Linux I/O port programming mini-HOWTO

        Author: Riku Saikkonen <>
        Last modified: Mar 30 1997

This document is Copyright 1995-1997 Riku Saikkonen. See the normal Linux
HOWTO COPYRIGHT for details.

This HOWTO document describes programming hardware I/O ports and waiting for
small periods of time in user-mode Linux programs running on an Intel x86
processor. This document is a descendant of the very small IO-Port
mini-HOWTO by the same author.

If you have corrections or something to add, feel free to e-mail me

Changes from the previous version (Aug 26 1996):
Author's e-mail address changed.
Ioperm() privileges are not transferred across fork()s, as I had thought.
Added pointers (URLs) to information on quite a few topics.
Other minor changes.

        I/O ports in C programs, the normal way

Routines for accessing I/O ports are in /usr/include/asm/io.h (or
linux/include/asm-i386/io.h in the kernel source distribution). The routines
there are inline macros, so it is enough to #include <asm/io.h>; you do not
need any additional libraries.

Because of a limitation in gcc (present at least in and below), you
_have to_ compile any source code that uses these routines with optimisation
turned on (gcc -O1 or higher), or alternatively #define extern to be
empty before #including <asm/io.h>.

For debugging, you can use "gcc -g -O" (at least with modern versions of
gcc), though optimisation can sometimes make the debugger behave a bit
strangely. If this bothers you, put the routines that use I/O port access in
a separate source file and compile only that with optimisation turned on.

Before you access any ports, you must give your program permission to do it.
This is done by calling the ioperm(2) function (declared in unistd.h, and
defined in the kernel) somewhere near the start of your program (before any
I/O port accesses). The syntax is ioperm(from,num,turn_on), where from is
the first port number to give access to, and num the number of consecutive
ports to give access to. For example, ioperm(0x300,5,1); would give access
to ports 0x300 through 0x304 (a total of 5 ports). The last argument is a
Boolean value specifying whether to give access to the program to the ports
(true (1)) or to remove access (false (0)). You may call ioperm() multiple
times to enable multiple non-consecutive ports. See the ioperm(2) manual
page for details on the syntax.

The ioperm() call requires your program to have root privileges; thus you
need to either run it as the root user, or make it setuid root. You can drop
the root privileges after you have called ioperm() to enable the ports you
want to use. You are not required to explicitly drop your port access
privileges with ioperm(...,0); at the end of your program, it is done
automatically as the program exits.

A setuid() to a non-root user does not disable the port access granted by
ioperm(), but a fork() does.

Ioperm() can only give access to ports 0x000 through 0x3ff; for higher
ports, you need to use iopl(2) (which gives you access to all ports at
once). Use the level argument 3 (i.e. "iopl(3);") to give your program
access to all I/O ports (so be careful -- accessing the wrong ports can do
all sorts of nasty things to your computer). Again, you need root privileges
to call iopl().

Then, to actually accessing the ports... To input a byte (8 bits) from a
port, call inb(port);, it returns the byte it got. To output a byte, call
outb(value, port); (notice the order of the parameters). To input a word (16
bits) from ports x and x+1 (one byte from each to form the word, just like
the assembler instruction INW), call inw(x);. To output a word to the two
ports, outw(value,x);. If you're unsure of which port instructions
(byte/word) to use, you probably want inb() and outb() -- most devices are
designed for bytewise port access. Note that all port instructions take at
least about a microsecond to execute.

The inb_p(), outb_p(), inw_p(), and outw_p() macros work otherwise
identically to the ones above, but they do an additional short (about one
microsecond) delay after the port access; you can make the delay four
microseconds by #defining REALLY_SLOW_IO before #including <asm/io.h>. These
macros normally (unless you #define SLOW_IO_BY_JUMPING, which probably isn't
accurate) use a port output to port 0x80 for their delay, so you need to
give access to port 0x80 with ioperm() first (outputs to port 0x80 should
not affect any part of the system). For more versatile methods of delaying,
read on.

