Backup Ü

 Backs up files from one disk to another.  You can backup files onto
 either a hard disk or floppy disk(s).  Files can also be backed up
 from one floppy disk to another, even if the disks have different
 numbers of sides or sectors.

 Syntax: BACKUP source destination-drive: [/S] [/M] [/A] [/F:size]]
         [/D:date] [/T:time] [/L[:[drive:][path]logfile]]
        Specifies the location of files you want to backup.  Source can
        consist of a drive letter and colon, a directory name, a filename,
        or combination.
        Specifies the disk drive where you want to store backup files.
        Backup assigns the name BACKUP.001 and CONTROL.001 to the files
        it creates on the first backup disk you use, BACKUP.002 and
        CONTROL.002 to the files it creates on the second disk, and so on.
   /S  Backs up the contents of all subdirectories.
   /M  Backs up only files that have changed since the last backup, and
       turns off the archive attribute of the original files.
   /A  Adds backup files to an existing backup disk without deleting
       existing files.
       Formats the backup disk to the size specified.  With /F, you
       direct backup to format floppy disks that do not match the
       default drive size.  Size specifies the size, in kilobytes, of
       the disk to be formatted.  If you do not specify size, /F uses
       the drive's default size.  The following list shows the valid
       values for size and a brief description of each size:

       160 or 160k or 160kb
          160k, single-sided, double-density, 5¬-inch disk.
       180 or 180k or 180kb
          180k, single-sided, double-density, 5¬-inch disk.
       320 or 320k or 320kb
          320k, double-sided, double-density, 5¬-inch disk.
       360 or 360k or 360kb
          360k, double-sided, double-density, 5¬-inch disk.
       720 or 720k or 720kb
          720k, double-sided, double-density, 3«-inch disk.
       1200 or 1200k or 1.2 or 1.2m or 1.2mb
          1.2MB, double-sided, quadruple-density, 3«-inch disk.
       1440 or 1440k or 1.44 or 1.44m or 1.44mb
          1.44MB, double-sided, quadruple-density, 3«-inch disk.
       2880 or 2880k or 2.88 or 2.88m or 2.88mb
          2.88MB, double-sided, 3«-inch disk.

       Backs up only files modified on or after the specified date.
       Backs up only files modified at or after the specified time.  Do
       not use /T without /D.
       Creates a log file and adds an entry to that file to record the
       backup operation.  You should not specify a removable drive (such
       as a floppy disk) for this parameter, but once the backup is
       complete, you can copy the log file to a floppy disk.

 Backing up onto a disk with files
 Unless you use /A, backup deletes old files from a backup disk before
 adding new files.

 Backup log file
 If you use /L and do not specify a filename and location for the log
 file, backup adds a file named BACKUP.LOG to the source drive root
 directory.  If BACKUP.LOG already exists, backup adds the current
 entry to the file.  A backup log-file entry uses the following format:
 the date and time of the backup appear on the first line, and each
 filename appears on a separate line with the number of the backup disk
 that contains the file.

 Labeling backup disks
 Label and number backup disks consecutively.  When you restore files,
 you need to insert the backup disks into the disk drive in the same
 sequence as they were filled.

 Using backup with networks or redirected drives
 If you are sharing files across a network, you can back up only those
 files to which you have access.  Do not use backup with a drive that
 has been redirected with the assign, join, or subst command.  If you do,
 the restore command may not be able to restore the files.

 See Also: