This directory contains various RaWrite programs that may be of use. [Note: I make no claim over the usability or compilability of any program listed here. Some I have I tried, none have I compiled.] DSKIMAGE has a nice TUI (windowed text user interface with status) [read or write disk images] (DOS and possibly Windows) FDIMAGE basic disk image writing program (DOS) writes a disk image to a floppy (from FreeBSD, replaces rawrite) RAREAD basic disk image reading program (DOS and possibly Windows) opposite of RAWRITE, creates the rawrite compatible disk image RAWRITE basic disk image writing program (DOS and possibly Windows) writes a disk image to a floppy (from FreeBSD, older utility) RWRTWIN [rawwritewin] has a nice GUI interface and should work with Windows NT4/NT5/NTXP/9x/Me (NOT DOS)