Program: which v2.1
Description: 'which' is a port of the UNIX program of the same name. Its
purpose in life is to let a user find an executable file
residing in directories listed in the PATH environment
This program was written for the FreeDOS Project, a 16-bit,
free DOS that aims to duplicate and extend functionality
of MS-DOS 3.3. For more information about FreeDOS, please
see .
Installation: Unzip the archive to a temp directory. Move WHICH.EXE to a
directory on your PATH so that you can use it from any
directory. The archive also includes the following files:
LICENSE.TXT { licensing/copying information }
WHICH.PAS { Turbo Pascal 7.0 source code for which }
COUNTRY.PAS { as above, but for UNIT Country }
WHICH.HLP { help file -- like UNIX man page }
NEWS { History file }
README.TXT { This file }
WHICH21.LSM { LSM-format description of package }
The other files should be moved to another directory for
future reference. Reading WHICH.HLP, while not mandatory,
might give you a better feel for how to use the program.
Of course, typing 'which /?' or 'which --help' will give you
enough information for the impatient to get started,
especially those of you who know and love UNIX.
Programming: If you intend to make changes to the source code and distribute
your work, you must read LICENSE.TXT and conform to the
policy laid out therein. Please, adhere to the reasonable
freedoms described in the GNU GPL. Since I'm the author and
current maintainer of the code, if you make productive changes,
I'd very much appreciate it if you'd share your changes with
me so that they can be incorporated in a new and improved
release of 'which'.
Distribution: Per the GNU General Public License Version 2 (or later).
Please see the file LICENSE.TXT for more information.
Author: Trane Francks
Trane Francks
Sento Hills Tsurukawa #305
1856-4 Kanai-cho, Machida City
Tokyo 195-0071
The latest version of 'which' can always be found at:
Trane Francks
Tokyo, Japan