#!/bin/sh cat /dev/null > /tmp/SeTnewtag dialog --title "Select pkgs from xapps(Independent X Applications)" --checklist "Select packages to install from xapps series. Use cursor up/down to select the package, mark(*) by space key. Push Enter to start install." 24 72 15 "Pillow" "Python Imaging Library" "on" \ "PySolFC" "Famous card/mahjong games" "on" \ "PySolFC_Cardsets" "Cards data for PySolFC" "on" \ "adwaita_icon_theme" "Adwaita icon theme" "on" \ "emacs" "Emacs" "on" \ "evince" "e_title" "on" \ "gimp" "e_title" "on" \ "gimp_help" "Help messages for GIMP" "on" \ "gnome_icon_theme" "e_title" "on" \ "gnome_keyring" "GNOME keyring" "on" \ "gnuplot" "gnuplot 4.0" "on" \ "graphviz" "Graph Visualization Software" "on" \ "hicolor_icon_theme" "fallback theme for icons" "on" \ "ilmbase" "ilmbase: basic library for OpenEXR" "on" \ "inkscape" "e_title" "on" \ "libimagequant" "PNG quantize library" "on" \ "libinput_gestures" "Actions gestures on your touchpad using libinput" "on" \ "libmypaint" "brush effect library" "on" \ "mcomix" "Mcomix image viewer" "on" \ "murrine" "Murrine Theme engine" "on" \ "mypaint_brushes" "Brushes for libmypaint" "on" \ "netpbm" "e_title" "on" \ "numix_gtk_theme" "Numix GTK Theme" "on" \ "openexr" "OpenEXR: HDRI library" "on" \ "pyilmbase" "Python bindings for IlmBase" "on" \ "rdesktop" "rdesktop" "on" \ "sane_backends" "sane-backends 1.0.17" "on" \ "tcl" "Tcl interpreter" "on" \ "thunderbird" "e_title" "on" \ "tk" "Tk" "on" \ "transmission" "Transmission" "on" \ "wmctrl" "Control window manager from command line" "on" \ "xdotool" "Command-line X11 automation tool" "on" \ "xsane" "Xsane image scan utility" "on" \ "xscreensaver" "Screen Saver" "on" \ 2> /tmp/SeTpkgs if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs > /tmp/SeTnewtag for pkg in Pillow PySolFC PySolFC_Cardsets adwaita_icon_theme emacs evince gimp gimp_help gnome_icon_theme gnome_keyring gnuplot graphviz hicolor_icon_theme ilmbase inkscape libimagequant libinput_gestures libmypaint mcomix murrine mypaint_brushes netpbm numix_gtk_theme openexr pyilmbase rdesktop sane_backends tcl thunderbird tk transmission wmctrl xdotool xsane xscreensaver ; do echo "$pkg: SKP" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag done exit fi cat /dev/null > /tmp/SeTnewtag for PACKAGE in Pillow PySolFC PySolFC_Cardsets adwaita_icon_theme emacs evince gimp gimp_help gnome_icon_theme gnome_keyring gnuplot graphviz hicolor_icon_theme ilmbase inkscape libimagequant libinput_gestures libmypaint mcomix murrine mypaint_brushes netpbm numix_gtk_theme openexr pyilmbase rdesktop sane_backends tcl thunderbird tk transmission wmctrl xdotool xsane xscreensaver ; do if grep "$PACKAGE" /tmp/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag else echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag fi done rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs