/* $NetBSD: readconf.c,v 1.47 2024/09/24 21:32:18 christos Exp $ */ /* $OpenBSD: readconf.c,v 1.390 2024/09/15 00:57:36 djm Exp $ */ /* * Author: Tatu Ylonen * Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen , Espoo, Finland * All rights reserved * Functions for reading the configuration files. * * As far as I am concerned, the code I have written for this software * can be used freely for any purpose. Any derived versions of this * software must be clearly marked as such, and if the derived work is * incompatible with the protocol description in the RFC file, it must be * called by a name other than "ssh" or "Secure Shell". */ #include "includes.h" __RCSID("$NetBSD: readconf.c,v 1.47 2024/09/24 21:32:18 christos Exp $"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xmalloc.h" #include "ssh.h" #include "sshbuf.h" #include "ssherr.h" #include "cipher.h" #include "pathnames.h" #include "log.h" #include "sshkey.h" #include "misc.h" #include "readconf.h" #include "match.h" #include "kex.h" #include "mac.h" #include "fmt_scaled.h" #include "uidswap.h" #include "myproposal.h" #include "digest.h" /* Format of the configuration file: # Configuration data is parsed as follows: # 1. command line options # 2. user-specific file # 3. system-wide file # Any configuration value is only changed the first time it is set. # Thus, host-specific definitions should be at the beginning of the # configuration file, and defaults at the end. # Host-specific declarations. These may override anything above. A single # host may match multiple declarations; these are processed in the order # that they are given in. Host *.ngs.fi ngs.fi User foo Host fake.com Hostname another.host.name.real.org User blaah Port 34289 ForwardX11 no ForwardAgent no Host books.com RemoteForward 9999 shadows.cs.hut.fi:9999 Ciphers 3des-cbc Host fascist.blob.com Port 23123 User tylonen PasswordAuthentication no Host puukko.hut.fi User t35124p ProxyCommand ssh-proxy %h %p Host *.fr PublicKeyAuthentication no Host *.su Ciphers aes128-ctr PasswordAuthentication no Host vpn.fake.com Tunnel yes TunnelDevice 3 # Defaults for various options Host * ForwardAgent no ForwardX11 no PasswordAuthentication yes StrictHostKeyChecking yes TcpKeepAlive no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity Port 22 EscapeChar ~ */ static int read_config_file_depth(const char *filename, struct passwd *pw, const char *host, const char *original_host, Options *options, int flags, int *activep, int *want_final_pass, int depth); static int process_config_line_depth(Options *options, struct passwd *pw, const char *host, const char *original_host, char *line, const char *filename, int linenum, int *activep, int flags, int *want_final_pass, int depth); /* Keyword tokens. */ typedef enum { oBadOption, oHost, oMatch, oInclude, oTag, oForwardAgent, oForwardX11, oForwardX11Trusted, oForwardX11Timeout, oGatewayPorts, oExitOnForwardFailure, oPasswordAuthentication, oXAuthLocation, #if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5) oKerberosAuthentication, #endif #if defined(AFS) || defined(KRB5) oKerberosTgtPassing, #endif #ifdef AFS oAFSTokenPassing, #endif oIdentityFile, oHostname, oPort, oRemoteForward, oLocalForward, oPermitRemoteOpen, oCertificateFile, oAddKeysToAgent, oIdentityAgent, oUser, oEscapeChar, oProxyCommand, oGlobalKnownHostsFile, oUserKnownHostsFile, oConnectionAttempts, oBatchMode, oCheckHostIP, oStrictHostKeyChecking, oCompression, oTCPKeepAlive, oNumberOfPasswordPrompts, oLogFacility, oLogLevel, oLogVerbose, oCiphers, oMacs, oPubkeyAuthentication, oKbdInteractiveAuthentication, oKbdInteractiveDevices, oHostKeyAlias, oDynamicForward, oPreferredAuthentications, oHostbasedAuthentication, oHostKeyAlgorithms, oBindAddress, oBindInterface, oPKCS11Provider, oIPv6PreferTemporary, oClearAllForwardings, oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost, oEnableSSHKeysign, oRekeyLimit, oVerifyHostKeyDNS, oConnectTimeout, oAddressFamily, oGssAuthentication, oGssDelegateCreds, oServerAliveInterval, oServerAliveCountMax, oIdentitiesOnly, oSendEnv, oSetEnv, oControlPath, oControlMaster, oControlPersist, oHashKnownHosts, oTunnel, oTunnelDevice, oLocalCommand, oPermitLocalCommand, oRemoteCommand, oVisualHostKey, oKexAlgorithms, oIPQoS, oRequestTTY, oSessionType, oStdinNull, oForkAfterAuthentication, oIgnoreUnknown, oProxyUseFdpass, oCanonicalDomains, oCanonicalizeHostname, oCanonicalizeMaxDots, oCanonicalizeFallbackLocal, oCanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs, oStreamLocalBindMask, oStreamLocalBindUnlink, oRevokedHostKeys, oFingerprintHash, oUpdateHostkeys, oHostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms, oPubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms, oCASignatureAlgorithms, oProxyJump, oSecurityKeyProvider, oKnownHostsCommand, oRequiredRSASize, oEnableEscapeCommandline, oObscureKeystrokeTiming, oChannelTimeout, oNoneEnabled, oTcpRcvBufPoll, oTcpRcvBuf, oNoneSwitch, oHPNDisabled, oHPNBufferSize, oSendVersionFirst, oIgnore, oIgnoredUnknownOption, oDeprecated, oUnsupported } OpCodes; /* Textual representations of the tokens. */ static struct { const char *name; OpCodes opcode; } keywords[] = { /* Deprecated options */ { "protocol", oIgnore }, /* NB. silently ignored */ { "cipher", oDeprecated }, { "fallbacktorsh", oDeprecated }, { "globalknownhostsfile2", oDeprecated }, { "rhostsauthentication", oDeprecated }, { "userknownhostsfile2", oDeprecated }, { "useroaming", oDeprecated }, { "usersh", oDeprecated }, { "useprivilegedport", oDeprecated }, /* Unsupported options */ #ifdef AFS { "afstokenpassing", oAFSTokenPassing }, #else { "afstokenpassing", oUnsupported }, #endif #if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5) { "kerberosauthentication", oKerberosAuthentication }, #else { "kerberosauthentication", oUnsupported }, #endif #if defined(AFS) || defined(KRB5) { "kerberostgtpassing", oKerberosTgtPassing }, { "kerberos5tgtpassing", oKerberosTgtPassing }, /* alias */ { "kerberos4tgtpassing", oKerberosTgtPassing }, /* alias */ #else { "kerberostgtpassing", oUnsupported }, { "kerberos5tgtpassing", oUnsupported }, { "kerberos4tgtpassing", oUnsupported }, #endif { "rsaauthentication", oUnsupported }, { "rhostsrsaauthentication", oUnsupported }, { "compressionlevel", oUnsupported }, /* Sometimes-unsupported options */ #if defined(GSSAPI) { "gssapiauthentication", oGssAuthentication }, { "gssapidelegatecredentials", oGssDelegateCreds }, # else { "gssapiauthentication", oUnsupported }, { "gssapidelegatecredentials", oUnsupported }, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PKCS11 { "pkcs11provider", oPKCS11Provider }, { "smartcarddevice", oPKCS11Provider }, # else { "smartcarddevice", oUnsupported }, { "pkcs11provider", oUnsupported }, #endif { "forwardagent", oForwardAgent }, { "forwardx11", oForwardX11 }, { "forwardx11trusted", oForwardX11Trusted }, { "forwardx11timeout", oForwardX11Timeout }, { "exitonforwardfailure", oExitOnForwardFailure }, { "xauthlocation", oXAuthLocation }, { "gatewayports", oGatewayPorts }, { "passwordauthentication", oPasswordAuthentication }, { "kbdinteractiveauthentication", oKbdInteractiveAuthentication }, { "kbdinteractivedevices", oKbdInteractiveDevices }, { "challengeresponseauthentication", oKbdInteractiveAuthentication }, /* alias */ { "skeyauthentication", oKbdInteractiveAuthentication }, /* alias */ { "tisauthentication", oKbdInteractiveAuthentication }, /* alias */ { "pubkeyauthentication", oPubkeyAuthentication }, { "dsaauthentication", oPubkeyAuthentication }, /* alias */ { "hostbasedauthentication", oHostbasedAuthentication }, #if defined(GSSAPI) { "gssapiauthentication", oGssAuthentication }, { "gssapidelegatecredentials", oGssDelegateCreds }, #else { "gssapiauthentication", oUnsupported }, { "gssapidelegatecredentials", oUnsupported }, #endif { "identityfile", oIdentityFile }, { "identityfile2", oIdentityFile }, /* obsolete */ { "identitiesonly", oIdentitiesOnly }, { "certificatefile", oCertificateFile }, { "addkeystoagent", oAddKeysToAgent }, { "identityagent", oIdentityAgent }, { "hostname", oHostname }, { "hostkeyalias", oHostKeyAlias }, { "proxycommand", oProxyCommand }, { "port", oPort }, { "ciphers", oCiphers }, { "macs", oMacs }, { "remoteforward", oRemoteForward }, { "localforward", oLocalForward }, { "permitremoteopen", oPermitRemoteOpen }, { "user", oUser }, { "host", oHost }, { "match", oMatch }, { "tag", oTag }, { "escapechar", oEscapeChar }, { "globalknownhostsfile", oGlobalKnownHostsFile }, { "userknownhostsfile", oUserKnownHostsFile }, { "connectionattempts", oConnectionAttempts }, { "batchmode", oBatchMode }, { "checkhostip", oCheckHostIP }, { "stricthostkeychecking", oStrictHostKeyChecking }, { "compression", oCompression }, { "tcpkeepalive", oTCPKeepAlive }, { "keepalive", oTCPKeepAlive }, /* obsolete */ { "numberofpasswordprompts", oNumberOfPasswordPrompts }, { "syslogfacility", oLogFacility }, { "loglevel", oLogLevel }, { "logverbose", oLogVerbose }, { "dynamicforward", oDynamicForward }, { "preferredauthentications", oPreferredAuthentications }, { "hostkeyalgorithms", oHostKeyAlgorithms }, { "casignaturealgorithms", oCASignatureAlgorithms }, { "bindaddress", oBindAddress }, { "bindinterface", oBindInterface }, { "ipv6prefertemporary", oIPv6PreferTemporary }, { "clearallforwardings", oClearAllForwardings }, { "enablesshkeysign", oEnableSSHKeysign }, { "verifyhostkeydns", oVerifyHostKeyDNS }, { "nohostauthenticationforlocalhost", oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost }, { "rekeylimit", oRekeyLimit }, { "connecttimeout", oConnectTimeout }, { "addressfamily", oAddressFamily }, { "serveraliveinterval", oServerAliveInterval }, { "serveralivecountmax", oServerAliveCountMax }, { "sendenv", oSendEnv }, { "setenv", oSetEnv }, { "controlpath", oControlPath }, { "controlmaster", oControlMaster }, { "controlpersist", oControlPersist }, { "hashknownhosts", oHashKnownHosts }, { "include", oInclude }, { "tunnel", oTunnel }, { "tunneldevice", oTunnelDevice }, { "localcommand", oLocalCommand }, { "permitlocalcommand", oPermitLocalCommand }, { "remotecommand", oRemoteCommand }, { "visualhostkey", oVisualHostKey }, { "kexalgorithms", oKexAlgorithms }, { "ipqos", oIPQoS }, { "requesttty", oRequestTTY }, { "sessiontype", oSessionType }, { "stdinnull", oStdinNull }, { "forkafterauthentication", oForkAfterAuthentication }, { "proxyusefdpass", oProxyUseFdpass }, { "canonicaldomains", oCanonicalDomains }, { "canonicalizefallbacklocal", oCanonicalizeFallbackLocal }, { "canonicalizehostname", oCanonicalizeHostname }, { "canonicalizemaxdots", oCanonicalizeMaxDots }, { "canonicalizepermittedcnames", oCanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs }, { "streamlocalbindmask", oStreamLocalBindMask }, { "streamlocalbindunlink", oStreamLocalBindUnlink }, { "revokedhostkeys", oRevokedHostKeys }, { "fingerprinthash", oFingerprintHash }, { "updatehostkeys", oUpdateHostkeys }, { "hostbasedacceptedalgorithms", oHostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms }, { "hostbasedkeytypes", oHostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms }, /* obsolete */ { "pubkeyacceptedalgorithms", oPubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms }, { "pubkeyacceptedkeytypes", oPubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms }, /* obsolete */ { "proxyjump", oProxyJump }, { "noneenabled", oNoneEnabled }, { "tcprcvbufpoll", oTcpRcvBufPoll }, { "tcprcvbuf", oTcpRcvBuf }, { "noneswitch", oNoneSwitch }, { "hpndisabled", oHPNDisabled }, { "hpnbuffersize", oHPNBufferSize }, { "sendversionfirst", oSendVersionFirst }, { "ignoreunknown", oIgnoreUnknown }, { "proxyjump", oProxyJump }, { "securitykeyprovider", oSecurityKeyProvider }, { "knownhostscommand", oKnownHostsCommand }, { "requiredrsasize", oRequiredRSASize }, { "enableescapecommandline", oEnableEscapeCommandline }, { "obscurekeystroketiming", oObscureKeystrokeTiming }, { "channeltimeout", oChannelTimeout }, { NULL, oBadOption } }; static const char *lookup_opcode_name(OpCodes code); const char * kex_default_pk_alg(void) { static char *pkalgs; if (pkalgs == NULL) { char *all_key; all_key = sshkey_alg_list(0, 0, 1, ','); pkalgs = match_filter_allowlist(KEX_DEFAULT_PK_ALG, all_key); free(all_key); } return pkalgs; } char * ssh_connection_hash(const char *thishost, const char *host, const char *portstr, const char *user, const char *jumphost) { struct ssh_digest_ctx *md; u_char conn_hash[SSH_DIGEST_MAX_LENGTH]; if ((md = ssh_digest_start(SSH_DIGEST_SHA1)) == NULL || ssh_digest_update(md, thishost, strlen(thishost)) < 0 || ssh_digest_update(md, host, strlen(host)) < 0 || ssh_digest_update(md, portstr, strlen(portstr)) < 0 || ssh_digest_update(md, user, strlen(user)) < 0 || ssh_digest_update(md, jumphost, strlen(jumphost)) < 0 || ssh_digest_final(md, conn_hash, sizeof(conn_hash)) < 0) fatal_f("mux digest failed"); ssh_digest_free(md); return tohex(conn_hash, ssh_digest_bytes(SSH_DIGEST_SHA1)); } /* * Adds a local TCP/IP port forward to options. Never returns if there is an * error. */ void add_local_forward(Options *options, const struct Forward *newfwd) { struct Forward *fwd; int i; /* Don't add duplicates */ for (i = 0; i < options->num_local_forwards; i++) { if (forward_equals(newfwd, options->local_forwards + i)) return; } options->local_forwards = xreallocarray(options->local_forwards, options->num_local_forwards + 1, sizeof(*options->local_forwards)); fwd = &options->local_forwards[options->num_local_forwards++]; fwd->listen_host = newfwd->listen_host; fwd->listen_port = newfwd->listen_port; fwd->listen_path = newfwd->listen_path; fwd->connect_host = newfwd->connect_host; fwd->connect_port = newfwd->connect_port; fwd->connect_path = newfwd->connect_path; } /* * Adds a remote TCP/IP port forward to options. Never returns if there is * an error. */ void add_remote_forward(Options *options, const struct Forward *newfwd) { struct Forward *fwd; int i; /* Don't add duplicates */ for (i = 0; i < options->num_remote_forwards; i++) { if (forward_equals(newfwd, options->remote_forwards + i)) return; } options->remote_forwards = xreallocarray(options->remote_forwards, options->num_remote_forwards + 1, sizeof(*options->remote_forwards)); fwd = &options->remote_forwards[options->num_remote_forwards++]; fwd->listen_host = newfwd->listen_host; fwd->listen_port = newfwd->listen_port; fwd->listen_path = newfwd->listen_path; fwd->connect_host = newfwd->connect_host; fwd->connect_port = newfwd->connect_port; fwd->connect_path = newfwd->connect_path; fwd->handle = newfwd->handle; fwd->allocated_port = 0; } static void clear_forwardings(Options *options) { int i; for (i = 0; i < options->num_local_forwards; i++) { free(options->local_forwards[i].listen_host); free(options->local_forwards[i].listen_path); free(options->local_forwards[i].connect_host); free(options->local_forwards[i].connect_path); } if (options->num_local_forwards > 0) { free(options->local_forwards); options->local_forwards = NULL; } options->num_local_forwards = 0; for (i = 0; i < options->num_remote_forwards; i++) { free(options->remote_forwards[i].listen_host); free(options->remote_forwards[i].listen_path); free(options->remote_forwards[i].connect_host); free(options->remote_forwards[i].connect_path); } if (options->num_remote_forwards > 0) { free(options->remote_forwards); options->remote_forwards = NULL; } options->num_remote_forwards = 0; options->tun_open = SSH_TUNMODE_NO; } void add_certificate_file(Options *options, const char *path, int userprovided) { int i; if (options->num_certificate_files >= SSH_MAX_CERTIFICATE_FILES) fatal("Too many certificate files specified (max %d)", SSH_MAX_CERTIFICATE_FILES); /* Avoid registering duplicates */ for (i = 0; i < options->num_certificate_files; i++) { if (options->certificate_file_userprovided[i] == userprovided && strcmp(options->certificate_files[i], path) == 0) { debug2_f("ignoring duplicate key %s", path); return; } } options->certificate_file_userprovided[options->num_certificate_files] = userprovided; options->certificate_files[options->num_certificate_files++] = xstrdup(path); } void add_identity_file(Options *options, const char *dir, const char *filename, int userprovided) { char *path; int i; if (options->num_identity_files >= SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES) fatal("Too many identity files specified (max %d)", SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES); if (dir == NULL) /* no dir, filename is absolute */ path = xstrdup(filename); else if (xasprintf(&path, "%s%s", dir, filename) >= PATH_MAX) fatal("Identity file path %s too long", path); /* Avoid registering duplicates */ for (i = 0; i < options->num_identity_files; i++) { if (options->identity_file_userprovided[i] == userprovided && strcmp(options->identity_files[i], path) == 0) { debug2_f("ignoring duplicate key %s", path); free(path); return; } } options->identity_file_userprovided[options->num_identity_files] = userprovided; options->identity_files[options->num_identity_files++] = path; } int default_ssh_port(void) { static int port; struct servent *sp; if (port == 0) { sp = getservbyname(SSH_SERVICE_NAME, "tcp"); port = sp ? ntohs(sp->s_port) : SSH_DEFAULT_PORT; } return port; } /* * Execute a command in a shell. * Return its exit status or -1 on abnormal exit. */ static int execute_in_shell(const char *cmd) { const char *shell; pid_t pid; int status; if ((shell = getenv("SHELL")) == NULL) shell = _PATH_BSHELL; if (access(shell, X_OK) == -1) { fatal("Shell \"%s\" is not executable: %s", shell, strerror(errno)); } debug("Executing command: '%.500s'", cmd); /* Fork and execute the command. */ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { char *argv[4]; if (stdfd_devnull(1, 1, 0) == -1) fatal_f("stdfd_devnull failed"); closefrom(STDERR_FILENO + 1); argv[0] = __UNCONST(shell); argv[1] = __UNCONST("-c"); argv[2] = xstrdup(cmd); argv[3] = NULL; execv(argv[0], argv); error("Unable to execute '%.100s': %s", cmd, strerror(errno)); /* Die with signal to make this error apparent to parent. */ ssh_signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); kill(getpid(), SIGTERM); _exit(1); } /* Parent. */ if (pid == -1) fatal_f("fork: %.100s", strerror(errno)); while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1) { if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) fatal_f("waitpid: %s", strerror(errno)); } if (!WIFEXITED(status)) { error("command '%.100s' exited abnormally", cmd); return -1; } debug3("command returned status %d", WEXITSTATUS(status)); return WEXITSTATUS(status); } /* * Check whether a local network interface address appears in CIDR pattern- * list 'addrlist'. Returns 1 if matched or 0 otherwise. */ static int check_match_ifaddrs(const char *addrlist) { struct ifaddrs *ifa, *ifaddrs = NULL; int r, found = 0; char addr[NI_MAXHOST]; socklen_t salen; if (getifaddrs(&ifaddrs) != 0) { error("match localnetwork: getifaddrs failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return 0; } for (ifa = ifaddrs; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL || ifa->ifa_name == NULL || (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) continue; switch (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: salen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); break; case AF_INET6: salen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); break; case AF_LINK: /* ignore */ continue; default: debug2_f("interface %s: unsupported address family %d", ifa->ifa_name, ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family); continue; } if ((r = getnameinfo(ifa->ifa_addr, salen, addr, sizeof(addr), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) != 0) { debug2_f("interface %s getnameinfo failed: %s", ifa->ifa_name, gai_strerror(r)); continue; } debug3_f("interface %s addr %s", ifa->ifa_name, addr); if (addr_match_cidr_list(addr, addrlist) == 1) { debug3_f("matched interface %s: address %s in %s", ifa->ifa_name, addr, addrlist); found = 1; break; } } freeifaddrs(ifaddrs); return found; } /* * Expand a "match exec" command or an Include path, caller must free returned * value. */ static char * expand_match_exec_or_include_path(const char *path, Options *options, struct passwd *pw, const char *host_arg, const char *original_host, int final_pass, int is_include_path) { char thishost[NI_MAXHOST], shorthost[NI_MAXHOST], portstr[NI_MAXSERV]; char uidstr[32], *conn_hash_hex, *keyalias, *ruser; const char *jmphost; char *host, *ret; int port; port = options->port <= 0 ? default_ssh_port() : options->port; ruser = options->user == NULL ? pw->pw_name : options->user; if (final_pass) { host = xstrdup(options->hostname); } else if (options->hostname != NULL) { /* NB. Please keep in sync with ssh.c:main() */ host = percent_expand(options->hostname, "h", host_arg, (char *)NULL); } else { host = xstrdup(host_arg); } if (gethostname(thishost, sizeof(thishost)) == -1) fatal("gethostname: %s", strerror(errno)); jmphost = option_clear_or_none(options->jump_host) ? "" : options->jump_host; strlcpy(shorthost, thishost, sizeof(shorthost)); shorthost[strcspn(thishost, ".")] = '\0'; snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", port); snprintf(uidstr, sizeof(uidstr), "%llu", (unsigned long long)pw->pw_uid); conn_hash_hex = ssh_connection_hash(thishost, host, portstr, ruser, jmphost); keyalias = options->host_key_alias ? options->host_key_alias : host; ret = (is_include_path ? percent_dollar_expand : percent_expand)(path, "C", conn_hash_hex, "L", shorthost, "d", pw->pw_dir, "h", host, "k", keyalias, "l", thishost, "n", original_host, "p", portstr, "r", ruser, "u", pw->pw_name, "i", uidstr, "j", jmphost, (char *)NULL); free(host); free(conn_hash_hex); return ret; } /* * Parse and execute a Match directive. */ static int match_cfg_line(Options *options, const char *full_line, int *acp, char ***avp, struct passwd *pw, const char *host_arg, const char *original_host, int final_pass, int *want_final_pass, const char *filename, int linenum) { char *arg, *oattrib, *attrib, *cmd, *host, *criteria; const char *ruser; int r, this_result, result = 1, attributes = 0, negate; /* * Configuration is likely to be incomplete at this point so we * must be prepared to use default values. */ ruser = options->user == NULL ? pw->pw_name : options->user; if (final_pass) { host = xstrdup(options->hostname); } else if (options->hostname != NULL) { /* NB. Please keep in sync with ssh.c:main() */ host = percent_expand(options->hostname, "h", host_arg, (char *)NULL); } else { host = xstrdup(host_arg); } debug2("checking match for '%s' host %s originally %s", full_line, host, original_host); while ((oattrib = attrib = argv_next(acp, avp)) != NULL) { /* Terminate on comment */ if (*attrib == '#') { argv_consume(acp); break; } arg = criteria = NULL; this_result = 1; if ((negate = (attrib[0] == '!'))) attrib++; /* Criterion "all" has no argument and must appear alone */ if (strcasecmp(attrib, "all") == 0) { if (attributes > 1 || ((arg = argv_next(acp, avp)) != NULL && *arg != '\0' && *arg != '#')) { error("%.200s line %d: '%s' cannot be combined " "with other Match attributes", filename, linenum, oattrib); result = -1; goto out; } if (arg != NULL && *arg == '#') argv_consume(acp); /* consume remaining args */ if (result) result = negate ? 0 : 1; goto out; } attributes++; /* criteria "final" and "canonical" have no argument */ if (strcasecmp(attrib, "canonical") == 0 || strcasecmp(attrib, "final") == 0) { /* * If the config requests "Match final" then remember * this so we can perform a second pass later. */ if (strcasecmp(attrib, "final") == 0 && want_final_pass != NULL) *want_final_pass = 1; r = !!final_pass; /* force bitmask member to boolean */ if (r == (negate ? 1 : 0)) this_result = result = 0; debug3("%.200s line %d: %smatched '%s'", filename, linenum, this_result ? "" : "not ", oattrib); continue; } /* All other criteria require an argument */ if ((arg = argv_next(acp, avp)) == NULL || *arg == '\0' || *arg == '#') { error("Missing Match criteria for %s", attrib); result = -1; goto out; } if (strcasecmp(attrib, "host") == 0) { criteria = xstrdup(host); r = match_hostname(host, arg) == 1; if (r == (negate ? 1 : 0)) this_result = result = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(attrib, "originalhost") == 0) { criteria = xstrdup(original_host); r = match_hostname(original_host, arg) == 1; if (r == (negate ? 1 : 0)) this_result = result = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(attrib, "user") == 0) { criteria = xstrdup(ruser); r = match_pattern_list(ruser, arg, 0) == 1; if (r == (negate ? 1 : 0)) this_result = result = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(attrib, "localuser") == 0) { criteria = xstrdup(pw->pw_name); r = match_pattern_list(pw->pw_name, arg, 0) == 1; if (r == (negate ? 1 : 0)) this_result = result = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(attrib, "localnetwork") == 0) { if (addr_match_cidr_list(NULL, arg) == -1) { /* Error already printed */ result = -1; goto out; } r = check_match_ifaddrs(arg) == 1; if (r == (negate ? 1 : 0)) this_result = result = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(attrib, "tagged") == 0) { criteria = xstrdup(options->tag == NULL ? "" : options->tag); r = match_pattern_list(criteria, arg, 0) == 1; if (r == (negate ? 1 : 0)) this_result = result = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(attrib, "exec") == 0) { if ((cmd = expand_match_exec_or_include_path(arg, options, pw, host_arg, original_host, final_pass, 0)) == NULL) { fatal("%.200s line %d: failed to expand match " "exec '%.100s'", filename, linenum, arg); } if (result != 1) { /* skip execution if prior predicate failed */ debug3("%.200s line %d: skipped exec " "\"%.100s\"", filename, linenum, cmd); free(cmd); continue; } r = execute_in_shell(cmd); if (r == -1) { fatal("%.200s line %d: match exec " "'%.100s' error", filename, linenum, cmd); } criteria = xstrdup(cmd); free(cmd); /* Force exit status to boolean */ r = r == 0; if (r == (negate ? 