There are man pages for ioperm(), iopl(), and the above macros in reasonably
recent releases of the Linux man-pages distribution.

        An alternate method for I/O port access

Another way to access I/O ports is to open() /dev/port (a character device,
major number 1, minor 4) for reading and/or writing (the stdio f*()
functions have internal buffering, so avoid them). Then lseek() to the
appropriate byte in the file (file position 0 = port 0, file position 1 =
port 1, and so on), and read() or write() a byte or word from or to it.

Of course, for this your program needs read/write access to /dev/port. This
method is probably slower than the normal method above, but does not need
optimisation nor ioperm() (nor root access, if you give a non-root user or
group access to /dev/port).

        Interrupts (IRQs) and DMA access

You cannot use IRQs or DMA directly from a user-mode program. You need to
write a kernel driver; see the Linux Kernel Hacker's Guide
(<URL:>) for details and
the kernel source code for examples.

You also cannot disable interrupts from within a user-mode program.

        High-resolution timing: Delays

First of all, I should say that you cannot guarantee user-mode processes to
have exact control of timing because of the multi-tasking, pre-emptive
nature of Linux. Your process might be scheduled out at any time for
anything from about 10 milliseconds to a few seconds (on a system with very
high load). However, for most applications using I/O ports, this does not
really matter. To minimise this, you may want to nice your process to a
high-priority value (see the nice(2) manual page).

If you want more precise timing than normal user-mode processes give you,
there are some provisions for user-mode `real time' support. Linux 2.x
kernels have soft real time support; see the man page for
sched_setscheduler(2) for details. There is a special kernel that supports
hard real time; see <URL:> for more
information on this.

Now, let me start with the easier timing calls. For delays of multiple
seconds, your best bet is probably to use sleep(3). For delays of at least
tens of milliseconds (about 10 ms seems to be the minimum delay), usleep(3)
should work. These functions give the CPU to other processes, so CPU time
isn't wasted. See the manual pages for details.

For delays of under about 50 milliseconds (depending on the speed of your
processor and machine, and the system load), giving up the CPU doesn't work
because the Linux scheduler usually takes at least about 10-30 milliseconds
before it returns control to your process. Due to this, in small delays,
usleep(3) usually delays somewhat more than the amount that you specify in
the parameters, and at least about 10 ms.

For short delays (tens of us to 50 ms or so), a versatile method is to
use udelay(), defined in /usr/include/asm/delay.h (linux/include/asm-i386/
delay.h). Udelay() takes the number of microseconds to delay (an unsigned
long) as its sole parameter, and returns nothing. It may take up to a few
microseconds more time than the parameter specifies because of the overhead
in the calculation of how long to wait (see delay.h for details).

To use udelay() outside of the kernel, you need to have the unsigned long
variable loops_per_sec defined with the correct value. As far as I know, the
only way to get this value from the kernel is to read /proc/cpuinfo for the
BogoMips value and multiply that by 500000 to get (an imprecise)

In the 2.0.x series of Linux kernels, there is a new system call,
nanosleep(2) (see the man page), that should allow you to sleep or delay for
short times. It uses udelay() for delays <= 2 ms if your process is set to
soft real time scheduling (using sched_setscheduler(2)), otherwise it sleeps
(like usleep()). You don't need a loops_per_sec variable to use nanosleep(),
the system call gets the value from the kernel.

Another way of delaying small numbers of microseconds is port I/O. Inputting
or outputting any byte from/to port 0x80 (see above for how to do it) should
wait for almost exactly 1 microsecond independent of your processor type and
speed. You can do this multiple times to wait a few microseconds. The port
output should have no harmful side effects on any standard machine (and some
kernel drivers use it). This is how {in|out}[bw]_p() normally do the delay
(see asm/io.h).

Actually, a port I/O instruction on most ports in the 0-0x3ff range takes
almost exactly 1 microsecond, so if you're, for example, using the parallel
port directly, just do additional inb()s from that port to delay.

