Devicehigh Ü ßßßßßßßßßßß Loads device drivers into the upper memory area, which frees more bytes of conventional memory for other programs. Syntax: DEVICEHIGH size=hexsize [drive:][path]filename [x-parameters] [drive:][path]filename Specifies the location and name of the device driver you want to load into upper memory. [x-parameters] Specifies any command-line information required by the device driver. hexsize Specifies the minimum amount of memory (hexadecimal number of bytes) that must be available before devicehigh attempts to load a device driver into upper memory. Using the dos=umb command To use devicehigh, you must also include the dos=umb command in your CONFIG.SYS file. Otherwise, all device drivers are loaded into conventional memory, as you had used the device command. Installing FDXMS.SYS and a UMB provider Before you can load a device driver into the upper memory area, you must use the device command to instal the FDXMS.SYS device driver and then again to install an upper-memory-block (UMB) provider. These commands must appear before the devicehigh command in your CONFIG.SYS file. If your computer has an 80386 or 80486 processor, you can use EMM386.EXE as the UMB provider. IF your computer has a different processor, you must supply a different UMB provider. One some computers, you might even be able to use FDXMS.SYS itself as the UMB provider. Specifying a size limit If the device driver you specify on the devicehigh command line attempts to allocate more buffer space than is available for a block of upper memory, your system may lock up. Try using the hexsize parameter to avoid this problem. In hexsize, indicate, in hexadecimal format, the amount of memory the device driver needs. To find this value for a particular device driver, load the driver into conventional memory and use the mem /d command. This method is usually effective. If no upper memory area is available If there is not enough upper memory to load the device driver specified with devicehigh, FreeDOS will load it into conventional memory (as if you had used the device command). See Also: Device Loadhi Mem