NEWS.TXT News: Current Stable Production Release: 1.01 Future changes planned for Version 2.0: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO-DO: Add international language support. Future changes planned before Version 1.20: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO-DO: Investigate the possibility of resetting the boot sector bytes 510 and 511 to 0x00 instead of filling the boot boot sector(s) with 0xf6 when creating a partition. This would make a file system easier to repair if a drive was accidentally fdisked. Next Version: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.11 TODO Fixed several overflow bugs, in the user interfacing routines, that displayed invalid numbers when using the program with extremely large hard drives. TODO Fixed a bug that prevented option 5 from being displayed, ????? on the main menu, when more than one physical drive exists. Current Version: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.10 This release and all future releases of Free FDISK will be identifiable as production or beta software by the tenths place of the version number. For example, version 1.1 would be a beta release, version 1.2 would be a production release, version 1.313a would be a beta release, etc. Started utilizing CATS 3.96 for international language support. International language support will be completed in a future release. Tom Ehlert has ported BootEasy to NASM. The bootcode.h file is no longer used. Added a define statement, and additional code, that can be used to turn on various text messages indicating that a release is a beta version. The /MBR switch writes the standard boot loader and the /BMBR switch writes the BootEasy boot loader. Version History: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.04 Not a public release. 7/10/2002 Bug fixes for version 1.03, submitted by Tom Ehlert. Version 1.03 Not a public release. 6/20/2002 More changes submitted by Tom Ehlert. A new bootloader has been written, by Tom Ehlert, that boots the active partition. Version 1.02 Not a public release. 4/11/2002 Floating point variables have been removed, by Tom Ehlert. As a result, the size of the compressed executable has been reduced by approximately 10k. Tom Ehlert has also modified the help system such that if the help information has been redirected to a file, the /nopause switch is no longer necessary to prevent the redirected text from being paused. Miscellaneous code modifications and optimizations by Tom Ehlert. Tom Ehlert has also cleaned up some of the source code through the use of pointers to structures instead of utilizing the raw structures. Version 1.01 Due to the danger of the /CLEAR and /CLEARALL commands, 4/9/2002 the drive number is now a required parameter with these two commands. If the drive number is not entered, the program will abort. If the program aborts, an error level 9 is returned. The program will now abort if a size >0 is not specified when using the /PRI, /PRIO, /LOG, LOGO, and /EXT commands. If the program aborts, an error level 9 is returned. Added the CHECKEXTRA option to the fdisk.ini file. By disabling this feature, Free FDISK will no longer check for an extra cylinder of drive space past the reported end of the drive. This option was added to accomodate hard drives with a flaw in the firmware and defaults to ON. Version 1.01 Not a public release Pre 1 3/22/2002 Fixed a bug that resulted in FAT32 partitions being formatted at a former partition size and not at the current partition size. This was due to the backup boot sector not being cleared when the drive was repartitioned. Fixed many "one-off" bugs in the Determine_Free_Space() function. Modified the partition creation functions to more aggressively utilize all of the space on a hard disk. Version 1.0 Fixed a bug that resulted in option 5, on the main menu, not 11/20/2001 being displayed if a second drive is being emulated. Fixed a bug that created partitions that were larger than the allowed size, for the partition type. Fixed a bug that resulted in an incorrect size, of an emulated drive, being displayed when the version <= 6. Fixed a bug that displayed an incorrect maximum available space if 4 GB FAT 16 partition support was enabled. Version 1.0 Added the ALLOW_4GB_FAT16 statement to the fdisk.ini file. Release Setting this to TRUE allows 4GB FAT16 partitions to be Candidate 2 created. 9/21/2001 Changed the FD VERSION to default to W95. This brings Free FDISK up to date with the latest FreeDOS kernel without FAT32. Added 77-79 as QNX partition types. Renamed the part.ini file to fdiskpt.ini. Added an /XO command line option, to allow you to run the Interactive User Interface with extended options without having to modify the environment or the fdisk.ini file. Added an /MONO command line option that allows the user to run Free FDISK in monochrome mode without having to modify the environment or the fdisk.ini file. Modified the command line support such that multiple switches can be used before the Interactive User Interface is started. Added the /XO and /MONO options to the online help screens. Changed the disk drive letter determination code such that the first active partition is assigned as C: drive. Changed the code that determines the hard disk parameters such that it first determines the number of hard drives available and only scans up to that number. If an error is encountered, it will stop scanning hard disks. This should fix a problem that has been reported where some BIOS's do not always report an error if a hard drive doesn't exist. Added a /CLEARALL command line option that replaces the /CLEAR option. The /CLEARALL option clears the entire MBR/Partition Table sector. The /CLEAR option now only removes the partition tables. It leaves the MBR intact. Changed the online help to reflect the changes to /CLEAR and addition of /CLEARALL Fixed some bugs in the command-line processing system. The /MODIFY command-line command will now modify partitions in the extended partition should have done this before; but, it didn't. The hidden partitions, with the hide/unhide functions are now located starting at an offset of 0x10. Removed the FDISK hidden partition types from the fdiskpt.ini file. The list partition types screen now displays "Press Any Key to continue" in order to continue listing partition types. The "/?" command-line function, without the /nopause switch, no longer accesses the hard drives. Version 1.0 Fixed several "one-off" type bugs that resulted in partition Release table errors. Candidate 1 2/12/2001 Fixed a problem that resulted in a "syntax error" message being displayed when the drive number is entered on the command line. Empty partition table slots no longer have values in the head and sector fields, on LBA drives. Fixed the sizing problem for FAT12 partitions. Add documentation for the /MOVE and /SWAP commands to the help screens. Fixed the bug that sometimes causes a divide by 0 error, when attempting to delete a non-dos partition, in the extended partition table. Minor bug fixes. Debugging code and functions can now be excluded, when compiling Free FDISK. See the main.h file, for details. This release has been compiled without debugging code. Version 0.99B Added the /MOVE:, 11/6/2000 command. This command moves the partition information from one slot to another, in the primary partition table. Added the /SWAP:, command. This command exchanges the partition information between 2 slots, in the primary partition table. Fixed a bug that prevented the last command, in the command line, from being processed under some circumstances. Removed the Calculate_Partition_Ending_Cylinder() function. Partitions are now created by the number of cylinders in order to simplify calculations. Added a function to compute the number of cylinders in a given space. (long Number_Of_Cylinders(unsigned long size); ) Tweaked the Determine_Free_Space() function in order to fine tune the computed space available in the primary partition table. The bug that caused tiny, 1 cylinder long, free spaces on the hard disk has been fixed as a result of the above 2 changes. Some clean-up of the source code. Simplified the pdiskio.c library so that it is easier to add to other programs. Minor user interface changes. Version 0.99A Fixed a bug that returned a syntax error when trying to 8/25/2000 delete partitions from the command line, under some circumstances. Fixed a bug which allowed only FAT16 partitions to be displayed in the extended partition, while using the /INFO command. Now properly displays values for hard drives over 64GB in size. Changed source files to .C extensions. Cleaned up source code. With the exception of pdiskio.c, the source code has been broken up into sections less than 64kb in size. Modified the makefile, sent to me by Jim Hall, to work with my compiler and the changes I make made to the source code modules. If you have Borland Turbo C++ 3.0, you can now compile Free FDISK my typing "make all" from the command line. Changed the default for SET_ANY_ACT to TRUE. Version 0.99 Fixed a minor bug that computed the size of an LBA accessed 7/18/2000 hard disk to be slightly larger than what it actually is. If drive C: is located in the extended partition table it is now possible to delete it. Changed the default VERSION to W98. Minor changes to the information flags displayed at the top of the screen when XO=ON. Added an information flag (when XO=ON) to indicate whether the partition lookup table is internal or external. Added an EIPTLT option to the fdisk.ini file to allow a user to select whether or not the Enhanced Internal Partition Type Lookup Table is desired. The Enhanced Internal Partition Lookup Table will be added for the next release of Free FDISK. Version 0.99 Removed the automatic version checking code including the Release AUTO_VER and the VERSION_CHK statements in the fdisk.ini Candidate 1 file. 6/27/2000 Modified the Get_Hard_Drive_Parameters() function to correct the bug that caused Free FDISK to obtain incorrect hard disk geometry information on some PC's. Added the capability to set the FLAG_SECTOR value, in the fdisk.ini file, to 0 to disable the sector flagging feature. If the FLAG_SECTOR value, in the fdisk.ini file, is set to 256 then the last sector in the first cylinder will be used as the flag sector. Fixed a bug that caused the program to enter an infinite loop while reading the environment. Version 0.98 Re-added all the command line functions listed in the help.txt Final Release file. 4/18/2000 Added the capability to process multiple command line arguments with the limit of 20 switches and the drive number on a command line. i.e. "fdisk 2 /clear /pri:20 /spec:18 /pri:100 /ext:100,100 /log:20 /log:20 /log:50,100 /log:100,100" Works with drive 2, clears the partition table, creates a 20MB diagnostic partition, creates a 100MB FAT partition, creates an extended partition that uses up the rest of the available space, creates 2 20MB logical drives, creates a logical drive that uses 50% of the available space left in the extended partition, and creates a logical drive that uses up the rest of the space in the extended partition. Note: Only one drive can be modified per command line. Added the "D_CMD_ARG" debugging function to the fdisk.ini to help debug the command line functions. Updated the help screens. If the command-line functions are used, the drive number no longer has to be the second argument on the command line. The drive number (if used) can now be anywhere on the line. If no drive number is entered, Free FDISK defaults to the first hard disk. Removed the remains of the old command line parsing code. Modified the flag functions such that each flag has 64 different possible values. The error levels returned by /testflag has also changed as follows: 20 Flag is not set to tested value 21 Flag is set to tested value 30-94 Flag value + 30. The syntax of used for the /testflag function determines whether a "true or false" (error levels 21 and 20) type response or an actual flag value (error levels 30-94) is returned. Fixed a bug that requires that the delete key needs pressed before "M" is pressed, at the main menu, if "A" has been previously pressed...and vice versa. The was only a problem when "XO" was enabled in the fdisk.ini file. If LBA partitions are detected on the hard disk and the VERSION emulation is not set to support the partition type(s) detected, Free FDISK displays a screen asking if the user wants the VERSION changed appropriately for this session. If the VERSION is not changed to support LBA, LBA partitions exist, and a partition is created drive corruption may result. Added the AUTO_VER statement to the fdisk.ini file. If AUTO_VER is set to "ON", LBA partitions are found on a hard disk, and the VERSION set does not support LBA, Free FDISK will automatically increase the VERSION to W95 to support LBA partition types. If AUTO_VER is set to "OFF", and the above conditions apply, the user will be asked if Free FDISK can change the VERSION. Added the VERSION_CHK statement to the fdisk.ini file. If this statement is set to "ON" then Free FDISK will check for LBA partitions on the drive and (depending upon the setting for AUTO_VER) attempt to determine whether the VERSION should be changed to W95. If the VERSION_CHK statement is set to "OFF" then Free FDISK will use the VERSION set in the fdisk.ini file, the VERSION set in the environment, or the default VERSION setting. Fixed a bug that, on some computers, displayed option 5 on the main menu when there was only one hard disk. Further modularized the source code to allow the easy re-use of the interrupt 0x13 functions (including LBA support) and the partition table accessing functions. Added a header file, for each code module, to simplify source code maintenance. Added the capability to force the total C/H/S values for a hard disk by adding the values to the fdisk.ini file. See the documentation in the file for details. Minor changes to the interactive user interface. Version 0.98 Added code to pre-enter default values when creating Pre 2 partitions. 3/3/2000 Now checks for the LANG= setting in the environment. At this time, the program does not make use of this setting. Now displays the Free FDISK version number when VERSION=FD in the fdisk.ini file. Re-Wrote the command-line parsing routine. Some commands still have to be added. Please see the help.txt file for details. The descriptions of command-line options displayed when the help screens are displayed are currently incorrect and will be corrected in the final release of version 0.98. Many command-line options have been changed--all command-line options now have a uniform structure. Fixed a bug that occasionally caused Free FDISK to terminate stating that there is a problem with a line of the part.ini file when no problem exists. "TRUE" and "FALSE" can be used in place of "ON" and "OFF" in the fdisk.ini file or in the environment settings. Re-added support for the D_LBA option in the fdisk.ini file. This option will assist in the debugging of problems that appear to be related to interrupt 0x13 extension issues. Added the capability to delete non-dos partitions in the extended partition table. This option has to be enabled in the fdisk.ini file by setting the DEL_ND_LOG option to TRUE. It also is available if Free FDISK is used in the extended options mode. Added an optional option to abort Free FDISK without saving changes if the user changes his or her mind. This has to be enabled in the fdisk.ini file. It also appears if Free FDISK is used in the extended options mode. Fixed a bug that incorrectly read the volume label of FAT32 partitions from the same location as FAT12/16 partitions. Adjusted the user interface for the modification of partitions, when using "extended options," so that it is more user friendly. Added all MBR handling functions to the interactive user interface when XO is set to ON in the fdisk.ini file. Created an option to list all possible partition ID codes and descriptions while in the partition modification screen when Free FDISK is in extended options mode. Changed the Clear_Screen() function to code written by Ralf Quint. Changed the Determine_Color_Video_Support() function to code written by Ralf Quint. Added a COLOR statement to the fdisk.ini file. This allows users some capability to change the screen colors. Minor bug fixes. Added the SET_ANY_ACT statement to the fdisk.ini file. This setting overrides the partition type checking, that is performed when the user tries to set a partition active, with the result being that the user can make any primary partition active. The default for this option is FALSE. If Free FDISK is executed in