# $File: lua,v 1.8 2020/10/08 23:23:56 christos Exp $
# lua:  file(1) magic for Lua scripting language
# URL:  https://www.lua.org/
# From: Reuben Thomas <rrt@sc3d.org>, Seo Sanghyeon <tinuviel@sparcs.kaist.ac.kr>

# Lua scripts
0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/lua	Lua script text executable
!:mime	text/x-lua
0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/lua	Lua script text executable
!:mime	text/x-lua
0	search/1	#!/usr/bin/env\ lua	Lua script text executable
!:mime	text/x-lua
0	search/1	#!\ /usr/bin/env\ lua	Lua script text executable
!:mime	text/x-lua

# Lua bytecode
0	string		\033Lua			Lua bytecode,
# 2.4 uses 0x23 as its version byte because it shares the format
# with 2.3 (which was never released publicly).
>4	byte		0x23			version 2.4
>4	byte		0x25			version 2.5/3.0
>4	byte		0x31			version 3.1
>4	byte		0x32			version 3.2
>4	byte		0x40			version 4.0
>4	byte		0x50			version 5.0
>4	byte		0x51			version 5.1
>4	byte		0x52			version 5.2
>4	byte		0x53			version 5.3
>4	byte		0x54			version 5.4