This is a revised version of NRO distributed by Dave Dunfield within the examples of his Micro-C compiler. I left in all the references to the original athors. All modifications made by me (Steffen.Kaiser@FH-Rhein-Sieg.DE [ska]) mostly leave the NRO function as it does without the modifications. There were made some bugfixes, increasing speed, decreasing size, using the memory more effecient, make NRO 8bit clean,& add some new functionality. I include a little work "interprete" that will interprete the control characters: '\b',& '\r', thus it will transform the output of NRO into a plain text file. The other on "1tonro" converts some additional NROFF functionality used by other NROFF-clones I sued in the past (the ones accepting ".1" as extension) to NRO compatible source code. Well, it needs this version of NRO :-) To compile all the stuff just run "compile.bat". Creates the *.MAN and *.TXT files, too. To clean up just run "clean.bat". It will not be able anymore to split the file into smaller parts. The target compiler is Micro-C v3.14. If you still have version 3.13, you need to download a newer one, because there is a bug in the library of v3.13, which will make this version of NRO unable to run. If you want to ask, why the hell I'm using or even looking at such a program, where cool browsers and powerful text processors are available, well, I don't know for sure. All I know is that I'm using it.