bv_offset in ZC drivers + (jsc#PED-4874). +- ice: remove redundant xdp_rxq_info registration (jsc#PED-4876). +- i40e: handle multi-buffer packets that are shrunk by xdp prog + (jsc#PED-4874). +- ice: work on pre-XDP prog frag count (jsc#PED-4876). +- xsk: make xsk_buff_pool responsible for clearing xdp_buff::flags + (jsc#PED-4874). +- net: fill in MODULE_DESCRIPTION()s for rvu_mbox (jsc#PED-6931). +- dpll: fix register pin with unregistered parent pin + (jsc#PED-6079). +- dpll: fix userspace availability of pins (jsc#PED-6079). +- dpll: fix pin dump crash for rebound module (jsc#PED-6079). +- dpll: fix broken error path in + dpll_pin_alloc(..) (jsc#PED-6079). +- idpf: distinguish vports by the dev_port attribute + (jsc#PED-6716). +- bnxt_en: Fix possible crash after creating sw mqprio TCs + (jsc#PED-7574). +- bnxt_en: Prevent kernel warning when running offline self test + (jsc#PED-7574). +- bnxt_en: Fix RSS table entries calculation for P5_PLUS chips + (jsc#PED-7574). +- bnxt_en: Fix memory leak in bnxt_hwrm_get_rings() + (jsc#PED-7574). +- bnxt_en: Wait for FLR to complete during probe (jsc#PED-7574). +- RDMA/efa: Add EFA query MR support (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/erdma: Add hardware statistics support (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/erdma: Introduce dma pool for hardware responses of CMDQ + requests (jsc#PED-6864). +- IB/iser: iscsi_iser.h: fix kernel-doc warning and spellos + (jsc#PED-6864). +- IB/ipoib: Fix mcast list locking (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/hns: Add a max length of gid table (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/hns: Response dmac to userspace (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/hns: Rename the interrupts (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Call orq_get_current if possible (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Set qp_state in siw_query_qp (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Reduce memory usage of struct siw_rx_stream + (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Move tx_cpu ahead (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/IPoIB: Add tx timeout work to recover queue stop situation + (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/IPoIB: Fix error code return in ipoib_mcast_join + (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/rtrs: Use %pe to print errors (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/rtrs-clt: Use %pe to print errors (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/rtrs-clt: Add warning logs for RDMA events (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/hns: Support SW stats with debugfs (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/hns: Add debugfs to hns RoCE (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Update comments for siw_qp_sq_process (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Introduce siw_destroy_cep_sock (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Only check attrs->cap.max_send_wr in siw_create_qp + (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Fix typo (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Remove siw_sk_save_upcalls (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Cleanup siw_accept (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Introduce siw_free_cm_id (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Introduce siw_cep_set_free_and_put (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Add one parameter to siw_destroy_cpulist + (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Introduce SIW_STAG_MAX_INDEX (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Factor out siw_rx_data helper (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: No need to check term_info.valid before call + siw_send_terminate (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Remove rcu from siw_qp (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Remove goto lable in siw_mmap (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Use iov.iov_len in kernel_sendmsg (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Introduce siw_update_skb_rcvd (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Introduce siw_get_page (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/irdma: Use crypto_shash_digest() in + irdma_ieq_check_mpacrc() (jsc#PED-4862). +- RDMA/siw: Use crypto_shash_digest() in siw_qp_prepare_tx() + (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/hfi1: Copy userspace arrays safely (jsc#PED-6864). +- RDMA/siw: Use ib_umem_get() to pin user pages (jsc#PED-6864). +- vsock/virtio: use skb_frag_*() helpers (jsc#PED-5505). +- virtio/vsock: send credit update during setting SO_RCVLOWAT + (jsc#PED-5505). +- virtio/vsock: fix logic which reduces credit update messages + (jsc#PED-5505). +- gve: Remove dependency on 4k page size (bsc#1214479). +- gve: Add page size register to the register_page_list command + (bsc#1214479). +- gve: Remove obsolete checks that rely on page size + (bsc#1214479). +- gve: Deprecate adminq_pfn for pci revision 0x1 (bsc#1214479). +- gve: Perform adminq allocations through a dma_pool + (bsc#1214479). +- gve: add gve_features_check() (bsc#1214479). +- PCI: Add Alibaba Vendor ID to linux/pci_ids.h (jsc#PED-6864). +- vsock/virtio: fix "comparison of distinct pointer types lacks + a cast" warning (jsc#PED-5505). +- net: fill in MODULE_DESCRIPTION()s for SOCK_DIAG modules + (jsc#PED-5505). +- virtio/vsock: Fix uninit-value in virtio_transport_recv_pkt() + (jsc#PED-5505). +- RDMA: Annotate struct rdma_hw_stats with __counted_by + (jsc#PED-6864). +- vsock: enable setting SO_ZEROCOPY (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock/loopback: support MSG_ZEROCOPY for transport + (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock/virtio: support MSG_ZEROCOPY for transport (jsc#PED-5505). +- vhost/vsock: support MSG_ZEROCOPY for transport (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock: enable SOCK_SUPPORT_ZC bit (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock: check for MSG_ZEROCOPY support on send (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock: read from socket's error queue (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock: set EPOLLERR on non-empty error queue (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock/virtio: MSG_ZEROCOPY flag support (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock/virtio: non-linear skb handling for tap (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock/virtio: support to send non-linear skb (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock/virtio/vhost: read data from non-linear skb + (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock: send SIGPIPE on write to shutdowned socket + (jsc#PED-5505). +- vsock: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-5505). +- virtio/vsock: support MSG_PEEK for SOCK_SEQPACKET + (jsc#PED-5505). +- virtio/vsock: rework MSG_PEEK for SOCK_STREAM (jsc#PED-5505). +- commit 0dfd8ae + +- arm64: entry: fix ARM64_WORKAROUND_SPECULATIVE_UNPRIV_LOAD (git-fixes) +- commit a6327d2 + +- arm64: entry: Simplify tramp_alias macro and tramp_exit routine (git-fixes) +- commit 33427e9 + +- tracing/trigger: Fix to return error if failed to alloc snapshot + (git-fixes). +- commit 5235870 + +- tracing: Ensure visibility when inserting an element into + tracing_map (git-fixes). +- commit 8d0199c + +- bpf: Limit the number of kprobes when attaching program to + multiple kprobes (git-fixes). +- commit 405ad58 + +- ring-buffer: Do not record in NMI if the arch does not support + cmpxchg in NMI (git-fixes). +- commit 5299cd1 + +- tracing: Fix uaf issue when open the hist or hist_debug file + (git-fixes). +- commit 74ab383 + +- arm64: entry: Preserve/restore X29 even for compat tasks (git-fixes) +- commit c87e6ab + +- tracing: Add size check when printing trace_marker output + (git-fixes). +- commit b4fc359 + +- tracing: Have large events show up as '' instead of nothing + (git-fixes). +- commit 89b3b19 + +- tracing: relax trace_event_eval_update() execution with + cond_resched() (git-fixes). +- commit 598ec62 + +- ring-buffer: Do not attempt to read past "commit" (git-fixes). +- commit 32b2fd5 + +- ring-buffer: Avoid softlockup in ring_buffer_resize() + (git-fixes). +- commit 522e4dc + +- arm64: Rename ARM64_WORKAROUND_2966298 (git-fixes) + Refresh cpu_hwcaps reservation and enable WORKAROUND_SPECULATIVE_UNPRIV_LOAD. + ".. The workaround isn't necessary if page table isolation (KPTI) is + enabled, but for simplicity it will be. Page table isolation should + normally be disabled for Cortex-A520 as it supports the CSV3 feature + and the E0PD feature (used when KASLR is enabled). ..." +- commit 3a5b06f + +- rpm/ set jobs for riscv to 8 + The same workers are used for x86 and riscv and the riscv builds take + ages. So align the riscv jobs count to x86. +- commit b2c82b9 + +- cgroup_freezer: cgroup_freezing: Check if not frozen + (bsc#1219338). +- commit 6549fad + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-sdei-abort-running-SDEI-handlers-during-crash.patch (git-fixes, bsc#1219254) + Add reference to bsc#1219254. +- commit 6a70510 + +- perf: arm_cspmu: Reject events meant for other PMUs (bsc#1219247) +- commit faa4288 + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-arm-arm_pmuv3-perf-Don-t-truncate-64-bit-regis.patch (git-fixes, bsc#1219246) + Add reference to bsc#1219246 +- commit 9f6d94a + +- platform/x86: ISST: Reduce noise for missing numa information + in logs (bsc#1219285). +- commit 070f01e + +- supported.conf: Mark lz4* related modules as supported (bsc#1217030) + Those are used by zram and other modules. +- commit 7165080 + +- selftests: mm: hugepage-vmemmap fails on 64K page size systems + (bsc#1219286). +- commit f1ce7e1 + +- r8169: respect userspace disabling IFF_MULTICAST (git-fixes). +- commit 29e98eb + +- net: phylink: initialize carrier state at creation (git-fixes). +- commit 4a57df5 + +- net: stmmac: xgmac: Enable support for multiple Flexible PPS + outputs (git-fixes). +- commit 7a5f412 + +- ipvlan: properly track tx_errors (git-fixes). +- commit 9072c00 + +- tsnep: Fix tsnep_request_irq() format-overflow warning + (git-fixes). +- commit 7127754 + +- net: renesas: rswitch: Add spin lock protection for irq {un}mask + (git-fixes). +- commit 57d1654 + +- net: renesas: rswitch: Add runtime speed change support + (git-fixes). +- commit b524173 + +- net: phy: Provide Module 4 KSZ9477 errata (DS80000754C) + (git-fixes). +- commit 4eb114e + +- net: phy: micrel: Move KSZ9477 errata fixes to PHY driver + (git-fixes). +- commit 3919cda + +- net: phy: Fix deadlocking in phy_error() invocation (git-fixes). +- commit f16a410 + +- net: phy: avoid kernel warning dump when stopping an errored + PHY (git-fixes). +- commit deb85a0 + +- r8152: add vendor/device ID pair for ASUS USB-C2500 (git-fixes). +- commit 0834d50 + +- Refresh and enable + patches.suse/sched-fair-Increase-wakeup_gran-if-current-task-has-not-executed-the-minimum-granularity.patch. +- commit d4cda80 + +- =?UTF-8?q?cxl/region=EF=BC=9AFix=20overflow=20issue=20in?= + =?UTF-8?q?=20alloc=5Fhpa()?= (git-fixes). +- genirq: Initialize resend_node hlist for all interrupt + descriptors (git-fixes). +- clocksource: Skip watchdog check for large watchdog intervals + (git-fixes). +- commit 79eca77 + +- Add alt-commit to platform x86 p2sb patch (git-fixes) +- commit f23ac66 + +- platform/x86/intel/ifs: Call release_firmware() when handling + errors (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Fix types in sysfs callbacks + (git-fixes). +- drm/i915/psr: Only allow PSR in LPSP mode on HSW non-ULT + (git-fixes). +- commit c877cc1 + +- drm/bridge: parade-ps8640: Make sure we drop the AUX mutex in + the error case (git-fixes). +- commit 8520b33 + +- cpufreq/amd-pstate: Fix setting scaling max/min freq values + (git-fixes). +- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Don't use FORCE_STOP_STATE + (git-fixes). +- Revert "drivers/firmware: Move sysfb_init() from device_initcall + to subsys_initcall_sync" (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: anx7625: Ensure bridge is suspended in disable() + (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: parade-ps8640: Ensure bridge is suspended in + .post_disable() (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: sii902x: Fix audio codec unregistration (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: sii902x: Fix probing race issue (git-fixes). +- drm/panel: samsung-s6d7aa0: drop DRM_BUS_FLAG_DE_HIGH for + lsl080al02 (git-fixes). +- drm: panel-simple: add missing bus flags for Tianma + tm070jvhg[30/33] (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: parade-ps8640: Wait for HPD when doing an AUX + transfer (git-fixes). +- drm/exynos: gsc: minor fix for loop iteration in + gsc_runtime_resume (git-fixes). +- drm/exynos: fix accidental on-stack copy of exynos_drm_plane + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: display: samsung,exynos-mixer: Fix 'regs' typo + (git-fixes). +- Revert "drm/i915/dsi: Do display on sequence later on icl+" + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Use xa_insert() when saving raw queues + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Check mailbox/SMT channel for consistency + (git-fixes). +- spi: fix finalize message on error return (git-fixes). +- spi: spi-cadence: Reverse the order of interleaved write and + read operations (git-fixes). +- spi: bcm-qspi: fix SFDP BFPT read by usig mspi read (git-fixes). +- spi: intel-pci: Remove Meteor Lake-S SoC PCI ID from the list + (git-fixes). +- gpio: eic-sprd: Clear interrupt after set the interrupt type + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: micrel: populate .soft_reset for KSZ9131 (git-fixes). +- commit 04f99fe + +- net: sched: sch_qfq: Use non-work-conserving warning handler + (CVE-2023-4921 bsc#1215275). +- commit 24b313c + +- mkspec: Use variant in constraints template + Constraints are not applied consistently with kernel package variants. + Add variant to the constraints template as appropriate, and expand it + in mkspec. +- commit cc68ab9 + +- Update + patches.suse/drm-atomic-Fix-potential-use-after-free-in-nonb.patch + (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 + jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 + jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071 bsc#1219120 + CVE-2023-51043). +- commit 9891763 + +- fjes: fix memleaks in fjes_hw_setup (git-fixes). +- wifi: iwlwifi: fix a memory corruption (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix potential sta-link leak (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Fix make W=n kerneldoc warnings + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_exar: Set missing rs485_supported flag (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: ep: Use slab allocator where applicable (git-fixes). +- pwm: stm32: Fix enable count for clk in .probe() (git-fixes). +- pwm: stm32: Use hweight32 in stm32_pwm_detect_channels + (git-fixes). +- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Check reset monitor registers (git-fixes). +- clk: renesas: rzg2l-cpg: Reuse code in rzg2l_cpg_reset() + (git-fixes). +- drm/tidss: Fix dss reset (git-fixes). +- drm/tidss: Check for K2G in in dispc_softreset() (git-fixes). +- drm/tidss: Return error value from from softreset (git-fixes). +- drm/tidss: Move reset to the end of dispc_init() (git-fixes). +- wifi: mwifiex: fix uninitialized firmware_stat (git-fixes). +- wifi: mwifiex: add extra delay for firmware ready (git-fixes). +- cpufreq: scmi: process the result of + devm_of_clk_add_hw_provider() (git-fixes). +- cpuidle: haltpoll: Do not enable interrupts when entering idle + (git-fixes). +- gpio: sysfs: drop the mention of gpiochip_find() from sysfs code + (git-fixes). +- gpiolib: provide gpio_device_find() (git-fixes). +- gpiolib: make gpio_device_get() and gpio_device_put() public + (git-fixes). +- commit 3a58ed2 + +- scsi: lpfc: Limit IRQ vectors to online cpus if kdump kernel + (bsc#1218180). +- commit 955ec78 + +- rpm/ add static multibuild packages + Commit 841012b049a5 (rpm/mkspec: use kernel-source: prefix for + constraints on multibuild) added "kernel-source:" prefix to the + dynamically generated kernels. But there are also static ones like + kernel-docs. Those fail to build as the constraints are still not + applied. + So add the prefix also to the static ones. + Note kernel-docs-rt is given kernel-source-rt prefix. I am not sure it + will ever be multibuilt... +- commit c2e0681 + +- xsk: make struct xsk_cb_desc available outside + CONFIG_XDP_SOCKETS (jsc#PED-4876). +- commit ca48ebb + +- ext4: fix warning in ext4_dio_write_end_io() (bsc#1219163). +- ext4: properly sync file size update after O_SYNC direct IO + (bsc#1219163). +- ext4: fix BUG in ext4_mb_new_inode_pa() due to overflow + (bsc#1219165). +- ext4: add two helper functions extent_logical_end() and + pa_logical_end() (bsc#1219165). +- commit 16340ba + +- blk-wbt: Fix detection of dirty-throttled tasks (bsc#1218272). +- commit 497a3db + +- i2c: tegra: Fix failure during probe deferral cleanup (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit e1a3e42 + +- i2c: tegra: Share same DMA channel for RX and TX (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 60c8e2f + +- cpufreq: tegra194: remove redundant AND with cpu_online_mask (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 2b048f4 + +- cpufreq: tegra194: use refclk delta based loop instead of udelay (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit b4d7280 + +- cpufreq: tegra194: save CPU data to avoid repeated SMP calls (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 0414ad1 + +- hwmon: (ina3221) Add support for channel summation disable (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit ea00bac + +- memory: tegra: Set BPMP msg flags to reset IPC channels (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit e67ef95 + +- memory: tegra: Add Tegra234 clients for RCE and VI (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit faa58f6 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Consistently refer to SoC data (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit a8faf7c + +- firmware: tegra: bpmp: Add support for DRAM MRQ GSCs (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 408475f + +- gpio: tegra186: Check PMC driver status before any request (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 3b10a2a + +- gpio: tegra186: Check GPIO pin permission before access. (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 0ce1a89 + +- PCI: tegra194: Add interconnect support in Tegra234 (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit d74fa9b + +- memory: tegra: make icc_set_bw return zero if BWMGR not supported (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 734a54f + +- memory: tegra: Add dummy implementation on Tegra194 (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit d4119f8 + +- memory: tegra: Make CPU cluster BW request a multiple of MC channels (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 312222e + +- dt-bindings: tegra: Add ICC IDs for dummy memory clients (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit c75c8a3 + +- memory: tegra: Add software memory clients in Tegra234 (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 1ccc65b + +- memory: tegra: Add memory clients for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit f35b21d + +- memory: tegra: Add interconnect support for DRAM scaling in Tegra234 (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit ccec3a6 + +- soc/tegra: fuse: Fix Tegra234 fuse size (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 7495f5c + +- soc/tegra: pmc: Add AON SW Wake support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 156c05b + +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add support for Tegra264 (jsc#PED-7377) +- commit 920ec24 + +- supported.conf: Add UCSI CCG module in base image (jsc#PED-7377) + This module is needed for Nvidia Orin platforms. +- commit 5f1a01b + +- rpm: Use run_if_exists for all external scriptlets + With that the scriptlets do not need to be installed for build. +- commit 25edd65 + +- rpm/ raise memory constraints + Build statistics show that most architectures already need more than 2 GB. + Require 4 GB except s390x where the memory usage is much lower and we might + have trouble finding any compliant worker. +- commit 71aefb3 + dtv-scan-tables +- Update to version 20240131: + * isdb-t: Update Brazil channel lists + * dvb-s: drop transponders that aren't there at Lyngsat anymore + * dvb-s: update from today's Lyngsat report + * dtv-scan-tables: full uk transmitter update + duplicity +- Update to version 1.2.3: + + New: + - Xorriso backend for optical media. + - Onedrive for Business Support. + + Fix: + - Warn rather than fail on op-not-supported restore errors. + - Fixes #701 - unable to resume full backup to B2. + - Added option --no-check-remote to skip checking the remote + manifest. The default is to check. + - Fixes #686 - PCA backend does not unseal volumes. + - Encoding errors when logging. + - Onedrive may hang indefinitely. + +- Update to version 1.2.2: + + Fix: + - Fix to work with b2sdk 1.19.0. + - Fix #692. Redundant --encrypt option added in + - Regression on issue #147, change password for incremental. + - Crash if a socket is listed with --files-from. + + Other: + - Add detailed step-by-step instructions. + +- Update to version 1.2.1: + + New: + - Add rsync style --files-from=FILE. + - Add literal include/excludes. + + Fix: + - Fix for issue #683. + - Azure Blob Storage backend fails to resume. + +- Update to version 1.0.1: + + Changes: + - Pkg New Crowdin updates. + - Fix: + - Revert changes to gpg_failed(). + + Other: + - Update Crowdin configuration file. + +- Update to version 1.0.0: + + Changes: + - New os\_options for SWIFT backend. + - Clarify when --s3-endpoint-url,-region-name are needed. + - Better defaults for S3 mac procs and chunk sizing. + - --s3\_multipart\_max\_procs applies to BOTO3 backend also. + + Fixes: + - Replace pydrive with pydrive2. + - GDrive backend: Add environment args for configuring oauth + flow. + - GDrive backend: For Google OAuth, switch to loopback flow. + - Reduce number of GPG file descriptors, add GPG translatable + errors. + - Webdav listing failed on responses with namespace 'ns0'. + - Make sure that FileChunkIO#name is a string, not a bytes-like + object. + - Fix possible memory leaks. + - Add check to ssh_pexpect_backend, par2backend, for version < + 4.5.0. + - Add use\_poll=True to in par2backend. + - Retry on SHA1 mismatch. + + Other: + - Doc: some reformatting for better readability. + - Doc: clarify when --s3-endpoint-url,-region-name are need. +- Rebase duplicity-remove_shebang.patch. + +- Update to version 0.8.23: + * Add --webdav-headers to webdavbackend. + * Document rclone option setting via env vars. + * Demote boto backend to legacy. + * Promote boto3 backend to default s3:// backend ... + * Man page, major sorting, reformatting, S3/GCS documentation + update. +- Update URL. + +- Update to version 0.8.22: + * Add --use-glacier-ir option for instant retrieval. + * Add --par2-volumes entry to man page. + * Add option --show-changes-in-set to collection-status. + * Add warning for replicate command. + * Add --no-files-changed option. + * Fix use of sorted() builtin (does not sort in place). + * Fix TypeError in restart\_position\_iterator. + * Slate Backend. + +- pytest-runner is deprecated + dvbcut +- Use cleaner package version detection method + +- Reintroduce modified dvbcut-a52.patch to build against liba52 + 0.7.x +- Add dvbcut-autoconf269.patch +- Have Leap also build against ffmpeg 5 + +- Drop dvbcut-a52.patch (build fails with a52dec 0.8.0) + +- Update to version 0.7.4: + + Updated autotools files. + + Build with ffmpeg 5. + dwayland +- Add extra-cmake-modules as BuildRequires, fix build on Tumbleweed + ecryptfs-utils -- update to 104 - - lots of bugfixes, apparently from static code checking - -- Drop ecryptfs-correct-desktop.patch and ensure - ecryptfs-mount-private.desktop is properly generated and - installed in a program specific location (ecryptfs-setup-private - will take care of creating the right symlink) and not in - /usr/share/applications by default. -- Add ecryptfs-mount-private.png (from Fedora) -- Create tmpfiles.d to ensure ecryptfs module is autoloaded at - start. -- Fix category on ecryptfs-setup-private.desktop. - -- fix %postun to not run pam-config on update (bnc#814098, bnc#834993) - -- update to 103 -- move -pie/-fpie into separate patch -- update ecryptfs-setup-swap-SuSE.patch for systmd and fstab - without UUID lables -- remove, fixed upstream -- add PreReq: permissions -- removed unpackaged doc - -- also supply MS_NODEV to avoid exposing device files - if someone got them on the encrypted media. - -- point the desktop link to the right .desktop file -- build mount.ecryptfs_private with -pie/-fpie - -- hook pam_ecryptfs into pam session and auth bnc#755475 - -- added security improvements to mount.ecryptfs_private - and pam_ecryptfs (bnc#740110) - -- patch so ecryptfs-setup-swap executes boot.crypto - -- updated to 96 - - bugfixes - - testsuite added - - ecryptfs-verify utility added - - write-read test utility -- mark /sbin/mount.eccryptfs_private as setuidable (bnc#745584 , bnc#740110) - -- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable - -- Updated to 92 - * Fix umask issue introduced by last security update - * some bugfixes - -- Remove redundant/obsolete tags/sections from specfile - (cf. packaging guidelines) -- Put make call in the right spot -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build - -- Updated to 90 - Fixed several security issues: - * CVE-2011-1831 - Race condition when checking mountpoint during mount. - * CVE-2011-1832 - Race condition when checking mountpoint during unmount. - * CVE-2011-1833 - Race condition when checking source during mount. - * CVE-2011-1834 - Improper mtab handling allowing corruption due to resource - limits, signals, etc. - * CVE-2011-1835 - Key poisoning in ecryptfs-setup-private due to insecure temp - directory. - * CVE-2011-1836 - ecryptfs-recover-private mounts directly in /tmp - * CVE-2011-1837 - Predictable lock counter name and associated races. - New ecryptfs-find binary to find by inode. - -- Updated to 87 - * src/utils/ecryptfs-setup-private: update the Private.* selinux - contexts - * src/utils/ecryptfs-setup-private: - - add -p to mkdir, address noise for a non-error - - must insert keys during testing phase, since we remove keys on - unmount now, LP: #725862 - * src/utils/ecryptfs_rewrap_passphrase.c: confirm passphrases in - interactive mode, LP: #667331 -- Updated to 86 - * src/pam_ecryptfs/pam_ecryptfs.c: - - check if this file exists and ask the user for the wrapping passphrase - if it does - - eliminate both ecryptfs_pam_wrapping_independent_set() and - ecryptfs_pam_automount_set() and replace with a reusable - file_exists_dotecryptfs() function - * src/utils/mount.ecryptfs_private.c: - - support multiple, user configurable private directories by way of - a command line "alias" argument - - this "alias" references a configuration file by the name of: - $HOME/.ecryptfs/alias.conf, which is in an fstab(5) format, - as well as $HOME/.ecryptfs/alias.sig, in the same format as - Private.sig - - if no argument specified, the utility operates in legacy mode, - defaulting to "Private" - - rename variables, s/dev/src/ and s/mnt/dest/ - - add a read_config() function - - add an alias char* to replace the #defined ECRYPTFS_PRIVATE_DIR - - this is half of the fix to LP: #615657 - * doc/manpage/mount.ecryptfs_private.1: document these changes - * src/libecryptfs/main.c, src/utils/mount.ecryptfs_private.c: - - allow umount.ecryptfs_private to succeed when the key is no - longer in user keyring. -- Updated to 85 - * src/utils/ecryptfs-recover-private: clean sigs of invalid characters - * src/utils/mount.ecryptfs_private.c: - - fix bug LP: #313812, clear used keys on unmount - - add ecryptfs_unlink_sigs to the mount opts, so that unmounts from - umount.ecryptfs behave similarly - - use ecryptfs_remove_auth_tok_from_keyring() on the sig and sig_fnek - * src/utils/ecryptfs-migrate-home: - - support user databases outside of /etc/passwd, LP: #627506 -- Updated to 84 - * src/desktop/ecryptfs-record-passphrase: fix typo, LP: #524139 - * debian/rules, debian/control: - - disable the gpg key module, as it's not yet functional - - clean up unneeded build-deps - - also, not using opencryptoki either - * doc/manpage/ecryptfs.7: fix minor documentation bug, reported by - email by Jon 'maddog' Hall - * doc/manpage/ecryptfs-recover-private.1, doc/manpage/, - po/, src/utils/ecryptfs-recover-private, - src/utils/ add a utility to simplify data recovery - of an encrypted private directory from a Live ISO, LP: #689969 - -- Fix build with adding requires on mozilla-nss-devel and python-devel. -- Fix package list. - -- Updated to 83 - - lots of bugfixes - - improvements - -- Package baselibs.conf - -- Supplement pam-32bit/pam-64bit in baselibs.conf (bnc#354164). - elisa +- Require extra-cmake-modules at build time + +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * Add CI template for building APKs on invent + * snapcraft: Use source icon, Add license header, Fix qml import path. + * snapcraft: add qml module qtquickcontrols 2 + * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Too many changes since 23.04.3, only listing bugfixes: + * Prioritise exact string match when searching for cover files (kde#470529) + * Build cover file search strings from file name + extension (kde#467274) + * Emit positionChanged when seeking with vlc backend (kde#448068) + * Add tooltip showing integer percentage for volume level (kde#467344) + * Set more sensible default styles, and respect environment overrides (kde#469154) + * Add feature to replace playlist with whole view contents on double-click (kde#406469) + * Refactor view selecting code (kde#Refactor, kde#view, kde#selecting, kde#code) + * Implement Shuffle and LoopStatus (repeat mode) for mpris2 (kde#448215) + * only disconnect from playlist when the value is different (kde#467348) + * Add the quit action in the application menu when using tray icon feature (kde#466835) + * Restore prior state correctly when leaving full screen mode (kde#467356) + * Reset slider position to 0 when manually clearing playlist (kde#467352) + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.1: + * Don't use pointing finger cursor for non-link UI elements + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Cache directory results in FileScanner::searchForCoverFile + * Set more sensible default styles, and respect environment overrides (kde#469154) + * Don't open album artist page when opening an album from a different artist's page + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + elixir +- Use pregenerated documentation + +- Switch from %patch0 to %autosetup + +- Update to Elixir 1.15.7: + * Fix build for Erlang 26 + * Changelog available at +- Add 0001-Use-PID-valid-for-32-bit-systems-closes-12741.patch: + * Fix build for 32bit +- Add 0001-Use-PID-valid-for-32-bit-systems-followup-to-12741-1.patch: + * Fix build for 32bit + +- Add _multibuild to define 2nd spec file as additional flavor. + Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS. + +- Drop git as a requires and switch buildrequires from git to git-core + * Git is not needed to use Elixir, only to run some tests + (which git-core can accomplish on its own without git) + +- Elixir 1.14.2 + * 1. Enhancements + Elixir + [Code] Add Code.eval_quoted_with_env/4 with support for the :prune_binding option + ExUnit + [ExUnit.Case] Allow test cases to not be registered on use + [ExUnit.DocTest] Include :doctest and :doctest_line as meta tags + [ExUnit.Formatter] Expose ExUnit.Formatter.format_assertion_diff/4 + Mix + [Mix] Mix.install/2 accepts atoms as paths + * 2. Bug fixes + Elixir + [Code.Formatter] Fix size*unit shortcut in bitstring + [Kernel] Generate unique variables for macro expansion of defguard + [Protocol] Expand :for in protocols with the appropriate env + ExUnit + [ExUnit] Do not run duplicate cases on + Mix + [mix test] Ensure proper error message when there is no test directory +- Elixir 1.14.1 + * 1. Enhancements + Elixir + [Kernel] Perform partial expansion of literals in module attributes + [Kernel] Do not add compile-time dependencies for literals as defaults in Application.compile_env/3 inside module attributes + [Macro] Add Macro.expand_literals/2 and Macro.expand_literals/3 + [System] Add :close_stdin to + Mix + [mix test] Accept --all-warnings option + * 2. Bug fixes + Elixir + [Kernel] Fix misleading warning when :uniq is given in for comprehensions and the result is unused + [Kernel] Improve error message for when there is a conflicting struct and ignoring module conflict + [Kernel] Do not delete @enforce_keys attribute after defstruct declaration + [Kernel] Do not crash the checker on modules with missing :debug_info chunk + [Macro] Fix error in Macro.to_string/2 when converting an AST with :erlang.binary_to_atom/2 + [String] Fix String.split/3 and String.next_grapheme/1 returning invalid results on invalid UTF-8 encoding + [System] Do not close stdin by default in + [URI] Do not return uri.port as :undefined in certain cases in + ExUnit + [ExUnit.DocTest] Do not crash when both :moduledoc and functions are specified in :only + IEx + [CLI] Fix invalid argument handling when --no-pry is given + Mix + [mix format] Do not cache inputs from .formatter.exs so they are properly re-evaluted on every call + +- Elixir 1.14 + * 1. Enhancements + EEx + [EEx] Support multi-line comments to EEx via <%!-- --%> + [EEx] Add EEx.tokenize/2 + Elixir + [Access] Add Access.slice/1 + [Application] Add Application.compile_env/4 and Application.compile_env!/3 to read the compile-time environment inside macros + [Calendar] Support ISO8601 basic format parsing with DateTime.from_iso8601/2 + [Calendar] Add day/hour/minute on add/diff across different calendar modules + [Code] Add :normalize_bitstring_modifiers to Code.format_string!/2 + [Code] Emit deprecation and type warnings for invalid options in on Code.compile_string/2 and Code.compile_quoted/2 + [Code] Warn if an outdated lexical tracker is given on eval + [Code] Add Code.env_for_eval/1 and Code.eval_quoted_with_env/3 + [Code] Improve stacktraces from eval operations on Erlang/OTP 25+ + [Code.Fragment] Add support for __MODULE__ in several functions + [Code.Fragment] Support surround and context suggestions across multiple lines + [Enum] Allow slicing with steps in Enum.slice/2 + [File] Support dereference_symlinks: true in File.cp/3 and File.cp_r/3 + [Float] Do not show floats in scientific notation if below 1.0e16 and the fractional value is precisely zero + [Float] Add Float.min_finite/0 and Float.max_finite/0 + [Inspect] Improve error reporting when there is a faulty implementation of the Inspect protocol + [Inspect] Allow :optional when deriving the Inspect protocol for hiding fields that match their default value + [Inspect] Inspect struct fields in the order they are declared in defstruct + [Inspect] Use expression-based inspection for Date.Range, MapSet, and Version.Requirement + [IO] Support Macro.Env and keywords as stacktrace definitions in IO.warn/2 + [IO] Add IO.ANSI.syntax_colors/0 and related configuration to be shared across IEx and dbg + [Kernel] Add new dbg/0-2 macro + [Kernel] Allow any guard expression as the size of a bitstring in a pattern match + [Kernel] Allow composite types with pins as the map key in a pattern match + [Kernel] Print escaped version of control chars when they show up as unexpected tokens + [Kernel] Warn on confusable non-ASCII identifiers + [Kernel] Add .. as a nullary operator that returns 0..-1//1 + [Kernel] Implement Unicode Technical Standard #39 recommendations. In particular, we warn for confusable scripts and restrict identifiers to single-scripts or highly restrictive mixed-scripts + [Kernel] Automatically perform NFC conversion of identifiers + [Kernel] Add binary_slice/2 and binary_slice/3 + [Kernel] Lazily expand module attributes to avoid compile-time deps + [Kernel] Automatically cascade generated: true annotations on macro expansion + [Keyword] Add Keyword.from_keys/2 and Keyword.replace_lazy/3 + [List] Add List.keysort/3 with support for a sorter function + [Macro] Add Macro.classify_atom/1 and Macro.inspect_atom/2 + [Macro] Add Macro.expand_literal/2 and Macro.path/2 + [Macro.Env] Add Macro.Env.prune_compile_info/1 + [Map] Add Map.from_keys/2 and Map.replace_lazy/3 + [MapSet] Add MapSet.filter/2, MapSet.reject/2, and MapSet.symmetric_difference/2 + [Node] Add Node.spawn_monitor/2 and Node.spawn_monitor/4 + [Module] Support new @after_verify attribute for executing code whenever a module is verified + [PartitionSupervisor] Add PartitionSupervisor that starts multiple isolated partitions of the same child for scalability + [Path] Add Path.safe_relative/1 and Path.safe_relative_to/2 + [Registry] Add Registry.count_select/2 + [Stream] Add Stream.duplicate/2 and Stream.transform/5 + [String] Support empty lookup lists in String.replace/3, String.split/3, and String.splitter/3 + [String] Allow slicing with steps in String.slice/2 + [Task] Add :zip_input_on_exit option to Task.async_stream/3 + [Task] Store :mfa in the Task struct for reflection purposes + [URI] Add URI.append_query/2 + [Version] Add Version.to_string/1 + [Version] Colorize Version.Requirement source in the Inspect protocol + ExUnit + [ExUnit] Add ExUnit.Callbacks.start_link_supervised!/2 + [ExUnit] Add to rerun test modules + [ExUnit] Colorize summary in yellow with message when all tests are excluded + [ExUnit] Display friendly error when test name is too long + IEx + [IEx] Evaluate --dot-iex line by line + [IEx] Add line-by-line evaluation of IEx breakpoints + [IEx.Autocomplete] Autocomplete bitstrings modifiers (after :: inside <<...>>) + [IEx.Helpers] Allow an atom to be given to pid/1 + [IEx.Helpers] Support sigils in h/1 + Logger + [Logger] Add Logger.put_process_level/2 + Mix + [Mix] Add :config_path and :lockfile options to Mix.install/2 + [mix compile] Add --no-optional-deps to skip optional dependencies to test compilation works without optional dependencies + [mix compile] Include column information on error diagnostics when possible + [mix deps] Mix.Dep.Converger now tells which deps formed a cycle + [mix do] Support --app option to restrict recursive tasks in umbrella projects + [mix do] Allow using + as a task separator instead of comma + [mix format] Support filename in mix format - when reading from stdin + [mix format] Compile if mix format plugins are missing + [mix new] Do not allow projects to be created with application names that conflict with multi-arg Erlang VM switches + [mix profile] Return the return value of the profiled function + [mix release] Make BEAM compression opt-in + [mix release] Let :runtime_config_path accept false to skip the config/runtime.exs + [mix test] Improve error message when suite fails due to coverage + [mix test] Support :test_elixirc_options and default to not generating docs nor debug info chunk for tests + [mix xref] Support --group flag in mix xref graph + * 2. Bug fixes + Elixir + [Calendar] Handle widths with "0" in them in Calendar.strftime/3 + [CLI] Improve errors on incorrect --rpc-eval usage + [CLI] Return proper exit code on Windows + [Code] Do not emit warnings when formatting code + [Enum] Allow slices to overflow on both starting and ending positions + [Kernel] Do not allow restricted characters in identifiers according to UTS39 + [Kernel] Define __exception__ field as true when expanding exceptions in typespecs + [Kernel] Warn if any of True, False, and Nil aliases are used + [Kernel] Warn on underived @derive attributes + [Kernel] Remove compile-time dependency from defimpl :for + [Kernel] Track all arities on imported functions + [Kernel] Fix equality in guards for dynamic ranges without steps + [Module] Fix loop while unifying type variables + [Protocol] Warn if a protocol has no definitions + [Regex] Show list options when inspecting a Regex manually defined with Regex.compile/2 + [String] Allow slices to overflow on both starting and ending positions + [System] Raise non-generic exception on missing env in System.fetch_env!/1 to mirror map operations + ExUnit + [ExUnit] Do not crash when diffing unknown bindings in guards + [ExUnit] Properly print diffs when comparing improper lists with strings at the tail position + [ExUnit] Add short hash to tmp_dir in ExUnit to avoid test name collision + [ExUnit] Do not store logs in the CLI formatter (this reduces memory usage for suites with capture_log) + [ExUnit] Run ExUnit.after_suite/1 callback even when no tests run + [ExUnit] Fix scenario where setup with imported function from within describe failed to compile + IEx + [IEx] Disallow short-hand pipe after matches + [IEx] Fix exports/1 in IEx for long function names + Mix + [mix compile.elixir] Fix --warnings-as-errors when used with --all-warnings + [mix compile.elixir] Ensure semantic recompilation cascades to path dependencies + [mix compile.elixir] Lock the compiler to avoid concurrent usage + [mix format] Do not add new lines if the formatted file is empty + [mix format] Properly compile dependencies on mix format + [mix release] Only set RELEASE_MODE after env.{sh,bat} are executed + [mix release] Allow application mode configuration to cascade to dependencies + [mix xref] Do not emit already consolidated warnings during mix xref trace + [Mix] Do not start apps with runtime: false on Mix.install/2 + * 3. Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted) + Elixir + [File] Passing a callback as third argument to File.cp/3 and File.cp_r/3 is deprecated. + Instead pass the callback the :on_conflict key of a keyword list + EEx + [EEx] Using <%# ... %> for comments is deprecated. Please use <% # ... %> or the new multi-line comments with <%!-- ... --%> + Logger + [Logger] Deprecate Logger.enable/1 and Logger.disable/1 in favor of Logger.put_process_level/2 + Mix + [mix cmd] The --app option in mix cmd CMD is deprecated in favor of the more efficient mix do --app app cmd CMD + * 4. Hard deprecations + Elixir + [Application] Calling Application.get_env/3 and friends in the module body is now discouraged, use Application.compile_env/3 instead + [Bitwise] use Bitwise is deprecated, use import Bitwise instead + [Bitwise] ~~~ is deprecated in favor of bnot for clarity + [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Returning a list or two-element tuple from :each_cycle is deprecated, return a {:compile | :runtime, modules, warnings} tuple instead + [Kernel] Deprecate the operator <|> to avoid ambiguity with upcoming extended numerical operators + [String] Deprecate passing a binary compiled pattern to String.starts_with?/2 + Logger + [Logger] Deprecate $levelpad on message formatting + Mix + [Mix] Mix.Tasks.Xref.calls/1 is deprecated in favor of compilation tracers + * 5. Backwards incompatible changes + Mix + [mix local.rebar] Remove support for rebar2, which has not been updated in 5 years, and is no longer supported on recent Erlang/OTP versions + +- Elixir 1.13.4 + * 1. Enhancements + Elixir + [Code] Allow iodata to be returned in sigil formatting functions + [Code] Pass opening delimiter information to sigil formatting functions + * 2. Bug fixes + Elixir + [Kernel] Tweak type unification to fix infinite loop with recursive vars + [Kernel] Add compile-time dependencies on require + [Registry] Make Registry send work with named triplets + * 3. Deprecations + Mix + [mix rebar] Deprecate Rebar 2 as it no longer works on Erlang/OTP 25 + +- Elixir 1.13.3 + * 1. Enhancements + Mix + [mix format] Supply file and line to formatter plugins + [mix format] Support embedded Elixir expressions inside formatter plugins + * 2. Bug fixes + Elixir + [Code] Fix duplicate bindings causing errors during evaluation + [Kernel] Make sure signatures stored in the Documentation chunk does not contain newlines + [Kernel] Fix infinite loop when compiling guards with recursive map access + [Macro] Fix error on Macro.to_string/1 when the plain alias Elixir is given + [String] Fix error for certain codepoint combinations in String.split_at/2 + Mix + [mix compile] Recompile project files when exports from dependencies change + [mix test] Fix total coverage always showing in red even when above the threshold + +- Elixir 1.13.2 + * 1. Enhancements + Mix + [mix format] Allow plugins to also format .ex and .exs files + [mix release] Allow bypassing application mode validation in release spec + [mix test] Print a message when the suite fails due to the coverage threshold + * 2. Bug fixes + Elixir + [Code] Do not emit warnings on Code.Fragment.container_cursor_to_quoted/2 + [Kernel] Fix a crash when a for-comprehension with :uniq was used inside another comprehension with :uniq + [Kernel] Ensure env.context_modules is properly set inside optimized defmodule + [Keyword] Deprecate the recently added as it is equivalent to + [Map] Deprecate the recently added as it is equivalent to + [Protocol] Warn on zero arity callbacks inside protocols + +- Elixir 1.13.1 + * 1. Bug fixes + Elixir + [Code] Do not show code snippets in `SyntaxError` and `TokenMissingError` if line is empty + [Exception] Do not fail blaming `ArgumentError` for improper lists on `apply/3` + [Macro] Set a max `line_length` for `Macro.to_string/1` + [Macro] Fix formatting of lists on module attributes for `Macro.to_string/1` + [String] Fix incorrect codepoint byte counting in `slice` with negative positions in ranges + [Task] Ensure async streams can be consumed from another process than the one that creates them + [URI] Undeprecate `URI.parse/1` as `` is too strict in many common cases + [URI] Make sure `` returns nil for empty paths + IEx + [IEx] Make sure the `--version` flag halts IEx + Mix + [Mix] Make protocol consolidation part of the `Mix.install/2` cache + +- Elixir 1.13.0 + * Enhancements + EEx + [EEx] Add `:parser_options` to EEx functions + Elixir + [Calendar] Add `c:Calendar.year_of_era/3` to support calendars where the beginning of a new era does not align with + the beginning of a new year + [CLI] Support `--short-version` on the CLI that does not boot the VM + [Code] Add `Code.string_to_quoted_with_comments/2` and `Code.quoted_to_algebra/2` + [Code] Add more `:token_metadata` to aliases and remote calls when parsing strings + [Code] Add `Code.Fragment` module to provide best-effort information from code fragments. + The module currently provides an updated `Code.Fragment.cursor_context/2` with operator support and + `Code.Fragment.surround_context/2` which looks at a given position in a fragment and find its surrounding delimiters + [Code] Allow custom sigil formatting on `Code.format_string!/2` + [Code] Add `{:on_module, bytecode, :none}` trace to compilation tracers + [Enum] Optimize `Enum.concat/1` for lists of lists + [Enum] Add `Enum.slide/3` + [Exception] Better format Elixir exceptions in Erlang + [Inspect] Allow default inspect fun to be set globally with `Inspect.Opts.default_inspect_fun/1` + [IO] Allow `:eof` to be given as limit to `IO.getn/2` + [Kernel] Support the `:sigils` option in `import Mod, only: :sigils` and allow the sigil modifiers to be also digits + [Kernel] Make `get_in` consistently abort and return `nil` when `nil` values are found (previously Elixir would raise + an error in this case). This allows a user to use `get_in` as a safe navigation operator. + [Kernel] Improve compilation times by reducing the amount of copies of the AST across compiler processes + [Kernel] Raise if trying to define a module with a slash in its name + [Kernel] Warn when `?\` is used and there is no need for a escape character + [Kernel] Track structs in typespecs as export deps instead of compile-time deps + [Kernel] Add power operator (`**/2`) + [Keyword] Add `Keyword.validate/2` + [Keyword] Implement `Keyword.filter/2` and `` + [List] Add `List.keyfind!/3` + [Macro] Add `Macro.prewalker/1` and `Macro.postwalker/1` + [Macro.Env] Add the following reflection functions: `required?/2`, `lookup_import/2`, `fetch_alias/2`, and `fetch_macro_alias/2` + [Map] Implement `Map.filter/2` and `` + [Module] Support `:nillify_clauses` in `Module.get_definition/3` + [Module] Add `Module.attributes_in/1` and `Module.overridables_in/1` + [OptionParser] Add "did you mean?" suggestions to `OptionParser.ParseError` messages + [Record] Add record reflection via `@__records__` + [Task] Add `Task.completed/1` + [Task] Add `Task.ignore/1` to keep a task running but ignoring all of its results + [Task] Reduce the amount of copying `Task.async*` functions + [URI] Add `` and `!/1` + ExUnit + [ExUnit] Show hint if comparing different but equivalent strings + [ExUnit.CaptureIO] Add `with_io/3` to return result with captured io + [ExUnit.CaptureLog] Add `with_log/2` to return result with captured logs + IEx + [IEx.Autocomplete] Add path autocompletion whenever when the cursor follows `"./` or `"/` or `"DRIVER:` where + `DRIVER` is a single letter + [IEx.Autocomplete] Add autocompletion for sigils, struct names, and struct fields + [IEx.Helpers] Allow multiple modules to be given to `r/1` + Logger + [Logger] Add `Logger.put_application_level/2` + [Logger] Print all log levels in accordance to Erlang/OTP. This also means `[warn]` is now shown as `[warning]` + Mix + [Mix] Add `MIX_INSTALL_FORCE` environment variable support + [Mix] Support `:config` and `:system_env` in `Mix.install/2` + [Mix] Add `Mix.installed?/0` + [Mix.Shell] Add `:default` option to `Mix.Shell.yes?` + [mix archive.install] Run `loadconfig` before building archive + [mix compile] Move Elixir version check to before deps are compiled, in order to give feedback earlier + [mix compile.elixir] Do not recompile files if their modification time change but their contents are still the same and the .beam files are still on disk + [mix compile.elixir] Do not recompile all Elixir sources when Erlang modules change, only dependent ones + [mix compile.elixir] Do not recompile Elixir files if `mix.exs` changes, instead recompile only files using `Mix.Project` or trigger a recompilation if a compiler option changes + [mix compile.elixir] Only recompile needed files when a dependency is added, updated or removed + [mix compile.elixir] Only recompile needed files when a dependency is configured + [mix deps] Add `:subdir` option to git deps + [mix escript.install] Run `loadconfig` before building escript + [mix format] Support `:plugins` in `mix format` that can hook into custom extensions and sigils + [mix format] Add `Mix.Tasks.Format.formatter_for_file/2` + [mix local.rebar] No longer support `sub_dirs` in Rebar 2 to help migration towards Rebar 3 + [mix local.rebar] Support `--if-missing` option when installing Rebar + [mix local.rebar] Set `REBAR_PROFILE=prod` when compiling Rebar dependencies + [mix test] Support `--profile-require=time` to profile the time loading test files themselves + [mix test] Allow filtering modules from coverage using regex + [mix test] Allow the exit status of ExUnit to be configured and set the default to 2 + [mix test] Exit with a status of 3 when coverage falls below threshold + [mix test] Write failed manifest when suite fails due to --warnings-as-errors + [mix test] Ignore `MIX_TEST_PARTITION` when partitions set to 1 + [mix xref] Support multiple sinks and sources in `mix xref graph` + [mix xref] Add `trace` subcommand to print compilation dependencies between files + [mix xref] Add `--fail-above` option to `mix xref` + [mix xref] Add `--label compile-connected` to `mix xref` + * 2. Bug fixes + EEx + [EEx] Accept comments in EEx between do and the first clause + [EEx] Accept EEx expressions where `->` is followed by newline + Elixir + [Application] Allow any expression as first argument of `compile_env` + [Application] Warn if `Application.compile_env` or `Application.compile_env!` are called without a require + [Code] Make sure `:static_atoms_encoder` in `Code.string_to_quoted/2` also applies to quoted keyword keys + [Code] Ensure bindings with no context are returned as atoms instead of `{binding, nil}` in eval operations + [Inspect] Fix a bug when inspecting a non-binary bitstring with colors + [Kernel] Reject bidirectional formatting characters in strings and comments + [Kernel] Support escaping of terminators in uppercase sigils heredocs for consistency + [Kernel] Raise if `__CALLER__` or `__ENV__` or `__STACKTRACE__` are used in match + [Kernel] Improve error message on invalid argument for `byte_size` from binary concat + [Kernel] Raise when aliasing non-Elixir modules without `:as` + [Kernel] Allow `unquote_splicing` inside `%{...}` without parens + [Kernel] Ensure that waiting on a struct expansion inside a typespec is correctly tracked as waiting time in the compiler + [Kernel] Correctly parse the atom `.` as a keyword list key + [Kernel] Do not leak variables from the first generator in `with` and `for` special forms + [Kernel] Fix column number on strings with NFD characters + [Kernel] Fix a bug where a combination of dynamic line in `quote` with `unquote` of remote calls would emit invalid AST metadata + [OptionParser] Validate switch types/modifiers early on to give more precise feedback + [Protocol] Add `defdelegate` to the list of unallowed macros inside protocols as protocols do not allow function definitions + [Protocol] Warn if `@callback`, `@macrocallback` and `@optional_callbacks` are defined inside protocol + [Protocol] Ensure protocol metadata is deterministic on consolidation + [Range] Always show step when range is descending + [String] Update Unicode database to version 14.0 + [URI] Only percent decode if followed by hex digits (according to + [Version] Ensure proper precedence of `and`/`or` in version requirements + ExUnit + [ExUnit] Fix formatter and counters from `` to consider all tests in a module whenever if a module's `setup_all` fails + [ExUnit] Allow doctests newlines to be terminated by CRLF + IEx + [IEx] Fix the loss of `.iex.exs` context after a pry session + [IEx] Stop evaluator before exiting IEx server to avoid evaluators leaking + Logger + [Logger] Raise clear error message for invalid `:compile_time_purge_matching` configuration + [Logger] Fix a bug where Logger would not reset its discard counter under some scenarios + Mix + [mix compile.elixir] Track transitive runtime dependencies coming from local/path dependencies + [mix compile.elixir] Recompile file if `@external_resource` is deleted + [mix compile.elixir] Print number of compiling files on all compiler cycles. This will make the `Compiling N files (.ex)` show up multiple times if necessary + [mix deps] Raise if local dep is unavailable while compiling + [mix deps.unlock] Fix blank output when unlocking a dependency that is not locked + [mix local.install] Do not respect `MIX_DEPS_PATH` for install commands + [mix release] Improve release scripts by making sure shell errors cascade (this is done by avoiding exporting and defining variables in a single step) + [mix release] Do not boot release if `RELEASE_COOKIE` is empty + [mix release] Allow releases running as a daemon to be restarted + [mix release] Raise proper error message when non-serializable values are in configs + [mix test] Fix coverage engine to also tag `case`, `cond`, and `receive` branches where the right side is a literal + * 3. Soft-deprecations (no warnings emitted) + Elixir + [Code] Environment options in `Code.eval_quoted/3` and `Code.eval_string/3`, such as `:aliases` and `:tracers`, have been deprecated in favor of passing an environment + [IO] `:all` on `IO.getn` is deprecated in favor of `:eof` + [URI] `URI.parse/1` is deprecated in favor of `` and `!/1` + Mix + [mix format] `Mix.Tasks.Format.formatter_opts_for_file/2` is deprecated in favor of `Mix.Tasks.Format.formatter_for_file/2` + * 4. Hard-deprecations + Elixir + [Code] `Code.cursor_context/2` is deprecated, use `Code.Fragment.cursor_context/2` instead + [Macro] `Macro.to_string/2` is deprecated, use `Macro.to_string/1` instead + [System] `System.get_pid/0` is deprecated, use `` instead + [Version] Using `!` or `!=` in version requirements is deprecated, use `~>` or `>=` instead + Mix + [mix] `:strip_beam` option is deprecated in favor of `:strip_beams` + [Mix] `:exit_code` in `Mix.raise/2` has been deprecated in favor of `:exit_status` + [Mix.Config] `Mix.Config` is deprecated in favor of `Config` module + Full release notes: + - Drop 0001-Add-retries-to-tests-that-write-to-stderr-on-Windows.patch: + upstreamed + +- Add 0001-Add-retries-to-tests-that-write-to-stderr-on-Windows.patch: + fix build for Factory + +- Elixir 1.12.3 + * Bug fixes + Elixir + [Code] Make sure that bindings in the default context returned by `Code.eval_*` functions are not returned as tagged tuples + [Kernel] Do not crash when handling ambiguity errors + [Range] Still match on old range patterns throughout the stdlib + IEx + [IEx.Autocomplete] Do not error autocompletion with module attribute + Mix + [Mix] Rename inconsistent `:exit_code` option to `:exit_status` on `Mix.raise/2` + +- Elixir 1.12.2 + * Bug fixes + Elixir + [Kernel] Ensure deprecated macros emit warnings + Mix + [mix deps] Ensure unconstrained rebar deps generate valid mix specifications + * Enhancements + Elixir + [elixirc] Change the output of `--profile time` to make it easier to detect outliers + [Application] Do not add compile time deps on args to `Application.compile_env/2` and `Application.compile_env!/2` + [Enum] Optimize `Enum.into/3` and `` + Mix + [mix compile] Compile most recently changed files first + [mix compile, mix run, mix test] Speed up the time taken to load dependencies. This should make the usage of Mix inside projects quite more responsive + +- Elixir 1.12.1 + * Bug fixes + Elixir + [Code] Make sure `Code.format_string!/2` formats multiline expression inside interpolation on the first run + [Macro] Revert keeping of underscores between digits in camelize + Mix + [Mix] Make sure `Mix.install/2` expand paths for deps + [mix deps.get] Silence false positives on `httpc` warnings + [mix test] Do not run the whole suite when there are no --failed tests as it won't behave as expected inside umbrellas + +- Elixir 1.12 + * Enhancements + EEx + [EEx.Engine] Add `c:EEx.Engine.handle_text/3` callback that receives text metadata + [EEx.Engine] Emit warnings for unused "do" expression in EEx + Elixir + [Code] Add `Code.cursor_context/2` to return the context of a code snippet + [Code] Do not add newlines around interpolation on code formatting. + Note this means formatted code that has interpolation after the line length on Elixir v1.12 won't be considered as formatted on earlier Elixir versions + [Code] Do not add brackets when keywords is used in the access syntax + [Calendar] Support basic datetime format in `Calendar.ISO` parsing functions + [Code] Improve evaluation performance on systems running on Erlang/OTP 24+ + [Date] Support steps via `Date.range/3` + [DateTime] Add `offset` to `DateTime.to_iso8601/2` (now `to_iso8601/3`) + [Enum] Add `Enum.count_until/2` and `Enum.count_until/3` + [Enum] Add `Enum.product/1` + [Enum] Add `Enum.zip_with/2`, `Enum.zip_with/3`, `Enum.zip_reduce/3`, and `Enum.zip_reduce/4` + [Enum] Add support for functions as the second argument of `Enum.with_index/2` + [Exception] Show `error_info` data for exceptions coming from Erlang + [Float] Add `Float.pow/2` + [Integer] Add `Integer.pow/2` and `Integer.extended_gcd/2` + [IO] Add `` and `IO.binstream/0` which default to STDIO with line orientation + [List] Add default value for `List.first/1` and `List.last/1` + [Kernel] Add `first..last//step` as support for stepped ranges + [Kernel] Also warn for literal structs on `min/2` and `max/2` + [Kernel] Add `Kernel.tap/2` and `Kernel.then/2` + [Kernel] Do not add runtime dependencies to remotes in typespecs + [Kernel] When there is an unused variable warning and there is a variable with the same name previously defined, suggest the user may have wanted to use the pin operator + [Kernel] Improve error messages on invalid character right after a number + [Kernel] Show removal and deprecated tips from Erlang/OTP + [Macro] Add export dependencies on `Macro.struct!/2` + [Macro] Support `:newline` to customize newlines escaping in `Macro.unescape_string/2` + [Module] Raise on invalid `@dialyzer` attributes + [Module] Add `Module.get_definition/2` and `Module.delete_definition/2` + [Module] Allow `@on_load` to be a private function + [Module] Validate `@dialyzer` related module attributes + [Module] Add `Module.reserved_attributes/0` to list all reserved attributes by the language + [Range] Add `` and `Range.size/1` + [Regex] Add offset option to `Regex.scan/3` and `` + [Registry] Support `:compression` on `Registry` tables + [Registry] Support `Registry.values/3` for reading values under a given key-pid pair + [Stream] Add `Stream.zip_with/2` and `Stream.zip_with/3` + [String] Add `:turkic` mode option to String case functions + [String] Update to Unicode 13.0 + [System] Add `System.trap_signal/3` and `System.untrap_signal/2` + [System] Add `` to invoke a command that is interpreted by the shell + [Tuple] Add `Tuple.sum/1` and `Tuple.product/1` + [URI] Support RFC3986 compliant encoding and decoding of queries via the `:rfc3986` option + ExUnit + [ExUnit] Intercept SIGQUIT (via Ctrl+\\) and show a list of all aborted tests as well as intermediate test results + [ExUnit] Interpolate module attributes in match assertions diffs + [ExUnit] Print how much time is spent on `async` vs `sync` tests + [ExUnit] Improve error messages for doctests + [ExUnit] Compile doctests faster (often by two times) + [ExUnit] Add `ExUnit.async_run/0` and `ExUnit.await_run/1` + IEx + [IEx] Make IEx' parser configurable to allow special commands + [IEx] Show function signature when pressing tab after the opening parens of a function + [IEx] If an IEx expression starts with a binary operator, such as `|>`, automatically pipe in the result of the last expression + Mix + [Mix] Add `Mix.install/2` for dynamically installing a list of dependencies + [Mix] Support `:exit_code` option in `Mix.raise/2` + [Mix] Discard `MIX_ENV` and `MIX_TARGET` values if they are empty strings + [Mix] Print the time taken to execute a task with on `MIX_DEBUG=1` + [mix compile.erlang] Compile multiple files in parallel + [mix] Deep merge configuration and ensure argv is set when executing `config/runtime.exs` + [mix release] Add `RELEASE_PROG` to releases with the name of the executable starting the release + [mix release] Support `remote.vm.args` to customize how the connecting VM boots + [mix test] Run all available tests if there are no pending `--failed` tests. This provides a better workflow as you no longer need to toggle the `--failed` flag between runs + * Bug fixes + Elixir + [CLI] Ensure `-e ""` (with an empty string) parses correctly on Windows + [Inspect] Do not override user supplied `:limit` option for derived implementations + [Kernel] Allow heredoc inside a heredoc interpolation + [Kernel] Preserve CRLF on heredocs + [Kernel] Public functions without documentation now appear as an empty map on `Code.fetch_docs/1`, + unless they start with underscore, where they remain as `:none`. This aligns Elixir's implementation with EEP48 + [Kernel] Do not crash when complex literals (binaries and maps) are used in guards + [Kernel] Properly parse keywords (such as `end`) followed by the `::` operator + [Kernel] Do not ignore unimplemented signatures from generated functions + [Kernel] Improve error message when an expression follows a keyword list without brackets + [Macro] `Macro.decompose_call/1` now also consider tuples with more than 2 elements to not be valid calls + [Macro] Fix `Macro.to_string/1` double-escaping of escape characters in sigils + [Macro] Fix `Macro.underscore/1` on digits preceded by capitals: "FOO10" now becomes "foo10" instead of "fo_o10" + [Macro] Preserve underscores between digits on `Macro.underscore/1` + [OptionParser] Properly parse when numbers follow-up aliases, for example, `-ab3` is now parsed as `-a -b 3` + [Path] Fix `Path.relative_to/2` when referencing self + [Path] Do not crash when a volume is given to `Path.absname/1`, such as "c:" + [Task] Ensure `Task.async_stream/2` with `ordered: false` discard results as they are emitted, instead of needlessly accumulating inside the stream manager + [Task] Raise if `:max_concurrency` is set to 0 on streaming operations + [URI] Do not discard empty paths on `URI.merge/2` + ExUnit + [ExUnit.Case] Make `@tag tmp_dir` an absolute directory, avoiding inconsistencies if the test changes the current working directory + [ExUnit.Diff] Fix cases where the diffing algorithm would fail to print a pattern correct + IEx + [IEx] Fix auto-completion inside remote shells + Mix + [mix app.config] Do not emit false positive warnings when configured dependencies that have `runtime: false` set + [mix compile.elixir] Ensure that a manifest is generated even with no source code + [mix compile.elixir] Make sure export dependencies trigger recompilation when the dependency is removed as well as when the whole file is removed + [mix compile.elixir] Do not emit false positive warnings when a path dependency adds a module that is then used by the current application in the same `mix compile` cycle + [mix test] Ensure protocols within the current project are consolidated when `--cover` is given + [mix release] Improve compliance of release scripts with stripped down Linux installations + [mix release] Preserve file mode when copying non-beam ebin files + [mix xref] Ensure args are passed to the underlying `mix compile` call + * Soft-deprecations (no warnings emitted) + Elixir + [Kernel] Using `first..last` to match on ranges is soft-deprecated and will warn on future Elixir versions. Use `first..last//step` instead + [Kernel] Using `first..last` to create decreasing ranges is soft-deprecated and will warn on future versions. Use `first..last//-1` instead + * Hard-deprecations + EEx + [EEx.Engine] `use EEx.Engine` is deprecated in favor of explicit delegation + Elixir + [Kernel] The binary operator `^^^` is deprecated. If you are using `Bitwise.^^^/2`, use `Bitwise.bxor/2` instead + [Kernel] Deprecate `@foo()` in favor of `@foo` + [System] Deprecate `System.stacktrace/0` (it was already deprecated outside of catch/rescue and now it is deprecated everywhere) + Mix + [mix compile] The `:xref` compiler is deprecated and it has no effect. Please remove it from your mix.exs file. + Full release notes: + +- Elixir 1.11.4 + * Enhancements + Elixir + [Kernel] Update formatting when printing warnings and errors from Erlang/OTP 24+ + [Kernel] Support float-16 on bitstrings + Mix + [mix local.rebar] This task will now install rebar3 version 3.14.4, compiled with Erlang/OTP 21 + - Elixir - [Macro] Add Macro.unique_var/2 and Macro.generate_unique_arguments/2 + Elixir + [Macro] Add Macro.unique_var/2 and Macro.generate_unique_arguments/2 - Elixir - [Code] Do not raise when checking for operator ambiguity when :static_atoms_encoder is set in Code.string_to_quoted - [Kernel] Emit undefined function warnings from with - [Kernel] Do not fail type checking when literals are used in guards - [Module] Do not warn for attributes used in @after_compile - [Record] Make sure nested record names do not clobber each other - ExUnit - [ExUnit.Assertions] Do not crash if there are macros and module attributes on the left side of ++ - IEx - [IEx.Helpers] Do not use Unicode chars if ANSI is disabled - Mix - [mix deps.compile] Fix compatibility with rebar v3.14 - [mix release] Do not use private ram_file:compress/1 - [mix xref] Do not crash when retrieving calls for modules in memory + Elixir + [Code] Do not raise when checking for operator ambiguity when :static_atoms_encoder is set in Code.string_to_quoted + [Kernel] Emit undefined function warnings from with + [Kernel] Do not fail type checking when literals are used in guards + [Module] Do not warn for attributes used in @after_compile + [Record] Make sure nested record names do not clobber each other + ExUnit + [ExUnit.Assertions] Do not crash if there are macros and module attributes on the left side of ++ + IEx + [IEx.Helpers] Do not use Unicode chars if ANSI is disabled + Mix + [mix deps.compile] Fix compatibility with rebar v3.14 + [mix release] Do not use private ram_file:compress/1 + [mix xref] Do not crash when retrieving calls for modules in memory - Elixir - [Code] Do not crash when getting docs for missing `erts` appdir - [Kernel] Raise meaningful error if `:erlang.is_record` is used in guards - [Kernel] Prune tracers when fetching `__ENV__` inside functions - Mix - [mix] Fix regression where aliases could not call themselves recursively - [mix compile] Do not discard tracers that are set programatically + Elixir + [Code] Do not crash when getting docs for missing `erts` appdir + [Kernel] Raise meaningful error if `:erlang.is_record` is used in guards + [Kernel] Prune tracers when fetching `__ENV__` inside functions + Mix + [mix] Fix regression where aliases could not call themselves recursively + [mix compile] Do not discard tracers that are set programatically - Elixir - [Code] Ignore tracers if lexical tracker is dead or explicitly nil when evaling code with an environment - [GenServer] Do not show warning when using `super` in `GenServer.child_spec/1` - [Kernel] Do not crash when :reduce is set to `nil` in comprehensions - [Kernel] Fix a scenario where undefined function warnings were not being emitted - IEx - [IEx.Helpers] Properly handle tags inside typespec when showing Erlang docs - Logger - [Logger] Do not deadlock Logger if handler crashes on sync mode - Mix - [Mix] Add inet6 fallback to Mix usage of httpc - [mix] Do not list apps that do not match the current target + Elixir + [Code] Ignore tracers if lexical tracker is dead or explicitly nil when evaling code with an environment + [GenServer] Do not show warning when using `super` in `GenServer.child_spec/1` + [Kernel] Do not crash when :reduce is set to `nil` in comprehensions + [Kernel] Fix a scenario where undefined function warnings were not being emitted + IEx + [IEx.Helpers] Properly handle tags inside typespec when showing Erlang docs + Logger + [Logger] Do not deadlock Logger if handler crashes on sync mode + Mix + [Mix] Add inet6 fallback to Mix usage of httpc + [mix] Do not list apps that do not match the current target - EEx - [EEx] Track column information in EEx templates when enabled in the compiler - [EEx] Show column information in EEx error messages - [EEx] Support `:indentation` option when compiling EEx templates for proper column tracking - Elixir - [Access] Add `!