Join Ü ßßßßß Join a drive to a directory on another drive. Syntax: JOIN [drive1:[drive2:] path] JOIN drive: /D drive1: Specifies the floppy disk drive or logical drive that you want to join to a different drive and directory. drive2: Specifies the floppy disk drive or logical drive to which you want to join drive1. path Specifies the directory to which you want to join drive1. This directory must be empty before you join drive1 to it. It cannot be the root directory. /D Delete this join definition. Using other commands with join The following commands do not work, and should not be used, on drives used in the join command: assign diskcopy format sys chkdsk fdisk label diskcomp format mirror Using join with no parameters Use the join command with no parameter to display a list of the currently joined drives. Example: You can join any directory or subdirectory in a tree structure. For example, the following commands are valid: join j: c:\stuff join j: c:\stuff\myprogs To reverse either of the previous join commands, type the drive1 value followed by the /D switch as follows: join j: /d See Also: Assign Subst