If you know the processor type and clock speed of the machine the program
will be running on, you can hard-code shorter delays by running certain
assembler instructions (but remember, your process might be scheduled out at
any time, so the delays might well be longer every now and then). For the
table below, the internal processor speed determines the number of clock
cycles taken; e.g. for a 50 MHz processor (e.g. 486DX-50 or 486DX2-50), one
clock cycle takes 1/50000000 seconds.

Instruction   i386 clock cycles   i486 clock cycles
nop                   3                   1
xchg %ax,%ax          3                   3
or %ax,%ax            2                   1
mov %ax,%ax           2                   1
add %ax,0             2                   1
(sorry, I don't know about Pentiums; probably close to the i486)
(I cannot find an instruction which would use one clock cycle on an i386)

The instructions nop and xchg in the table should have no side effects. The
rest may modify the flags register, but this shouldn't matter since gcc
should detect it.

To use these, call asm("instruction"); in your program. Have the
instructions in the syntax in the table above; to have multiple instructions
in one asm(), asm("instruction ; instruction ; instruction");. The asm() is
translated into inline assembler code by gcc, so there is no function call

For Pentiums, you can get the number of clock cycles elapsed since the last
reboot with the following C code:
   extern __inline__ unsigned long long int rdtsc()
     unsigned long long int x;
     __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x));
     return x;

Shorter delays than one clock cycle are impossible in the Intel x86

        High-resolution timing: Measuring time

For times accurate to one second, it is probably easiest to use time(2). For
more accurate times, gettimeofday(2) is accurate to about a microsecond (but
see above about scheduling). For Pentiums, the code fragment above is
accurate to one clock cycle.

If you want your process to get a signal after some amount of time, use
setitimer(2). See the manual pages of the functions for details.

        Other programming languages

The description above concentrates on the C programming language. It should
apply directly to C++ and Objective C. In assembler, you have to call
ioperm() or iopl() as in C, but after that you can use the I/O port
read/write instructions directly.

In other languages, unless you can insert inline assembler or C code into
the program, it is probably easiest to write a simple C source file with
functions for the I/O port access you need, and compile and link it in with
the rest of your program. Or use /dev/port as described above.

        Some useful ports

Here is some programming information for common ports that can be directly
used for general-purpose TTL (or CMOS) logic I/O.

The parallel port (BASE = 0x3bc for /dev/lp0, 0x378 for /dev/lp1, and 0x278
for /dev/lp2): (if you only want to control something that acts like a
normal printer, see the Printing-HOWTO)

In addition to the standard output-only mode described below, there is an
`extended' bidirectional mode in most parallel ports. For information on
this and the newer ECP/EPP modes (and the IEEE 1284 standard in general),
see <URL:> and
<URL:>. Remember that since
you cannot use IRQs or DMA in a user-mode program, you will probably have to
write a kernel driver to use ECP/EPP; I think someone is writing such a
driver, but I don't know the details.

Port BASE+0 (Data port) controls the data signals of the port (D0 to D7 for
bits 0 to 7, respectively; states: 0 = low (0 V), 1 = high (5 V)). A write
to this port latches the data on the pins. A read returns the data last
written in standard or extended write mode, or the data in the pins from
another device in extended read mode.

Port BASE+1 (Status port) is read-only, and returns the state of the
following input signals:
Bits 0 and 1 are reserved.
Bit 2 IRQ status (not a pin, I don't know how this works)
Bit 3 ERROR (1=high)
Bit 4 SLCT (1=high)
Bit 5 PE (1=high)
Bit 6 ACK (1=high)
Bit 7 -BUSY (0=high)
(I'm not sure about the high and low states.)

