SHSUDRVX Version 1.1 (c) John H. McCoy, May 1996 Sam Houston St. Univ., TX 77341-2206 SHSUDRVX is a CD driver/controller emulator I have found useful for test purposes. It emulates two 2 CD drives loaded with ISO ROMS. Drive 0 has a single text file in the root directory. This file is also listed in the Abstract field of the primary volume descriptor(PVD). The file name in the directory entry contains lower case charaters for test purpose. There is also a text string in the BiblioID field for test purposes. In the root directory of Drive 1 there is a copyright file and a sub- directory. The copyright file is a text file and is listed in the PVD copyright ID field. The HELLO.EXE in the HELLO sub-directory is executable. SHSUDRVX is loaded from the command line before loading a re-director such as SHSUCDX. UsageMsg: SHSUDRVX [/?][/D:DriverName][/U] The default driver name is CD001. IOCTL input functions supported: Return address of Device Header Device status Return sector size Media changed reports -- not changed if drive door is closed and locked -- don't know if door closed and unlocked -- changed if door is open IOCTL output functions supported: Eject disk -- don't unless you can close it!!! Lock/Unlock door Reset drive Close door Time permitting, an attempt will be made to fix problems that are reported to CSC_JHM@SHSU.EDU. SHSUCDX is a copyright reserved, free use program. Use at your own risk. (c)John H. McCoy, August 1993, 1995, 1996 Sam Houston St. Univ., TX 77341-2206