#!/bin/sh cat /dev/null > /tmp/SeTnewtag dialog --title "Select pkgs from xfce(XFce Desktop Environment)" --checklist "Select packages to install from xfce series. Use cursor up/down to select the package, mark(*) by space key. Push Enter to start install." 24 72 15 "Thunar" "thunar file manager" "on" \ "elementary_xfce" "e_title" "on" \ "exo" "libexo" "on" \ "garcon" "garcon menu library" "on" \ "gtk_xfce_engine" "Gtk+-2.0とGTK+-3.0の双方に対応したXfce用の描画エンジン" "on" \ "libwnck" "libwnck" "on" \ "libxfce4ui" "libxfce4ui" "on" \ "libxfce4util" "Utilities for Xfce4" "on" \ "orage" "Orage: calendar for Xfce" "on" \ "parole" "parole media player" "on" \ "ristretto" "picture viewer for Xfce" "on" \ "thunar_volman" "Thunar volume manager" "on" \ "tumbler" "tumbler thumbnailer" "on" \ "xfce4_appfinder" "appfinder for Xfce" "on" \ "xfce4_battery_plugin" "battery plugin for Xfce4" "on" \ "xfce4_notifyd" "e_title" "on" \ "xfce4_panel" "Xfce4 panel" "on" \ "xfce4_power_manager" "e_title" "on" \ "xfce4_pulseaudio_plugin" "Xfce PulseAudio Panel Plugin" "on" \ "xfce4_screenshooter" "Xfce4 Screenshooter" "on" \ "xfce4_sensors_plugin" "e_title" "on" \ "xfce4_session" "Xfce4 session" "on" \ "xfce4_settings" "Xfce Setting tools" "on" \ "xfce4_systemload_plugin" "xfce4 systemload plugin" "on" \ "xfce4_terminal" "xfce4_terminal" "on" \ "xfce4_xkb_plugin" "XKB plugin for Xfce4" "on" \ "xfce_theme_Greybird" "Greybird theme for Xfce" "on" \ "xfconf" "Xfce configuration system" "on" \ "xfdesktop" "xfdesktop" "on" \ "xfwm4" "Xfce4 Window Manager" "on" \ "xfwm4_themes" "xfwm4 themes" "on" \ 2> /tmp/SeTpkgs if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs > /tmp/SeTnewtag for pkg in Thunar elementary_xfce exo garcon gtk_xfce_engine libwnck libxfce4ui libxfce4util orage parole ristretto thunar_volman tumbler xfce4_appfinder xfce4_battery_plugin xfce4_notifyd xfce4_panel xfce4_power_manager xfce4_pulseaudio_plugin xfce4_screenshooter xfce4_sensors_plugin xfce4_session xfce4_settings xfce4_systemload_plugin xfce4_terminal xfce4_xkb_plugin xfce_theme_Greybird xfconf xfdesktop xfwm4 xfwm4_themes ; do echo "$pkg: SKP" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag done exit fi cat /dev/null > /tmp/SeTnewtag for PACKAGE in Thunar elementary_xfce exo garcon gtk_xfce_engine libwnck libxfce4ui libxfce4util orage parole ristretto thunar_volman tumbler xfce4_appfinder xfce4_battery_plugin xfce4_notifyd xfce4_panel xfce4_power_manager xfce4_pulseaudio_plugin xfce4_screenshooter xfce4_sensors_plugin xfce4_session xfce4_settings xfce4_systemload_plugin xfce4_terminal xfce4_xkb_plugin xfce_theme_Greybird xfconf xfdesktop xfwm4 xfwm4_themes ; do if grep "$PACKAGE" /tmp/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag else echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> /tmp/SeTnewtag fi done rm -f /tmp/SeTpkgs