/1` - [Calendar] Add `Calendar.strftime/3` for datetime formatting - [Calendar] Add linear integer representations to Calendar modules: + EEx + [EEx] Track column information in EEx templates when enabled in the compiler + [EEx] Show column information in EEx error messages + [EEx] Support `:indentation` option when compiling EEx templates for proper column tracking + Elixir + [Access] Add `!/1` + [Calendar] Add `Calendar.strftime/3` for datetime formatting + [Calendar] Add linear integer representations to Calendar modules: - [Calendar] Add `new!` to Date/Time/NaiveDateTime/DateTime (`new` has also been added to `DateTime` for completeness) - [Calendar] Support custom starting day of the week in `Date.day_of_week/2` - [Calendar] Add `Date.beginning_of_month/1` and `Date.end_of_month/1` - [Calendar] Add `Date.beginning_of_week/2` and `Date.end_of_week/2` - [Code] Add `:column` to `Code.string_to_quoted*/2` - [Code] Add `Code.can_await_module_compilation?/0` to check if the parallel compiler is enabled + [Calendar] Add `new!` to Date/Time/NaiveDateTime/DateTime (`new` has also been added to `DateTime` for completeness) + [Calendar] Support custom starting day of the week in `Date.day_of_week/2` + [Calendar] Add `Date.beginning_of_month/1` and `Date.end_of_month/1` + [Calendar] Add `Date.beginning_of_week/2` and `Date.end_of_week/2` + [Code] Add `:column` to `Code.string_to_quoted*/2` + [Code] Add `Code.can_await_module_compilation?/0` to check if the parallel compiler is enabled - [Config] Support `config_env/0` and `config_target/0` in `config` files - [Config] Allow `import_config` to be disabled for some configuration files - [Enum] Allow a sorting function on `Enum.min_max_by/3,4`, including the new `compare/2` conventions - [Kernel] Add `is_struct/2` guard - [Kernel] Add `is_exception/1` and `is_exception/2` guards - [Kernel] Support `map.field` syntax in guards - [Kernel] Add `+++` and `---` with right associativity to the list of custom operators - [Kernel] Warn if a variable that looks like a compiler variable (such as `__MODULE__`) is unused - [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Report individual file compilation times when `profile: :time` is given - [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Improve precision of `:long_compilation_threshold` so it takes only compilation times into + [Config] Support `config_env/0` and `config_target/0` in `config` files + [Config] Allow `import_config` to be disabled for some configuration files + [Enum] Allow a sorting function on `Enum.min_max_by/3,4`, including the new `compare/2` conventions + [Kernel] Add `is_struct/2` guard + [Kernel] Add `is_exception/1` and `is_exception/2` guards + [Kernel] Support `map.field` syntax in guards + [Kernel] Add `+++` and `---` with right associativity to the list of custom operators + [Kernel] Warn if a variable that looks like a compiler variable (such as `__MODULE__`) is unused + [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Report individual file compilation times when `profile: :time` is given + [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Improve precision of `:long_compilation_threshold` so it takes only compilation times into - [Registry] Add `Registry.delete_meta/2` - [Task] Add `Task.await_many/2` - ExUnit - [ExUnit] Add support for coloring on Windows 10 consoles/shells - [ExUnit] Add `ExUnit.fetch_test_supervisor/0` - [ExUnit] Add `@tag :tmp_dir` support to ExUnit. The temporary directory is automatically created and pruned before each test - [ExUnit] Add file and line to ExUnit's `--trace` - [ExUnit.Assertion] Allow receive timeouts to be computed at runtime - [ExUnit.Case] Add `register_test/6` to speed up compilation of custom tests - [ExUnit.Doctest] Allow users to add tags to doctests - IEx - [IEx] Add support for coloring on Windows 10 consoles/shells - [IEx.Helpers] Show docs from Erlang modules that have been compiled with the docs chunk - Logger - [Logger] Add `notice`, `critical`, `alert`, and `emergency` log levels - [Logger] Support structured logging by logging maps or keyword lists - [Logger] Allow level to be set per module with `Logger.put_module_level/2` - [Logger] Include `erl_level` in Logger's metadata - Mix - [mix] Add `MIX_BUILD_ROOT` to config `_build` dir - [mix] Introduce `MIX_XDG` as a simpler mechanism to opt-in to the XDG specification - [mix] Allow requirements for a Mix task to be listed via the `@requirements` module attribute - [mix] Allow optional dependencies to be defined in `:extra_applications` and `:applications` - [mix app.config] Add new `mix app.config` task that compiles applications and loads runtime configuration - [mix archive.install] Support `--repo` option on Hex packages - [mix compile] Support the `__mix_recompile__?/0` callback for custom behaviour on when Mix should recompile a given + [Registry] Add `Registry.delete_meta/2` + [Task] Add `Task.await_many/2` + ExUnit + [ExUnit] Add support for coloring on Windows 10 consoles/shells + [ExUnit] Add `ExUnit.fetch_test_supervisor/0` + [ExUnit] Add `@tag :tmp_dir` support to ExUnit. The temporary directory is automatically created and pruned before each test + [ExUnit] Add file and line to ExUnit's `--trace` + [ExUnit.Assertion] Allow receive timeouts to be computed at runtime + [ExUnit.Case] Add `register_test/6` to speed up compilation of custom tests + [ExUnit.Doctest] Allow users to add tags to doctests + IEx + [IEx] Add support for coloring on Windows 10 consoles/shells + [IEx.Helpers] Show docs from Erlang modules that have been compiled with the docs chunk + Logger + [Logger] Add `notice`, `critical`, `alert`, and `emergency` log levels + [Logger] Support structured logging by logging maps or keyword lists + [Logger] Allow level to be set per module with `Logger.put_module_level/2` + [Logger] Include `erl_level` in Logger's metadata + Mix + [mix] Add `MIX_BUILD_ROOT` to config `_build` dir + [mix] Introduce `MIX_XDG` as a simpler mechanism to opt-in to the XDG specification + [mix] Allow requirements for a Mix task to be listed via the `@requirements` module attribute + [mix] Allow optional dependencies to be defined in `:extra_applications` and `:applications` + [mix app.config] Add new `mix app.config` task that compiles applications and loads runtime configuration + [mix archive.install] Support `--repo` option on Hex packages + [mix compile] Support the `__mix_recompile__?/0` callback for custom behaviour on when Mix should recompile a given - [mix compile.elixir] Mark modules for path dependencies as "Export dependencies" if they changed but their public + [mix compile.elixir] Mark modules for path dependencies as "Export dependencies" if they changed but their public - [mix compile.elixir] Track application boundaries in the Elixir compiler. + [mix compile.elixir] Track application boundaries in the Elixir compiler. - [mix deps] Sort the dependencies alphabetically before printing - [mix deps] Use `origin/HEAD` as the default Git ref in dependencies - [mix deps] Redact Git `username`/`password` in output log - [mix deps] Support rebar3's `git_subdir` resource type - [mix deps.compile] Allow local deps to be skipped on `mix deps.compile` - {mix deps.unlock] Print which dependencies get unlocked when using the `--unused` flag - [mix escript.install] Support `--repo` option on Hex packages - [mix new] Add `@impl` to application generated by `mix new --sup` - [mix release] Enable overriding `sys.config` location via `RELEASE_SYS_CONFIG` env var - [mix release] Boot a release under configuration in interactive mode and then swap to embedded mode + [mix deps] Sort the dependencies alphabetically before printing + [mix deps] Use `origin/HEAD` as the default Git ref in dependencies + [mix deps] Redact Git `username`/`password` in output log + [mix deps] Support rebar3's `git_subdir` resource type + [mix deps.compile] Allow local deps to be skipped on `mix deps.compile` + {mix deps.unlock] Print which dependencies get unlocked when using the `--unused` flag + [mix escript.install] Support `--repo` option on Hex packages + [mix new] Add `@impl` to application generated by `mix new --sup` + [mix release] Enable overriding `sys.config` location via `RELEASE_SYS_CONFIG` env var + [mix release] Boot a release under configuration in interactive mode and then swap to embedded mode - [mix release] Add `rel_templates_path` to configure the source of template files such as "", "vm.args.eex" + [mix release] Add `rel_templates_path` to configure the source of template files such as "", "vm.args.eex" - [mix release] Allow some chunks to be kept in the `:strip_beams` config - [mix test] Allow `:ignore_modules` inside `:test_coverage` option - [mix test.coverage] Add `mix test.coverage` that aggregates coverage results from umbrellas and OS partitioning - [mix xref] Make the `--label` option for `mix xref graph` transitive by default and add `--only-direct` for only + [mix release] Allow some chunks to be kept in the `:strip_beams` config + [mix test] Allow `:ignore_modules` inside `:test_coverage` option + [mix test.coverage] Add `mix test.coverage` that aggregates coverage results from umbrellas and OS partitioning + [mix xref] Make the `--label` option for `mix xref graph` transitive by default and add `--only-direct` for only - [mix xref] Add `--format cycles` support for `mix xref graph` - [mix xref] Add support to `mix xref graph` for using `--source` and `--sink` at the same time + [mix xref] Add `--format cycles` support for `mix xref graph` + [mix xref] Add support to `mix xref graph` for using `--source` and `--sink` at the same time - EEx - [EEx] Make trimming behaviour via the `:trim` option more consistent - Elixir - [Application] Warn if non-atom keys are given to `put_env`, `get_env`, `fetch_env`, and `delete_env` - [Code] Do not send language keyword through the `:static_atoms_encoder` in `Code.string_to_quoted` - [Kernel] Validate values given to `:line` in quote to avoid emitting invalid ASTs - [Kernel] Report the correct line number when raising inside a macro - [Kernel] Fix an issue where `elixirc` would not accept paths with backslash (`\`) separators on Windows - [Kernel] Properly parse `&//2` (i.e. the capture of the division operator) - [Kernel] Raise `CompileError` when trying to define reserved types - [Kernel] Improve compiler error message when using `|` in a `def` signature - [Kernel] Improve error message when trying to use invalid list operators in guards - [Kernel.SpecialForms] Add `|/2` to the list of special forms to avoid inconsistent behaviour on overrides - [Keyword] Enforce keys to be atoms in `Keyword.keys/1` - [Record] Keep lexical ordering when creating records - [Registry] Do not crash when a process with key-value has been registered using `:via` and it fails to start on `init` - [URI] `URI.decode_query/2` emits an empty string for parameters without values, according to + EEx + [EEx] Make trimming behaviour via the `:trim` option more consistent + Elixir + [Application] Warn if non-atom keys are given to `put_env`, `get_env`, `fetch_env`, and `delete_env` + [Code] Do not send language keyword through the `:static_atoms_encoder` in `Code.string_to_quoted` + [Kernel] Validate values given to `:line` in quote to avoid emitting invalid ASTs + [Kernel] Report the correct line number when raising inside a macro + [Kernel] Fix an issue where `elixirc` would not accept paths with backslash (`\`) separators on Windows + [Kernel] Properly parse `&//2` (i.e. the capture of the division operator) + [Kernel] Raise `CompileError` when trying to define reserved types + [Kernel] Improve compiler error message when using `|` in a `def` signature + [Kernel] Improve error message when trying to use invalid list operators in guards + [Kernel.SpecialForms] Add `|/2` to the list of special forms to avoid inconsistent behaviour on overrides + [Keyword] Enforce keys to be atoms in `Keyword.keys/1` + [Record] Keep lexical ordering when creating records + [Registry] Do not crash when a process with key-value has been registered using `:via` and it fails to start on `init` + [URI] `URI.decode_query/2` emits an empty string for parameters without values, according to - [Version] Add defaults and enforce keys in `Version` struct - ExUnit - [ExUnit.CaptureIO] Fix race condition where a dead capture would still be considered as active - [ExUnit.Diff] Do not crash when failing to eval/inspect struct - [ExUnit.Diff] Properly diff numbers in respect to `==` and `===` operators - IEx - [IEx] Fix tokenizer emitting repeated warnings in the REPL - [IEx] Ensure `--dot-iex` is preserved when restarting the evaluator and after shell respawn - [IEx.Pry] Ensure `IEx.pry` can be triggered more than twice when invoked from the same process - Mix - [mix cmd] Fix a bug where only the first --app option would be executed - [mix compile] Fix an issue where new protocol implementations would not propagate when running `mix compile` from + [Version] Add defaults and enforce keys in `Version` struct + ExUnit + [ExUnit.CaptureIO] Fix race condition where a dead capture would still be considered as active + [ExUnit.Diff] Do not crash when failing to eval/inspect struct + [ExUnit.Diff] Properly diff numbers in respect to `==` and `===` operators + IEx + [IEx] Fix tokenizer emitting repeated warnings in the REPL + [IEx] Ensure `--dot-iex` is preserved when restarting the evaluator and after shell respawn + [IEx.Pry] Ensure `IEx.pry` can be triggered more than twice when invoked from the same process + Mix + [mix cmd] Fix a bug where only the first --app option would be executed + [mix compile] Fix an issue where new protocol implementations would not propagate when running `mix compile` from - [mix deps.compile] Use `gmake` instead of `make` when compiling deps on NetBSD/DragonFlyBSD - [mix release] Load `.app` from dependencies path when it is a project dependency - [mix release] Always include "rel/overlays" in the list of overlays directories if available - [mix release] Change `erts/bin/erl` binary mode to `0o755` - [mix test] Compare to test coverage threshold inclusively - Logger - [Logger] Print metadata for all types that implement String.Chars + [mix deps.compile] Use `gmake` instead of `make` when compiling deps on NetBSD/DragonFlyBSD + [mix release] Load `.app` from dependencies path when it is a project dependency + [mix release] Always include "rel/overlays" in the list of overlays directories if available + [mix release] Change `erts/bin/erl` binary mode to `0o755` + [mix test] Compare to test coverage threshold inclusively + Logger + [Logger] Print metadata for all types that implement String.Chars - Elixir - [Exception] `Exception.exception?/1` is deprecated in favor of `Kernel.is_exception/1` - [Regex] `Regex.regex?/1` is deprecated in favor of `Kernel.is_struct/2` - Logger - [Logger] `warn` log level is deprecated in favor of `warning` - Mix - [mix release] `config/releases.exs` is deprecated in favor of a more general purpose `config/runtime.exs` + Elixir + [Exception] `Exception.exception?/1` is deprecated in favor of `Kernel.is_exception/1` + [Regex] `Regex.regex?/1` is deprecated in favor of `Kernel.is_struct/2` + Logger + [Logger] `warn` log level is deprecated in favor of `warning` + Mix + [mix release] `config/releases.exs` is deprecated in favor of a more general purpose `config/runtime.exs` - Elixir - [Supervisor] Deprecate `Supervisor.start_child/2` and `Supervisor.terminate_child/2` in favor of `DynamicSupervisor` - [Supervisor.Spec] Deprecate `Supervisor.Spec.worker/3` and `Supervisor.Spec.supervisor/3` in favor of the new typespecs - [System] Deprecate `System.stacktrace/0` in favor of `__STACKTRACE__` - Mix - [Mix.Project] Deprecate `Mix.Project.compile/2` in favor of `"compile", args)` - Full release notes: + Elixir + [Supervisor] Deprecate `Supervisor.start_child/2` and `Supervisor.terminate_child/2` in favor of `DynamicSupervisor` + [Supervisor.Spec] Deprecate `Supervisor.Spec.worker/3` and `Supervisor.Spec.supervisor/3` in favor of the new typespecs + [System] Deprecate `System.stacktrace/0` in favor of `__STACKTRACE__` + Mix + [Mix.Project] Deprecate `Mix.Project.compile/2` in favor of `"compile", args)` + Full release notes: - Elixir - [Kernel] Fix a bug where custom types were printed as built-in types - [Kernel] Don't add compile-time dependency on defdelegate - [Kernel] Add line numbers to warnings on deprecated imports - [Kernel] Report the correct line number when raising inside a macro - [Task] Include callers in translated Logger metadata for Task - [Task] Fix Task PID and caller in Task Supervisor reports - ExUnit - [ExUnit.Formatter] Avoid crashes when diffing guards when the pattern does not match - [ExUnit.Formatter] Also blame exceptions that come from linked and trapped exits - IEx - [IEx.Helpers] Do not crash when printing a type that cannot be code formatted - Mix - [mix app.start] Fix reading .app file located in archives (.ez files) - [mix local.hex] Provide more guidance when Hex can't be installed - [mix release] Properly encode config in releases + Elixir + [Kernel] Fix a bug where custom types were printed as built-in types + [Kernel] Don't add compile-time dependency on defdelegate + [Kernel] Add line numbers to warnings on deprecated imports + [Kernel] Report the correct line number when raising inside a macro + [Task] Include callers in translated Logger metadata for Task + [Task] Fix Task PID and caller in Task Supervisor reports + ExUnit + [ExUnit.Formatter] Avoid crashes when diffing guards when the pattern does not match + [ExUnit.Formatter] Also blame exceptions that come from linked and trapped exits + IEx + [IEx.Helpers] Do not crash when printing a type that cannot be code formatted + Mix + [mix app.start] Fix reading .app file located in archives (.ez files) + [mix local.hex] Provide more guidance when Hex can't be installed + [mix release] Properly encode config in releases - Elixir - [Code] Return `[{mod, bin}]` from `Code.compile_file/2`, `Code.require_file/2`, `Code.load_file/2` - [Code] Make sure the formatter respects newlines before and after module attributes - [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Fix a bug where the parallel compiler would raise in long compilation cycles - [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Fix a bug where the parallel compiler would raise if some of the modules being compiled referred to a module that has been loaded directly to memory - [Module] Fix accidental breaking change where bodiless clauses had their body value on `@on_definition` callbacks set to an empty list instead of `nil` - [String] Undeprecate `String.normalize/2` normalize and fix infinite loop caused by certain invalid strings - ExUnit - [ExUnit.Assertions] Fix pattern matching diff when matching on pinned variables - [ExUnit.Assertions] Fix pattern matching diff when matching variable struct names - [ExUnit.Assertions] Fix pattern matching diff when matching on the binary concat operator (`<>`) and the left side is not a literal string - [ExUnit.Assertions] Fix pattern matching diff when matching on pseudo-vars (`__MODULE__`, `__DIR__`, etc) - Mix - [mix release] Respect the `:path` option when creating a `:tar` file for releases + Elixir + [Code] Return `[{mod, bin}]` from `Code.compile_file/2`, `Code.require_file/2`, `Code.load_file/2` + [Code] Make sure the formatter respects newlines before and after module attributes + [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Fix a bug where the parallel compiler would raise in long compilation cycles + [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Fix a bug where the parallel compiler would raise if some of the modules being compiled referred to a module that has been loaded directly to memory + [Module] Fix accidental breaking change where bodiless clauses had their body value on `@on_definition` callbacks set to an empty list instead of `nil` + [String] Undeprecate `String.normalize/2` normalize and fix infinite loop caused by certain invalid strings + ExUnit + [ExUnit.Assertions] Fix pattern matching diff when matching on pinned variables + [ExUnit.Assertions] Fix pattern matching diff when matching variable struct names + [ExUnit.Assertions] Fix pattern matching diff when matching on the binary concat operator (`<>`) and the left side is not a literal string + [ExUnit.Assertions] Fix pattern matching diff when matching on pseudo-vars (`__MODULE__`, `__DIR__`, etc) + Mix + [mix release] Respect the `:path` option when creating a `:tar` file for releases - Enhancements + Enhancements eog +- Convert to source service for easier updating. + +- Own /usr/share/gtk-doc: glib no longer uses gtk-doc and as a + consequence cannot be held responsible to deliver that basic + directory structure. + +- Update to version 45.2: + + data: Update appdata. + + Updated translations. + erlang -- negotiate "strict KEX" OpenSSH feature, when negotiated between - peers apply strict KEX(bsc#1218192, CVE-2023-48795) - * fix-CVE-2023-48795.patch - -- Update to to completely fix (CVE-2022-37026, - bsc#1205318, jira#PED-6209) - * This Removes SSL support but adds TLS 1.3 - * Other minor fixes and features especially in the ssh area. - * Remove the following patches included upstream - * fix-upstream-CVE-2022-37026.patch - * feature-upstream-ocsp.patch - * feature-upstream-ocsp-2.patch - * feature-upstream-ocsp-3.patch - * Remove the following patches not in use - * feature-upstream-testsuite-enhancement.patch - * feature-upstream-testsuite-enhancement-2.patch - -- Fix a regression in bsc#1205318 CVE-2022-37026-client-auth-bypass.patch - (bsc#1207113) - * Removed - * CVE-2022-37026-client-auth-bypass.patch - * Added - * feature-upstream-ocsp.patch - * feature-upstream-ocsp-2.patch - * feature-upstream-ocsp-3.patch - * fix-upstream-CVE-2022-37026.patch -- Make testsuite run for just ssl but leave it commented out for - production - * feature-upstream-testsuite-enhancement.patch - * feature-upstream-testsuite-enhancement-2.patch - -- Add CVE-2022-37026-client-auth-bypass.patch to fix Client - Authorization Bypass (CVE-2022-37026, bsc#1205318). Patches - gh#erlang/otp@cd5024867e7b and gh#erlang/otp@6a1baa36e4e6). +- Disable rpmlint tests on SLE-15 where they currently fail + +- This codestream wasn't affected by bsc#1207113 + +- Changes for 26.2.1: + * erts: Removed unnecessary PCRE source tar-ball. + * ssh: With this change (being response to CVE-2023-48795), + ssh can negotiate "strict KEX" OpenSSH extension with + peers supporting it; also + '' algorithm becomes a + less preferred cipher. + If strict KEX availability cannot be ensured on both + connection sides, affected encryption modes(CHACHA and + CBC) can be disabled with standard ssh configuration. + This will provide protection against vulnerability, but + at a cost of affecting interoperability. See + Configuring algorithms in SSH. (bsc#1218192, CVE-2023-48795) +- Changes for 26.2: + * all: Replaced unintentional Erlang Public License 1.1 + headers in some files with the intended Apache License + 2.0 header. + * otp: The removal of the deprecated slave module, originally + planned for OTP 27, has been postponed to OTP 29. + * asn1: Fix benign warning from gcc 11 about mismatching call + to free(). + * crypto: Enable engine support for OpenSSL versions 3. + * edoc: Emit instead of . +- Disable test suite for now, it has many false positives and + takes a very long time. + +- Changes for 26.1.2: + * erts: If the external term format encoding of an argument list + part of a distributed spawn operation was faulty, the newly + spawned remote process could misbehave. The misbehavior + included hanging or interpret an incoming message as an + argument list to use. This was very unlikely to happen unless + using an alternate implementation of the distribution protocol + which made a faulty encoding of the argument list. The child + process will now detect this error and terminate before + executing the user specified code. + * erts: Fix bugs where if the body of a matchspec would return a + map with a variable ('$1', '$_' etc) as one of the keys or + values and the variable was not an immidiate, the term would + not be copied to the receiving processes heap. This would later + corrupt the term in the table as the GC could place move + markers in it, which in turn would cause the VM to crash. Bug + has been present for since OTP 17.0. + * xmerl: The xmerl version 1.3.32 was released in OTP 26.0.1, but + the incorrect version number of was used for it. This + incorrect version number continued to appear in OTP 26.0.2, OTP + 26.1, and OTP 26.1.1. The actual xmerl code in these OTP + versions however corresponds to xmerl version 1.3.32. +- Changes for 26.1.1: + * wx: The wx application would fail to build on macOS with Xcode + 15. + * compiler: The compiler could become extremely slow for modules + containing huge functions. + * stdlib: Garbage collect the shell process when reducing the + amount of saved history and results. +- Changes for 26.1: + * crypto: Fix VM crash caused by crypto being purged and reloaded + (by init:restart for example) on OS with musl libc (such as + Alpine linux). + * crypto: Improved understanding of LibreSSL versions. Support + chacha20 and chacha20_poly1305 for LibreSSL 3.7. Reflect + removal of support for the DSS/DSA algorithm which was done in + LibreSSL 2.6.1. + * crypto: FIPS supported by crypto for OpenSSL 3.0.* and 3.1.*. + * asn1: The ASN.1 compiler would ignore a constraint such as + (SIZE (1..4), ...), causing incorrect behavior of the encoding + and decoding function for the PER and UPER backends. Corrected + to handle the constraint in the same way as (SIZE (1..4, ...)). + * asn1: The JER backend has been internally refactored in a way + that is compatible for applications that use the documented + API. However, for a group of ASN.1 modules that depend on each + other (for example, S1AP-PDU-Descriptions, S1AP-Contents, and + so on), all modules in the group must be recompiled if on of + the group members is recompiled. + * observer: Closing the trace log window via the menu did not + work. + * erts: maps:put with existing key and identical value was not + optimized as a no-op correctly if having the same 32-bit hash + as another key in the map. In practice very rare and harmless. + * erts: Fixed an issue with truncated crash slogans on failed + emulator start. + * erts: Fixed a bug where the emulator was unable to determine + the current cgroup CPU quota. + * erts: A process optimized for parallel signal delivery could + under some circumstances lose wakeup information. That is, the + processes was not woken up to take care of the signal, so the + signal would not be taken care of until the process was woken + by another signal. Only processes configured with + message_queue_data set to off_heap utilize this optimization. + * erts: Function socket:close/1 could cause a VM crash on + Windows. + * erts: Fixed a bug in the ARM JIT where it could accidentally + add garbage trailing bits when creating bitstrings whose size + wasn't an even multiple of 8 bits. + * erts: Fix erlang:system_info/1 documentation to show correct + types. + * erts: Expanded the documentation about how to use the + standard_io, standard_error and user I/O devices. Added the + types io:standard_io/0, io:standard:error/0 and io:user/0. + * erts: Fix compilation with GNU termcap. + * erts: Delivery time of message signals to a process not + executing any receive expressions could become very long, + potentially infinite. For example, a process checking for + messages using process_info(self(), message_queue_len) or + process_info(self(), messages) and avoiding to execute a + receive expression matching on messages could be very slow in + detecting new messages. Note that you are still discouraged + from using process_info() this way. A process that wants to + check if there are messages available to handle should execute + a receive expression matching on messages. + * erts: On AArch64 (ARM64), when calculating both the quotient + and remainder with a divisor begin a power two, the remainder + could be incorrectly calculated. + * erts: Fix bug causing "magic" references in a compressed ETS + table to not keep the referred object alive. The symptom would + be the referred object being garbage collected prematurely and + the reference appearing stale, not referring to anything. + Examples of such magically referred objects are atomics and NIF + resources. + * erts: Matching out short bitstrings with a fixed size not + divisible by 8 could could lead to the runtime system + terminating with an "Overrun heap and stack" error. + * erts: A constant flow of incoming non-message signals could + prevent a process needing to execute dirty from doing so. + * erts: A BEAM file usually contains a chunk with the tag "Type" + containing type information that can be used by the JIT. The + beam_lib:strip/1 takes care to preserve that chunk, but a + build/release tool that does customized stripping could + accidentally remove the chunk. Loading a BEAM file without the + "Type" chunk could cause incorrect behavior of the loaded code. + * erts: gen_udp:recv/* for Unix Domain Socket in binary mode and + passive mode has been fixed to not crash. + * erts: The cleanup operation of not yet delivered signals to a + terminated process yielded excessively. + * erts: Fixed minor hashing issue with the local option of + term_to_binary()/term_to_iovec(). + * erts: Update gen_tcp_socket and gen_udp_socket to handle + 'completion' (socket on Windows). + * erts: Add support for Unix Domain Sockets (only for STREAM + sockets) on Windows for 'socket'. + * erts: In Erlang/OTP 27, by default escripts will be compiled + before being executed. That means that the compiler application + must be installed. It is possible to force the escript to be + interpreted by adding the directive -mode(interpret). to the + escript file. In Erlang/OTP 28, support for interpreting an + escript will be removed. + * erts: Add basic support for socket ioctl on Windows. + * erts: Removed erts/etc/darwin/Info.plist, as it is no longer + necessary after macos 10.12 + * erts: Add support for (Windows) socket option exclusiveaddruse. + * erts: [socket] Add support for the 'nopush' option. + * erts: Add support for socket option 'BSP STATE'. + * erts: Add tcp socket options 'keepcnt', 'keepidle' and + 'keepintvl'. + * erts: Add support for misc (Windows) socket options + ('max_msg_size' and 'maxdg'). + * compiler: The compiler could run forever when compiling a call + to is_record/3 with a huge positive tuple size. The call + is_record(A, a, 0) would crash the compiler when used in a + function body. When used in a guard the compiler would emit + incorrect code that would accept {a> as a record. + * compiler: Fixed a bug that caused dialyzer to crash when + analyzing bogus code that contained the literal atom undefined + in segment sizes. + * compiler: The compiler would crash when compiling some modules + that contained a call to erlang:load_nif/2. + * compiler: Fixed a bug that caused the compiler to crash on + legal code. + * compiler: The compiler could crash when attempting to compile a + call to is_list/1 in a complex expression. + * compiler: A complex guard expression using the or operator + could succeed when it was supposed to fail. + * compiler: Compiling nested try/catch and catch expression could + result in an internal compiler error. + * compiler: Using the bnot operator in a complex expression could + cause the compiler to terminate with an internal consistency + failure diagnostic. + * compiler: Fixed a bug that caused the compiler to crash in a + binary optimization pass. + * compiler: The compiler could terminate with an internal error + when attempting to compile a binary pattern that could not + possibly match. + * compiler: Fixed various performance issues related to the alias + optimization pass. + * erl_docgen: Expanded the documentation about how to use the + standard_io, standard_error and user I/O devices. Added the + types io:standard_io/0, io:standard:error/0 and io:user/0. + * mnesia: Do not delete old backup file if the new backup fails. + * megaco: Make megaco transports handle gen_tcp | gen_udp with + socket backend on Windows (completion). + * common_test: With this change, ct_hooks manual refers to CTH + execution order section in user guide. + * common_test: With this change, Config data from + pre_end_per_testcase hook is delivered to post_end_per_testcase + callback in case of testcase timetrap or linked process crash. + * common_test: With this change, remaining references to not + supported vts tool in ct_run are removed (mainly relates to + docs and ct_run help message). + * common_test: With this change, prompt search functionality in + ct_telnet handles unicode input. + * common_test: Expanded the documentation about how to use the + standard_io, standard_error and user I/O devices. Added the + types io:standard_io/0, io:standard:error/0 and io:user/0. + * stdlib: The compiler could run forever when compiling a call to + is_record/3 with a huge positive tuple size. The call + is_record(A, a, 0) would crash the compiler when used in a + function body. When used in a guard the compiler would emit + incorrect code that would accept {a> as a record. + * stdlib: Fix bug in ets:tab2file that could make it fail if + another Erlang process created the same file at the same time. + * stdlib: An {else_clause,Value} exception will now be reported + nicely in the shell. + * stdlib: Correct return value for error case, so that it matches + the documented and intended return value {error, + {already_started, pid()} when local registered names are used. + * stdlib: sys:get_state/1,2 and sys:replace_state/2,3 has been + corrected to handle a state named error as a state name, not as + a failed system callback. For the standard server behaviours + this was an issue only for gen_statem (and gen_fsm) when the + state name was error, and for gen_server if the complete state + was {error,_}. + * stdlib: Multiple problems were fixed in + filelib:safe_relative_path/2. If its second argument was a path + that contained symbolic links, an incorrect result patch could + be returned. Also, paths were sometimes falsely considered + unsafe. + * stdlib: Fix deadlock when erl.exe is used as part of a pipe on + Windows and trying to set the encoding of the standard_io + device. + * stdlib: Expanded the documentation about how to use the + standard_io, standard_error and user I/O devices. Added the + types io:standard_io/0, io:standard:error/0 and io:user/0. + * stdlib: Fix h/2,3 to properly render multi-clause + documentation. + * stdlib: Timers created by timer:apply_after/4, + apply_interval/4, and apply_repeatedly/4 would silently fail to + do the apply if it was not possible to spawn a process when the + timer expired. This has now been corrected, and if the spawn + fails, the system will be taken down producing a crash dump. + * stdlib: When an Erlang source file lacked a module definition, + there would be a spurious "module name must not be empty" + diagnostic for each spec in the file. + * stdlib: The argument descriptions for option types in argparse + have been made less ambiguous. + * stdlib: Clarified the documentation of normal shutdown reason + on gen_server:call/2,3 + * stdlib: Pattern matching and equivalence (=:=, =/=) comparisons + on 0.0 will now raise a warning, as it will no longer be + considered equivalent to -0.0 in OTP 27. If a match on 0.0 + specifically is desired (distinct from -0.0), the warning can + be suppressed by writing +0.0 instead. The arithmetic + comparison operators are unaffected, including arithmetic + equality (==). *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * stdlib: The semantics of the gen_{server,statem,event} + behaviour's synchronous start behaviour introduced in OTP-26.0 + with OTP-18471, has been clarified in the documentation. + * stdlib: Added functionality to set a custom multiline prompt. + * stdlib: A warning for (accidental use of) Triple-Quoted Strings + has been implemented as per EEP 64. *** POTENTIAL + INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * stdlib: The keyboard shortcuts for the shell are now + configurable. + * kernel: Fixed an issue with truncated crash slogans on failed + emulator start. + * kernel: Fix shell:start_interactive function specification. + * kernel: Fix code:get_doc/1 to return missing, when it can't + find erts instead of crashing. + * kernel: Function socket:close/1 could cause a VM crash on + Windows. + * kernel: Fix deadlock when erl.exe is used as part of a pipe on + Windows and trying to set the encoding of the standard_io + device. + * kernel: Expanded the documentation about how to use the + standard_io, standard_error and user I/O devices. Added the + types io:standard_io/0, io:standard:error/0 and io:user/0. + * kernel: Fix logger's overload protection mechanism to only + fetch memory used by messages when needed. + * kernel: Fixed a number of socket-related issues causing + incompatibilities with gen_tcp and gen_udp respectively. + * kernel: gen_tcp:connect with socket address and socket (inet-) + backend fails because of missing callback function. + * kernel: The DNS RR cache used by `inet_res` has been fixed to + preserve insert order, which is beneficial when the DNS server + returns RRs in some specific order for e.g load balancing + purposes. + * kernel: The options `reuseport`, `reuseport_lb` and + `exclusiveaddruse` were accidentally not allowed for e.g + `gen_udp:open/1,2`, which has now been corrected. + * kernel: gen_udp:recv/* for Unix Domain Socket in binary mode + and passive mode has been fixed to not crash. + * kernel: Fixed issue where cursor would not be placed at the end + of the expression when navigating shell history. + * kernel: Update gen_tcp_socket and gen_udp_socket to handle + 'completion' (socket on Windows). + * kernel: Add support for Unix Domain Sockets (only for STREAM + sockets) on Windows for 'socket'. + * kernel: Add basic support for socket ioctl on Windows. + * kernel: The file:location/0 type is now exported. + * kernel: Add support for (Windows) socket option + exclusiveaddruse. + * kernel: [socket] Add support for the 'nopush' option. + * kernel: Add support for socket option 'BSP STATE'. + * kernel: Add tcp socket options 'keepcnt', 'keepidle' and + 'keepintvl'. + * kernel: Add support for misc (Windows) socket options + ('max_msg_size' and 'maxdg'). + * kernel: The keyboard shortcuts for the shell are now + configurable. + * kernel: Optimized code_server to reduce repeated work when + loading the same module concurrently. + * debugger: The call int:no_break(Module) did not remove any + breakpoints. + * debugger: The maybe expression is now supported in the + Debugger. + * debugger: The maybe expression is now supported in the + Debugger. + * debugger: The call int:no_break(Module) did not remove any + breakpoints. + * ssl: Avoid function clause error in ssl:getopts/2 by handling + that inet:getopts may return an empty list during some + circumstances, such as the socket being in a closing state. + * ssl: The API function `ssl:recv/3` has been tightened to + disallow negative length, which has never been documented to + work, but was passed through and caused strange errors. + * ssl: When a client initiated renegotiation was rejected and the + client socket was in active mode the expected error message to + the controlling process was not sent. + * ssl: Add some guidance for signature algorithms configuration + in ssl applications users guide. + * snmp: Make snmp handle gen_udp with socket backend on Windows + (completion). + * public_key: Country name comparison shall be case insensitive + * public_key: Add check to disallow duplicate certs in a path + * inets: With this change, re_write httpd works as expected and + does not return error. + * inets: Fixed a bug so httpd does not crash when stopped at the + wrong time during TLS connection negotiation, or any other + theoretically as slow connection setup. + * inets: Enhance error handling and avoid that the HTTP client + hangs on headers provided on the wrong format. + * inets: With this change, error report generated by httpd during + connection setup contains socket type information. + * inets: Stop and restart of the httpd server in the Inets + application has been refactored to a more synchronous and OTP + supervisor friendly approach. This should increase stability + and for example avoid a supervisor report from + httpd_connection_sup about killed child process(es) in some + cases when stopping or restarting httpd. + * dialyzer: Fixed a bug that caused dialyzer to crash when + analyzing bogus code that contained the literal atom undefined + in segment sizes. + * dialyzer: Dialyzer could crash when attempting to analyze a + module that defined a type called product/. +- Changes for 26.0.2: + * erts: Fix using the IME (Input Method Editor) to enter text in + cmd.exe and powershell.exe on Windows. + * erts: Multiple socket:accept calls issue. When making multiple + accept calls, only the last call is active. + * erts: Fix the shell to ignore terminal delay when the terminal + capabilities report that they should be used. + * erts: Fix "oldshell" to echo characters while typing on + Windows. + * erts: On Windows, a call to the function socket:close, when + there are waiting active calls to read, write or accept + functions, could hang. + * erts: Fix issues when reading or configuring standard_io on + Windows when erl.exe is started using -noshell flag. + * erts: The following functions are now much faster when given a + long list or binary: + * erts: On AArch64 (ARM64), equality and non-equality tests with + literal bitstrings could succeed when they should fail and vice + versa. + * compiler: Fixed a type handling bug that would cause an + internal consistence failure for correct code. + * compiler: Fixed a bug that could cause the stack trace of throw + exceptions to be erroneously optimized out. + * compiler: Complex guard expression using 'or' were not always + fully evaluated, making guards that were supposed to fail + succeed. + * stdlib: Fix bug where when you entered Alt+Enter in the + terminal, the cursor would move to the last line, instead of + moving to the next line. + * stdlib: Fix eof handling when reading from stdin when erlang is + started using -noshell. + * stdlib: Fixed problem where output would disappear if it was + received after a prompt was written in the shell. + * stdlib: The following functions are now much faster when given + a long list or binary: + * kernel: Fix bug where when you entered Alt+Enter in the + terminal, the cursor would move to the last line, instead of + moving to the next line. + * kernel: Fix so that the shell does not crash on startup when + termcap is not available. + * kernel: Multiple socket:accept calls issue. When making + multiple accept calls, only the last call is active. + * kernel: Fix the shell to ignore terminal delay when the + terminal capabilities report that they should be used. + * kernel: Fix "oldshell" to echo characters while typing on + Windows. + * kernel: Fix eof handling when reading from stdin when erlang is + started using -noshell. + * kernel: On Windows, a call to the function socket:close, when + there are waiting active calls to read, write or accept + functions, could hang. + * kernel: Fix issues when reading or configuring standard_io on + Windows when erl.exe is started using -noshell flag. + * kernel: gen_udp:connect with inet_backend = socket fails when + the Address is a hostname (string or atom). + * kernel: Fixed problem which would cause shell to crash if + particular escape sequence was written to stdout. + * kernel: Fixed problem where output would disappear if it was + received after a prompt was written in the shell. + * kernel: Fix a crash where the location of erts could not be + found in rebar3 dev builds. + * kernel: Introduce the KERNEL application parameter + standard_io_encoding that can be used to set the default + encoding for standard_io. This option needs to be set to latin1 + if the application wants to treat all input data as bytes + rather than utf-8 encoded characters. + * ssl: Added keylog information to all protocol versions in + ssl:connection_information/2. + * ssl: Add RFC-6083 considerations for DTLS to enable gen_sctp + based callback for the transport. + * ssh: Added multiline editing support to ssh clients connected + through OTP ssh daemon. + +- Changes for 26.0.1: + * erts: Build of the socket nif failed on Solaris 11. + * erts: Fixed two reduction-counting bugs relating to binaries. + * erts: Constructing a binary segment not aligned with a byte + boundary, with a size not fitting in 31 bits, and with a value + not fitting in a 64-bit word could crash the runtime system. + * erts: When a binary construction failed because of bad size for + a segment, the error information was not always correct. + * erts: Fixed a crash when calling a fun that was defined in a + module that had been upgraded. + * kernel: The POSIX error exdev was sometimes incorrectly + described as "cross domain link" in some error messages. + * kernel: Corrected the socket send function description (send + with Timeout = nowait). The send function(s) could not return + {ok, {RestData, SelectInfo}} + * stdlib: The POSIX error exdev was sometimes incorrectly + described as "cross domain link" in some error messages. + * ssl: Make sure that selection of client certificates handle + both TLS-1.3 and TLS-1.2 names correctly. Could cause valid + client certificate to not be selected, and an empty client + certificate message to be sent to server. + * ssl: Improved ssl:format_error/1 to handle more error tuples. + * ssl: Fixed hanging ssl:connect when ssl application is not + started. + * ssl: Correct handling of retransmission timers, current + behavior could cause unwanted delays. + * inets: Do not make the default ssl options by calling + httpc:ssl_verify_host_options(true) if ssl options are supplied + by the user. + * xmerl: New options to xmerl_scan and xmerl_sax_parser so one + can limit the behaviour of the parsers to avoid some XML + security issues. xmerl_scan gets one new option: + xmerl_sax_parser gets the following options: The old option + skip_external_dtd is still valid and the same as + {external_entities, none} and {fail_undeclared_ref, false} but + just affects DTD's and not other external references. + * compiler: Fixed a bug where a failing bsl expression in a guard + threw an exception instead of causing the guard to fail. + * compiler: Fixed a bug that would case the validator to reject + legal code. + * compiler: The compiler could re-order clauses matching binaries + so that the incorrect clause would match. That could only + happen for code that used the option {error_location,line} or + for code without line or column number information (e.g. + generated by a parse transform). + * compiler: Complex guard expression using the or operator and + guard BIFs that can fail could sometimes be miscompiled so that + the guard would succeed even if a call to a guard BIF failed. + * compiler: With optimizations disabled, a try/catch construct + could return an incorrect value. + * compiler: In rare circumstance, a combination of binary + construction and binary_part/3 would cause the compiler to + generate unsafe code that would crash the runtime system. + * compiler: The compiler could be very slow when compiling guards + with multiple guard tests separated with 'or' or ';'. + * compiler: Complex guard expressions using 'or' and map updates + could succeed even if the map update failed. + +- Version 26.0: + * Leex has been extended with optional column number support. + * The family of enumeration functions in module lists has been + extended with enumerate/3 that allows a step value to be + supplied. + * Update Unicode to version 15.0.0. + * proc_lib:start*/* has become synchronous when the started + process fails. This requires that a failing process use a new + function proc_lib:init_fail/2,3, or exits, to indicate failure. All + OTP behaviours have been fixed to do this. + * auto-complete of variables, record names, record fields names, + map keys, function parameter types and filenames. + * Open external editor in the shell to edit the current + expression. + * defining records (with types), functions, specs and types in + the shell. + * Creation and matching of binaries with segments of fixed sizes + have been optimized. + * Creation and matching of UTF-8 segments have been optimized. + * Appending to binaries has been optimized. + * The compiler and JIT now generate better code for creation of + small maps where all keys are literals known at compile time. + * Thanks to the optimizations above the performance of the base64 + module has been significantly improved. For example, on an + x86_64 system with the JIT both encode and decode are almost + three times faster than in Erlang/OTP 25. + * Map comprehensions as suggested in EEP 58 has now been + implemented. + * Some map operations have been optimized by changing the + internal sort order of atom keys. This changes the + (undocumented) order of how atom keys in small maps are printed + and returned by maps:to_list/1 and maps:next/1. The new order + is unpredictable and may change between different invocations + of the Erlang VM. + * Introducing the new function maps:iterator/2 for creating an + interator that return the map elements in a deterministic + order. There are also new modifiers k and K for the format + string in io:format() to support printing map elements ordered. + * Added the new built-in type dynamic() introduced in EEP 61, PR + introducing EEP 61 improving support for gradual type checkers. + * Dialyzer has a new incremental mode that be invoked by giving + the --incremental option when running Dialyzer. This new + incremental mode is likely to become the default in a future + release. + * Multi time warp mode is now enabled by default. This assumes + that all code executing on the system is time warp safe. + * Support for UTF-8 atoms and strings in the NIF interface + including new functions enif_make_new_atom, + enif_make_new_atom_len and enif_get_string_length. + * The BIFs min/2 and max/2 are now allowed to be used in guards + and match specs. + * Improved the selective receive optimization, which can now be + enabled for references returned from other functions. This + greatly improves the performance of gen_server:send_request/3, + gen_server:wait_response/2, and similar functions. + * It is no longer necessary to enable a feature in the runtime + system in order to load modules that are using it. It is + sufficient to enable the feature in the compiler when compiling + it. + * inet:setopts/2 has got 3 new options: reuseport, reuseport_lb + and exclusiveaddruse. + * Fix so that -fno-omit-frame-pointer is applied to all of the + Erlang VM when using the JIT so that tools, such as perf, can + crawl the process stacks. + * In the lists module, the zip family of functions now takes + options to allow handling lists of different lengths. + * Added the zip:zip_get_crc32/2 function to retrieve the CRC32 + checksum from an opened ZIP archive. gen_server optimized by + caching callback functions + * The modules Erlang DNS resolver inet_res and helper modules + have been updated for RFC6891; to handle OPT RR with DNSSEC OK + (DO) bit. + * Introduced application:get_supervisor/1. + * Cache OTP boot code paths, to limit how many folders that are + being accessed during a module lookup. Can be disabled with + - cache_boot_path false. + * Support for Kernel TLS (kTLS), has been added to the SSL + application, for TLS distribution (-proto_dist inet_tls), the + SSL option {ktls, true}. + * Improved error checking and handling of ssl options. + * Mitigate memory usage from large certificate chains by lowering + the maximum handshake size. This should not effect the common + cases, if needed it can be configured to a higher value. + * For security reasons the SHA1 and DSA algorithms are no longer + among the default values. + * Add encoding and decoding of use_srtp hello extension to + facilitate for DTLS users to implement SRTP functionality. + +- Changes for + * compiler: The compiler could be very slow when compiling guards + with multiple guard tests separated with 'or' or ';'. +- Changes for + * xmerl: New options to xmerl_scan and xmerl_sax_parser so one + can limit the behaviour of the parsers to avoid some XML + security issues. xmerl_scan gets one new option: + xmerl_sax_parser gets the following options: The old option + skip_external_dtd is still valid and the same as + {external_entities, none} and {fail_undeclared_ref, false} but + just affects DTD's and not other external references. + * erts: Fixed a crash during tracing on certain platforms that + cannot use the machine stack for Erlang code (mainly OpenBSD + and Linux with musl). + * erts: Constructing a binary segment not aligned with a byte + boundary, with a size not fitting in 31 bits, and with a value + not fitting in a 64-bit word could crash the runtime system. + * erts: Further robustify implementation of large maps (> 32 + keys). Keys that happen to have same internal 32-bit hash + values are now put in collision nodes which are traversed with + linear search. This removes the demand for the internal hash + function when salted to eventually produce different hashes for + all possible pairs of unequal terms. + * stdlib: Static supervisors are very idle processes after they + have started so they will now be hibernated after start to + improve resource management. + * compiler: Fixed a bug where a failing bsl expression in a guard + threw an exception instead of causing the guard to fail. + * compiler: Complex guard expression using the or operator and + guard BIFs that can fail could sometimes be miscompiled so that + the guard would succeed even if a call to a guard BIF failed. + +- Changes for 25.3.2: + * compiler: Fixed type handling bugs that could cause an internal + error in the compiler for correct code. + * os_mon: Avoid error report from failing erlang:port_close at + shutdown of cpu_sup and memsup. Bug exists since OTP 25.3 + (os_mon-2.8.1). + * erts: If a runtime system which was starting the distribution + already had existing pids, ports, or references referring to a + node with the same nodename/creation pair that the runtime + system was about to use, these already existing pids, ports, or + references would not work as expected in various situations + after the node had gone alive. This could only occur if the + runtime system was communicated such pids, ports, or references + prior to the distribution was started. That is, it was + extremely unlikely to happen unless the distribution was + started dynamically and was even then very unlikely to happen. + The runtime system now checks for already existing pids, ports, + and references with the same nodename/creation pair that it is + about to use. If such are found another creation will be chosen + in order to avoid these issues. +- Changes for 25.3.1: + * snmp: Attempts to minimize the number of the error reports + during a failed agent init. + * compiler: When a map update such as #{}#{key:=value} that + should fail with an exception was unused, the exception would + be lost. + * compiler: Fixed bug in the validator that made it reject valid + code. + * crypto: With this change, random errors are fixed for + crypto:generate_key calls with OpenSSL 3. + * erts: Fixed a bug in the loader that prevented certain modules + compiled with no_ssa_opt from being loaded. + * erts: Implementations of the call() driver callback that + returned a faulty encoded result could cause a memory leak and + could cause invalid data on the heap of the processes calling + erlang:port_call/3. + * erts: Fixed a memory corruption issue when upgrading code. The + bug was introduced in OTP 25.3 + * erts: Fixed configure tests for a few ARM-specific + instructions, which prevented the emulator from being built on + some platforms. + * erts: Aliases created in combination with a monitor using the + {alias, explicit_unalias} option stopped working from remote + nodes when a 'DOWN' signal had been received due to the monitor + or if the monitor was removed using the erlang:demonitor() BIF. + This bug was introduced in OTP and OTP 25.3. + * erts: In rare circumstances, bit syntax matching of an invalid + code point for a utf32 would crash the runtime system. + * erts: Building the runtime system failed when native atomic + support was missing. Note that execution on such systems have + only been rudimentary tested. + * erl_interface: Fixed configure tests for a few ARM-specific + instructions, which prevented the emulator from being built on + some platforms. + * eldap: Added a new function eldap:info/1 that returns the + socket and the transport protocol for the eldap connection. + * inets: Correct timing related pipelining/keepalive queue bug, + that could result in unexpected "socket_remotly_closed" errors. + * inets: With this change, upon remote socket closure current + request is added to a retried queue (either pipeline or + keep_alive, but not both). + * ssl: With this change, ssl:connection_information/2 returns + correct keylog data after TLS1.3 key update. + * ssl: Client signature algorithm list input order is now honored + again , it was accidently reversed by a previous fix. + * stdlib: The type specs in the erl_parse module has been updated + to include the maybe construct and the ! operator. + * wx: Improve debug prints from the nifs. Some minor fixes for + wxWidgets-3.2. Fixed OpenGL debug functions. + +- Changes for 25.3: + * reltool: Fixed a bug that would cause analysis to crash. + * stdlib: Fixed a bug that would cause analysis to crash. + * stdlib: Fixed a crash when formatting stack traces for error + reports. + * stdlib: Instead of crashing, the list_to_integer/1 and + list_to_integer/2 BIFs now raise the system_limit exception for + overlong lists that can't be converted to integers. Similarly, + the string:to_integer/1 BIF now returns {error,system_limit} + for overlong lists. + * stdlib: Removal of non-necessary undefined types added to the + state's supervisor record. + * compiler: Fixed a bug that would cause the compiler to hang. + * compiler: Fixed a crash when compiling code that contained + maybe expressions. + * compiler: Constructing a binary with an explicit size of all + for a binary segment would crash the compiler. + * compiler: The compiler would generate incorrect code for the + following type of expression: Pattern = BoundVar1 = . . . = + BoundVarN = Expression An exception should be raised if any of + the bound variables have different values than Expression. The + compiler would generate code that would cause the bound + variables to be bound to the value of Expressionwhether the + value matched or not. + * xmerl: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 + The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can + result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the + value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always + be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must + be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. + * megaco: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 + The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can + result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the + value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always + be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must + be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. + * debugger: Fixed a bug that would cause analysis to crash. + * erts: Fixed a bug on Windows where file:read_file_info/1 would + fail for files with corrupt metadata. + * erts: Fix process_info(_, binary) to again include "writable + binaries" which were lost in OTP-25.0. Writable binaries are an + optimization used when binaries are appended upon in a loop. + * erts: Fix rare race when receiving fragmented messages on a + terminating connection. Could potentially cause memory leaks as + well as double free crashes. Bug exists since OTP 22.0. + * erts: Fixed bug that could maybe cause problems when a file + descriptor number is closed by a linked in driver and then + opened (reused) and passed to enif_select by a NIF. No actual + symptoms seen, only failed internal assertions in debug build. + * erts: The runtime system could crash when tracing a process + executing on a dirty scheduler. + * erts: In the binary syntax, attempting to match out integers + with size exceeding 2 GiB could crash the runtime system. + * erts: Fixed edge case in floating-point negation where A = 0.0, + B = -A did not produce B = -0.0 on x86_64 JIT. + * erts: Fixed an issue in the JIT that could crash the emulator + on some platforms. + * erts: Added meta data to the windows installer. + * erts: Fixed ETS insertion order into bag and duplicate_bag of + tuples with identical keys when passed in a list to + ets:insert/2. The insert order has been head-to-tail but was + accidentally changed in OTP 23.0. For bag it was reverted + (tail-to-head), while for duplicate_bag it was sometimes + reverted depending on the length of the list and number of + "reductions" left for the calling process. This fix changes the + insert order of ets:insert/2 back to always be head-to-tail of + the list argument. + * erts: With the JIT for AArch64 (AMD64), calling bxor in with + non-integer arguments in a guard would crash the runtime + system. + * erts: Fix bug regarding process flag max_heap_size. Could cause + strange behavior when a process was killed due to exceeding the + limit. + * erts: Fixed binary comprehensions to be similar to other + creation of binary data with respect to its contribution of + triggering garbage collection. + * erts: In rare circumstances, when a process exceeded its + allowed heap size set by option max_heap_size, it would not be + killed as it should be, but instead enter a kind of zombie + state it would never get out of. + * erts: Instead of crashing, the list_to_integer/1 and + list_to_integer/2 BIFs now raise the system_limit exception for + overlong lists that can't be converted to integers. Similarly, + the string:to_integer/1 BIF now returns {error,system_limit} + for overlong lists. + * erts: Active process aliases of a process at its termination + leaked memory. + * erts: Support for fully asynchronous distributed signaling + where send operations never block. This functionality is by + default disabled and can be enabled per process. For more + information see the documentation of process_flag(async_dist, + Bool). + * erts: Added the +JPperf no_fp option to explicitly disable + Erlang frame pointers otherwise added when using the +JPperf + map option. + * erl_interface: Accept connection setup from OTP 23 and 24 nodes + that are not using epmd. + * erl_interface: The ei API for decoding/encoding terms is not + fully 64-bit compatible since terms that have a representation + on the external term format larger than 2 GB cannot be handled. + * syntax_tools: erl_syntax_lib:annotate_bindings/1,2 will now + properly annotate named functions and their arguments. + * kernel: Fixed a bug on Windows where file:read_file_info/1 + would fail for files with corrupt metadata. + * kernel: Accept connection setup from OTP 23 and 24 nodes that + are not using epmd. + * public_key: As different solutions of verifying certificate + revocation exists move the decode of 'CRLDistributionPoints' so + that it will only be decode. When it is actually used in the + verification process. This would enable interoperability with + systems that use certificates with an invalid empty + CRLDistributionPoints extension that they want to ignore and + make verification by other means. + * public_key: public_key:pkix_path_validation validates + certificates expiring after 2050 + * public_key: Do not leave exit message in message queue after + calling cacerts_load() on MacOS. + * public_key: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or + byte_size/1 The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its + use can result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that + the value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should + always be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested + must be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. + * ssl: Fixed that new dtls connections from the same client ip + port combination works. If there is a process waiting for + accept the new connection will connect to that, otherwise it + will try to re-connect to the old server connection. + * ssl: When shutting down a node that uses SSL distribution + (-proto_dist inet_tls), a confusing error message about an + unexpected process exit was printed. This particular message is + no longer generated. + * ssl: fixes the type spec for ssl:format_error/1 + * ssl: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 The + size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can result + in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the value + being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always be + preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must be a + binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, byte_size/1 + also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a whole number of + bytes), so one must make sure that the call to byte_size/ is + preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that bitstrings are + rejected. Note that the compiler removes redundant calls to + is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether previous code had + made sure that the argument is a binary, it does not harm to + add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the call to + byte_size/1. + * jinterface: Accept connection setup from OTP 23 and 24 nodes + that are not using epmd. + * os_mon: The port programs used by cpu_sup and memsup are now + gracefully shut down when cpu_sup and memsup are shut down. + * eunit: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 + The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can + result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the + value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always + be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must + be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. + * crypto: A user defined runtime library path configured using + - -with-ssl-rpath= could fail to be enabled. + * crypto: Ensure that configure fails if a user defined runtime + library path has been passed by the user, but cannot set. + * mnesia: Improved consistency for dirty writes when a table was + added with add_table_copy/3. Fixed a problem with sticky write, + which could lead to inconsistent data. + * mnesia: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 + The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can + result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the + value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always + be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must + be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. + * common_test: Renamed undocumented macro CT_PEER/3 to + CT_PEER_REL/3. + * ssh: With this change, PKCS8 formatted private key file is + properly decoded and SSH daemon with such key can be started. + * ssh: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 The + size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can result + in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the value + being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always be + preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must be a + binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, byte_size/1 + also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a whole number of + bytes), so one must make sure that the call to byte_size/ is + preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that bitstrings are + rejected. Note that the compiler removes redundant calls to + is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether previous code had + made sure that the argument is a binary, it does not harm to + add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the call to + byte_size/1. + * inets: With this change, handling of URI to a folder, with + missing trailing / and a query component present is fixed. + * inets: Adds more type information to the inets app, thus + improving the errors that static analysis tools can detect. The + addition of type information to records and the updates to + function heads help static analysis tools to understand that + some values in the records cannot be 'undefined', thus making + static tools to type check correctly more modules in the inets + app + * inets: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 + The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can + result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the + value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always + be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must + be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. + * snmp: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 + The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can + result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the + value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always + be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must + be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. + * ftp: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 The + size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can result + in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the value + being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always be + preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must be a + binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, byte_size/1 + also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a whole number of + bytes), so one must make sure that the call to byte_size/ is + preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that bitstrings are + rejected. Note that the compiler removes redundant calls to + is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether previous code had + made sure that the argument is a binary, it does not harm to + add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the call to + byte_size/1. + * dialyzer: Fixed a bug that would cause analysis to crash. + * dialyzer: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or + byte_size/1 The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its + use can result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that + the value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should + always be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested + must be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. + * tftp: Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1 + The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can + result in worse types for Dialyzer. When one knows that the + value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always + be preferred. When one knows that the value being tested must + be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, + byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a + whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to + byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that + bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes + redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether + previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it + does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the + call to byte_size/1. +- Changes for 25.2.3: + * erts: Comparisons between small numbers and pids or ports would + in some edge cases say that the number was greater than the pid + or port, violating the term order. + * erts: process_info(Pid, status) when Pid /= self() could return + an erroneous result. + * ssl: Maximize compatibility by ignoring change_cipher_spec + during handshake even if middle_box_mode is not negotiated + (mandated by client) + * ssl: Move assert of middlebox message after an + hello_retry_request to maximize interoperability. Does not + changes semantics of the protocol only allows unexpected + message delay from server. + * ssh: With this change, ssh application does not crash when + formatting some of info reports for unsuccessful connections. + * ssh: With this change, ssh does not log extensively long + messages. + * inets: Ensure graceful shutdown + * inets: Return type of the type specification for function + httpc:cookie_header/{1,2,3} has been fixed from -spec + cookie_header(url()) -> [{ field(), value() }] | {error, + Reason} to -spec cookie_header(url()) -> { field(), value() } | + {error, Reason} +- Changes for 25.2.2: + * ftp: Fixes calls to ftp:nlist/2 returning {error, epath} when + the file / folder exists +- Changes for 25.2.1: + * compiler: Fixed a bug that could cause legal code to fail + validation. + * compiler: Eliminated a rare crash in the beam_types module. + * erts: Fixed a bug in selective receive optimization that could + crash 32-bit emulators. + * erts: A race condition which was very rarely triggered could + cause the signal queue of a process to become inconsistent + causing the runtime system to crash. + * kernel: The tcp connect option 'bind_to_device' could not be + used with inet_backend = 'socket'. 'inet' requires value type + binarry() and 'socket' requires value type 'string()'. + * kernel: Minor issue processing options when calling + gen_tcp:connect with a sockaddr() and inet_backend = socket. + * common_test: Change timeout to infinity for gen_server calls in + cth_log_redirect + * inets: fixes a missing case of the type specification for + httpd:info/2/3/4 + * snmp: Single threaded agent crash when vacm table not properly + initiated. + +- Changes for 25.2: + * erts: Fix perf/gdb JIT symbols to not contain CodeInfoPrologue + for the JIT internal module erts_beamasm. + * erts: Fixed minor memory leaks. + * erts: Fix bugs in ets:insert and ets:insert_new when called + with a list of tuples to insert while a concurrent process + either deletes or renames the table. The table deletion could + be done with ets:delete/1 or be caused by termination of the + table owning process. Symptoms are either VM crash or strange + incorrect behavior from the insert operation. The risk of + triggering the bugs increases with the length of the list of + tuple to insert. Bugs exist since OTP 23.0. + * erts: Boost execution of scheduled thread progress jobs. This + to prevent memory exhaustion in extremely rapid + allocation/deallocation scenarios, such as repeated ETS table + creations/deletions. + * erts: Fix segv crash during crash dumping an ETS table doing + ets:delete_all_objects. + * erts: Spec for function net:if_names/0 incorrect + * erts: Fix bug in binary_to_term decoding a binary term 2Gbyte + or larger. + * erts: Documentation of erlang:module_loaded/1 has been + adjusted: + * erts: Fix list_to_atom/1 for negative code points. Could either + return with a positive code point or fail with an incorrect + exception. + * erts: Fix rare bug causing VM crash when sending to a pid of a + spawning process returned from erlang:processes/0. Only seen + when provoked by system process literal_area_collector, + triggered by a module purge operation, on a VM started with + +Meamin (no customized allocators). + * erts: gen_udp:open/2 with option(s) add_membership or + drop_membership would drop earlier options. + * erts: The inet:setopts/2 {reuseaddr, true} option will now be + ignored on Windows unless the socket is an UDP socket. For more + information see the documentation of the reuseaddr option part + of the documentation of inet:setopts/2. Prior to OTP 25 the + {reuseaddr, true} option was ignored for all sockets on + Windows, but as of OTP 25.0 this was changed so that it was not + ignored for any sockets. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * erts: Fix bug in binary_to_term decoding a list of length 1G or + longer. + * erts: Fix bug in binary_to_term (and distributed receive) when + decoding a large map (>32 keys) with unsorted small maps (<= + 32) as keys of the large map. This was only a problem if the + term was encoded by erl_interface, jinterface or otherwise, as + the VM itself always encodes small maps with sorted keys. The + "binary_to_term" would appear as successful but the created + large map was internally inconsistent. The smaller key-maps + could not be found with maps:get and friends. Other operations + such as map compare and merge could probably also give + incorrect results. + * erts: Fix Windows bug in open_port({spawn, Command}, ..) when + Command is found via the OS search PATH and that directory path + contains white spaces. The port program would start but the + command line arguments to it could be incorrect. + * ftp: fix unexpected result ok when calling ftp:nlist repeatedly + * inets: This change allows body requests to httpc:request/5 be + an iolist() + * inets: addition of type specs in httpc.erl + * inets: httpc: Add support for HTTP 308 status code + * dialyzer: Dialyzer would crash when attempting to analyze a bit + syntax segment size having an literal non-integer size such as + []. + * dialyzer: Dialyzer could crash when trying to analyze a + convoluted nested expression involving funs, + * kernel: Fixed shutdown crash in gen_tcp socket backend, when + the other end closed the socket. + * kernel: erl_tar can now read gzip-compressed tar files that are + padded. There is a new option compressed_one for file:open/2 + that will read a single member from a gzip file, + * kernel: Fix os:cmd to not translate all exceptions thrown to + badarg. For example emfile from erlang:open_port was translated + to badarg. This bug has existed since Erlang/OTP 24. + * kernel: Spec for function net:if_names/0 incorrect + * kernel: Missing ctrl option name transation for TOS and TTL (on + FreeBSD) when using gen_udp with the 'socket' inet_backend. + * kernel: gen_udp:open/2 with option(s) add_membership or + drop_membership would drop earlier options. + * kernel: The inet:setopts/2 {reuseaddr, true} option will now be + ignored on Windows unless the socket is an UDP socket. For more + information see the documentation of the reuseaddr option part + of the documentation of inet:setopts/2. Prior to OTP 25 the + {reuseaddr, true} option was ignored for all sockets on + Windows, but as of OTP 25.0 this was changed so that it was not + ignored for any sockets. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * kernel: The distribution socket option handling in + inet_tcp_dist has been cleaned up to clarify which were + mandatory and which just had default values. + * kernel: Improve warning message format for gen_tcp_socket. + * snmp: Explicitly close the socket(s) when terminating + (default-) net-if process. + * stdlib: erl_tar can now read gzip-compressed tar files that are + padded. There is a new option compressed_one for file:open/2 + that will read a single member from a gzip file, + * stdlib: A concurrent call to ets:rename could cause + ets:delete_all_objects to fail halfway through with badarg. + * stdlib: It is not allowed to call functions from guards. The + compiler failed to reject a call in a guard when done by + constructing a record with a default initialization expression + that called a function. + * stdlib: The compiler could crash when using a record with + complex field initialization expression as a filter in a list + comprehension. + * stdlib: unicode:characters_to_binary() could build + unnecessarily large call stack. + * stdlib: Improve error message for ets:new/2 name clash. Say + "name already exists" instead of less specific "invalid + options". + * mnesia: Fixed crash which could happen during startup if too + many decisions where sent from remote nodes. + * os_mon: The disk_space_check_interval configuration parameter + of disksup can now be set to values smaller than a minute. + * ssh: graceful shutdown of ssh_conection_handler when connection + is closed by peer + * common_test: Fix starting of peer nodes on old releases when + the compile server was active and the current Erlang + installation contained non-latin1 characters in its path. + * public_key: Disregard LDAP URIs when HTTP URIs are expected. + * ssl: With this change, tls_sender process is hibernated after + sufficient inactivity. + * ssl: Correct handling of legacy schemes so that ECDSA certs + using sha1 may be used for some TLS-1.3 configurations. + * ssl: With this change, tls_sender does not cause logger crash + upon key update. + * ssl: Enhance warning message + * ssl: Provide server option to make certificate_authorities + extension in the TLS-1.3 servers certificate request optional. + This will allow clients to send incomplete chains that may be + reconstructable and thereby verifiable by the server, but that + would not adhere to the certificate_authorities extension. + * ssl: If the verify_fun handles four arguments the DER cert will + be supplied as one of the arguments. + * megaco: A very minor improvement to the measurement tool. + * observer: A WX event race could causes a crash in when handling + socket or port info. + * observer: Improve the nodes menu to include more nodes. + * compiler: Line number in compiler messages would be truncated + to 4 digits for line numbers greater than 9999. + * compiler: In rare circumstance, matching a binary as part of a + receive clause could cause the compiler to terminate because of + an internal consistency check failure. + * compiler: Compiling a function with complex bit syntax matching + such as f(<>, <>) -> ok. could crash the + compiler. + * compiler: It is not allowed to call functions from guards. The + compiler failed to reject a call in a guard when done by + constructing a record with a default initialization expression + that called a function. + * compiler: The compiler could crash when using a record with + complex field initialization expression as a filter in a list + comprehension. + * wx: Added environment variable WX_MACOS_NON_GUI_APP to allow + user to override OSXIsGUIApplication behavior. + +- Changes for 25.1.2: + * mnesia: Don't fill the logs if mnesia can't connect to all + nodes, due to partitioned network. + * erts: Add abandon carrier free utilization limit (+Muacful) + option to erts_alloc. This option allows the user to mark + unused segments in a memory carrier as re-useable by the OS if + needed. This functionality was a non-configurable default + before Erlang/OTP 25, but removed due to performance issues. + +- Changes for 25.1.1: + * dialyzer: Dialyzer could crash when analyzing Elixir code that + used intricate macros. + * dialyzer: The --input_list_file option has been added. + * ssl: Fixes handling of symlinks in cacertfile option. + * eunit: With this change, eunit exact_execution option works + with application primitive. + * stdlib: peer nodes failed to halt when the process supervising + the control connection crashed. When an alternative control + connection was used, this supervision process also quite + frequently crashed when the peer node was stopped by the node + that started it which caused the peer node to linger without + ever halting. + * asn1: For the per and uper ASN.1 encoding rules, encoding and + decoding the SEQUENCE OF and SET OF constructs with 16384 items + or more is now supported. + * erts: Listen sockets created with the socket module, leaked + (erlang-) monitors. + * erts: Notifications about available distribution data sent to + distribution controller processes could be lost. Distribution + controller processes can be used when implementing an + alternative distribution carrier. The default distribution over + tcp was not effected and the bug was also not present on + x86/x86_64 platforms. + * kernel: Listen sockets created with the socket module, leaked + (erlang-) monitors. + * kernel: peer nodes failed to halt when the process supervising + the control connection crashed. When an alternative control + connection was used, this supervision process also quite + frequently crashed when the peer node was stopped by the node + that started it which caused the peer node to linger without + ever halting. +- Changes for 25.1: + * dialyzer: Two bugs have been fixed in Dialyzer's checking of + behaviors: When a mandatory callback function is present but + not exported, Dialyzer would not complain about a missing + callback. When an optional callback function was not exported + and had incompatible arguments and/or the return values were + incompatible, Dialyzer would complain. This has been changed to + suppress the warning, because the function might not be + intended to be a callback function, for instance if a release + added a new optional callback function (such as format_status/1 + for the gen_server behaviour added in OTP 25). + * dialyzer: The no_extra_return and no_missing_return warnings + can now be suppressed through -dialyzer directives in source + code. + * jinterface: Fix javadoc build error by adding option -encoding + UTF-8. + * diameter: There is a new configure option, --enable- + deterministic-build, which will apply the deterministic + compiler option when building Erlang/OTP. The deterministic + option has been improved to eliminate more sources of non- + determinism in several applications. + * crypto: Fix configure with --with-ssl and --disable-dynamic- + ssl-lib on Windows. + * crypto: Remove all references correctly in the garbage + collection if an engine handle was not explicit unloaded. + * crypto: Changed the behaviour of the engine load/unload + functions The engine load/unload functions have got changed + semantics to get a more consistent behaviour and work correct + when variables are garbage collected. The load functions now + don't register the methods for the engine to replace. That will + now be handled with the new functions + engine_register/engine_unregister if needed. Some functions are + removed from the documentation and therefor the API, but they + are left in the code for compatibility. *** POTENTIAL + INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * crypto: Fixed a naming bug for AES-CFB and Blowfish-CFB/OFB + when linked with OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib. + * crypto: Sign/verify does now behave as in OTP-24 and earlier + for eddsa. + * crypto: Pass elliptic curve names from crypto.erl to crypto's + nif. + * crypto: The configure option --disable-deprecated-warnings is + removed. It was used for some releases when the support for + OpenSSL 3.0 was not completed. It is not needed in OTP 25. + * crypto: Crypto is now considered to be usable with the OpenSSL + 3.0 cryptolib for production code. ENGINE and FIPS are not yet + fully functional. + * crypto: Do not exit if the legacy provider is missing in + libcrypto 3.0. + * ssl: Reject unexpected application data in all relevant places + for all TLS versions. Also, handle TLS-1.3 middlebox + compatibility with more care. This will make malicious + connections fail early and further, mitigate possible DoS + attacks, that would be caught by the handshake timeout. Thanks + to Aina Toky Rasoamanana and Olivier Levillain from Télécom + SudParis for alerting us of the issues in our implementation. + * ssl: With this change, value of cacertfile option will be + adjusted before loading certs from the file. Adjustments + include converting relative paths to absolute and converting + symlinks to actual file path. Thanks to Marcus Johansson + * ssl: In TLS-1.3, if chain certs are missing (so server auth + domain adherence can not be determined) send peer cert and hope + the server is able to recreate a chain in its auth domain. + * ssl: Make sure periodical refresh of CA certificate files + repopulates cache properly. + * ssl: Correct internal CRL cache functions to use internal + format consistently. + * ssl: Incorrect handling of client middlebox negotiation for + TLS-1.3 could result in that a TLS-1.3 server would not use + middlebox mode although the client was expecting it too and + failing the negotiation with unexpected message. + * ssl: If the "User" process, the process starting the TLS + connection, gets killed in the middle of spawning the dynamic + connection tree make sure we do not leave any processes behind. + * ssl: A vulnerability has been discovered and corrected. It is + registered as CVE-2022-37026 "Client Authentication Bypass". + Corrections have been released on the supported tracks with + patches,, and 25.0.2. The vulnerability + might also exist in older OTP versions. We recommend that + impacted users upgrade to one of these versions or later on the + respective tracks. OTP 25.1 would be an even better choice. + Impacted are those who are running an ssl/tls/dtls server using + the ssl application either directly or indirectly via other + applications. For example via inets (httpd), cowboy, etc. Note + that the vulnerability only affects servers that request client + certification, that is sets the option {verify, verify_peer}. + (bsc#1205318) + * eunit: With this change, Eunit can optionally not try to + execute related module with "_tests" suffix. This might be used + for avoiding duplicated executions when source and test modules + are located in the same folder. + * erl_docgen: Update DTD to allow XML tag em under pre. + * inets: Add httpc:ssl_verify_host_options/1 to help setting + default ssl options for the https client. + * inets: This change fixes dialyzer warnings generated for + inets/httpd examples (includes needed adjustment of spec for + ssh_sftp module). + * inets: Remove documentation of no longer supported callback. + * stdlib: Fixed inconsistency bugs in global due to + nodeup/nodedown messages not being delivered before/after + traffic over connections. Also fixed various other + inconsistency bugs and deadlocks in both global_group and + global. As building blocks for these fixes, a new BIF + erlang:nodes/2 has been introduced and + net_kernel:monitor_nodes/2 has been extended. The -hidden and + - connect_all command line arguments did not work if multiple + instances were present on the command line which has been + fixed. The new kernel parameter connect_all has also been + introduced in order to replace the -connect_all command line + argument. + * stdlib: Fix the public_key:ssh* functions to be listed under + the correct release in the Removed Functionality User's Guide. + * stdlib: The type spec for format_status/1 in gen_statem, + gen_server and gen_event has been corrected to state that the + return value is of the same type as the argument (instead of + the same value as the argument). + * stdlib: If the timer server child spec was already present in + kernel_sup but it was not started, the timer server would fail + to start with an {error, already_present} error instead of + restarting the server. + * stdlib: When changing callback module in gen_statem the + state_enter calls flag from the old module was used in for the + first event in the new module, which could confuse the new + module and cause malfunction. This bug has been corrected. With + this change some sys debug message formats have been modified, + which can be a problem for debug code relying on the format. + * ** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * stdlib: There is a new configure option, --enable- + deterministic-build, which will apply the deterministic + compiler option when building Erlang/OTP. The deterministic + option has been improved to eliminate more sources of non- + determinism in several applications. + * stdlib: The rfc339_to_system_time/1,2 functions now allows the + minutes part to be omitted from the time zone. + * stdlib: The receive statement in gen_event has been optimized + to not use selective receive (which was never needed, and could + cause severe performance degradation under heavy load). + * stdlib: Add new API function erl_features:configurable/0 + * parsetools: There is a new configure option, --enable- + deterministic-build, which will apply the deterministic + compiler option when building Erlang/OTP. The deterministic + option has been improved to eliminate more sources of non- + determinism in several applications. + * public_key: Support more Linux distributions in cacerts_load/0. + * public_key: Correct asn1 typenames available in type + pki_asn1_type() + * public_key: Sign/verify does now behave as in OTP-24 and + earlier for eddsa. + * snmp: Improved the get-bulk response max size calculation. Its + now possible to configure 'empty pdu size', see appendix c for + more info. + * snmp: Fix various example dialyzer issues + * ssh: Handling rare race condition at channel close. + * ssh: New ssh option no_auth_needed to skip the ssh + authentication. Use with caution! + * ssh: This change fixes dialyzer warnings generated for + inets/httpd examples (includes needed adjustment of spec for + ssh_sftp module). + * ssh: The new function ssh:daemon_replace_options/2 makes it + possible to change the Options in a running SSH server. + Established connections are not affected, only those created + after the call to this new function. + * ssh: Add a timeout as option max_initial_idle_time. It closes a + connection that does not allocate a channel within the timeout + time. For more information about timeouts, see the Timeouts + section in the User's Guide Hardening chapter. + * observer: Fixed units in gui. + * xmerl: There is a new configure option, --enable-deterministic- + build, which will apply the deterministic compiler option when + building Erlang/OTP. The deterministic option has been improved + to eliminate more sources of non-determinism in several + applications. + * asn1: There is a new configure option, --enable-deterministic- + build, which will apply the deterministic compiler option when + building Erlang/OTP. The deterministic option has been improved + to eliminate more sources of non-determinism in several + applications. + * erts: Fixed inconsistency bugs in global due to nodeup/nodedown + messages not being delivered before/after traffic over + connections. Also fixed various other inconsistency bugs and + deadlocks in both global_group and global. As building blocks + for these fixes, a new BIF erlang:nodes/2 has been introduced + and net_kernel:monitor_nodes/2 has been extended. The -hidden + and -connect_all command line arguments did not work if + multiple instances were present on the command line which has + been fixed. The new kernel parameter connect_all has also been + introduced in order to replace the -connect_all command line + argument. + * erts: Fixed IPv6 multicast_if and membership socket options. + * erts: Accept funs (NEW_FUN_EXT) with incorrectly encoded size + field. This is a workaround for a bug (OTP-18104) existing in + OTP 23 and 24 that could cause incorrect size fields in certain + cases. The emulator does not use the decoded size field, but + erl_interface still does and is not helped by this workaround. + * erts: Fixed issue with inet:getifaddrs hanging on pure IPv6 + Windows + * erts: Fix faulty distribution encoding of terms with either The + symptom could be failed decoding on the receiving side leading + to aborted connection. Fix OTP-18093 is a workaround for theses + bugs that makes the VM accepts such faulty encoded funs. The + first encoding bug toward pending connection exists only in OTP + 23 and 24, but the second one exists also on OTP 25. + * erts: Fixed emulator crash that could happen during crashdump + generation of ETS tables with options ordered_set and + {write_concurrency,true}. + * erts: Retrieval of monotonic and system clock resolution on + MacOS could cause a crash and/or erroneous results. + * erts: Fix bug where the max allowed size of erl +hmax was lower + than what was allowed by process_flag. + * erts: On computers with ARM64 (AArch64) processors, the JIT + could generate incorrect code when more than 4095 bits were + skipped at the tail end of a binary match. + * erts: In rare circumstances, an is_binary/1 guard test could + succeed when given a large integer. + * erts: Fix bug causing ets:info (and sometimes ets:whereis) to + return 'undefined' for an existing table if a concurrent + process were doing ets:insert with a long list on the same + table. + * erts: Fix writing and reading of more than 2 GB in a single + read/write operation on macOS. Before this fix attempting to + read/write more than 2GB would result in {error,einval}. + * erts: Fix bug sometimes causing emulator crash at node shutdown + when there are pending connections. Only seen when running duel + distribution protocols, inet_drv and inet_tls_dist. + * erts: Yield when adjusting large process message queues due to + The message queue adjustment work will now be interleaved with + all other types of work that processes have to do, even other + message queue adjustment work. + * erts: Add rudimentary debug feature (option) for the inet- + driver based sockets, such as gen_tcp and gen_udp. + * erts: Introduced the hidden and dist_listen options to + net_kernel:start/2. Also documented the -dist_listen command + line argument which was erroneously documented as a kernel + parameter and not as a command line argument. + * erts: New documentation chapter "Debugging NIFs and Port + Drivers" under Interoperability Tutorial. + * erts: Add new API function erl_features:configurable/0 + * kernel: Fixed inconsistency bugs in global due to + nodeup/nodedown messages not being delivered before/after + traffic over connections. Also fixed various other + inconsistency bugs and deadlocks in both global_group and + global. As building blocks for these fixes, a new BIF + erlang:nodes/2 has been introduced and + net_kernel:monitor_nodes/2 has been extended. The -hidden and + - connect_all command line arguments did not work if multiple + instances were present on the command line which has been + fixed. The new kernel parameter connect_all has also been + introduced in order to replace the -connect_all command line + argument. + * kernel: Fixed IPv6 multicast_if and membership socket options. + * kernel: Fixed issue with inet:getifaddrs hanging on pure IPv6 + Windows + * kernel: The type specifications for inet:getopts/2 and + inet:setopts/2 have been corrected regarding SCTP options. + * kernel: The type specifications for inet:parse_* have been + tightened. + * kernel: Fix gen_tcp:connect/3 spec to include the inet_backend + option. + * kernel: Fix bug where using a binary as the format when calling + logger:log(Level, Format, Args) (or any other logging function) + would cause a crash or incorrect logging. + * kernel: Add rudimentary debug feature (option) for the inet- + driver based sockets, such as gen_tcp and gen_udp. + * kernel: Introduced the hidden and dist_listen options to + net_kernel:start/2. Also documented the -dist_listen command + line argument which was erroneously documented as a kernel + parameter and not as a command line argument. + * kernel: Scope and group monitoring have been introduced in pg. + For more information see the documentation of + pg:monitor_scope(), pg:monitor(), and pg:demonitor(). + * kernel: A new function global:disconnect/0 has been introduced + with which one can cleanly disconnect a node from all other + nodes in a cluster of global nodes. + * compiler: The compiler will now forbid using the empty atom '' + as module name. Also forbidden are modules names containing + control characters, and module names containing only spaces and + soft hyphens. + * compiler: The bin_opt_info and recv_opt_info options would + cause the compiler to crash when attempting to compile + generated code without location information. + * compiler: In rare circumstances involving floating point + operations, the compiler could terminate with an internal + consistency check failure. + * compiler: In rare circumstances when doing arithmetic + instructions on non-numbers, the compiler could crash. + * compiler: In rare circumstances, complex boolean expressions in + nested cases could cause the compiler to crash. + * compiler: Expression similar to #{assoc:=V} = #key=>self()}, V + would return the empty map instead of raising an exception. + * compiler: Eliminated a crash in the beam_ssa_bool pass of the + compiler when compiling a complex guard expression. + * compiler: In rare circumstances, the compiler could crash with + an internal consistency check failure. + * compiler: When compiling with the option inline_list_funcs, the + compiler could produce a nonsensical warning. + * compiler: When given the no_ssa_opt option, the compiler could + terminate with an internal consistency failure diagnostic when + compiling map matching. + * compiler: Made warnings for existing atoms being keywords in + experimental features more precise, by not warning about quoted + atoms. + * compiler: There is a new configure option, --enable- + deterministic-build, which will apply the deterministic + compiler option when building Erlang/OTP. The deterministic + option has been improved to eliminate more sources of non- + determinism in several applications. + * megaco: Fixed various dialyzer related issues in the examples + and the application proper. + * megaco: There is a new configure option, --enable- + deterministic-build, which will apply the deterministic + compiler option when building Erlang/OTP. The deterministic + option has been improved to eliminate more sources of non- + determinism in several applications. + * common_test: Fix cth_surefire to handle when a suite is not + compiled with debug_info. This bug has been present since + Erlang/OTP 25.0. + * common_test: Common Test now preserves stack traces for throws. + +- Changes for 25.0.4: + * kernel: A call to net_kernel:setopts(new, Opts) at the same + time as a connection was being set up could cause a deadlock + between the net_kernel process and the process setting up the + connection. + * erts: The monitor/3 BIF did not apply options to the created + monitor if the target process or port did not exist. That is, + the corresponding down message would get a `DOWN` tag even if a + custom tag had been set, and the returned reference was not an + alias even if the alias option had been passed. + * erts: The erlang:monotonic_time/1, erlang:system_time/1, + erlang:time_offset/1, and os:system_time/1 BIFs erroneously + failed when passed the argument native. + +- Changes for 25.0.3: + * erts: Distributed exit signals could be lost under the + following conditions: + * erts: A race could cause process_info(Pid, message_queue_len) + on other processes to return invalid results. + * erts: Fixed reduction counting for handling process system + tasks. + * erts: Priority elevation of terminating processes did not work + which could cause execution of such processes to be delayed. + * erts: An unlink operation made by a process that terminated + before the unlink operation completed, i.e., before it had + received an unlink-ack signal from the linked process, caused + an exit signal to erroneously be sent from the terminating + process to the process being unlinked. This exit signal would + most often be ignored by the receiver, but if the receiver of + the exit signal concurrently set up a new link, it could + receive the exit signal with the actual exit reason of the + terminating process instead of a noproc exit reason. It is + however very hard to detect that this has happened and has no + obvious negative consequences, so it should be considered + harmless. A distributed unlink-ack signal received by a + terminating process was also not properly removed which could + cause a minor memory leak. + * ssl: The link to crypto:engine_load refered the function with + wrong arity. + +- Changes for 25.0.2: + * ssl: Improved handling of unexpected messages during the + handshake, taking the right action for unexpected messages. + * erts: On computers with the ARM64 (AArch64) architecture (such + as Apple Silicon Macs) a rem expression followed by a div + expression with the same operands could evaluate to the wrong + result if the result of the rem expression was unused. +- Changes for 25.0.1: + * ssl: When a TLS-1.3 enabled client tried to talk to a TLS-1.2 + server that coalesces TLS-1.2 handshake message over one TLS + record, the connection could fail due to some message being + handled in the wrong state, this has been fixed. + * ssl: Correctly handles supported protocol version change from + default to something else by sni_fun supplied to + ssl:handshake/[2,3] together with a TCP-socket (so called + upgrade). + * ssl: Also, TLS-1.3 should respond with a protocol version alert + if previous versions, that are supported but not configured, + are attempted. + * kernel: The DNS resolver inet_res has been fixed to ignore + trailing dot difference in the request domain between the sent + request and the received response, when validating a response. + * kernel: A bug in inet_res has been fixed where a missing + internal {ok,_} wrapper caused inet_res:resolve/* to return a + calculated host name instead of an `{ok,Msg} tuple, when + resolving an IP address or a host name that is an IP address + string. + * kernel: The erlang:is_alive() BIF could return true before + configured distribution service was available. This bug was + introduced in OTP 25.0 ERTS version 13.0. The + erlang:monitor_node() and erlang:monitor() BIFs could + erroneously fail even though configured distribution service + was available. This occurred if these BIFs were called after + the distribution had been started using dynamic node name + assignment but before the name had been assigned. + * kernel: Added the missing mandatory address/0 callback in the + gen_tcp_dist example. + * erts: A spawn_reply signal from a remote node could be delayed + and be delivered after other signals from the newly spawned + process. When this bug triggered, the connection to the node + where the process was spawned sometimes could be taken down due + to the bug. The following error message would then be logged if + this happened: Missing 'spawn_reply' signal from the node + detected by on the node . The + node probably suffers from the bug with ticket id + OTP-17737. This bug only affected processes which had enabled + off_heap message_queue_data and parallel reception of signals + had been automatically enabled. This bug was introduced in OTP + 25.0, ERTS version 13.0. + * erts: Fixed type spec of erlang:system_info(dist_ctrl). + * erts: The zlib built in to the runtime system has been updated + to version 1.2.12. (Note that on most platforms, the platform's + own zlib is used.) + * erts: The erlang:is_alive() BIF could return true before + configured distribution service was available. This bug was + introduced in OTP 25.0 ERTS version 13.0. The + erlang:monitor_node() and erlang:monitor() BIFs could + erroneously fail even though configured distribution service + was available. This occurred if these BIFs were called after + the distribution had been started using dynamic node name + assignment but before the name had been assigned. + * crypto: Note in the documentation that MODP (rfc3526) groups + and OpenSSL 3.0 can give an error if a call to + crypto:generate_key/2 specifies a key length, and that length + is to small. + * crypto: The cmac now uses only the 3.0 API + * crypto: Documentation is now updated with which OpenSSL + cryptolib versions that OTP currently is tested. + * dialyzer: Fixed the documentation for the missing_return and + extra_return options. + * mnesia: Fixed add_table_copy which could leave a table lock if + the receiving node went down during the operation. + * ssh: Binaries can be limited in logs with the parameter + max_log_item_len. The default value is 500 bytes. + * stdlib: In the initial release of Erlang/OTP 25, the expression + bound to the _ pseudo-field in a record initialization would + always be evaluated once, even if all other fields in the + record were explicitly initialized. That would break the use + case of binding the expression error(...) to _ in order to get + an exception if not all fields were initialized. The behavior + of binding to _ has been reverted to the pre-OTP 25 behavior, + that is, to not evaluate the expression if all fields have been + bound to explicit values. + +- Version 25.0: + - stdlib + * New function filelib:ensure_path/1 will ensure that all + directories for the given path exists + * New functions groups_from_list/2 and groups_from_list/3 in + the maps module + * New functions uniq/1 uniq/2 in the lists module + * New PRNG added to the rand module, for fast pseudo-random + numers. + - compiler, kernel, stdlib, syntax_tools: + * Added support for selectable features as described in EEP-60. + Features can be enabled/disabled during compilation with + options (ordinary and +term) to erlc as well as with + directives in the file. Similar options can be used to erl + for enabling/disabling features allowed at runtime. The new + maybe expression EEP-49 is fully supported as the feature + maybe_expr. + - erts & JIT: + * The JIT now works for 64-bit ARM processors. + * The JIT now does type-based optimizations based on type + information in the BEAM files. + * Improved the JIT’s support for external tools like perf and + gdb, allowing them to show line numbers and even the original + Erlang source code when that can be found. + - erts, stdlib, kernel: + * Users can now configure ETS tables with the + {write_concurrency, auto} option. This option forces tables + to automatically change the number of locks that are used at + run-time depending on how much concurrency is detected. The + {decentralized_counters, true} option is enabled by default + when {write_concurrency, auto} is active. + * Benchmark results comparing this option with the other ETS + optimization options are available here: benchmarks. + * To enable more optimizations, BEAM files compiled with OTP 21 + and earlier cannot be loaded in OTP 25. + * The signal queue of a process with the process flag + message_queue_data=off_heap has been optimized to allow + parallel reception of signals from multiple processes. This + can improve performance when many processes are sending in + parallel to one process. See benchmark. + * The Erlang installation directory is now relocatable on the + file system given that the paths in the installation’s + RELEASES file are paths that are relative to the + installations root directory. + * A new option called short has been added to the functions + erlang:float_to_list/2 and erlang:float_to_binary/2. This + option creates the shortest correctly rounded string + representation of the given float that can be converted back + to the same float again. + * Introduction of quote/1 and unquote/1 functions in the + uri_string module - a replacement for the deprecated + functions http_uri:encode and http_uri:decode. + * The new module peer supersedes the slave module. The slave + module is now deprecated and will be removed in OTP 27. + * global will now by default prevent overlapping partitions due + to network issues. This is done by actively disconnecting + from nodes that reports that they have lost connections to + other nodes. This will cause fully connected partitions to + form instead of leaving the network in a state with + overlapping partitions. + * It is possible to turn off the new behavior by setting the + the kernel configuration parameter + prevent_overlapping_partitions to false. Doing this will + retain the same behavior as in OTP 24 and earlier. + * The format_status/2 callback for gen_server, gen_statem and + gen_event has been deprecated in favor of the new + format_status/1 callback. + * The new callback adds the possibility to limit and change + many more things than the just the state. + * The timer module has been modernized and made more efficient, + which makes the timer server less susceptible to being + overloaded. The timer:sleep/1 function now accepts an + arbitrarily large integer. + - compiler: + * The maybe ... end construction as proposed in EEP-49 has been + implemented. It can simplify complex code where otherwise + deeply nested cases would have to be used. + * To enable maybe, give the option {enable_feature,maybe_expr} + to the compiler. The exact option to use will change in a + coming release candidate and then it will also be possible to + use from inside the module being compiled. + * When a record matching or record update fails, a {badrecord, + ExpectedRecordTag} exception used to be raised. In this + release, the exception has been changed to {badrecord, + ActualValue}, where ActualValue is the value that was found + instead of the expected record. + * Add compile attribute -nifs() to empower compiler and loader + with information about which functions may be overridden as + NIFs by erlang:load_nif/2. + * Improved and more detailed error messages when binary + construction with the binary syntax fails. This applies both + for error messages in the shell and for + erl_error:format_exception/3,4. + * Change format of feature options and directives for better + consistency. Options to erlc and the -compile(..) directive + now has the format {feature, feature-name, enable | disable}. + The -feature(..) now has the format -feature(feature-name, + enable | disable). + - crypto: + * Add crypto:hash_equals/2 which is a constant time comparision + of hashvalues. + - ssl: + * Introducing a new (still experimental) option + {certs_keys,[cert_key_conf()]}. With this a list of a + certificates with their associated key may be used to + authenticate the client or the server. The certificate key + pair that is considered best and matches negotiated + parameters for the connection will be selected. + - public_key: + * Functions for retrieving OS provided CA-certs added. + - dialyzer: + * Optimize operations in the erl_types module. Parallelize the + Dialyzer pass remote. + * Added the missing_return and extra_return options to raise + warnings when specifications differ from inferred types. + These are similar to, but not quite as verbose as overspecs + and underspecs. + * Dialyzer now better understands the types for min/2, max/2, + and erlang:raise/3. Because of that, Dialyzer can potentially + generate new warnings. In particular, functions that use + erlang:raise/3 could now need a spec with a no_return() + return type to avoid an unwanted warning. + +- Fix build for Factory. Currently, any Java version + is fine for Erlang. + +- Changes for 24.3.2: + * erl_interface: Fix compile error regarding gethostbyaddr_r on + Android. Error introduced in OTP 24.3. + * kernel: Fix failed accepted connection setup after previous + established connection from same node closed down silently. + * kernel: Fixed a problem where typing Ctrl-R in the shell could + hang if there were some problem with the history log file. +- Changes for 24.3.1: + * dialyzer: There could be spurious warnings for unknown types + when a type was a subtype of an existing type that was a + subtype of an unknown type. + * ssl: Client certification could fail for TLS-1.3 servers that + did not include the certificat_authorties extension in its + certificate request message. +- Changes for 24.3: + * megaco: The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM + files. There remained several undocumented functions that + attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those have now been + removed. + * megaco: Update the performance and debug chapters of the megaco + user's guide. Also some updates to the meas tools. + * compiler: The expression <<0/native-float>>=Bin would always + fail to match, while <<0/float-native>>=Bin would match + (provided that Bin contained the binary representation of 0.0) + * compiler: The compiler will now compile huge functions with + straight-line code faster. + * erl_interface: Add --enable-ei-dynamic-lib configure option + that will make erl_interface also release a dynamic library + version of libei. + * erl_interface: The ei API for decoding/encoding terms is not + fully 64-bit compatible since terms that have a representation + on the external term format larger than 2 GB cannot be handled. + * sasl: Fix bug in systools:make_script/1 documentation. + * inets: The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM + files. There remained several undocumented functions that + attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those have now been + removed. + * inets: Documentation fix for inets:services_info/0, which now + describes that Info might be a Reason term() in case when + {error, Reason} is returned as service info. + * crypto: The crypto app in OTP can since OTP-24.2 be compiled, + linked and used with the new OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib. The crypto + app has 3.0 support has been improved, but is still *not + recommended* for other usages than experiments and alpha + testing. There are not yet any guaranties that it works, not + even together with other OTP applications like for example SSL + and SSH, although there are no known errors. Since the previous + release, OTP-24.2, the following improvements have been done: - + It has been tested during nearly every nightly test on the OTP + lab - The hash algorithms md4 and ripemd160 have been enabled + with OpenSSL 3.0. - The ciphers blowfish_cbc, blowfish_ecb, + des_cbc, des_cfb, des_ecb, rc2_cbc and rc4 have been enabled + with OpenSSL 3.0. Disabled or unsupported with OpenSSL 3.0 are + still: - ENGINE support - FIPS mode - Other providers than the + built-in ones - Compiling and linking with OpenSSL 3.0 + cryptolib in compatibility modes (for example to behave as + 1.1.1) and, the ciphers blowfish_cfb64 and blowfish_ofb64 are + not supported and will not be either. Deprecated functions in + the OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib must not be disabled as OTP/crypto + still uses some of the deprecated API functions. The gcc flag + - Wno-deprecated-declarations is set to prevent deprecation + warnings to be printed when compiling. + * crypto: Crypto is adapted to LibreSSL 3.5.0 on OpenBSD. + * crypto: New configure option ( --disable-otp-test-engine) to + prohibit the build of the OTP test engine used in some test + suites. The reason is that the test engine could be hard to + compile on for instance LibreSSL 3.5.0. For that particular + cryptolib version (or higher), this configure option is set + automatically. + * jinterface: Fix bug in OtpOutputStream.write_pid/4 and + write_ref/3 causing faulty encodig. Bug exists since OTP 23.0. + * wx: Removed the static_data option from wxImage creation + functions, as it was broken and could lead to crashes. Now + image data is always copied to wxWidgets as was the default + behavior. Removed some non working wxGridEvent event types, + which have there own events in newer wxWidgets versions, and + added a couple of event types that where missing in wx. + * asn1: Add support for the maps option in combination with the + jer backend. + * snmp: The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM files. + There remained several undocumented functions that attempted to + retrieve compilation times. Those have now been removed. + * snmp: [agent] Remove expectation of socket being a port. + * common_test: OTP internal test fix. + * runtime_tools: Fixed bug in scheduler:utilization(Seconds) that + would leave the scheduler_wall_time system flag incorrectly + enabled. + * runtime_tools: Add scheduler:get_sample/0 and get_sample_all/0. + Also clarify scheduler module documentation about how it + depends on system flag scheduler_wall_time. + * erts: Fixed a bug in the x86 JIT that might cause floating + point instructions to wrongly throw an exception. + * erts: Preserve correct nodedown_reason if supervised + distribution controller processes exit with {shutdown, Reason}. + * erts: Handling of send_timeout for gen_tcp has been corrected + so that the timeout is honored also when sending 0 bytes. + * erts: By default global does not take any actions to restore a + fully connected network when connections are lost due to + network issues. This is problematic for all applications + expecting a fully connected network to be provided, such as for + example mnesia, but also for global itself. A network of + overlapping partitions might cause the internal state of global + to become inconsistent. Such an inconsistency can remain even + after such partitions have been brought together to form a + fully connected network again. The effect on other applications + that expects that a fully connected network is maintained may + vary, but they might misbehave in very subtle hard to detect + ways during such a partitioning. In order to prevent such + issues, we have introduced a prevent overlapping partitions fix + which can be enabled using the prevent_overlapping_partitions + kernel(6) parameter. When this fix has been enabled, global + will actively disconnect from nodes that reports that they have + lost connections to other nodes. This will cause fully + connected partitions to form instead of leaving the network in + a state with overlapping partitions. Note that this fix has to + be enabled on all nodes in the network in order to work + properly. Since this quite substantially changes the behavior, + this fix is currently disabled by default. Since you might get + hard to detect issues without this fix you are, however, + strongly advised to enable this fix in order to avoid issues + such as the ones described above. As of OTP 25 this fix will + become enabled by default. + * erts: Corrected the type specification of erlang:seq_trace/2. + * erts: Fix memory leak when tracing on running on a process that + only handle system tasks or non-message signals (for example + process_info requests). + * erts: Add support for using socket:sockaddr_in() and + socket:sockaddr_in6() when using gen_sctp, gen_tcp and gen_udp. + This will make it possible to use Link Local IPv6 addresses. + * erts: Show on_load failure reasons in embedded mode. + * erts: Compile date saved in the Erlang VM executable has been + removed. + * erts: Improve documentation for the dynamic node name feature. + * ssh: Fix makefile dependency bugs. + * ssh: Fixed faulty OpenSSH decoding of Ed25519/Ed448 keys in the + OpenSSH format openssh_key_v1. + * ssh: Correction of ssh_file typing, specially for the + experimental openssh-key-v1 encoding. + * ssh: Improper tag for private ED keys when encoding with + ssh:encode/2. The tuple had ed_priv as first element, but + should have had ed_pri. This is now corrected. *** POTENTIAL + INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * ssh: Add support for Ed25519/Ed448 SSH host keys in the RFC + 4716 format ("-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----") generated by for + example openssl or via Erlang functions (i.e. + public_key:generate_key({namedCurve, ed25519})). Ed25519 SSH + host keys generated by ssh-keygen was, and are still, + supported. + * kernel: Handling of send_timeout for gen_tcp has been corrected + so that the timeout is honored also when sending 0 bytes. + * kernel: By default global does not take any actions to restore + a fully connected network when connections are lost due to + network issues. This is problematic for all applications + expecting a fully connected network to be provided, such as for + example mnesia, but also for global itself. A network of + overlapping partitions might cause the internal state of global + to become inconsistent. Such an inconsistency can remain even + after such partitions have been brought together to form a + fully connected network again. The effect on other applications + that expects that a fully connected network is maintained may + vary, but they might misbehave in very subtle hard to detect + ways during such a partitioning. In order to prevent such + issues, we have introduced a prevent overlapping partitions fix + which can be enabled using the prevent_overlapping_partitions + kernel(6) parameter. When this fix has been enabled, global + will actively disconnect from nodes that reports that they have + lost connections to other nodes. This will cause fully + connected partitions to form instead of leaving the network in + a state with overlapping partitions. Note that this fix has to + be enabled on all nodes in the network in order to work + properly. Since this quite substantially changes the behavior, + this fix is currently disabled by default. Since you might get + hard to detect issues without this fix you are, however, + strongly advised to enable this fix in order to avoid issues + such as the ones described above. As of OTP 25 this fix will + become enabled by default. + * kernel: Fix bug where logger would crash when logging a report + including improper lists. + * kernel: Make erlang:set_cookie work for dynamic node names. + * kernel: Add support for using socket:sockaddr_in() and + socket:sockaddr_in6() when using gen_sctp, gen_tcp and gen_udp. + This will make it possible to use Link Local IPv6 addresses. + * kernel: A net_tickintensity kernel parameter has been + introduced. It can be used to control the amount of ticks + during a net_ticktime period. A new net_kernel:start/2 function + has also been introduced in order to make it easier to add new + options. The use of net_kernel:start/1 has been deprecated. + * kernel: Improve documentation for the dynamic node name + feature. + * erl_docgen: Fix css for large tables and images on small + screens + * erl_docgen: Fix bug with codeinclude tag that caused it to not + include the code if used in a correct, but unexpected way. + * observer: Calculate the display width in etop, instead of hard- + coding it to 89 characters. + * debugger: Fix record index matching, it was broken and could + never match. + * ssl: Improved error handling. + * ssl: Before this change, net_kernel used with TLS distribution + might be leaking processes in case of connectivity issues. + * ssl: Fix makefile dependency bugs. + * ssl: Make sure the TLS sender process handles explicit calls to + erlang:disconnect_node properly, avoiding potential hanging + problems in net_kernel. + * ssl: Add support for TLS-1.3 certificate_authorities extension. + And process certificate_authorities field in pre-TLS-1.3 + certificate requests. + * ssl: Support password fun for protected keyfiles in ssl:connect + function. + * ssl: Add in some cases earlier detection of possible DoS + attacks by malicious clients sending unexpected TLS messages + instead of the client hello. Note that such attacks are already + mitigated by providing a timeout for the TLS handshake. + * eldap: Fix eldap extensibleMatch dnAttributes option. According + to the ldap ASN1 the dnAttributes should be a bool, instead it + was generated as a string. + * eldap: Implemented paged searches according to https://www.rfc- + + * public_key: Support password fun for protected keyfiles in + ssl:connect function. + * stdlib: The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM + files. There remained several undocumented functions that + attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those have now been + removed. + * mnesia: Reduce the number of locks taken during table copying, + should reduce the startup time on large systems. + * diameter: The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM + files. There remained several undocumented functions that + attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those have now been + removed. + +- Changes for 24.2.2: + * inets: Avoid intermediate ungraceful shutdown of the HTTP + server. + * ssh: The ssh sever parallel_login option was missing in OTP-24 + +- Changes for 24.2.1: + * ssl: Improve SNI (server name indication) handling so that + protocol version can be selected with regards to SNI. Also, + make sure that ssl:connection_information/1 returns the correct + SNI value. + * ssl: Fixed cipher suite listing functions so that the listing + of all cipher suites will be complete. Another fix for cipher + suite handling in OTP-24.1 accidentally excludes a few cipher + suites from the listing of all cipher suites. + * ssl: Reenable legacy cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA + for explicit configuration in TLS-1.2, not supported by + default. + * ssl: Avoid unnecessary logs by better adjusting the tls_sender + process to the new supervisor structure in OTP-24.2 + * erts: Fixed a memory leak in file:read_file_info/2 and + file:read_file/1 on Windows. + * erts: Fix GC emulator crash when spawn_request was used when + message tracing was enabled. + +- Changes for 24.2: + * compiler: When the compiler is invoked by Dialyzer, it will no + longer apply an optimization of binary patterns that would turn + the pattern <<"bar">> into <<6447474:24>>, which would be very + confusing when printed out by Dialyzer. + * compiler: The compiler would replace known failing calls (such + as atom_to_list(42)) with a call to error(badarg). With the + extended error information introduced in OTP 24 (EEP 54), those + "optimized" calls would not have extended error information. To + ensure that as much extended error information as possible is + available, the compiler now keeps the original call even when + it is known to fail. + * sasl: Make release_handler even more resilient against exiting + processes during upgrade. Same kind of bug fix as OTP-16744 + released in sasl-4.0.1 (OTP 23.1). + * ssl: Allow re-connect on DTLS sockets Can happen when a + computer reboots and connects from the same client port without + the server noticing should be allowed according to RFC. + * ssl: Fix tls and non-tls distribution to use + erl_epmd:address_please to figure out if IPv4 or IPv6 addresses + should be used when connecting to the remote node. Before this + fix, a dns lookup of the remote node hostname determined which + IP version was to be used which meant that the hostname had to + resolve to a valid ip address. + * ssl: Use supervisor significant child to manage tls connection + process and tls sender process dependency. + * ssl: Random generation adjustment for TLS1.3 + * ssl: Allow any {03,XX} TLS record version in the client hello + for maximum interoperability + * mnesia: Documentation and minor code cleanup. + * common_test: Before this change, group handling grammar was + ambiguous and also group paths did not support test specs. + * common_test: Before this change, it was not possible to link to + a particular header entry in Common Test log. Change adds right + aligned anchor icons in HTML test logs. + * parsetools: The default parser include file for yecc (yeccpre) + will no longer crash when attempting to print tokens when + reporting an error. + * tools: Erlang-mode fixed for newer versions of xref using CL- + Lib structures instead of EIEIO classes. + * inets: Correct HTTP server URI handling to fully rely on + uri_string. The server could mistreat some URI paths that in + turn could result in incorrect responses being generated. + * inets: Extend header values to httpc:request/5 to allow + binary() as well. Make error detection of invalid arguments to + httpc:request/5 be more precise so an error is returned in more + cases instead of causing a hang or function_clause. Be more + precise in documentation regarding the types of arguments being + accepted. + * crypto: Fixed the C-warning "implicit declaration of function + 'OpenSSL_version_num'" if compiling with an early LibreSSL + version. + * crypto: FIPS availability was not checked correctly for AEAD + ciphers. + * crypto: Fixed that cipher aliases (like aes_cbc etc) could be + present even if the aliased cipher(s) (like aes_128_cbc, + aes_256_cbc,... etc) was missing. + * crypto: The crypto app in OTP can now be compiled, linked and + used with the new OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib. It has not yet been + extensively tested and is in this release *not recommended* for + other usages than experiments and alpha testing. There are not + yet any guaranties that it works, not even together with other + OTP applications like for example SSL and SSH, although there + are no known errors. Compiling and linking with OpenSSL 3.0 + cryptolib in compatibility modes (for example to behave as + 1.1.1) are not tested. It is not tested with external + providers. The support for FIPS mode does not yet work, and is + disabled when compiled with OpenSSL 3.0. Deprecated functions + in the OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib must not be disabled as OTP/crypto + still uses some of the deprecated API functions. The gcc flag + - Wno-deprecated-declarations is set to prevent deprecation + warnings to be printed when compiling. The hash algorithms md4 + and ripemd160 are disabled temporarily when compiled with + OpenSSL 3.0. The ciphers blowfish_cbc, blowfish_cfb64, + blowfish_ecb, blowfish_ofb64, des_cbc, des_cfb, des_ecb, + rc2_cbc and rc4 are disabled temporarily when compiled with + OpenSSL 3.0. + * crypto: The error handling in crypto is partly refactored using + the new error reporting support. Errors earlier propagated like + exceptions are still so, but when the failing function is + called from the terminal - for example during failure hunting - + a more descriptive text is produced. + * crypto: A new function crypto:info/0 which presents some data + about the compilation and linkage of the crypto nif is added. + * crypto: Added the pbkdf2_hmac/5 function to the crypto module. + It calls the PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC function which implements PBKD2 + with HMAC in an efficient way. + * stdlib: Fix rendering of nbsp on terminals that do not support + unicode. + * stdlib: Improved the erl_error printout for when re fails to + compile a regular expression to also print hints about why the + compilation failed. + * stdlib: Fixed spec for supervisor_bridge:start_link(). + * stdlib: Added missing shutdown clauses in supervisor which + could cause erroneous error reports. + * stdlib: Add the no_auto_import_types to erl_lint to allow a + module to define types of the same name as a predefined type. + * erts: When matching and constructing utf16 segments in the + binary syntax, the native flag would be ignored. That is, the + endian would always be big endian even on a little-endian + computer (almost all modern computers). + * erts: Fix the help printout of +JPperf. + * erts: Fix bug that could cause Erlang to deadlock during + creation of an Erlang crash dump. + * erts: Fixed C++ build errors on some aarch64 platforms. + * erts: For macOS, the Info.plist file embedded in the runtime + system now only contains the absolute minimum amount of + information needed for the web view in wx to work towards + localhost. The other fields have been removed, allowing an + application packaged in a bundle to specify the application + name and other parameter in its own Info.plist file. + * erts: Fix bug in internal stacks (WSTACK and ESTACK) used by + term_to_binary/2 to encode terms. The bug could cause a + segfault if a very very large map was to be encoded with the + deterministic option given. + * erts: Improve the error printout when open_port/2 fails because + of invalid arguments. + * erts: Fix bug in crash dumps where the stackframe of a process + would be printed using an incorrect format. Crash dump viewer + has also been fixed to be able read the broken stack format. + The bug has existed since Erlang/OTP 23.0. + * erts: An option for enabling dirty scheduler specific allocator + instances has been introduced. By default such allocator + instances are disabled. For more information see the + documentation of the +Mdai erl command line argument. + * erts: Minor optimization of receive markers in message queues. + * erts: All predefined types have been added to the erlang module + together with documentation. Any reference to a predefined type + now links to that documentation so that the user can view it. + * erts: Suppress a code checker warning caused by debug builds of + YCF. YCF tries to get a conservative estimate of the bottom of + the stack by reading and returning a call stack allocated + variable. + * erts: Add file and product properties to erl.exe and werl.exe. + * erts: Micro optimization in bitstring append operations. + * erts: Responsiveness of processes executing on normal or low + priority could suffer due to code purging or literal area + removal on systems with a huge amount of processes. This since + during these operations all processes on the system were + scheduled for execution at once. This problem has been fixed by + introducing a limit on outstanding purge and copy literal + requests in the system. By default this limit is set to twice + the amount of schedulers on the system. This will ensure that + schedulers will have enough work scheduled to perform these + operations as quickly as possible at the same time as other + work will be interleaved to a much higher degree. Performance + of these operations will however be somewhat degraded due to + the overhead of enforcing this limit compared to when using a + very large limit. This limit can be set by passing the +zosrl + command line argument to erl, or by calling + erlang:system_flag(outstanding_system_requests_limit, + NewLimit). + * kernel: socket:which_sockets( pid() ) uses wrong keyword when + looking up socket owner ('ctrl' instead of 'owner'). + * kernel: In epmd_ntop, the #if defined(EPMD6) conditional was + inverted and it was only including the IPv6-specific code when + EPMD6 was undefined. This was causing IPv6 addrs to be + interpreted as IPv4 addrs and generating nonsense IPv4 + addresses as output. Several places were incorrectly using + 'num_sockets' instead of 'i' to index into the iserv_addr array + during error logging. This would result in a read into + uninitialized data in the iserv_addr array. Thanks to John + Eckersberg for providing this fix. + * kernel: Minor fix of the erl_uds_dist distribution module + example. + * kernel: A bug has been fixed for the legacy TCP socket adaption + module gen_tcp_socket where it did bind to a socket address + when given a file descriptor, but should not. + * kernel: Improve the error printout when open_port/2 fails + because of invalid arguments. + * kernel: Calling socket:monitor/1 on an already closed socket + should succeed and result in an immediate DOWN message. This + has now been fixed. + * kernel: Fix the configuration option logger_metadata to work. + * kernel: Fix tls and non-tls distribution to use + erl_epmd:address_please to figure out if IPv4 or IPv6 addresses + should be used when connecting to the remote node. Before this + fix, a dns lookup of the remote node hostname determined which + IP version was to be used which meant that the hostname had to + resolve to a valid ip address. + * kernel: Add logger:reconfigure/0. + * kernel: Add socket function ioctl/2,3,4 for socket device + control. + * kernel: Add simple support for socknames/1 for gen_tcp_socket + and gen_udp_socket. + * kernel: The types for callback result types in gen_statem has + bee augmented with arity 2 types where it is possible for a + callback module to specify the type of the callback data, so + the callback module can get type validation of it. + * erl_docgen: Fix codeinclude tag to correctly respect the type + attribute. + * erl_docgen: The HTML documentation has been updated to collapse + better on small screens. + * erl_docgen: All predefined types have been added to the erlang + module together with documentation. Any reference to a + predefined type now links to that documentation so that the + user can view it. + * snmp: Handling of test config flag when starting "empty". + * snmp: Add support for new authentication algorithms (SHA-224, + SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512), according to RFC 7860. + * snmp: Improve debug info for (snmp) manager. + * wx: Fix crash in cleanup code when a gui application is + exiting. Fix errors in the OpenGL wrapper that could cause + crashes and improve the documentation. + * edoc: Add option link_predefined_types that is used to create + links to erlang predefined types. This is mainly to be used by + erl_docgen when creating the Erlang/OTP documentation. + * dialyzer: Fixed a crash when opaque types contained certain + unicode characters. + * dialyzer: When the compiler is invoked by Dialyzer, it will no + longer apply an optimization of binary patterns that would turn + the pattern <<"bar">> into <<6447474:24>>, which would be very + confusing when printed out by Dialyzer. + * observer: Fix bug in crash dumps where the stackframe of a + process would be printed using an incorrect format. Crash dump + viewer has also been fixed to be able read the broken stack + format. The bug has existed since Erlang/OTP 23.0. + * ssh: The value of the connect_timeout option is now used as + default value for the negotiation timeout. + * ssh: Add better error handling in connect/2,3,4. Detect + incorrect arguments and return an informative error tuple + instead of throwing a function_clause or similar. + * ssh: Make ssh algorithm selection better handle dynamic changes + changes in crypto fips mode. + * megaco: [megaco_tcp] When connect fails, include more info in + the error reason. +- Changes for 24.1.7: + * ssh: Fixed a race condition in the acceptor loop: if a client + disconnected immediately after the tcp connect, the server + could cease handling connection on that address:port. +- Changes for 24.1.6: + * ssl: Correct typo of ECC curve name in signature algorithm + handling. Will make the signature algorithm + ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512 succeed. + * ssl: Suppress authenticity warning when option verify_none is + explicitly supplied. +- Changes for 24.1.5: + * erts: The runtime system could call select() with a too large + timeout value when executing on MacOS. This could in turn cause + the runtime system to crash. + * erts: The fix for Linux's behaviour when reconnecting an UDP + socket in PR-5120 released in OTP-24.1.2 has been refined to + only dissolve the socket's connection before a connect if the + socket is already connected, that is: only for a reconnect. + This allows code to open a socket with an ephemeral port, get + the port number and connect; without the port number changing + (on Linux). This turned out to have at least one valid use case + (besides test cases). Should one reconnect the socket then the + port number may change, on Linux; it is a known quirk, which + can be worked around by binding to a specific port number when + opening the socket. If you can do without an ephemeral port, + that is... + * erts: Certain distributed signals that for various reasons must + to be forced into the distribution buffer even when it is full + would instead be lost if the distribution buffer was full when + sent. The effected signals: + * kernel: The internal, undocumented, but used, module inet_dns + has been fixed to handle mDNS high bit usage of the Class + field. Code that uses the previously obsolete, undocumented and + unused record field #dns_rr.func will need to be updated since + that field is now used as a boolean flag for the mDNS high + Class bit. Code that uses the also undocumented record + [#]dns_query will need to be recompiled since a boolean field + [#]dns_query.unicast_response has been added for the mDNS high + Class bit. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * kernel: The fix for Linux's behaviour when reconnecting an UDP + socket in PR-5120 released in OTP-24.1.2 has been refined to + only dissolve the socket's connection before a connect if the + socket is already connected, that is: only for a reconnect. + This allows code to open a socket with an ephemeral port, get + the port number and connect; without the port number changing + (on Linux). This turned out to have at least one valid use case + (besides test cases). Should one reconnect the socket then the + port number may change, on Linux; it is a known quirk, which + can be worked around by binding to a specific port number when + opening the socket. If you can do without an ephemeral port, + that is... +- Changes for 24.1.4: + * erts: Fix bug where a gen_tcp write error that happened during + a delayed_send would cause a use after free segfault. + * erts: Fix x86 JIT bug where a rem instruction could cause a + segfault if given values that would cause an badarith + exception. +- Changes for 24.1.3: + * ssl: Fix TLS-1.2 RSA-PSS negotiation and also fix broken + certificate request message for pre-TLS-1.3 servers. + * ssl: Fix CRL issuer verification that under some circumstances + could fail with a function_clause error. + * erts: Reduction counter was not updated before and after doing + apply operations on the runtime system with the jit enabled. + This caused reduction counting to get out of sync if a garbage + collection was made as part of the apply operation. + * erts: This fixes a bug in erts_factory_undo that caused the + heap to not be reset correctly. The erts_factory_undo function + is, for example, called when a binary_to_term/1 call fails to + reset the heap to its state before the binary_to_term/1 call. + This can cause the heap to contain invalid terms which + potentially can cause issues (e.g., crashes) when the whole + heap is scanned. + * erts: When attempting to construct a binary with an segment + having an illegal type for the size (e.g. an atom), there could + be an unnecessary memory allocation (and subsequent + deallocation) before the operation failed. Amended to fail + before allocating any memory for the binary. + * erts: Fix bug in persistent_term when a key-value pair contains + a magic reference that is referred more than once. Magic + references are NIF resources or returned from BIFs like + ets:new, atomics:new. The bug could cause the memory of the + referred resource to be prematurely deallocated. The bug also + apply to magic references in message passing on a runtime built + with configure option --enable-sharing-preserving. Bug exist + for 64-bit since OTP-24.0 and for 32-bit since OTP-20.0. + * erts: Fixed a crash when inspecting the stack trace of an + exception raised at a very high line number. This bug was + introduced in OTP 24. + * erts: The following two bugs that caused erlang:demonitor() to + behave erroneously have been fixed. The bugs were only + triggered if the monitor that was removed by demonitor() had + previously been created simultaneously as a monitor and as an + alias. + +- Changes for 24.1.2: + * kernel: The undocumented DNS encode/decode module inet_dns has + been cleaned up to handle the difference between "symbolic" and + "raw" records in a more consistent manner. PR-5145/OTP-17584 + introduced a change that contributed to an already existing + confusion, which this correction should remedy. + * erts: The python scripts that existed in + erts/lib_src/yielding_c_fun/lib/tiny_regex_c/scripts had a + license that was incompatible with Erlang/OTP's license. This + ticket removes these scripts that were not used by us. + * ssl: Before that change, TLS downgrade could occasionally fail + when data intended for downgraded socket were delivered + together with CLOSE_NOTIFY alert to ssl app. + * ssl: Avoid re-encoding of decoded certificates. This could + cause unexpected failures as some subtle encoding errors can be + tolerated when decoding but hence creating another sequence of + bytes if the decoded value is re-encoded. + * ssl: Fix possible process leak when the process doing + ssl:transport_accept dies before initiating the TLS handshake. + * ssl: Fix dtls memory leak, the replay window code was broken. + * public_key: Avoid re-encoding of decoded certificates. This + could cause unexpected failures as some subtle encoding errors + can be tolerated when decoding but hence creating another + sequence of bytes if the decoded value is re-encoded. + * crypto: Fixed minor memory leak at crypto module purge. + * crypto: Fix possible inconsistency in fips mode when linking + with some cryptolibs. +- Changes for 24.1.1: + * kernel: Add more info about the socket 'type' ('socket' or + 'port') for the DOWN message when monitoring sockets. + * stdlib: Fixed a bug that could cause a child to become orphaned + when a supervisor died between unlinking and sending the + shutdown signal to this child. There was also a possibility for + erratic supervisor reports caused by a race between a + supervisor shutting down a child and that child exiting by + itself at the same time. + * erts: A race between an exiting port and handling of + simultaneously received signals to that port could cause a + runtime system crash. The effected signals are link, monitor + and demonitor. On OTP 22 a similiar race could also cause a + memory leak when receiving an unlink signal. + * erts: A user defined tag on a monitor message could cause the + runtime system to crash when the monitor message had been + received. + * erts: A call to erlang:demonitor(Ref) where the reference Ref + referred to an active alias, but not an active monitor, caused + the runtime system to crash. + * erts: The message queue of a process entered an inconsistent + state after a receive expression with an invalid timeout value + was executed. If the exception raised due to the invalid + timeout value was caught, the following receive expression + executed by the process could fail to match messages already + present in the message queue. On OTP 24 this could also cause + the whole runtime system to crash. + * erts: Sending a Port ! {PortOwner, close} signal from a process + other than the port owner could erroneously trigger a badsig + exit signal being sent to the port owner process even though + the correct PortOwner had been passed in the signal. + * snmp: Sockets are monitored, but the handling of the 'DOWN' + message expected a new style socket ('socket'), old style + (port) was not handled. +- Changes for 24.1: + * kernel: The extended error information has been corrected and + improved for the following BIFs: binary_to_existing_atom/2, + list_to_existing_atom/1, erlang:send_after/{3,4}, and + erlang:start_timer/{3,4}. + * kernel: Fixed rare bug that could cause net_kernel process to + hang for ever. Have seen to happen with massive number of TLS + connections while remote nodes are restarting. Bug exists since + OTP-22.0. + * kernel: Improve handling of closed sockets for inet:info/1. + * kernel: This change fixes a performance problem introduced in + pull-request #2675. Pull-request #2675 made so the system tried + to start children of already started applications which is + unnecessary. This change fixes this performance problem. + * kernel: Fix code:get_doc/1 to not crash when module is located + in an escript. + * kernel: Parsing of the result value in the native DNS resolver + has been made more defensive against incorrect results. + * kernel: A bug in the option handling for the legacy socket + adaptor, that is; when using inet_backend = socket, has been + fixed. Now socket options are set before the bind() call so + options regarding, for example address reuse have the desired + effect. + * kernel: inet:ntoa/1 has been fixed to not accept invalid + numerical addresses. + * kernel: Parsing of DNS records has been improved for records of + known types to not accept and present malformed ones in raw + format. + * kernel: The ip_mreq() type for the {ip,add_membership} and + {ip,drop_membership} socket options has been corrected to have + an interface field instead of, incorrectly, an address field. + * kernel: Add simple utility function to display existing sockets + i the erlang shell (socket:i/0). + * kernel: gen_udp can now be configured to use the socket inet- + backend (in the same way as gen_tcp). + * kernel: Functions erlang:set_cookie(Cookie) and + erlang:get_cookie(Node) have been added for completeness and to + facilitate configuring distributed nodes with different + cookies. The documentation regarding distribution cookies has + been improved to be less vague. + * kernel: A workaround has been implemented for Linux's quirky + behaviour to not adjust the source IP address when connecting a + connected (reconnecing) UDP socket. The workaround is to, on + Linux, always dissolve any connection before connecting an UDP + socket. + * kernel: Documented our recommendation against opening NFS- + mounted files, FIFOs, devices, and similar using file:open/2. + * debugger: Improve record handling, print known records with + record syntax. + * observer: Atoms with Unicode code points greater than 255 (for + example Greek or Cyrillic characters) would not be displayed + correctly by crashdump_viewer. + * observer: Fix the crashdump_viewer to be able to parse + monitor_node/2 monitors correctly. + * observer: Observer now has a sectiion for new socket. + * observer: Added a trace all button to the trace window. + * parsetools: Fix a bug in Leex which caused the Erlang Compiler + to generate warnings. + * parsetools: Fix a bug in Yecc which caused the Erlang Compiler + to generate warnings. + * mnesia: Fixed that index keys was deleted for set tables when + mnesia:delete_object/1 tried to delete a non-existing record. + * mnesia: Optimized table loading and added max_transfer_size + configuration parameter. + * stdlib: Fix io:format with ~p to no longer interpret floats as + printable characters. + * stdlib: Fix specs for base64 encode/decode functions to also + include 0. + * stdlib: The failing call io:format("~p\n") would result in a + warning for line number 0 instead of the correct line and + column numbers. This has been corrected, and all warnings for + failing calls to io:format() has been rephrased to make it + clearer exactly what the problem is. + * stdlib: When the options warn_missing_spec and export_all were + given, there would only be warnings for missing specs for + functions that had been explicitly exported using an -export + attribute. + * stdlib: Calling c:ls/1 with an atom whose contents is the the + name of a file (as opposed to a directory) would crash. + * stdlib: The MODULE and MODULE_STRING macros would always appear + to be defined (when tested by -ifdef), even though no -module() + declaration had been seen yet. Changed so that -ifdef ?MODULE. + will not consider ?MODULE defined if -module() has not been + previously seen. + * stdlib: Fix bug with rendering of missing types and callbacks + in shell_docs. + * stdlib: When the deterministic option was given to the + compiler, the ?FILE macro would be expanded to full path of the + source file before the first include directive and to base part + of the filename after include directive. + * stdlib: Fixed broken win32reg:delete_key and fixed + win32reg:value for default value. + * stdlib: Fixed error information for the call maps:get(some_key, + [#]{}). + * stdlib: Most output functions in the io module now print extra + error information when provided with invalid arguments. The + functions are: io:format, io:fwrite, io:put_chars, io:nl and + io:write. + * stdlib: EEP-54 (Provide more information about errors) now + includes two new return values for the format_error callback, + general and reason. Multi-line error descriptions returned from + a format_error callback are now correctly indented. The + documentation for erl_error, error/3 and Errors and Error + Handling in the Erlang Reference Manual have been extended. + * stdlib: In the documentation for the lists module, it has been + clarified that predicate funs must return a boolean. + * stdlib: The documentation for c:c/1, c:c/2, and c:c/3 has been + clarified. + * tools: The cover tool would not work on modules compiled with + the tuple_calls option. + * common_test: Float allowed as multiply_timetraps parameter. + * common_test: Remove usage of legacy API macro and functions. + * erts: Atoms with Unicode code points greater than 255 (for + example Greek or Cyrillic characters) would not be displayed + correctly by crashdump_viewer. + * erts: Fix rare minor memory leak related to jit code loading. + * erts: The extended error information has been corrected and + improved for the following BIFs: binary_to_existing_atom/2, + list_to_existing_atom/1, erlang:send_after/{3,4}, and + erlang:start_timer/{3,4}. + * erts: Fix bug provoked when building with gcc 10 and link time + optimization (-flto), causing Erlang compiler to crash. Bug + exists since OTP-24.0. + * erts: Corrected bugs where builds were not reducible even when + the deterministic option was given. In particular, modules with + map literals with more than 32 elements could cause this + problem. As part of this fix, the term_to_binary BIF now + accepts the option deterministic. + * erts: After an exception has been caught in a process, the + stack trace would be kept in the process longer than necessary. + * erts: Fix rare race bug in memory management of distribution + entries. Have been seen to cause VM crash when massive number + of repeated concurrent failing connection attempts. + * erts: The configure test for --disable-esock-socket-registry + has been corrected so disabling now works. + * erts: init:stop() no longer unloads loaded code before + terminating the runtime system. On systems with slow CPUs (such + as Raspberry PI Zero), that can significantly speed up + termination of the runtime system. + * erts: Fixed match specifications that use maps in either the + guard or the body to work properly. With this fix both keys and + values in maps can be expressions. Various other crashes and + bugs when using maps in match specifications have also been + fixed. + * erts: Parsing of the result value in the native DNS resolver + has been made more defensive against incorrect results. + * erts: When binary_to_term/2 failed, the extended error + information would always blame the second argument even if the + actual error was in the first argument. + * erts: On 32-bit computers, binary_to_term/1,2 is now more + resilient against corrupted binaries containing maps in the + external format. + * erts: A call to process_info(Pid, status) could erroneously + report the status running when it should have reported waiting. + This occurred when the calling process was executing on a + higher priority than the process being inspected. This bug has + been present since OTP 21.0 (erts version 10.0). + * erts: Optimize memory usage of erts internal processes used + during code loading/purging by hibernating them after a long + time of inactivity. + * erts: Add the type erlang:stacktrace/0. + * erts: The arity argument of error/2,3 can now be none to + indicate that the calling functions arity should be used. + * erts: Optimize match spec compiler for immediate (single word) + constant terms. + * erts: Functions erlang:set_cookie(Cookie) and + erlang:get_cookie(Node) have been added for completeness and to + facilitate configuring distributed nodes with different + cookies. The documentation regarding distribution cookies has + been improved to be less vague. + * erts: A workaround has been implemented for Linux's quirky + behaviour to not adjust the source IP address when connecting a + connected (reconnecing) UDP socket. The workaround is to, on + Linux, always dissolve any connection before connecting an UDP + socket. + * erts: The internal documentation for how to use Yielding C Fun + (YCF) has been updated to contain text about best practices for + using YCF for ERTS. + * erts: Optimize garbage collection for processes with large + number of binaries, funs and/or external pids/ports/refs. + * erl_docgen: Fix codeinclude tags to work as part of reference + manual documentation. + * erl_docgen: Fix creation of link elements with anchors in + EEP-48 style documentation. + * dialyzer: Do not crash if a PLT file no longer exists. + * dialyzer: Fix bug in erl_types related to maps. + * dialyzer: Fix bugs in erl_types regarding improper lists. + * dialyzer: The underspecs and overspecs options will now + generate correct warnings for misused opaque types. + * eunit: In an eunit test, when a test case times out, include a + stacktrace. + * snmp: It is now possible to configure the built-in net-if + processes (both agent and manager) to use the new (gen_udp-) + option 'inet_backend'. + * asn1: A parameterized type with a SEQUENCE with extension + ("...") made the compiler backend to crash. The previous fix + for this in GH-4514 was not complete. + * wx: Fix crash when closing an application. + * wx: Some functions with overloaded color arguments could not be + used. For example the copy constructor wxTextAttr:new(TextAttr) + did not work. + * wx: Added the Microsoft Edge WebView loader dll to the + installer on windows. + * wx: Handle specific Mac gui application events. + * erl_interface: erl_call now prints an error when the arguments + cannot be parsed. + * erl_interface: The ei API for decoding/encoding terms is not + fully 64-bit compatible since terms that have a representation + on the external term format larger than 2 GB cannot be handled. + * edoc: Fix broken documentation link in edoc_extract:file/4. + * ssl: Fix Makefile dependency generation to work no matter what + the ERL_TOP folder is called. + * ssl: If trying to downgrade a TLS-1.3 connection to a plain TCP + connection, possible TLS-1.3 session ticket messages will be + ignored in the "downgrade" state while waiting for the close + notify alert. + * ssl: Corrected error handling to correctly generate an + insufficient security alert when there are no suitable groups + that can be negotiated in TLS-1.3 instead of crashing resulting + in an internal error alert. + * ssl: Properly handle default session data storage. When a + client tries to reuse an expired session the default server + storage handling would crash loosing other session data. This + would cause a error report and possible loss of abbreviated + handshakes. + * ssl: Add support for RSA-PSS-PSS signatures and + signature_algorithms_cert in TLS-1.2. This is a TLS-1.3 RFC + requirement to backport this functionality. + * ssl: Use inet:monitor/1 to monitor listen-sockets so that we + are compatible with the new socket backend for gen_tcp. + * ssl: Enhance ssl:prf/4 handling and testing + * ssl: Enhanced cipher suite filtering functionality, making sure + TLS-1.3 and TLS-1.2 cipher suites can be supported correctly + together even when TLS-1.2 anonymous ciphers are included. + * ssl: Enhance gracefulness especially in TLS-1.3 + * os_mon: On a Mac with Apple Silicon, memsup:get_os_wordsize/0 + would return 32 instead of 64. + * ssh: Fixed that a slow start (>30s) of a client subsystem could + cause a log entry with the password. + * ssh: Fixed an error when running as an sftp server and a client + requests a directory contents listing. The fix is to handle the + error code {error, eacces} as {error, enoent} in the + ssh_sftpd:get_attrs/5 internal function; that is, just skip it. + * ssh: The "Key exchange failed" Info Report is now more + informative. + * inets: Before this change hrefs in dir listing page contained + percentage encoded forward slashes which did not work properly + with httpd. + * inets: Restored HTTP headers handling in inets/mod_esi. + * inets: inets/httpd dir listing icons and other improvements + * inets: httpc: Improve performance by removing redundant URI + handling + * compiler: If a parse transform raised an exception using + throw/1 or exit/1, the compiler would report that as an + internal compiler error, which would be confusing. Amended to + report that the parse transform failed. + * compiler: The failing call io:format("~p\n") would result in a + warning for line number 0 instead of the correct line and + column numbers. This has been corrected, and all warnings for + failing calls to io:format() has been rephrased to make it + clearer exactly what the problem is. + * compiler: When the options warn_missing_spec and export_all + were given, there would only be warnings for missing specs for + functions that had been explicitly exported using an -export + attribute. + * compiler: In rare circumstances, the compiler could emit an + incorrect warning for a term that was constructed but never + used. + * compiler: Corrected bugs where builds were not reducible even + when the deterministic option was given. In particular, modules + with map literals with more than 32 elements could cause this + problem. As part of this fix, the term_to_binary BIF now + accepts the option deterministic. + * compiler: The MODULE and MODULE_STRING macros would always + appear to be defined (when tested by -ifdef), even though no + - module() declaration had been seen yet. Changed so that -ifdef + ?MODULE. will not consider ?MODULE defined if -module() has not + been previously seen. + * compiler: In a guard, not (X =:= true) would incorrectly + evaluate to false for non-boolean values of X. + * compiler: When the deterministic option was given to the + compiler, the ?FILE macro would be expanded to full path of the + source file before the first include directive and to base part + of the filename after include directive. + * public_key: public_key:pkix_sign/2 now honors the salt length + from the provided input parameters. Earlier this could result + in incorrect signatures if not using recommended defaults. + * public_key: When decoding an 'ECPrivateKey' unwrap the private + key. For more precise information see RFC 8410, section 7. + * runtime_tools: Observer now has a sectiion for new socket. + * runtime_tools: The dbg docs have been expanded to include the + meaning of all the function name acronyms. + * megaco: It is now possible to configure the built-in transports + (megaco_tcp and megaco udp) to use the new (gen_udp- and + gen_tcp-) option 'inet_backend'. + * crypto: Fix bug in crypto:ensure_engine_unloaded. Also fixed + minor memory leak related to engine unloading. + * crypto: Fixes that FIPS enable and disable (or vice versa) on + Windows sometimes leads to core dump at the time of process + exit. + * crypto: Disable fips if cryptolib < 1.0.1 and OTP/crypto is + configured with --enable-fips If not, there could be compiling + or loading problems with antique OpenSSL versions. + * jinterface: Fixed rare race bug that could cause + NullPointerException on local close of connection. +- Changes for 24.0.6: + * erts: A call to the process_info() BIF could end up hanging for + ever due to a bug introduced when the new selective receive + optimization was introduced in OTP 24.0. Note that this bug + only effects process_info(). + * erts: Fix buffer overrun problem in the tty driver. The problem + happens on some platforms when using the CTRL+R functionality + of newshell with very long strings in the history. + * erts: Fix race-condition that could cause a crash when tracing + scheduling or garbage collections on a process that was running + on a dirty scheduler. + * erts: Fix rare bug where re:run would crash/return invalid + results when given a subbinary as subject. This bug has existed + since Erlang/OTP 20.0. + * erts: binary_to_term/1,2 is now more resilient against + corrupted binaries containing maps in the external format. + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * epmd.service + +- Changes for 24.0.5: + * kernel: For gen_tcp:connect/3,4 it is possible to specify a + specific source port, which should be enough to bind the socket + to an address with that port before connecting. Unfortunately + that feature was lost in OTP-17216 that made it mandatory to + specify the source address to get an address binding, and + ignored a specified source port if no source address was + specified. That bug has now been corrected. +- Changes for 24.0.4: + * stdlib: Fix a bug that could cause a crash when formatting + tuples using the control sequences p or P and limiting the + output with the option chars_limit. + * ssl: Handle cross-signed root certificates when old root + expired as reported in GH-4877. + * ssl: The signature selection algorithm has been changed to also + verify if the client supports signatures using the elliptic + curve of the server's public/private key pair. This change + fixes #4958. + * ssl: Slight optimization of certificate decoding. + * public_key: Handle cross-signed root certificates when old root + expired as reported in GH-4877. + * common_test: An incoming NETCONF notification received before a + call to ct_netconfc:create_subscription/* caused the connection + process to fail with badarg. Unexpected notifications are now + logged in the same way as other unexpected messages. + * common_test: Add 'receiver' option to ct_netconfc To allow a + destination for incoming NETCONF notifications to be specified + at sessions creation. Previously, a caller of + create_subscription/* became the destination, but RFC 5277 + create-subscription is no longer the only way in which NETCONF + notifications can be ordered. + +- Fix more directories not owned by the package (boo#1187546) + +- Changes for 24.0.3: + * erts: A call to erlang:cancel_timer(_, [{info, false}]) could + cause the calling process to block forever in the call. Note + that only the synchronous version of the call (that is, the + async option is false) in combination with the info option set + to false was effected by this bug. + * erts: Microstate accounting (msacc) and os:perf_counter() + unintentionally used system time instead of monotonic time for + time measurements on a lot of systems. These systems were all + non x86/x86_64 systems or x86/x86_64 systems without a reliable + and constant rdtsc instruction. The lock counting (lcnt) built + runtime system also unintentionally used system time instead of + monotonic time for time measurements on all systems. + * erts: Simultaneous calls to + erlang:system_flag(schedulers_online, _) could cause callers to + end up in a suspended state forever. + * dialyzer: Do not expose line number 0 in messages if there are + other locations to use. + * dialyzer: In rare circumstances, Dialyzer could crash analyzing + code with a list comprehension whose value was ignored. (Thanks + to Ulf Wiger for reporting this bug.) + * ssh: Filter out sensitive data (passwords etc) from progress + reports and supervisor reports. + * inets: Improved user input handling in inets/mod_esi preventing + unnecessary atom creation. + * compiler: A compiler optimization pass could crash when given + odd but legal code using throw/1. +- Changes for 24.0.2: + * kernel: Fix a race condition in Global. + * kernel: After a node restart with init:restart/0,1, the module + socket was not usable because supporting tables had been + cleared and not re-initialized. This has now been fixed. + Handling of the "." domain as a search domain was incorrect and + caused a crash in the DNS resolver inet_res, which has now been + fixed. + * kernel: Handling of combinations of the fd option and binding + to an address has been corrected, especially for the local + address family. + * kernel: Bug fixes and code cleanup for the new socket + implementation, such as: Assertions on the result of + demonitoring has been added in the NIF code, where appropriate. + Internal state handling for socket close in the NIF code has + been reviewed. Looping over close() for EINTR in the NIF code + has been removed, since it is strongly discouraged on Linux and + Posix is not clear about if it is allowed. The inet_backend + temporary socket option for legacy gen_tcp sockets has been + documented. The return value from net:getaddrinfo/2 has been + corrected: the protocol field is now an atom(), instead of, + incorrectly, list(atom()). The documentation has also been + corrected about this return type. Deferred close of a + socket:sendfile/* file was broken and has been corrected. Some + debug code, not enabled by default, in the socket NIF has been + corrected to not accidentally core dump for debug printouts of + more or less innocent events. + * stdlib: Fix a bug that could cause a loop when formatting terms + using the control sequences p or P and limiting the output with + the option chars_limit. + * erts: Not yet handled alias-message signals in the signal queue + at the time when a garbage collection was performed could cause + a memory corruption which in turn could result in a crash of + the runtime system. This bug was introduced in OTP 24.0. + * erts: Fixed bug when using external pids/ports in keys of big + maps (> 32). Could cause runtime crash. Bug exists since OTP + 24.0. + * erts: After a node restart with init:restart/0,1, the module + socket was not usable because supporting tables had been + cleared and not re-initialized. This has now been fixed. + Handling of the "." domain as a search domain was incorrect and + caused a crash in the DNS resolver inet_res, which has now been + fixed. + * erts: A call to port_command() could cause a scheduler to end + up in an eternal loop if the port was busy and the calling + process had incoming signals at the time of the call. This bug + was introduced in OTP 23.3.2 (ERTS version 11.2.1), OTP + (ERTS version, and OTP (ERTS + version + * erts: Bug fixes and code cleanup for the new socket + implementation, such as: Assertions on the result of + demonitoring has been added in the NIF code, where appropriate. + Internal state handling for socket close in the NIF code has + been reviewed. Looping over close() for EINTR in the NIF code + has been removed, since it is strongly discouraged on Linux and + Posix is not clear about if it is allowed. The inet_backend + temporary socket option for legacy gen_tcp sockets has been + documented. The return value from net:getaddrinfo/2 has been + corrected: the protocol field is now an atom(), instead of, + incorrectly, list(atom()). The documentation has also been + corrected about this return type. Deferred close of a + socket:sendfile/* file was broken and has been corrected. Some + debug code, not enabled by default, in the socket NIF has been + corrected to not accidentally core dump for debug printouts of + more or less innocent events. + * erts: Dirty execution of a process in combination with an + unlink signal from a port to the process could cause the signal + queue of the process to enter into an inconsistent state. The + result of the inconsistency typically caused a crash of the + runtime system. This bug was introduced in OTP 23.3 (ERTS + version 11.2). + * erl_docgen: Fix links generated in specs to types in other + applications to point to the correct place. This bug was + introduced in Erlang/OTP 24.0. + * ssl: Fix cache invalidation problem for CA certs provided by + the cacertfile option. + * ssh: Avoid an extra blank line in the ssh known_hosts file + * compiler: Fixed a bug that could cause after blocks to be + ignored when erlang:raise/3 was used in a catch block. + * compiler: Fixed a bug in the validation pass that could cause + it to reject valid code. + * crypto: EC keys are now zero-padded to the expected length if + needed. + +- Use sysusers-tools to provide epmd user +- Fix directories not owned by the package (boo#1187546) + +- Install RPM macros file to %{_rpmmacrodir} (boo#1185667) + +- Changes for 24.0.1: + * erl_interface: Commit of generated configure script. + * wx: Fix build problems when wxWidgets are built with -enable- + std. + * wx: Commit of generated configure script. + * crypto: Removed a risk for coredump. + * crypto: Fixed and documented the DED_LDFLAGS_CONFTEST + configuration variable in $ERL_TOP/HOWTO/ + * crypto: Commit of generated configure script. + * common_test: Commit of generated configure script. + * ssh: Add missing known_hosts and authorized_keys file types to + ssh_file:decode/2 and ssh_file:encode/2. + * erts: Commit of generated configure script. + * snmp: Commit of generated configure script. + * megaco: Commit of generated configure script. + * odbc: Commit of generated configure script. + +- Version 24.0: + - Highlights compiler: + * The compiler will now inline funs that are used only once + immediately after their definition. + * Compiler warnings and errors now include column numbers in + addition to line numbers. + * Variables bound between the keywords 'try' and 'of' can now + be used in the clauses following the 'of' keyword (that is, + in the success case when no exception was raised). + * Generators in list and binary comprehensions will now raise a + {bad_generator,Generator} exception if the generator has an + incorrect type Similarly, when a filter does not evaluate to + a boolean, a {bad_filter,Filter} exception will be raised. + * Warnings for expressions whose result was ignored that could + be suppressed by using the anonymous variable '_' can now be + suppressed with a variable beginning with '_'. + * Selective receive optimization will now be applied much more + often. The new recv_opt_info compile flag can be used to + print diagnostics relating to this optimization. You can read + more about the selective receive optimization in the + Efficiency Guide. + - erts, kernel, stdlib: + * hex encoding and decoding functions added in the binary module + * The BeamAsm JIT-compiler has been added to Erlang/OTP and + will give a significant performance boost for many + applications. The JIT-compiler is enabled by default on most + x86 64-bit platforms that have a C++ compiler that can + compile C++17. To verify that a JIT enabled emulator is + running you can use erlang:system_info(emu_flavor). + * A compatibility adaptor for gen_tcp to use the new socket API + has been implemented (gen_tcp_socket). + * Extended error information for failing BIF calls as proposed + in EEP 54 has been implemented. + * Process aliases as outlined by EEP 53 has been introduced. + * Implementation of EEP 56 in supervisor. It adds the concept + of significant children as well as the auto_shutdown + supervisor flag. See the supervisor manual page for more + information. + - ftp: + * Add support for FTPES (explicit FTP over TLS). + - ssl: + * Make TLS handshakes in Erlang distribution concurrent. + * TLS connections now support EdDSA certificates. + - wx: + * The application has been completely rewritten in order to use + wxWidgets version 3 as its base. + * Added support for wxWebView. + - edoc: + * EDoc is now capable of emitting EEP-48 doc chunks. This means + that, with some configuration, community projects can now + provide documentation for shell_docs the same way that OTP + libraries did since OTP 23.0. + +- Pack doc/chunks into %{_libdir} (boo#1184492) + +- Use wxWidgets < 3.1 (boo#1180488) + +- Changes for 23.2.2: + * crypto: Fixed usage of AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIRS() macros in configure + script sources. + * odbc: Fixed usage of AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIRS() macros in configure + script sources. + * snmp: Fixed usage of AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIRS() macros in configure + script sources. + * erts: The suspend_process() and resume_process() BIFs did not + check their arguments properly which could cause an emulator + crash. + * erts: The runtime system would get into an infinite loop if the + runtime system was started with more than 1023 file descriptors + already open. + * megaco: Fixed usage of AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIRS() macros in configure + script sources. + * erl_interface: Integers outside of the range [-(1 bsl 32) - 1, + (1 bsl 32) -1] were previously intended to be printed in an + internal bignum format by ei_print_term() and + ei_s_print_term(). Unfortunately the implementation has been + buggy since OTP R13B02 and since then produced results with + random content which also could crash the calling program. This + fix replaces the printing of the internal format with printing + in hexadecimal form and extend the range for printing in + decimal form. Currently integers in the range [-(1 bsl 64), (1 + bsl 64)] are printed in decimal form and integers outside of + this range in Erlang hexadecimal form. + * erl_interface: The ei API for decoding/encoding terms is not + fully 64-bit compatible since terms that have a representation + on the external term format larger than 2 GB cannot be handled. + * ssl: Fix CVE-2020-35733 this only affects ssl-10.2 (OTP-23.2). + This vulnerability could enable a man in the middle attack + using a fake chain to a known trusted ROOT. Also limits + alternative chain handling, for handling of possibly extraneous + certs, to improve memory management. + * ssl: Add support for AES CCM based cipher suites defined in RFC + 7251 Also Correct cipher suite name conversion to OpenSSL + names. A few names where corrected earlier in OTP-16267 For + backwards compatible reasons we support usage of openSSL names + for cipher suites. Mostly anonymous suites names where + incorrect, but also some legacy suites. +- Changes for 23.2.1: + * erts: Fix emulator crash when sending small bit-strings over + Erlang distribution while the connection is being setup. The + fault was introduced in OTP-23.0 +- Changes for 23.2: + * erl_docgen: Fix links in titles to github and anchors to work. + * erl_docgen: Fix some typing errors on variable names in + documentation examples. + * mnesia: Avoid potential performance issue, if the input queue + to mnesia_tm is long. + * crypto: Build the supported curves cache in the NIF when crypto + is loaded, no matter how it is loaded. This prevents a possible + problem with different processes starting the crypto + application concurrently. + * crypto: It is now possible to build with crypto and openssl + gprof-enabled and statically link them into the VM. + * crypto: Fixed performance loss in HMAC when using older OpenSSL + due to mutex issues. A workaround is implemented to allow + fallback from using the EVP API for HMAC operations. On some + architectures this may improve the performance, especially with + old OpenSSL versions. This fallback to low-level functions is + always enabled for openssl versions before 1.0.2. + * kernel: The apply call's in logger.hrl are now called with + erlang prefix to avoid clashed with local apply/3 functions. + * kernel: Fix memory leak in pg. + * kernel: Fix crash in logger_proxy due to stray gen_server:call + replies not being handled. The stray replies come when logger + is under heavy load and the flow control mechanism is reaching + its limit. + * kernel: Fixed a bug in erl_epmd:names() that caused it to + return the illegal return value noport instead of {error, + Reason} where Reason is the actual error reason. This bug also + propagated to net_adm:names(). This bug was introduced in + kernel version 7.1 (OTP 23.1). + * kernel: Add export of some resolver documented types. + * kernel: Add configurable retry timeout for resolver lookups. + * kernel: gen_server:multi_call() has been optimized in the + special case of only calling the local node with timeout set to + infinity. + * public_key: Corrected dialyzer spec for pkix_path_validation/3 + * snmp: If an attempt was made to send a v1 trap on a IPv6 + transport this could cause a master agent crash (if the agent + was *not* multi-threaded). + * snmp: The deprecation info for a couple of the deprecated MIB + compiler functions where incorrect. Referred to functions in + the 'snmpa' module instead of 'snmpc'. + * snmp: Make it possible for the agent to configure separate + transports (sockets) for request-responder and trap-sender. + * snmp: The mib server cache handling has been improved. First, + the default gclimit has been changed from 100 to infinity (to + ensure the size is as small as possible). Also, the method of + removing old elements has been optimized. + * snmp: It is now possible to configure the agent in such a way + that the order of outgoing notifications are processed in order + in the agent. What happens after the notification message has + left the agent (been sent) is of course still out of our + control. + * snmp: Improve handling of the udp_error message. Basically an + improved error/warning message. + * wx: Add popup menu callback to wxTaskBarIcon:new/1. + * dialyzer: Clarify warning option -Wunmatched_returns in + dialyzer(3). + * tools: Correct the Xref analysis exports_not_used to not report + internally generated behaviour_info/1. + * syntax_tools: In the syntax_tools application, the igor module + and all functions in erl_tidy except file/2 have been + deprecated. + * compiler: Several minor compiler bugs have been fixed: + Constructing a binary with a list as a size of a binary segment + could generate a BEAM file that could not be loaded. When + matching a binary segment of type float and ignoring the + matched out value, the match would always succeed, even if the + size was invalid or the value of the float was NaN or some + other non-numeric float value. Attempting to construct an + invalid external fun (e.g. fun m:f:bad) is supposed to raise a + 'badarg' exception, but if the value was never used, no + exception would be raised. + * compiler: Fixed multiple bugs in the validator that could cause + it to reject valid code. + * compiler: The compiler could crash when a binary comprehension + had a generator that depended on another generator. + * compiler: Fixed a bug in the type optimization pass that could + yield incorrect values or cause the wrong clauses to be + executed. + * erts: Fixed bug which could cause VM crash when a NIF is loaded + at the same time as the Erlang implementation of the NIF is + called. Bug exists since OTP 23.0. + * erts: Fixed enif_make_map_* functions in debug build when given + environment from enif_alloc_env. + * erts: Fixed broken configuration option --disable-pie. + * erts: Fixed rare distribution bug in race between received + signal (link/monitor/spawn_request/spawn_reply) and + disconnection. Symptom: VM crash. Since: OTP 21.0. + * erts: Fixed a performance issue when extremely many items were + stored in the process dictionary. (Fixing this bug also + eliminates a compiler warning emitted by the latest version of + Clang.) + * erts: Remove -ftree-copyrename from flags passed to compiler + when building erts. The flag is not used by modern gcc's and is + not supported by clang. + * erts: Modules using complicated nested binary comprehensions + could fail to load. + * erts: Fixed a race in file:read_file/1 were an incomplete file + could be returned if another OS process swapped the file out + while reading. + * erts: The call list_to_integer("10", true) would return 4 + instead of raising an exception. Certain other atoms would also + be interpreted as a number base. + * erts: On macOS 11 (Big Sur), erl would not start if the maximum + number of file descriptors were unlimited (ulimit -n + unlimited). + * erts: Add manifest to all executables and dynamic libraries. + * xmerl: Corrected namespace and expanded name in the old dom + backend example module. + * xmerl: Corrected a bug that in some cases didn't allow + unresolved references when skip_external_dtd option used. + * ssh: Fixed problems in the ssh cli/shell handling. Most + important are: 1) the ssh:shell function did sometimes cause + the input to be echoed twice, 2) the ssh:shell function didn't + transfer the LANG and LC_ALL shell variables to the connected + server which sometimes made Unicode handling erroneous, 3) + Unicode was not always transferred correctly to and from the + peer. + * ssh: The SSH protocol message SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT was sometimes + sent instead of SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE + * ssh: The ssh_cli module now always sends the exit-status to + connected clients so they can use that to check for successful + command execution. + * ssh: A new option pk_check_user enables checking of the + client's user name in the server when doing public key + authentication. + * stdlib: This change fixes the handling of deep lists in the + path component when using uri_string:recompose/1. + * stdlib: Fix shell_docs to clear shell decorations + (bold/underline) when paginating output. Fix various small + renderings issues when integrating shell_docs with edoc. + * stdlib: Improved the API and documentation of the uri_string + module. Added a new chapter to the Users Guide about Uniform + Resource Identifiers and their handling with the new API. Added + two new API functions: uri_string:allowed_characters/0 and + uri_string:percent_decode/1. This change has been marked as + potentially incompatible as uri_string:normalize/2 used to + decode percent-encoded character triplets that corresponded to + characters not in the reserved set. After this change, + uri_string:normalize/2 will only decode those percent-encoded + triplets that correspond to characters in the unreserved set + (ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"). *** POTENTIAL + INCOMPATIBILITY *** + * stdlib: The shell_docs module has been expanded with the + possibility to configure unicode, ansi and column size for the + rendered text. + * megaco: Empty statistics descriptor (now) allowed in both + encode and decode for version 3. + * ssl: SSL's Erlang Distribution Protocol modules inet_tls_dist + and inet6_tls_dist lacked a callback function, so the start + flag "-dist_listen false" did not work, which has now been + fixed. + * ssl: Correct OpenSSL names for newer cipher suites using DHE in + their name that accidentally got the wrong value when fixing + other older names using EDH instead. + * ssl: This change improves the handling of DTLS listening + dockets, making it possible to open multiple listeners on the + same port with different IP addresses. + * ssl: Fix a bug that causes cross-build failure. This change + excludes the ssl.d dependency file from the source tarballs. + * ssl: This change fixes ssl:peername/1 when called on a DTLS + client socket. + * ssl: Retain emulation of active once on a closed socket to + behave as before 23.1 + * ssl: Corrected server session cache entry deletion pre TLS-1.3. + May increase session reuse. + * ssl: Handle extraneous certs in certificate chains as well as + chains that are incomplete but can be reconstructed or + unordered chains. The cert and certfile options will now accept + a list of certificates so that the user may specify the chain + explicitly. Also, the default value of the depth option has + been increased to allow longer chains by default. + * ssl: This change implements optional NSS-style keylog in + ssl:connection_information/2 for debugging purposes. The keylog + contains various TLS secrets that can be loaded in Wireshark to + decrypt TLS packets. + * ssl: Use new gen_statem feature of changing callback mode to + improve code maintainability. + * ssl: The handling of Service Name Indication has been aligned + with RFC8446. + * ssl: Add explicit session reuse option to TLS clients for pre + TLS-1.3 sessions. Also, add documentation to Users Guide for + such sessions. + * inets: Fix an issue about HTML-escaped filename in inets. + * common_test: Add behaviour for test suites +- Changes for 23.1.5: + * ssh: An ssh-client can take an accepted socket from a listening + socket and do an ssh:connect/2 on it. Multiple clients on + sockets accepted from the same listening socket had stopped + working. This is corrected now. +- Changes for 23.1.4: + * ssh: The inet option raw was not passed on from the ssh option + list to inet. + +- Changes for 23.1.3: + * erts: Fixed a crash when exceptions were thrown during call + time tracing. + * ssh: A supervisor sub-tree could be left if the connection + handler process is brutally killed. This will make the + max_sessions checking option to count the existing sessions + erroneously and could finally block further sessions. +- Changes for 23.1.2: + * compiler: Fixed a bug in the boolean optimization pass that + caused the compiler to confuse different clauses. + * erts: Fixed bugs causing issues when enabling the ERTS internal + allocators on a system built with the undocumented and + unsupported SMALL_MEMORY feature. + * erts: The inet driver used to use 16 as maximum elements in an + I/O vector passed to writev() (and WSASend() on Windows). When + the data to send contained lots of elements, this caused a + performance degradation since repeated calls to writev() had to + be made to a much larger extent. The inet driver now looks up + actual maximum amount of elements that can be used on the + system, instead of just assuming 16. On most systems this will + result in a maximum amount of I/O vector elements of 1024. As + of OTP 23.0 the term encoding of signals to send over the + distribution are encoded into I/O vectors of buffers instead of + into a single buffer. Reference counted binaries are referred + to directly from the I/O vector instead of being copied into + the single buffer. That is, Erlang signals containing huge + amounts of reference counted binaries was effected by this + performance degradation. + * erts: In the distributed case, a faulty reply option in a call + to the spawn_request() BIF erroneously caused a badarg + exception instead of a badopt error message reply. + +- Changes for 23.1.1: + * erts: inet:setopts([{active,once}]) wakes up IO polling thread + unnecessarily, leading to lock contention and visibly higher + CPU utilization. + * erts: Two bugs in the ERTS internal thread wakeup functionality + have been fixed. These bugs mainly hit when all threads in the + system tried to go to sleep. When the bugs were triggered, + certain operations were delayed until a thread woke up due to + some other reason. Most important operations effected were code + loading, persistent term updates, and memory deallocation. + * erts: Fixed bug in ets:select_replace/2 on compressed tables + that could produce faulty results or VM crash. Bug exists since + OTP 20. + * erts: When compiling Erlang/OTP on macOS using Xcode 12, the + performance of the BEAM interpreter would be degraded. + * erts: As of OTP 22, the allocator specific memory carrier pools + were replaced by a node global carrier pool. This unfortunately + caused substantial memory fragmentation in some cases due to + long lived data being spread into carriers used by allocators + mainly handling short lived data. A new command line argument + +Mcp has been introduced with which one can enable the old + behavior as well as configuring other behaviors for the carrier + pools. In order to configure the old behavior, with allocator + specific carrier pools for all allocators, pass +Mucp : + (including the colon character) as a command line argument to + erl when starting the Erlang system. The default configuration + for carrier pools will be changed to +Mucp : some time in the + future, but not in this patch. + * os_mon: The configuration parameter + memsup_improved_system_memory_data has been introduced. It can + be used to modify the result returned by + memsup:get_system_memory_data(). For more information see the + memsup documentation. Note that the configuration parameter is + intended to be removed in OTP 24 and the modified result is + intended to be used as of OTP 24. + * ssh: Fix decoder bug. + * compiler: Fixed a performance bug that could be triggered by + tuple matching in very large functions. + * public_key: Fix the issue that pem_decode will crash with an + invalid input. +- Changes for 23.1: + * kernel: A fallback has been implemented for file:sendfile when + using inet_backend socket + * kernel: Make default TCP distribution honour option backlog in + inet_dist_listen_options. + * kernel: Raw option handling for the experimental gen_tcp_socket + backend was broken so that all raw options were ignored by for + example gen_tcp:listen/2, a bug that now has been fixed. + Reported by Jan Uhlig. + * kernel: Accept fails with inet-backend socket. + * kernel: Fixed various minor errors in the socket backend of + gen_tcp. + * kernel: Correct disk_log:truncate/1 to count the header. Also + correct the documentation to state that disk_log:truncate/1 can + be used with external disk logs. + * kernel: Fix erl_epmd:port_please/2,3 type specs to include all + possible error values. + * kernel: Fix erl -erl_epmd_port to work properly. Before this + fix it did not work at all. + * kernel: Fix typespec for internal function + erlang:seq_trace_info/1 to allow term() as returned label. This + in turn fixes so that calls to seq_trace:get_token/1 can be + correctly analyzer by dialyzer. + * kernel: Fix erroneous double registration of processes in pg + when distribution is dynamically started. + * kernel: Make (use of) the socket registry optional (still + enabled by default). Its now possible to build OTP with the + socket registry turned off, turn it off by setting an + environment variable and controlling in runtime (via function + calls and arguments when creating sockets). + * kernel: erl -remsh nodename no longer requires the hostname to + be given when used together with dynamic nodenames. + * observer: Fix graph windows flickering on windows. + * mnesia: FIx mnesia delete object handling in transaction + storage. In a transaction mnesia:read/1 could indicate that + exiting objects did not exist after another object was deleted. + * mnesia: Fixed crash during startup, which could happen if a + table was deleted on another node. + * stdlib: The functions digraph:in_edges/2 and + digraph:out_edges/2 would return false edges if called for a + vertex that had a '_' atom in its name term. + * stdlib: filelib:wildcard("not-a-directory/..") should return an + empty list. On Windows it returned "not-a-directory/..". + * stdlib: Fix the typespec of shell_docs:render to use the + correct type for an MFA. + * stdlib: Fix uri_string:recompose/1 when host is present but + input path is not absolute. This change prevents the recompose + operation to change the top level domain of the host when the + path does not start with a slash. + * stdlib: The epp module would return a badly formed error term + when an 'if' preprocessor directive referenced an undefined + symbol. epp:format_error/1 would crash when called with the bad + error term. + * stdlib: lists:sublist(List, Start, Len) failed with an + exception if Start > length(List) + 1 even though it is + explicitly documented that "It is not an error for Start+Len to + exceed the length of the list". + * tools: Correct the Xref analysis locals_not_used to find + functions called exclusively from on_load functions. + * erts: Update the documentation of the abstract format to use + ANNO instead of LINE. + * erts: The emulator will no longer revert to the default number + of schedulers when running under a CPU quota lower than 1 CPU. + * erts: Fixed a problem with crash dumps. When a process that + contained reference to literals internally created by the + runtime system (such as the tuple returned by os:type/0), the + literal would not be included in the crash dump and the + crashdump viewer would complain about the heap being + incomplete. + * erts: Fix configure detection of PGO for clang. + * erts: The to_erl program has been fixed to correctly interpret + newline as only newline and not newline+return. This bug would + cause the terminal to behave strangely when using lines longer + than the terminal size. + * erts: A race condition when changing process priority by + calling process_flag(priority, Prio) could cause elevation of + priority for a system task to be ignored. This bug hit if the + system task was scheduled on the process calling process_flag() + at the same time as the priority was changed. The bug is quite + harmless and should hit very seldom if ever. + * erts: Adjust /bin/sh to /system/bin/sh in scripts when + installing on Android. + * erts: In rare circumstances, when loading a BEAM file generated + by an alternative code generator (not the Erlang compiler in + OTP) or from handwritten or patched BEAM code, the loader could + do an unsafe optimization. + * erts: A memory and file descriptor leak in socket has been + fixed. (When a newly opened socket that had not entered the fd + into the VM's poll set (neither received, sent, accepted nor + connected) was abandoned without closing (process died), after + assigning a different controlling process, then a memory block + and the file descriptor could be leaked.) + * erts: The documentation of statistics(run_queue) erroneously + stated that it returns the total length of all normal run + queues when it is the total length of all normal and dirty CPU + run queues that is returned. The documentation has been updated + to reflect the actual behavior. + * erts: Changes in order to build on the Haiku operating system. + Thanks to Calvin Buckley + * erts: When building the inet driver on Windows, there where + many compiler warnings regarding type casting (used when + calling the debug macro). This has now been resolved. + * erts: Make (use of) the socket registry optional (still enabled + by default). Its now possible to build OTP with the socket + registry turned off, turn it off by setting an environment + variable and controlling in runtime (via function calls and + arguments when creating sockets). + * erts: Change default filename encoding on android to UTF-8. + * erts: Clarification of the format of the atom cache header used + by the distribution. + * erl_docgen: Repaired lost function "since" versions in the + right margin of the module reference HTML documentation. + * erl_docgen: Remove erlang compilation warnings and trailing + whitespaces. + * ftp: Avoid timing issue when setting active once on a socket + that is being closed by the peer. + * ftp: Avoid timing issue when setting active once on a socket + that is being closed by the peer. + * dialyzer: In rare circumstance, dialyzer wold crash when + analyzing a list comprehension. + * eunit: Fixed compiler warning. + * snmp: For agent fix PrivParams for SNMPv3 USM with AES privacy, + as earlier fixed for the manager in OTP_16541. + * snmp: The SNMP Agent missed to re-activate datagram reception + in an odd timeout case and went deaf. This bug has been fixed. + * snmp: Use of deprecated functions in example 2 has been removed + (no more compiler warnings). + * snmp: A file descriptor leak has been plugged. When calling the + reconfigure function of a mib, it opened the config file(s) but + never closed them on successful read. + * asn1: Changes in order to build on the Haiku operating system. + Thanks to Calvin Buckley + * syntax_tools: Minor documentation fix of erl_syntax:operator/1. + * erl_interface: Fix erl_interface on windows to be compiled with + correct flags to make internal primitives reentrant. + * erl_interface: Fixed ei_get_type to set *size to zero for + floats, pids, port and refs according to documentation. + * erl_interface: Fix ei_connect when using a dynamic node name to + force usage of distribution version 6. This bug caused erl_call + - R -address to not work properly. + * erl_interface: Changes in order to build on the Haiku operating + system. Thanks to Calvin Buckley + * erl_interface: The ei API for decoding/encoding terms is not + fully 64-bit compatible since terms that have a representation + on the external term format larger than 2 GB cannot be handled. + * ssl: If a passive socket is created, ssl:recv/2,3 is never + called and then the peer closes the socket the controlling + process will no longer receive an active close message. + * ssl: Data deliver with ssl:recv/2,3 could fail for when using + packet mode. This has been fixed by correcting the flow control + handling of passive sockets when packet mode is used. + * ssl: This change fixes a potential man-in-the-middle + vulnerability when the ssl client is configured to + automatically handle session tickets ({session_tickets, auto}). + * ssl: Fix the internal handling of options 'verify' and + 'verify_fun'. This change fixes a vulnerability when setting + the ssl option 'verify' to verify_peer in a continued handshake + won't take any effect resulting in the acceptance of expired + peer certificates. + * ssl: This change fixes the handling of stateless session + tickets when anti-replay is enabled. + * ssl: Fix a crash due to the faulty handling of stateful session + tickets received by servers expecting stateless session + tickets. This change also improves the handling of + faulty/invalid tickets. + * ssl: Correct flow ctrl checks from OTP-16764 to work as + intended. Probably will not have a noticeable affect but will + make connections more well behaved under some circumstances. + * ssl: Distribution over TLS could exhibit livelock-like + behaviour when there is a constant stream of distribution + messages. Distribution data is now chunked every 16 Mb to avoid + that. + * ssl: Implement the cookie extension for TLS 1.3. + * ssl: Experimental OCSP client support. + * ssl: TLS 1.0 -TLS-1.2 sessions tables now have a absolute max + value instead of using a shrinking mechanism when reaching the + limit. To avoid out of memory problems under heavy load + situations. Note that this change infers that implementations + of ssl_session_cache_api needs to implement the size function + (introduce in OTP 19) for session reuse to be optimally + utilized. + * os_mon: memsup now returns the correct amount of system memory + on macOS. + * os_mon: Fix memsup:get_os_wordsize/0 to return the current size + on aarch64. + * ssh: Fixed a bug when a message to ssh-agent was divided into + separate packets. + * ssh: Fix a bug that could crash the cli server if a too large + cli-window was requested from the client. + * ssh: Increased test coverage. + * ssh: A chapter about hardening the OTP SSH is added to the + User's Guide. + * ssh: The internal Diffie-Hellman high level API for key + generation was slow in old and by OpenSSL now unsupported + cryptolib versions (1.0.1 and earlier). If such a cryptolib is + used anyhow, the low-level API is used internally in the crypto + application. + * ssh: A new timeout is defined for daemons: hello_timeout. The + timeout is supposed to be used as a simple DoS attack + protection. It closes an incoming TCP-connection if no valid + first SSH message is received from the client within the + timeout limit after the TCP initial connection setup. The + initial value is 30s by compatibility reasons, but could be + lowered if needed, for example in the code or in a config file. + * inets: Clarify the handling of percent encoded characters in + http client. + * inets: fix crash for undefined port in uri. + * inets: Avoid timing issue when setting active once on a socket + that is being closed by the peer. + * inets: Handle message body of response with 1XX status code as + next http message. + * inets: Fix a crash in http server when setopts is called on a + socket closed by the peer. + * inets: A vulnerability in the httpd module (inets application) + regarding directory traversal that was introduced in OTP 22.3.1 + and corrected in OTP It was also introduced in OTP + 23.0 and corrected in OTP 23.1 The vulnerability is registered + as CVE-2020-25623 (boo#1177354) The vulnerability is only exposed + if the http server (httpd) in the inets application is used. The + vulnerability makes it possible to read arbitrary files which + the Erlang system has read access to with for example a + specially prepared http request. + * inets: Add support of PATCH method in mod_esi. + * compiler: If the update of a map with the 'Map#{Key := Value}' + syntax failed, the line number in the stack backtrace could be + incorrect. + * compiler: Fixed a performance bug that slowed down compilation + of modules with deeply nested terms. + * compiler: The compiler could in rare circumstances do an an + unsafe optimization that would result in a matching of a nested + map pattern would fail to match. + * compiler: Fixed a bug in the validator that caused it to reject + valid code. + * public_key: Fixed an insignificant whitespace issue when + decoding PEM file. + * public_key: Experimental OCSP client support. + * public_key: Use user returned path validation error for + selfsigned cert. It allows users of the ssl application to + customize the generated TLS alert, within the range of defined + alerts. + * public_key: add API function to retrieve the subject-ID of an + X509 certificate + * runtime_tools: Fixed a crash in appmon_info triggered by trying + to read port info from a port that was in the process of + terminating. appmon_info is used by observer to get information + from the observed node. + * megaco: The expected number of warnings when (yecc) generating + v2 and v3 (text) parser's was incorrect. + * hipe: Fixed a warning issued when building the hipe + application. + * odbc: Changes in order to build on the Haiku operating system. + Thanks to Calvin Buckley + * crypto: Fix type spec bug in crypto for crypto_init and + crypto:one_time + * crypto: The deprecation message for crypto:rand_uniform/2 + indicated a non-existent function. The correct one + (rand:uniform/1) is now suggested. + * crypto: Implemented a workaround to allow fallback from using + the EVP API for Diffie-Hellman key generation + * crypto: The internal Diffie-Hellman high level API for key + generation was slow in old and by OpenSSL now unsupported + cryptolib versions (1.0.1 and earlier). If such a cryptolib is + used anyhow, the low-level API is used internally in the crypto + application. + * sasl: Make release_handler more resilient against exiting + processes during upgrade. +- Changes for 23.0.4: + * stdlib: When a temporary child of a simple_one_for_one + supervisor died, the internal state of the supervisor would be + corrupted in a way that would cause the supervisor to retain + the start arguments for subsequent children started by the + supervisor, causing unnecessary growth of the supervisor's + heap. There state corruption could potentially cause other + problems as well. + * erts: The ERTS internal I/O poll implementation could get into + an inconsistent state causing input events to be ignored. + * megaco: The v2 and v3 parsers could not properly decode some + IPv6 addresses. + +- Changes for 23.0.3: + * erts: Fixed bug in erlang:load_nif/2 that could cause it to + throw badarg exception if a concurrent code change operation + was in progress. Bug existed since OTP 23.0. + * erts: Minor fix of debug compiled VM. + * erts: An unintentional reuse of an already used emulator + internal event object could cause a wakeup signal to a thread + to be lost. In worst case this could cause the runtime system + to hang. This hang was however quite rare. + * erts: NIF threads and driver threads on non-Linux systems + leaked internal resources when terminating. On Windows these + resources were one event per thread. On most other systems one + mutex and one condition variable per thread. On these other + systems that also lacked pthread_cond_timedwait() also a pipe + with its file descriptors was leaked. + * compiler: When calls to is_map_key were repeated, the compiler + could terminate with an internal consistency failure. + * compiler: Fixed a bug in the type inference pass that could + cause the compiler to hang. + +- Changes for 23.0.2: + * erts: Fixed bug when sending an export fun (eg lists:reverse/1) + on a not yet established connection. It could cause VM crash. + Bug exists since OTP 23.0. + * megaco: The mini parser could not properly decode some IPv6 + addresses. +- Changes for 23.0.1: + * erts: The functionality utilized by BIFs for temporary + disabling of garbage collection while yielding could cause + system task queues to become inconsistent on a process + executing such a BIF. Process system tasks are for example + utilized when purging code, garbage collecting literal data, + and when issuing an ordinary garbage collection from another + process. The bug does not trigger frequently. Multiple code + purges in direct sequence makes it more likely that this bug is + triggered. In the cases observed, this has resulted in a + hanging code purge operation. + * erts: SCTP and UDP recv/2,3 hangs indefinitely if socket is + closed while recv is called (socket in passive mode). + * compiler: In rare circumstances, a guard using 'not' could + evaluate to the wrong boolean value. + * compiler: A guard expression that referenced a variable bound + to a boolean expression could evaluate to the wrong value. + +- Version 23.0: +- Potential Incompatibilities: + * SSL:Support for SSL 3.0 is completely removed. TLS 1.3 is added + to the list of default supported versions. + * erl_interface: Removed the deprecated parts of erl_interface + (erl_interface.h and essentially all C functions with prefix + erl_). + * The deprecated erlang:get_stacktrace/0 BIF now returns an empty + list instead of a stacktrace. erlang:get_stacktrace/0 is + scheduled for removal in OTP 24. +- Improvements and new features: + * ssh: OpenSSH 6.5 introduced a new file representation of keys + called openssh-key-v1. This is now supported with the exception + of handling encrypted keys. + * Algorithm configuration could now be done in a .config file. This + is useful for example to enable an algorithm that is disabled by + default without need to change the code. + * SSL: Support for the middlebox compatibility mode makes the TLS + 1.3 handshake look more like a TLS 1.2 handshake and increases + the chance of successfully establishing TLS 1.3 connections + through legacy middleboxes. + * Add support for key exchange with Edward curves and PSS-RSA + padding in signature verification + * The possibility to run Erlang distribution without relying on + EPMD has been extended. + * A first EXPERIMENTAL socket backend to gen_tcp and inet has been + implemented. gen_udp and gen_sctp will follow. + * Putting {inet_backend, socket} as first option to listen() or + connect() makes it easy to try this for existing code + * A new module erpc in kernel which implements an enhanced subset + of the operations provided by the rpc module. Enhanced in the + sense that it makes it possible to distinguish between returned + value, raised exceptions and other errors. erpc also has better + performance and scalability than the original rpc implementation. + This by utilizing the newly introduced spawn_request() BIF. Also + the rpc module benefits from these improvements by utilizing erpc + when possible. + * Scalability and performance Improvements plus new functionality + regarding distributed spawn operations. + * In binary matching, the size of the segment to be matched is now + allowed to be a guard expression (EEP-52) + * When matching with maps the keys can now be guard expressions + (EEP-52). + * ssh: support for TCP/IP port forwarding, a.k.a tunnelling a.k.a + as tcp-forward/direct-tcp is implemented. In the OpenSSH client, + this corresponds to the options -L and -R. + * Allow underscores in numeric literals to improve readability. + Examples: 123_456_789, 16#1234_ABCD. + * New functions in the shell for displaying documentation for + Erlang modules, functions and types. + * kernel: The module pg with a new implementation of distributed + named process groups is introduced. The old module pg2 is + deprecated and scheduled for removal in OTP 24. eventviews +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.0: + * Agenda: fix timezone being lost when moving event by drag + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.07.80: + * Fix korganizer crashes when graphically moving or resizing a copied recurring event (kde#472789) + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Avoid crashes if findCalendar or calendar2 return empty (kde#470584) + * Invalidate model to apply sortCompletedTodosSeparately pref (kde#458254) + * Remove TodoModel from eventviews + * Switch to the TodoModel copy coming from akonadi-calendar + * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works + * Explicitly link against KConfig + * Remove the background coloring from TodoModel + * Add a ColorTodoProxyModel providing the colored background feature + * Adapt to CalendarSupport::createMimeData having moved to akoandi-calendar + * Remove tooltips on TodoModel + * not export symbol of private methods + * Allow to build test + fix generated QCH target + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + * Const'ify pointer + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.2: + * Invalidate model to apply sortCompletedTodosSeparately pref (kde#458254) + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Fix crash when dragging event ouf of month view scene (kde#466971) + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + evince -- Update to version 41.4 - + shell: Fix crashes when thumbnail extraction takes too long. +- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN. + +- Update to version 45.0: + + data: Remove defunct mailing list; add Discourse. + + help: Correct dead IRC link. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.rc: + + build: Update flatpak dependencies. + + ci: Add default template for issues. + + data: + - Move metainfo top-level dir to data dir. + - Use gitlab issues as the official bugtracker. + + libview: Fix transformation of view coordinates. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.3: + + Add support for validating appdata versions. + + Check for NEWS and appdata updates for new releases. + + Don't discard matches without text area in the find bar. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.2: + + data: Fix years on 44.x releases + + shell: + - Fix crash when instantiating .ui template + - Fix restoring close button after fullscreen + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.1: + + Quick fix release from the right branch. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.0: + + Avoid a crash caused by double free + + Change its wording to the more descriptive "Print this section" + + Convert utf8 fullwidth numbers to halfwidth + + Disable GtkTreeView's builtin search + + Explicitly enable Outline search + + Fix double free of GtkEntryCompletion + + Improve Outline context menu + + Leave outline search menu item always on + + Remove redundant ellipses + + Tweak 'Expand all under this element' item sensitivity + + Use the same term for the Outline sidebar + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.rc: + + Update + + backend: Handle NULL returned from + poppler_layers_iter_get_title + + build: + - Build the backends on the top backend directory + - Replace custom target with i18n.merge_files + - Disable gtk_doc when introspection is disabled + - Fix deprecation warning on meson + - Fix docs cross build + - Update desktop database at post install + - Update libgd to current master + + data: Update URLs by GNOME Discourse + + help: + - Update URLs by GNOME Discourse + - Use action-name properties in help overlay + - Correct UI steps in gedit for SyncTex plugin + + libview: Fix crash when releasing click with selected text + holding click button + + shell: + - Code clean up + - Derive EvMessageArea from GtkBin to simplify GTK4 move + - Derive EvToolbar from GtkBin instead of HdyHeaderBar + - Dispose using g_clear_object and g_clear_pointer + - Do not hard-code event to open context menus + - Do not wrap SearchBar in GtkRevealer + - Go to requested page for links to external PDF documents + - Port GtkMenu to use GActions + - Remove active-icon-name property + - Remove complexity in menu popup + - Remove goto-bookmark action and bookmark_menu + - Remove unused toolbar navigation_action widget + - Simplify definition of EvToolbar type + - Simplify title set logic and sanitize before use + - Support display page numbers above 10000 + - Use a GtkBox to simplify GTK4 move + - Use composite template for EvToolbar + - Use stack children to keep record of the sidebar page + + Updated translations. +- Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires, new dependency. + +- Update to version 43.1: + + build: Disable nautilus extension by default. + + comics: + - Avoid critical when pixbuf can't be rendered. + - Better debug on archive error. + - Fix crash that can happen if archive is damaged. + - Still try to open broken comics. + + shell: Fix use-after-free on a modified document. + + Fix incorrect link in + + Use https URL for in + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.0: + + build: + - Narrow the version to enable nautilus plugin + - Update flatpak dependencies + - Use GNOME module post_install() + - Add new job to generate the docker image + - Update versions for gitlab-ci's Docker image + + help: + - Add Italian localized image + - Remove unused screenshots + - Update application screenshot to version 43 UI + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.alpha: + + backends: + - Handle labels as optional on markup annotations. + - Use default color when annotation has no color. + + build: + - Add deprecation guards to now old find text related + functions. + - Always enable the pdf backend. + - Bump poppler's version to latest stable. + - Bump version after release. + - Let flatpak build fail. + + ci: Remove unused path when building flatpak. +- Pass nautilus=false to meson, disable build of nautilus-evince. + Following this, drop pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension) + BuildRequires, no longer needed, and nautilus-evince sub-package. + +- Update to version 42.3: + + Shell: Disconnect signal handler to prevent invalid read. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.1 + + Fix use-after-free. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.1: + + data: Remove 42.x development releases from appdata. + +- Update to version 42.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.rc: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.beta: + + all: + - Replace include guards with pragma once + - Remove legacy code path for Gtk < 3.22 + - Rename default branch to main + - Align app name in metadata with .desktop name + + appdata: + - Fix missing tag + - Use a nondeprecated SPDX license identifier + + backends: + - Use C99 types for uint family types + - Use symbol visibility for exported symbols + - dvi: + . replace GdkColor with GdkRGBA + . Avoid using deprecated functions + . Remove support for T1 fonts on dvi + - comics: + . Add helper to get the state of the EvArchive + . Document array contents + . Speed up fetching page sizes + . Use libarchive for RAR support + - djvu: + . Also load DjVu images + . Extract XMP metadata + - pdf: + . Use GdkRGBA instead of GdkColor + . Fix dispose implementation + . Fix metadata parsing precedence + . Implement loading from file descriptor + . Only flag EvDocumentInfo fields when actually present + . Let launch action to open pdfs from click event + - tiff: Extract XMP metadata + + build: + - Fix dependency tracking + - Fix re-definition of default_options + - Only fail to build DVI by missing libkpathsea + - Remove cruft + - Require poppler 22.02.0 for PDF rendering + - Silence deprecated declarations warnings + - Use symbol visibility to hide symbols in private libs + - Use symbol visibility to hide symbols in the nautilus module + - Stop checking for execinfo.h + - Remove incorrect args for i18n.merge_file + - Fix multiple compilation warnings + + doc: Migrate to gi-docgen + + flatpak: + - Add gi-docgen and its dependencies as modules + - Add libarchive 3.6.0 build + - Build introspection and API documentation + - Bump gnome-desktop version + - Bump poppler version and update build options + - Bump poppler-data version + + icons: update symbols + + libdocument: + - Add API to create EvDocument from file descriptor + - Add function to sniff MIME type from FD + - Add missing headers to evince-document.h + - Add portal helper function + - Deprecate GTime usage in annotation's properties + - Don't install private headers + - Factor out function to create GDateTime from tag + - Fix mismatched allocators + - Fix volatile misuse + - Make ev_attachment_launch_app use GdkDisplay + - Make EvDocumentInfo extensible + - Make XMP parser take data length + - Move EvDocumentInfo to its own file + - Move GDateTime members to the extended struct + - Move XMP parsing from backend/pdf to libdocument + - Only register XML namespaces once + - Plug some mem leaks in the XMP parser + - Set EvDocumentInfo.fields_mask when parsing XMP + - Sort evince-document.h includes + - Use symbol visibility for exported symbols + + libmisc: Update style context classes + + libview: + - Add EvJobLoad class to load from file descriptor + - Add Portal implementation of EvPrintOperationExport + - Bugfix: Move cursor over link handling to a separate function + - Do not draw invalid surface + - EvAnnotationWindow is private to libview + - EvPageCache is private to libview + - EvPixbufCache is private to libview + - Fix critical warnings when destroying EvPageAccessible + - Fix typos in annotations + - Fix volatile misuse + - Open annotation windows when opening the document + - Split the unix printing impl from the export print operation + - Use GObject:constructed instead of constructor + - Use symbol visibility for exported symbols + - Whitespace cleanup + - ev-view-cursor.h private to libview + - Set has-tooltip property unconditionally at init + - Fix cancelling ongoing highlight text annotation + - Preview popups only triggered by motion events + - New EvView signal to inform EvWindow we cancelled adding + annotation + + previewer: + - Allow passing the document and print settings as FDs + - Support dark style preference + - Try sniffing MIME type from file descriptor +- Replace gtk-doc with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires, + following upstreams port. +- Stop passing t1lib=disabled to meson, no longer needed, nor + available. +- Drop 1060b24d051607f14220f148d2f7723b29897a54.patch: Fixed + upstream. +- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling. + +- Update to version 41.4: + + shell: Fix crash when thumbnail extraction takes too long. evolution -- Add evolution-height-miscalculation.patch: fix rendering of - calendar changes with WebKitGTK 2.40+ (boo#1213858 - glgo#GNOME/evolution#2204). - -- Add evolution-frame-flattening.patch: handle frame flattening - change in WebKitGTK 2.40 (boo#1213858). - -- The evolution-devel should be forward compatible with - evolution-data-server-devel in a same major version - (jsc#PED-2235). +- Update to version 3.50.3: + + rss: Ensure feed icon size to not be too large. + + Bug Fixes: + - Calendar: Improve print of the Month view + - rss: Better parse itunes feeds + - Drag and drop images in HTML composer from Chrome + - EMFolderTree: Do not expand to-be-selected folder + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.50.2: + + EContactCard: Card sometimes hides values. + + docs: Add API indexes for new symbols in 3.50. + + Fix a memory leak in ECompEditor. + + ECompoEditor: Some attachments can be hidden. + + Calendar: Go to day/today in Year View doesn't update internal + view dates. + + EYearView: Fix a crash when moving through search results. + + Bug Fixes: + - EAttachment: Ask for GFileInfo's icon only when attribute is + set. + - Mail: Subject header not decoded with encrypted messages. + - On empty mailbox new mail is automaticly selected and marked + read. + - Contacts: Update preview on contact change in List View. + - Mail: Search with "current folder and subfolders" in local + Trash fails. + - "Do not sign meeting requests" has no effect. + +- Update to version 3.50.1: + + flatpak: Add missing comma in the manifests + + Bugs fixed: + - Mail: Correct conversion of UTF-16 encoded text files + - ConfigLookup: Default to STARTTLS for LDAP from SRV records + - EWebView: Enable spell checking for editable fields + - Make SRV config lookup records lower priority than the others + - Calendar: "Work Week" column separator light in dark theme + - OpenPGP: "Always sign/encrypt" doesn't always work + - Update default calendar colors + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.50.0: + + itip-formatter: Skip well-known read-only sources + + EHeaderBarButton: Can be half-sensitive with set menu + + EColorCombo: Don't set own default palette + + ci: Rename org.gnome.evolution.nightly to + org.gnome.Evolution.Devel + + Bugs fixed: + - Backspace in preedit mode can delete extra letters + - Mail: Signed attachment causes hide of unsigned body + - Mail: Duplicate items in the popup menu + - Change default response in 'Add Attachment' dialog + - Fix typos ("begining", "ineficient") in code comments + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.3: + + Replace internal functions with new functions from libecal + + alarm-notify: Drop dependency on the evolution-calendar part + + Tweak how long to wait for a 'connected' state when opening an + EClient + + evolution-util: Declare build dependency on libsecret + + Force icon size for categories + + itip: Export to HTML without category icons + + Composer: Do not send 'Autocrypt' headers larger than 10KB + + Always use attachments for 'Forward as iCalendar' + + CompEditor: Cannot move memo/task between lists + + Calendar: Ask for deletion notice only for attendees + + Postpone some operations from GtkWidget::size_allocate() to + idle callback + + test-web-view-jsc: Adapt tests to WebKitGTK 2.40.3 behavior + changes + + test-markdown: Fix a memory leak + + Bugs fixed: + - CompEditor: Attendees dialogs out of sync in Schedule and + General tab + - ESrvConfigLookup: Consider mail configuration complete + - Mail: Add option to hide unread count in folder tree + - Preferences: Network proxy port not always saved + - Calendar: Disallow change of target client for existing + components + - Error message only half readable (insufficient panel height) + - Pair backup process window with the main application + - Composer: HTML formatting left after mode change to Plain + Text + - ESpinner: Cache working.png into memory + - mail-to-task: Extract text also from HTML-only messages + - Correct color of expand/collapse buttons in preview in Dark + mode + - itip: Limit headers in multipart/alternative part + - Calendar: Change how categories are exported into preview + - itip-formatter: Rename Send reply to Sender -> Organizer + - CompEditor: Enhance time re-calculation on overlap change + - Mail: Detect which images WebKitGTK can show + - Calendar: Minicalendar blocks sidebar shrink + - Add Move / Copy to folder into message preview context menu + - Shell: Add option to prefer symbolic icons + - First-Run Assistant: Set file filter to backup file chooser + - Mail: Add filter condition for iCalendar attachment + - ITip formatter ignores Dark mode preference for text/plain + MIME parts + - Calendar: Hard to read meeting time selector header in Dark + mode + - mail-to-task: Do not create all day events + - Mail: Add option to auto-show insecure parts + - CompEditor: Ignore abbreviated date format + - Only headers visible for unsigned emails attached to signed + emails + - Calendar: Import only valid iCalendar files + - Add "Send after 1 minute" option to composer's "Send through + Outbox" + - "Next" in Collection Account setup can be disabled for no + valid reason + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.2: + + Calendar: Indicate detached instance of a recurring event. + + Mail: Correct function prototype declaration + (-Wenum-int-mismatch). + + MessageList: Remove unused code. + + itip-formatter: Allow writing user response comments for all + calendars. + + itip-formatter: Disable send of iTip messages when disabled by + the user. + + CompEditor: Show source full name for existing components. + + EMeetingStore: Avoid runtime warning when setting NULL time + zone. + + Composer: Clear old alerts before sending a message. + + Bugs fixed: + - Sorting Contacts in the 'Address cards' view + - itip-formatter: Send meeting invitations as + multipart/alternative + - Improve handling of suspiciously signed/encrypted emails + (multiparts) + - Support Autocrypt + - Calendar: Use user-configured date format in the editor + - Option to get Delivery Status Notification (DSN) + - Allow to save forwarded mails in the original message folder + - ETimezoneEntry: Enable completion by timezone location + - Add save e-mails individually as eml format + - Mail: Allow to import PGP keys + - Calendar: Disallow change of target client for existing + components + - Composer: Offer to send without encryption when key is + missing + - CompEditor: Open map from Location field + - Mail: Add option to group messages into flat threads + - CompEditor: Allow unset recurrence for uneditable recurrences + - alarm-notify: Detect format change in settings + - Contacts: Add columns for mailing address fields + - Composer: Format change can discard message text + - Ability to update / overwrite a template when saving it + - "Archive…" direct action should not have ellipsis dots at the + end + - The "Select Address Book" dialog has disabled OK button after + open + - Calendar: Use meeting's timezone in the comp editor Schedule + tab + - Re-enable contact maps feature + - Calendar: Disallow save for all instances on a detached + instance + - Calendar does not remember selected weeks when scrolling via + button + - Calendar: Missing events in Month view print out + - Correct wording of mail composer's external attachments + warning infobar + - Composer: Change Max Line Length to RFC 2822 Limits + - CalDAV: Allow to disable schedule reply on remove + - Add option to reduce book/cal data usage when on a metered + connection + - Calendar: Add option to (not) delete "Declined" meeting + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.1: + + Bugs Fixed: + - Mail: Cannot change the search domain with active search + - iTip formatter: Hide the read-only calendars in the list + - Alternative Reply: Regroup the reply options related to + quoting + - Allow to Search Contact's Phone With Numbers Only + - Option to disable saving a copy of sent messages + - Mail: Warn when adding an existing label + +- Update to version 3.48.4: + + EMailSignatureScriptDialog: Cannot choose script file under + Flatpak. + + EMeetingListStore: Wrong role section picked in Attendees + dialog. + + Bug Fixed: + - HTML attachment viewport is tiny. + - EMailFormatter: Style change not propagated to all instances. +- Drop abdcc5af227972da8db1731f05e66a14eb4f6656.patch: Fixed + upstream. + +- Add abdcc5af227972da8db1731f05e66a14eb4f6656.patch: fix + "HTML attachment viewport is tiny" (glgo#GNOME/evolution#2400). + +- Update to version 3.48.3: + + Bugs fixed: + - EShellSearchbar: Cannot clear search by deleting text. + - Mail: + . Preview content sometimes grows indefinitely. + . Workaround recursion in iframe height computation. + - Composer: Use 'Wrap quoted text in replies' option also for + text/html parts. + +- Update to version 3.48.2: + + rss: Fix recently introduced memory leaks. + + Bugs fixed: + - Updated attachments are shown as updated, but sent in old + version. + - TNEF attached message decoded incorrectly. + - Mail: + . Preview panel has too many vertical scrollbars. + . Recalc preview iframe heights more often. + - Composer: + . HTML formatting lost on paste from external browser. + . Added extra quotation level after draft open. + - Inconsistent S/MIME signature validation results. + - Wrong S/MIME certificate selection for encrypted email. + - Search input field's clear button unclickable during first + entry. + - PGP-MIME: Show decrypted protected header as Subject in + preview. + - Bundle 'x-office-...' non-symbolic icons. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.48.1: + + e-gtkemojichooser: Correct packing of the internal widgets. + + Add plugins' directory into WebKitGTK only when it exists. + + e-util: Optimize + e_util_check_gtk_bindings_in_key_press_event_cb() a bit. + + Calendar: Add shortcuts for move to previous/next date. + + Misc: Update contact information in the file. + + Update information about the mailing list. + + Bugs fixed: + - Composer: Copy/paste changes text size in HTML mode. + - Signature is re-added to a Draft mail after open. + - Calendar: Summary not always shown in the Day View. + - Blockquotes styling changes in Markdown live preview when + editing area is focused. + - Composer: Preserve '\n' inside paragraph text. + - Mail: libunity badge counter does not disappear. + - Cannot import pkcs12 with empty password. + - Mail: Space bar no longer scrolls preview messages. + - ESpinner: Do not animate when animations are disabled. + - Ctrl+Shift+F does not focus the search field when already + visible. + - Composer: Bulleted list margin inconsistent in HTML. + - Composer: Can send outdated message content. + - ECompEditor: Classification submenu inaccessible for + read-only calendars. + - RSS: Limit re-download on content change, if possible. + - Contacts: LDAP not searching for contact after launch. + - iTIP-formatter: respect the color-scheme in HTML MIME parts. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.48.0: + + mail.error.xml: Unmark two strings from translation. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.47.3: + + RSS: Folder-specific options not save from Preferences. + + help: Replace docs mailing list URL by GNOME Discourse. + + Bugs fixed: + - Icons in the message list are rendered in low resolution on + HiDPI displays. + - Mail: + . Add option to confirm 'Mark as Junk'. + . Show S/MIME encrypted part as attachment on failed + decryption. + . Inherit format from template in Alternative Reply. + - Composer: + . Check parent element's text-align before unsetting it. + . "Select All" in context menu doesn't select recipients. + - RSS: Read of author depends on element order. + - ECalendarItem: Use selected text color for day names and week + numbers. + - iTIP: Override text color together with background color. + - Add new screenshots for AppStream metadata. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.47.2: + + ENameSelectorDialog: Simplify book query. + + Enable GitLab CI for easier testing of the changes. + + Make it possible to run GitLab CI Flatpak artifact. + + EWebView: Stop trying to disable WebKitGTK plugins. + + help: Replace PNG Evolution icon with SVG. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.4: + + Markdown: Enhance convert of mail signature into markdown + + CollectionAccountEditor: Fix packing of the switch widgets + + Bugs fixed: + - Moving message does not select previous message + - "Private reply" addressed to list when sender is one of my + accounts + - Calendar: + . Preserve Work Week view on date change, if possible + . Copy through clipboard can break series + - ENameSelectorEntry: Refresh completion results more ofter + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.3: + + Fix few memory leaks + + EMailReader: Correct sensitivity of toolbar buttons + + Add Interlingue translation into the list of supported locales + + Bugs fixed: + - e_task_table_get_selected: Skip non-existent comp_data + - Calendar: Unset "Show Event Preview" shortcut + - Duplicate attachments when forwarding + - MarkdownEditor: Correct signature boundary start on text + insert + - RSS: Crash when reading feed with empty author + - itip-formatter: iframe height miscalculated without frame + flattening + - Composer: Spell checking is auto-enabled on mode change + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.2: + + Composer: Correct conversion of TABLE into Plain Text. + + EHTMLEditor: Traverse between all editors when looking for the + editor name. + + itip-utils: Change provided HTML transcript of a replied-to + meeting. + + EYearView: Correct calculation of the shown date. + + Add WebKit user plugin paths into the sandbox. + + Mute "No provider available for protocol “sendmail”" under + Flatpak. + + EMailBrowser: Correct placement of the menu button in the + header bar. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.1: + + Calendar: Compare date with correct zone + + publish-calendar: Correct type of a 'port' variable to match + GUri's port type + + Fix possible crash under type_ahead_complete_on_timeout_cb() + + EWebView: Make sure an error is set when passing it to + webkit_uri_scheme_request_finish_error() + + EHTTPRequest: Rearrange free functions and set error on failure + + help: Replace to-be-retired mailing list with GNOME Discourse + link + + Bugs fixed: + - Add option to disable use of header bars + - Calendar: + . Decode attendee names in meeting editor + . Meeting's Reply-To-All should not use attendee response in + Subject + . Periodically refresh Marcus Bains line + - Contacts: Correct print of multiline text + - EHeaderBarButton: Avoid busy loop on toggle action's 'active' + change + - Enable sandboxing for WebKitGTK 2.38.0+ + - EShellHeaderBar: Disable subtitle for the header bar + - Fix possible memory leak in e_table_state_load_from_node() + - Group Manager: Auto-deselect sources in to be hidden groups + - Hide extra separators in Composer, Mail and Calendar view + toolbars + - Limit number of previewed messages on mbox file import + - Mail: + . Hide print Preview in the menu + . Update preview's iframe height to match its content + - Make it possible to disable GOA accounts + - New-Mail-Account: 'Skip Lookup' button not removed + - prefer-plain: + . 'related' under 'alternative' shows 'html' part + . Runtime warnings for "Only ever show plain text" + - Tasks: Correct interpretation of Due DATE value + - VEVENT components should not contain both DTEND and DURATION + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.0: + + Bugs fixed: Use icon-only buttons in the header bar. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.45.3: + + ECert: Correct free function of two private members + + Use certificate widget provided by libedataserverui + + MessageList: Remove unneeded condition in an 'if' statement + + Bugs fixed: + - EShellWindow: The 'New' menu is not filled after start + - Composer: Send of Outbox message doesn't remove it + - EMFormat: Do not "mark citation" in header values + + Updated translations. +- Drop unused pkgconfig(gcr-4-gtk3) BuildRequires. + +- Update to version 3.45.2: + + Mail: Handle built-in accounts similar to 'On This Computer' + and 'Search Folders' + + e_mail_folder_to_full_display_name: Use display-name for + folders with no parent + + EMFolderTree: Add 'folder-custom-icon' and 'compare-folders' + signals + + Implement News & Blogs (RSS) reader + + RSS: Require camel and libedataserer pkgconfig files + + Use camel_folder_get_full_display_name() in user-visible + strings + + Composer: Some parts of HTML not always converted into Plain + Text + + ECompEditor: + - Add signals for core virtual methods + - Prefer "Save and Close" in the header bar + + Change when symbolic icons are forced in the application + + flatpak: Add access to gvfsd in the Flatpak manifests + + Build with gcr4 by default + + Add Abkhazian translation into the list of supported locales + + EHeaderBarButton: + - Use gtk_action_is_sensitive() in "sensitivity" property + binding + - Uniform how a GtkAction is added into the header bar button + - Disable the dropdown button with the main + button + + EMenuBar: Ensure GSettings signal handler is removed on menu + bar free + + Show a menu button in the header bar when the menu bar is + hidden + + Bugs fixed: + - Calendar: + . Sort reminder times in the component editor + . The default reminder not always added + - EColorSchemeWatcher: Verify chosen dark variant theme name + exists + - ECompEditor: + . Cannot save changes + . Reminders list is too small + - EMailBrowser: Move 'Reply' to the right side of the header + bar + - Mail: + . Change Template folder icon to 'folder-templates' + . Option to use user-specified Date format in Inline reply + style + - Missing divider lines and paddings under GNOME + - Use Client Side Decoration (header bar) + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.45.1: + + build: Update geocode-glib dependency + + Calendar: + - Add option to shorten event end time for new events + - Default to event move on drag&drop in Week/Month/Year views + - Fix recently introduced "maybe used uninitialized" warning in + the print code + - Highlight today in the Year View + - Ignore event drag&drop in read-only calendars in Year View + - Implement event drag&drop for the Year view + - Implement 'Year View' + - Minicalendar shown after search in the List View + - Option to shorten an event time from the end or from the + start + - Unify tooltip query in calendar views + - Update preview on a component change in the Year View + + CompEditor: Consider 'shorten-end-time' when adjusting end time + + Correct spelling of word 'GitLab' + + Disable hardware acceleration for WebKitGTK + + docs: Add some missing sections into the developer + documentation + + ECalComponentPreview: Linkify 'Location' value + + ECompEditor: Change packing of the Organizer combo + + EContactEditor: Use a GWeakRef on the editor when opening + target client + + EMailStripSigFilter: Make sure it doesn't read out of buffer + bounds + + EMonthWidget: Fix a memory leak + + ENameSelectorDialog: Set a11y description for the Add/Remove + buttons + + EShell: Auto-close ESource connection alerts on idle + + EWebDAVConfigLookup: Set also authentication method + + EWebKitEditor: Mode change not propagated into the Editor + widget + + EWebView: Unset has-selection flag on content load start + + Fix cairo_surface_t memory leaks after drag begin + + flatpak: Prepare manifest for the development version + + gal-view-instance: Do not crash on broken setup + it, and all of its dependencies, should be libsoup3 too. + + itip-view: Ignore empty text/plain subpart in meeting + invitation mail + + Mail: Handle CAMEL_PROVIDER_CONF_ADVANCED_SECTION_START in + provider config page + + Tasks: Ensure ICalTime::zone is set for current time + + The Evolution had been ported to libsoup3, which means anything + what uses + + Update the information in the AUTHORS file + + Bugs fixed: + - Calendar: Display multi-lingual properties in current locale + - alarm-notify: Add option to enable/disable desktop + notifications + - Calendar: Drag&drop events in Week/Month views + - Cannot import PKCS12 certificate with non-ASCII or empty + password + - icons: emblem-new hard to spot with adwaita-icon-theme 42 + - itip-formatter: Properly update content on message preview + reload + - Correct GSettings schema strings for translation + - Mail: Preview uses wrong colors for HTML mail with dark theme + - Meeting attendees should default to Required Participants + - attachment-reminder: Existing keyword lost on editing cancel + - icons: Add symbolic variants for toolbar/folder tree icons + - markdown-utils: Ignore character encoding hints in HTML when + converting to text + - Flatpak: Attachments cannot be opened + - Tasks: Cannot remove recurrence and Start date at the same + time + - Composer: Markdown should prevent soft line breaks + - Calendar: Show recurring information near event time in + preview/iTip + - itip-formatter: Colorize meeting summary with the event color + - Show mailto: hyperlinks in the status bar percent-decoded + - WebKitEditor: Convert to plain text incorrect on + reply/forward open + - Contacts: Add a way to create a contact copy + - Calendar: Read Organizer/Attendee EMAIL parameter + - itip-formatter: Use whole URL value as a link href + - Fails to build with libgweather 3.36 + - Misc: Handle numpad Enter similarly as the Enter key + - Composer: Ensure URL entry is focused in Link Properties + - Better handle Dark Style GNOME 42 setting + - iTIP formatter shows twice "Attendee status updated" + - Calendars with very long names hide the organizer in the + CompEditor + - Tasks: Overdue calculation sometimes incorrect + - CompEditor: Move whole component between calendars + - DUE-today color in Tasks window not always applied + - Calendar: iTip message not sent to a Room address + - Allow to search in "Describe Filters" + - Calendar: Add option to change 'today' background color + - Composer: Skip STYLE and other tags in convert to Plain Text + - Drag&Drop creates many identical temporary files + - Composer: Add "Copy/Open Link" into the context menu + - Update Task preview, when Task is updated + - Mail: Add option to print attachment content + - ESourceSelectorDialog: Close on double-click on source only + - Calendar: Show extra Google attendee info in component + preview + - Crash when printing task list to pdf + - Logic of "Do not sign meeting requests" is inverted + - Add Web Key Directory (WKD) support for OpenPGP + - Add option to respect Power Saver mode + - EMFolderTreeModel: Prefer Inbox over other folder types + - Port to libsoup3 + - icon-factory: update for new gnome-desktop API + - em-format: Make contact photo rounded + - EShell: Use symbolic icons on GNOME + + Updated translations. +- Replace pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0), pkgconfig(gcr-3), + pkgconfig(gweather-3.0), pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) and + pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) with pkgconfig(geocode-glib-2.0), + pkgconfig(gcr-4-gtk3), pkgconfig(gweather4), + pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0), pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) + BuildRequires/Requires following upstream changes. +- Drop pkgconfig(libgdata) BuildRequires/Requires: No longer + required, nor needed. + +- Update to version 3.44.4: + + Change when symbolic icons are forced in the application. + + Bugs fixed: + - Missing divider lines and paddings under GNOME. + - EColorSchemeWatcher: Verify chosen dark variant theme name + exists. + - ECompEditor: Reminders list is too small. + - Calendar: The default reminder not always added. + +- Update to version 3.44.3: + + EMailStripSigFilter: Make sure it doesn't read out of buffer + bounds. + + Bugs fixed: + - icons: Add symbolic variants for toolbar/folder tree icons. + - Composer: Skip STYLE and other tags in convert to Plain Text. + - Drag&Drop creates many identical temporary files. + - Update Task preview, when Task is updated. + - ESourceSelectorDialog: Close on double-click on source only. + - Crash when printing task list to pdf. + - Logic of "Do not sign meeting requests" is inverted. + - EShell: Use symbolic icons on GNOME. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.44.2: + + Miscellaneous: + - EShell: Auto-close ESource connection alerts on idle. + - EContactEditor: Use a GWeakRef on the editor when opening + target client. + - EWebDAVConfigLookup: Set also authentication method. + - EWebKitEditor: Mode change not propagated into the Editor + widget. + - Tasks: Ensure ICalTime::zone is set for current time. + - itip-view: Ignore empty text/plain subpart in meeting + invitation mail. + + Bug Fixes: + - WebKitEditor: Convert to plain text incorrect on + reply/forward open. + - itip-formatter: Use whole URL value as a link href. + - Fails to build with libgweather 3.36. + - Misc: Handle numpad Enter similarly as the Enter key. + - Composer: Ensure URL entry is focused in Link Properties. + - Better handle Dark Style GNOME 42 setting. + - iTIP formatter shows twice "Attendee status updated". + - Tasks: Overdue calculation sometimes incorrect. + - CompEditor: Move whole component between calendars. + - DUE-today color in Tasks window not always applied. + - Calendar: iTip message not sent to a Room address. + - EMFolderTreeModel: Prefer Inbox over other folder types. + +- Update to version 3.44.1: + + Bug Fixes: + - Cannot import PKCS12 certificate with non-ASCII or empty + password. + - icons: emblem-new hard to spot with adwaita-icon-theme 42. + - itip-formatter: Properly update content on message preview + reload. + - Mail: Preview uses wrong colors for HTML mail with dark + theme. + - Meeting attendees should default to Required Participants. + - attachment-reminder: Existing keyword lost on editing cancel. + - markdown-utils: Ignore character encoding hints in HTML when + converting to text. + - Flatpak: Attachments cannot be opened. + - Tasks: Cannot remove recurrence and Start date at the same + time. + - Composer: Markdown should preserve soft line breaks. + - Calendar: Show recurring information near event time in + preview/iTip. + - Show mailto: hyperlinks in the status bar percent-decoded. + + Miscellaneous: + - Calendar: Minicalendar shown after search in the List View. + - gal-view-instance: Do not crash on broken setup. + - Disable hardware acceleration for WebKitGTK. + + Updated translations. +- Drop fix_annoying_html_email_background_color_issue.patch: fixed + upstream. + +- Add fix_annoying_html_email_background_color_issue.patch to fix + a bug in Evolution that displays html formatted emails without a + background settings, and while using a dark layout in the desktop + environment to display black text and a dark background. + (glgo#GNOME/evolution#1835) + +- Update to version 3.44.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.43.3: + + e-widget-undo: Group user actions into a single undo record + + Set gtk+ CSS widget names for some widgets + + e_display_help: Call Yelp directly to display help + + help: Add shorter link titles for link trails + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution#1373, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1787, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1821, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1824, glgo#GNOME/evolution!102. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.43.2: + + Use gtk_widget_is_visible() instead of gtk_widget_get_visible() + on some places + + Composer: + - Backup from toplevel BLOCKQUOTE on split for Undo/Redo + - Special-case requote of BLOCKQUOTE nodes in Plain Text mode + - Various changes for Plain Text re-quote + + MessageList: Show regen error in GUI, rather than in the + terminal + + Add a simple EMarkdownEditor widget + + text/markdown formatter: Allow HTML tags in the markdown + + Save temporary files into system temp, rather than under home + + Have a single function to convert markdown into HTML + + Add option to unset colors provided in HTML mails for preview + into Preferences + + Calendar: Add option to use a markdown editor for Description + in component editor + + ECompEditor: Timezone can be reset on component save + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution#449, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1763, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1767, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1783, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1791, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1792, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1793, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#372. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.43.1: + + GalViewInstanceSaveAsDialog: Do not show the dialog in the + init() + + By_Company.galview: Correct the column index in the grouping + part + + ESrvConfigLookup: Use correct extension name for properties + + em-format: Format text/markdown with cmark library + + Use `g_assert_true()` instead of `g_assert()` in the unit tests + + mail-importer: Ensure Message-ID header on imported message + + EWebView: Change mouse leave detection code + + mail-notification: Use different icon name in the notification + under Flatpak + + Misc: + - Generate appdata from the NEWS file + - Do not build news-to-appdata executable + - Correct typo in fallback appdata attribute name + - Do not rely on build flags provided by evolution-data-server + + news-to-appdata: Escape text exported to XML + + flatpak: Update build manifests + + Calendar: Cannot always remove custom reminder message + + Composer: Don't show blockquote indicators on both sides for + 6th+ level + + cal-config-weather: Bundle WeatherLocationEntry + + Calendar: Not all task lists included in the task panel + + Install legacy icons into correct directory + + EAddressbookModel: Update view on client's capabilities + property change + + Load JavaScript plugins for message preview and WebKit editor + + icalendar-importer: Can show incorrect time in imported data + preview + + WebDAVNotes: Let the user choose which extension is used for + new notes + + Update list of authors for Help->About->Credits + + help: Add note about UI element sorting workaround (GN) + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution#1032, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1373, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1555, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1571, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1586, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1605, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1609, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1611, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1612, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1613, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1621, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1623, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1637, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1639, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1640, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1645, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1646, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1649, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1653, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1657, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1667, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1672, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1679, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1696, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1697, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1698, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1705, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1708, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1712, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1714, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1715, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1716, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1717, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1718, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1721, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1722, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1724, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1729, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1730, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1747, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1749, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1756, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1757, + glgo#GNOME/evolution#1758, glgo#GNOME/evolution!93, + glgo#GNOME/evolution!95. + + Updated translations. +- Add pkgconfig(libcmark) BuildRequires: New dependency. evolution-data-server -- Update to version 3.42.5: - + I#388 - Google OAuth out-of-band (oob) flow will be deprecated +- Update to version 3.50.3: + + Camel: Ignore errors about missing messages during filtering. + + Bug Fixes: + - sqlite3_enable_shared_cache is deprecated + - Camel: Hide errors from for-offline download + - IMAP: Copy/move messages in smaller batches + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.50.2: + + Bug Fixes: + - alarm-notify: + . Some reminders could be lost + . Birthday floating date shifted by one day + - CamelGpgContext: Don't leak istream in gpg_sign_sync(). + - e-xml-utils: Fix build with libxml2 2.12. + + Miscellaneous: + - OAuth2: Add scheme handler for OAuth2 prompts in external + browser. + - EReminderWatcher: Last-notified time not always set. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.50.1: + + Bugs fixed: + - Update default calendar colors + - Mail: Correct conversion of UTF-16 encoded text files + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.50.0: + + Correct test-cal-backend-sexp expected arguments + + Add e_util_guess_source_is_readonly() utility function + + Bugs fixed: + - addressbook-export: Do not translate `--format` arg + description + - Disable building tests in CMake + - Fix a typo (begining) in an openldap-extract.h comment + - Allow to use the flatpak manifest directly from GNOME Builder + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.3: + + libecal: Move some basic utility functions from Evolution + + build: Do not depend on libsecret-unstable + + Harmonize `sizeof` keyword use + + CamelGgpContext: Strip unneeded information from keys on export + + ECalComponentText: Fix compiler warning from type-check of + const object + + Bugs fixed: + - IMAPx: Messages unexpectedly deleted from Inbox + - docs: Move the gi-docgen documentation to the parent folder + - Use collection source also when it has no auth method set + - IMAP: Cache does not refresh after UIDVALIDITY changes + - reminder-watcher: Default to system set 24-hour format + - docs: Add more dependencies to the gi-docgen generated + documentation + - Refine the pkgconfig and .gir dependencies + - Add "Unset Label" action in filter rules + - OAuth2: Provide detailed error on access token refresh + failure + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.2: + + ECalMetaBackend: Error when trying to modify all instances from + a detached instance. + + ESoupSession: Setup GSSAPI/NTLM authentication also for + insecure connections. + + Calendar: Correct function prototype declarations + (-Wenum-int-mismatch). + + IMAPx: Remove unused argument from + imapx_update_message_info_flags(). + + Camel: Add functions related to GPG key import/info. + + IMAPx: Disable "Single client mode" by default. + + Fix a memory leak in EDataBookViewWatcher-s. + + libedata-book: Querying in aux tables fails with an SQLite + error. + + libedata-book: Treat "contains" query with empty value as + "exists". + + EDataBookViewWatcher-s: Claim runtime warning when fails to get + contacts. + + Bugs fixed: + - CalDAV: Allow to disable schedule reply on remove. + - Add option to reduce book/cal data usage when on a metered + connection. + - CalDAV: Zimbra has incorrect OPTIONS response for shared + calendars. + - Calendar: Add option to (not) delete "Declined" meeting. + - Camel MIME utils: fix aliasing issue in datetok. + - ECollator: Always include Latin/English letters. + - Camel: Filtering Search folder leaves changed messages in the + result. + - EBookMetaBackend: Changes from refresh() not propagated to + the opened views. + - ci: Export the documentation with GitLab Pages. + - docs: Add gi-docgen based documentation for all the + libraries. + - Add functions to set and support Autocrypt for mail messages. + - Calendar: Use user-configured date format in the editor + - Option to get Delivery Status Notification (DSN). + - CamelCipherContext: Add a specific error code for missing + public key. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.1: + + Bugs Fixed: IMAP: Overriding "[Gmail]" namespace doesn't work. + +- Update to version 3.48.4: + + Bug Fixed: Camel: Learn as Junk filter action not actually + running the learn function. + +- Update to version 3.48.3: + + Bug Fixed: EWebDAVSession: Claim also error nodes from propstat + response. + +- Update to version 3.48.2: + + Bugs Fixed: + - Camel: Set proper S/MIME signature verification status. + - IMAP: Cannot remove labels added in Thunderbird. + - WebDAV: Fails to discover iCloud address book. + - Wrong S/MIME certificate selection for encrypted email. + +- Update to version 3.48.1: + + WebDAV Notes: Fallback to derive component summary from + description. + + CamelFilterDriver: Unset info's headers only when folder has + summary. + + Bugs fixed: + - Camel: POP3's 'UTF8' command blocking login. + - backends: React to destination URI changes. + - Fails to refresh backend with offline changes and broken + local cache state. + - IMAPx: Ignore 'Permission denied' error on refresh. + - libedataserver: Disable deprecation notice around + e_flag_timed_wait. + - Calendar: Change file backend discard_alarm() function. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.48.0: + + e-cal-util: Check for duplicate UIDs when generating alarms + + EReminderWatcher: Ensure correct default timezone set on + ECalClient + + ci: + - Use CCache and store the flatpak-builder cache + - ci: Run the CI for the current commit + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.47.3: + + OAuth2 credentials prompter: Log what URI is being opened in + the WebKitWebView. + + Bugs fixed: + - alarm-notify: Incorrectly handles changes in recurring + events. + - build: Make it possible to override C++ standard. + - libedataserverui: Tweak lookout of the Trust Prompt dialog. + + Updated translations. +- Pass ENABLE_OAUTH2_WEBKITGTK4=ON to cmake, and drop + pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-5.0) and add pkgconfig(webkitgtk-6.0) + BuildRequires. + +- Update to version 3.47.2: + + IMAPx: Utilize normalization of the Inbox folder name. + + OAuth2 Credentials Prompter: Allow pasting the whole URL as an + authorization code. + + Enable GitLab CI for easier testing of the changes. + + OAuth2: Show errors returned by the server in the prompt + window. + + Parse URI strings into GUri in a relaxed mode. + + OAuth2: Extract returned information from URI query or + fragment. + + IMAPx: Folder refresh could remove new message from local + summary. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.47.1: + + Handle negative value for GUri's port. + + Stored values are never read. + + Fix memory leaks found by clang static analyzer. + + EVCard: Slightly speed up vCard parsing and export to text. + + camel-db.c: Rearrange transaction handling. + + CamelDB: Fix an uninitialized variable warning. + + build: Add a check for localtime_r(). + + build: Update check for elfutils/libdwfl.h. + + Add EXTENSIONS_DIR compile time option. + + Replace use of g_source_set_name_by_id(). + + Add ECacheKeys helper object for ref-counted data stored in an + ECache table. + + Calendar: Extract categories parsing into a utility function. + + Contacts: Add 'categories' backend property with a list of used + categories. + + Fix a crash under source_registry_object_added_no_owner(). + + ESoupAuthBearer: Add debug prints. + + Updated translations. +- Pass -DENABLE_OAUTH2_WEBKITGTK4=OFF to meson: we don't yet have a + webkitgtk-gtk4-build-with-oauth2. + +- Update to version 3.46.4: + + Parse URI strings into GUri in a relaxed mode + + IMAPx: Folder refresh could remove new message from local + summary + + Bugs fixed: + - libedataserverui4: (almost) empty GIR/VAPI file + - IMAP: Inbox hidden in offline with "Show only subscribed + folders" + - Google Task modification not synced + - CalDAV: Can fail to refresh content in some cases + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.3: + + Fix a crash under source_registry_object_added_no_owner() + + ESoupAuthBearer: Add debug prints + + Bugs fixed: + - e_util_change_uri_component: Reset default port when changing + scheme + - Prompting for password too often + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.2: + + e-xml-utils: Enable parse of huge XML files. + I Fix possible NULL-dereference in + e_cal_backend_file_modify_objects(). + I ECalComponentAttendee: Default CUTYPE is INDIVIDUAL. + I IMAP: Excessive memory usage on folder summary download. + I Trust Prompt: Add issuer's certificate fingerprint. + I Fails to add task with X-EVOLUTION-GTASKS-POSITION into Google + Task list. + +- Update to version 3.46.1: + + po: Merge .source files back to the + + IMAPX: Hide complete requests in debug logs for some sensitive + commands + + Handle negative value for GUri's port + + CamelDB: Fix an uninitialized variable warning + + Bugs Fixed: + - LDAP: + . Possible memory leak in build_mods_from_contacts() + . Use valid values for error paths of contact create/remove + - Serialize OAuth2 token refresh for an account + - IMAP: Does not forget renamed folders on the server + - Tautology in e_named_parameters_equal() + - camel-db.c: Rearrange transaction handling + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.45.3: + + build: Correct use of manual NSS/NSPR build flags + + libedataserverui: Add a widget to show certificate information + + Replace GcrCertificateWidget with libedataserverui's + ECertificateWidget + + Bugs fixed: + - Camel: VACUUM cannot run from within a transaction + - e-cal-component.c: typo VTOTO -> VTODO +- Drop unused pkgconfig(gcr-4-gtk3) BuildRequires. + +- Update to version 3.45.2: + + Bump libsoup minimum version requirement to 3.1.1 + + CamelDataWrapper: Add function to construct it from data + + ESourceMailAccount: Add 'builtin' property + + Add functions to manipulate Google Task API + + e_soup_session_util_normalize_uri_path: Normalize path only + when not encoded + + Replace libgdata dependency with built-in functions + + Add camel_folder_get_full_display_name() + + CamelFolderSummary: Hide empty email address in user visible + strings + + Calendar: Correct handling of a "not modified" On The Web + calendar + + ESoupSession: Extract common auth failure code into a utility + function + + ESoupAuthBearer: Check for token expiration in + e_soup_auth_bearer_is_authenticated() + + EOAuth2Service: Correct free function for GBytes structure + + ESoupSession: Allow NULL source internally + + Check for non-zero value passed to g_flags_get_first_value() + + alarm-notify: Use themed icon instead of file icon for + notifications + + ESoupSession: Avoid downgrade of Bearer (OAuth2) auth for + authentication + + Bugs fixed: + - LDAP: Conditionally use displayName for file-as + - IMAPx: Unsubscribed folders in personal namespace hidden in + offline + - ESoupSession: Remember server fail response for detailed error + - ECalClient: Remove libical errors from components on write + - IMAPx: Unsubscribed folder always removed from the UI + - reminders-widget: Sort snooze times by duration +- Drop libdata dependency following upstream changes. + +- Update to version 3.45.1: + + The Evolution-Data-Server had been ported to libsoup3, which + means anything what uses it, and all of its dependencies, + should be libsoup3 too. + + Change how OAuth2 credentials are stored in the code. + + ESoupAuthBearer: Implement two more SoupAuth virtual methods. + + ERemindersWidget: Allow width shrink for small screens. + + e-module: Add debug prints about module loading. + + Fix few memory leaks discovered by Coverity scan. + + goa-ews: Handle certificate errors during autodiscover. + + GOA module: Prevent ESource removal on D-Bus reconnect or + registry reload. + + EExtensible: Introduce e_extensible_reload_extensions(). + + EDataFactory: Reload extensions on factory start. + + book/cal-meta-backend: Claim error on refresh call in Power + Saver mode. + + Calendar: Add functions to handle LANGUAGE parameter on + properties. + + e-cal-component: Fix a logic flaw in the foreach_property(). + + alarm-notify: Use localized summary/description properties, + if available. + + build: Look for WebKitGTK only when GTK/GTK4 is enabled. + + Correct libedataserverui4 main header file. + + ECredentialsPrompterImplPassword: Dialog not closed on + OK/Cancel click in gtk3. + + ESoupSession: Change handling of credentials. + +- Update to version 3.44.4: + + ESoupAuthBearer: Check for token expiration in + e_soup_auth_bearer_is_authenticated(). + + ESoupSession: Avoid downgrade of Bearer (OAuth2) auth for + authentication. + + Check for non-zero value passed to g_flags_get_first_value(). + + alarm-notify: Use themed icon instead of file icon for + notifications. + + Bugs fixed: IMAPx: Unsubscribed folder always removed from the + UI. + +- Update to version 3.44.3: + + Disable hardware acceleration for WebKitGTK. + + ESource: Reconnect signal handlers when the D-Bus 'source' + interface changes. + + Bugs fixed: + - LDAP: Conditionally use 'description' as Note. + - Tests fail with libphonenumber 8.12.49. + - Sanitize IPv6 proxy address before passing it to WebKitGTK. + - Calendar: Correct UNTIL recurrence with midnight start. + - Camel: Read message ID-s with multiple `@`. + +- Update to version 3.44.2: + + Miscellaneous: + - ERemindersWidget: Allow width shrink for small screens. + - Fix few memory leaks discovered by Coverity scan. + - GOA module: Prevent ESource removal on D-Bus reconnect or + registry reload. + + Bug Fixes: + - CalDAV: Crash on calendar update. + - e-webdav-discover: Fails to find Radicale calendars within + collection account. + - Google OAuth out-of-band (oob) flow will be deprecated. + - IMAPx: Fails to create folder with NIL folder hierarchy + delimiter. + - WebDAVCollectionBackend: Removes sources on server error. + +- Update to version 3.44.1: + + Bugs fixed: + - CalDAV: Free/Busy not working with Nextcloud. + - EWebDAVSession: Correct extract of href Location header. + +- Update to version 3.44.