1 : 0)) this_result = result = 0; } else { error("Unsupported Match attribute %s", attrib); result = -1; goto out; } debug3("%.200s line %d: %smatched '%s%s%.100s%s' ", filename, linenum, this_result ? "": "not ", oattrib, criteria == NULL ? "" : " \"", criteria == NULL ? "" : criteria, criteria == NULL ? "" : "\""); free(criteria); } if (attributes == 0) { error("One or more attributes required for Match"); result = -1; goto out; } out: if (result != -1) debug2("match %sfound", result ? "" : "not "); free(host); return result; } /* Remove environment variable by pattern */ static void rm_env(Options *options, const char *arg, const char *filename, int linenum) { u_int i, j, onum_send_env = options->num_send_env; /* Remove an environment variable */ for (i = 0; i < options->num_send_env; ) { if (!match_pattern(options->send_env[i], arg + 1)) { i++; continue; } debug3("%s line %d: removing environment %s", filename, linenum, options->send_env[i]); free(options->send_env[i]); options->send_env[i] = NULL; for (j = i; j < options->num_send_env - 1; j++) { options->send_env[j] = options->send_env[j + 1]; options->send_env[j + 1] = NULL; } options->num_send_env--; /* NB. don't increment i */ } if (onum_send_env != options->num_send_env) { options->send_env = xrecallocarray(options->send_env, onum_send_env, options->num_send_env, sizeof(*options->send_env)); } } /* * Returns the number of the token pointed to by cp or oBadOption. */ static OpCodes parse_token(const char *cp, const char *filename, int linenum, const char *ignored_unknown) { int i; for (i = 0; keywords[i].name; i++) if (strcmp(cp, keywords[i].name) == 0) return keywords[i].opcode; if (ignored_unknown != NULL && match_pattern_list(cp, ignored_unknown, 1) == 1) return oIgnoredUnknownOption; error("%s: line %d: Bad configuration option: %s", filename, linenum, cp); return oBadOption; } static void free_canon_cnames(struct allowed_cname *cnames, u_int n) { u_int i; if (cnames == NULL || n == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { free(cnames[i].source_list); free(cnames[i].target_list); } free(cnames); } /* Multistate option parsing */ struct multistate { const char *key; int value; }; static const struct multistate multistate_flag[] = { { "true", 1 }, { "false", 0 }, { "yes", 1 }, { "no", 0 }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_yesnoask[] = { { "true", 1 }, { "false", 0 }, { "yes", 1 }, { "no", 0 }, { "ask", 2 }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_strict_hostkey[] = { { "true", SSH_STRICT_HOSTKEY_YES }, { "false", SSH_STRICT_HOSTKEY_OFF }, { "yes", SSH_STRICT_HOSTKEY_YES }, { "no", SSH_STRICT_HOSTKEY_OFF }, { "ask", SSH_STRICT_HOSTKEY_ASK }, { "off", SSH_STRICT_HOSTKEY_OFF }, { "accept-new", SSH_STRICT_HOSTKEY_NEW }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_yesnoaskconfirm[] = { { "true", 1 }, { "false", 0 }, { "yes", 1 }, { "no", 0 }, { "ask", 2 }, { "confirm", 3 }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_addressfamily[] = { { "inet", AF_INET }, { "inet6", AF_INET6 }, { "any", AF_UNSPEC }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_controlmaster[] = { { "true", SSHCTL_MASTER_YES }, { "yes", SSHCTL_MASTER_YES }, { "false", SSHCTL_MASTER_NO }, { "no", SSHCTL_MASTER_NO }, { "auto", SSHCTL_MASTER_AUTO }, { "ask", SSHCTL_MASTER_ASK }, { "autoask", SSHCTL_MASTER_AUTO_ASK }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_tunnel[] = { { "ethernet", SSH_TUNMODE_ETHERNET }, { "point-to-point", SSH_TUNMODE_POINTOPOINT }, { "true", SSH_TUNMODE_DEFAULT }, { "yes", SSH_TUNMODE_DEFAULT }, { "false", SSH_TUNMODE_NO }, { "no", SSH_TUNMODE_NO }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_requesttty[] = { { "true", REQUEST_TTY_YES }, { "yes", REQUEST_TTY_YES }, { "false", REQUEST_TTY_NO }, { "no", REQUEST_TTY_NO }, { "force", REQUEST_TTY_FORCE }, { "auto", REQUEST_TTY_AUTO }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_sessiontype[] = { { "none", SESSION_TYPE_NONE }, { "subsystem", SESSION_TYPE_SUBSYSTEM }, { "default", SESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_canonicalizehostname[] = { { "true", SSH_CANONICALISE_YES }, { "false", SSH_CANONICALISE_NO }, { "yes", SSH_CANONICALISE_YES }, { "no", SSH_CANONICALISE_NO }, { "always", SSH_CANONICALISE_ALWAYS }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_pubkey_auth[] = { { "true", SSH_PUBKEY_AUTH_ALL }, { "false", SSH_PUBKEY_AUTH_NO }, { "yes", SSH_PUBKEY_AUTH_ALL }, { "no", SSH_PUBKEY_AUTH_NO }, { "unbound", SSH_PUBKEY_AUTH_UNBOUND }, { "host-bound", SSH_PUBKEY_AUTH_HBOUND }, { NULL, -1 } }; static const struct multistate multistate_compression[] = { #ifdef WITH_ZLIB { "yes", COMP_DELAYED }, #endif { "no", COMP_NONE }, { NULL, -1 } }; static int parse_multistate_value(const char *arg, const char *filename, int linenum, const struct multistate *multistate_ptr) { int i; if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%s line %d: missing argument.", filename, linenum); return -1; } for (i = 0; multistate_ptr[i].key != NULL; i++) { if (strcasecmp(arg, multistate_ptr[i].key) == 0) return multistate_ptr[i].value; } return -1; } /* * Processes a single option line as used in the configuration files. This * only sets those values that have not already been set. */ int process_config_line(Options *options, struct passwd *pw, const char *host, const char *original_host, char *line, const char *filename, int linenum, int *activep, int flags) { return process_config_line_depth(options, pw, host, original_host, line, filename, linenum, activep, flags, NULL, 0); } #define WHITESPACE " \t\r\n" static int process_config_line_depth(Options *options, struct passwd *pw, const char *host, const char *original_host, char *line, const char *filename, int linenum, int *activep, int flags, int *want_final_pass, int depth) { char *str, **charptr, *endofnumber, *keyword, *arg, *arg2, *p; char **cpptr, ***cppptr, fwdarg[256]; u_int i, *uintptr, max_entries = 0; int r, oactive, negated, opcode, *intptr, value, value2, cmdline = 0; int remotefwd, dynamicfwd, ca_only = 0, found = 0; LogLevel *log_level_ptr; SyslogFacility *log_facility_ptr; long long val64; size_t len; struct Forward fwd; const struct multistate *multistate_ptr; glob_t gl; const char *errstr; char **oav = NULL, **av; int oac = 0, ac; int ret = -1; struct allowed_cname *cnames = NULL; u_int ncnames = 0; char **strs = NULL; /* string array arguments; freed implicitly */ u_int nstrs = 0; if (activep == NULL) { /* We are processing a command line directive */ cmdline = 1; activep = &cmdline; } /* Strip trailing whitespace. Allow \f (form feed) at EOL only */ if ((len = strlen(line)) == 0) return 0; for (len--; len > 0; len--) { if (strchr(WHITESPACE "\f", line[len]) == NULL) break; line[len] = '\0'; } str = line; /* Get the keyword. (Each line is supposed to begin with a keyword). */ if ((keyword = strdelim(&str)) == NULL) return 0; /* Ignore leading whitespace. */ if (*keyword == '\0') keyword = strdelim(&str); if (keyword == NULL || !*keyword || *keyword == '\n' || *keyword == '#') return 0; /* Match lowercase keyword */ lowercase(keyword); /* Prepare to parse remainder of line */ if (str != NULL) str += strspn(str, WHITESPACE); if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') { error("%s line %d: no argument after keyword \"%s\"", filename, linenum, keyword); return -1; } opcode = parse_token(keyword, filename, linenum, options->ignored_unknown); if (argv_split(str, &oac, &oav, 1) != 0) { error("%s line %d: invalid quotes", filename, linenum); return -1; } ac = oac; av = oav; switch (opcode) { case oBadOption: /* don't panic, but count bad options */ goto out; case oIgnore: argv_consume(&ac); break; case oIgnoredUnknownOption: debug("%s line %d: Ignored unknown option \"%s\"", filename, linenum, keyword); argv_consume(&ac); break; case oConnectTimeout: intptr = &options->connection_timeout; parse_time: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%s line %d: missing time value.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (strcmp(arg, "none") == 0) value = -1; else if ((value = convtime(arg)) == -1) { error("%s line %d: invalid time value.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep && *intptr == -1) *intptr = value; break; case oForwardAgent: intptr = &options->forward_agent; arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%s line %d: missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } value = -1; multistate_ptr = multistate_flag; for (i = 0; multistate_ptr[i].key != NULL; i++) { if (strcasecmp(arg, multistate_ptr[i].key) == 0) { value = multistate_ptr[i].value; break; } } if (value != -1) { if (*activep && *intptr == -1) *intptr = value; break; } /* ForwardAgent wasn't 'yes' or 'no', assume a path */ if (*activep && *intptr == -1) *intptr = 1; charptr = &options->forward_agent_sock_path; goto parse_agent_path; case oForwardX11: intptr = &options->forward_x11; parse_flag: multistate_ptr = multistate_flag; parse_multistate: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if ((value = parse_multistate_value(arg, filename, linenum, multistate_ptr)) == -1) { error("%s line %d: unsupported option \"%s\".", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } if (*activep && *intptr == -1) *intptr = value; break; case oForwardX11Trusted: intptr = &options->forward_x11_trusted; goto parse_flag; case oForwardX11Timeout: intptr = &options->forward_x11_timeout; goto parse_time; case oGatewayPorts: intptr = &options->fwd_opts.gateway_ports; goto parse_flag; case oExitOnForwardFailure: intptr = &options->exit_on_forward_failure; goto parse_flag; case oPasswordAuthentication: intptr = &options->password_authentication; goto parse_flag; case oKbdInteractiveAuthentication: intptr = &options->kbd_interactive_authentication; goto parse_flag; case oKbdInteractiveDevices: charptr = &options->kbd_interactive_devices; goto parse_string; case oPubkeyAuthentication: multistate_ptr = multistate_pubkey_auth; intptr = &options->pubkey_authentication; goto parse_multistate; case oHostbasedAuthentication: intptr = &options->hostbased_authentication; goto parse_flag; #if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5) case oKerberosAuthentication: intptr = &options->kerberos_authentication; goto parse_flag; #endif #if defined(AFS) || defined(KRB5) case oKerberosTgtPassing: intptr = &options->kerberos_tgt_passing; goto parse_flag; #endif case oGssAuthentication: intptr = &options->gss_authentication; goto parse_flag; #ifdef AFS case oAFSTokenPassing: intptr = &options->afs_token_passing; goto parse_flag; #endif case oGssDelegateCreds: intptr = &options->gss_deleg_creds; goto parse_flag; case oBatchMode: intptr = &options->batch_mode; goto parse_flag; case oCheckHostIP: intptr = &options->check_host_ip; goto parse_flag; case oNoneEnabled: intptr = &options->none_enabled; goto parse_flag; /* we check to see if the command comes from the */ /* command line or not. If it does then enable it */ /* otherwise fail. NONE should never be a default configuration */ case oNoneSwitch: if(strcmp(filename,"command-line")==0) { intptr = &options->none_switch; goto parse_flag; } else { error("NoneSwitch is found in %.200s.\nYou may only use this configuration option from the command line", filename); error("Continuing..."); debug("NoneSwitch directive found in %.200s.", filename); return 0; } case oHPNDisabled: intptr = &options->hpn_disabled; goto parse_flag; case oHPNBufferSize: intptr = &options->hpn_buffer_size; goto parse_int; case oTcpRcvBufPoll: intptr = &options->tcp_rcv_buf_poll; goto parse_flag; case oVerifyHostKeyDNS: intptr = &options->verify_host_key_dns; multistate_ptr = multistate_yesnoask; goto parse_multistate; case oStrictHostKeyChecking: intptr = &options->strict_host_key_checking; multistate_ptr = multistate_strict_hostkey; goto parse_multistate; case oCompression: intptr = &options->compression; multistate_ptr = multistate_compression; goto parse_multistate; case oTCPKeepAlive: intptr = &options->tcp_keep_alive; goto parse_flag; case oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost: intptr = &options->no_host_authentication_for_localhost; goto parse_flag; case oNumberOfPasswordPrompts: intptr = &options->number_of_password_prompts; goto parse_int; case oRekeyLimit: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (strcmp(arg, "default") == 0) { val64 = 0; } else { if (scan_scaled(arg, &val64) == -1) { error("%.200s line %d: Bad number '%s': %s", filename, linenum, arg, strerror(errno)); goto out; } if (val64 != 0 && val64 < 16) { error("%.200s line %d: RekeyLimit too small", filename, linenum); goto out; } } if (*activep && options->rekey_limit == -1) options->rekey_limit = val64; if (ac != 0) { /* optional rekey interval present */ if (strcmp(av[0], "none") == 0) { (void)argv_next(&ac, &av); /* discard */ break; } intptr = &options->rekey_interval; goto parse_time; } break; case oIdentityFile: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep) { intptr = &options->num_identity_files; if (*intptr >= SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES) { error("%.200s line %d: Too many identity files " "specified (max %d).", filename, linenum, SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES); goto out; } add_identity_file(options, NULL, arg, flags & SSHCONF_USERCONF); } break; case oCertificateFile: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep) { intptr = &options->num_certificate_files; if (*intptr >= SSH_MAX_CERTIFICATE_FILES) { error("%.200s line %d: Too many certificate " "files specified (max %d).", filename, linenum, SSH_MAX_CERTIFICATE_FILES); goto out; } add_certificate_file(options, arg, flags & SSHCONF_USERCONF); } break; case oXAuthLocation: charptr=&options->xauth_location; goto parse_string; case oUser: charptr = &options->user; parse_string: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep && *charptr == NULL) *charptr = xstrdup(arg); break; case oGlobalKnownHostsFile: cpptr = (char **)&options->system_hostfiles; uintptr = &options->num_system_hostfiles; max_entries = SSH_MAX_HOSTS_FILES; parse_char_array: i = 0; value = *uintptr == 0; /* was array empty when we started? */ while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { if (*arg == '\0') { error("%s line %d: keyword %s empty argument", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } /* Allow "none" only in first position */ if (strcasecmp(arg, "none") == 0) { if (i > 0 || ac > 0) { error("%s line %d: keyword %s \"none\" " "argument must appear alone.", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } } i++; if (*activep && value) { if ((*uintptr) >= max_entries) { error("%s line %d: too many %s " "entries.", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } cpptr[(*uintptr)++] = xstrdup(arg); } } break; case oUserKnownHostsFile: cpptr = (char **)&options->user_hostfiles; uintptr = &options->num_user_hostfiles; max_entries = SSH_MAX_HOSTS_FILES; goto parse_char_array; case oHostname: charptr = &options->hostname; goto parse_string; case oTag: charptr = &options->tag; goto parse_string; case oHostKeyAlias: charptr = &options->host_key_alias; goto parse_string; case oPreferredAuthentications: charptr = &options->preferred_authentications; goto parse_string; case oBindAddress: charptr = &options->bind_address; goto parse_string; case oBindInterface: charptr = &options->bind_interface; goto parse_string; case oIPv6PreferTemporary: intptr = &options->ipv6_prefer_temporary; goto parse_flag; case oPKCS11Provider: charptr = &options->pkcs11_provider; goto parse_string; case oSecurityKeyProvider: charptr = &options->sk_provider; goto parse_string; case oKnownHostsCommand: charptr = &options->known_hosts_command; goto parse_command; case oProxyCommand: charptr = &options->proxy_command; /* Ignore ProxyCommand if ProxyJump already specified */ if (options->jump_host != NULL) charptr = &options->jump_host; /* Skip below */ parse_command: if (str == NULL) { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } len = strspn(str, WHITESPACE "="); if (*activep && *charptr == NULL) *charptr = xstrdup(str + len); argv_consume(&ac); break; case oProxyJump: if (str == NULL) { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } len = strspn(str, WHITESPACE "="); /* XXX use argv? */ if (parse_jump(str + len, options, *activep) == -1) { error("%.200s line %d: Invalid ProxyJump \"%s\"", filename, linenum, str + len); goto out; } argv_consume(&ac); break; case oPort: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } value = a2port(arg); if (value <= 0) { error("%.200s line %d: Bad port '%s'.", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } if (*activep && options->port == -1) options->port = value; break; case oConnectionAttempts: intptr = &options->connection_attempts; parse_int: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if ((errstr = atoi_err(arg, &value)) != NULL) { error("%s line %d: integer value %s.", filename, linenum, errstr); goto out; } if (*activep && *intptr == -1) *intptr = value; break; case oTcpRcvBuf: intptr = &options->tcp_rcv_buf; goto parse_int; case oCiphers: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*arg != '-' && !ciphers_valid(*arg == '+' || *arg == '^' ? arg + 1 : arg)){ error("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 cipher spec '%s'.", filename, linenum, arg ? arg : ""); goto out; } if (*activep && options->ciphers == NULL) options->ciphers = xstrdup(arg); break; case oMacs: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*arg != '-' && !mac_valid(*arg == '+' || *arg == '^' ? arg + 1 : arg)) { error("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 MAC spec '%s'.", filename, linenum, arg ? arg : ""); goto out; } if (*activep && options->macs == NULL) options->macs = xstrdup(arg); break; case oKexAlgorithms: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*arg != '-' && !kex_names_valid(*arg == '+' || *arg == '^' ? arg + 1 : arg)) { error("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 KexAlgorithms '%s'.", filename, linenum, arg ? arg : ""); goto out; } if (*activep && options->kex_algorithms == NULL) options->kex_algorithms = xstrdup(arg); break; case oHostKeyAlgorithms: charptr = &options->hostkeyalgorithms; ca_only = 0; parse_pubkey_algos: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*arg != '-' && !sshkey_names_valid2(*arg == '+' || *arg == '^' ? arg + 1 : arg, 1, ca_only)) { error("%s line %d: Bad key types '%s'.", filename, linenum, arg ? arg : ""); goto out; } if (*activep && *charptr == NULL) *charptr = xstrdup(arg); break; case oCASignatureAlgorithms: charptr = &options->ca_sign_algorithms; ca_only = 1; goto parse_pubkey_algos; case oLogLevel: log_level_ptr = &options->log_level; arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); value = log_level_number(arg); if (value == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET) { error("%.200s line %d: unsupported log level '%s'", filename, linenum, arg ? arg : ""); goto out; } if (*activep && *log_level_ptr == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET) *log_level_ptr = (LogLevel) value; break; case oLogFacility: log_facility_ptr = &options->log_facility; arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); value = log_facility_number(arg); if (value == SYSLOG_FACILITY_NOT_SET) { error("%.200s line %d: unsupported log facility '%s'", filename, linenum, arg ? arg : ""); goto out; } if (*log_facility_ptr == -1) *log_facility_ptr = (SyslogFacility) value; break; case oLogVerbose: cppptr = &options->log_verbose; uintptr = &options->num_log_verbose; i = 0; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { if (*arg == '\0') { error("%s line %d: keyword %s empty argument", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } /* Allow "none" only in first position */ if (strcasecmp(arg, "none") == 0) { if (i > 0 || ac > 0) { error("%s line %d: keyword %s \"none\" " "argument must appear alone.", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } } i++; if (*activep && *uintptr == 0) { *cppptr = xrecallocarray(*cppptr, *uintptr, *uintptr + 1, sizeof(**cppptr)); (*cppptr)[(*uintptr)++] = xstrdup(arg); } } break; case oLocalForward: case oRemoteForward: case oDynamicForward: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } remotefwd = (opcode == oRemoteForward); dynamicfwd = (opcode == oDynamicForward); if (!dynamicfwd) { arg2 = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (arg2 == NULL || *arg2 == '\0') { if (remotefwd) dynamicfwd = 1; else { error("%.200s line %d: Missing target " "argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } } else { /* construct a string for parse_forward */ snprintf(fwdarg, sizeof(fwdarg), "%s:%s", arg, arg2); } } if (dynamicfwd) strlcpy(fwdarg, arg, sizeof(fwdarg)); if (parse_forward(&fwd, fwdarg, dynamicfwd, remotefwd) == 0) { error("%.200s line %d: Bad forwarding specification.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep) { if (remotefwd) { add_remote_forward(options, &fwd); } else { add_local_forward(options, &fwd); } } break; case oPermitRemoteOpen: uintptr = &options->num_permitted_remote_opens; cppptr = &options->permitted_remote_opens; found = *uintptr == 0; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { arg2 = xstrdup(arg); /* Allow any/none only in first position */ if (strcasecmp(arg, "none") == 0 || strcasecmp(arg, "any") == 0) { if (nstrs > 0 || ac > 0) { error("%s line %d: keyword %s \"%s\" " "argument must appear alone.", filename, linenum, keyword, arg); free(arg2); goto out; } } else { p = hpdelim(&arg); if (p == NULL) { fatal("%s line %d: missing host in %s", filename, linenum, lookup_opcode_name(opcode)); } p = cleanhostname(p); /* * don't want to use permitopen_port to avoid * dependency on channels.[ch] here. */ if (arg == NULL || (strcmp(arg, "*") != 0 && a2port(arg) <= 0)) { fatal("%s line %d: bad port number " "in %s", filename, linenum, lookup_opcode_name(opcode)); } } opt_array_append(filename, linenum, lookup_opcode_name(opcode), &strs, &nstrs, arg2); free(arg2); } if (nstrs == 0) fatal("%s line %d: missing %s specification", filename, linenum, lookup_opcode_name(opcode)); if (found && *activep) { *cppptr = strs; *uintptr = nstrs; strs = NULL; /* transferred */ nstrs = 0; } break; case oClearAllForwardings: intptr = &options->clear_forwardings; goto parse_flag; case oHost: if (cmdline) { error("Host directive not supported as a command-line " "option"); goto out; } *activep = 0; arg2 = NULL; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { if (*arg == '\0') { error("%s line %d: keyword %s empty argument", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } if ((flags & SSHCONF_NEVERMATCH) != 0) { argv_consume(&ac); break; } negated = *arg == '!'; if (negated) arg++; if (match_pattern(host, arg)) { if (negated) { debug("%.200s line %d: Skipping Host " "block because of negated match " "for %.100s", filename, linenum, arg); *activep = 0; argv_consume(&ac); break; } if (!*activep) arg2 = arg; /* logged below */ *activep = 1; } } if (*activep) debug("%.200s line %d: Applying options for %.100s", filename, linenum, arg2); break; case oMatch: if (cmdline) { error("Host directive not supported as a command-line " "option"); goto out; } value = match_cfg_line(options, str, &ac, &av, pw, host, original_host, flags & SSHCONF_FINAL, want_final_pass, filename, linenum); if (value < 0) { error("%.200s line %d: Bad Match condition", filename, linenum); goto out; } *activep = (flags & SSHCONF_NEVERMATCH) ? 0 : value; break; case oEscapeChar: intptr = &options->escape_char; arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (strcmp(arg, "none") == 0) value = SSH_ESCAPECHAR_NONE; else if (arg[1] == '\0') value = (u_char) arg[0]; else if (arg[0] == '^' && arg[2] == 0 && (u_char) arg[1] >= 64 && (u_char) arg[1] < 128) value = (u_char) arg[1] & 31; else { error("%.200s line %d: Bad escape character.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep && *intptr == -1) *intptr = value; break; case oAddressFamily: intptr = &options->address_family; multistate_ptr = multistate_addressfamily; goto parse_multistate; case oEnableSSHKeysign: intptr = &options->enable_ssh_keysign; goto parse_flag; case oIdentitiesOnly: intptr = &options->identities_only; goto parse_flag; case oServerAliveInterval: intptr = &options->server_alive_interval; goto parse_time; case oServerAliveCountMax: intptr = &options->server_alive_count_max; goto parse_int; case oSendEnv: /* XXX appends to list; doesn't respect first-match-wins */ while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { if (*arg == '\0' || strchr(arg, '=') != NULL) { error("%s line %d: Invalid environment name.", filename, linenum); goto out; } found = 1; if (!*activep) continue; if (*arg == '-') { /* Removing an env var */ rm_env(options, arg, filename, linenum); continue; } opt_array_append(filename, linenum, lookup_opcode_name(opcode), &options->send_env, &options->num_send_env, arg); } if (!found) { fatal("%s line %d: no %s specified", filename, linenum, keyword); } break; case oSetEnv: found = options->num_setenv == 0; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { if (strchr(arg, '=') == NULL) { error("%s line %d: Invalid SetEnv.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (lookup_setenv_in_list(arg, strs, nstrs) != NULL) { debug2("%s line %d: ignoring duplicate env " "name \"%.64s\"", filename, linenum, arg); continue; } opt_array_append(filename, linenum, lookup_opcode_name(opcode), &strs, &nstrs, arg); } if (nstrs == 0) { fatal("%s line %d: no %s specified", filename, linenum, keyword); } if (found && *activep) { options->setenv = strs; options->num_setenv = nstrs; strs = NULL; /* transferred */ nstrs = 0; } break; case oControlPath: charptr = &options->control_path; goto parse_string; case oControlMaster: intptr = &options->control_master; multistate_ptr = multistate_controlmaster; goto parse_multistate; case oControlPersist: /* no/false/yes/true, or a time spec */ intptr = &options->control_persist; arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing ControlPersist" " argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } value = 0; value2 = 0; /* timeout */ if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0) value = 0; else if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0) value = 1; else if ((value2 = convtime(arg)) >= 0) value = 1; else { error("%.200s line %d: Bad ControlPersist argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep && *intptr == -1) { *intptr = value; options->control_persist_timeout = value2; } break; case oHashKnownHosts: intptr = &options->hash_known_hosts; goto parse_flag; case oTunnel: intptr = &options->tun_open; multistate_ptr = multistate_tunnel; goto parse_multistate; case oTunnelDevice: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } value = a2tun(arg, &value2); if (value == SSH_TUNID_ERR) { error("%.200s line %d: Bad tun device.