Numerous programs are now available to create and ISO CD image. Most of these can be used in lieu of the CDCACHER program. The SHSUCDX SHSUCDHD combination allows you to mount these images as drives under DOS. SHSUCDHD Version 2.0 CDCACHER Version 5.0 (c) John H. McCoy, May 1996 Sam Houston St. Univ., TX 77341-2206 ****************************************************************************** Warning!!!! Use at your own risk. Both SHSUCDHD and CDCACHER use features of DOS that are undocumented. SHSUCDHD will NOT work with either Microsoft's or IBM's MSCDEX programs. Your system will crash if you try it. MSCDEX trashes itself on an unexpected INT2F broadcast call that it should ignore. ****************************************************************************** SHSUCDHD is an experimental CD rom driver which loads with the name SHSU-CDH and makes up to 5 CD ROM images which have been cached to hard disk appear as devices 0 through 4. CDCACHER makes cached images of ISO9660 or High Seria format CD ROMS for use by either the network CD ROM server program SHSUSERV or the pseudo CD ROM driver SHSUCDHD. CD ROMs are ususally large and it takes a while. It will run in an OS2 DOS window while you do something else. CDHD has been used under DOS 4.0 and later and WIN 3.1 on a non-networked system using cache files on the local drive, on a Novell client using VLMs with the cache files on a netware server and on a NT client with the cache files on a NT server. It cannot be used to access cached images from a network on a Novell NET(x) shell client. It may work with other networks which use a real mode re-director for network access but I have not tested it. SHSUCDX must be used if a program requires the cdrom extensions. CDHD will not work with either Microsoft's or IBM's MSCDEX. It will crash the system. The command to run SHSUCDHD is: SHSUCDHD [/F:imagepathname1 [/F:imagepathname2 ...]] [/U] [/?] up to five cache image files may be specified example: SHSUCDHD /F:.\CD.IMG SHSUCDX /D:SHSU-CDH uses the cache file CD.IMG in the current directory and assigns it the next available drive letter example: SHSUCDHD /F:CD0.IMG /F:N:\CD1.IMG SHSUCDX /D:SHSU-CDH,E uses the cache file CD0.IMG in the current directory append path and CD1.IMG from the N drive and assigns the next available drive letters beginning with letter E ( probably E and F) example: SHSUCDX /U SHSUCDHD /U unloads SHSUCDX then SHSUCDHD from memory The command to run CDCACHER is: CDCACHER [cd driver name] [/?] cd driver name is the name of the CD driver where the CD ROM being cached is located. If none is specified MSCD001 is assumed. If the specified driver is not found the user is given the opportunity to interactively edit the driver name. example: CDCACHER starts CDCACHER using the default driver name MSCD001 example: CDCACHER SHSU-CDN starts CDCACHER using the driver name SHSU-CDN. To see if SHSUCDHD will work on your system. Unzip all files into the same directory. Run SHSUCDHD by entering SHSUCDHD /F:SHSUDRV1.IMG{Enter} Run SHSUCDX by entering SHSUCDX /D:SHSU-CDH and note the CD drive letter Run the HELLO program from the CD by entering drive:\HELLO\HELLO where drive is the drive letter noted in the previous step If the above works, then unload SHSUCDX and SHSUCDHD. Copy the cache image file SHSUDRV1.IMG to your network file server. Run SHSUCDHD by entering CDHD /F:path\SHSUDRV1.IMG where path is the network path. Run SHSUCDX by entering SHSUCDX /D:SHSU-CDH and note the CD drive letter Run the HELLO program from the CD by entering drive:\HELLO\HELLO where drive is the drive letter noted in the previous step If this works then SHSUCDHD is probably compatable with your system. Use CDCACHER to make cache images of your CD. SHSUCDHD and CDCACHER are a copyright reserved, free use program. Use at your own risk. Time permitting, an attempt will be made to fix problems that are reported to CSC_JHM@SHSU.EDU. (c)John H. McCoy, 1995 1996, Sam Houston St. Univ., TX 77341-2206