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.43.3: + + Camel: Thaw frozen folders on failed Maildir message transfer + + CamelFolderSummary: Re-enable notifications on message info in + summary_assign_uid() + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#377, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#378, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!92, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!93. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.43.2: + + IMAPx: Avoid creating NOSELECT CamelFolder-s + + CamelMimeFilterCRLF: Correct encoding part of the filter + + CamelMimeParser: Correct body content parse when CRLF is used + + Provide database file name in SQLITE_CORRUPT error message + + camel-net-utils: Allow NULL string arguments in IDNA/ASCII + functions + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#369, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#372, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#374, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!79. + + Updated translations. + +- Replace libgdata-devel, libgweather-devel and libsoup-devel with + pkgconfig(libgdata), pkgconfig(gweather-3.0) and + pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: align with what cmake + checks for. + +- Update to version + + Correct install of the translation files. +- Changes from version 3.43.1: + + LDAP: Fix a memory leak when filling a contact address + + book/cal-backend: Add some safety checks around + pending_operations queue + + Use `g_assert_true()` instead of `g_assert()` in the unit tests + + ERemindersWidget: Incorrect value for last selected snooze time + after open + + Camel: Correct a copy&paste error in a function documentation + + org.gnome.Evolution-alarm-notify.desktop: Add + X-GNOME-UsesNotifications=true + + Install legacy icons into correct directory + + LDAP: Some property changes do not update local cache properly + + secret-monitor: Turn runtime warnings into debug prints + + Camel: Use the same charset in all RFC2047-encoded words + + WebDAVNotes: Let the user choose which extension is used for + new notes + + _libedataserverui_init_icon_theme: Test whether default + GdkScreen exists + + Add camel-hostname-utils documentation + + e-cal-client: Correct non-NULL check in + e_cal_client_create_objects_sync() + + Calendar: Adapt to libical 3.0.12 change + + ECalComponent: Add safety checks on get/set of DTEND/DUE + properties + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#352, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#354, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#355, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#356, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#360, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#361, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#364, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#365, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#366, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#368, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#371, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!76, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!78, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!81, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!83, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!84, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!87, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!88, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#1032, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#1621, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#1639, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#1645, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#1698. + + Updated translations. evolution-ews +- Update to version 3.50.3: + + Bug Fixes: + - Mail: Calendar attachments can be broken by the server. + - Workaround Outlook 2019 ORGANIZER and ATTENDEE addition into + plain events. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.50.2: + + Calendar: Don't convert UTC times to local timezone + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.50.1: + + Bugs Fixed: + - Search in online GAL when OAB is misconfigured + - Text from .error file not translated in the GUI + - Fix scope for OAuth2 v2 being hard-coded to O365 + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.50.0: + + Calendar: Unlock connection lock before refreshing the calendar + on component load + + ci: Rename org.gnome.evolution-ews.nightly to + org.gnome.EvolutionEws.Devel + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.3: + + EWS calendar: Do not link against Evolution libraries + + Bugs fixed: Ask for credentials when access token refresh fails + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.2: + + OALComboBox: Always prefer collection ESource when fetching + list of OABs. + + Bugs fixed: + - Parse XML responses in recovery mode + - Calendar: Provide user comments in the invitation response + - CalDAV: Allow to disable schedule reply on remove + - Add option to reduce book/cal data usage when on a metered + connection + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.1: + + Bugs Fixed: Mail: Add per-folder option to always check for new + mail. + +- Update to version 3.48.2: + + Bugs fixed: + - Sometimes fails to delete recurring event occurrence + - Ask for OAuth2 credentials for autodiscovery + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.48.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.48.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.47.3: + + OAuth2: Add option to use version 2.0 of the API. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.47.2: + + Enable GitLab CI for easier testing of the changes. + + Remove duplicated OAuth2 code. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.4: + + Sanitize headers in debug log also for level 1 + + Bugs fixed: + - Calendar: + . Cover possible ID conversion for Online meetings + . Ensure TimeZone info in SOAP-header request + . Convert floating time to user's timezone on save + - Disabled sources auto-re-enabled the next start + - Subscribed free/busy calendar does not show all events + +- Update to version 3.46.3: + + ecb_ews_get_timezone: Check for non-NULL `tzid` to avoid + runtime warning + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.2: + + Camel: Remove invalid 'else' in ews_get_folder_info_sync(). + + EWS: GetFolderPermissions response lost. + + EEwsNotification: Re-subscribe when current subscription fails. + + Fix visibility of "Subscribe to folder of other EWS user" menu + option. + + Fix a small memory leak when updating EWS foreign subfolders. + + Correct response read of SetUserOofSettingsRequest. + + EEwsOooNotificator: + - Change how timeout callback is removed. + - Simplify response code to the alert. + + Subscribe foreign folder dialog does not close on success. + + EEwsSearchUser: Fix a small memory leak. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.1: + + Handle negative value for GUri's port + + EwsConnect: Early stop a response traversal + + ESoapResponse: Allow NULL for some traversal functions + + ebb_ews_mailbox_to_contact: Fix a memory leak + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.45.3: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.45.2: + + Remove false runtime check in + ews_connection_notification_start_thread(). + + Microsoft365: Split iCalendar component manipulation code into + separate file. + + Use uhttpmock 0.9 for internal tests. + + Bug Fixes: + - Calendar: + . Ability to create Online meeting. + . Fix occurrence index counter. + + Updated translations. +- Replace pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) + following upstream changes. + +- Update to version 3.44.4: + + Bugs fixed: Calendar: Fix occurrence index counter. + +- Update to version 3.44.3: + + Bugs fixed: Specify FolderClass when creating generic folder + only. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.44.2: + + Miscellaneous: + - build: Limit which parts link to the evolution libraries. + - EWS registry backend: Handle gracefully when Host URL is not + set. + + Updated translations. +- Drop evolution-ews-fix-gtk-linkage.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Add evolution-ews-fix-gtk-linkage.patch: fix for gnome-contacts + being unable to launch. + +- Update to version 3.44.1: + + Bug Fix: Correct display of folder size. + + Miscellaneous: Address some of the static analyzers warnings. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.44.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.43.3: + + Bugs Fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews!7: OAuth2: Remove + prompt=login parameter from auth URL. + +- Update to version 3.43.2: + + Misc: Correct response print in debug output + + Retry on Unauthorized response when server disconnected + + e-ews-connection: Clear cached connection before sending a + request + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#77 + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.43.1: + + ConfigLookup: + - Change values saved to the lookup result + - Remove duplicated 'if' + + Addressbook: Fix two memory leaks + + Use `g_assert_true()` instead of `g_assert()` in the unit test + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#3, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#163, glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#165, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#166, glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#174, + glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#1637. + + Updated translations. + exim -- add patch-CVE-2023-42117.patch (fixes CVE-2023-42117, bsc#1215787) -- add patch-CVE-2023-42119.patch (fixes CVE-2023-42119, bsc#1215789) +- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN. -- add patch (patch-CVE-2023-42115-CVE-2023-42116-CVE-2023-42114.patch) for - * CVE-2023-42114 (bsc#1215784) - * CVE-2023-42115 (bsc#1215785) - * CVE-2023-42116 (bsc#1215786) +- update to 4.97.1 (bsc#1218387, CVE-2023-51766): + * Fixes for the smtp protocol smuggling (CVE-2023-51766) -- Port to python3 +- update to exim 4.97 + * remove patch-no-exit-on-rewrite-malformed-address.patch (upstreamed) + +- security update to exim 4.96.2 + * fixes CVE-2023-42117 (bsc#1215787) + * fixes CVE-2023-42119 (bsc#1215789) + +- security update to exim 4.96.1 + * fixes CVE-2023-42114 (bsc#1215784) + * fixes CVE-2023-42115 (bsc#1215785) + * fixes CVE-2023-42116 (bsc#1215786) + +- enable sender rewriting support (SUPPORT_SRS) + +- Don't build the NIS module anymore, libnsl/NIS are deprecated +- add (patch-no-exit-on-rewrite-malformed-address.patch) + Fix exit on attempt to rewrite a malformed address (Bug 2903) + +- Own /var/spool/mail (boo#1179574) + +- Migration to /usr/etc: Saving user changed configuration files + in /etc and restoring them while an RPM update. + +- Moved logrotate files from user specific directory /etc/logrotate.d + to vendor specific directory /usr/etc/logrotate.d. + +- update to exim 4.96 + * Move from using the pcre library to pcre2. + * Constification work in the filters module required a major version + bump for the local-scan API. Specifically, the "headers_charset" + global which is visible via the API is now const and may therefore + not be modified by local-scan code. + * Bug 2819: speed up command-line messages being read in. Previously a + time check was being done for every character; replace that with one + per buffer. + * Bug 2815: Fix ALPN sent by server under OpenSSL. Previously the string + sent was prefixed with a length byte. + * Change the SMTP feature name for pipelining connect to be compliant with + RFC 5321. Previously Dovecot (at least) would log errors during + submission. + * Fix macro-definition during "-be" expansion testing. The move to + write-protected store for macros had not accounted for these runtime + additions; fix by removing this protection for "-be" mode. + * Convert all uses of select() to poll(). + * Fix use of $sender_host_name in daemon process. When used in certain + main-section options or in a connect ACL, the value from the first ever + connection was never replaced for subsequent connections. + * Bug 2838: Fix for i32lp64 hard-align platforms + * Bug 2845: Fix handling of tls_require_ciphers for OpenSSL when a value + with underbars is given. + * Bug 1895: TLS: Deprecate RFC 5114 Diffie-Hellman parameters. + * Debugging initiated by an ACL control now continues through into routing + and transport processes. + * The "expand" debug selector now gives more detail, specifically on the + result of expansion operators and items. + * Bug 2751: Fix include_directory in redirect routers. Previously a + bad comparison between the option value and the name of the file to + be included was done, and a mismatch was wrongly identified. + * Support for Berkeley DB versions 1 and 2 is withdrawn. + * When built with NDBM for hints DB's check for nonexistence of a name + supplied as the db file-pair basename. + * Remove the "allow_insecure_tainted_data" main config option and the + "taint" log_selector. + * Fix static address-list lookups to properly return the matched item. + Previously only the domain part was returned. + * The ${run} expansion item now expands its command string elements after + splitting. Previously it was before; the new ordering makes handling + zero-length arguments simpler. + * Taint-check exec arguments for transport-initiated external processes. + Previously, tainted values could be used. This affects "pipe", "lmtp" and + "queryprogram" transport, transport-filter, and ETRN commands. + The ${run} expansion is also affected: in "preexpand" mode no part of + the command line may be tainted, in default mode the executable name + may not be tainted. + * Fix CHUNKING on a continued-transport. Previously the usabilility of + the facility was not passed across execs, and only the first message + passed over a connection could use BDAT; any further ones using DATA. + * Support the PIPECONNECT facility in the smtp transport when the helo_data + uses $sending_ip_address and an interface is specified. + * OpenSSL: fix transport-required OCSP stapling verification under session + resumption. + * TLS resumption: the key for session lookup in the client now includes + more info that a server could potentially use in configuring a TLS + session, avoiding oferring mismatching sessions to such a server. + * Fix string_copyn() for limit greater than actual string length. + * Bug 2886: GnuTLS: Do not free the cached creds on transport connection + close; it may be needed for a subsequent connection. + * Fix CHUNKING for a second message on a connection when the first was + rejected. + * Fix ${srs_encode ...} to handle an empty sender address, now returning + an empty address. + * Bug 2855: Handle a v4mapped sender address given us by a frontending + proxy. + +- disable ProtectHome=, it prevents local delivery (bsc#1194810) + +- update to exim 4.95 + * includes taintwarn (taintwarn.patch) + * fast-ramp queue run + * native SRS + * TLS resumption + * LMDB lookups with single key + * smtp transport option "message_linelength_limit" + * optionally ignore lookup caches + * quota checking for appendfile transport during message reception + * sqlite lookups allow a "file=" option + * lsearch lookups allow a "ret=full" option + * command line option for the notifier socket + * faster TLS startup + * new main config option "proxy_protocol_timeout" + * expand "smtp_accept_max_per_connection" + * log selector "queue_size_exclusive" + * main config option "smtp_backlog_monitor" + * main config option "hosts_require_helo" + * main config option "allow_insecure_tainted_data" + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * exim.service + +- Update to run under Python 3. + +- add exim-4.94.2+fixes and taintwarn patches (taintwarn.patch) + extra-cmake-modules +- Update to 5.114.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.113.0: + * Fixes to FindLibGit2.cmake (kde#478669) + +- Update to 5.113.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.112.0: + * ECMQtDeclareLoggingCategory: support kdebugsettings files w/ . in basename + * Add Find7Zip, deprecate Find7z, revert Find7z broken Linux support + * Find7z: make it work also on non-Windows systems + extra-cmake-modules:doc +- Update to 5.114.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.113.0: + * Fixes to FindLibGit2.cmake (kde#478669) + +- Update to 5.113.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.112.0: + * ECMQtDeclareLoggingCategory: support kdebugsettings files w/ . in basename + * Add Find7Zip, deprecate Find7z, revert Find7z broken Linux support + * Find7z: make it work also on non-Windows systems + falkon +- Change falkon-kde dependencies: + * Supplement plasma[56]-workspace instead of kwallet + * Remove hard dep on kwallet, it's optional and users probably use + it the other way around, i.e. use falkon with already installed + kwalletd. + +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.3: + * Process the "--help-all" CLI argument (kde#477492) + * Fix StartPage search engine default configuration (kde#419530) + * Fix crash when starting new session after crash (kde#408701) + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * snapcraft: Rebuild with new content pack to fix mixed libraries. (kde#476503) + * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files. + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.07.80: + * SessionRestore: Set tab title after at the end + * Skip show/hide close button when restoring session (kde#455012) + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Too many changes since 23.04.3, only listing bugfixes: + * Add support for custom url schemes (kde#434099) + * Show page zoom level in locationbar (kde#399001) + * Fix: Folder disappears when moving it onto itself (kde#462891) + * Addressbar use default search engine by default (kde#405423) + * History: Don't delete all items under dates when filtering (kde#466936) + * KWallet: Store passwords entries in map fortmat (kde#391298) + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.2: + * Preferences: Use default search engine by default + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + fcitx5 +- Update to 5.1.1 + * Add accent color support + * SNI tray icon fix, including: + * workaround GNOME appindicator extension: + + * Fix icon change when menu pops up + * Fix some issue caused by zwp_input_method_v1 on chrome/electron + * Add support for changing keyboard layout under GNOME. Please note, + the input source will be overridden with this feature. + +- Update to 5.1.0 + * new virtualkeyboard api and service + * fix a cairo usage in classicui when X11 connection ends + * avoid sending empty preedit updates when not necessary + * fix plasma theme when plasma generator is installed but can't be used. + * fix some bug in charutils/stringutils API + * integrate im module probing to fcitx5-diagnose + * allow text icons to be forcibly used with kimpanel + * dark mode support + * quick phrase emoji update +- drop FTBFS-fcitx5-5.0.23-fmt.patch + +- Update to 5.0.23 + * fix a regression in certain Super(Win key) related + hotkey handling +- Changes in 5.0.22 + * implement application name detection on wayland for text-input + client when using KDE / wlroots. + * fix xkb rule parsing + * fix SNI tray menu radio icon + * avoid forwarding key in certain cases. + * support xkb rule defined in ~/.config/xkb ~/.xkb + * fcitx5-configtool now use "command" instead of "which" + * Improve commit preedit behavior when focus out +- Add FTBFS-fcitx5-5.0.23-fmt.patch + +- Update to 5.0.21 + * Setting Share state to "All" may make "Active by default" not + working + * Fix a random sigsegv fault when using the sni tray icon upon + start up. + +- Update to 5.0.20 + * Remove the dependency on emoji cldr, now all the data are bundled + within fcitx. + * Fix several different SNI based tray icon issues, includes: + - gnome-extension-appindicator may sometimes not show the icon. + - reduce the number of dbus messages sent when the icon does not + change. + - reduce the number of dbus message on start up + * Fix a bug in fcitx4frontend when non-default X11 connection closes. + * Add support to get current input method name in fcitx5-remote + * The Unicode module got a Gtk-style Ctrl+Shift+U to type unicode + directly with fewer key presses. + * Fix on certain systems that CLIPBOARD is not monitored correctly + on first start up. + * Always tries to load a Compose table if there is nothing matched + with current locale. + * Auto generated plasma theme can not be configured anymore because + it's always generated automatically. + +- according to upstream, XMODIFIERS and QT/GTK_IM_MODULE should + set to fcitx instead of fcitx5 + +- build with enchant-2 again (boo#1203575) + +- update version 5.0.19 + * classicui: support blur mask on kwin (x11&wayland) + * xim: fix preedit start callback +- switch source to _dict variant and drop + * en_dict-20121020.tar.gz + * fcitx5-no-download.patch +- drop 0001-Remove-unused-xkbcommon-headers.patch, + upstreamed + +- Fix the fcitx 4 obsoletes - obsoleting fcitx <= does not suffice, we + are at fcitx- + fcitx5-qt +- update to 5.1.1 + * fix a qt warning triggered on wayland + +- update to 5.1.0 + * add program to display actual Qt im module information + * implement new page button alignment option + * change the default behavior of virtual keyboard visibility + * add a funtion to get the full im group information + * add new layout field to FullInputMehtodGroupInfo + * add support of virtualkeyboard show and hide + * add new inputContextCreationFailed signal + * add old fcitx4 dbus service support but always prefer fcitx5 + +- Update to 5.0.17 + * fix an issue related to fractional scale with Qt 6.5 in the client + side input panel. + * fix committing preedit when focus out + * workaround QTBUG-108522 in QCompleter + +- Update to 5.0.16 + * remove fcitx5-qt-5.9.patch + +- Set a better obsolete's version + +- update version 5.0.15 + * remove unused include + fence-agents +- Update fence-agents package with fence_aws and fence_ibm_powervs (jsc#PED-7701) +- Update to version 4.13.1+git.1704296072.32469f29: + * fence_zvmip: fix manpage formatting + ffmpeg +- ffmpeg-fix-new-binutils.patch: fix build with new binutils + ffmpeg-4 +- ffmpeg-avcodec-libdav1d-fix-compilation-after-recent-libdav.patch, + ffmpeg-avcodec-libdav1d-don-t-repeatedly-parse-the-same-seq.patch + * fixes build against dav1d, which has been updated in + SUSE:SLE-15-SP5:Update (where apparently no rebuild of ffmpeg-4 + had been triggered) + +- drop support for libmfx, which is no longer supported upstream + at all (boo#1219494) + ffmpegthumbs +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.1: + * Drop unused KI18n header/dependency + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + file-roller +- Update to version 43.1: + + Fixed deb package support. + + Fixed wrong filename when opening a files on Google Drive. + + Updated README. + + Updated translations. + filelight +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.1: + * Revert "Fix ignore path support. Fix crash when we load root path" + * tests: cripple freebsd testing + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.07.80: + * windows: get the compressed size for compressed and sparse files (kde#473024) + * posix: undo apfs hack + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Now we can build doc/po files + * QQC2DesktopStyle is build in kf6 too + * De-conditionalize icon naming + * Don't iterate over element that are immedialtely removed + * Remove unused includes + * Make source file non-executable + * Fix ignore path support. Fix crash when we load root path + * Remove extra ; + * Add menu separator before delete action + * Allow to build against kf6/kf5 + * Fix Context Menu Items + * Add 23.04.0 Windows artifact + * make qml cache disabling conditional on statvfs + * disable qml disk cache (kde#466415) + * use the default loading text for polish (kde#468395) + * Set a sane default window size (kde#468118) + * Explicitly look for KF{5,6}CoreAddons + * Drop no longer used QtSvg dependency + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * disable qml disk cache (kde#466415) + * use the default loading text for polish (kde#468395) + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + fio +- Fix build with new kernels: + * fio: remove raw device support + As of Linux kernel commit 603e4922f1c ("remove the raw driver"), + linux/raw.h is gone, and raw device support no longer exists. + Because of this, fio can no longer build against the current Linux + kernel headers. + * fio-remove-raw-device-support.patch + fipscheck +- updated to 1.7.0 (from a different supplier) + - openssl 3 support +- dropped fipscheck-dont_generate_manpages.patch (not needed) +- dropped fipscheck-fips.h_not_needed.patch (not needed) + +- move libs to %_libdir (boo#1029961) + +- Drop obsolete openssl-1_1-port.patch (upstream) + +- Use the shipped manpages instead of building them with xmlto + in order to avoid a build cycle (fipscheck, xmlto, libxslt, libgcrypt) + * add fipscheck-dont_generate_manpages.patch +- fix build on older distributions + +- Changed source back to http now that current release folder + has current tarball. + +- Updated fipscheck to 1.5.0 + * Changed source to local file since latest official release + is not in the official releases directory. + * Downgraded libopenssl-devel to libopenssl-1_0_0-devel because + 1.0.2 supports FIPS. -- license update: BSD-2-Clause - See LICENSE - -- imported a generic fips helper to verify fips modules, linked - to openssl. - flocq +- Update to version 4.1.4. + * Ensured compatibility from Coq 8.12 to 8.19. + +- Update to version 4.1.2. + * Ensured compatibility from Coq 8.12 to 8.18. +- Update to version 4.1.3. + * Avoided breaking users of `IEEE754.PrimFloat`. + +- Update to version 4.1.1. + * Ensured compatibility from Coq 8.12 to 8.17. + +- Build with ocaml-rpm-macros to get proper Requires and Provides + for flocq-devel. This should prevent incompatibilities with other + Ocaml libraries when building native objects against flocq-devel. + -- update to 2.2.0 from upstream - -- remove coq version constraint - -- imported from Fedora -- adapted to openSUSE packaging guidelines - fontconfig +- Run autoreconf for Leap 15.x to fix build breakage + +- update to 2.14.2: + * Adjust indentation between programlisting in fontconfig-user.sgml + * Add some missing constant names for weight + * Report more detailed logs instead of assertion + * Fix a typo in description for HAVE_STDATOMIC_PRIMITIVES + * Ignore LC_CTYPE if set to "UTF-8" + * add --with-default-sub-pixel-rendering option + * Add FC_DESKTOP_NAME property + +- update to 2.14.1: + * Bump the cache version to 8 in doc/fontconfig-user.sgm + * Enable 10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf by default + * build fixes and translation updates + * Avoid misuse of ctype + +- Seems we now need python3 for building + +- update to 2.14.0: + * Fix endianness on generating MD5 cache name + * Fix a typo in the description of FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble + * fc-validate: returns an error code when missing some glyphs + * Fallback uuid-based name to read a cache if no MD5-based cache + * fc-cache: Show font directories to generate cache with -v + * Replace UUID file mechanism with per-directory 'map' attribute [v2] + * memleak fixes +- drop fontconfig-do-not-remove-UUID-file.patch (obsolete) +- add skip-network-test.patch + foot +- Define _distconfdir macro on Leap 15 + +- Update to v1.16.2: + * Fixed bug in rendering some sixels with edges of the wrong color. + * See for more details. + +- Update to v1.16.1: + * Fixed rendering cells underneath erased sixels. + * Fixed being unable to start on kernel versions before 6.3. + * See for more details. + +- Update to v1.16.0: + * foot.ini options: + * Mouse wheel scroll can now be bound to actions, as BTN_BACK for + scrolling up and BTN_FORWARD for scrolling down. + * Added mouse-bindings.scrollback-up-mouse and + mouse-bindings.scrollback-down-mouse options to scroll contents. + Default to BTN_BACK and BTN_FORWARD. + * Changed default from BTN_LEFT-3 + (triple left click) to BTN_LEFT-4 (quadruple left click). + * Added option to select an entire quote and + copy it. Defaults to BTN_LEFT-3 (triple left click). + * Added many search-bindings.extend-* options to extend the selection + of a search match. + * Added many search-bindings.scrollback-* options to scroll the contents + in search mode. + * Added bell.visual option to control if the BEL character will cause + the window to flash. Defaults to "no". + * Added colors.flash and colors.flash-alpha options to set the color of + the window when it flashes. + * Added support for grapheme cluster processing support to be + queried and modified by applications that support it. + * Changed URL mode to not strip file:// prefix from local file URIs. + * Changed rendering to have lower latency in many cases, especially on + high DPI monitors. + * Fixed wrong baseline offset for some fonts. + * Fixed foot-server systemd units to only start after the wayland session + is fully initialized. + * Fixed URL mode to work with URLs containing double-width characters and + grapheme clusters. + * Fixed margins to become non-transparent in full-screen mode, for + compliance with the current Wayland protocol specification. + * Fixed command-line configuration overrides to take effect even if + the foot.ini does not exist or cannot be parsed. + * Fixed some crashes related to fractional scaling, XDG activation and + search mode. + * Added new theme - panda. + * See for more details. + +- Update to v1.15.3: + * Fixed -f,--font command line option not affecting the font used for CSDs. + * See for more details. + +- Update to v1.15.2: + * foot.ini options: + * Added tweak.bold-text-in-bright-amount option. + * Fixed various crashes related to copy-paste, font sizes, wayland support + of compositor, and more. + * See for more details. + +- Update to v1.15.1: + * Background transparency (alpha) is now disabled in fullscreened windows. + * systemd service and socket units of foot-server are no longer instanced + on the WAYLAND_DISPLAY env var. They are now singletons and part of + the standard This also means the socket path + does not incorporate the WAYLAND_DISPLAY value. The list of socket paths + that footclient tries to connect to has been updated accordingly. + * Fixed various bugs related to fractional scaling, font sizes, and more. + * See for more details. + +- Update to v1.15.0: + * foot.ini options: + * Added csd.double-click-to-maximize option. Defaults to "yes". + * Added touch.long-press-delay option. + * Renamed main.utempter option to main.utmp-helper. main.utempter is still + recognized, but will log a deprecation warning. + * Changed default main.dpi-aware value from "auto" to "no", and "auto" is + no longer an allowed value. + * Default theme is now "starlight". + * Changed default from Ctrl-Shift-U to + Ctrl-Shift-O. + * Changed default key-bindings.unicode-input from none to Ctrl-Shift-U. + * Implemented support fractional scaling on compositors that implement + the fractional-scale-v1 Wayland protocol. This also changes how fonts + are scaled to be based on the output scale factor configured in + the compositor rather than the output's DPI. To restore + the original behavior, set main.dpi-aware to "yes". + * Implemented support server side cursor shapes on compositors that implement + the cursor-shape-v1 Wayland protocol. + * Implemented support for touchscreen input. + * Implemented XTQMODKEYS query (CSI ? Pp m). + * Added new themes - aeroroot, ayu-mirage, srcery, starlight. + * Fixed incorrect icon in dock and window switcher on GNOME. + * Fixed various bugs in sixel output. + * Fixed various crashes when resizing or scrolling. + * See for more details. +- Patches: + * Drop 0000-fix-scroll-damage-crash.patch + * Drop 0001-fix-crash-when-reflowing-alt-screen.patch + * Drop 0002-ensure-scroll-region-endpoint-is-valid-after-a-window-resize.patch + * Drop 0003-keep-empty-bottom-scroll-margin-empty-after-resize.patch + * Drop 0004-fix-non-utf8-complaint.patch + * Drop 0005-fix-wayland-protocols-1.32.patch + +- Add patch 0005-fix-wayland-protocols-1.32.patch. + * wayland: handle enum value XDG_TOPLEVEL_STATE_SUSPENDED + +- Modify 0002-ensure-scroll-region-endpoint-is-valid-after-a-window-resize.patch + +- Add patches + * 0003-keep-empty-bottom-scroll-margin-empty-after-resize.patch + * 0004-fix-non-utf8-complaint.patch + +- Add 0002-ensure-scroll-region-endpoint-is-valid-after-a-window-resize.patch + * render: ensure scroll region’s endpoint is valid after a window resize + +- Add 0001-fix-crash-when-reflowing-alt-screen.patch + * render: resize: fix crash when reflowing the alt screen + +- Add 0000-fix-scroll-damage-crash.patch. + * term: scroll: only record scroll damage when viewport is at the bottom. + +- Fix dependency on tllist to be >=1.1.0 since the code uses a feature + not found in older versions. + +- Add dependency on utempter explicitly since it's not picked up automatically. + +- Update to v1.14.0: + * foot.ini options: + * Added font-size-adjustment option to set the font size change increment + when zooming in or out. + * Added underline-thickness option to set underline height. + * Changed default colors to correspond to the solarized-dark-normal-brights + theme. + * Added main.utempter option to set path to utempter binary, used to + create utmp records. Defaults to the path of that binary at build time. + * Changed default grapheme-width-method option to double-width. + * Changed default pad option to 0x0. + * String values can now be quoted with double quotes (""), which can be + used to set an option to an empty string value. For environment variables + setting them to the empty string unsets them. + * Added various terminfo capabilities to work better with vim, etc. + * Fixed various crashes. + * Added new themes - deus, material-amber, modus, moonfly, nightfly, onedark, + rose-pine, zenburn. + * See for more details. + +- Update to v1.13.1: + * Window is now dimmed while in Unicode input mode. + * Fix crash on some compositors like GNOME. + * Fix crash when resizing the window or scrolling in scrollback history. + * Fix empty cells being highlighted as selected when they shouldn't be. + * Fix separate URLs being connected in URL mode if they have the same ID. + +- Update to v1.13.0: + * foot.ini options: + * Added and options. + * Added new environment section to define custom environment variables for + child processes. + * Added key-bindings.prompt-prev and key-bindings.prompt-next options. + These key bindings jump to the previous / next prompt with a cooperating + shell. + * Added key-bindings.unicode-input and search-bindings.unicode-input + options. They provide a way to input unicode using codepoints without + an external IME. + * Client-side decorations no longer show buttons that do nothing because + the compositor doesn't support the button's feature. For example, + the minimize button won't be shown if the compositor doesn't support + minimizing. + * Added new themes - Monokai Pro, Catppuccin, Tokyo Night, + Tokyo Night Day, Tokyo Night Storm. + * See for more details. +- Mark foot-extra-terminfo and foot-themes packages as noarch. +- Remove redundant copy of doc files and license in $datadir/doc/foot/ + +- Update to v1.12.1: + * foot.ini options: + * search-bindings.clipboard-paste now includes Ctrl-Shift-V and XF86Paste + by default. + * search-bindings.extend-to-word-boundary command no longer stops at + space-to-word boundaries. + * Fixed some issues related to scrollback search mode. + * See for more details. + +- Update to v1.12.0: + * foot.ini options: + * Added key-bindings.scrollback-home and .scrollback-end options. + * Added option. This is similar to + show-urls-launch, but remains in URL mode after activating an URL. + * Added tweak.sixel option to allow disabling sixel support. + * Added csd.hide-when-maximized option to hide the CSD when maximized. + * Implemented socket activation support for foot --server, along with + sample systemd user session units. + * footclient now has a -E,--client-environment parameter to inherit + its environment from its parent process instead of the foot server. + * Implemented support for more terminal sequences. + * See for more details. +- Set all options and features explicitly instead of relying on auto-detection + to ensure build fails if dependencies change. +- Upstream moved default foot.ini from $datadit/foot/foot.ini + to $sysconfdir/xdg/foot/foot.ini . Move it ourselves + to $distconfdir/xdg/foot/foot.ini in accordance with packaging guidelines + for new packages. +- Patches: + * Drop foot-tests-missing-deps.patch + +- Add "Requires: foot" for foot-themes package + +- Make foot-themes a subpackage of foot. +- Fix foot-themes summary and description. + frameworkintegration +- Update to 5.114.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.113.0: + +- Update appstream build requirement for compatibility with 1.0.0 + +- Update to 5.113.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.112.0 + +- Update to 5.112.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.111.0 + +- Update to 5.111.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.110.0 + +- Update to 5.110.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.109.0 + +- Update to 5.109.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.108.0: + * Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers + +- Update to 5.108.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.107.0: + * Remove qt6 CI builds + +- Update to 5.107.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.106.0 + +- Update to 5.106.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.105.0 + +- Update to 5.105.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 5.104.0: + * Don't play sound for plain notification (kde#457672) + +- Update to 5.104.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.103.0 + +- Update to 5.103.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 5.102.0 + freerdp +- Add OpenSSL 3.0 support: [bsc#1218854, bsc#1217722, jsc#PED-6570] + * Fix FIPS mode support and build with OpenSSL 3.0 + * winpr: avoid calling FIPS_mode() with OpenSSL 3.0 + * winpr/ssl: Load legacy provider when initializing OpenSSL 3.0 + * Add upstream patches: + - freerdp-FIPS_mode.patch [26bf2816] + - freerdp-Avoid-Calling-FIPS_mode.patch [0c81c73c] + - freerdp-Load-legacy-provider.patch [2d0b5875] + gcr3 +- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN. + gdl +- Own /usr/share/gtk-doc: glib no longer uses gtk-doc and as a + consequence cannot be held responsible to deliver that basic + directory structure. + gegl +- Replace BuildRequires libSDL2-devel with pkgconfig(sdl2) which + fixes building in SLE where both libSDL2-devel and a newer + SDL2-devel packages are available. + ghc-HUnit -- Update HUnit to version - [#]### - - Add support for GHC 7.0.* and 7.2.* - [#]### - - Add `Test.HUnit.Text.runTestTTAndExit` - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update HUnit to version - Upstream has not updated the file "" since the last - release. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Update HUnit to version - * Generalize return type of `assertFailure` to `IO a` - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- update to - -- update to - -- update to +- Add HUnit at version ghc-JuicyPixels +- Update JuicyPixels to version 3.3.8 revision 1. + v3.3.8 July 2022 + - --------------- + * Dependence fidling + * Jpg: do not call "error" in the parser, use fail instead. + ghc-OneTuple +- Update OneTuple to version revision 1. + [#] + - Support GHC-7.2 and GHC-7.0. + [#] 0.4.1 + - Mark `MkSolo` pattern synonym as `COMPLETE` + [#] 0.4 + - Rename constructor to `MkSolo` as in `base-4.17`. + The compatibility pattern synonym is provided. + - Add `Foldable1 Solo` instance + ghc-Only -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update Only to version 0.1 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add Only at version 0.1. +- Add Only at version 0.1 revision 2. ghc-QuickCheck +- Update QuickCheck to version 2.14.3. + QuickCheck 2.14.3 (released 2023-05-31) + * Add shrinkBoundedEnum (thanks to Jonathan Knowles) + * Add discardAfter for discarding tests on timeout (thanks to Justus Sagemüller) + * Add assertWith for monadic testing (thanks to KtorZ) + * Add functionElements to Test.QuickCheck.Function (thanks to Oleg Grenrus) + * Add Arbitrary instance for Newline (thanks to Daniel Bramucci) + * Improve Arbitrary instances for Float and Double (thanks to Oleg Grenrus) + * Improve arbitrarySizedFractional (thanks to Bodigrim) + * Fix shrinkRealFrac and shrinkDecimal, which were broken + * Speed up printing of progress messages (thanks to Bodigrim) + * Add COMPLETE pragmas for Fn and family (thanks to ilkecan) + * Make templateHaskell flag manual (thanks to Oleg Grenrus) + ghc-StateVar -- Update StateVar to version 1.2.2. - 1.2.2 - - ---- - * Relaxed upper version bound for `transformers`. - -- Update StateVar to version 1.2.1. - 1.2.1 - - ---- - * Explicitly mark `Data.StateVar` as Safe (or Trustworthy for GHC before 7.10). - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Update StateVar to version 1.2. - 1.2 - - -- - * Added instances for `ForeignPtr`. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Update StateVar to version - - - ------ - * Relaxed upper version bound for `stm`. - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Update StateVar to version - * Track recent move of `Contravariant` to `base`. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- update to - * Corrected HasUpdate's superclass constraint. - -- update to - * Removed a couple of redundant typeclass constraints. - -- update to - * Relaxed upper version bound for transformers. - -- update to - -- initial commit of package +- Add StateVar at version 1.2.2. ghc-aeson +- Update aeson to version revision 3. + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + + ghc-aeson-pretty +- Update aeson-pretty to version 0.8.10. + [#]# 0.8.10 + * Added support for Aeson 2.2 + * Added support for Aeson 2.1 + ghc-ansi-terminal +- Update ansi-terminal to version 1.0.2. + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + + ghc-assoc +- Update assoc to version 1.1 revision 1. + [#]# 1.1 + - Depend on `bifunctor-classes-compat` only. + Instances for types defined in `bifunctors` package are moved there. + With this change `assoc` only depends on `base` and `tagged`. + - Mark modules as explicitly Safe + ghc-async +- Update async to version 2.2.5. + [#]# Changes in 2.2.5 + - #117: Document that empty for Concurrently waits forever + - #120: Add ConcurrentlyE. + - #123: Fix failing concurrentlyE tests in older GHCs. + - #124: Allow hashable 1.4 + - #126: Semigroup and Monoid instances for ConcurrentlyE + - #120: Add ConcurrentlyE + - #138: expose internals as Control.Concurrent.Async.Internal + - #131: Fix typos in docs + - #132: waitAny(Catch): clarify non-empty input list requirement + - #142: Add cancelMany + - #135, #145, #150: Support for GHC 9.4, 9.6, 9.8 + - Document that empty for Concurrently waits forever. + ghc-attoparsec +- Update attoparsec to version 0.14.4 revision 5. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-auto-update -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - ghc-base-compat +- Update base-compat to version 0.13.1. + [#]# Changes in 0.13.1 [2023.10.11] + - Sync with `base-4.19`/GHC 9.8 + - Backport `unzip` to `Data.Functor.Compat` + - Backport `(!?)` and `unsnoc` to `Data.List.Compat` + - Backport `getSolo` to `Data.Tuple.Compat` when building against + `ghc-prim-0.8.0` (GHC 9.2) or later. To backport `getSolo` to older versions + of GHC, import `Data.Tuple.Compat` from `base-compat-batteries` instead. + - Backport `decT` and `hdecT` to `Data.Typeable.Compat` + - Backport `decTypeRep` to `Type.Reflection.Compat` + [#]# Changes in 0.13.0 [2023.03.10] + - Sync with `base-4.18`/GHC 9.6 + - Backport `liftA2` being re-exported from `Prelude.Compat`. + - `Data.Tuple.Compat`'s `Solo` API now matches what is present in `Data.Tuple` + in `base-4.18`. In particular, we now re-export both the `MkSolo` and `Solo` + data constructors when building with `ghc-prim-0.10.0` or later, with + `MkSolo` being preferred over `Solo`. If you want to backport `MkSolo` to + earlier versions of GHC, import `Data.Tuple.Compat` from + `base-compat-batteries` instead. + - Backport `traceWith`, `traceShowWith`, and `traceEventWith` to `Debug.Trace`. + Note that `traceEventWith` is only provided when building with `base-4.5` or + later, as that is the first version of `base` to provide the `traceEvent` + primitive on which `traceEventWith` is defined. + - Backport `inits1` and `tails1` to `Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat`. + - Backport `minusNaturalMaybe` to `Numeric.Natural.Compat`. + - Backport `applyWhen` to `Data.Function.Compat`. + - Backport `mapAccumM` and `forAccumM` to `Data.Traversable.Compat`. + - Backport `heqT` to `Data.Typeable.Compat`. Note that `heqT` is only defined + when building with `base-4.10` or later, as that is the first version of + `base` to provide the primitives needed to define `heqT`. + - Introduce `Data.Foldable1.Compat` and `Data.Bifoldable1.Compat` modules, + which correspond to changes made in `base-`. You may consider using + `base-compat-batteries` instead if you want increase the range of `base` + versions that are supported. + [#]# Changes in 0.12.3 [2023.07.12] + - This coincides with the `base-compat-batteries-0.12.3` release. Refer to the + [`base-compat-batteries` changelog]( + for more details. + [#]# Changes in 0.12.2 [2022.08.11] + - Sync with `base-4.17`/GHC 9.4 + - Backport `(.^.)`, `(.>>.)`, `(.<<.)`, `(!>>.)`, `(!<<.)`, `oneBits` to + `Data.Bits.Compat` + - Backport `pattern TypeRep` to `Type.Reflection.Compat` + ghc-base-compat-batteries +- Update base-compat-batteries to version 0.13.1. + [#]# Changes in 0.13.1 [2023.10.11] + - This coincides with the `base-compat-batteries-0.13.1` release. Refer to the + [`base-compat-batteries` changelog]( + for more details. + [#]# Changes in 0.13.0 [2023.03.10] + - This coincides with the `base-compat-0.13.0` release. Refer to the + [`base-compat` changelog]( + for more details. + - Require `OneTuple-0.4` or later on GHC 7.4+, as that is the first `OneTuple` + release to backport the `MkSolo` data constuctor for `Solo`. See + `Data.Tuple.Compat`. + - Introduce `Data.Foldable1.Compat` and `Data.Bifoldable1.Compat` modules, + which correspond to changes made in `base-`. `base-compat-batteries` + uses the `foldable1-classes-compat` library to backport this code to older + versions of `base`. + - Depend on `bifunctor-classes-compat` to backport the `Bifunctor`, + `Bifoldable`, and `Bitraversable` classes instead of the + `bifunctors` library, which has more dependencies. + [#]# Changes in 0.12.3 [2023.07.12] + - Allow building with `OneTuple-0.4.*`. + [#]# Changes in 0.12.2 [2022.08.11] + - This coincides with the `base-compat-0.12.2` release. Refer to the + [`base-compat` changelog]( + for more details. + ghc-base-orphans +- Update base-orphans to version 0.9.1. + [#]# Changes in 0.9.1 [2023.10.11] + - Backport new instances from GHC 9.8/`base-4.19`: + * `Eq` and `Ord` instances for `SChar`, `SNat`, and `SSymbol` + * `Enum`, `Bounded`, `Num`, `Real`, and `Integral` instances for `Compose` + [#]# Changes in 0.9.0 [2023.03.05] + - Adapt to recent changes to `Down` instances: + * The `Bounded` instance for `Down` was changed in `base-` to swap + the values of `minBound` and `maxBound` for the underlying type. This + change has now been propagated to `base-orphans`. + * The `Enum` instance for `Down` was removed in `base-`, but a + different version of the instance was added back in `base-`, where + `succ` and `pred` are swapped. We have changed the backported version of + this instance in `base-orphans` to match the behavior of the instance + added in `base-`. + * The `Integral` instance for `Down` was removed from `base` entirely in + `base-`. We have finally removed it from `base-orphans` in this + release, as it actively makes it more difficult to define the + aforementioned `Enum` instance. + [#]# Changes in [2023.03.05] + - Fix GHC 9.4 build error that was accidentally introduced in + `base-orphans-0.8.8`. + [#]# Changes in 0.8.8 [2023.03.05] + - Backport new instances from GHC 9.6.1/`base-`: + * `Functor` instances for the `(,,,,) a b c d`, `(,,,,,) a b c d e`, and + `(,,,,,) a b c d e f` tuple types. + * `Eq` and `Ord` instances for `Generically1` + [#]# Changes in 0.8.7 [2022.08.11] + - Backport new instances from GHC 9.2.2/`base-`: + * `Ix` instances for various integral types in `Foreign.C.Types`, + `Foreign.Ptr`, and `System.Posix.Types`. For a complete list of such types, + see + - Backport a bugfix for the `Ord1 Down` instance from GHC 9.4/`base-4.17` such + that it now uses reverse sort order. + ghc-base16-bytestring +- Update base16-bytestring to version revision 1. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-base64 -- Update base64 to version revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update base64 to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update base64 to version - [#]# - * Minor release for stackage, limiting memory usage in test suites. - * Transition to Github Actions CI - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Add base64 at version revision 1. +- Add base64 at version revision 4. ghc-base64-bytestring +- Update base64-bytestring to version revision 1. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-basement +- Update basement to version 0.0.16. + Upstream does not provide a change log file. + ghc-bifunctors +- Update bifunctors to version 5.6.1 revision 2. + 5.6.1 [2023.03.13] + - ----------------- + * Provide instances for the `Swap` and `Assoc` type classes from the `assoc` + package. (These instances were previously defined in `assoc` itself, but they + have been migrated over to `bifunctors` in tandem with the `assoc-1.1` + release.) + * Only depend on `bifunctor-classes-compat` if building with GHC 8.0. + 5.6 [2023.03.12] + - --------------- + * Drop support for GHC 7.10 and earlier. + * Move the `Data.Bifunctor`, `Data.Bifoldable`, and `Data.Bitraversable` + compatibility modules to the new `bifunctor-classes-compat` package. For + backwards compatibility, the `bifunctors` library re-exports + `Data.Bifoldable` and `Data.Bitraversable` modules from + `bifunctor-classes-compat` when building with GHC 8.0. + If your library depends on `bifunctors` and compiles with pre-8.2 + versions of GHC, be warned that it may be possible to construct a + build plan involving a pre-`5.6` version of `bifunctors` where: + * Some of the `Bifunctor` instances come from + `bifunctor-classes-compat`'s compatibility classes, and + * Other `Bifunctor` instances come from `bifunctors`'s compatibility classes. + These compatibility classes are distinct, so this could lead to build errors + under certain conditions. Some possible ways to mitigate this risk include: + * Drop support for GHC 8.0 and older in your library. + * Require `bifunctors >= 5.6` in your library. + * If neither of the options above are viable, then you can temporarily + define instances for the old compatibility classes from `bifunctors` like + so: + ```hs + - - For Bifunctor instances + import qualified "bifunctor-classes-compat" Data.Bifunctor as BifunctorCompat + [#]if !MIN_VERSION_bifunctors(5,6,0) && !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) + import qualified "bifunctors" Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor + [#]endif + instance BifunctorCompat.Bifunctor MyType where ... + [#]if !MIN_VERSION_bifunctors(5,6,0) && !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) + instance Bifunctor.Bifunctor MyType where ... + [#]endif + ``` + ```hs + - - For Bifoldable and Bitraversable instances + import qualified "bifunctor-classes-compat" Data.Bifoldable as BifoldableCompat + import qualified "bifunctor-classes-compat" Data.Bitraversable as BitraversableCompat + [#]if !MIN_VERSION_bifunctors(5,6,0) && !MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0) + import qualified "bifunctors" Data.Bifoldable as Bifoldable + import qualified "bifunctors" Data.Bitraversable as Bitraversable + [#]endif + instance BifoldableCompat.Bifoldable MyType where ... + instance BitraversableCompat.Bitraversable MyType where ... + [#]if !MIN_VERSION_bifunctors(5,6,0) && !MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0) + instance Bifoldable.Bifoldable MyType where ... + instance Bitraversable.Bitraversable MyType where ... + [#]endif + ``` + If your package does nothing but define instances of `Bifunctor` _et al._, + you may consider replacing your `bifunctors` dependency with + `bifunctor-classes-compat` to reduce your dependency footprint. If you do, + it is strongly recommended that you bump your package's major version number + so that your users are alerted to the details of the migration. + * Define a `Foldable1` instance for `Joker`, and define `Bifoldable1` instances + for `Biff`, `Clown`, `Flip`, `Join`, `Joker`, `Product`, `Tannen`, and + `WrappedBifunctor`. These instances were originally defined in the + `semigroupoids` library, and they have now been migrated to `bifunctors` as + a side effect of adapting to + [this Core Libraries Proposal](, + which adds `Foldable1` and `Bifoldable1` to `base`. + 5.5.15 [2023.02.27] + - ------------------ + * Support `th-abstraction-0.5.*`. + 5.5.14 [2022.12.07] + - ------------------ + * Define `Functor`, `Foldable`, and `Traversable` instances for `Sum` and + `Product`. + 5.5.13 [2022.09.12] + - ------------------ + * Make the `Biapplicative` instances for tuples lazy, to match their `Bifunctor` + instances. + ghc-blaze-builder +- Update blaze-builder to version + * 2023-08-27 + - Fix compilation warnings concerning non-canonical mappend + - Support bytestring-0.12 + - Support text-2.1 + - Tested with GHC 7.0.4 to 9.8.1 alpha3 + ghc-blaze-html +- Update blaze-html to version revision 4. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-blaze-markup +- Update blaze-markup to version revision 1. + - (2023-09-25) + * Add `ToMarkup` and `ToValue` instances for `NonEmpty Char` + * Bump `bytestring` upper bound to 0.13 + * Bump `text` upper bound to 2.1 + ghc-boring -- Update boring to version 0.2 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Add boring at version 0.2. +- Add boring at version 0.2.1 revision 1. ghc-bsb-http-chunked -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update bsb-http-chunked to version revision 3. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update bsb-http-chunked to version revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add bsb-http-chunked at version +- Add bsb-http-chunked at version revision 4. ghc-cabal-doctest +- Update cabal-doctest to version 1.0.9 revision 3. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-call-stack -- Update call-stack to version 0.4.0. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Update call-stack to version 0.3.0. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Update call-stack to version 0.2.0. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Prefer the new %license attribute over %doc. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version 0.1.0 with cabal2obs. +- Add call-stack at version 0.4.0. ghc-cassava -- Update cassava to version revision 7. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update cassava to version revision 6. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update cassava to version revision 5. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update cassava to version revision 4. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update cassava to version revision 3. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update cassava to version revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update cassava to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add cassava at version +- Add cassava at version revision 5. ghc-cereal +- Update cereal to version + + ======= + * GHC 9.4.1 compatibility + ghc-citeproc +- Update citeproc to version 0.8.1. + [#]# 0.8.1 + * In Pandoc and CslJson CaseTransform, group punctuation in clusters (#127). + * Fix sorting on dates (#126). Previously this broke for some styles, + e.g. apa.csl, which styles dates as MM/DD/YYYY, and would lead to + incorrect sorting of dates with months and/or days. + * Add citation-key variable from citeId. This is a new addition in CSL 1.0.2. + * Update locales from upstream. + * Raise an error if multiple layout elements are present (#120). + * Fix two test cases. They had illegal bibliography elements with + no layout children. + * If there are multiple layout elements, only use the last one. + This can happen with CSL-M styles. The last layout should be + locale-unspecific. This change will prevent us from emitting + doubled citations or bibliographic references (see #120), + allowing more graceful handling of CSL-M styles, even though we + don't support CSL-M. + [#]# + * Fix missing locator after collapsing and grouping with year + suffix (#96). + [#]# + * Fix disambiguation edge case (#116). We weren't properly + disambiguating when only one of two ambiguous names had a + subsequent citation. + * Chicago page numbering fixes. + * Update test suite form upstream. + * Handle whole-citation links differently in `secondFieldAlign` (#113, + Benjamin Bray). + * Require data-default >= 0.5.2 (#114, Bodigrim). + [#]# 0.8 + * Add `SubstitutedVal` constructor for `Val` [API change] (#101, #108). + This is used to track variables that are repressed due to substitution. + (We can't just delete them, because they still count when we have + "if" elements that check for a variable.) + * Fix logic for including a group. A group with a text node and an + empty variable should count as empty. + * CaseTransform: don't change words that are a mix of uppercase + and nonletters, like CRT1000. + * Fix label with "page" variable (#107). + * Fix error in test suite. We stripped indentation in the expected result + in some cases. + * Update fr-FR locale from upstream. + ghc-commonmark +- Update commonmark to version + [#]# + * Commonmark.Html: Add `aria-hidden`, `d`, and `viewBox` to allowed attributes list. + * Correctly merge list blanks with non-list blanks (#133, Michael Howell). + * Do not look for backslashed hard breaks in link titles (#130, Michael Howell). + * Work around ghc bug with `-K` RTS options, to set the stack space properly + for tests (#129). See + * Revert block state completely if lazy line (#126). This fixes an issue with + lazily-wrapped footnotes. + * Avoid adding trailing newline to list block if it's already there + (Michael Howell). This fixes tight/loose classification in a few + cases. + * Fix incorrectly parsing links with nested `[]` (Michael Howell). + [#]# 0.2.4 + * Do not parse hard line breaks in fenced codeblock info (#116, + Michael Howell). This change makes commonmark-hs conform to the spec + and behave like other implementations when an info string in a code + block ends with a backslash. + * [API change] Commonmark.Inlines now exports `pEscapedSymbol` + (#116, Michael Howell). + * Tokenize combining marks as WordChars not Symbol (#114). + [#]# 0.2.3 + * Re-export Text.Parsec.Pos from Commonmark.Types (Fraser + Tweedale, #106). + ghc-commonmark-extensions +- Update commonmark-extensions to version + [#]# + * Add `test/` to extra-source-files in cabal file. + [#]# 0.2.5 + * Add support for alerts extension, supporting GitHub-style alerts (#132). + + New module Commonmark.Extensions.Alerts [API change]. + * Do not accept footnote labels with line breaks (Michael Howell). + * Parse `[^ ]` and `[^]` as links (Michael Howell). This is consistent with + most other CommonMark parsers, even when they have support for footnotes turned on. + [#]# 0.2.4 + * Make `pipe_tables` extension treat backslash escapes like GH does (#112, + Michael Howell). This change essentially changes the way the text + `\\|` gets parsed inside a table. In the old version, the first backslash + escapes the second backslash, and then the pipe is treated as a cell + separator. In the new version, the pipe is still preceded by a backslash, + so it is still literal text. The escaping rule is documented in detail + in the spec for this extension. This change also aligns our escaping + of pipes with GitHub's. + [#]# + * Fix pipe table parser so that `|`s don't interfere with + other block structures (Michael Howell, #111, fixing #52 and + [#95]). This parser is structured as a system that parses the + * second* line first, then parses the first line. That is, if + it detects a delimiter row as the second line of a + paragraph, it converts the paragraph into a table. This + seems counterintuitive, but it works better than trying to + convert a table into a paragraph, since it might need to be + something else. + * Improve parsing of inline math (#110). + [#]# + - Resolve entities inside wikilinks (#105, Michał Kukieła). + [#]# + - Require whitespace after definition list marker (#104). + Otherwise we can inadvertently clobber strikeout or subscript. + [#]# + - Fix definition_lists extension (#96). We were not properly consuming + indentation in definitions, which caused problems when the definitions + themselves contained lists. + ghc-commonmark-pandoc +- Update commonmark-pandoc to version 0.2.2. + [#]# 0.2.2 + - Add support for alerts extension (#132). + [#]# + - Allow pandoc-types 1.23. + ghc-comonad +- Update comonad to version 5.0.8 revision 2. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-conduit +- Update conduit to version 1.3.5. + [#]# 1.3.5 + * Add `groupOn` + [#]# + * Fix space leak in `*>` [#496]( [#497]( + ghc-constraints -- Update constraints to version 0.13.3. - 0.13.3 [2022.01.31] - - ------------------ - * Allow building with `transformers-0.6.*` and `mtl-2.3.*`. - -- Update constraints to version 0.13.2 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update constraints to version 0.13.2. - 0.13.2 [2021.11.10] - - ------------------ - * Allow building on GHC HEAD. - -- Update constraints to version 0.13.1. - 0.13.1 [2021.10.31] - - ------------------ - * Allow building with GHC 9.2. - -- Update constraints to version 0.13 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update constraints to version 0.13. - 0.13 [2021.02.17] - - ---------------- - * `Data.Constraint.Symbol` now reexports the `GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol` type - family from recent versions of `base` (or, on old versions of `base`, it - defines a backwards-compatibile version of `AppendSymbol`). The existing - `(++)` type family for `Data.Constraint.Symbol` is now a synonym for - `AppendSymbol`. - This is technically a breaking change, as `(++)` was previously defined like - so: - ```hs - type family (++) :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol - ``` - This meant that `(++)` could be partially applied. However, for compatibility - with the way that `AppendSymbol` is defined, `(++)` is now defined like so: - ```hs - type m ++ n = AppendSymbol m n - ``` - As a result, `(++)` can no longer be partially applied. - * Make the `(++)` type family in `Data.Constraint.Symbol` be `infixr 5`. - * Add `implied :: (a => b) -> (a :- b)` to `Data.Constraint`, which converts - a quantified constraint into an entailment. This is only available when - compiled with GHC 8.6 or later. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add constraints at version 0.12. +- Add constraints at version 0.14. ghc-contravariant -- Update contravariant to version 1.5.5. - 1.5.5 [2021.07.27] - - ----------------- - * Fix the build on old GHCs using `transformers-0.6.*`. - -- Update contravariant to version 1.5.4. - 1.5.4 [2021.07.25] - - ----------------- - * Allow building with `transformers-0.6.*`. - -- Update contravariant to version 1.5.3. - 1.5.3 [2020.12.30] - - ----------------- - * Explicitly mark modules as `Safe`. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Update contravariant to version 1.5.2. - 1.5.2 [2019.06.03] - - ----------------- - * Mark `Data.Functor.Contravariant` and `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Generic` - as unconditionally `Trustworthy`. - -- Update contravariant to version 1.5.1. - 1.5.1 [2019.05.02] - - ----------------- - * Remove the use of `unsafeCoerce` in `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Generic`. As - a result, the `safe` flag has been removed, as it is no longer used. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Update contravariant to version 1.5. - 1.5 [2018.07.01] - - --------------- - * Support building with GHC 8.6, where `Data.Functor.Contravariant` has been - moved into `base`. - -- Update contravariant to version 1.4.1 revision 1. - * Add `Semigroup` and `Monoid` instances for `Predicate`. - * Add lots of documentation explaining `Contravariant`, `Divisible`, and - `Decidable`. - * Fix some dodgy CPP usage that caused the build to fail on Eta. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version 1.4 revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- update to 1.4 - * Improved the performance of Deciding at the cost of downgrading it to Trustworthy. - * Support for transformers 0.5 - -- update to 1.3.3 - * Add instance Monoid m => Divisible (Const m) - -- update to 1.3.2 - * Add ($<) operator - -- update to - * Fix builds - -- initial commit +- Add contravariant at version 1.5.5. ghc-cookie +- Update cookie to version 0.4.6. + [#]# 0.4.6 + * Resolve redundant import of Data.Monoid [#26]( + * Added `renderSetCookieBS` and `renderCookiesBS` + ghc-data-fix +- Update data-fix to version 0.3.2 revision 5. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-dec -- Update dec to version 0.0.4 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update dec to version 0.0.4. - [#]# 0.0.4 - - Mark module as explicitly `Safe`. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update dec to version 0.0.3 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Add dec at version 0.0.3. +- Add dec at version 0.0.5 revision 2. ghc-digest +- Update digest to version + Upstream added a new change log file in this release. With no + previous version to compare against, the automatic updater cannot + reliable determine the relevante entries for this release. + ghc-dlist +- Update dlist to version 1.0 revision 1. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-doclayout +- Update doclayout to version + [#]# + * Add clause for Empty to renderList (#22). + * Remove upper bound for criterion + ghc-doctemplates +- Update doctemplates to version 0.11. + Upstream has not updated the file "" since the last + release. + ghc-easy-file -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add easy-file at version 0.2.2. +- Add easy-file at version 0.2.5. ghc-emojis +- Update emojis to version 0.1.3. + Upstream's change log file format is strange (too much unmodified + text at at the top). The automatic updater cannot extract the + relevant additions. You can find the file at: + + ghc-fast-logger -- Update fast-logger to version 3.1.1. - [#]# 3.1.1 - * More time-ordered logging functions - [#199]( - [#]# 3.1.0 - * Having a single Buffer in LoggerSet for locking [#197]( - This would have performance penalty. So, the major version bumps up. If you see performance regression, please register an issue on github. - -- Update fast-logger to version 3.0.5. - [#]# 3.0.5 - * recovering backward compatibility for newFileLoggerSet. - -- Update fast-logger to version 3.0.4. - [#]# 3.0.4 - * New API: `newFastLogger1` which use only one capability. - * Making `FD` safer with `invalidFD`. - -- Update fast-logger to version 3.0.3. - [#]# 3.0.3 - * Dropping support of GHC 7.x. - * Add `ToLogStr` instance for `ShortByteString`. Add lower bound on - `bytestring` dependency to ensure that `bytestring` exports - `Data.ByteString.Short`. - [#]# 3.0.2 - * Fixing documentation. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update fast-logger to version 3.0.2. - Upstream has not updated the file "" since the last - release. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add fast-logger at version 3.0.1. +- Add fast-logger at version 3.2.2. ghc-haddock-library +- Update haddock-library to version 1.11.0 revision 3. + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + + ghc-hashable +- Update hashable to version revision 1. + [#]# Version + * Export `defaultHashWithSalt` and `defaultHash`. + * Fix issue of tuples with 0 first component causing all-zero state. + * Change `hashInt` to mix bits more. + [#]# Version + * Fix the foreign signature of `getThreadId` + + * Drop support for GHCs prior GHC-8.2 + The recent `unordered-containers` releases support only GHC-8.2+ + * Add instance for `OsString`, `PosixString`, `WindowsString` from `filepath-` + * Add `Hashable ByteArray` instance using `data-array-byte` compat package + [#]# Version + * Add instance for `Data.Array.Byte.ByteArray`. + [#]# Version + * Restore older GHC support + * Support GHC-9.0.2 + [#]# Version + * `text-2.0` compatibility + [#]# Version + * `Eq` is now a superclass of `Hashable`. + Also `Eq1` is a superclass of `Hashable1` and `Eq2` is a superclass of `Hashable2` + when exists. + * Remove `Hashable1 Fixed` instance + * Remove `Hashable1 Semi.Min/Max/...` instances as they don't have `Eq1` instance. + ghc-haskell-lexer +- Update haskell-lexer to version 1.1.1. + Upstream does not provide a change log file. + ghc-hslua +- Update hslua to version 2.3.1. + [#]# hslua-2.3.1 + Released 2024-01-18. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, containers, and bytestring, + allowing text-2.1, containers-0.7, and bytestring-0.12. + - Require latest versions of HsLua packages. + [#]# hslua-2.3.0 + Released 2023-03-13. + - Require version 2.3.* of HsLua packages: hslua-core, + hslua-marshalling, hslua-objectorientation, hslua-packaging, + hslua-aeson, hslua-classes. + - Include `hslua-typing`, re-export `HsLua.Typing`. + ghc-hslua-aeson +- Update hslua-aeson to version 2.3.1. + [#]# hslua-aeson-2.3.1 + Released 2024-01-18. + - Relaxed upper bound for aeson. This required changes to the + testsuite: The arbitrary JSON values produced by current aeson + versions include numbers that cannot be converted to Lua + numbers without loss of precision. Those are first converted + to representable numbers before round-tripping is tested. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, containers, and bytestring, + allowing text-2.1, containers-0.7, and bytestring-0.12. + [#]# hslua-aeson- + Released 2023-03-13. + - Relax upper bound for hslua-marshalling, allow version 2.3. + [#]# hslua-aeson-2.3.0 + Released 2023-02-21. + - The `peekValue` peeker now checks for a `__toaeson` metafield + or `__tojson` metamethod and uses them to compute the `Value` + of an object: + The `__toaeson` metafield, if set, must be a function pushed + via `pushToAeson`. That function is called on a given object, + and the returned *Value* becomes the result of calling + `peekValue`. + Likewise, the `__tojson` metamethod must be a function that + returns a valid JSON string. The result in that case is the + decoded string. + If both, `__toaeson` and `__tojson` are set, then `__toaeson` + takes precedent. + - The test suite now has *tasty-hunit* as an additional + dependency. + ghc-hslua-classes +- Update hslua-classes to version 2.3.1. + [#]# hslua-classes-2.3.1 + Released 2024-01-18. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, containers, and bytestring, + allowing text-2.1, containers-0.7, and bytestring-0.12. + [#]# hslua-classes-2.3.0 + Released 2023-03-13. + - Require version 2.3.* of HsLua packages hslua-core and + hslua-marshalling. + ghc-hslua-core +- Update hslua-core to version 2.3.2. + [#]# hslua-core-2.3.2 + Released 2024-01-18. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, and bytestring, allowing + text-2.1, and bytestring-0.12. + [#]# hslua-core-2.3.1 + Released 2023-03-17. + - New module *HsLua.Core.Debug*: the module provides bindings to + a subset of functions of the Lua debug interface. Currently + the module only exports `getupvalue` and `setupvalue`, both of + which are also re-exported from *HsLua.Core*. + [#]# hslua-core-2.3.0 + Released 2023-03-13. + - The functions `loadfile`, `dofile`, and `dofileTrace` now + expect the argument to be of type `Maybe FilePath`. The + functions load from *stdin* when the argument is `Nothing`. + - Added `setwarnf'` for simple warning messgae handling: The + built-in method of setting a warn function is flexible but not + straight-forward to use. The new `setwarnf'` function allows + to set a Haskell action as a warning hook: the default warning + behavior is kept in place, but, in addition to the default + action, the hook is called on the concatenated warning + messages. This can be used to plug Lua warnings into an + application specific Haskell reporting system. + - Export `GCManagedState`, `newGCManagedState`, + `closeGCManagedState`, and `withGCManagedState` from + `HsLua.Core`. + ghc-hslua-marshalling +- Update hslua-marshalling to version 2.3.1. + [#]# hslua-marshalling-2.3.1 + Released 2024-01-18. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, containers, and bytestring, + allowing text-2.1, containers-0.7, and bytestring-0.12. + [#]# hslua-marshalling-2.3.0 + Released 2023-03-13. + - `Result` is now an instance of `MonadFail`. + - New peeker and pusher functions for `NonEmpty`. + - Peeker combinators for optional values: The new combinators + `peekNilOr`, `peekNoneOr`, and `peekNoneOrNil` can be used to + retrieve optional values. + ghc-hslua-module-doclayout +- Update hslua-module-doclayout to version 1.1.1. + [#]# 1.1.1 + Released 2024-01-23. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, allowing text-2.1. + - Improved doc strings. + - Test with latest GHC versions. + [#]# 1.1.0 + Release pending. + - Require hslua-2.3 and tasty-lua-1.1. + - Type info is added to all fields. + - The `Doc` type is now associated with this module's docs, + making it easier to generate documentation. + ghc-hslua-module-path +- Update hslua-module-path to version 1.1.1. + [#]# hslua-module-path-1.1.1 + Released 2024-01-18. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, and filepath, + allowing text-2.1, filepath-1.5. + [#]# hslua-module-path-1.1.0 + Released 2023-03-13. + - Update to hslua-2.3; this includes the addition of type + initializers to the module and type specifiers to the fields. + - Fixed tests for `make_relative` on Windows. + [#]# hslua-module-path-1.0.3 + Released 2022-08-19. + - Fixed `make_relative` for longer base paths: Ensure that the + function produces correct results in cases where the root + (base) path has more components than the path that should be + made relative. + ghc-hslua-module-system +- Update hslua-module-system to version 1.1.1. + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + + ghc-hslua-module-text +- Update hslua-module-text to version 1.1.1. + [#]# hslua-module-text-1.1.1 + Released 2024-01-18. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, allowing text-2.1. + [#]# hslua-module-text- + Released 2023-03-26. + - Improved doc strings. + [#]# hslua-module-text-1.1.0 + Released 2023-03-13. + - Update to hslua-2.3; this includes the addition of type + initializers to the module and type specifiers to the fields. + [#]# hslua-module-text- + Released 2023-01-06. + - Generalized a test to avoid failures with stack nightly. + - Added GHC 9.4 to test matrix. + [#]# hslua-module-text-1.0.3 + Released 2023-01-03. + - Added new functions `fromencoding` and `toencoding`. These can + be used to convert from or to a different (non UTF-8) + encoding. This is particularly helpful when opening files on + system that don't use UTF-8 for their file system, most + notably Windows. + ghc-hslua-module-version +- Update hslua-module-version to version 1.1.1. + [#]# hslua-module-version-1.1.1 + Released 2024-01-18. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, and filepath, + allowing text-2.1, filepath-1.5. + [#]# hslua-module-version-1.1.0 + Released 2023-03-13. + - Update to hslua-2.3; this includes the addition of type + initializers to the module. + [#]# hslua-module-version-1.0.3 + Released 2022-09-01. + - Allow equality checks with non-version values: A *Version* + value can now be compared with any value. Previously, + comparing a version with a value that cannot be interpreted as + a Version would result in an error, violating the principle of + least surprise. + ghc-hslua-objectorientation +- Update hslua-objectorientation to version 2.3.1. + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + + ghc-hslua-packaging +- Update hslua-packaging to version 2.3.1. + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + + ghc-http-api-data -- Update http-api-data to version 0.4.3 revision 6. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update http-api-data to version 0.4.3 revision 4. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update http-api-data to version 0.4.3 revision 3. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- fix license to BSD-2-Clause - -- Update http-api-data to version 0.4.3 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update http-api-data to version 0.4.3 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update http-api-data to version 0.4.3. - 0.4.3 - - ---- - * Add `Quarter`, `QuarterOfYear` and `Month` instances - * Support `bytestring-0.11` - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update http-api-data to version 0.4.2. - 0.4.2 - - ---- - * Add instances for `Const` and `Identity` - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add http-api-data at version +- Add http-api-data at version 0.6 revision 1. ghc-http-client +- Update http-client to version 0.7.16. + [#]# 0.7.16 + * Add `responseEarlyHints` field to `Response`, containing a list of all HTTP 103 Early Hints headers received from the server. + * Add `earlyHintHeadersReceived` callback to `Request`, which will be called on each HTTP 103 Early Hints header section received. + [#]# 0.7.15 + * Adds `shouldStripHeaderOnRedirectIfOnDifferentHostOnly` option to `Request` [#520]( + [#]# 0.7.14 + * Allow customizing max header length [#514]( + [#]# 0.7.13 + * Create the ability to redact custom header values to censor sensitive information + [#]# 0.7.12 + * Fix premature connection closing due to weak reference lifetimes [#490]( + ghc-http-client-tls +- Update http-client-tls to version + [#]# + * catching up to tls 1.8.0 [#515]( + [#]# + * Migrate to `crypton` + ghc-http-date -- Update http-date to version 0.0.11. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update http-date to version 0.0.10. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Update http-date to version 0.0.9. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add http-date at version 0.0.8. +- Add http-date at version 0.0.11. ghc-http-media -- Update http-media to version revision 6. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update http-media to version revision 5. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update http-media to version revision 4. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Add http-media at version revision 3. +- Add http-media at version revision 1. ghc-http-types +- Update http-types to version 0.12.4. + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + + ghc-http2 -- Update http2 to version 3.0.3. - [#]# 3.0.3 - * Return correct status messages in HTTP2 client - (#31)[] - * Follow changes in Aeson 2 - (#32)[] - * Make sure connection preface is always sent first - (#33)[] - * Avoid empty data - (#34)[] +- Update http2 to version 5.0.1. + [#]# 5.0.1 + * Allowing bytestring 0.12. -- Update http2 to version 3.0.2. - [#]# 3.0.2 - * Skip inserting entries that do not fit in the encoding table - (#28)[] - -- Update http2 to version 3.0.1. - [#]# 3.0.1 - * Including a necessary file for testing. - -- Update http2 to version 3.0.0. - [#]# 3.0.0 - * DOS preventions. - * Providing Network.HTTP.Client. - * `Internal` modules are exported. - * Dropping the priority feature from Network.HTTP.Server. - * `Network.HTTP2.Priority` is deprecated. - * `Network.HTTP2` module is deprecated. Use `Network.HTTP2.Frame` instead. - * Adding some tokens. - -- Update http2 to version 2.0.6. - [#]# 2.0.6 - * Dropping support of GHC 7.x - [#]# 2.0.5 - * Passing the correct request - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Update http2 to version 2.0.5. - Upstream has not updated the file "" since the last - release. - -- Add http2 at version 2.0.4. +- Add http2 at version 5.0.0. ghc-indexed-traversable +- Update indexed-traversable to version 0.1.3. + [#] 0.1.3 [2023-10-04] + - Add `Foldable1WithIndex1` type-class, an indexed version of `Foldable1`. + [#] [2023-03-12] + - `TraversableWithIndex []` doesn't use the `zip [0..]` idiom anymore. + + ghc-indexed-traversable-instances -- Update indexed-traversable-instances to version 0.1.1. - Upstream has not updated the file "" since the last - release. - -- Add indexed-traversable-instances at version 0.1. +- Add indexed-traversable-instances at version revision 2. ghc-integer-logarithms +- Update integer-logarithms to version revision 5. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-jira-wiki-markup +- Update jira-wiki-markup to version 1.5.1 revision 1. + 1.5.1 + - ---- + Released 2023-03-13. + * Parser: Disallow image paths that start with a space. + 1.5.0 + - ---- + Released 2023-01-11. + * Relaxed upper bounds for mtl, allow mtl 2.3. + * Fixed handling of character sequences that would be interpreted + as icons if they weren't followed by an alphanumeric character. + See also [pandoc issue #8511][]. + [pandoc issue #8511]: + ghc-libyaml +- Update libyaml to version 0.1.2 revision 1. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-lpeg +- Update lpeg to version 1.0.4. + [#]# lpeg-1.0.4 + Released 2023-03-13. + - Allow lua-2.3. + - Cease support for GHC 8.2 and older; require base 4.11 or + later. + ghc-lua +- Update lua to version 2.3.2. + [#]# lua-2.3.2 + Release pending. + - Update to Lua 5.4.6. + [#]# lua-2.3.1 + Released 2023-03-17. + - New module *Lua.Debug*: the module provides bindings to a + subset of functions of the Lua debug interface. Currently the + module only binds `lua_getupvalue` and `lua_setupvalue`. + [#]# lua-2.3.0 + Released 2023-03-13. + - New function `hslua_setwarnf`: The function allows to set a + C function as a hook that is called on all complete warning + messages. It is intended as a simple way to set a custom + warning function. + - Export version and copyright info from Lua.Constants: the + following patterns are made available, with content identical + to that of the respective C functions: `LUA_VERSION`, + `LUA_RELEASE`, and `LUA_COPYRIGHT`. + - Added a new flag `cross-compile`. When enabled, the code is + setup in a way that allows cross-compilation of the package, + but some of the string constants will be hard-coded and may + not match the Lua version against which the library is + compiled. + - `Type` is now an instance of `Read`. + ghc-memory +- Update memory to version 0.18.0. + [#]# 0.18 + * drop support for ghc < 8.8 + * compat with ghc 9.4 + [#]# ... + ghc-mime-types +- Update mime-types to version + [#]# + * Added `defaultExtensionMap` to provide the inverse of `defaultMimeMap`. + See PR [#930]( and [#948]( + [#]# + * Replace `audio/x-mpegurl` with IANA registered type + `application/`. + * Add TeX-related types; this includes `bib`, `tex`, `sty`, and `cls`. + * Use type image/x-xcf for `.xcf` files. + * Use type "audio/opus" for `.opus` files. + * Add type text/vtt for `.vtt` text track files. + * Use IANA registered type "application/vnd.rar" for `.rar` files. + * Use font types defined in RFC 8081. + * Replace `audio/x-m4a` with `audio/mp4`. + * Change mime type for `.exe` files; use IANA registered type + `application/`. + * Add `video/dv` for files with extension `dv`. + * Use 'application/xml' instead of 'text/xml'. + * Change type for `.pcx` files to `image/vnd.zbrush.pcx`. + * Use `text/markdown` type for `.md` and `.markdown` files. + * Replace `application/x-gzip` with type `application/gzip`. + See PR [#906]( + ghc-mmorph -- Update mmorph to version 1.2.0 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update mmorph to version 1.2.0. - 1.2.0 - * BREAKING CHANGE: Remove instances for `ErrorT` and `ListT` - * These types are deprecated - -- Update mmorph to version 1.1.5 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update mmorph to version 1.1.5. - Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in - a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry - at the top. You can review the file at: - - -- Update mmorph to version 1.1.4 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update mmorph to version 1.1.4. - 1.1.4 - * Fix `MonadFail`-related code to work for GHCJS - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add mmorph at version 1.1.3. +- Add mmorph at version 1.2.0 revision 3. ghc-monad-control -- Update monad-control to version - - * Support transformers-0.6 - -- Update monad-control to version 1.0.3. - 1.0.3 - * Add `controlT` - * Support transformers-compat-0.7 - - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add monad-control at version +- Add monad-control at version ghc-network +- Update network to version revision 1. + [#]# Version + * Install and use afunix_compat.h header. + [#556]( + * Supporting SO_SNDTIMEO and SO_RCVTIMEO. + [#555]( + * Emulating socketPair on Windows. + [#554]( + [#]# Version + * Supporting AF_UNIX on Windows + [#553]( + [#]# Version + * Resolving the runtime linker problem on Windows. + [#552]( + [#]# Version + * Ignoring error from shutdown in gracefulClose + * Fix bitsize of some msghdr and cmsghdr fields on Linux + [#535]( + * Add SO_ACCEPTCONN SocketOption + [#524]( + ghc-network-byte-order -- Update network-byte-order to version 0.1.6 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update network-byte-order to version 0.1.6. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add network-byte-order at version 0.1.5. +- Add network-byte-order at version 0.1.7. ghc-network-uri +- Update network-uri to version revision 1. + [#] network-uri- (2022-12-18) + * Fix warnings, `-Wtrustworthy-safe` and `-Woperator-whitespace-ext-conflict` on GHC 9.4. + * Slightly improved test coverage. + ghc-old-time -- disable %{ix86} build +- Update old-time to version + [#]# *Dec 2023* + * Add `build-tools: hsc2hs` to `old-time.cabal` for compilation with GHC 8. + Fixes [issue #12]( -- Update old-time to version revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Prefer the new %license attribute over %doc. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version revision 2 with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version revision 1 with cabal2obs. - -- initial commmit - * decoupled from ghc +- Add old-time at version revision 2. ghc-optparse-applicative -- Update optparse-applicative to version - [#]# Version (1 Feb 2022) - - Make tabulation width configurable in usage texts. - - Separate program name and description in ParserHelp type. - - Add `helperWith` function, which can be easily used to - localize the help flag. - - Improve usage texts when command names are long. - - Improve Documentation. - -- Update optparse-applicative to version revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update optparse-applicative to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update optparse-applicative to version - [#]# Version (21 Nov 2020) - - Guard `process` dependency behind an on by default flag. - This allows one to shrink the dependency tree significantly - by turning off the ability to use bash completion actions. - - Remove `bytestring` dependency from the test suite. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Update optparse-applicative to version - [#]# Version (14 Aug 2020) - - Add `Options.Applicative.NonEmpty.some1` function, which - parses options the same as `some1` from base, but doesn't - cause duplicates in the usage texts. - - Further improve help text generation in the presence - of optional values when nesting is involved, and many and - some when displayed with a suffix. - - Add "global" options to the usage texts for subcommands. - When using subcommands, a "global options" section can - now appear below the options and commands sections. - Global options are *off* by default, to enable them, use - the `helpShowGlobals` modifier. - The `noGlobal` builder will suppress a single option being - displayed in the global options list. - Fixes issues: - * \# 175 - List detailed subparser documentation with `--help` - * \# 294 - Displaying global options when listing options for a command. - * \# 359 - Subcommand help text lacks required parent command arguments - - Allow the `--help` option to take the name of a command. - Usage without any arguments is the same, but now, when an - argument is given, if it is the name of a currently - reachable command, the help text for that command will - be show. - Fixes issues: - * \# 379 - cmd --help subcmd is not the same as cmd subcmd --help - - Updated dependency bounds. - - Add builder for the all positional parser policy. - - Remove deprecated functions - * nullOption - * execParserMaybe - * customExecParserMaybe - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Update Cabal file to get more accurate dependency information. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Update optparse-applicative to version - Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in - a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry - at the top. You can review the file at: - - -- Update optparse-applicative to version - Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in - a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry - at the top. You can review the file at: - - -- Update Cabal file for more accurate build dependencies. - -- Update optparse-applicative to version - [#]# Version (03 Oct 2018) - - Updated dependency bounds. - - Fix tab completion with Commands being unreachable. - - Clean ups and Documentation. - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Update optparse-applicative to version - - Export `HasName`, `HasCompleter`, `HasValue`, and - `HasMetavar` type classes. - - Upgrade `str` and related builders to be polymorphic over - `IsString`. This allows `Text` and `Bytestring` to be used - naturally with `strOption` and `strArgument` and friends. - * Note:* This change may require additional type signatures - in cases where the reader was necessary for type - inference. - - Export public API explicitly from `Options.Applicative` - instead of re-exporting other modules. - * Note:* Minor changes to exports were made in conjunction - to this change. `ParserHelp` no longer requires an - an extra import, and some internally used functions - from `Options.Applicative.Common` are no longer - exported from the main module. - - Add Zsh and Fish completions with rich descriptions for - options and commands. - Use "--zsh-completion-script" and "fish-completion-script" - to generate scripts for these shells. - - Fix bash completions with quoted sections, tilde expansions - and completions after "--". - - Add suggestions to error message when a user mistypes a - command or option. - - Add `style` builder, for styling option descriptions. - - Improve error message for options when a required argument - is not supplied. - - Fix #242 regarding flags with long options, where a flag given - a long option could be interpreted incorrectly. - - Fix `noIntersperse` to be more like its namesakes in other - libraries. When on, options will be accepted until an argument - is passed, after which all options will be treated as positional - arguments. - - Add `forwardOptions` builder, which will allow unknown options - and flags to be passed to an argument builder. - This is useful to mixed parsing environments, or wrappers to - other commands. - - Add `Semigroup` instances for `Completer` and `Chunk`. - - Forwards compatibility with `MonadFail` proposal. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- update to - * Improve subparser contexts to improve usage error texts - * Fixed bugs - -- update to - * Add "missing" error condition descriptions when required flags and arguments - are not provided. - * Allow multiple short flags to be concatenated together behind a single - hyphen, e.g. "-xcf". - * Updated dependency bounds on process and ansi-wl-pprint. - * Add Show and Eq instances to some types for easier debugging. - * Add defaultPrefs, a default preferences value - -- initial commit +- Add optparse-applicative at version ghc-pandoc-lua-marshal +- Update pandoc-lua-marshal to version 0.2.4. + [#]# 0.2.3 + Released 2024-01-19. + - Relaxed upper bound for aeson, allowing aeson-2.2.\*. + [#]# 0.2.3 + Released 2024-01-19. + - Relaxed upper bound for text, containers, and bytestring, + allowing text-2.1, containers-0.7, and bytestring-0.12. + [#]# 0.2.2 + Released 2023-03-15. + - Add `__tostring` metamethods to *Blocks* and *Inlines*. + [#]# + Released 2023-03-13. + - The version constraints for hslua packages have been relaxed; + other changes in hslua 2.3.\* do not affect this package. + [#]# 0.2.1 + Released 2023-02-11. + - All userdata types have been given a `__tojson` metamethod. + The methods return the default JSON representations of AST + objects. + [#]# 0.2.0 + Released 2023-01-18. + - Depend on pandoc-types 1.23: the `Null` Block constructor has + been removed, and a `Figure` constructor has been added. + - Support for Lua 5.3 has been dropped; the package now requires + hslua 2.2 or later. + - The implementation for `List` has been moved to the separate + `hslua-list` module. This module no longer contains C code. + ghc-pandoc-types +- Update pandoc-types to version 1.23.1 revision 1. + [1.23.1] + * Restore toJSONFilter instance for pure `a -> [a]`. + This went missing after my ill-considered revision to #105, + commit 183af9d9f1066be974ac55fd23a4c985999d3ce8 . See jgm/pandoc#8976. + * Generalize ToJSONFilter instance. Previously a pure function `a -> a` + could only be promoted to a filter in IO. Now we allow it to work with + any instance of MonadIO. (This adds to #105.) + * Allow bytestring 0.12. + [] + * Allow aeson 2.2. + * Remove dependency on string-qq (recbecca skinner). + [1.23] + * Remove Null constructor from Block (#91) [API change]. + * ToJSONFilter: Add instance for MonadIO (#105, Willem Van Onsem) + [API change]. + * Add `Figure` block constructor (Albert Krewinkel, Aner Lucero, + and Christian Despres) [API change]. The new Figure block represents + a figure with attributes, caption, and arbitrary block content. + [] + * Allow aeson 2.1.* and criterion 1.6. + ghc-prettyprinter -- Update prettyprinter to version 1.7.1. - [#] [1.7.1] - - [Deprecate the `Data.Text.Prettyprint.*` modules]( - * Users should migrate to the new `Prettyprinter` module hierarchy. - * The old modules will be removed no sooner than September 2022. - - [Make `text` an optional dependency:]( - * When built with `-f-text`, any `text`-based APIs will operate on `String`s instead. - - Documentation improvements: - * [#194]( - * [`1f0bffe`]( - [1.7.1]: - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Update prettyprinter to version 1.7.0. - [#] [1.7.0] - [#]# Breaking changes - - [Fix `layoutPretty` and `layoutSmart` so they don't produce trailing whitespace as a result of indenting empty lines.]( - * Users of `removeTrailingWhitespace` should check whether it is still needed. - - [Use `floor` instead of `round` to compute ribbon width.]( - - [Remove deprecated `Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.ShowS` module.]( - - [Add optimized implementation of `stimes` for `Doc`.]( - - [Generalize the type of `layoutCompact` to clarify that it doesn't preserve annotations.]( - - [Add strictness annotations in `SimpleDocStream` and `PageWidth`.]( - [#]# Non-breaking changes - - [Add shallower `Prettyprinter` module hierarchy exposing the same API.]( - * The current plan for the existing `Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc*` modules is: - * Start deprecation in early 2021. - * Remove the modules after a deprecation period of at least one year. - - [Fix build with GHC 7.4.]( - - Various documentation improvements. - [1.7.0]: - -- Add prettyprinter at version 1.6.2. +- Add prettyprinter at version 1.7.1. ghc-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal -- Update prettyprinter-ansi-terminal to version 1.1.3. - [#] [1.1.3] - - [Deprecate the `Data.Text.Prettyprint.*` modules]( - * Users should migrate to the new `Prettyprinter` module hierarchy. - * The old modules will be removed no sooner than September 2022. - [1.1.3]: - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Update prettyprinter-ansi-terminal to version 1.1.2. - [#] [1.1.2] - - [Add shallower `Prettyprinter` module hierarchy exposing the same API.]( - * The current plan for the existing `Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc*` modules is: - * Start deprecation in early 2021. - * Remove the modules after a deprecation period of at least one year. - - [Make `renderLazy` lazy, and speed it up.]( - - [Add export list for Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal.Internal.]( - - [Optimize generating spaces for indentation.]( - - [Enable `-O2`.]( - - [Extend GHC support to 7.6 and 7.4.]( - [1.1.2]: - -- Add prettyprinter-ansi-terminal at version +- Add prettyprinter-ansi-terminal at version 1.1.3. ghc-primitive +- Update primitive to version revision 1. + [#]# Changes in version + * Add `resizeSmallMutableArray` that wraps `resizeSmallMutableArray#` from + `GHC.Exts`. + * New module `Data.Primitive.PrimVar`. This is essentially `PrimArray` with + element length 1. For types with `Prim` instances, this is a drop-in + replacement for `MutVar` with fewer indirections. + * `PrimArray`'s type argument has been given a nominal role instead of a phantom role. + This is a breaking change. + * Add `readCharArray`, `writeCharArray`, `indexCharArray` for operating on + 8-bit characters in a byte array. + * When building with `base-4.17` and newer, re-export the `ByteArray` and + `MutableByteArray` types from `base` instead of defining them in this + library. This does not change the user-facing interface of + `Data.Primitive.ByteArray`. + * Add `keepAlive` that wraps `keepAlive#` for GHC 9.2 and newer. It + falls back to using `touch` for older GHCs. + [#]# Changes in version + * Add Lift instances (#332) + * Expose `copyPtrToMutablePrimArray` + * Improve definitions for stimes (#326) + * Support GHC 9.4. Note: GHC 9.4 is not released at the time of + primitive-'s release, so this support might be reverted by + a hackage metadata revision if things change. + * Drop support for GHC 7.10 + ghc-psqueues -- Update psqueues to version - [#] CHANGELOG - - (2021-11-05) - * Relax hashable, tasty and QuickCheck upper bounds - * Bump Cabal-version to 1.10 - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update psqueues to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add psqueues at version +- Add psqueues at version ghc-random +- Update random to version revision 1. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-regex-base -- Update regex-base to version - Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in - a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry - at the top. You can review the file at: - - -- Update regex-base to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update regex-base to version - [#]# - - Workaround for `{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}` parser regression introduced in GHC 9.0 - - Optimization flag `-O2` has been removed - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update regex-base to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Update Cabal file to get more accurate dependency information. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Update regex-base to version - Upstream added a new change log file in this release. With no - previous version to compare against, the automatic updater cannot - reliable determine the relevante entries for this release. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Prefer the new %license attribute over %doc. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version 0.93.2 revision 0 with cabal2obs. +- Add regex-base at version revision 4. ghc-regex-tdfa -- Update regex-tdfa to version revision 3. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update regex-tdfa to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update regex-tdfa to version - Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in - a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry - at the top. You can review the file at: - - -- Update regex-tdfa to version revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update regex-tdfa to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Update Cabal file to get more accurate dependency information. - -- Drop obsolete code that used to create a Setup.hs file. The new - rpm macros do this automatically now. - -- Update regex-tdfa to version - * Merge into - `regex-tdfa`; see . - * Don't inject `ghc-options: -O2` by default anymore (see #7 for - rationale) and introduce `force-O2` cabal flag to control the - injection of `ghc-options: -O2`. Note that you can conveniently - control optimization levels on a per-package granularity via - `cabal.project` files; see [cabal's - user-guide]( - for more details. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Update regex-tdfa to version 1.3.0. - [#] 1.3.0 - Same as - See . - [#] (deprecated) - * Compatibility with GHC 8.8 and regex-base-0.9.4 (h/t @asr). - * Turned `regex-tdfa-unittest` into a `regex-tdfa` testsuite. - -- Update regex-tdfa to version - [#] - * Significantly improved documentation (h/t William Yao). - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Update regex-tdfa to version - [#] - * Compatibility with `containers-0.6`. - -- Update regex-tdfa to version 1.2.3. - * Added `Semigroup` instances for some types. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version 1.2.2 revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- update to 1.2.2 - * Now we don't reexport the problematic Show instance for functions. - -- updated to 1.2.1 -- spec regenerated with cabal-rpm - * "Almost ghc-7.8" with the array 0.4 changes for Data.Array.Unsafe - * Get Build-Depends from "Mon Jun 15 14:24:28 UTC 2015 by AdamBergmark to revision 1" +- Add regex-tdfa at version revision 2. ghc-resourcet +- Update resourcet to version 1.3.0. + [#]# 1.3.0 + * Include the exception in ReleaseTypes indicating exceptional exit. + Only backwards-incompatible in code relying on instances of ReleaseType + other than Show, or constructing ReleaseException directly. + ghc-safe +- Update safe to version 0.3.21. + 0.3.21, released 2024-01-18 + [#34], mark headErr/tailErr as Partial + 0.3.20, released 2024-01-14 + [#34], add headErr, tailErr + [#33], avoid using head/tail to avoid x-partial + ghc-safe-exceptions -- Update safe-exceptions to version - [#]# - * Changed `bracketWithError` and `bracketOnError` to use `generalBracket` from `MonadMask` [#36]( - * Raised dependency `exceptions` from `>= 0.8` to `>= 0.10` - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update safe-exceptions to version - [#] ChangeLog for safe-exceptions - [#]# - * Doc update - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add safe-exceptions at version +- Add safe-exceptions at version revision 1. ghc-scientific +- Update scientific to version revision 7. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-semialign -- Update semialign to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update semialign to version - [#] - - GHC-9.2 support - -- Update semialign to version 1.2 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update semialign to version 1.2. - [#] 1.2 - - Migrate `SemialignWithIndex` and `ZipWithIndex` to this package, - using `FunctorWithIndex` from `indexed-traversable`. - - Add `RepeatWithIndex` type-class. - - Poly-kinded instances (notably `Tagged`) - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Add semialign at version +- Add semialign at version 1.3 revision 1. ghc-semigroupoids -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.7. - 5.3.7 [2022.01.09] - - ----------------- - * Relax the `Bind` constraints in the following instances to `Functor`: - ```diff - - instance (Bind f, Monad f) => Alt (MaybeT f) - - instance (Bind f, Monad f) => Plus (MaybeT f) - +instance (Functor f, Monad f) => Alt (MaybeT f) - +instance (Functor f, Monad f) => Plus (MaybeT f) - - instance (Bind f, Monad f, Semigroup e) => Alt (ExceptT e f) - - instance (Bind f, Monad f, Semigroup e, Monoid e) => Plus (ExceptT e f) - +instance (Functor f, Monad f, Semigroup e) => Alt (ExceptT e f) - +instance (Functor f, Monad f, Semigroup e, Monoid e) => Plus (ExceptT e f) - - - If building with transformers-0.5.* or older - - instance (Bind f, Monad f) => Alt (ErrorT e f) - - instance (Bind f, Monad f, Error e) => Plus (ErrorT e f - +instance (Functor f, Monad f) => Alt (ErrorT e f) - +instance (Functor f, Monad f, Error e) => Plus (ErrorT e f) - ``` - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.6 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.6 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.6. - 5.3.6 [2021.10.07] - - ----------------- - * Allow building with GHC 9.2. - * Allow building with `transformers-0.6.*`. - * Add `Alt` instance for `Identity`. - * Add `Conclude`, `Decide` and `Divise` type classes and instances. - * Add `(<.*>)`, `(<*.>)`, and `traverseMaybe` functions, which make it easier - to defined `Traversable1` instances for data types that have fields with a - combination of `Traversable` and `Traversable1` instances. - * Add `Semigroupoids.Do` module with overloads for use with `QualifiedDo`. - * Add `Apply`, `Alt`, `Plus`, `Bind` and `BindTrans` instances for the CPS - versions of `WriterT` and `RWST`. - * Add `psum` function to `Data.Functor.Plus`. - * Add `Categorical` data type. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.5 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.5. - 5.3.5 [2020.12.31] - - ----------------- - * The build-type has been changed from `Custom` to `Simple`. - To achieve this, the `doctests` test suite has been removed in favor of using - [`cabal-docspec`]( - to run the doctests. - * Explicitly mark modules as `Safe`. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.4 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.4 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.4. - 5.3.4 [2019.11.26] - - ----------------- - * Achieve forward compatibility with - [GHC proposal 229]( - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.3. - 5.3.3 [2019.08.27] - - ----------------- - * Add `Alt` and `Plus` instances for `HashMap` from the `unordered-containers` - package. - -- Update Cabal file for more accurate build dependencies. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.2. - 5.3.2 [2019.01.04] - - ----------------- - * Bump the lower bound on `semigroups` to 0.16.2, and avoid incurring - the dependency entirely on recent GHCs. - * Fix the build on GHC 7.0 and 7.2. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.1. - * Fix a regression introduced in `semigroupoids-5.3` in which some modules - regressed from `Trustworthy` to `Unsafe`. - * Allow building with `containers-0.6`. - * Add `Alt` instances for `First` and `Last` from `Data.Semigroup`, and - `Alt` and `Plus` instances for `First` and `Last` from `Data.Monoid`. - * Add missing `Apply`, `Bind`, `Extend`, `Foldable1` and `Traversable1` - instances for `Data.Semigroups`, `Data.Monoid` and `GHC.Generics`. - -- Update semigroupoids to version 5.2.2 revision 3. - * Add `optional` to `Data.Functor.Alt` (analogous to the `optional` function - in `Control.Applicative`) - * `liftF2` is now a class method of `Apply` (mirroring the fact that `liftA2` - is now a class method of `Applicative`). `liftF2` and `(<.>)` have default - definitions in terms of the other. - * Allow building with GHC 8.4 - * `Apply` and `Bind` instances for `Q`, from the `template-haskell` package. - * Add instances for `(:~:)` and `(:~~:)` from `Data.Type.Equality`, and - `Coercion` from `Data.Type.Coercion` - * Add the `toNonEmpty` method to `Foldable1`. Add `foldrM1` and `foldlM1` - functions to `Data.Semigroup.Foldable` that are defined in terms of `toNonEmpty`. - * Add `Apply`, `Bind`, `Foldable1`, and `Traversable1` instances for `Complex` - * Add `Apply` and `Bind` instances for `HashMap` from the `unordered-containers` package - (on which `semigroupoids` now depends) - * Add `Semigroupoid` instances for `Tagged` and `Const` - -- Update to version 5.2. - -- Update to version 5.1 revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version 5.0.1 revision 1 with cabal2obs. - -- update to 5.0.1 - * transformers-compat 0.5 support - * Removed some redundant constraints. - -- update to - * doctest 0.10 support - -- update to - -- update to - * Added the CHANGELOG to the distribution so that hackage can link to it in the haddocks. - * Absorbed Data.Bifunctor.Apply, Data.Semigroup.Bifoldable and Data.Semigroup.Traversable - from bifunctors. - * This caused us to pick up a dependency on tagged. - * Exiled Data.Semifunctor.*, Data.Semigroupoid.Product and Data.Semigroupoid.Coproduct - to semigroupoid-extras. - * Set an explicit fixity for -<- and ->-. - * Major changes to the API to support PolyKinds and DataKinds. This necessarily shuts off GHC <= 7.4. - * Orphan instances have moved upstream into a common base-orphans package. - * Added asum1 to Data.Semigroup.Foldable. - * Support for 'ConstrainedClassMethods' is currently required for GHC HEAD. - -- correct license to BSD-2-Clause - -- initial commit +- Add semigroupoids at version revision 1. ghc-servant -- Update servant to version 0.19. - Package versions follow the [Package Versioning Policy]( in A.B.C, bumps to either A or B represent major versions. - 0.19 - - --- - [#]## Significant changes - - Drop support for GHC < 8.6. - - Support GHC 9.0 (GHC 9.2 should work as well, but isn't fully tested yet). - - Support Aeson 2 ([#1475](, - which fixes a [DOS vulnerability]( - related to hash collisions. - - Add `NamedRoutes` combinator, making support for records first-class in Servant - ([#1388]( - Users can now directly mark part as an API as defined by a record, instead of - using `(:<|>)` to combine routes. Concretely, the anonymous: - ```haskell - type API = - "version" :> Get '[JSON] String :<|> - "products" :> Get '[JSON] [Product] - ``` - can be replaced with the explicitly-named: - ```haskell - type API = NamedRoutes NamedAPI - data NamedAPI mode = NamedAPI - { version :: mode :- "version" :> Get '[JSON] String - , products :: mode :- "products" :> Get '[JSON] [Product] - } - ``` - `NamedRoutes` builds upon `servant-generic`, but improves usability by freeing - users from the need to perform `toServant` / `fromServant` conversions - manually. Serving `NamedRoutes NamedAPI` is now done directly by providing a - record of handlers, and servant generates clients directly as records as well. - In particular, it makes it much more practical to work with nested hierarchies - of named routes. - Two convenience functions, `(//)` and `(/:)`, have been added to make the - usage of named route hierarchies more pleasant: - ```haskell - rootClient :: RootApi (AsClientT ClientM) - rootClient = client (Proxy @API) - hello :: String -> ClientM String - hello name = rootClient // hello /: name - endpointClient :: ClientM Person - endpointClient = client // subApi /: "foobar123" // endpoint - type Api = NamedRoutes RootApi - data RootApi mode = RootApi - { subApi :: mode :- Capture "token" String :> NamedRoutes SubApi - , hello :: mode :- Capture "name" String :> Get '[JSON] String - , … - } deriving Generic - data SubApi mode = SubApi - { endpoint :: mode :- Get '[JSON] Person - , … - } deriving Generic - ``` - - Add custom type errors for partially applied combinators - ([#1289](, - [#1486]( - For example, forgetting to document the expected type for a query parameter, - as in: - ``` haskell - type API = QueryParam "param" :> Get '[JSON] NoContent - ``` - will raise to the following error when trying to serve the API: - ``` - • There is no instance for HasServer (QueryParam' - '[Optional, Strict] "param" :> ...) - QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict] "1" expects 1 more arguments - ``` - As a consequence of this change, unsaturated types are now forbidden before `(:>)`. - - Add a `HeadNoContent` verb ([#1502]( - - *servant-client* / *servant-client-core* / *servant-http-streams*: - Fix erroneous behavior, where only 2XX status codes would be considered - successful, irrelevant of the status parameter specified by the verb - combinator. ([#1469]( - - *servant-client* / *servant-client-core*: Fix `Show` instance for - `Servant.Client.Core.Request`. - - *servant-client* / *servant-client-core*: Allow passing arbitrary binary data - in Query parameters. - ([#1432]( - - *servant-docs*: Generate sample cURL requests - ([#1401]( - Breaking change: requires sample header values to be supplied with `headers`. - [#]## Other changes - - Various bit rotten cookbooks have been updated and re-introduced on - []( - - Various version bumps. - -- relax constraints on base-compat - -- relax constraints on transformers-compat - -- Update servant to version 0.18.3. - 0.18.3 - - ----- - [#]## Significant changes - - Add response header support to UVerb (#1420). - - Use Capture Description if available (#1423). - [#]## Other changes - - Support GHC-9.0.1. - - Bump `bytestring`, `attoparsec`, `hspec` and `singleton-bool` dependencies. - -- Update servant to version 0.18.2 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- relax overconstrained deps on singleton-bool - -- relax dep on attoparsec - -- relax dep on http-api-data - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Add servant at version 0.18.2. +- Add servant at version 0.20.1 revision 2. ghc-servant-server -- Update servant-server to version 0.19. - Package versions follow the [Package Versioning Policy]( in A.B.C, bumps to either A or B represent major versions. - 0.19 - - --- - [#]## Significant changes - - Drop support for GHC < 8.6. - - Support GHC 9.0 (GHC 9.2 should work as well, but isn't fully tested yet). - - Support Aeson 2 ([#1475](, - which fixes a [DOS vulnerability]( - related to hash collisions. - - Add `NamedRoutes` combinator, making support for records first-class in Servant - ([#1388]( - - Add custom type errors for partially applied combinators - ([#1289](, - [#1486]( - -- relax dep constraints on base-compat-* - -- Update servant-server to version 0.18.3. - 0.18.3 - - ----- - [#]## Significant changes - - Add response header support to UVerb (#1420) - [#]## Other changes - - Support GHC-9.0.1. - - Bump `bytestring`, `hspec` and `base64-bytestring` dependencies. - -- Update servant-server to version 0.18.2 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- relax dep on http-api-data - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Add servant-server at version 0.18.2. +- Add servant-server at version 0.20 revision 4. ghc-simple-sendfile -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add simple-sendfile at version 0.2.30. +- Add simple-sendfile at version 0.2.32. ghc-singleton-bool -- Update singleton-bool to version 0.1.6 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update singleton-bool to version 0.1.6. - - 0.1.6 - - Add `boring` instances - - Add `some` (`GEq` etc) instances - - Add `deepseq` instances - - Require GHC-7.8+ - -- Update singleton-bool to version 0.1.5 revision 3. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update singleton-bool to version 0.1.5 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Add singleton-bool at version 0.1.5. +- Add singleton-bool at version 0.1.7 revision 1. ghc-skylighting +- Update skylighting to version 0.14.1. + [#]# 0.14.1 + * Update syntax definitions for julia, actionscript, bash, cpp, css, + djangotemplate, dosbat, groovy, html, ini, isocpp, java, javadoc, json, + jsp, latex, makefile, mustache, php, powershell, rest, rhtml, + sass, scala, scss, toml, xml, raku (with patch). + * Many improvements to regular expression compilation: + - Properly recognize unicode characters. + - Handle `\Q..\E` literal sequences. + - Handle group modifiers like `(?i:etc.)`. (The only one + we actually pay attention to is `i`.) + - Allow unicode category escapes outside of character classes. + - Support one-letter unicode category escapes like `\p{L}`. + These are found in some of the newer syntax definitions. + * Improve regex matching: + - Fix `wordDetect` to work around an issue in the new html.xml. + - Refactor and fix `atWordBoundary`: remove redundant checks, and + fix behavior (`/x\b/` was behaving like `/\bx\b/`) (Côme ALLART). + - Fix bug in `lastCharOffset` (Côme ALLART). + * Style: Allow colors to be specified in ARGB format (#178). + We currently just ignore the A part, but at least we don't fail. + [#]# 0.14 + * Add rWeakDeliminators field to Rule. [API change] + * Make WordDetect sensitive to weakDeliminator. This fixes + parsing of floats beginning with '0.' in C (#174). + * Add debiancontrol syntax (#173). + [#]# + * Update syntax definitions: ada, bash, cmake, css, html, isocpp, java, + javascript, kotlin, latex, makefile, markdown, php, python, qml, r, + sass, scss, typescript, zsh. + * Don't require word boundary at end of Int, Float, HlCHex, HlCOct (#170). + KDE does not. This fixes things like `7L` in R. + [#]# 0.13.4 + * Add `dosbat` syntax (MS DOS batch file) (#169). + * Derive `Bounded` Instance for `TokenType` (#168, Pavan Pikhi). + Add `Bounded` to the derived instances for the `TokenType` type. This + allows consumers to use `[minBound .. maxBound]` to generate a list of + all token types when writing a `Style`. + * Require xml-conduit >= This fixes a bug that prevents + parsing certain DOCTYPE declarations, e.g. in `agda.xml`. + * Updated `cmake` syntax definition. + [#]# 0.13.3 + * Add gap language (#167). + * Update syntax definitions. + * Add patches for agda.xml and dtd.xml, to wor around a bug in xml-conduit: + + * Store compiled regexes in RE (#166, Jonathan Coates). + This changes the RE type to (lazily) compile the regex when constructed, + rather than in the tokenizer. This allows us to avoid re-compiling + regexes for each separate tokenize call, instead sharing them globally. + We try to hide the internals of this, exposing the previous interface + `(RE { reString, reCaseSensitive })` with pattern synonyms. + * ConTeXt: fix handling of spaces in non-normal tokens (Albert Krewinkel). + This ensures that multiple spaces won't be collapsed into a single space. + [#]# + * Update tango style for new token types (#164). The original + tango style didn't have colors defined for many token types + that have been added since it was added. This commit + updates the style to support them. Thanks to @danbraswell + for providing the values needed. + [#]# 0.13.2 + * Support ConTeXt output via skylighting-format-context (Albert Krewinkel). + * Update syntax definitions for markdown, nim, javascript. + [#]# + * Update syntax definitions for c, cmake, commonmlisp, css, go, ini, isocpp, + javascript, json, powershell, python, rust, sass, scss, toml, xml. + * Associate regex captures with a context. This is necessary for proper + implementation of the KDE syntax highlighting algorithm. Captures are + only available within the context to which the match creating the + capture switches. (Closes #160.) + [#]# + * Add dart, purescript syntax definitions. + * Update syntax definitions for isocpp, latex, alert, bash, + cmake, nix, sql-postgresql, vhdl, zsh. + * Remove obsoleote patch for lua.xml. + * Add patches for latex.xml and isocpp.xml. + [#]# 0.13.1 + * `getCapture`: fail instead of throwing error if dynamic match not found. + I believe this is the intended behavior for StringDetect, judging + from examples in the KDE documentation. + * Update xml syntax definitions: + asn1, bash, c, cmake, cpp, cs, d, elixir, fortran-fixed, gcc, glsl, + go, html, java, javascript, lex, lua, markdown, mediawiki, noweb, + ocaml, orgmode, php, powershell, prolog, python, r, ruby, rust, + scheme, sql-postgresql, typescript, vhdl, xml, yacc, yaml, zsh + * Replace a lambda with pointfree notation (shaving off some RAM usage) + (0xd34df00d). + * Use `newtype` for `TokenizerM`, giving about 5-10% boost on benchmark + (0xd34df00d). + [#]# 0.13 + * Update syntax definitions from upstream: bash, cmake, diff, + ini, perl, php, sgml, xml. + * Split out formatters into separate packages (#152). API changes: + - Skylighting.Core no longer exports Skylighting.Format.ANSI, + Skylighting.Format.HTML, Skylighting.Format.LaTeX. These are + now provided by separate packages, skylighting-format-ansi, + skylighting-format-blaze-html, skylighting-format-latex. + - Skylighting.Types no longer exports XTerm256ColorCode. + This has been moved to skylighting-format-ansi. + * Change Makefile to use cabal instead of stack. + ghc-skylighting-core +- Update skylighting-core to version 0.14.1. + [#]# 0.14.1 + * Update syntax definitions for julia, actionscript, bash, cpp, css, + djangotemplate, dosbat, groovy, html, ini, isocpp, java, javadoc, json, + jsp, latex, makefile, mustache, php, powershell, rest, rhtml, + sass, scala, scss, toml, xml, raku (with patch). + * Many improvements to regular expression compilation: + - Properly recognize unicode characters. + - Handle `\Q..\E` literal sequences. + - Handle group modifiers like `(?i:etc.)`. (The only one + we actually pay attention to is `i`.) + - Allow unicode category escapes outside of character classes. + - Support one-letter unicode category escapes like `\p{L}`. + These are found in some of the newer syntax definitions. + * Improve regex matching: + - Fix `wordDetect` to work around an issue in the new html.xml. + - Refactor and fix `atWordBoundary`: remove redundant checks, and + fix behavior (`/x\b/` was behaving like `/\bx\b/`) (Côme ALLART). + - Fix bug in `lastCharOffset` (Côme ALLART). + * Style: Allow colors to be specified in ARGB format (#178). + We currently just ignore the A part, but at least we don't fail. + [#]# 0.14 + * Add rWeakDeliminators field to Rule. [API change] + * Make WordDetect sensitive to weakDeliminator. This fixes + parsing of floats beginning with '0.' in C (#174). + * Add debiancontrol syntax (#173). + [#]# + * Update syntax definitions: ada, bash, cmake, css, html, isocpp, java, + javascript, kotlin, latex, makefile, markdown, php, python, qml, r, + sass, scss, typescript, zsh. + * Don't require word boundary at end of Int, Float, HlCHex, HlCOct (#170). + KDE does not. This fixes things like `7L` in R. + [#]# 0.13.4 + * Add `dosbat` syntax (MS DOS batch file) (#169). + * Derive `Bounded` Instance for `TokenType` (#168, Pavan Pikhi). + Add `Bounded` to the derived instances for the `TokenType` type. This + allows consumers to use `[minBound .. maxBound]` to generate a list of + all token types when writing a `Style`. + * Require xml-conduit >= This fixes a bug that prevents + parsing certain DOCTYPE declarations, e.g. in `agda.xml`. + * Updated `cmake` syntax definition. + [#]# 0.13.3 + * Add gap language (#167). + * Update syntax definitions. + * Add patches for agda.xml and dtd.xml, to wor around a bug in xml-conduit: + + * Store compiled regexes in RE (#166, Jonathan Coates). + This changes the RE type to (lazily) compile the regex when constructed, + rather than in the tokenizer. This allows us to avoid re-compiling + regexes for each separate tokenize call, instead sharing them globally. + We try to hide the internals of this, exposing the previous interface + `(RE { reString, reCaseSensitive })` with pattern synonyms. + * ConTeXt: fix handling of spaces in non-normal tokens (Albert Krewinkel). + This ensures that multiple spaces won't be collapsed into a single space. + [#]# + * Update tango style for new token types (#164). The original + tango style didn't have colors defined for many token types + that have been added since it was added. This commit + updates the style to support them. Thanks to @danbraswell + for providing the values needed. + [#]# 0.13.2 + * Support ConTeXt output via skylighting-format-context (Albert Krewinkel). + * Update syntax definitions for markdown, nim, javascript. + [#]# + * Update syntax definitions for c, cmake, commonmlisp, css, go, ini, isocpp, + javascript, json, powershell, python, rust, sass, scss, toml, xml. + * Associate regex captures with a context. This is necessary for proper + implementation of the KDE syntax highlighting algorithm. Captures are + only available within the context to which the match creating the + capture switches. (Closes #160.) + [#]# + * Add dart, purescript syntax definitions. + * Update syntax definitions for isocpp, latex, alert, bash, + cmake, nix, sql-postgresql, vhdl, zsh. + * Remove obsoleote patch for lua.xml. + * Add patches for latex.xml and isocpp.xml. + [#]# 0.13.1 + * `getCapture`: fail instead of throwing error if dynamic match not found. + I believe this is the intended behavior for StringDetect, judging + from examples in the KDE documentation. + * Update xml syntax definitions: + asn1, bash, c, cmake, cpp, cs, d, elixir, fortran-fixed, gcc, glsl, + go, html, java, javascript, lex, lua, markdown, mediawiki, noweb, + ocaml, orgmode, php, powershell, prolog, python, r, ruby, rust, + scheme, sql-postgresql, typescript, vhdl, xml, yacc, yaml, zsh + * Replace a lambda with pointfree notation (shaving off some RAM usage) + (0xd34df00d). + * Use `newtype` for `TokenizerM`, giving about 5-10% boost on benchmark + (0xd34df00d). + [#]# 0.13 + * Update syntax definitions from upstream: bash, cmake, diff, + ini, perl, php, sgml, xml. + * Split out formatters into separate packages (#152). API changes: + - Skylighting.Core no longer exports Skylighting.Format.ANSI, + Skylighting.Format.HTML, Skylighting.Format.LaTeX. These are + now provided by separate packages, skylighting-format-ansi, + skylighting-format-blaze-html, skylighting-format-latex. + - Skylighting.Types no longer exports XTerm256ColorCode. + This has been moved to skylighting-format-ansi. + * Change Makefile to use cabal instead of stack. + ghc-some -- Update some to version 1.0.3 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update some to version 1.0.3 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Add some at version 1.0.3. +- Add some at version 1.0.6. ghc-sop-core -- Update sop-core to version - Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in - a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry - at the top. You can review the file at: - - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Add sop-core at version revision 1. +- Add sop-core at version revision 3. ghc-split +- Update split to version 0.2.5. + * 0.2.5 (9 January 2024) + - Test with GHC 9.8. + - New function `mapSplitter` witnessing the fact that `Splitter` is + a contravariant functor + ([#22](, thanks to Ellis + Kesterton) + * 0.2.4 (9 October 2023) + - Test with GHC 9.6. + - Change examples to doctests (+ add a few more), and check them as part of CI. + - Fix up a bunch of style hints. + * (11 August 2022) + - Change base upper bound to < 5. + - Test with GHC 9.2 and 9.4. + * (22 February 2021) + - Allow base-4.15 for GHC-9.0 + ghc-splitmix +- Update splitmix to version + Upstream has not updated the file "" since the last + release. + ghc-streaming-commons +- Update streaming-commons to version revision 1. + [#]# + * Remove the zlib headers [#72]( + ghc-strict +- Update strict to version 0.5 revision 1. + [#] 0.5 + - Depend on `bifunctor-classes-compat` instead of `bifunctors` + See changelog note in `bifunctors-5.6`: + This is breaking change, but affects only GHC-8.0 and older users. + ghc-string-conversions -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Add string-conversions at version +- Add string-conversions at version revision 1. ghc-syb +- Update syb to version + Upstream has renamed and modified the change log file(s) in this + release. Unfortunately, the automatic updater cannot reliable + determine relevant entries for this release. + ghc-tagged +- Update tagged to version 0.8.8. + 0.8.8 [2023.08.08] + - ----------------- + * Allow building with GHC 9.8. + 0.8.7 [2023.02.18] + - ----------------- + * Define `Foldable1` and `Bifoldable1` instances for `Tagged`. These instances + were originally defined in the `semigroupoids` library, and they have now + been migrated to `tagged` as a side effect of adapting to + [this Core Libraries Proposal](, + which adds `Foldable1` and `Bifoldable1` to `base`. + ghc-text-short -- Update text-short to version 0.1.5. - [#]# 0.1.5 - * text-2.0 support - -- Update text-short to version 0.1.4 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update text-short to version 0.1.4 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update text-short to version 0.1.4. - [#]# 0.1.4 - * Fix `fromString` for single character strings. - - * Add Template Haskell `Lift ShortText` instance. - -- Update text-short to version 0.1.3 revision 3. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update text-short to version 0.1.3 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add text-short at version 0.1.3. +- Add text-short at version 0.1.5 revision 3. ghc-th-abstraction +- Update th-abstraction to version + [#]# -- 2023.02.27 + * Support the `TypeData` language extension added in GHC 9.6. The + `DatatypeVariant` data type now has a separate `TypeData` constructor to + represent `type data` declarations. + * Add a `Lift` instance for `th-abstraction`'s compatibility shim for + `Specificity` when building with pre-9.0 versions of GHC. + [#]# -- 2022.09.12 + * Fix a bug in which data family declarations with interesting return kinds + (e.g., `data family F :: Type -> Type`) would be reified incorrectly when + using `reifyDatatype`. + [#]# -- 2022.07.23 + * Support free variable substitution and infix resolution for + `PromotedInfixT` and `PromotedUInfixT` on `template-haskell-` or + later. + ghc-th-compat +- Update th-compat to version 0.1.4 revision 4. + [#]## 0.1.4 [2022.07.23] + * Backport the `getPackageRoot` and `makeRelativeToProject` functions + introduced in `template-haskell-` (GHC 9.4). + * Implement `qGetPackageRoot` in the `Quasi` instance for `QuoteToQuasi` when + building with `template-haskell-` (GHC 9.4) or later. + ghc-th-lift +- Update th-lift to version 0.8.4. + [#]# [0.8.4] - 2023.08.01 + * Add support for the `FldName` `NameSpace`, which was introduced in + `template-haskell-` (GHC 9.8). + [#]# [0.8.3] - 2023.02.27 + * Support building with `th-abstraction-0.5.*`. + * Require `th-abstraction-` or later. + ghc-th-lift-instances +- Update th-lift-instances to version 0.1.20. + Upstream does not provide a change log file. + ghc-these +- Update these to version 1.2 revision 1. + [#] 1.2 + - Depend on `bifunctor-classes-compat` instead of `bifunctors` + See changelog note in `bifunctors-5.6`: + This is breaking change, but affects only GHC-8.0 and older users. + In that case you should check various combinations of newer/older + `bifunctors`, `these` (and e.g. `semialign`) packages. + - Depend on `assoc-1.1`. Since version 1.1 `assoc` has an almost trivial + dependency footprint, so `these` depends on it unconditionally. + - Add `Bifoldable1 These` instance + - Add `Foldable1 (Data.Functor.These1 f g)` instance + - Change `Eq (These1 f g a)`, `Ord`, `Read`, `Show`, `NFData` instances similarly to how + they are changed for `Product` and `Sum` in `base-`. + ghc-time-compat +- Update time-compat to version revision 6. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-time-manager -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add time-manager at version 0.0.0. +- Add time-manager at version 0.0.1. ghc-tls +- Update tls to version 1.9.0. + [#]# Version 1.9.0 + * BREAKING CHANGE: The type of the `Error_Protocol` constructor of `TLSError` has changed. + The "warning" case has been split off into a new `Error_Protocol_Warning` constructor. + [#460]( + [#]# Version 1.8.0 + * BREAKING CHANGE: Remove `Exception` instance for `TLSError`. + The library now throws `TLSException` only. + If you need to change your code, please refer to + [this example]( first. + [#457]( + [#]# Version 1.7.1 + * NOP on UserCanceled event + [#454]( + [#]# Version 1.7.0 + * Major version up because "crypton" is used instead of "cryptonite" + ghc-transformers-base -- Update transformers-base to version 0.4.6. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Update transformers-base to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Update transformers-base to version - Upstream does not provide a changelog. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version 0.4.4 revision 1 with cabal2obs. - -- update to 0.4.4 - * no upstream changelog +- Add transformers-base at version 0.4.6. ghc-type-equality -- Update type-equality to version 1 revision 3. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update type-equality to version 1 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update type-equality to version 1 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add type-equality at version 1. +- Add type-equality at version 1 revision 6. ghc-typed-process +- Update typed-process to version + [#]# + * No user-visible changes + [#]# + * Expose more from `System.Process.Typed.Internal` + ghc-unicode-collation +- Update unicode-collation to version + [#]# + * Update to build with GHC 9.8 (Laurent P. René de Cotret). + [#]# + * Allow text 2.1. + [#]# + * Allow base 4.18. + [#]# + * Allow base 4.17. Closes #12. + ghc-unicode-data +- Update unicode-data to version revision 2. + [#]# (December 2022) + - Fix [Unicode blocks handling on big-endian architectures]( + [#]# 0.4.0 (September 2022) + - Update to [Unicode 15.0.0]( + [#]# 0.3.1 (September 2022) + - Added full case conversions to `Unicode.Char.Case`: + - Case folding: `caseFoldMapping` and `toCaseFoldString`. + - Lower case: `lowerCaseMapping` and `toLowerString`. + - Upper case: `upperCaseMapping` and `toUpperString`. + - Title case: `titleCaseMapping` and `toTitleString`. + - Stream mechanism: `Unfold` and `Step`. + - Added `isNumeric`, `numericValue` and `integerValue` + to `Unicode.Char.Numeric`. + - Added the module `Unicode.Char.General.Blocks`. + - Add compatibility module: + - `Unicode.Char.Numeric.Compat` + [#]## Deprecations + - `Unicode.Char.Numeric.isNumber`: it will be replaced by `isNumeric` + in a _future_ version of this package. + Use the function in `Unicode.Char.Numeric.Compat` instead. + ghc-unicode-transforms +- Update unicode-transforms to version revision 4. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghc-unix-compat -- Update unix-compat to version 0.5.4. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Update unix-compat to version 0.5.3 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update unix-compat to version 0.5.3. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update unix-compat to version 0.5.2 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner. - -- Update Cabal file to get more accurate dependency information. - -- Drop obsolete group attributes. - -- Update unix-compat to version 0.5.2. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Update Cabal file for more accurate build dependencies. - -- Use https URL to refer to - -- Update unix-compat to version 0.5.1. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- Revise Cabal build instructions to support 'unix' version 2.8.x. - -- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, - and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner. - -- Update unix-compat to version - Upstream does not provide a changelog. - -- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf. - -- Update to version revision 2. - -- Update to version revision 1 with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version revision 0 with cabal2obs. - -- Update to version revision 2 with cabal2obs. - -- initial commit +- Add unix-compat at version 0.7.1. ghc-unix-time -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add unix-time at version 0.4.7. +- Add unix-time at version 0.4.11. ghc-unliftio -- Update unliftio to version - [#]# - * Add `UnliftIO.Directory.createDirectoryLink` - * Add `UnliftIO.Directory.removeDirectoryLink` - * Add `UnliftIO.Directory.getSymbolicLinkTarget` - * Add `UnliftIO.Directory.XdgDirectoryList` - * Add `UnliftIO.Directory.getXdgDirectoryList` - [#]# - * Fix time-osx.c for aarch64 mac [#91]( - -- Update unliftio to version 0.2.20. - [#]# 0.2.20 - * Add lifted `System.IO.openFile` ( - -- Update unliftio to version 0.2.19. - [#]# 0.2.19 - * Add `Eq` instance for `StringException` ( - -- Update unliftio to version 0.2.18. - [#]# 0.2.18 - * Reexport `asyncExceptionFromException` and `asyncExceptionToException` [#81]( - -- Update unliftio to version 0.2.17. - [#]# 0.2.17 - * Re-export `AsyncCancelled` in `UnliftIO.Async` [#80]( - * Add `fromExceptionUnwrap` [#80]( - * Add `catchSyncOrAsync`, `handleSyncOrAsync`, and `trySyncOrAsync` [#80]( - -- Update unliftio to version 0.2.16. - [#]# 0.2.16 - * Add `createFileLink` - -- Update unliftio to version 0.2.15. - [#]# 0.2.15 - * Updated documentation mentioning that `MonadUnliftIO` may be derived using - the `newtype` strategy [#72]( - * Add `mapExceptionM` [#75]( - -- Update unliftio to version 0.2.14. - [#]# 0.2.14 - * Add `UnliftIO.QSem` - * Add `UnliftIO.QSemN` - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update unliftio to version - [#]# - * Improve `UnliftIO.Exception` documentation - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add unliftio at version 0.2.13. +- Add unliftio at version ghc-unliftio-core +- Update unliftio-core to version revision 3. + [#]# + * Added `Control.Monad.IO.Unlift.liftIOOp` + [#]# + * Widen `base` upperbound to `< 4.17` to support ghc-9.2. + ghc-unordered-containers +- Update unordered-containers to version 0.2.20 revision 1. + [#]# [0.2.20] - January 2024 + * [Allow `template-haskell-2.21`]( + * [Rename confusing variables]( + * [Deal with introduction of `Prelude.foldl'`]( + * [Remove redundant `Hashable` constraints]( + from `intersection.*` and `union.*`. + * Various optimizations and cleanups: + [#458](, + [#469](, + [#404](, + [#460](, + [#456](, + [#433]( + * Add invariant tests: + [#444](, + [#455]( + * [Improve test case generation]( + * [Improve test failure reporting]( + ghc-uuid-types +- Update uuid-types to version + Upstream has not updated the file "" since the last + release. + ghc-vault -- Update vault to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update vault to version - * *** - * Compatibility with GHC-9.0 - * Bump dependencies to allow `base >= 4.5 && < 4.16` - * Depend on `semigroups` only with `GHC < 8.0` - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add vault at version +- Add vault at version revision 5. ghc-vector +- Update vector to version + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + + ghc-vector-algorithms +- Update vector-algorithms to version revision 3. + [#]# Version (2022-07-28) + - Allow building with vector-0.13.*. + [#]# Version (2022-05-19) + - Add nub related functions. + - Add sortUniq related functions (sorts, then removes duplicates). + ghc-wai -- Update wai to version 3.2.3. - [#]# 3.2.3 - * Add documentation recommending streaming request bodies. [#818]( - * Add two functions, `consumeRequestBodyStrict` and `consumeRequestBodyLazy`, - that are synonyms for `strictRequestBody` and `lazyRequestBody`. [#818]( +- Update wai to version 3.2.4. + Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in + a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry + at the top. You can review the file at: + -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add wai at version +- Add wai at version 3.2.3. ghc-wai-app-static -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update wai-app-static to version revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Add _constraints with 6GB min disk space for ppc64/ppc64le - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Update wai-app-static to version - [#]# - * optparse-applicative support - -- Add wai-app-static at version +- Add wai-app-static at version 3.1.8. ghc-wai-extra -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.8. - [#]# 3.1.8 - * Added an `ApacheWithSettings` output format for `RequestLogger` that allows request filtering similar to `DetailedWithSettings` and logging of the current user via wai-logger's `initLoggerUser` [#866]( +- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.14. + [#]# 3.1.15 + * Request parsing throws an exception rather than `error`ing [#964]( + * Add `RequestParseException` type and expose it from the `Network.Wai.Parse` module. + * Behavior change : `parseRequestBody` and `parseRequestBodyEx` (exported from `Network.Wai.Parse`) throw `RequestParseException` rather than calling `error`. + [#]# + * `defaultGzipSettings` now exported to not depend on `Data.Default` [#959]( -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.7. - [#]# 3.1.7 - * Added new `mPrelogRequests` option to `DetailedSettings` [#857]( - -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.6. - [#]# 3.1.6 - * Remove unused dependencies [#837]( - -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.5. - [#]# 3.1.5 - * `Network.Wai.Middleware.RealIp`: Add a new middleware to infer the remote IP address from headers [#834]( - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Update wai-extra to version - [#]# - * `Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip`: Add `Vary: Accept-Encoding` header to responses [#829]( - -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.4. - [#]# 3.1.4 - * Export `Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger.JSON.requestToJSON` [#827]( - -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.3. - [#]# 3.1.3 - * Add a `DetailedWithSettings` output format for `RequestLogger` that allows to hide requests and modify query parameters [#826]( - -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.2. - Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in - a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry - at the top. You can review the file at: - - -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.1. - [#]# 3.1.1 - * 'Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestSizeLimit': Add a new middleware to reject request bodies above a certain size. [#818]( - -- Update wai-extra to version 3.1.0. - Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in - a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry - at the top. You can review the file at: - - -- Update wai-extra to version 3.0.31. - [#]# 3.0.31 - * Undo WaiTestFailure change in previous release - [#]# 3.0.30 - * `Network.Wai.Test`: Add support source locations to assertion primitives [#812]( - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add wai-extra at version +- Add wai-extra at version revision 1. ghc-wai-logger -- Update wai-logger to version 2.4.0. - Upstream does not provide a change log file. - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Add wai-logger at version 2.3.6. +- Add wai-logger at version 2.4.0. ghc-warp -- Update warp to version 3.3.19. - [#]# 3.3.19 - * Allowing the eMFILE exception in acceptNewConnection. - [#831]( - -- Update warp to version 3.3.18. - [#]# 3.3.18 - * Tidy up HashMap and MultiMap [#864]( - * Support GHC 9.2 [#863]( - -- Update warp to version 3.3.17. - [#]# 3.3.17 - * Modify exception handling to swallow async exceptions in forked thread [#850]( - * Switch default forking function to not install the global exception handler (minor optimization) [#851]( - -- Update warp to version 3.3.16. - [#] ChangeLog for warp - [#]# 3.3.16 - * Move exception handling over to `unliftio` for better async exception support [#845]( - -- Update warp to version 3.3.15. - [#]# 3.3.15 - * Using http2 v3. - -- Update warp to version 3.3.14. - [#]# 3.3.14 - * Drop support for GHC < 8.2. - * Fix header length calculation for `settingsMaxTotalHeaderLength` - [#838]( - * UTF-8 encoding in `exceptionResponseForDebug`. - [#836]( - -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - -- Update warp to version 3.3.13. - [#]# 3.3.13 - * pReadMaker is exported from the Internal module. - -- Add warp at version 3.3.12. +- Add warp at version 3.3.31. ghc-witherable -- Update witherable to version 0.4.2 revision 2. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update witherable to version 0.4.2 revision 1. - Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. - -- Update witherable to version 0.4.2. - 0.4.2 - - ------ - * Supported GHC 9.2 - * Improved the instances for `vector` - -- Add witherable at version 0.4.1 revision 1. +- Add witherable at version 0.4.2 revision 4. ghc-word8 -- disable %{ix86} build - -- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro. - ghc-xml-conduit +- Update xml-conduit to version + Upstream has not updated the file "" since the last + release. + ghc-yaml +- Update yaml to version revision 2. + [#]# + * Compat with aeson 2.2 + [#]# + * For optparse-applicative-0.18: use `pretty` instead of `text` [#216]( + [#]# + * Fix ambiguous occurrence `AesonException` + [#]# + * Undo previous change (breakage with aeson 2) + [#]# + * Data.Yaml.Pretty: provide key-sorting function with path to parent object [#206]( + ghc-zip-archive +- Update zip-archive to version 0.4.3. + zip-archive 0.4.3 + * Improve code for retrieving compressed data of unknown length (#63). + Do not assume we'll have the signature 0x08074b50 that is + sometimes used for the data description, because it is not + in the spec and is not always used. + * Make some record fields strict. + * Require binary >= 0.7.2, remove some CPP + zip-archive + * Use `command -v` before trying `which` in the test suite (#62). + `command` is a bash builtin, but for busybox we'll need `which`. + ghc-zlib +- Update zlib to version revision 4. + Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage. + ghostwriter -- Good news from Nate Graham "KDE Welcomes a new app to the fold: Ghostwriter is now a KDE app!" - So I update my last update --> +- Require extra-cmake-modules at build time + +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files. + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Include where needed + * Fix build + * Fix tr() extraction warning + * Remove flatpak CI + * Added configurable backup location for .backup files (kde#470425) + * markdowneditor: Add support for code block + * Remove comment from json file + * Allow building against KF6 + * Add packages in requirement list for debian/ubuntu to build ghostwriter + * Added checkbox to not open exported files on export if unselected. + * Apply i18n to percentage value + * kde neon ci tooloing requires a new line at the end of CMakeLists.txt + * Show unbreakable space indicator + * Tidy up for KF6 transition, and add clazy/clang format support. + * Update changelong with new release version + * Fixes for toggling inline markup format + * Syntax highlighting and live spell check performance improvements + * Fix crash when currentHtmlExporter is null + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + +- Good news from Nate Graham "KDE Welcomes a new app to the fold: + Ghostwriter is now a KDE app!". So I update my last update + --> gifsicle +- Update to version 1.95: + * Fix some bugs, including fix for CVE-2023-46009. + gjs +- Update to version 1.78.1: + + Gtk template signals cause a reference cycle that is not + detected + + Modules from resources may get loaded twice + + docs: add examples for creating cairo image surfaces + + Deadlocks between GJS GC and dconf gsettings when a setting + value is changed + + Gtk3: Fix leak in GtkBuilder template signal connections +- Drop 3cae384aaf15dec6653b1a5400032c2c2e5dc34c.patch: Fixed + upstream + +- Add 3cae384aaf15dec6653b1a5400032c2c2e5dc34c.patch: module: + Canonicalize import specifier before inserting it in registry. + +- Explicitly BuildRequire /usr/bin/dbus-run-session: needed by the + test suite. + glib-networking +- Update to version 2.78.0: + + Respect root certificates added to macOS system keychain by + users + + Disable PKCS #11 tests when GnuTLS is built without PKCS #11 + support + + Fix connection tests on 32-bit systems with 64-bit time_t + + Updated translations. + +- Ignore test suite errors for now: the test passes when run + locally in a chroot build env, but fails inside a kvm build env. + +- Update to version 2.76.1: + + Fix proxy tests when built against libproxy 0.5. + + Updated translations. +- Drop a7db10e8862050f19af5c2eebcd1d590a04d5ced.patch: fixed + upstream. + +- Add a7db10e8862050f19af5c2eebcd1d590a04d5ced.patch: Fix tests + using libproxy 0.5. + +- Update to version 2.76.0: + + Fix OpenSSL sessions becoming unresumable. + + Fix installed libproxy test. + +- Update to version 2.76.beta: + + Hopefully fix environment proxy resolver on Windows. + + Remove static_modules build option, use + - Ddefault_library=static instead. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 2.76.alpha: + + OpenSSL: add session resumption support. + + GnuTLS: several session resumption improvements. + + Skip TLS exporter test for TLS 1.2. + + Default values for build options have changed, no longer use + auto. + + Fix static linking on Windows. + + Don't use system trust on iOS. + + Updated translations. +- Drop glib-networking-gnutls-tls-exporter-tls12.patch: fixed + upstream. + +- Fix build with gnutls 3.7.8: + * tests: skip tls-exporter test for TLS 1.2 + * + * Add glib-networking-gnutls-tls-exporter-tls12.patch + +- Update to version 2.74.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 2.74.rc: + + Support PKCS #12 encrypted certificates. + + Various improvements to Meson build system. + + Multiple fixes for proxy tests. + +- Update to version 2.74.beta: + + Drop environment proxy resolver to lowest priority. + +- Update to version 2.74.alpha: + + Add build option for toggling debug logging. + + Move gettext() usage out of hot paths. + + Fix tests build when using openssl. + + Properly free libproxy lookup results and require libproxy + 0.4.16. + + Add additional validation for proxy lookup results. + + Allow using static libraries via meson subprojects. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 2.72.2: + + Drop environment proxy resolver to lowest priority. + +- Update to version 2.72.1 + + Discard empty proxy environment variables. + +- Update to version 2.72.0: + + Fix proxy tests. + + GnuTLS: use IANA-style ciphersuite names with GnuTLS 3.7.4. + + meson devenv. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 2.72.beta: + + Add environment variable proxy resolver. + + OpenSSL: fix uninitialized memory use. + +- Update to version 2.72.alpha: + + OpenSSL: + - Fix unsafe error handling. + - Fail when appropriate if Must-Staple extension is set. + + GnuTLS: fix TLS 1.3 ciphersuite names, should use underscores. + + Improve failure of tls-unique channel binding requests. + + Do not fill SNI extension with IP address. + glibc +- syslog-buffer-overflow.patch: syslog: Fix heap buffer overflow in + __vsyslog_internal (CVE-2023-6246, CVE-2023-6779, CVE-2023-6780, + bsc#1218863, bsc#1218867, bsc#1218868) +- qsort-invalid-cmp.patch: qsort: handle degenerated compare function + (bsc#1218866) + +- Change minimum GCC to 13 + +- Split off into a separate package + glibc:i686 +- syslog-buffer-overflow.patch: syslog: Fix heap buffer overflow in + __vsyslog_internal (CVE-2023-6246, CVE-2023-6779, CVE-2023-6780, + bsc#1218863, bsc#1218867, bsc#1218868) +- qsort-invalid-cmp.patch: qsort: handle degenerated compare function + (bsc#1218866) + +- Change minimum GCC to 13 + +- Split off into a separate package + glibc:utils +- syslog-buffer-overflow.patch: syslog: Fix heap buffer overflow in + __vsyslog_internal (CVE-2023-6246, CVE-2023-6779, CVE-2023-6780, + bsc#1218863, bsc#1218867, bsc#1218868) +- qsort-invalid-cmp.patch: qsort: handle degenerated compare function + (bsc#1218866) + +- Change minimum GCC to 13 + +- Split off into a separate package + gmic +- Update to 3.3.3. No changelog. +- Rebase krita5.patch + +- Update to 3.3.2. No changelog. +- Rebase krita5.patch + +- Require extra-cmake-modules at build time + +- Update to 3.3.1. No changelog. + gmmlib +- update to 22.3.17: + * Fix possible integer overflow + * Assert and return on divide by zero (#187) + * Update DG2 device ID macro (#183) + +- update to 22.3.16: + * Fix to align HAlign to 128bytes for Linear Packed YUV format + * Add PVC device ID + * Guard FormatTable to be within bound + gnome-calendar +- Update to version 45.1: + + Use en dash for various strings. + + Read the 12/24h time format setting from the portal. + + Show event popover above events. + + Fix a crash when loading some specific event in specific ranges + and timezones. + + Fix various warnings. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.0: + + Various small fixes. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.rc: + + Fix a plethora of threading issues with the backend. + + Fix a crash in the Shell search provider code. + + Make new Month view handle dragging events to days in other + months. + + Fix crash with events without end date. + + Improve behaviour of new Month view with reduced animations. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.beta: + + Redesign the Month view to scroll infinitely to the future and + past. It also displays events from other months, and allows + creating events that span multiple months. + + Use modern widgets in the event editor dialog. + + Use modern widgets in the calendar management dialog. + + Use modern widgets in the event editor dialog. + + Improve search performance and increase the range. + + Various improvements to the event preview popover. + + Add a menu shortcut for the Date & Time panel. + + Port various message dialogs to AdwMessageDialog. + + Add various shortcuts to common actions. + + Load cached events immediately on startup. + + Updated translations. +- Drop gnome-calendar-check-for-null-child.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 44.1: + + Preserve week view zoom levels when closing the app + + Lots of stability and performance improvements to search + + Improve keyboard navigation of event preview popover + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.rc: + + Various fixes to calendar parsing + + Fix sidebar not opening events + + Fix search not working anymore + + Updated translations. +- Drop obsolete and unused pkgconfig(libdazzle-1.0) BuildRequires. + +- Update to version 44.beta: + + Fix moving event to different calendars + + Improve default sizing of event editor dialog + + Updated translations. +- Build sub-package gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-calendar as + noarch. + +- Update to version 43.1: + + Various fixes to recurrent events. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.rc: + + Update appdata screenshots + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.beta: + + Collapse sidebar in smaller window sizes. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.alpha: + + Introduce sidebar to the main window. + + Add ability to zoom the Week view. + + Improved style of events. + + Drop the Year view. + + Use new entry rows in event editor. + + Switch to soup3. + + Updated translations. +- Replace pkgconfig() BuildRequires for port to soup3: + + geocode-glib-1.0 -> geocode-glib-2.0 + + libedataserverui-1.2 -> libedataserverui4-1.0 + + libsoup-2.4 -> libsoup-3.0 + gnome-control-center +- Add gnome-control-center-fix-region-preview-crash.patch: + nl_langinfo's returned pointer could be invalid after switching + locale, so we have to save the result before switch locale to + prevent the crash (bsc#1218528, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!2122). + +- Update to version 45.2: + + Apps: + - Fix status page glitch on initialization + - Fix "File and Link Association" interface not reflecting + changes + + Background: Improve background preview and chooser performance + + Default Apps: Fix undesired resetting of default apps during + startup + + Mouse: Fix interference issue with scroll event in Mouse Test + window + + Network: + - Close network editor when using non-native + nm-connection-editor + - Show decoration buttons on empty-state (no network device + found page) + - Share WPA3 (SAE) networks with QR Code + - Hide QR Code icon when connection is not successful + - Remove deprecated 'wpa-none' + - Fix route label alignments + + Privacy: + - Fix crash from free bug in the Camera page + - Fix potential crash on Bolt page visibility + + Region: Show preview measurement format in current locale + + Sound: Update mute state when setting mixer control for a + stream + + Users: Show tooltip information for the Avatar widget +- Drop gnome-control-center-network-fix-nmce-popup.patch: Fixed + upstream. + gnome-initial-setup +- Support build environments like SLE 15 SP5 and Leap 15.5 which + had %{_distconfdir) not defined yet. + +- Update to version 45.0: + + Mark more strings as translatable. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.beta: + + Initial Setup now invokes tecla, rather than + gkbd-keyboard-display, to show keyboard layout previews. This + is a new runtime dependency. + + Initial Setup now installs dconf presets to disable some + irrelevant Shell functionality and always display the + Accessibility menu in the Initial Setup session. + + Bugs fixed: + - Label for a default non-xkb ibus input method remains a + placeholder + - Replace applications with apps + - Third-party repos: don't set the status if the user doesn't + activate + - [ARM64][Wayland] gnome-initial-setup crashing + - Replace gkbd-keyboard-display with Tecla + - keyboard: Don't leak IBus engine display name + - driver: Set a non-trivial window title + - Replace deprecated gtk_widget_show/hide with set_visible + - Replace deprecated gtk_style_context_add_class with + gtk_widget_add_css_class + - ci: Update to new ci-templates snapshot + - Misc tweaks for ABRT setting on privacy page + - Improve the README + + Updated translations. + +- Generate %pre from sysusers.d file using sysuser-tools + +- Update to version 44.0: + + Bug fixes: The privacy policy links on the Privacy page are now + usable. This was a regression in the GTK 4 port, first released + as 43.0. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.rc: + + Enhancements: The About You page now makes it clear that you + can choose a different avatar. + + Bug fixes: + - Double-clicking on the headerbar no longer makes the window + super small. + - The keyboard layout list is no longer empty until you search + or expand it. + - Non-ASCII characters in location names are now displayed + correctly on the timezone page. Previously, changing the + language on the first page would cause them to be mangled. + - StartupWMClass is now set in the .desktop file, allowing + GNOME Shell to associate the app window with the desktop + file. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.beta: + + Correctly align the 'Preview' links on the keyboard page. + + Update for removal of WebKitGTK sandbox API in 2.39.5. + + Update password page to Adwaita style. + +- Update to version 43.2: + + The webkitgtk-6.0 API version is now supported, in addition to + the previous webkit2gtk-5.0 API version. + + Bugs fixed: + - The Shell quick settings menu will now be shown in the + Initial Setup session. This regressed when the previous menu + was renamed in gnome-shell during the 43 cycle. + - Error messages shown during enterprise account setup can now + be closed by clicking the Close button. + + Updated translations. +- Add boolean pkgconfig(webkitgtk-6.0) BuildRequires following + upstream changes. + +- Update to version 43.1: + + Several bugs in the enterprise login flow have been fixed. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.rc.1: + + The authentication dialog in the enterprise login page + regressed in the port to GTK 4; in this release, its buttons + are accessible once again, and its appearance improved. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.rc: + + Initial Setup no longer crashes if using capital letters or + periods in the username. Now, it always forbids such characters + to be used (glgo#GNOME/gnome-initial-setup#117, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-initial-setup!30). + + Several regressions in the timezone page got fixed + (glgo#GNOME/gnome-initial-setup#145, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-initial-setup!157, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-initial-setup!158). + + Page-skipping works again (glgo#GNOME/gnome-initial-setup!156). + + Parental Controls support now correctly requires malcontent + 0.11.0's new API name. + +- Update to version 43.beta: + + Initial Setup has been ported to GTK 4, libadwaita, and + friends. As a result: + - libnma-gtk4 is now required, rather than libnma. + - GTK 4 is required in addition to GTK 3. This is because + goa-backend does not have a GTK 4 port. Like in + gnome-control-center, the use of goa-backend is split out + into a separate process. + - webkit2gtk5 is now required. (However, goa-backend brings a + transitive dependency on webkit2gtk4.) + - Since webkit2gtk5 requires libsoup 3, the soup2=true + configuration option has been removed. Initial Setup depends + on geocode-glib-2.0, and versions of librest and gweather4 + built against libsoup 3. + - Support for taking a selfie as your account avatar has been + removed, since libcheese-gtk lacks a GTK 4 port, and the + optional libcheese[-gtk] dependency is no more. + - Parental controls support requires malcontent 0.11 which is + not released at the time of writing. + + When systemd support is enabled, Initial Setup now installs a + sysusers.d snippet for its user. +- Adjustments for port to GTK4: + + Drop pkgconfig(cheese) and pkgconfig(cheese-gtk) BuildRequires. + + Replaced BuildRequires: + - pkgconfig(libhandy-1) -> pkgconfig(libadaita-1) + - pkgconfig(libnma) -> pkgconfig(libnma-gtk4) + - pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) -> pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-5.0) + +- Update to version 43.alpha.1: + + When built with -Dsoup2=false (the default), Initial Setup now + depends on geocode-glib-2.0, introduced in geocode-glib 3.26.3 + as a parallel-installable, soup3-flavoured version of the + library. When built with -Dsoup2=true, Initial Setup continues + to depend on geocode-glib-1.0. + + Initial Setup's build system tries to detect when its + dependencies are built against an incompatible libsoup, but + there is one known case that is not detected at build time. If + Initial Setup is built with parental controls enabled, the + malcontent parental controls library brings with it a + dependency on libflatpak and libostree. Neither of these + libraries can currently be built against libsoup3. Either they + must be built against libcurl rather than libsoup; or Initial + Setup must be built with -Dsoup2=true; or Initial Setup must be + built with -Dparental_controls=disabled; or Initial Setup will + abort on startup. +- Stop passing soup2=true to meson. +- Replace pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0), pkgconfig(rest-0.7) and + pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) with pkgconfig(geocode-glib-2.0), + pkgconfig(rest-1.0) and pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) BuildRequires + following upstream changes. + +- Update to version 43.alpha: + + Initial Setup now builds against rest-1.0 if available, falling + back to rest-0.7 if not. There is no meson option to control + this. + + Initial Setup now builds against libsoup 3 by default. As a + transitional measure, you can opt to build against libsoup 2 by + passing -Dsoup2=true to meson setup. geocode-glib-1.0, + gweather4, and rest (1.0 or 0.7) must have been built against + the same version of libsoup. + + A number of Meson .wrap files for dependencies such as + gweather4 have been removed. These dependencies are now widely + available in stable distros and container images thereof. + + Initial Setup no longer reads gnome-version.xml to determine + the GNOME version in the fallback case when no OS information + is available from /etc/os-release. gnome-version.xml has been + removed from GNOME 43. +- Pass -D soup2=true to meson: we are not yet ready for the soup3 + switch. + +- Update to version 42.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Updated to version 42.1.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.0.1: + + The dark theme preference support introduced in 42.rc caused a + regression in Initial Setup's handling of the login keyring. + The effect was that the new user's login keyring password does + not match their system password, and so cannot be unlocked. + This regression is fixed in this release. + +- Update to version 42.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.rc: + + Initial Setup now supports the GNOME 42 dark theme preference, + and picks up a dependency on libhandy to enable this. This will + only have a visible impact if a distribution overrides the + default value of this preference, since there is no way for a + user to adjust this preference until Initial Setup is complete. + + Updated translations. +- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: New dependency. + +- Update to version 42.beta: + + Bugs fixed: + - welcome: tweak illustration + - Load GisLocationEntry type before page template + + Updated translations. +- Move autostart .desktop files to distconfdir. + +- Enable pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4) and pkgconfig(gweather4) + BuildRequires then drop pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) and + pkgconfig(gweather-3.0), no longer needed nor used. + +- Update to version 42.alpha.1: + + Fix gweather4 pkg-config name. + + Fix project license identifier in Meson build rules. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.alpha: + + Initial Setup now depends on libgweather-4 and gnome-desktop-4, + rather than their predecessors. Meson wrap files are provided + in case these dependencies are not available. + + The third-party software sources page has been tweaked to more + accurately describe what the switch does, and to replace the + switch with a suggested-action toggle button. (This page is + currently Fedora-specific; patches welcome!) + + The COPYING file has been clarified to contain only a copy of + GPL version 2. Previously it also contained a copy of LGPL + version 2 (not 2.1). There is no change to the actual licensing + of GNOME Initial Setup: as before, it is distributed under the + terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. + + The summary page widget tree has been simplified, with no + visual change. + + Some Meson deprecation warnings have been addressed. Meson + 0.53.0 or newer is now required to build Initial Setup. + + Updated translations. +- Add disabled pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4) and + pkgconfig(gweather4) BuildRequires, currently not available on + openSUSE following upstream changes. + gnome-logs +- Convert to source service for easier updating. + gnome-maps -- Add gnome-maps-bec3d2f2.patch: Fix tests for time formats with - different kind of spaces (boo#1216184, boo#1217240). +- Update to version 45.2: + + Fixed triggering a extranous reload of the trip query in the + case the user has already filled in query points + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.1: + + Add more validation of transit plugin parameters + + Fix showing missing nearby POIs when browsing in some cases + + Set lower timeout when downloading service file + + Fix searching for recent routes + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.0: + + Hide the experimental vector map toggle if libshumate is + compiled without vector support. + + Fix POI browser category labels showing translated strings. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.rc: + + Enabled experimental vector-based map. + + Update OSM edit POI definition. + + Increase sidebar width to fit longer translated strings. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.beta: + + Use Adw.OverlaySplitView for the routing sidebar. This enables + better narrow screen size adaptiveness and using touch gestures + to open the sidebar. + + Always show phone numbers as links when sandboxed (e.g. + Flatpak). + + Re-enable animations when going to new places and showing + routes. + + Use toasts for the OSM zoom in and location service dialogs. + + Restrict to using only supported languages for the GraphHopper + geocoding (search) service. +- Add pkgconfig(libportal) BuildRequires: New dependency. + +- Update to version 45.alpha: + + Implemented POI explore UI + + Move zoom control buttons (back) to overlay + + Add rotation button with ability to reset rotation + + Make use of Adw.Toast for showing simple messages + + Update screenshots + + Add support for auth header in OpenTripPlanner plugin +- Drop gnome-maps-fix-dependency.patch: Still valid, but no longer + needed. + +- Update to version 44.4: + + Fix for potential security issue. + + Restrict GraphHopper geocoder to supported languages. + +- Update to version 44.3: + + Add support for auth headers in the OpenTripPlanner plugin. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.2: + + Show thumbnails for places with a linked Wikidata entry with a + title image, but that has no linked Wikipedia articles + + Show the correct rotation of the user location marker when + there is a heading (Geoclue indicating motion), in case the map + view is rotated + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.1: + + Disable animations also on zoom-to-fit and when selecting + itinerary point for public transit routes, to avoid tile server + throttling. + + Fix the "Send to" dialog which was broken in the case when + there are external apps supporting geo: links. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.0 (boo#1216184, boo#1217240): + + Disable the go-to animation to avoid getting throttled by the + tile server. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.rc: + + Updated POI definitions for OpenStreetMap editing + + Center text in the location service dialog + + Tweak header captilization and ellipsation for tooltips and + menu items + + Use proper suggestions style for search result lists + + Add nightly builds for AArch64 + + Updated translations. +- Drop explicit typelib(GtkClutter) = 1.0 and + typelib(GeocodeGlib) = 1.0 Requires: No longer needed. + +- Update to version 44.beta: + + Prevent the scale to cover the sidebar when the window is + narrow + + Fix keyboard navigation of search results (regression from the + GTK 4 port) + + Style fixes of the sidebar border + + Make the "export as image" dialog work on phones + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 44.alpha: + + Fix excessive margins in place bubbles + + Fix adaptive mode detection when maximized + + Fix broken long-press to bring up the context menu on touch + screens + + Fixing various issues left after the GTK 4 port + + Fix setting adaptive narrow (phone) mode on first launch on + portrait displays + + Fix dragging-and-dropping route entris in the sidebar + + Fix opening shapelayer files when dragged-and-dropped onto the + main window + + Fix selecting turnpoint instructions showing the position of + the instruction on the map + + Fix local tiles (using the --local command-line option) + + Fix location service dialog + + Fix send-to dialog + + Fix user location accuracy marker positioning + + Implement support for getting thumbnails and Wikipedia article + extracts from Wikidata + + Updated translations. +- Drop gnome-maps-icu72.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 43.4: + + Prevent the scale to cover the sidebar when the window is + narrow. + +- Update to version 43.3: + + Fix blurry shape layers on zoom. + + Fix user location accuracy marker positioning. + + Various other bug fixes. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.2: + + Fix excessive margins in place bubbles. + + Fix adaptive mode detection when maximized. + + Fix broken long-press to bring up the context menu on touch + screens. + + Updated translations. + +- Add gnome-maps-icu72.patch: fix comparisons in time tests + (glgo#GNOME/gnome-maps!261). + +- Update to version 43.1: + + Fixing various issues left after the GTK 4 port. + + Fix setting adaptive narrow (phone) mode on first launch on + portrait displays. + + Fix dragging-and-dropping route entris in the sidebar. + + Fix opening shapelayer files when dragged-and-dropped onto the + main window. + + Fix selecting turnpoint instructions showing the position of + the instruction on the map. + + Fix local tiles (using the --local command-line option). + + Fix location service dialog. + + Fix send-to dialog. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.0: + + Remove build-dependency on GTK3. + + Don't install tests gresource. + + Updated translations. +- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macro, no longer + needed. +- Add appstream-glib and desktop-file-utils BuildRequires, validate + appdata and desktop files during build. +- Add gnome-maps-fix-dependency.patch: Fix upstream dodo when + setting dependency for libshumate. + +- Update to version 43.rc: + + Use Adwaita about dialog + + Various UI cleanups, tweaks, and fixes + + Switch OSM edit authorization to use OAuth 2 + + Update POI definitions for OSM editing + + Updated translations. +- Drop pkgconfig(champlain-0.12) BuildRequires: No longer used, nor + needed since the port to gtk4/libshumate. + +- GNOME Maps uses a gi dep syntax that is not yet understood by the + dep scanner, thus add explicit Requires on typelib(GeocodeGlib) + and typelib(GtkClutter), + +- Update to version 43.beta: + + Port to GTK 4 and libshumate. + + Port to use libsoup 3. +- Adjust BuildRequires for upstream changes: + + Drop pkgconfig(gtl3.0), pkgconfig(libndy-1)pkgconfig(rest-0.7), + pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0) + + Add pkgconfig(gtk4), pkgconfig(liadwaita-1), + pkgconfig(rest-1.0),pkgconfig(geocode-glib-2.0), + pkgconfig(shumate-1.0) + +- Update to version 43.alpha: + + Remove network check (always assume network is available). + + Remove check-in support (as no GOA backends support this + anymore). + + Use external browser to authorize OSM account for editing. + + Add checkbox to select the visibility of the scale. + + Migrate code to use ES 6 modules. + + Tune location bias scale parameter for the Photon geocoder. + + Updated translations. gnome-settings-daemon +- Update to version 45.1: + + Power: Compiler warning fixes. + + Smartcard: Error handling fix. + + USB Protection: Comment clean up. + + Updated translations. +- Drop upstream fixed patches: + + 41d0dc1db4d75c37ba67fe903105b4e162d42f1a.patch + + 538816ff42f682fc4b541810ca107486abab9976.patch + + a059909d62da0c11774f1089d02937699fabf150.patch + gnome-shell +- Adapt to version 45.3(bsc#1216072): + + Rebase gnome-shell-domain.patch + + Rebase gnome-shell-fate324570-Make-GDM-background-image-configurable.patch + +- Update to version 45.3: + + Allow any enter key to be used to screenshot. + + Fix spinner in light style variant. + + Improve formatting of extension errors. + + Fixed crash. + + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups. + + Updated translations. +- Drop gnome-shell_nb_fix_trans.patch: fixed upstream. + gnome-terminal -- Update to version 3.42.3: +- Update to version 3.50.1: + * util: check flatpak for alternate terminals + * prefs: Get the headerbar pref + * build: Bump vte req version + +- Let the description point out details distinguishing this + terminal emulator from others. + +- Update to version 3.50.0: + * search: Mark search provider as no autostart + * Revert "screen: Use clean env when creating new tab" + * Updated translations. +- Change compression in service and tarball produced to zst. + +- Update to version 3.49.99: + * search: Mark search provider as no autostart + * Revert "screen: Use clean env when creating new tab" + * Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.49.92: + + build: + - Bump vte req version + - More detailed version info + + debug: Move debug print to right branch + + docs: Document new color schemes + + help: Add help translation for TR locale + + prefs: Update theme variant names + + server: + - Add theme style support + - Block pk-gtk module + - More env var sanitisation + + util: Also check /usr/etc for xdg-terminal-exec configuration + + window: Add a11y labels to the headerbar buttons + + Updated translations. +- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: New dependency. + +- Update to version 3.48.2: + + build: Bump vte req version. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.48.1: + + help: Add help translation for TR locale + + server: More env var sanitisation - + Revert "regex: Workaround a PCRE bug resulting in not recognizing - schemeless URLs" - + regex: Fix path-less URL recognition - + window: Use a normal menu for the popup menu - + build: Post release version bump + +- Update to version 3.48.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.47.99: + + util: Also check /usr/etc for xdg-terminal-exec configuration + + docs: Document new color schemes + +- Update to version 3.47.92: + + all: + - Implement xdg-terminal-exec support + - Make env filtering uniform + - ODR fix + - Replace %m with using g_strerror() in printf calls + + build: + - Add define for openbsd + - Add install tags + - Assert sanity + - Build fix for netbsd + - Fix libc feature defines + - Fix nautilus extension install directory + - More detailed version info + - Output warning on unstable release + - Remove erroneous volatile + - Remove unnecessary meson version check + - Update meson req version + - Update nautilus extension build req + - Update README + - Use built-in mandir option + - Use non-deprecated API + - Validate all desktop files + - Validate metainfo files + + client: + - Improve env var filters + - legacy: Drop debug messages + - legacy: Fix typo assigning XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN + - More env vars to filter + - Transport XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN to the server + - Use verified schema + - utils: Fix unused function warning on non-debug build + + desktop: + - Use Preferences icon + - Use standard key + + docs: + - Fix some typos in README + - Fix some wrong info in README + + icons: Add separate icons for Preferences + + l10n: Remove mjw from LINGUAS + + metainfo: + - Add launchable info + - Fix broken metainfo translations + - Pass validation + + nautilus: + - Don't include gdk headers in the nautilus extension + - Fix build + - Fix macro redefinition warning + - Try to fix the build with nautilus 43 + + po: Mark bogus translated string as fuzzy + + prefs: + - Add NoDisplay desktop file for the prefs binary + - Fix default terminal check + - Fix serialisation format + - Fix standalone launch of g-t-preferences + - Hold application while the prefs are shown + - Make preferences dialogue OOP + - Move prefs binary to libexecdir + - Reduce default bus timeout + - Sink a floating variant + - Try to improve translator hint comment + - Use autocleanup more + - Use default timeout when debugging + - Use different wm class + - Use new icon + + profile: + - Use correct schema source for the profiles list schema + - Use the correct schema source to lookup schemas + + Revert "screen: Use clean env when creating new tab" + + screen: + - Add some missing casts + - Use correct environment filter + + settings: + - Consolidate settings related code into one source file + - Import some backend specific code from glib + - Remove direct dconf dependency + + util: Fix interpretation of TryExec desktop entry key + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.8: + * all: Make env filtering uniform + * build: Use built-in mandir option + * client: + - legacy: Drop debug messages + - Transport XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN to the server + * metainfo: Add launchable info + * prefs: Fix default terminal check + * screen: Use correct environment filter + * Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.7: + * nautilus: Fix macro redefinition warning + * screen: Add some missing casts + * build: Add define for openbsd + * Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.6: + * prefs: Sink a floating variant + * prefs: Use default timeout when debugging + * prefs: Reduce default bus timeout + * prefs: Fix serialisation format + * client: Improve env var filters + +- Update to version 3.46.5: + * util: Fix interpretation of TryExec desktop entry key +- Drop f06e6e5.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 3.46.4: + * all: backport: Implement xdg-terminal-exec support. + * docs: + - Fix some wrong info in README. + - Fix some typos in README. + * Updated translations. +- Add f06e6e5.patch: util: Fix interpretation of TryExec desktop + entry key. +- Add appstream-glib and desktop-file-utils BuildRequires and a + check section with meson_test macro, validate appdata and desktop + files and run tests during build. + +- Update to version 3.46.3: + * client: More env vars to filter. + * desktop: Use Preferences icon. + * icons: Add separate icons for Preferences. + * l10n: Remove mjw from LINGUAS. + * metainfo: Remove XML namespaces. + * prefs: + - Use different wm class. + - Use new icon. + * profile: Use correct schema source for the profiles list + schema. + * Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.2: + * build: Fix libc feature defines + * client: Use verified schema + * desktop: Use Preferences icon + * icons: Add separate icons for Preferences + * prefs: + - Add NoDisplay desktop file for the prefs binary + - Move prefs binary to libexecdir + - Use different wm class + - Use new icon + * profile: Use correct schema source for the profiles list schema + * Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.46.1: + * prefs: + - Make preferences dialogue OOP + - Change default value + * build: Update README + * po: Mark bogus translated string as fuzzy + * prefs: Try to improve translator hint comment + * Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.45.99: + * all: + - ODR fix + - Replace %m with using g_strerror() in printf calls + * build: + - Assert sanity + - Build fix for netbsd + - Fix nautilus extension install directory + - Remove erroneous volatile + - Update nautilus extension build req + + nautilus: Don't include gdk headers in the nautilus extension + + profile: Use the correct schema source to lookup schemas + + Updated translations. +- Replace pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension) with + pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension-4) BuildRequires, following + upstream changes/port. + +- Update to version 3.45.90: + + all: Insert text as paste + + build: + - Improve libc feature extension defines + - Move version defines from config.h to meson cpp_args + + client: Filter out other terminal's environment variables + + nautilus: Do not use deprecated symbols + + profile: + - editor: + . Remove unknown charsets from the builtin list + . Skip unknown charsets + + regex: Revert sed accident + + Revert "screen: Use clean env when creating new tab" + + screen: Use same match cursor as vte hyperlink cursor. + + util: Show timestamps in the local timezone + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.44.1: + + util: Show timestamps in the local timezone. + + screen: Use same match cursor as vte hyperlink cursor. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.44.0: + + all: Insert text as paste. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.43.90: + * Revert "screen: Use clean env when creating new tab" + * nautilus: + - Work around gtk_get_current_event_time() absence on gtk4 + - Undef gtk min/max version defines + * regex: Fix path-less URL recognition + * Revert "regex: Workaround a PCRE bug resulting in not + recognizing schemeless URLs" + * build: Fix for newer meson + * Updated translations. +- Switch to using source service checkout of released tag, upstream + is not making News/Changelog/Release Notes available, so doing it + this way is simpler. +- Drop 9a168cc23962ce9fa106dc8a40407d381a3db403.patch: Fixed + upstream. +- Switch bcond_with to bcond_without for nautilus_extension, + nautilus was reverted to gtk3 again for this release cycle. +- Temporarily disable nautilus extension: not yet compatible to + Nautilus/GTK4. + gnome-user-docs -- Update to version 41.5: +- Update to version 45.1: + + Updates to GNOME Help. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 45.0: + + Updates to GNOME Help. + + Updates to System Admin Guide. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.3: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.1: + + Updates to GNOME Help. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.0: + + Updates to GNOME Help. + + Updates to System Admin Guide. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 44.rc: + + Updates to GNOME Help. + + Updates to System Admin Guide. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.0: + + Updates for GNOME 43. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.0: + + Updates for GNOME 42. gnuhealth +- Switch Leap packages to Python 3.11 + shebang.diff removed (call in spec file) + +- version 4.4.0 + See Changelog for details + +- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included in + the macro by default. + gnuhealth-client +- version 4.4.0 + For details see Changelog + switch to wheel build + +- Enable to SLE15 python module pythons + gnutls +- Update to 3.8.3: + * libgnutls: Fix more timing side-channel inside RSA-PSK key + exchange. [GNUTLS-SA-2024-01-14, CVSS: medium] + [bsc#1218865, CVE-2024-0553] + * libgnutls: Fix assertion failure when verifying a certificate + chain with a cycle of cross signatures. + [GNUTLS-SA-2024-01-09, CVSS: medium] [bsc#1218862, CVE-2024-0567] + * libgnutls: Fix regression in handling Ed25519 keys stored in + PKCS#11 token certtool was unable to handle Ed25519 keys + generated on PKCS#11 with pkcs11-tool (OpenSC). + This is a regression introduced in 3.8.2. + * Rebase gnutls-FIPS-140-3-references.patch + * Updated upstream gnutls.keyring + +- Update to 3.8.2: [bsc#1217277, CVE-2023-5981] + * libgnutls: Fix timing side-channel inside RSA-PSK key exchange. + [GNUTLS-SA-2023-10-23, CVSS: medium] [CVE-2023-5981] + * libgnutls: Add API functions to perform ECDH and DH key agreement + The functionality has been there for a long time though they were + not available as part of the public API. This enables applications + to implement custom protocols leveraging non-interactive key + agreement with ECDH and DH. + * libgnutls: Added support for AES-GCM-SIV ciphers (RFC 8452) + The new algorithms GNUTLS_CIPHER_AES_128_SIV_GCM and + GNUTLS_CIPHER_AES_256_SIV_GCM have been added to be used through + the AEAD interface. Note that, unlike + GNUTLS_CIPHER_AES_{128,256}_SIV_GCM, the authentication tag is + appended to the ciphertext, not prepended. + * libgnutls: transparent KTLS support is extended to FreeBSD kernel + The kernel TLS feature can now be enabled on FreeBSD as well as + Linux when compiled with the --enable-ktls configure option. + * gnutls-cli: New option --starttls-name + Depending on deployment, application protocols such as XMPP may + require a different origin address than the external address to be + presented prior to STARTTLS negotiation. The --starttls-name can + be used to specify specify the addresses separately. + * API and ABI modifications: + - gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw: New function + - gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw: New function + - gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw: New function + - gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw: New function + - gnutls_x509_privkey_import_dh_raw: New function + - gnutls_privkey_derive_secret: New function + - GNUTLS_KEYGEN_DH: New enum member of gnutls_keygen_types_t + - GNUTLS_CIPHER_AES_128_SIV_GCM: Added + - GNUTLS_CIPHER_AES_256_SIV_GCM: Added + * Rebase gnutls-FIPS-140-3-references.patch + * Remove upstream: gnutls-GNUTLS_NO_EXTENSIONS-compatibility.patch + gobject-introspection +- Drop BuildRequires on pkgconfig(cairo)/pkgconfig(cairo-gobject), + cairo is only needed for some tests. + golang-github-lusitaniae-apache_exporter +- Do not strip if SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3 +- Exclude debug for RHEL >= 8 +- Build with Go >= 1.20 when the OS is not RHEL +- Spec file clean up + golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager +- Do not create PIE for s390x architecture + +- Rebase 0001-Default-settings.patch +- Drop 0002-Update-prometheus-client-to-version-1.11.1.patch + fixed upstream (now uses v1.15.1) +- Drop 0003-Update-prometheus-exporter-toolkit-to-0.7.3.patch + fixed upstream (now uses v0.10.0) +- Add 0002-Set-build-flags.patch +- Require Go 1.20 or newer for building +- Remove not used build flags +- Create position independent executables (PIE) +- Disable striping the binaries only for SLE 15 SP3 +- Add System/Monitoring group tag +- Rework service file to use obscpio + * run tar and recompress services at buildtime + * do not generate automatically changelog entries +- Update to version 0.26.0 (jsc#PED-7353): + + * (CVE-2023-40577, bsc#1218838): Fix stored XSS via the + /api/v1/alerts endpoint in the Alertmanager UI + * Configuration: Fix empty list of receivers and inhibit_rules + would cause the alertmanager to crash + * Templating: Fixed a race condition when using the title + function. It is now race-safe + * API: Fixed duplicate receiver names in the api/v2/receivers API + endpoint + * API: Attempting to delete a silence now returns the correct + status code, 404 instead of 500 + * Clustering: Fixes a panic when tls_client_config is empty + * Webhook: url is now marked as a secret. It will no longer show + up in the logs as clear-text + * Metrics: New label reason for + alertmanager_notifications_failed_total metric to indicate the + type of error of the alert delivery + * Clustering: New flag --cluster.label, to help to block any + traffic that is not meant for the cluster + * Integrations: Add Microsoft Teams as a supported integration +- Update to version 0.25.0: + + * Fail configuration loading if api_key and api_key_file are + defined at the same time + * Fix the alertmanager_alerts metric to avoid counting resolved + alerts as active. Also added a new alertmanager_marked_alerts + metric that retain the old behavior + * Trim contents of Slack API URLs when reading from files + * amtool: Avoid panic when the label value matcher is empty + * Fail configuration loading if api_url is empty for OpsGenie + * Fix email template for resolved notifications + * Add proxy_url support for OAuth2 in HTTP client configuration + * Reload TLS certificate and key from disk when updated + * Add Discord integration + * Add Webex integration + * Add min_version support to select the minimum TLS version in + HTTP client configuration + * Add max_version support to select the maximum TLS version in + HTTP client configuration + * Emit warning logs when truncating messages in notifications + * Support HEAD method for the /-/healty and /-/ready endpoints + * Add support for reading global and local SMTP passwords from + files + * UI: Add 'Link' button to alerts in list + * UI: Allow to choose the first day of the week as Sunday or + Monday +- Update to version 0.24.0: + + * Fix HTTP client configuration for the SNS receiver + * Fix unclosed file descriptor after reading the silences + snapshot file + * Fix field names for mute_time_intervals in JSON marshaling + * Ensure that the root route doesn't have any matchers + * Truncate the message's title to 1024 chars to avoid hitting + Slack limits + * Fix the default HTML email template (email.default.html) to + match with the canonical source + * Detect SNS FIFO topic based on the rendered value + * Avoid deleting and recreating a silence when an update is + possible + * api/v2: Return 200 OK when deleting an expired silence + * amtool: Fix the silence's end date when adding a silence. The + end date is (start date + duration) while it used to be + (current time + duration). The new behavior is consistent with + the update operation + * Add the /api/v2 prefix to all endpoints in the OpenAPI + specification and generated client code + * Add --cluster.tls-config experimental flag to secure cluster + traffic via mutual TLS + * Add Telegram integration + golang-github-vpenso-prometheus_slurm_exporter +- Adjust-GPU-data-gathering-to-work-with-all-Slurm-versions-since-18.08.patch + Fix to make GPU data gathering works with all Slurm versions since 18.08. +- Add a sysconfig settings to make daemon command line args easily. +- Fix service file names to match upstream: + prometheus-slurm_exporter.service -> prometheus-slurm-exporter.service + rcprometheus-slurm_exporter -> rcprometheus-slurm-exporter + To support updates, the old name is still kept as sym-link. + Add README.SUSE to inform about sysconfig file. + +- Update to 0.20 + * Multiple README fix. + * Improve build process. + google-guest-agent +- Add explicit versioned dependency on google-guest-oslogin (bsc#1219642) + google-guest-oslogin +- Add explicit versioned dependency on google-guest-agent (bsc#1219642) + gpg2 +- Update to 2.4.4: [bsc#1219191] + * gpg: Do not keep an unprotected smartcard backup key on disk. + See + for a security advisory. [T6944] + * gpg: Allow to specify seconds since Epoch beyond 2038 on 32-bit + platforms. [T6736] + * gpg: Fix expiration time when Creation-Date is specified. [T5252] + * gpg: Add support for Subkey-Expire-Date. [rG96b69c1866] + * gpg: Add option --with-v5-fingerprint. [T6705] + * gpg: Add sub-option ignore-attributes to --import-options. + * gpg: Add --list-filter properties sig_expires/sig_expires_d. + * gpg: Fix validity of re-imported keys. [T6399] + * gpg: Report BEGIN_ status before examining the input. [T6481] + * gpg: Don't try to compress a read-only keybox. [T6811] + * gpg: Choose key from inserted card over a non-inserted card. [T6831] + * gpg: Allow to create revocations even with non-compliant algos. [T6929] + * gpg: Fix regression in the Revoker keyword of the parameter file. [T6923] + * gpg: Improve error message for expired default keys. [T4704] + * gpgsm: Add --always-trust feature. [T6559] + * gpgsm: Support ECC certificates in de-vs mode. [T6802] + * gpgsm: Major rewrite of the PKCS#12 parser. [T6536] + * gpgsm: No not show the pkcs#12 passphrase in debug output. [T6654] + * keyboxd: Timeout on failure to get the database lock. [T6838] + * agent: Update the key stubs only if really modified. [T6829] + * scd: Add support for certain Starcos 3.2 cards. [rG5304c9b080] + * scd: Add support for CardOS 5.4 cards. [rG812f988059] + * scd: Add support for D-Trust 4.1/4.4 cards. [rG0b85a9ac09] + * scd: Add support for Smartcafe Expert 7.0 cards. [T6919] + * scd: Add a length check for a new PIN. [T6843] + * tpm: Fix keytotpm handling in the agent. [rG9909f622f6] + * tpm: Fixes for the TPM test suite. [T6052] + * dirmngr: New option --ignore-crl-extensions. [T6545] + * dirmngr: Support config value "none" to disable the default + keyserver. [T6708] + * dirmngr: Fix handling of the HTTP Content-Length. [rGa5e33618f4] + * gpgconf: Add commands --lock and --unlock. [rG93b5ba38dc] + * gpgconf: Add keyword socketdir to gpgconf.ctl. [rG239c1fdc28] + * gpgconf: Adjust the -X command for the new VERSION file format. [T6918] + * wkd: Use export-clean for gpg-wks-client's --mirror and --create + commands. [rG2c7f7a5a278c] + * wkd: Make --add-revocs the default in gpg-wks-client. New option + - -no-add-revocs. [rG10c937ee68] + * Remove duplicated backslashes when setting the homedir. [T6833] + * Ignore attempts to remove the /dev/null device. [T6556] + * Improve advisory file lock retry strategy. [T3380] + * Release-info: + * Remove patch upstream: + - gnupg-Report-BEGIN_-status-before-examining-the-input.patch + grafana - Security: Fixes for CVE-2023-1410. - Chore: Fix CVE-2020-7753. - Chore: Fix CVE-2021-3807. - Chore: Fix CVE-2021-3918. - Chore: Fix CVE-2021-43138. - Chore: Fix CVE-2022-0155. + Chore: Fix CVE-2020-7753 (bsc#1218843). + Chore: Fix CVE-2021-3807 (bsc#1192154). + Chore: Fix CVE-2021-3918 (bsc#1192696). + Chore: Fix CVE-2021-43138 (bsc#1200480). + Chore: Fix CVE-2022-0155 (bsc#1218844). - Security: Fixes for CVE-2022-31107 and CVE-2022-31097. - + Bug fixes (8.5.9): - * Security: Fixes for CVE-2022-31107 and CVE-2022-31097. - [#52238], @xlson - + Bug fixes (8.5.3): - * Security: fixes CVE-2022-29170. #49240, @xlson - + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43813 and CVE-2021-43815, - bsc#1193686. -- Update to version 8.3.1 - + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798, bsc#1193492. + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43815, bsc#1193686. -- Update to version 8.2.7 - + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. -- Update to version 8.1.8 - + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. - + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798, bsc#1193492. granatier +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.3: + * Player selection dialog view: render player icons hidpi-aware + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.08.2: + * snapcraft: set version as appstream picks up non release service version. + * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files. + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + grantlee-editor +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works + * Adapt to new akonadi-contact/akonadi-contact-editor api + * Remove configwidget + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.0 + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + grantleetheme +- Update to 23.08.4 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.3 + +- Update to 23.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.2 + +- Update to 23.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.1 + +- Fix runtime dependencies (boo#1212455, boo#1215517) + +- Update to 23.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.08.0 + +- Update to 23.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.07.90 + +- Update to 23.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 23.07.80 + +- Update to 23.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 23.04.3: + * Remove CI 6 job. We will use kf6 branch for kf6 works + * not export symbol of private methods + * Fix show text in qt6 + * Add QCh support + * Remove unused variable + * Remove unused alias now + * Remove compat support as all was ported + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.2 + +- Update to 23.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 23.04.1 + +- Update to 23.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 23.04.0: + * Use correct INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS + +- Update to 23.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 23.03.90 + * New feature release + +- Update to 23.03.80 + * New feature release + grilo-plugins +- Update to version 0.3.16: + + tracker3: update fts query + + dmap: enable with libsoup3 supported libdmapsharing-4.0 + + lua-factory: add support to 5.4 + + build: libsoup3 related fixes + + flickr: remove GOA support + + tmdb: without config, fix single request + + Updated translations. +- Drop d1c0835d.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Build dmap plugins again now that libdmapsharing have been + updated to use soup-3. Drop pkgconfig(libgdata) BuildRequires. +- Add grilo-plugin-youtube Obsoletes: Make updates painless for our + end-users. + +- Switch to soup3 again: Drop pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) and + pkgconfig(rest-0.7), and disable pkgconfig(libgdata) and enable + pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires and stop building youtube, + opensubtile and dmap plugins for now. Pass enable-dmap=no to + meson, as this is needed. + +- Add d1c0835d.patch: flickr: remove GOA support. GNOME Online + accounts removed flicker backend so we need to remove it here + too. + +- Add back pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) and disable + pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires, build youtube and + opensubtile plugins again, grilo and grilo plugins are not ready + to move to soup3. + +- Update to version 0.3.15: + + Detect libsoup version from grl-net and adds support to + libsoup3. + + youtube: port to API v3 by using libgdata 0.17.0. + + tmdb: port to GUri, remove libsoup dependency. + + dleyna: port to GUri, remove libsoup dependency. +- youtube and opensubtile plugins currently not being built, as + they are not yet compatible with libsoup 3. + grub2 +- Fix PowerPC grub loads 5 to 10 minutes slower on SLE-15-SP5 compared to + SLE-15-SP2 (bsc#1217102) + * add 0001-ofdisk-enhance-boot-time-by-focusing-on-boot-disk-re.patch + * add 0002-ofdisk-add-early_log-support.patch + +- Sort tar file order for reproducible builds + +- Fix build error on gcc-14 (bsc#1218949) + * 0001-squash-ieee1275-ofpath-enable-NVMeoF-logical-device-.patch + +- Remove magic number header field check on arm64 (bsc#1218783) + * 0001-loader-arm64-efi-linux-Remove-magic-number-header-fi.patch + +- Reinstate the verification for a non-zero total entry count to skip unmapped + data blocks (bsc#1218864) + * 0001-fs-xfs-always-verify-the-total-number-of-entries-is-.patch +- Removed temporary fix as reverting it will cause a different XFS parser bug + * 0001-Revert-fs-xfs-Fix-XFS-directory-extent-parsing.patch + +- allow to boot memtest86 if stored in /usr/lib/memtest86+ + * SR#1071109 can then work + gsettings-desktop-schemas +- Use %autosetup instead of %setup/%patch. + gstreamer +- Update to version 1.22.9: + + Highlighted bugfixes in 1.22.9 + - More Security fixes for the AV1 video codec parser + - va: fixes for Mesa Gallium drivers in Mesa versions older + than v23.2 + - v4l2src: Consider framerate during caps selection + - v4l2codec: decoder fixes + - rtspsrc: multicast fixes + - camerabin viewfinder fixes + - various bug fixes, build fixes, memory leak fixes, and other + stability and reliability improvements + + gstreamer + - aggregator: fix use-after-free in queries processing + - multiqueue: Ignore queue fullness for most events +- Rebase reduce-required-meson.patch + gstreamer-devtools +- Switch to python 3.11 align with meson + * it's now use python 3.11 to build gstreamer-devtools because of + meson has switched to use python 3.11 + * added %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} for find a porper python_sitrlib + path + +- Update to version 1.22.9: + + No changes, stable bump only. +- Rebase reduce-required-meson.patch. + +- Update to version 1.22.8: + + No changes, stable bump only. +- Rebase reduce-required-meson.patch. + +- Update to version 1.22.7: + + No changes, stable bump only. +- Rebase reduce-required-meson.patch. + +- Update to version 1.22.6: + + No changes, stable bump only. +- Rebase reduce-required-meson.patch. + +- Update to version 1.22.5: + + No changes +- Rebase reduce-required-meson.patch. + +- Update to version 1.22.4: + + No changes. +- Rebase reduce-required-meson.patch. + +- Update to version 1.22.3: + + No changes, version bump only. +- Rebase reduce-required-meson.patch. + +- Update to version 1.22.2: + + No changes, version bump only. +- Rebase patches. + +- Update to version 1.22.1: + + Fix gstreamer-validate-1.0 dependency name + + tests: + - Fix known issue definition location for unit tests and how we + handle them in validate launcher + - Mark elements_srtp.test_play test as flaky + + validate: Fix gst_validate_execute_action annotation + + validate-scenario: + - Fix g-i warning in annotation + - Sink refs when building +- Rebase patch with quilt. + gstreamer-editing-services +- Switch to python 3.11 on Leap 15 + * Added %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} and use python_module macro + on BuildRequires + +- Update to versi