Loadhi Ü

 Loads a program into the upper memory area, which leaves more room in
 conventional memory for other programs.

 Syntax: LOADHIGH [drive:][path]filename [parameters]
         LH [drive:][path]filename [parameters]

      Specifies the location and name of the program you want to load.

      Specifies any command line information required by the program.

 Dos=umb command required
 To use loadhigh, you must include the DOS=UMB command in CONFIG.SYS.

 Upper Memory Area manager must be installed
 Before you can load a program into upper memory, you must install an
 upper-memory-area manager.  FreeDOS provides EMM386.EXE, which
 manages the upper memory area for computers with an 80386 or higher
 processor.  Before you install EMM386.EXE, install the FDXMS.SYS
 extended-memory manager.  Use the device command in CONFIG.SYS to
 install FDXMS.SYS and EMM386.EXE.  These commands must appear before
 the loadhigh command.

 How loadhigh works
 If you use loadhigh to load a program, FreeDOS attempts to load it into
 upper memory.  If there is insufficient space, FreeDOS loads it into
 conventional memory.  FreeDOS does not indicate which memory area is

 See Also: