Debug Ü

 Starts the Debug program, which you can use to test and debug executable

 Syntax: DEBUG [[[d:]path]file]

      The name of a debugger script file.  The debugger should allow
      the user to specify a file name to load by the script file.

 Debug commands
   A   Assembles the instructions at a particular address
   C   Compares two memory ranges
   D   Displays the contents of the memory
   E   Enters new or modifies old memory contents
   F   Fills a range in memory
   G   Executes a program in memory
   H   Adds and subtracts two hex values
   I   Inputs and displays a byte from a port
   L   Loads disk data into memory
   M   Copies a range of memory values
   N   Names a file to load or create
   O   Outputs a byte to a port
   P   Proceeds with execution to the next memory instruction
   Q   Quits Debug
   R   Displays (and changes) contents of registers and flags
   S   Searches for characters
   T   Traces execution of memory code
   U   Unassembles hex bytes into assembler instructions
   W   Writes memory data to disk
   XA  Allocates expanded memory
   XD  De-allocaes expanded memory
   XM  Maps logical pages onto physical ones
   XS  Displays expanded memory status

 This program will read any keystroke and make it easy for you to test
 whether or not that key was typed during a batch file's execution:

 Create the file keyscan.scr
   A 100
   MOV AH,0
   INT 16
   MOV AH,4C
   INT 21


 Then type at the command prompt:

   C:\>debug < keyscan.scr