Call Ü

 Calls one batch program from another.

 Syntax: CALL [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameters]
     Specifies the batch program you want to call.  Filename
     extension must be .BAT.

     Specifies any command-line information required by the batch

 Using batch-parameters
 Batch-parameters can contain any information that you can pass to a
 batch program, including switches, filenames, the replaceable parameters
 %1 through %9, and variables such as %baud%.

 Using pipes and redirection symbols
 Do not use pipes and redirection symbols with the call command.

 Making a recursive call
 You can create a batch program that calls itself, however, you must
 provide an exit condition.  Otherwise, the parent and child batch
 programs will loop endlessly.

 To call the file RUNPROG.BAT, that accepts switchable parameters, use
 the following command:

   call runprog.bat %1 %2