Emm386 Ü

 The expanded memory manager (EMM) for 386 systems (or better).

 Syntax: EMM386 [on|off|auto] [w=on|w=off]
   on | off
      Turn expanded memory support on or off.  Default=on.
      Only support expanded memory when a program asks for it.
   w=on | w=off
      Enables or disables support for the Wietek coprocessor.

 Installing the EMM386.EXE device driver
 You must use the device command to install the EMM386.EXE device driver
 before you can use the emm386 command.  If you try to use the emm386
 command on a computer that does not have an 80386 or higher processor,
 FreeDOS displays an error message.

 Reactivating EMM386 expanded-memory support
 If EMM386.EXE was loaded when FreeDOS started but is not currently in
 use, the on parameter reactivaes expanded-memory options.

 Suspending EMM386 expanded-memory support
 If EMM386 expanded-memory support is currently active, handle 0 is
 the only handle allocated, and EMM386.EXE is not providing access to
 the upper memory area, then the off parameter suspends EMM386 expanded-
 memory support.  When EMM386 expanded-memory support is off, the
 Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification (LIM EMS) header
 is changed so that programs cannot use expanded memory.

 Enabling and disabling Weitek coprocessor support
 If the w=on parameter is specified and the off parameter (different
 from the w=off parameter) is not, EMM386 enables Weitek coprocessor
 support.  The high memory area (HMA) must be available to enable
 Weitek coprocessor support.

 If you specify w=on or w=off and no Weitek coprocessor is installed,
 FreeDOS displays the following error message:

   Weitek Coprocessor not installed