Set Ü

 Displays, sets, or removes FreeDOS environment variables.

 You use environment variables to control the behavior of some batch files
 and programs and to control the way FreeDOS appears and works.  The set
 command is often used in the AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files to set
 environment variables each time you start FreeDOS.

 Syntax: SET [variable=[string]]
      Specifies the environment-variable name you want to modify.
      Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.

 Using set without parameters
 You can use set without parameters to display the current list of
 environment variables.

 Using set  in batch files
 You can use the set command in batch files to create variables and use
 them in the same way you would use the numbered variables \%0 through
 \%9.  You can also use the variables \%0 through \%9 as input for set.

 Calling set from a batch file
 When you call a variable value from a batch file, you must enclose it
 with percent signs.  If your batch file creates an environment variable
 named Password, you can use the string associated with Password as a
 replaceable parameter by inserting %password% on the command line.

 To set an environment variable named Compiler so that the string
 C:\COMP (the compiler directory on drive C) is associated with it, type
 the following:

    set compiler=c:\comp

 See Also: