VERSION=1.2 BUILD=1 PKGNAME="protopkg-$VERSION-noarch-$BUILD" PROGNAME=protopkg DESC="\ protopkg is a packaging tool for Slackware Linux which automates to a large \n\ degree the making of Slackware packages. protopkg compiles and installs \n\ software according to instructions written in a prototype file, tracks the \n\ installation, and then automagically creates Slackware packages. \n\ \n\ protopkg is not a magic bullet. You will still need to be very careful in \n\ constructing packages. This just takes some of the work off your hands." IGNOREPATH=/dev:/proc:/tmp:/export:/var:/home STRIPBIN=n STRIPLIB=n SETATTR=y MAINTAINER="David Cantrell <>" SOURCE="" LOCATION="" compile() { gzip -dc $CWD/protopkg-$VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvf - cd protopkg-$VERSION ./Build } install() { cp protopkg /sbin/protopkg cp protopkg.8 /usr/man/man8/protopkg.8 mkdir -p /usr/doc/protopkg-$VERSION cp AUTHORS ChangeLog README prototype.template rules.example \ /usr/doc/protopkg-$VERSION }