Shift Ü ßßßßßß Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file. Syntax: SHIFT How the shift command works Shift changes the values of the replaceable parameters %0 through %9, by copying each parameter into the previous one. In other words, the value of %1 is copied to %0, the value %2 is copied to %1, and so on. Working with more than 10 command-line paramters You can also use shift to create a batch file that can accept more than 10 parameters. If you specify more than 10 parameters on the command line, those that appear after the tenth (%9) will be shifted one at a time into %9. Example: { File jcopy.bat } @ECHO OFF rem This copies any number of files to a directory. rem The command copies this syntax: rem jcopy dir file1 file2 ... set todir=%1 :getfile shift if "%1"=="" goto end copy %1 %todir% goto getfile :end set todir= echo All Done...