@ECHO OFF IF [%1]==[] goto usage IF [%2]==[] goto usage ECHO Formatting floppy and copying system files over to it. ECHO Please insert a floppy into drive %2 ECHO WARNING!!! All contents on floppy [%2] will be lost! ECHO Press Ctrl-C / Ctrl-Break to abort. PAUSE %1\FREEDOS\FDOS\BIN\FORMAT %2 /V:FDOSB8H1 /Q %1\FREEDOS\FDOS\BIN\SYS FLOPPY\ %2 ECHO Copying remaining files to floppy. MKDIR %2\CONFIG > NUL COPY FLOPPY\*.* %2 > NUL COPY FLOPPY\CONFIG\*.* %2\CONFIG > NUL ECHO Please copy your CD-ROM drive's DOS driver to %2 ECHO and edit %2\CONFIG.SYS to match, then reboot ECHO with the floppy and things should work similar ECHO to booting from CD (don't write protect the floppy). GOTO END :usage ECHO USAGE: %0 CD_drive Floppy_drive ECHO For example: %0 D: A: ECHO Assumes your CD-ROM drive is D: and you wish to ECHO create a bootable floppy disk in your A: drive. ECHO Change D: and A: as appropriate. ECHO It will then format, sys, and copy files to the floppy. ECHO Once done you still must copy over a CD-ROM driver, ECHO and make sure CONFIG.SYS matches. Then reboot using ECHO the floppy and the FreeDOS CD is ready to use as ECHO though you booted from it! :END