NAME KEYMAN - Interactive keyboard macro recorder for XKEYB SYNOPSIS [LOADHI] KEYMAN RELATED COMMANDS XKEYB Main version of XKEYB XKEYBRES "Lite" version of XKEYB LISTXDEF Lists current definition file to STDOUT NOTES KEYMAN is an interactive macro recorder for use with XKEYB. Either XKEYB or XKEYBRES must be resident in memory before KEYMAN can be installed (and XKEYBRES must have a configuration file allocated by XKEYB). Once installed, press F11 to pop up the KEYMAN window. Enter a macro by pressing the key to assign the macro to (eg. CTRL-D), then the keystrokes to be assigned to the macro, then F11 again to save the macro. You can delete macro keystrokes using the BACKSPACE key. To enter a BACKSPACE keystroke in the macro, use ALT-<Keypad 8>. To change the Hotkey (F11 by default), pop up the KEYMAN window, press the hotkey again, then press the new hotkey. LISTXDEF.EXE can be used to save the recorded macros as a configuration file. Please see the manual XKEYB.TXT for further information. AUTHOR Program: Dietmar Hohmann, This documentation: Ben Berry,