Port BASE+2 (Control port) is write-only (a read returns the data last
written), and controls the following status signals:
Bit 0 -STROBE (0=high)
Bit 1 AUTO_FD_XT (1=high)
Bit 2 -INIT (0=high)
Bit 3 SLCT_IN (1=high)
Bit 4 enables the parallel port IRQ (which occurs on the low-to-high
transition of ACK) when set to 1.
Bit 5 controls the extended mode direction (0 = write, 1 = read), and is
completely write-only (a read returns nothing useful for this bit).
Bits 6 and 7 are reserved.
(Again, I am not sure about the high and low states.)

Pinout (a 25-pin female D-shell connector on the port) (i=input, o=output):
1io -STROBE, 2io D0, 3io D1, 4io D2, 5io D3, 6io D4, 7io D5, 8io D6, 9io D7,
10i ACK, 11i -BUSY, 12i PE, 13i SLCT, 14o AUTO_FD_XT, 15i ERROR, 16o -INIT,
17o SLCT_IN, 18-25 Ground

The IBM specifications say that pins 1, 14, 16, and 17 (the control outputs)
have open collector drivers pulled to 5 V through 4.7 kiloohm resistors
(sink 20 mA, source 0.55 mA, high-level output 5.0 V minus pullup). The rest
of the pins sink 24 mA, source 15 mA, and their high-level output is min.
2.4 V. The low state for both is max. 0.5 V. Non-IBM parallel ports probably
deviate from this standard. For more information on this, see

Finally, a warning: Be careful with grounding. I've broken several parallel
ports by connecting to them while the computer is turned on. It might be a
good thing to use a parallel port not integrated on the motherboard for
things like this. (You can usually get a second parallel port for your
machine with a cheap standard `multi-IO' card; just disable the ports that
you don't need, and set the parallel port address on the card to a free
address. You don't need to care about the parallel port IRQs, since they
aren't usually used.)

The game (joystick) port (ports 0x200-0x207): (for controlling normal
joysticks, there is a kernel-level joystick driver, see*)

Pinout (a 15-pin female D-shell connector on the port):
1,8,9,15: +5 V (power)
4,5,12: Ground
2,7,10,14: Digital inputs BA1, BA2, BB1, and BB2, respectively
3,6,11,13: Analog inputs AX, AY, BX, and BY, respectively

The +5 V pins seem to be connected directly to the power lines in the
motherboard, so they should be able to source quite a lot of power,
depending on the motherboard, power supply and game port.

The digital inputs are used for the buttons of the two joysticks (joystick A
and joystick B, with two buttons each) that you can connect to the port.
They should be normal TTL-level inputs, and you can read their status
directly from the status port (see below). A real joystick returns a low (0
V) status when the button is pressed and a high (the 5 V from the power pins
through an 1 Kohm resistor) status otherwise.

The so-called analog inputs actually measure resistance. The game port has a
quad one-shot multivibrator (a 558 chip) connected to the four inputs. In
each input, there is a 2.2 Kohm resistor between the input pin and the
multivibrator output, and a 0.01 uF timing capacitor between the
multivibrator output and the ground. A real joystick has a potentiometer for
each axis (X and Y), wired between +5 V and the appropriate input pin (AX or
AY for joystick A, or BX or BY for joystick B).

The multivibrator, when activated, sets its output lines high (5 V) and
waits for each timing capacitor to reach 3.3 V before lowering the
respective output line. Thus the high period duration of the multivibrator
is proportional to the resistance of the potentiometer in the joystick (i.e.
the position of the joystick in the appropriate axis), as follows:
   R = (t - 24.2) / 0.011,
where R is the resistance (ohms) of the potentiometer and t the high period
duration (seconds).

Thus, to read the analog inputs, you first activate the multivibrator (with
a port write; see below), then poll the state of the four axes (with
repeated port reads) until they drop from high to low state, measuring their
high period duration. This polling uses quite a lot of CPU time, and on a
non-realtime multitasking system like (normal) Linux, the result is not very
accurate because you cannot poll the port constantly (unless you use a
kernel-level driver and disable interrupts while polling, but this wastes
even more CPU time). If you know that the signal is going to take a long
time (tens of ms) to go down, you can call usleep() before polling to give
CPU time to other processes.

