The files in this directory are useful for booting a machine via PXE.  

The following files are available:
vmlinuz - the BOOT kernel used for the installer
initrd.img - an initrd with support for all install methods and
    drivers supported for installation of Scientific Linux (Fermi)

In order for Scientific Linux Fermi to find the right install image you need
to make a small change to your tftp server config file.

You need to add to the "append" line in


or your customized "default" file


So what used to look something like

  label 1

     kernel /someplace/vmlinuz
     append initrd=/someplace/initrd.img ramdisk_size=10000

now should look like

  label 1

     kernel /someplace/vmlinuz
     append initrd=/someplace/initrd.img ramdisk_size=10000 site=Fermi

Replacing /someplace with the location of your vmlinuz and initrd.img files