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep && options->tun_local == -1) { options->tun_local = value; options->tun_remote = value2; } break; case oLocalCommand: charptr = &options->local_command; goto parse_command; case oPermitLocalCommand: intptr = &options->permit_local_command; goto parse_flag; case oRemoteCommand: charptr = &options->remote_command; goto parse_command; case oVisualHostKey: intptr = &options->visual_host_key; goto parse_flag; case oInclude: if (cmdline) { error("Include directive not supported as a " "command-line option"); goto out; } value = 0; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { if (*arg == '\0') { error("%s line %d: keyword %s empty argument", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } /* Expand %tokens and environment variables */ if ((p = expand_match_exec_or_include_path(arg, options, pw, host, original_host, flags & SSHCONF_FINAL, 1)) == NULL) { error("%.200s line %d: Unable to expand user " "config file '%.100s'", filename, linenum, arg); continue; } /* * Ensure all paths are anchored. User configuration * files may begin with '~/' but system configurations * must not. If the path is relative, then treat it * as living in ~/.ssh for user configurations or * /etc/ssh for system ones. */ if (*p == '~' && (flags & SSHCONF_USERCONF) == 0) { error("%.200s line %d: bad include path %s.", filename, linenum, p); goto out; } if (!path_absolute(p) && *p != '~') { xasprintf(&arg2, "%s/%s", (flags & SSHCONF_USERCONF) ? "~/" _PATH_SSH_USER_DIR : SSHDIR, p); } else { arg2 = xstrdup(p); } free(p); memset(&gl, 0, sizeof(gl)); r = glob(arg2, GLOB_TILDE | GLOB_LIMIT, NULL, &gl); if (r == GLOB_NOMATCH) { debug("%.200s line %d: include %s matched no " "files",filename, linenum, arg2); free(arg2); continue; } else if (r != 0) { error("%.200s line %d: glob failed for %s.", filename, linenum, arg2); goto out; } free(arg2); oactive = *activep; for (i = 0; i < gl.gl_pathc; i++) { debug3("%.200s line %d: Including file %s " "depth %d%s", filename, linenum, gl.gl_pathv[i], depth, oactive ? "" : " (parse only)"); r = read_config_file_depth(gl.gl_pathv[i], pw, host, original_host, options, flags | SSHCONF_CHECKPERM | (oactive ? 0 : SSHCONF_NEVERMATCH), activep, want_final_pass, depth + 1); if (r != 1 && errno != ENOENT) { error("%.200s line %d: Can't open user " "config file %.100s: %.100s", filename, linenum, gl.gl_pathv[i], strerror(errno)); globfree(&gl); goto out; } /* * don't let Match in includes clobber the * containing file's Match state. */ *activep = oactive; if (r != 1) value = -1; } globfree(&gl); } if (value != 0) ret = value; break; case oIPQoS: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if ((value = parse_ipqos(arg)) == -1) { error("%s line %d: Bad IPQoS value: %s", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (arg == NULL) value2 = value; else if ((value2 = parse_ipqos(arg)) == -1) { error("%s line %d: Bad IPQoS value: %s", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } if (*activep && options->ip_qos_interactive == -1) { options->ip_qos_interactive = value; options->ip_qos_bulk = value2; } break; case oRequestTTY: intptr = &options->request_tty; multistate_ptr = multistate_requesttty; goto parse_multistate; case oSendVersionFirst: intptr = &options->send_version_first; goto parse_flag; case oSessionType: intptr = &options->session_type; multistate_ptr = multistate_sessiontype; goto parse_multistate; case oStdinNull: intptr = &options->stdin_null; goto parse_flag; case oForkAfterAuthentication: intptr = &options->fork_after_authentication; goto parse_flag; case oIgnoreUnknown: charptr = &options->ignored_unknown; goto parse_string; case oProxyUseFdpass: intptr = &options->proxy_use_fdpass; goto parse_flag; case oCanonicalDomains: found = options->num_canonical_domains == 0; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { /* Allow "none" only in first position */ if (strcasecmp(arg, "none") == 0) { if (nstrs > 0 || ac > 0) { error("%s line %d: keyword %s \"none\" " "argument must appear alone.", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } } if (!valid_domain(arg, 1, &errstr)) { error("%s line %d: %s", filename, linenum, errstr); goto out; } opt_array_append(filename, linenum, keyword, &strs, &nstrs, arg); } if (nstrs == 0) { fatal("%s line %d: no %s specified", filename, linenum, keyword); } if (found && *activep) { options->canonical_domains = strs; options->num_canonical_domains = nstrs; strs = NULL; /* transferred */ nstrs = 0; } break; case oCanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs: found = options->num_permitted_cnames == 0; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { char empty[] = ""; /* * Either 'none' (only in first position), '*' for * everything or 'list:list' */ if (strcasecmp(arg, "none") == 0) { if (ncnames > 0 || ac > 0) { error("%s line %d: keyword %s \"none\" " "argument must appear alone.", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } arg2 = empty; } else if (strcmp(arg, "*") == 0) { arg2 = arg; } else { lowercase(arg); if ((arg2 = strchr(arg, ':')) == NULL || arg2[1] == '\0') { error("%s line %d: " "Invalid permitted CNAME \"%s\"", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } *arg2 = '\0'; arg2++; } cnames = xrecallocarray(cnames, ncnames, ncnames + 1, sizeof(*cnames)); cnames[ncnames].source_list = xstrdup(arg); cnames[ncnames].target_list = xstrdup(arg2); ncnames++; } if (ncnames == 0) { fatal("%s line %d: no %s specified", filename, linenum, keyword); } if (found && *activep) { options->permitted_cnames = cnames; options->num_permitted_cnames = ncnames; cnames = NULL; /* transferred */ ncnames = 0; } /* un-transferred cnames is cleaned up before exit */ break; case oCanonicalizeHostname: intptr = &options->canonicalize_hostname; multistate_ptr = multistate_canonicalizehostname; goto parse_multistate; case oCanonicalizeMaxDots: intptr = &options->canonicalize_max_dots; goto parse_int; case oCanonicalizeFallbackLocal: intptr = &options->canonicalize_fallback_local; goto parse_flag; case oStreamLocalBindMask: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing StreamLocalBindMask " "argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } /* Parse mode in octal format */ value = strtol(arg, &endofnumber, 8); if (arg == endofnumber || value < 0 || value > 0777) { error("%.200s line %d: Bad mask.", filename, linenum); goto out; } options->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_mask = (mode_t)value; break; case oStreamLocalBindUnlink: intptr = &options->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_unlink; goto parse_flag; case oRevokedHostKeys: charptr = &options->revoked_host_keys; goto parse_string; case oFingerprintHash: intptr = &options->fingerprint_hash; arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } if ((value = ssh_digest_alg_by_name(arg)) == -1) { error("%.200s line %d: Invalid hash algorithm \"%s\".", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } if (*activep && *intptr == -1) *intptr = value; break; case oUpdateHostkeys: intptr = &options->update_hostkeys; multistate_ptr = multistate_yesnoask; goto parse_multistate; case oHostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms: charptr = &options->hostbased_accepted_algos; ca_only = 0; goto parse_pubkey_algos; case oPubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms: charptr = &options->pubkey_accepted_algos; ca_only = 0; goto parse_pubkey_algos; case oAddKeysToAgent: arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); arg2 = argv_next(&ac, &av); value = parse_multistate_value(arg, filename, linenum, multistate_yesnoaskconfirm); value2 = 0; /* unlimited lifespan by default */ if (value == 3 && arg2 != NULL) { /* allow "AddKeysToAgent confirm 5m" */ if ((value2 = convtime(arg2)) == -1) { error("%s line %d: invalid time value.", filename, linenum); goto out; } } else if (value == -1 && arg2 == NULL) { if ((value2 = convtime(arg)) == -1) { error("%s line %d: unsupported option", filename, linenum); goto out; } value = 1; /* yes */ } else if (value == -1 || arg2 != NULL) { error("%s line %d: unsupported option", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (*activep && options->add_keys_to_agent == -1) { options->add_keys_to_agent = value; options->add_keys_to_agent_lifespan = value2; } break; case oIdentityAgent: charptr = &options->identity_agent; arg = argv_next(&ac, &av); if (!arg || *arg == '\0') { error("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum); goto out; } parse_agent_path: /* Extra validation if the string represents an env var. */ if ((arg2 = dollar_expand(&r, arg)) == NULL || r) { error("%.200s line %d: Invalid environment expansion " "%s.", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } free(arg2); /* check for legacy environment format */ if (arg[0] == '$' && arg[1] != '{' && !valid_env_name(arg + 1)) { error("%.200s line %d: Invalid environment name %s.", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } if (*activep && *charptr == NULL) *charptr = xstrdup(arg); break; case oEnableEscapeCommandline: intptr = &options->enable_escape_commandline; goto parse_flag; case oRequiredRSASize: intptr = &options->required_rsa_size; goto parse_int; case oObscureKeystrokeTiming: value = -1; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { if (value != -1) { error("%s line %d: invalid arguments", filename, linenum); goto out; } if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0) value = SSH_KEYSTROKE_DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS; else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0) value = 0; else if (strncmp(arg, "interval:", 9) == 0) { if ((errstr = atoi_err(arg + 9, &value)) != NULL) { error("%s line %d: integer value %s.", filename, linenum, errstr); goto out; } if (value <= 0 || value > 1000) { error("%s line %d: value out of range.", filename, linenum); goto out; } } else { error("%s line %d: unsupported argument \"%s\"", filename, linenum, arg); goto out; } } if (value == -1) { error("%s line %d: missing argument", filename, linenum); goto out; } intptr = &options->obscure_keystroke_timing_interval; if (*activep && *intptr == -1) *intptr = value; break; case oChannelTimeout: found = options->num_channel_timeouts == 0; while ((arg = argv_next(&ac, &av)) != NULL) { /* Allow "none" only in first position */ if (strcasecmp(arg, "none") == 0) { if (nstrs > 0 || ac > 0) { error("%s line %d: keyword %s \"none\" " "argument must appear alone.", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } } else if (parse_pattern_interval(arg, NULL, NULL) != 0) { fatal("%s line %d: invalid channel timeout %s", filename, linenum, arg); } opt_array_append(filename, linenum, keyword, &strs, &nstrs, arg); } if (nstrs == 0) { fatal("%s line %d: no %s specified", filename, linenum, keyword); } if (found && *activep) { options->channel_timeouts = strs; options->num_channel_timeouts = nstrs; strs = NULL; /* transferred */ nstrs = 0; } break; case oDeprecated: debug("%s line %d: Deprecated option \"%s\"", filename, linenum, keyword); argv_consume(&ac); break; case oUnsupported: error("%s line %d: Unsupported option \"%s\"", filename, linenum, keyword); argv_consume(&ac); break; default: error("%s line %d: Unimplemented opcode %d", filename, linenum, opcode); goto out; } /* Check that there is no garbage at end of line. */ if (ac > 0) { error("%.200s line %d: keyword %s extra arguments " "at end of line", filename, linenum, keyword); goto out; } /* success */ ret = 0; out: free_canon_cnames(cnames, ncnames); opt_array_free2(strs, NULL, nstrs); argv_free(oav, oac); return ret; } /* * Reads the config file and modifies the options accordingly. Options * should already be initialized before this call. This never returns if * there is an error. If the file does not exist, this returns 0. */ int read_config_file(const char *filename, struct passwd *pw, const char *host, const char *original_host, Options *options, int flags, int *want_final_pass) { int active = 1; return read_config_file_depth(filename, pw, host, original_host, options, flags, &active, want_final_pass, 0); } #define READCONF_MAX_DEPTH 16 static int read_config_file_depth(const char *filename, struct passwd *pw, const char *host, const char *original_host, Options *options, int flags, int *activep, int *want_final_pass, int depth) { FILE *f; char *line = NULL; size_t linesize = 0; int linenum; int bad_options = 0; if (depth < 0 || depth > READCONF_MAX_DEPTH) fatal("Too many recursive configuration includes"); if ((f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) return 0; if (flags & SSHCONF_CHECKPERM) { struct stat sb; if (fstat(fileno(f), &sb) == -1) fatal("fstat %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); if (((sb.st_uid != 0 && sb.st_uid != getuid()) || (sb.st_mode & 022) != 0)) fatal("Bad owner or permissions on %s", filename); } debug("Reading configuration data %.200s", filename); /* * Mark that we are now processing the options. This flag is turned * on/off by Host specifications. */ linenum = 0; while (getline(&line, &linesize, f) != -1) { /* Update line number counter. */ linenum++; /* * Trim out comments and strip whitespace. * NB - preserve newlines, they are needed to reproduce * line numbers later for error messages. */ if (process_config_line_depth(options, pw, host, original_host, line, filename, linenum, activep, flags, want_final_pass, depth) != 0) bad_options++; } free(line); fclose(f); if (bad_options > 0) fatal("%s: terminating, %d bad configuration options", filename, bad_options); return 1; } /* Returns 1 if a string option is unset or set to "none" or 0 otherwise. */ int option_clear_or_none(const char *o) { return o == NULL || strcasecmp(o, "none") == 0; } /* * Returns 1 if CanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs have been specified, 0 otherwise. * Allowed to be called on non-final configuration. */ int config_has_permitted_cnames(Options *options) { if (options->num_permitted_cnames == 1 && strcasecmp(options->permitted_cnames[0].source_list, "none") == 0 && strcmp(options->permitted_cnames[0].target_list, "") == 0) return 0; return options->num_permitted_cnames > 0; } /* * Initializes options to special values that indicate that they have not yet * been set. Read_config_file will only set options with this value. Options * are processed in the following order: command line, user config file, * system config file. Last, fill_default_options is called. */ void initialize_options(Options * options) { memset(options, 'X', sizeof(*options)); options->host_arg = NULL; options->forward_agent = -1; options->forward_agent_sock_path = NULL; options->forward_x11 = -1; options->forward_x11_trusted = -1; options->forward_x11_timeout = -1; options->stdio_forward_host = NULL; options->stdio_forward_port = 0; options->clear_forwardings = -1; options->exit_on_forward_failure = -1; options->xauth_location = NULL; options->fwd_opts.gateway_ports = -1; options->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_mask = (mode_t)-1; options->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_unlink = -1; options->pubkey_authentication = -1; #if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5) options->kerberos_authentication = -1; #endif #if defined(AFS) || defined(KRB5) options->kerberos_tgt_passing = -1; #endif #ifdef AFS options->afs_token_passing = -1; #endif options->gss_authentication = -1; options->gss_deleg_creds = -1; options->password_authentication = -1; options->kbd_interactive_authentication = -1; options->kbd_interactive_devices = NULL; options->hostbased_authentication = -1; options->batch_mode = -1; options->check_host_ip = -1; options->strict_host_key_checking = -1; options->compression = -1; options->tcp_keep_alive = -1; options->port = -1; options->address_family = -1; options->connection_attempts = -1; options->connection_timeout = -1; options->number_of_password_prompts = -1; options->ciphers = NULL; options->macs = NULL; options->kex_algorithms = NULL; options->hostkeyalgorithms = NULL; options->ca_sign_algorithms = NULL; options->num_identity_files = 0; memset(options->identity_keys, 0, sizeof(options->identity_keys)); options->num_certificate_files = 0; memset(options->certificates, 0, sizeof(options->certificates)); options->hostname = NULL; options->host_key_alias = NULL; options->proxy_command = NULL; options->jump_user = NULL; options->jump_host = NULL; options->jump_port = -1; options->jump_extra = NULL; options->user = NULL; options->escape_char = -1; options->num_system_hostfiles = 0; options->num_user_hostfiles = 0; options->local_forwards = NULL; options->num_local_forwards = 0; options->remote_forwards = NULL; options->num_remote_forwards = 0; options->permitted_remote_opens = NULL; options->num_permitted_remote_opens = 0; options->log_facility = SYSLOG_FACILITY_NOT_SET; options->log_level = SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET; options->num_log_verbose = 0; options->log_verbose = NULL; options->preferred_authentications = NULL; options->bind_address = NULL; options->bind_interface = NULL; options->ipv6_prefer_temporary = -1; options->pkcs11_provider = NULL; options->sk_provider = NULL; options->enable_ssh_keysign = - 1; options->no_host_authentication_for_localhost = - 1; options->identities_only = - 1; options->rekey_limit = - 1; options->rekey_interval = -1; options->verify_host_key_dns = -1; options->server_alive_interval = -1; options->server_alive_count_max = -1; options->send_env = NULL; options->num_send_env = 0; options->setenv = NULL; options->num_setenv = 0; options->control_path = NULL; options->control_master = -1; options->control_persist = -1; options->control_persist_timeout = 0; options->hash_known_hosts = -1; options->tun_open = -1; options->tun_local = -1; options->tun_remote = -1; options->local_command = NULL; options->permit_local_command = -1; options->remote_command = NULL; options->add_keys_to_agent = -1; options->add_keys_to_agent_lifespan = -1; options->identity_agent = NULL; options->visual_host_key = -1; options->ip_qos_interactive = -1; options->ip_qos_bulk = -1; options->request_tty = -1; options->session_type = -1; options->stdin_null = -1; options->fork_after_authentication = -1; options->proxy_use_fdpass = -1; options->ignored_unknown = NULL; options->num_canonical_domains = 0; options->num_permitted_cnames = 0; options->canonicalize_max_dots = -1; options->canonicalize_fallback_local = -1; options->canonicalize_hostname = -1; options->revoked_host_keys = NULL; options->fingerprint_hash = -1; options->update_hostkeys = -1; options->hostbased_accepted_algos = NULL; options->pubkey_accepted_algos = NULL; options->known_hosts_command = NULL; options->required_rsa_size = -1; options->enable_escape_commandline = -1; options->obscure_keystroke_timing_interval = -1; options->tag = NULL; options->channel_timeouts = NULL; options->num_channel_timeouts = 0; options->none_switch = -1; options->none_enabled = -1; options->hpn_disabled = -1; options->hpn_buffer_size = -1; options->tcp_rcv_buf_poll = -1; options->tcp_rcv_buf = -1; options->send_version_first = -1; } /* * A petite version of fill_default_options() that just fills the options * needed for hostname canonicalization to proceed. */ void fill_default_options_for_canonicalization(Options *options) { if (options->canonicalize_max_dots == -1) options->canonicalize_max_dots = 1; if (options->canonicalize_fallback_local == -1) options->canonicalize_fallback_local = 1; if (options->canonicalize_hostname == -1) options->canonicalize_hostname = SSH_CANONICALISE_NO; } /* * Called after processing other sources of option data, this fills those * options for which no value has been specified with their default values. */ int fill_default_options(Options * options) { char *all_cipher, *all_mac, *all_kex, *all_key, *all_sig; char *def_cipher, *def_mac, *def_kex, *def_key, *def_sig; int ret = 0, r; if (options->forward_agent == -1) options->forward_agent = 0; if (options->forward_x11 == -1) options->forward_x11 = 0; if (options->forward_x11_trusted == -1) options->forward_x11_trusted = 0; if (options->forward_x11_timeout == -1) options->forward_x11_timeout = 1200; /* * stdio forwarding (-W) changes the default for these but we defer * setting the values so they can be overridden. */ if (options->exit_on_forward_failure == -1) options->exit_on_forward_failure = options->stdio_forward_host != NULL ? 1 : 0; if (options->clear_forwardings == -1) options->clear_forwardings = options->stdio_forward_host != NULL ? 1 : 0; if (options->clear_forwardings == 1) clear_forwardings(options); if (options->xauth_location == NULL) options->xauth_location = xstrdup(_PATH_XAUTH); if (options->fwd_opts.gateway_ports == -1) options->fwd_opts.gateway_ports = 0; if (options->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_mask == (mode_t)-1) options->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_mask = 0177; if (options->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_unlink == -1) options->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_unlink = 0; if (options->pubkey_authentication == -1) options->pubkey_authentication = SSH_PUBKEY_AUTH_ALL; #if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5) if (options->kerberos_authentication == -1) options->kerberos_authentication = 1; #endif #if defined(AFS) || defined(KRB5) if (options->kerberos_tgt_passing == -1) options->kerberos_tgt_passing = 1; #endif #ifdef AFS if (options->afs_token_passing == -1) options->afs_token_passing = 1; #endif if (options->gss_authentication == -1) options->gss_authentication = 0; if (options->gss_deleg_creds == -1) options->gss_deleg_creds = 0; if (options->password_authentication == -1) options->password_authentication = 1; if (options->kbd_interactive_authentication == -1) options->kbd_interactive_authentication = 1; if (options->hostbased_authentication == -1) options->hostbased_authentication = 0; if (options->batch_mode == -1) options->batch_mode = 0; if (options->check_host_ip == -1) options->check_host_ip = 0; if (options->strict_host_key_checking == -1) options->strict_host_key_checking = SSH_STRICT_HOSTKEY_ASK; if (options->compression == -1) options->compression = 0; if (options->tcp_keep_alive == -1) options->tcp_keep_alive = 1; if (options->port == -1) options->port = 0; /* Filled in ssh_connect. */ if (options->address_family == -1) options->address_family = AF_UNSPEC; if (options->connection_attempts == -1) options->connection_attempts = 1; if (options->number_of_password_prompts == -1) options->number_of_password_prompts = 3; /* options->hostkeyalgorithms, default set in myproposals.h */ if (options->add_keys_to_agent == -1) { options->add_keys_to_agent = 0; options->add_keys_to_agent_lifespan = 0; } if (options->num_identity_files == 0) { add_identity_file(options, "~/", _PATH_SSH_CLIENT_ID_RSA, 0); add_identity_file(options, "~/", _PATH_SSH_CLIENT_ID_ECDSA, 0); add_identity_file(options, "~/", _PATH_SSH_CLIENT_ID_ECDSA_SK, 0); add_identity_file(options, "~/", _PATH_SSH_CLIENT_ID_ED25519, 0); add_identity_file(options, "~/", _PATH_SSH_CLIENT_ID_ED25519_SK, 0); add_identity_file(options, "~/", _PATH_SSH_CLIENT_ID_XMSS, 0); #ifdef WITH_DSA add_identity_file(options, "~/", _PATH_SSH_CLIENT_ID_DSA, 0); #endif } if (options->escape_char == -1) options->escape_char = '~'; if (options->num_system_hostfiles == 0) { options->system_hostfiles[options->num_system_hostfiles++] = xstrdup(_PATH_SSH_SYSTEM_HOSTFILE); options->system_hostfiles[options->num_system_hostfiles++] = xstrdup(_PATH_SSH_SYSTEM_HOSTFILE2); } if (options->update_hostkeys == -1) { if (options->verify_host_key_dns <= 0 && (options->num_user_hostfiles == 0 || (options->num_user_hostfiles == 1 && strcmp(options-> user_hostfiles[0], _PATH_SSH_USER_HOSTFILE) == 0))) options->update_hostkeys = SSH_UPDATE_HOSTKEYS_YES; else options->update_hostkeys = SSH_UPDATE_HOSTKEYS_NO; } if (options->num_user_hostfiles == 0) { options->user_hostfiles[options->num_user_hostfiles++] = xstrdup(_PATH_SSH_USER_HOSTFILE); options->user_hostfiles[options->num_user_hostfiles++] = xstrdup(_PATH_SSH_USER_HOSTFILE2); } if (options->log_level == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET) options->log_level = SYSLOG_LEVEL_INFO; if (options->log_facility == SYSLOG_FACILITY_NOT_SET) options->log_facility = SYSLOG_FACILITY_USER; if (options->no_host_authentication_for_localhost == - 1) options->no_host_authentication_for_localhost = 0; if (options->identities_only == -1) options->identities_only = 0; if (options->enable_ssh_keysign == -1) options->enable_ssh_keysign = 0; if (options->rekey_limit == -1) options->rekey_limit = 0; if (options->rekey_interval == -1) options->rekey_interval = 0; if (options->verify_host_key_dns == -1) options->verify_host_key_dns = 0; if (options->server_alive_interval == -1) options->server_alive_interval = 0; if (options->server_alive_count_max == -1) options->server_alive_count_max = 3; if (options->none_switch == -1) options->none_switch = 0; if (options->hpn_disabled == -1) options->hpn_disabled = 0; if (options->hpn_buffer_size > -1) { /* if a user tries to set the size to 0 set it to 1KB */ if (options->hpn_buffer_size == 0) options->hpn_buffer_size = 1; /*limit the buffer to 64MB*/ if (options->hpn_buffer_size > (SSHBUF_SIZE_MAX / 1024)) { options->hpn_buffer_size = SSHBUF_SIZE_MAX; debug("User requested buffer larger than 256MB. Request reverted to 256MB"); } else options->hpn_buffer_size *= 1024; debug("hpn_buffer_size set to %d", options->hpn_buffer_size); } if (options->tcp_rcv_buf == 0) options->tcp_rcv_buf = 1; if (options->tcp_rcv_buf > -1) options->tcp_rcv_buf *=1024; if (options->tcp_rcv_buf_poll == -1) options->tcp_rcv_buf_poll = 1; if (options->control_master == -1) options->control_master = 0; if (options->control_persist == -1) { options->control_persist = 0; options->control_persist_timeout = 0; } if (options->hash_known_hosts == -1) options->hash_known_hosts = 0; if (options->tun_open == -1) options->tun_open = SSH_TUNMODE_NO; if (options->tun_local == -1) options->tun_local = SSH_TUNID_ANY; if (options->tun_remote == -1) options->tun_remote = SSH_TUNID_ANY; if (options->permit_local_command == -1) options->permit_local_command = 0; if (options->visual_host_key == -1) options->visual_host_key = 0; if (options->ip_qos_interactive == -1) options->ip_qos_interactive = IPTOS_DSCP_AF21; if (options->ip_qos_bulk == -1) options->ip_qos_bulk = IPTOS_DSCP_CS1; if (options->request_tty == -1) options->request_tty = REQUEST_TTY_AUTO; if (options->session_type == -1) options->session_type = SESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (options->stdin_null == -1) options->stdin_null = 0; if (options->fork_after_authentication == -1) options->fork_after_authentication = 0; if (options->proxy_use_fdpass == -1) options->proxy_use_fdpass = 0; if (options->canonicalize_max_dots == -1) options->canonicalize_max_dots = 1; if (options->canonicalize_fallback_local == -1) options->canonicalize_fallback_local = 1; if (options->canonicalize_hostname == -1) options->canonicalize_hostname = SSH_CANONICALISE_NO; if (options->fingerprint_hash == -1) options->fingerprint_hash = SSH_FP_HASH_DEFAULT; if (options->sk_provider == NULL) options->sk_provider = xstrdup("internal"); if (options->required_rsa_size == -1) options->required_rsa_size = SSH_RSA_MINIMUM_MODULUS_SIZE; if (options->enable_escape_commandline == -1) options->enable_escape_commandline = 0; if (options->obscure_keystroke_timing_interval == -1) { options->obscure_keystroke_timing_interval = SSH_KEYSTROKE_DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS; } /* Expand KEX name lists */ all_cipher = cipher_alg_list(',', 0); all_mac = mac_alg_list(','); all_kex = kex_alg_list(','); all_key = sshkey_alg_list(0, 0, 1, ','); all_sig = sshkey_alg_list(0, 1, 1, ','); /* remove unsupported algos from default lists */ def_cipher = match_filter_allowlist(KEX_CLIENT_ENCRYPT, all_cipher); def_mac = match_filter_allowlist(KEX_CLIENT_MAC, all_mac); def_kex = match_filter_allowlist(KEX_CLIENT_KEX, all_kex); def_key = match_filter_allowlist(KEX_DEFAULT_PK_ALG, all_key); def_sig = match_filter_allowlist(SSH_ALLOWED_CA_SIGALGS, all_sig); #define ASSEMBLE(what, defaults, all) \ do { \ if ((r = kex_assemble_names(&options->what, \ defaults, all)) != 0) { \ error_fr(r, "%s", #what); \ goto fail; \ } \ } while (0) ASSEMBLE(ciphers, def_cipher, all_cipher); ASSEMBLE(macs, def_mac, all_mac); ASSEMBLE(kex_algorithms, def_kex, all_kex); ASSEMBLE(hostbased_accepted_algos, def_key, all_key); ASSEMBLE(pubkey_accepted_algos, def_key, all_key); ASSEMBLE(ca_sign_algorithms, def_sig, all_sig); #undef ASSEMBLE if (options->send_version_first == -1) options->send_version_first = 1; #define CLEAR_ON_NONE(v) \ do { \ if (option_clear_or_none(v)) { \ free(v); \ v = NULL; \ } \ } while(0) #define CLEAR_ON_NONE_ARRAY(v, nv, none) \ do { \ if (options->nv == 1 && \ strcasecmp(options->v[0], none) == 0) { \ free(options->v[0]); \ free(options->v); \ options->v = NULL; \ options->nv = 0; \ } \ } while (0) CLEAR_ON_NONE(options->local_command); CLEAR_ON_NONE(options->remote_command); CLEAR_ON_NONE(options->proxy_command); CLEAR_ON_NONE(options->control_path); CLEAR_ON_NONE(options->revoked_host_keys); CLEAR_ON_NONE(options->pkcs11_provider); CLEAR_ON_NONE(options->sk_provider); CLEAR_ON_NONE(options->known_hosts_command); CLEAR_ON_NONE_ARRAY(channel_timeouts, num_channel_timeouts, "none"); #undef CLEAR_ON_NONE #undef CLEAR_ON_NONE_ARRAY if (options->jump_host != NULL && strcmp(options->jump_host, "none") == 0 && options->jump_port == 0 && options->jump_user == NULL) { free(options->jump_host); options->jump_host = NULL; } if (options->num_permitted_cnames == 1 && !config_has_permitted_cnames(options)) { /* clean up CanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs=none */ free(options->permitted_cnames[0].source_list); free(options->permitted_cnames[0].target_list); memset(options->permitted_cnames, '\0', sizeof(*options->permitted_cnames)); options->num_permitted_cnames = 0; } /* options->identity_agent distinguishes NULL from 'none' */ /* options->user will be set in the main program if appropriate */ /* options->hostname will be set in the main program if appropriate */ /* options->host_key_alias should not be set by default */ /* options->preferred_authentications will be set in ssh */ /* success */ ret = 0; fail: free(all_cipher); free(all_mac); free(all_kex); free(all_key); free(all_sig); free(def_cipher); free(def_mac); free(def_kex); free(def_key); free(def_sig); return ret; } void free_options(Options *o) { int i; if (o == NULL) return; #define FREE_ARRAY(type, n, a) \ do { \ type _i; \ for (_i = 0; _i < (n); _i++) \ free((a)[_i]); \ } while (0) free(o->forward_agent_sock_path); free(o->xauth_location); FREE_ARRAY(u_int, o->num_log_verbose, o->log_verbose); free(o->log_verbose); free(o->ciphers); free(o->macs); free(o->hostkeyalgorithms); free(o->kex_algorithms); free(o->ca_sign_algorithms); free(o->hostname); free(o->host_key_alias); free(o->proxy_command); free(o->user); FREE_ARRAY(u_int, o->num_system_hostfiles, o->system_hostfiles); FREE_ARRAY(u_int, o->num_user_hostfiles, o->user_hostfiles); free(o->preferred_authentications); free(o->bind_address); free(o->bind_interface); free(o->pkcs11_provider); free(o->sk_provider); for (i = 0; i < o->num_identity_files; i++) { free(o->identity_files[i]); sshkey_free(o->identity_keys[i]); } for (i = 0; i < o->num_certificate_files; i++) { free(o->certificate_files[i]); sshkey_free(o->certificates[i]); } free(o->identity_agent); for (i = 0; i < o->num_local_forwards; i++) { free(o->local_forwards[i].listen_host); free(o->local_forwards[i].listen_path); free(o->local_forwards[i].connect_host); free(o->local_forwards[i].connect_path); } free(o->local_forwards); for (i = 0; i < o->num_remote_forwards; i++) { free(o->remote_forwards[i].listen_host); free(o->remote_forwards[i].listen_path); free(o->remote_forwards[i].connect_host); free(o->remote_forwards[i].connect_path); } free(o->remote_forwards); free(o->stdio_forward_host); FREE_ARRAY(u_int, o->num_send_env, o->send_env); free(o->send_env); FREE_ARRAY(u_int, o->num_setenv, o->setenv); free(o->setenv); free(o->control_path); free(o->local_command); free(o->remote_command); FREE_ARRAY(int, o->num_canonical_domains, o->canonical_domains); for (i = 0; i < o->num_permitted_cnames; i++) { free(o->permitted_cnames[i].source_list); free(o->permitted_cnames[i].target_list); } free(o->revoked_host_keys); free(o->hostbased_accepted_algos); free(o->pubkey_accepted_algos); free(o->jump_user); free(o->jump_host); free(o->jump_extra); free(o->ignored_unknown); explicit_bzero(o, sizeof(*o)); #undef FREE_ARRAY } struct fwdarg { char *arg; int ispath; }; /* * parse_fwd_field * parses the next field in a port forwarding specification. * sets fwd to the parsed field and advances p past the colon * or sets it to NULL at end of string. * returns 0 on success, else non-zero. */ static int parse_fwd_field(char **p, struct fwdarg *fwd) { char *ep, *cp = *p; int ispath = 0; if (*cp == '\0') { *p = NULL; return -1; /* end of string */ } /* * A field escaped with square brackets is used literally. * XXX - allow ']' to be escaped via backslash? */ if (*cp == '[') { /* find matching ']' */ for (ep = cp + 1; *ep != ']' && *ep != '\0'; ep++) { if (*ep == '/') ispath = 1; } /* no matching ']' or not at end of field. */ if (ep[0] != ']' || (ep[1] != ':' && ep[1] != '\0')) return -1; /* NUL terminate the field and advance p past the colon */ *ep++ = '\0'; if (*ep != '\0') *ep++ = '\0'; fwd->arg = cp + 1; fwd->ispath = ispath; *p = ep; return 0; } for (cp = *p; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { switch (*cp) { case '\\': memmove(cp, cp + 1, strlen(cp + 1) + 1); if (*cp == '\0') return -1; break; case '/': ispath = 1; break; case ':': *cp++ = '\0'; goto done; } } done: fwd->arg = *p; fwd->ispath = ispath; *p = cp; return 0; } /* * parse_forward * parses a string containing a port forwarding specification of the form: * dynamicfwd == 0 * [listenhost:]listenport|listenpath:connecthost:connectport|connectpath * listenpath:connectpath * dynamicfwd == 1 * [listenhost:]listenport * returns number of arguments parsed or zero on error */ int parse_forward(struct Forward *fwd, const char *fwdspec, int dynamicfwd, int remotefwd) { struct fwdarg fwdargs[4]; char *p, *cp; int i, err; memset(fwd, 0, sizeof(*fwd)); memset(fwdargs, 0, sizeof(fwdargs)); /* * We expand environment variables before checking if we think they're * paths so that if ${VAR} expands to a fully qualified path it is * treated as a path. */ cp = p = dollar_expand(&err, fwdspec); if (p == NULL || err) return 0; /* skip leading spaces */ while (isspace((u_char)*cp)) cp++; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (parse_fwd_field(&cp, &fwdargs[i]) != 0) break; } /* Check for trailing garbage */ if (cp != NULL && *cp != '\0') { i = 0; /* failure */ } switch (i) { case 1: if (fwdargs[0].ispath) { fwd->listen_path = xstrdup(fwdargs[0].arg); fwd->listen_port = PORT_STREAMLOCAL; } else { fwd->listen_host = NULL; fwd->listen_port = a2port(fwdargs[0].arg); } fwd->connect_host = xstrdup("socks"); break; case 2: if (fwdargs[0].ispath && fwdargs[1].ispath) { fwd->listen_path = xstrdup(fwdargs[0].arg); fwd->listen_port = PORT_STREAMLOCAL; fwd->connect_path = xstrdup(fwdargs[1].arg); fwd->connect_port = PORT_STREAMLOCAL; } else if (fwdargs[1].ispath) { fwd->listen_host = NULL; fwd->listen_port = a2port(fwdargs[0].arg); fwd->connect_path = xstrdup(fwdargs[1].arg); fwd->connect_port = PORT_STREAMLOCAL; } else { fwd->listen_host = xstrdup(fwdargs[0].arg); fwd->listen_port = a2port(fwdargs[1].arg); fwd->connect_host = xstrdup("socks"); } break; case 3: if (fwdargs[0].ispath) { fwd->listen_path = xstrdup(fwdargs[0].arg); fwd->listen_port = PORT_STREAMLOCAL; fwd->connect_host = xstrdup(fwdargs[1].arg); fwd->connect_port = a2port(fwdargs[2].arg); } else if (fwdargs[2].ispath) { fwd->listen_host = xstrdup(fwdargs[0].arg); fwd->listen_port = a2port(fwdargs[1].arg); fwd->connect_path = xstrdup(fwdargs[2].arg); fwd->connect_port = PORT_STREAMLOCAL; } else { fwd->listen_host = NULL; fwd->listen_port = a2port(fwdargs[0].arg); fwd->connect_host = xstrdup(fwdargs[1].arg); fwd->connect_port = a2port(fwdargs[2].arg); } break; case 4: fwd->listen_host = xstrdup(fwdargs[0].arg); fwd->listen_port = a2port(fwdargs[1].arg); fwd->connect_host = xstrdup(fwdargs[2].arg); fwd->connect_port = a2port(fwdargs[3].arg); break; default: i = 0; /* failure */ } free(p); if (dynamicfwd) { if (!(i == 1 || i == 2)) goto fail_free; } else { if (!(i == 3 || i == 4)) { if (fwd->connect_path == NULL && fwd->listen_path == NULL) goto fail_free; } if (fwd->connect_port <= 0 && fwd->connect_path == NULL) goto fail_free; } if ((fwd->listen_port < 0 && fwd->listen_path == NULL) || (!remotefwd && fwd->listen_port == 0)) goto fail_free; if (fwd->connect_host != NULL && strlen(fwd->connect_host) >= NI_MAXHOST) goto fail_free; /* * XXX - if connecting to a remote socket, max sun len may not * match this host */ if (fwd->connect_path != NULL && strlen(fwd->connect_path) >= PATH_MAX_SUN) goto fail_free; if (fwd->listen_host != NULL && strlen(fwd->listen_host) >= NI_MAXHOST) goto fail_free; if (fwd->listen_path != NULL && strlen(fwd->listen_path) >= PATH_MAX_SUN) goto fail_free; return (i); fail_free: free(fwd->connect_host); fwd->connect_host = NULL; free(fwd->connect_path); fwd->connect_path = NULL; free(fwd->listen_host); fwd->listen_host = NULL; free(fwd->listen_path); fwd->listen_path = NULL; return (0); } int parse_jump(const char *s, Options *o, int active) { char *orig, *sdup, *cp; char *host = NULL, *user = NULL; int r, ret = -1, port = -1, first; active &= o->proxy_command == NULL && o->jump_host == NULL; orig = sdup = xstrdup(s); /* Remove comment and trailing whitespace */ if ((cp = strchr(orig, '#')) != NULL) *cp = '\0'; rtrim(orig); first = active; do { if (strcasecmp(s, "none") == 0) break; if ((cp = strrchr(sdup, ',')) == NULL) cp = sdup; /* last */ else *cp++ = '\0'; if (first) { /* First argument and configuration is active */ r = parse_ssh_uri(cp, &user, &host, &port); if (r == -1 || (r == 1 && parse_user_host_port(cp, &user, &host, &port) != 0)) goto out; } else { /* Subsequent argument or inactive configuration */ r = parse_ssh_uri(cp, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (r == -1 || (r == 1 && parse_user_host_port(cp, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0)) goto out; } first = 0; /* only check syntax for subsequent hosts */ } while (cp != sdup); /* success */ if (active) { if (strcasecmp(s, "none") == 0) { o->jump_host = xstrdup("none"); o->jump_port = 0; } else { o->jump_user = user; o->jump_host = host; o->jump_port = port; o->proxy_command = xstrdup("none"); user = host = NULL; if ((cp = strrchr(s, ',')) != NULL && cp != s) { o->jump_extra = xstrdup(s); o->jump_extra[cp - s] = '\0'; } } } ret = 0; out: free(orig); free(user); free(host); return ret; } int parse_ssh_uri(const char *uri, char **userp, char **hostp, int *portp) { char *user = NULL, *host = NULL, *path = NULL; int r, port; r = parse_uri("ssh", uri, &user, &host, &port, &path); if (r == 0 && path != NULL) r = -1; /* path not allowed */ if (r == 0) { if (userp != NULL) { *userp = user; user = NULL; } if (hostp != NULL) { *hostp = host; host = NULL; } if (portp != NULL) *portp = port; } free(user); free(host); free(path); return r; } /* XXX the following is a near-verbatim copy from servconf.c; refactor */ static const char * fmt_multistate_int(int val, const struct multistate *m) { u_int i; for (i = 0; m[i].key != NULL; i++) { if (m[i].value == val) return m[i].key; } return "UNKNOWN"; } static const char * fmt_intarg(OpCodes code, int val) { if (val == -1) return "unset"; switch (code) { case oAddressFamily: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_addressfamily); case oVerifyHostKeyDNS: case oUpdateHostkeys: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_yesnoask); case oStrictHostKeyChecking: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_strict_hostkey); case oControlMaster: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_controlmaster); case oTunnel: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_tunnel); case oRequestTTY: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_requesttty); case oSessionType: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_sessiontype); case oCanonicalizeHostname: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_canonicalizehostname); case oAddKeysToAgent: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_yesnoaskconfirm); case oPubkeyAuthentication: return fmt_multistate_int(val, multistate_pubkey_auth); case oFingerprintHash: return ssh_digest_alg_name(val); default: switch (val) { case 0: return "no"; case 1: return "yes"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } } static const char * lookup_opcode_name(OpCodes code) { u_int i; for (i = 0; keywords[i].name != NULL; i++) if (keywords[i].opcode == code) return(keywords[i].name); return "UNKNOWN"; } static void dump_cfg_int(OpCodes code, int val) { if (code == oObscureKeystrokeTiming) { if (val == 0) { printf("%s no\n", lookup_opcode_name(code)); return; } else if (val == SSH_KEYSTROKE_DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS) { printf("%s yes\n", lookup_opcode_name(code)); return; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ } printf("%s %d\n", lookup_opcode_name(code), val); } static void dump_cfg_fmtint(OpCodes code, int val) { printf("%s %s\n", lookup_opcode_name(code), fmt_intarg(code, val)); } static void dump_cfg_string(OpCodes code, const char *val) { if (val == NULL) return; printf("%s %s\n", lookup_opcode_name(code), val); } static void dump_cfg_strarray(OpCodes code, u_int count, char **vals) { u_int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) printf("%s %s\n", lookup_opcode_name(code), vals[i]); } static void dump_cfg_strarray_oneline(OpCodes code, u_int count, char **vals) { u_int i; printf("%s", lookup_opcode_name(code)); if (count == 0) printf(" none"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) printf(" %s", vals[i]); printf("\n"); } static void dump_cfg_forwards(OpCodes code, u_int count, const struct Forward *fwds) { const struct Forward *fwd; u_int i; /* oDynamicForward */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { fwd = &fwds[i]; if (code == oDynamicForward && fwd->connect_host != NULL && strcmp(fwd->connect_host, "socks") != 0) continue; if (code == oLocalForward && fwd->connect_host != NULL && strcmp(fwd->connect_host, "socks") == 0) continue; printf("%s", lookup_opcode_name(code)); if (fwd->listen_port == PORT_STREAMLOCAL) printf(" %s", fwd->listen_path); else if (fwd->listen_host == NULL) printf(" %d", fwd->listen_port); else { printf(" [%s]:%d", fwd->listen_host, fwd->listen_port); } if (code != oDynamicForward) { if (fwd->connect_port == PORT_STREAMLOCAL) printf(" %s", fwd->connect_path); else if (fwd->connect_host == NULL) printf(" %d", fwd->connect_port); else { printf(" [%s]:%d", fwd->connect_host, fwd->connect_port); } } printf("\n"); } } void dump_client_config(Options *o, const char *host) { int i, r; char buf[8], *all_key; /* * Expand HostKeyAlgorithms name lists. This isn't handled in * fill_default_options() like the other algorithm lists because * the host key algorithms are by default dynamically chosen based * on the host's keys found in known_hosts. */ all_key = sshkey_alg_list(0, 0, 1, ','); if ((r = kex_assemble_names(&o->hostkeyalgorithms, kex_default_pk_alg(), all_key)) != 0) fatal_fr(r, "expand HostKeyAlgorithms"); free(all_key); /* Most interesting options first: user, host, port */ dump_cfg_string(oHost, o->host_arg); dump_cfg_string(oUser, o->user); dump_cfg_string(oHostname, host); dump_cfg_int(oPort, o->port); /* Flag options */ dump_cfg_fmtint(oAddressFamily, o->address_family); dump_cfg_fmtint(oBatchMode, o->batch_mode); dump_cfg_fmtint(oCanonicalizeFallbackLocal, o->canonicalize_fallback_local); dump_cfg_fmtint(oCanonicalizeHostname, o->canonicalize_hostname); dump_cfg_fmtint(oCheckHostIP, o->check_host_ip); dump_cfg_fmtint(oCompression, o->compression); dump_cfg_fmtint(oControlMaster, o->control_master); dump_cfg_fmtint(oEnableSSHKeysign, o->enable_ssh_keysign); dump_cfg_fmtint(oClearAllForwardings, o->clear_forwardings); dump_cfg_fmtint(oExitOnForwardFailure, o->exit_on_forward_failure); dump_cfg_fmtint(oFingerprintHash, o->fingerprint_hash); dump_cfg_fmtint(oForwardX11, o->forward_x11); dump_cfg_fmtint(oForwardX11Trusted, o->forward_x11_trusted); dump_cfg_fmtint(oGatewayPorts, o->fwd_opts.gateway_ports); #ifdef GSSAPI dump_cfg_fmtint(oGssAuthentication, o->gss_authentication); dump_cfg_fmtint(oGssDelegateCreds, o->gss_deleg_creds); #endif /* GSSAPI */ dump_cfg_fmtint(oHashKnownHosts, o->hash_known_hosts); dump_cfg_fmtint(oHostbasedAuthentication, o->hostbased_authentication); dump_cfg_fmtint(oIdentitiesOnly, o->identities_only); dump_cfg_fmtint(oKbdInteractiveAuthentication, o->kbd_interactive_authentication); dump_cfg_fmtint(oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost, o->no_host_authentication_for_localhost); dump_cfg_fmtint(oPasswordAuthentication, o->password_authentication); dump_cfg_fmtint(oPermitLocalCommand, o->permit_local_command); dump_cfg_fmtint(oProxyUseFdpass, o->proxy_use_fdpass); dump_cfg_fmtint(oPubkeyAuthentication, o->pubkey_authentication); dump_cfg_fmtint(oRequestTTY, o->request_tty); dump_cfg_fmtint(oSessionType, o->session_type); dump_cfg_fmtint(oStdinNull, o->stdin_null); dump_cfg_fmtint(oForkAfterAuthentication, o->fork_after_authentication); dump_cfg_fmtint(oStreamLocalBindUnlink, o->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_unlink); dump_cfg_fmtint(oStrictHostKeyChecking, o->strict_host_key_checking); dump_cfg_fmtint(oTCPKeepAlive, o->tcp_keep_alive); dump_cfg_fmtint(oTunnel, o->tun_open); dump_cfg_fmtint(oVerifyHostKeyDNS, o->verify_host_key_dns); dump_cfg_fmtint(oVisualHostKey, o->visual_host_key); dump_cfg_fmtint(oUpdateHostkeys, o->update_hostkeys); dump_cfg_fmtint(oEnableEscapeCommandline, o->enable_escape_commandline); /* Integer options */ dump_cfg_int(oCanonicalizeMaxDots, o->canonicalize_max_dots); dump_cfg_int(oConnectionAttempts, o->connection_attempts); dump_cfg_int(oForwardX11Timeout, o->forward_x11_timeout); dump_cfg_int(oNumberOfPasswordPrompts, o->number_of_password_prompts); dump_cfg_int(oServerAliveCountMax, o->server_alive_count_max); dump_cfg_int(oServerAliveInterval, o->server_alive_interval); dump_cfg_int(oRequiredRSASize, o->required_rsa_size); dump_cfg_int(oObscureKeystrokeTiming, o->obscure_keystroke_timing_interval); /* String options */ dump_cfg_string(oBindAddress, o->bind_address); dump_cfg_string(oBindInterface, o->bind_interface); dump_cfg_string(oCiphers, o->ciphers); dump_cfg_string(oControlPath, o->control_path); dump_cfg_string(oHostKeyAlgorithms, o->hostkeyalgorithms); dump_cfg_string(oHostKeyAlias, o->host_key_alias); dump_cfg_string(oHostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms, o->hostbased_accepted_algos); dump_cfg_string(oIdentityAgent, o->identity_agent); dump_cfg_string(oIgnoreUnknown, o->ignored_unknown); dump_cfg_string(oKbdInteractiveDevices, o->kbd_interactive_devices); dump_cfg_string(oKexAlgorithms, o->kex_algorithms); dump_cfg_string(oCASignatureAlgorithms, o->ca_sign_algorithms); dump_cfg_string(oLocalCommand, o->local_command); dump_cfg_string(oRemoteCommand, o->remote_command); dump_cfg_string(oLogLevel, log_level_name(o->log_level)); dump_cfg_string(oMacs, o->macs); #ifdef ENABLE_PKCS11 dump_cfg_string(oPKCS11Provider, o->pkcs11_provider); #endif dump_cfg_string(oSecurityKeyProvider, o->sk_provider); dump_cfg_string(oPreferredAuthentications, o->preferred_authentications); dump_cfg_string(oPubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms, o->pubkey_accepted_algos); dump_cfg_string(oRevokedHostKeys, o->revoked_host_keys); dump_cfg_string(oXAuthLocation, o->xauth_location); dump_cfg_string(oKnownHostsCommand, o->known_hosts_command); dump_cfg_string(oTag, o->tag); /* Forwards */ dump_cfg_forwards(oDynamicForward, o->num_local_forwards, o->local_forwards); dump_cfg_forwards(oLocalForward, o->num_local_forwards, o->local_forwards); dump_cfg_forwards(oRemoteForward, o->num_remote_forwards, o->remote_forwards); /* String array options */ dump_cfg_strarray(oIdentityFile, o->num_identity_files, o->identity_files); dump_cfg_strarray_oneline(oCanonicalDomains, o->num_canonical_domains, o->canonical_domains); dump_cfg_strarray(oCertificateFile, o->num_certificate_files, o->certificate_files); dump_cfg_strarray_oneline(oGlobalKnownHostsFile, o->num_system_hostfiles, o->system_hostfiles); dump_cfg_strarray_oneline(oUserKnownHostsFile, o->num_user_hostfiles, o->user_hostfiles); dump_cfg_strarray(oSendEnv, o->num_send_env, o->send_env); dump_cfg_strarray(oSetEnv, o->num_setenv, o->setenv); dump_cfg_strarray_oneline(oLogVerbose, o->num_log_verbose, o->log_verbose); dump_cfg_strarray_oneline(oChannelTimeout, o->num_channel_timeouts, o->channel_timeouts); /* Special cases */ /* PermitRemoteOpen */ if (o->num_permitted_remote_opens == 0) printf("%s any\n", lookup_opcode_name(oPermitRemoteOpen)); else dump_cfg_strarray_oneline(oPermitRemoteOpen, o->num_permitted_remote_opens, o->permitted_remote_opens); /* AddKeysToAgent */ if (o->add_keys_to_agent_lifespan <= 0) dump_cfg_fmtint(oAddKeysToAgent, o->add_keys_to_agent); else { printf("addkeystoagent%s %d\n", o->add_keys_to_agent == 3 ? " confirm" : "", o->add_keys_to_agent_lifespan); } /* oForwardAgent */ if (o->forward_agent_sock_path == NULL) dump_cfg_fmtint(oForwardAgent, o->forward_agent); else dump_cfg_string(oForwardAgent, o->forward_agent_sock_path); /* oConnectTimeout */ if (o->connection_timeout == -1) printf("connecttimeout none\n"); else dump_cfg_int(oConnectTimeout, o->connection_timeout); /* oTunnelDevice */ printf("tunneldevice"); if (o->tun_local == SSH_TUNID_ANY) printf(" any"); else printf(" %d", o->tun_local); if (o->tun_remote == SSH_TUNID_ANY) printf(":any"); else printf(":%d", o->tun_remote); printf("\n"); /* oCanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs */ printf("canonicalizePermittedcnames"); if (o->num_permitted_cnames == 0) printf(" none"); for (i = 0; i < o->num_permitted_cnames; i++) { printf(" %s:%s", o->permitted_cnames[i].source_list, o->permitted_cnames[i].target_list); } printf("\n"); /* oControlPersist */ if (o->control_persist == 0 || o->control_persist_timeout == 0) dump_cfg_fmtint(oControlPersist, o->control_persist); else dump_cfg_int(oControlPersist, o->control_persist_timeout); /* oEscapeChar */ if (o->escape_char == SSH_ESCAPECHAR_NONE) printf("escapechar none\n"); else { vis(buf, o->escape_char, VIS_WHITE, 0); printf("escapechar %s\n", buf); } /* oIPQoS */ printf("ipqos %s ", iptos2str(o->ip_qos_interactive)); printf("%s\n", iptos2str(o->ip_qos_bulk)); /* oRekeyLimit */ printf("rekeylimit %llu %d\n", (unsigned long long)o->rekey_limit, o->rekey_interval); /* oStreamLocalBindMask */ printf("streamlocalbindmask 0%o\n", o->fwd_opts.streamlocal_bind_mask); /* oLogFacility */ printf("syslogfacility %s\n", log_facility_name(o->log_facility)); /* oProxyCommand / oProxyJump */ if (o->jump_host == NULL) dump_cfg_string(oProxyCommand, o->proxy_command); else { /* Check for numeric addresses */ i = strchr(o->jump_host, ':') != NULL || strspn(o->jump_host, "1234567890.") == strlen(o->jump_host); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", o->jump_port); printf("proxyjump %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", /* optional additional jump spec */ o->jump_extra == NULL ? "" : o->jump_extra, o->jump_extra == NULL ? "" : ",", /* optional user */ o->jump_user == NULL ? "" : o->jump_user, o->jump_user == NULL ? "" : "@", /* opening [ if hostname is numeric */ i ? "[" : "", /* mandatory hostname */ o->jump_host, /* closing ] if hostname is numeric */ i ? "]" : "", /* optional port number */ o->jump_port <= 0 ? "" : ":", o->jump_port <= 0 ? "" : buf); } }