extended options mode then this option defaults to TRUE. Fixed a bug that prevented some DOS partition types from being set active. Added the capability to modify the attributes of the logical drives in the extended partition when using the "extended options." Added support for the /PRIO switch. This command forces Free FDISK to create FAT-16 partitions from the command prompt. This switch only applies if the fdisk.ini file has the VERSION set to W95B or W98. Added support to scan the environment for configuration settings. The configuration settings in the environment are the same as those in the fdisk.ini file, except that "FFD_" is placed before the environment settings, and debugging options are not supported. i.e. SET FFD_VERSION=W95B Note: The configuration settings set in the environment will override the settings in the fdisk.ini file. Removed all destructive partition resizing capability. Version 0.98 Fixed a bug that resulted in the partitions overlapping in Pre 1 the primary partition table, by one cylinder, under certain 1/15/2000 circumstances. Fixed an obscure bug in the Determine_Free_Space() function that, in very rare cases, would result in overlapping partitions when creating partitions. 3rd Re-write of the function that computes the ending cylinder of a partition when a partition is created. Tested and works under MS-Windows 98 2nd Edition. Added support for LBA partitions and hard drives > 8.2GB. Floating point emulation is now compiled in the code in order to utilize numbers up to 64 bits in size. Increased some variable sizes so they can handle values that are computed with larger capacity hard disks. Non-DOS partitions are now displayed in the extended partition table. Now allows the user to enter partition sizes with up to 5 digits, when creating partitions or logical drives, if VERSION is set equal to W95, W95B, or W98 in the fdisk.ini file. Added a D_Read_S option in the fdisk.ini file. If this option is set to "ON" the partition table area of the sectors that are read will also be displayed to the screen. Fixed many misc. minor bugs and made some minor user interface changes. Added a "FD" version that is set in the fdisk.ini file with "VERSION=FD." This version defaults to version 6 with the exception that "FreeDOS" is displayed in place of "Free FDISK." Made adjustments of partition sizing algorithms to ensure that the partition attributes comply with PowerQuest's Partition Magic 5.0. Fixed a bug that allowed the user, while using the interactive setup, to attempt to create another primary partition when 4 primary partitions already exist. Also, users can no longer attempt to create primary partitions when there is not any space available. Fixed a bug that allowed the user, while using the interactive setup, to attempt to create logical drives when there is not any space available. From the interactive setup, no longer allows the user to create more than one extended partition. Changed the messages displayed when exiting Free FDISK if changes to any partitions were made. The "Delete Primary DOS Partition" screen is no longer accessable if there are not any primary partitions. Removed functionality for the D_LBA statement in the fdisk.ini file. (Wasn't really used.) Combined all the screen clearing routines into the Clear_Screen() function. The source code has now been divided up into smaller fragments in order for the code to exceed the 64k in size. Shortened many of the long variable names in the source code. Version 0.97 The drive numbering for the "/PRI" command now starts with 1. Final Release 12/11/1999 Removed the skeleton for 64 bit math. It is not needed until hard disks exceed 128GB in size. Added the "/SETFLAG [drive# flag#]", "/TESTFLAG [drive# flag#]", and "/CLEARFLAG [drive# flag#]" commands. Up to 64 flags can be set, tested, and cleared... the range for flag# is 1 to 64. If drive# and flag# are not used then the default drive# is 1 and the default flag# is 1. Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed the description field in the "/DUMP" function. Added code to prevent more than 1024 cylinders from being utilized to create partitions unless int 0x13 extensions are being used. (In the case of LBA, the cylinders, heads, and sectors are irrelevant.) When VERSION is set to 4, the user can no longer delete Non-DOS partitions from the interactive setup. Added more code to support interrupt 0x13 extensions. Added a "FLAG_SECTOR" setting to the fdisk.ini file. This setting allows the user to adjust to which sector the flags are stored. This may be useful if a special MBR is used that has multiple sectors. The default value is 2. Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed FAT32 and LBA partition types as Non-DOS under some circumstances. These partition types are now displayed correctly when the appropriate VERSION is set in the fdisk.ini file. Added code to display drive letters for LBA partition types when the proper VERSION is set in the fdisk.ini file. Minor user interface changes. When a partition is created, the first sector on that partition is now filled with 0xf6. Version 0.97 Re-added support for the part.ini file. The file was Pre 5 formally named "part.dat." 9/23/1999 The part.ini file was re-formatted to work with Free FDISK versions >=0.97 Pre 5. Removed all dynamically allocated variables. Because of this change, error level 6 is now unassigned. Added the "Free" and "Usage" information to the "/STATUS" screen and the "Change current fixed disk drive" menu. Fixed a bug that would allow FAT16 partitions larger than 2048 MB to be created if Free FDISK was emulating W95B or W98 and the user answered "N" to large disk support. Fixed a bug that would create FAT32 partitions smaller than 2048 MB and larger than 512 MB even if the user did not want FAT32 partitions. If more logical drives exist than can be displayed in a single column, in options 4 or 5, then a second column is created on the screen to display the remaining logical drives. No longer allows the user to create a logical drive past Z:. Re-added support, in the "/N" command line option, for the creation of partitions by percentage of free disk space. Added a D_LBA statement in the fdisk.ini file for debugging all functions that have been written specifically for LBA support. Added the "/X" command line switch. This will force Free FDISK to not create LBA partitions. Updated the help screens to reflect all the new and/or changed commands. Added a "/NOPAUSE" switch to the "/?" switch to allow Free FDISK to scroll the help screens without pausing. This allows the help screens to easilly be re-directed to a file. Created a small internal partition type lookup table in the event that the part.ini file is not available. Misc. minor bug fixes. If there aren't any hard disks and a disk is not emulated, Free FDISK will terminate with an error. Error level 6 is now assigned as "No hard drive present." Re-added the "/D" command line option. (Does not, at this time, delete logical drives in the extended partition.) Updated the "help.txt" file. Added a message to inform the user if a command line function was attempted that is not implemented at this time. Returns errorlevel 10. Version 0.97 Users can no longer try to set partitions active in the Pre 4 interactive user interface if the only partition available 9/12/1999 to set active is set active. Corrected the bug that allows non-existant partitions to be set active in the interactive setup. The message that no partitions are startable no longer appears if there aren't any partitions on the hard drive. Now Free FDISK no longer tries to display partition information if there aren't any partitions, instead it displays "No partitions defined." Now asks the users to confirm deletion of a logical drive. General "look and feel" changes. Re-added all the extended options support. When extended options support is enabled Free FDISK will now allow a user to destructively re-size a partition. Re-added the "/I" and the "/DUMP" command line options. The error levels returned from executing Free FDISK have been organized as follows: 0 Normal program completion, no errors 1 Syntax error 3 Error in the fdisk.ini file 4 Error in the part.dat file 5 Non-existant hard disk 6 Buffer allocation failure 7 Hard disk is already partitioned. (This is only returned if the "/A" function is used and there are already partitions other than a Compaq Diagnostic Partition on the hard disk.) 8 Error reading from or writing to the boot.mbr file. 9 Miscellaneous error. It is best to examine the output printed to the screen from Free FDISK to determine the exact cause of the problem. 20 Flag has been set (see /SETFLAG, /TESTFLAG, and /CLEARFLAG for details) 21 Flag has not been set (see errorlevel 20, above) Added a D_PATH statement in the fdisk.ini file to display the path of the program. Now searches the directory Free FDISK is located in for the fdisk.ini, part.dat, and boot.mbr files before the PATH in the environment is searched. Fixed some minor misc. bugs and added some error trapping to the interactive user interface. Added confirmation questions for deletion of partitions. Re-added support for FAT-32 partitions. Version 0.97 Now checks for the existence of interrupt 0x13 extensions if Pre 3 VERSION is set to at least W95 in the fdisk.ini file. Does 9/4/1999 not, at this time, make use of interrupt 0x13 extensions. Has a debugging option added to emulate a 6.2 GB hard disk. See the fdisk.ini file for details. Thanks go to John Price for assisting me in fixing a bug that prevented larger drive sizes of sub 8.2 GB drives from being computed properly. Added the skeleton of a function to do 64 bit math for future support of hard drives greater than 8.2GB. Re-added the "/N" function. Creating partitions by percentage is not yet supported at the command line, though. Re-added code to create partitions by percentage of disk space. Fixed a bug that caused incorrect calculations of free areas on the hard disk. The bug was caused because unsigned variables are always considered positive values when compared with each other using > and < operators. Fixed a bug that caused incorrect calculations of the locations of free space in the extended partition. After an extended partition is created the program now will go straight to the user interface for creating logical drives. The user interface for creating logical drives will loop until all the available space is used or the user exists back to the menu. Re-added the "/A" command line function and support for automatic drive partitioning. Added a REBOOT setting in the fdisk.ini file. If this is set to ON and changes were made to a hard disk, then the system will reboot upon exiting the program. The default setting is off because I do not like programs automatically rebooting my system...but somebody may like this feature. Added a "/REBOOT" command line function to allow Free FDISK to cold start a PC. Version 0.97 Re-added the "/AMBR", "/CMBR", "/M", "/MBR", "/RMBR", and Pre 2 "/SMBR" command line options. 