DOG Documentation
Command line Syntax
DOG [-P[[:]envsize]¦-E:envsz¦-C command line]
- -P - Makes DOG a PERMANENT shell. Using this flag will also result in the
execution of in the current directory.
- -E envsz - Makes the environment to (envsz / 16) 16 bit pages.
- -C command line - Executes the command line and exits.
The internal commands are:
The external commands are:
Syntax: BR [ON¦OFF]
- ON - Set DOS Break flag to ON (check for break on all DOS calls).
- OFF - Set DOS Break flag to OFF (check for break only when
reading/writing stdin/stdout/stderr).
Effect: Toggles the DOS Break flag. In case no parameters are given
it returns the Break Flag
NOT implemented yet
Syntax: CC [CodePage]
- CodePage - The new codepage to use for characters.
- - cc without Args returns the codepages availabe, and shows the active.
Effect: Changes the current codepage to CodePage.
Syntax: CD [Path]
- Path - The destination path. The .. directory can be appended directly
to cd like in DOS.
Every dot over the first two will be iterpeted as one more parrent directory;
thus .... is equal to ..\..\..
- - cd without Args returns the current directory.
Effect: Changes the current directory to Path.
Note: Directories are executable. This means that you do not have
to write CD in order to change directory.
Syntax: CL
Effect: Clears the screen. Works on 50 lines/page screens too.
Syntax: CP src trg
- src - The file you want to copy. The * and ? wildcards
are NOT OK.
- trg - Path to the target file or directory.
Effect: Copies the source file to trg.
Note: This command is not ready yet.
Syntax: CT Device
- Device - the name of the device that io is set to. Eg. CON, AUX, NUL...
Effect: Changes the current IO terminal to Device.
Syntax: EH text
Effect: Print a (formatted) string to stdio (normally the screen). EH
by itself wil put a new line.
Note: You can have many strings, they will be separated by one space
regardless of what kind of whitespace you specify on the command line
Syntax: HH
Effect: Prints all DOG commands, and names.
Syntax: LS [arg_list] [search pattern]
- The args can be given in any order.
- arg_list can be any of the following args.
- -a - Any file Attribute
- -d - Directories Only
- -f - Files Only
- -h - help text
- -l - show volume label
- -? - syntax
- search pattern - a list of filenames to find. The * and
? wildcards are OK.
Effect: List files according to switches and search pattern.
Syntax: MD <dir>
- dir - Name or Path of new directory.
Effect: Creates a new directory as in COMMAND.COM.
Syntax: MV <old_name> <new_name>
- old_name - The path to the file you want to change. * and ? are OK
- new_name - The path to the new filename. * and ? are OK
Effect: Renames (or moves) a fiile.
Syntax: RD <dir>
- dir - Name or path of EMPTY directory to remove.
Effect: Removes a directory as in COMMAND.COM.
Syntax: RM <list>
- list - A space separated list of files you want to delete.
No more multiple commands to delete *.BK! *.BKP etc files!
Effect: Delete files as per the COMMAND.COM DEL/DELETE command.
Syntax: SE [env_var=[string]]
- env_var - the name of the environment variable. The name is UPPERCASED
Predefines ones are:
- PATH - A ; separated list of directories that are searched
in to find a program.
- PROMPT - The string may consist of normal text and
these special characters
- $$ - the $ sign.
- $_ OR $S - space
- $b - vertical bar ( ¦ )
- $e - The ESC character (ASCII 27 = 1b in hex)
- $h - Backspace (deletes a char)
- $l - Left angle ( < )
- $g - Right angle ( > )
- $n - New line
- $r - Carriage return
- $t - Tabulator
- $p - Current drive and path
- $c OR $T - Current time.
- $d OR $D - Current Date.
- COMSPEC - Path to DOG
- string - The value that env_var should have.
Effect: Sets the specified env_var to string in the environment.
Without arguments the command prints all env_vars to the screen.
Syntax: SZ [-k¦-m] [path]
- -k - give sizes in kb
- -m - give sizes in Mb
- path - the directory or file you want to know the size of. Wildcards * and
? ar OK.
Effect: Prints the size of the files in the current directory, or in path.
Syntax: TP file_list
- file_list - A space separated list of filenames.
Effect: Types the contents of the files in file_list to stdout.
Syntax: VF [ON¦OFF]
- ON - Set the DOS Verify flag to ON
- OFF - Set the DOS Verify flag to OFF
Effect: If ON or OFF specified sets Verify flag to this value,
else returns the current setting.
Syntax: VR
Effect: Prints the DOG and DOS version. Interprets OS/2 and IBM version
correctly, also detects Window$ and FreeDOS and DOSEmu.
Syntax: XX
Effect: Exit the current DOG shell. Works only if the shell is not
a primary shell.