Replace Ü ßßßßßßßß Replaces files in a destination directory with files in a source directory that have the same name. You can also use replace to add unique filenames to the destination directory. Syntax: REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/A] [/P] [/W] drive1:[path1]filename Specifies the location of the name of the source file or set of files. drive2:[path2] Specifies the location of the destination file. You cannot specify a filename for the files you replace. If you specify neither a drive nor a directory, replace uses the current drive and directory as the destination. /A Adds new files to the destination directory instead of replacing existing files. /P Prompts you for confirmation before replacing a destination file or adding a source file. /R Replaces read-only and unprotected files. /W Waits for you to insert a disk before replace begins to search for source files. /U Replaces (updates) only those files on the destination directory that are older than those in the source directory. You cannot use the /A switch with the /U switch. Replace messages As replace adds or replaces files, FreeDOS displays their filenames on the screen. Replacing files on a floppy disk system If you have a floppy disk system and need to switch disks during the replace operation, specify the /W switch so that replace will wait for you to switch disks, as necessary. Limitations You cannot use replace to update hidden or system files such as KERNEL.SYS. Example: To replace all versions of a file named PHONE.LST with the latest version of a the file from the disk in drive A, type: replace A:\phone.lst C:\