SHSUCDX Version 1.4b (c) John H. McCoy, October 2000 Version 1.4b fixed a problem with findfirst that caused a problem when a program expected getting the volid would also set it up for scanning the root directory with findnext. Version 1.4a changes the dos version check so that it will run under Windows ME without having to use set ver. ME Dos reports version 8. Version 1.4 increased the allowed length of directories from 64K bytes to 64K sectors (128 M bytes) to solve the problem of lost entries that occurred when a directory exceeded 32 sectors. SHSUCDX Version 1.1a (c) John H. McCoy, May 1996 Sam Houston St. Univ., TX 77341-2206 SHSUCDX is an un-loadable CD-ROM redirector substitute for MSCDEX. Version 1.0 supports up to 10 CD drives. Each drive is single sector buffered and the last 10 directory entries are cached. Hopefully, the directory function is finally fixed. Lower case characters in directory entries are now converted to upper case. LC characters are not valid in ISO9660 directory entries but some mastering programs put them in. This change allows those files to be accessed. The BiblioID can now be read using INT 2F, 1504H. The full 37 bytes of the Copyright and Abstract ID fields are now returned. Previously only the first 12 bytes were read. Approx 17K of RAM is needed to install SHSUCDX. The resident size for a single drive is less than 11K. Each additional drive increases the resident size by 2500 bytes. Multiple drivers are supported. The driver name, drive letter, drive unit and number of drives from each driver can be specified on the command line. SHSUCDX does not attempt to read the CD ROM until an access request is made. Thus, the CD drive does not have to be ready when the redirector is loaded. If more than 7 seconds elapse between access requests a media check is made. The buffers and cache are flushed and the CD is re-read only if the driver reports a media change. When SHSUCDX unloads it marks the drives it used as invalid. SHSUCDX has been run with MS-DOS 4, 5, 6 and 7 stand-alone, under Windows 3.1, and in a specific DOS window under OS2. A CD-ROM driver which supports the CD-ROM extensions must be loaded before loading SHSUCDX. By default, SHSUCDX looks for a driver named SHSU-CDN. usage: SHSUCDX [/D:DriverName[,[Drive][,[Unit][,[MaxDrives]]]]] DriverName 1 to 8 characters. Drive First drive letter to assign to drives attached to this driver. Unit First drive unit on this driver to be assigned to a drive letter. (Allowed range 0 to 99) MaxDrives Maximum number of drives on this driver that are to be assigned to drive letters. Note: The drive letter assigned to units of a second driver will always be higher than those assigned to the first driver and those assigned to a third driver will be higher than those assigned to the second. example: SHSUCDX SHSUCDX finds the first available drive letter and assigns it to device unit 0 of the default driver SHSU-CDN. If there is a second and/or third CD drive they are assigned to the next avail- able letters in sequence. Drive letters in use are skipped. The first CD supported by a driver is device unit 0 regardless of its SCSI address. example: SHSUCDX /D:CD001,F,,1 /D:SHSU-CDN,,1 SHSUCDX assigns drive F to device unit 0 of the driver CD001. Units 1 and 2 of driver SHSU-CDN are then assigned to the next available letters. example: SHSUCDX /D:CD001,,1,1 /D:CD001,,4,1 SHSUCDX assigns the first available drive letter to device unit 1 of the driver CD001 and drive unit 4 to the next. This allows access to non-contiguous drive units without having to support un-needed units. unload: SHSUCDX [-u|/u] The following INT 2F, 15h functions are supported: 00 Get number of CD-ROM drives 01 Get CD-ROM drive device list 02 Get Copyright File ID 03 Get Abstract File ID 04 Get Bibliographic File ID 05 Read VTOC (1st only) 08 Absolute disk read 0B CDROM drive check 0C MSCDEX version 0D Get CD-ROM drive letters 0F Get directory Entry 10 Send device request Time permitting, an attempt will be made to fix problems that are reported to CSC_JHM@SHSU.EDU. SHSUCDX is a copyright reserved, free use program. (c)John H. McCoy, 1994, 1995, 1996 Sam Houston St. Univ., TX 77341-2206