#!/usr/bin/python -t ##CJS I changed the "my.logger.info" statement near line 241 to make it ## easier to determine what is a issue via simple grep statements ## repoclosure.py is part of yum-utils on SLF 5. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # seth vidal 2005 (c) etc etc #Read in the metadata of a series of repositories and check all the # dependencies in all packages for resolution. Print out the list of # packages with unresolved dependencies import sys import os import logging import yum import yum.Errors from yum.misc import getCacheDir from optparse import OptionParser import rpmUtils.arch from yum.constants import * from yum.packageSack import ListPackageSack def parseArgs(): usage = """ Read in the metadata of a series of repositories and check all the dependencies in all packages for resolution. Print out the list of packages with unresolved dependencies %s [-c <config file>] [-a <arch>] [-r <repoid>] [-r <repoid2>] """ % sys.argv[0] parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-c", "--config", default='/etc/yum.conf', help='config file to use (defaults to /etc/yum.conf)') parser.add_option("-a", "--arch", default=[], action='append', help='check packages of the given archs, can be specified multiple ' + 'times (default: current arch)') parser.add_option("-b", "--builddeps", default=False, action="store_true", help='check build dependencies only (needs source repos enabled)') parser.add_option("-r", "--repoid", default=[], action='append', help="specify repo ids to query, can be specified multiple times (default is all enabled)") parser.add_option("-t", "--tempcache", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use a temp dir for storing/accessing yum-cache") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", default=0, action="store_true", help="quiet (no output to stderr)") parser.add_option("-n", "--newest", default=0, action="store_true", help="check only the newest packages in the repos") parser.add_option("--repofrompath", action="append", help="specify repoid & paths of additional repositories - unique repoid and complete path required, can be specified multiple times. Example. --repofrompath=myrepo,/path/to/repo") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() return (opts, args) class RepoClosure(yum.YumBase): def __init__(self, arch = [], config = "/etc/yum.conf", builddeps = False): yum.YumBase.__init__(self) self.logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.repoclosure") self.arch = arch self.builddeps = builddeps self.doConfigSetup(fn = config,init_plugins=False) if hasattr(self.repos, 'sqlite'): self.repos.sqlite = False self.repos._selectSackType() def evrTupletoVer(self,tuple): """convert and evr tuple to a version string, return None if nothing to convert""" e, v,r = tuple if v is None: return None val = '' if e is not None: val = '%s:%s' % (e, v) if r is not None: val = '%s-%s' % (val, r) return val def readMetadata(self): self.doRepoSetup() archs = [] if not self.arch: archs.extend(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList()) else: for arch in self.arch: archs.extend(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList(arch)) print "archs is: %s" % (archs) if self.builddeps and 'src' not in archs: archs.append('src') self.doSackSetup(archs) for repo in self.repos.listEnabled(): self.repos.populateSack(which=[repo.id], mdtype='filelists') def getBrokenDeps(self, newest=False): unresolved = {} resolved = {} if newest: pkgs = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch() else: pkgs = self.pkgSack mypkgSack = ListPackageSack(pkgs) pkgtuplist = mypkgSack.simplePkgList() if self.builddeps: pkgs = filter(lambda x: x.arch == 'src', pkgs) for pkg in pkgs: for (req, flags, (reqe, reqv, reqr)) in pkg.returnPrco('requires'): if req.startswith('rpmlib'): continue # ignore rpmlib deps ver = self.evrTupletoVer((reqe, reqv, reqr)) if resolved.has_key((req,flags,ver)): continue try: resolve_sack = self.whatProvides(req, flags, ver) except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: pass if len(resolve_sack) < 1: if not unresolved.has_key(pkg): unresolved[pkg] = [] unresolved[pkg].append((req, flags, ver)) continue if newest: resolved_by_newest = False for po in resolve_sack:# look through and make sure all our answers are newest-only if po.pkgtup in pkgtuplist: resolved_by_newest = True break if resolved_by_newest: resolved[(req,flags,ver)] = 1 else: if not unresolved.has_key(pkg): unresolved[pkg] = [] unresolved[pkg].append((req, flags, ver)) return unresolved def main(): (opts, cruft) = parseArgs() my = RepoClosure(arch = opts.arch, config = opts.config, builddeps = opts.builddeps) if opts.repofrompath: # setup the fake repos for repo in opts.repofrompath: repoid,repopath = tuple(repo.split(',')) if repopath[0] == '/': baseurl = 'file://' + repopath else: baseurl = repopath repopath = os.path.normpath(repopath) newrepo = yum.yumRepo.YumRepository(repoid) newrepo.name = repopath newrepo.baseurl = baseurl newrepo.basecachedir = my.conf.cachedir newrepo.metadata_expire = 0 newrepo.timestamp_check = False my.repos.add(newrepo) my.repos.enableRepo(newrepo.id) my.logger.info( "Added %s repo from %s" % (repoid,repopath)) if opts.repoid: for repo in my.repos.repos.values(): if repo.id not in opts.repoid: repo.disable() else: repo.enable() print "Repo %s enabled " % (repo.id) if os.geteuid() != 0 or opts.tempcache: cachedir = getCacheDir() if cachedir is None: my.logger.error("Error: Could not make cachedir, exiting") sys.exit(50) my.repos.setCacheDir(cachedir) if not opts.quiet: my.logger.info('Reading in repository metadata - please wait....') try: my.readMetadata() except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: my.logger.info(e) my.logger.info('Some dependencies may not be complete for this repository') my.logger.info('Run as root to get all dependencies or use -t to enable a user temp cache') if not opts.quiet: my.logger.info('Checking Dependencies') baddeps = my.getBrokenDeps(opts.newest) if opts.newest: num = len(my.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch()) else: num = len(my.pkgSack) repos = my.repos.listEnabled() if not opts.quiet: my.logger.info('Repos looked at: %s' % len(repos)) for repo in repos: my.logger.info(' %s' % repo) my.logger.info('Num Packages in Repos: %s' % num) pkgs = baddeps.keys() def sortbyname(a,b): return cmp(a.__str__(),b.__str__()) pkgs.sort(sortbyname) for pkg in pkgs: # my.logger.info('package: %s from %s\n unresolved deps: ' % (pkg, pkg.repoid)) for (n, f, v) in baddeps[pkg]: req = '%s' % n if f: flag = LETTERFLAGS[f] req = '%s %s'% (req, flag) if v: req = '%s %s' % (req, v) my.logger.info('package ;%s; from %s unresolved deps;%s' % (pkg, pkg.repoid,req)) # not using : for delimiter because epoch uses it 3:name if __name__ == "__main__": main()