The only I/O port you need to access is port 0x201 (the other ports either
behave identically or do nothing). Any write to this port (it doesn't matter
what you write) activates the multivibrator. A read from this port returns
the state of the input signals:
Bit 0: AX (status (1=high) of the multivibrator output)
Bit 1: AY (status (1=high) of the multivibrator output)
Bit 2: BX (status (1=high) of the multivibrator output)
Bit 3: BY (status (1=high) of the multivibrator output)
Bit 4: BA1 (digital input, 1=high)
Bit 5: BA2 (digital input, 1=high)
Bit 6: BB1 (digital input, 1=high)
Bit 7: BB2 (digital input, 1=high)

The serial ports: If the device you're talking to supports something
resembling RS-232, you should be able to use the serial port to talk to it.
The Linux serial driver should be enough for almost all applications (you
shouldn't have to program the serial port directly; you'd probably have to
write a kernel driver to do that, anyway); it is quite versatile, so using
non-standard bps rates and so on shouldn't be a problem.

See the termios(3) man page, the serial driver source code
(/usr/src/linux/drivers/char/serial.c), and
<URL:> for more information on
programming serial ports on Unix systems.

If you want good analog I/O, you can wire up ADC and/or DAC chips to the
parallel port (hint: for power, use the game port connector or a spare disk
drive power connector wired to outside the computer case, unless you have a
low-power device and can use the parallel port itself for power), or buy an
AD/DA card (most of the slower ones are controlled by I/O ports). Or, if
you're satisfied with 1 or 2 channels, inaccuracy, and (probably) bad
zeroing, a cheap sound card supported by the Linux sound driver should do
(and it's pretty fast).

Another hint: If you're looking for printed circuit board design software
for Linux, there is a free X11 application called Pcb that should do a nice
job, at least if you aren't doing anything very complex. It is included in
many Linux distributions, and available in*.


Q1. I get segmentation faults when accessing ports.

A1. Either your program does not have root privileges, or the ioperm() call
    failed for some other reason. Check the return value of ioperm(). Also,
    check that you're actually accessing the ports that you enabled with
    ioperm() (see question 3).

Q2. I can't find the in*(), out*() functions defined anywhere, gcc complains
    about undefined references.

A2. You did not compile with optimisation turned on (-O), and thus gcc could
    not resolve the macros in asm/io.h. Or you did not #include <asm/io.h>
    at all.

Q3. out*() doesn't do anything, or does something weird.

A3. Check the order of the parameters; it should be outb(value,port), not
    outportb(port,value) as is common in MS-DOS.

Q4. I want to control a standard RS-232 device/parallel printer/joystick...

A4. You're probably better off using existing drivers (in the Linux kernel
    or an X server or somewhere else) to do it. The drivers are usually
    quite versatile, so even slightly non-standard devices usually work with
    them. See the information on standard ports above for pointers to
    documentation for them.

        Software example

Here's a piece of simple example code for I/O port access:

 * example.c: very simple example of port I/O
 * This code does nothing useful, just a port write, a pause,
 * and a port read. Compile with `gcc -O2 -o example example.c'.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <asm/io.h>

#define BASEPORT 0x378 /* lp1 */

int main()
  /* Get access to the ports */
  if (ioperm(BASEPORT,3,1)) {perror("ioperm");exit(1);}
  /* Set the data signals (D0-7) of the port to all low (0) */
  /* Sleep for a while (100 ms) */
  /* Read from the status port (BASE+1) and display the result */
  printf("status: %d\n",inb(BASEPORT+1));

  /* We don't need the ports anymore */
  if (ioperm(BASEPORT,3,0)) {perror("ioperm");exit(1);}


/* end of example.c */


Too many people have contributed for me to list, but thanks a lot, everyone.
I have not replied to all the contributions that I've received; sorry for
that, and thanks again for the help.

End of the Linux I/O port programming mini-HOWTO.