; ; SEAL Installer version 2.0 - Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Kostas Michalopoulos ; ; This script contains information about install SEAL on a local hard disk. ; Feel free to change this script to suit your needs or to make your own ; distribution, but note that currently there isn't any other documentation ; for this script, except the comments included there. Please keep the comments ; unchanged if you change the script in order for other people to change your ; script if they want. ; ; Kostas Michalopoulos ; ; ; Set some global variables for easy script updating ; Program: "SEAL" Version: "2.00.11" SubVersion: "" Product: $Program " " $Version EXEFile: "SEAL" DefaultDestinationPath: "C:\SEAL2" SourcesSubFolder: "SOURCES" MainBinaryFiles: "SEAL2.BAR" ;InstallerSources: "INSTSRC.BAR" ; ; This changes title to the given one ; Title: $Product " Installer version " $__Version " " $__Copyright ; ; These changes the contents of first four lines in the opening screen ; Line1: " This will install " $Product " on your system. This package includes" Line2: " everything you need to use SEAL, a powerful and friendly GUI for DOS." Line3: "" Line4: "" ; ; This will change the contents of the bottom line of the opening screen ; BottomLine: "You must agree with the above licence in order to install and use " $Product ; ; This will set the binaries items list. Separate each item with `|'. The ; first item means "nothing to be installed", and should be equal to ; "Nothing". ; BinariesList: "Nothing|" $Product ; ; The same for sources list ; SourcesList: "Nothing" ;|Installer" ; ; This will set the files for each item in binaries list. Each file must ; be a BAR file (installer doesn't understand any other archive fileformat). ; Note: if you specify a file that doesn't exist or is invalid, the installer ; will just ignore it. So, for the "nothing" option, we specify an invalid ; file. ; BinariesFiles: "(none)|" $MainBinaryFiles ; ; The same for sources... ; SourcesFiles: "(none)" ;|" $InstallerSources ; ; These will set captions and paths for the 'select installation path'-part ; DestinationPath: $DefaultDestinationPath DestinationPathForSources: $DefaultDestinationPath "\" $SourcesSubFolder ; ; This will set the message which will be displayed after install success ; SuccessMessage: $Product " installation finished. Type `" $EXEFile "' to run it."