Runs the ScanDisk disk-repair program. To check and repair a drive, use the following syntax: SCANDISK [drive: | /ALL] [/CHECKONLY | /AUTOFIX [/NOSAVE]] [/SURFACE] To examine a file for fragmentation, use the following syntax: SCANDISK /FRAGMENT [drive:][path]filename /ALL Checks and repairs all local drives /AUTOFIX Fixes damage without prompting /CHECKONLY Checks a drive, but does not repair any damage /CUSTOM Configures and runs ScanDisk according to SCANDISK.INI settings /NOSAVE With /AUTOFIX, deletes lost clusters rather than saving as files /NOSUMMARY With /CHECKONLY or /AUTOFIX, prevents ScanDisk from stopping at summary screens /NOUI Uses normal DOS interface instead of graphical interface /SURFACE Performs a surface scan after other checks /MONO Configures ScanDisk for use with a monochrome display