@ECHO OFF REM INST.BAT - The purpose of this batch file is to ease installation of FreeDOS. REM Written and modified by Jeremy Davis and B Blaauw (2002) REM initialize the header displayed at the top of the screen (update each release) SET line1=FreeDOS˙Installation FreeDOS˙Ripcord˙Beta˙8˙[Nikita]˙Distribution ˙ SET HEADER=for %%x in ( %line1% ) do echo %%x CLS %HEADER% rem Default to using a monochrome monitor... SET COLOR=MONO choice /N /C:YN"Enable monochrome (/MONO) mode [YN]?" IF ERRORLEVEL 2 SET COLOR=EGAVGA CLS %HEADER% rem Default to using a full install set... set DISTRO=FULL set instoption=/ism choice /C:FM "Do you wish to do a [F]ULL or [M]INI install" IF ERRORLEVEL 2 SET DISTRO=MINI IF "%DISTRO%"=="MINI" set instoption=%instoption% /df INSTALL.MIN IF "%COLOR%"=="MONO" set instoption=%instoption% /mono rem run xkeyb if needed CALL LDXKEYB.BAT CLS %HEADER% IF "%COLOR%"=="MONO" GOTO STDPROMPTS rem run fancy tool CD INSTALL DrvMngr CD .. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ABORTINST GOTO DO_INST :STDPROMPTS ECHO If you have not already created a DOS partition then you should ECHO run FDISK now, otherwise you may omit this step. ECHO ˙ Follow the on-screen prompts to create a new primary partition ECHO ˙ and mark it as active. After running FDISK you will need to reboot. ECHO ˙ Just boot off the install boot floppy again, & select no this prompt. ECHO. choice "Would you like to run FDISK now" IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO POSTFDSK IF "%COLOR%"=="MONO" FDISK /MONO IF NOT "%COLOR%"=="MONO" FDISK REM Normal FDISK executed whenever Color unset value or non-MONO value :POSTFDSK REM We CLS here since if the person ran FDISK but didn't change REM anything, then the screen is cleared but the cursor is midway down. CLS %HEADER% ECHO If you just created a new partition for FreeDOS then you must FORMAT ECHO it now. You may also format the partition if you wish to wipe it clean. ECHO WARNING: All data on your C: drive will be lost, so only select YES ECHO ˙ if you are sure. (You must also type 'Y' at Format's prompt). ECHO. SET DRIVES=C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z SET DRIVE=C: SET FMTOPTION=/Q /U /V:FREEDOS REM above code allows INST.BAT to be called with arguments of which drive(s) should be formatted choice "Format your C: drive now" IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO MAKEBOOT choice "Would you like to do a Quick format (skip bad sector checking)" IF ERRORLEVEL 2 SET FMTOPTION=/U /V:FREEDOS GOTO LOOP :LOOP if not "%1"=="" SET DRIVE=%1 for %%x in ( %DRIVES% ) do if "%DRIVE%"=="%%x:" format %DRIVE% %FMTOPTION% if not "%1"=="" shift if "%1"=="" goto ENDFORMAT goto LOOP :ENDFORMAT pause :MAKEBOOT CLS %HEADER% ECHO You now need to make the drive bootable (that is copy the KERNEL and ECHO COMMAND to it along with setting up the boot record). ECHO. choice "Run SYS C: now to do this" IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO DO_INST sys a: c: ECHO. pause :DO_INST REM Run INSTALL now CLS %HEADER% ECHO %DISTRO% installation selected. ECHO. REM ECHO For the source you may specify \ (or full path, e.g. A:\) ECHO For the source you may specify %cdrom%\FREEDOS\INSTALL\DISKSETS ECHO You will also be prompted where to install FreeDOS, ECHO most people will choose C:\FDOS (or C:\DOS). ECHO. pause cls CD INSTALL INSTALL %instoption% /src %cdrom%\FREEDOS\INSTALL\DISKSETS ECHO. ECHO Your hard drive should be ready to boot FreeDOS, ECHO (optional:) please copy the sample CONFIG.SYS & AUTOEXEC.BAT ECHO to C:\ & edit as needed, and then reboot. set PROMPT=$P$G GOTO END :ABORTINST CLS ECHO "Install Aborted!" REM if exist a:\director.bat del a:\director.bat SET CLI_END=yes GOTO done :END FOR %%x in ( ˙ Enjoy˙FreeDOS! ˙ ) DO echo %%x :done %cdrom% CD \ REM let INSTALL.BAT call END.BAT