8/30/1999 Created the "/ACTIVATE drive# partition#" command to set a partition active from the command line. This will replace part of the functionallity of the "/T" function. Created the "/DEACTIVATE [drive#]" command to completely clear all of the active flags on a physical drive. This replaces part of the functionallity of the "/T" function. Fixed a bug that would corrupt the master boot code when writing the partition tables to a hard disk. Fixed a bug that would write an incorrect number of sectors for the partition size in the extended partition tables. Fixed a bug that prevented the last partition table for the last logical drive on the disk from being written. Added the menu functions to create and delete logical drives. Added code in the Input() function to handle the keyboard entry of a single character. Removed some global variables that are no longer in use. Cleaned up or removed some of the left over dead source code remaining from version 0.96. Added some code to prevent users from performing illegal operations while using the interactive setup. (i.e. Trying to delete a non-existant Extended DOS Partition.) Other illegal operations may still be possible at this time. Added code to handle logical drives in the extended partition. Fixed a bug that incorrectly calculated the relative sector fields in the partition table for primary partitions that do not start at Cyl. 0, Head 1, Sect. 1. Fixed a few other misc. bugs. Volume labels, file system types, and drive letters are now displayed for the logical drives. Made a couple of minor "look and feel" changes. Version 0.97 The menuing system has been completely re-written. Some Pre 1 screens are still "rough" and screens pertaining to 7/7/1999 adding or deleting logical drives have yet to be written. Partition table information is now stored in a large structural array that is loaded upon running the program. Upon exiting the program, only the drives that have changes made to are written to. New functions to create and delete primary partition have been written. A new function has been added that determines the locations and sizes of the largest available free space. Built-in debugging functions have been added, see the fdisk.ini file for details. These functions are enabled and disabled in the fdisk.ini file. The program can now be run in a "read only" mode. This mode is enabled by setting WRITE=OFF in the fdisk.ini file. If WRITE=OFF is set, then debugging information is displayed that indicates what would have been written to the disk if WRITE was set to ON. Volume labels, file system types, and drive letters are now displayed for the primary partitions. The BeOS file system type has been added to the part.dat file. The fdisk.ini file now has a VERSION= setting that controls what version of MS-FDISK this program emulates. The default is version 6. The program now checks what filename was used to execute it. When the help screen is displayed, it will now use its filename on the syntax screen. (i.e. If Free FDISK has a filename of "FFDISK.EXE" then the syntax screen will display FFDISK. There is now a LABEL= option in the fdisk.ini file. When LABEL=ON, the words "Free FDISK" are displayed vertically on the right-hand side of the screen. This feature has been added to help avoid confusion between Free FDISK and other versions of FDISK. Currently, only the "/PRI", "/EXT", "/STATUS", "/C", "/L", and "/?" command line functions are available. A new input routine has been created to make it easier to program the menuing system with a uniform method of obtaining input from the keyboard. Please see the bugs.txt file for information on what functions do not yet work. Version 0.97 MAJOR RE-WRITE Approximately 95% of the code has been re-written or modified do to a serious bug discovered in versions 0.96 and prior. This bug would cause partitions to be created that overlap other partitions under certain, very specific, circumstances. Because this bug was due to a design flaw in the partitioning strategy used by older versions, it was determined that it would be easier to re-write the program. Version 0.97 will consist of several "Pre" versions that do not have all the features in version 0.96. All the "Pre" versions will gradually have features added until all the features of version 0.96 exist in the final version of Free FDISK 0.97. Version 0.96 Now de-allocates the buffers any time the program exits back 5/4/1999 to DOS. Compressed the executable with APACK, by Joergen Ibsen. As a consequence, the executable is now about 70% smaller. Added a command-line parsing routine to handle certain command-line options that can be in any order. Added the following command-line switches for MS FDISK compatibility: /ACTOK, /PRI, /EXT Added the /XO function that allows "eXtended Options" while using the menu system. Extended Options that have been added thus far: 1. Allows more than one Primary DOS partition. 2. Partitions can be "hidden" from DOS. 3. The partition ID byte can be modified. Added code to automatically write the MBR if the drive has never been partitioned. Added a routine in the menuing system to warn the user if a primary partition is not active on the first drive. For the purpose of hiding partitions from DOS I have added the following partition types to the part.dat file: Type: Description: 141 FreeDOS hidden DOS-12 partition 144 FreeDOS hidden DOS-16 < 32MB partition 145 FreeDOS hidden Extended partition 146 FreeDOS hidden DOS-16 > 32MB partition 151 FreeDOS hidden FAT32 partition 152 FreeDOS hidden FAT32 PRI LBA partition 154 FreeDOS hidden FAT16 PRI LBA partition 155 FreeDOS hidden FAT16 Extended LBA partition Primary DOS partitions are now deleted on a "last first" basis if more than one Primary DOS partition exists. Modified the descriptions for FAT partitions listed in the part.dat file to help avoid confusion between partition types. Adjusted size computation equations to increase the accuracy of the reported sizes of the partitions. Fixed a bug that caused the wrong partitions to be displayed as active under certain circumstances when a "fdisk /dump" or a "fdisk /status" is issued. Now only asks if you want to use large disk support in the interactive setup if you enter fdisk /lds Free FDISK now has a better description of large disk support on the screen where the "large disk support" question is asked. Added support for an optional fdisk.ini file to allow some frequently used command line options to be saved. View and modify the fdisk.ini file with your favorite text editor for details. If the fdisk.ini file is not found then fdisk will use it's default settings. Any options on the command line will override the fdisk.ini settings, if applicable. Added the capability to search the path as defined in the environment to find the part.dat, fdisk.ini, and boot.mbr files. Version 0.95 Fixed the bug that prevented FAT12 partitions from having 4/16/1999 the proper upper limit of 15MB. Version 0.94A Fixed a bug that prevented FAT32 partitions larger than 2GB 4/6/1999 from being created while using the command line. Version 0.94 Made a few minor "look and feel" changes to the interactive 3/30/1999 setup. The physical drive being modified should now be displayed on almost all of the screens. Added a routine that automatically creates a Primary DOS Partition and sets the partition active in the interactive setup. Added a routine that asks you if want to create Logical DOS Drives after you create an Extended DOS Partition. Added a routine that asks you if you want to create an Extended DOS partition if there is space on the hard disk after you have created a Primary DOS Partition. Added a routine that asks you if you want to create another Logical DOS Drive in the Extended partition if more than 10MB 10MB is available. Version 0.93 Added code to limit FAT-32 non-LBA partitions to over 512MB. 3/3/1999 Added the following commands for MS FDISK command line compatibility: /STATUS, /CMBR Added code to show the space available on the drive or in the extended partition when adding partitions or logical drives. Now only allows partions that exist to be set active in the "interactive setup." Partition listings now have the partition numbers highlighted, where applicable. Fixed a bug preventing FAT32 partitions larger than 2048MB from being created while using the "interactive setup." The partition creation screens in the interactive setup now have brief instructions on what type of number to enter for the size of the partition you want to create. Version 0.92 Added FAT-32 support without support for the int 0x13 2/22/1999 extensions. If large disk support is selected from the "interactive setup" then FDISK will create non-int 0x13 extension FAT-32 partitions. FDISK will delete all primary partitions and logical drives supported by W95 OSR2's FDISK. Support for the creation of int 0x13 extension type partitions will come later. Updated the "part.dat" file to provide better descriptions of FAT-32 and LBA FAT-16 partitions. Updated the program's internal partition type lookup table to include FAT-32 and LBA FAT-16 partitions. Version 0.91 Added the "fdisk /mono" switch to accomodate users with 2/17/1999 monochrome monitors. Added code to detect if the BIOS video setting is set to monochrome. If the BIOS video setting is set to monochrome then the menus will not have any boldfaced text. Added an "fdisk /mono" entry to the help routine and changed the reference to the "boot.bin" file to "boot.mbr" to reflect the name change as of version 0.9. Version 0.9 Added support to allow automatic partitioning of an empty 2/7/1999 drive if it has a Compaq Diagnostic Partition. Changed the name of the alternate bootloader file from boot.bin to boot.mbr to prevent incompatibilities with other software. If there is only one hard drive, option 5 is no longer displayed in the menu. Changed the look and feel of almost all of the menus. Set the compiler to compile for a small memory model and changed the method of allocating the partition_lookup_table_buffer for a total size reduction in the executable of 20,116 bytes. Combined the Menu routines for creating primary and extended DOS partitions. Version 0.8 Added the "fdisk /dump" to dump all partition information 12/19/1998 from all hard disks to the screen. This dump can be re-directed to a file by using standard re-direction commands. (i.e. "fdisk /dump > filename.ext") This function can be used to aid in future debugging. Added error trapping to prevent the user from trying to change to a non-existant hard disk via option 5 in the main menu. Added code to make the error trapping system while working through the menus "friendlier." The user is no longer kicked out to the DOS prompt. The problem with partitions being incompatible with other partitioning utilities has been fixed. Code has been added to allow the deletion of a partition by the partitions type of primary or extended. This additional functionality works from both the menu system as well as the command line. Changed the look and feel of some of the menus. Trapped bad entries when selecting the hard drive to FDISK from the menuing system. The "set active partition" function inside the menu system no longer displays the extended partition table. The [ESC] key now backs out of most menu based functions. The program no longer limits the user to a maximum of 4 hard drives. This could be useful if SCSI drives are connected to the PC. Found and fixed a mapping problem when creating the 2nd logical drive in the extended partition. Fixed a bug when creating logical drives by percentage. Created an automated partitioning routine (/a drive#) that will automatically partition an empty drive and set the primary partition active. Support for a Compaq Diagnostic Partition is planned. This routine will also create an extended partition on logical drives if space permits. Version 0.71 Thanks go to John Price for instructing me on how to modify 12/6/1998 the 2 non-8086 compliant sections of assembly language to make them compliant. Finally allows the program to run on a 8086 or a 8088. (Unfortunately, I do not have such a PC to test this on.) Version 0.7 Found and removed a section of dead code. 12/4/1998 Removed some of the less common partition types from the built-in lookup table and added error trapping for unknown partition types. Added code to load the part.dat file into a buffer instead of constantly loading it from the disk when needed. (This will speed up access from a floppy disk.) Removed the header file mem.h because it was unused. Added code to display the reboot message only if changes were made to the partition tables or MBR. Modified the help routine and added code to only display one screenful of information at a time. Found and fixed one more bug that created the "null pointer error" message. I hope this is the last null pointer error. Added code to allow the user to change the partition type of primary partitions. Fixed a problem with the ending head location of logical partitions. Made modifications to percentage calculations when creating partitions to create the partitions based upon the percentage of free space available. Added code to allow the user to create partitions of types other than DOS. Removed size limit when creating extended partitions by using the menu system. Fixed the bug that caused the "extended partition exists" error after deleting an extended partition and trying to create another extended partition while using the menu system. Version 0.6 Added functionality to allow the program to get the listing 11/29/1998 of partition types from an easily maintainable text file called "part.dat" If the program does not detect the partiton data file, it will revert to using its internal partition lookup table. I would recommend only using the lookup file when running Free FDISK from the hard drive. If Free FDISK is ran from a floppy disk with the partition data file, it runs much slower due to accessing the partition data file. Added code to allow the user to load a different boot loader into the MBR. This boot loader is stored in a file named "BOOT.BIN" Added code to allow the user to save the boot code from the MBR into a "BOOT.BIN" file. Fixed a bug that prevented logical drives from being created by percentage when using the menus. Version 0.5 Finally allows the user to create logical drives in 11/25/1998 the extended partition. Changed the location of the "type of size calculations" in the code. Allows you to delete logical partitions; but, only in the reverse order in which they were created. Fixed the bug that prevented MS-DOS's FDISK from creating logical drives in the extended partition. Thanks go to Phil Brutsche for fixing the bugs that were creating the "null pointer error" messages. Modified the code to start and end partitions on cylinder boundries. Added the command "fdisk [/rmbr drive#]" to remove the boot loader from the first sector of the hard disk and still preserve the primary partition table. Fixed a bug that allowed a partition to extend beyond its boundries. Added code to display the available drives and their sizes. When displaying the partition information of a drive, the program now displays the total hard disk size. Version 0.4n Not a public release. 11/20/1998 Released by Phil Brutsche. Fixed a few bugs in version 0.4. Version 0.4 Added code to trap the "null pointer error" messages. 11/13/1998 There still are a few possible combinations that will result in this message, though. Partitions are now correctly created when creating their size by the percentage of the total hard disk space. Fdisk /mbr no longer writes the MS-DOS version of the boot loader. I used the boot loader from BOOTEASY that I found on a FreeBSD distribution. For more information, please see the file bloader.txt Version 0.3 First public release. 11/8/1998 Added menus. Removed the requirement of entering the drive number when typing "FDISK /I" or FDISK /MBR". Without the drive number, both functions will default to the first hard disk. Of course, you can still enter the drive number for drives other than the first. Added code to prevent the entry of partition sizes over 2 Gig. Version 0.2 Not a public release 11/4/1998 Added functions to toggle the active partition, delete a partition, and create the boot loader code. Found and corrected a bug preventing the exended partition from being displayed. Version 0.1 Not a public release ~10/1998 Basic functionality--the program clears partition tables, displays contents of the partition tables, and creates primary partitions. It lacks a menu, does not create the boot code, and does not create extended partitions or logical drives. It also does not yet have any error trapping to prevent a user from trying to create a drive over 2 Gig.