Rmdir Ü

 Removes a directory.  The directory must be empty except for the "."
 and ".." symbols.

 Syntax: RMDIR [drive:]directory
         RD [drive:]directory
     Specifies the directory that is going to be removed.

 Deleting the current directory
 You cannot remove the directory you are currently in.

 Cannot delete directory with hidden or system files
 You cannot delete a directory that contains files, including hidden or
 system files.  If you attempt to do so, FreeDOS displays the following

    Invalid path, not directory,
    or directory not empty

 Use the dir command to list hidden and system files and the attrib
 command to remove hidden and system attributes from files.

   C:\>md TEST                 This example works.
   C:\>rd TEST

   C:\>md TEST                 This example does not work.
   C:\>cd TEST
   C:\TEST>rd TEST

 See Also: