Attrib Ü ßßßßßßß Changes the attributes of a file. This command displays, sets, or removes the Read-Only, Archive, System, and Hidden attributes assigned to files or directories. Syntax: ATTRIB [+r|-r] [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [[drive:path] filename] [drive:][path]filename The name of the file whose attribute you want to change. +r Sets the read-only file attribute. -r Clears the read-only file attribute. +a Sets the archive file attribute. -a Clears the archive file attribute. +s Sets the file as a system file. -a Clears the system file attribute. +h Sets the file as a hidden file. -h Clears the hidden file attribute. Groups of files You can use wildcards (? and *) with the filename parameter to display or change the attributes for a group of files. If a file has the system or hidden attribute set, you must clear that attribute before you can change any other attributes for that file. Archive attributes The archive attribute (a) is used to mark files that have changed since they were backed up. Example: This example changes the file LOGON.EXE's attribute to Read Only. C:\>attrib +r logon.exe C:>_ You can type ATTRIB without parameters to display the attributes of all the files in the directory. Example: C:\>attrib A COUNTRY.TXT A NETWORKS.TXT R LOGON.EXE H KERNEL.SYS C:\>_ See Also: XCopy