Defrag �

 Reorganizes the files on a disk to optimize disk performance.

 Syntax: DEFRAG [drive:] [/A] [/B] [/BW] [/F] [/FO] [/Sorder[-]] [/U] [/X]

   [drive:]  Specifies the drive you want to optimize.
   /A        Prompts you with a beep when Defrag wants your input.
   /B        Restarts the computer after optimization.
   /BW       Starts Defrag using a black and white color scheme.
   /F        Fully optimizes specified drive.
   /FO       Full textual output.
   /S        Sort files in a specific order:
                N  by Name (alphabetic)
                E  by Extension (alphabetic)
                D  by Date and Time (earliest first)
                S  by Size (smallest first)
                -  suffix to sort in descending order.
   /U        Unfragments files, possibly leaving space between files.
   /X        Automatically exits after optimizing.

 Defragmenting Disks
 Over time, as programs read from and write to a hard disk, information
 stored on the disk can become fragmented - that is, files are stored in
 noncontiguous sectors.  Fragmentation doesn't affect the validity of the
 information - the files are still complete when they are opened.  But it
 takes much longer for the computer to read and write fragmented files
 than it does for unfragmented files.

 Disk Defragmenter does not work with compressed drives created with most
 compression software from other vendors (such as those compressed with
 SuperStor), read-only drives, locked drives, network drives, FFS drives, or
 drives created with ASSIGN, SUBST, or JOIN.