# $File: vacuum-cleaner,v 1.1 2015/11/14 13:38:35 christos Exp $
# vacuum cleaner magic by Thomas M. Ott (ThMO)
# navigation map for LG robot vacuum cleaner models VR62xx, VR64xx, VR63xx
# file: MAPDATAyyyymmddhhmmss_xxxxxx_cc.blk
# -> yyyymmdd: year, month, day of cleaning
# -> hhmmss: hour, minute, second of cleaning
# -> xxxxxx: 6 digits
# -> cc: cleaning runs counter
# size: 136044 bytes
# struct maphdr {
#     int32_t  map_cnt;	     /*  0: single map */
#     int32_t  min_ceil;     /*  4: 100 mm == 10 cm == min. ceil */
#     int32_t  max_ceil;     /*  8: 10000 mm == 100 m == max. ceil */
#     int32_t  max_climb;    /* 12: 50 mm = 5 cm == max. height to climb */
#     int32_t  unknown;	     /* 16: 50000 ??? */
#     int32_t  cell_bytes;   /* 20: # of bytes for cells per block */
#     int32_t  block_max;    /* 24: 1000 == max. # of blocks */
#     int32_t  route_max;    /* 28: 1000 == max. # of routes */
#     int32_t  used_blocks;  /* 32: 5/45/33/... == # of block entries used! */
#     int32_t  cell_dim;     /* 36: 10 == cell dimension */
#     int32_t  clock_tick;   /* 40: 100 == clock ticks */
# #if	0
#     struct {		     /* 44: 1000 blocks for 10x10 cells */
#         int32_t  yoffset;
#         int32_t  xoffset;
#         int32_t  posxy;
#         int32_t  timecode;
#       }      blocks[ 1000];
#     char     cells[ 1000* 100]; /* 16044: 1000 10x10 cells */
#     int16_t  routes[ 1000* 10]; /* 116044: 1000 10-routes */
# #endif
#   };

0                lelong =1
>4               lelong =100
>>8              lelong =10000
>>>12            lelong =50
>>>>16           lelong =50000
>>>>>20          lelong =100
>>>>>>24         lelong =1000
>>>>>>>28        lelong =1000
>>>>>>>>36       lelong =10
>>>>>>>>>40      lelong =100
>>>>>>>>>>32     lelong x       LG robot VR6[234]xx %dm^2 navigation
>>>>>>>>>>136040 lelong =-1     reuse map data
>>>>>>>>>>136040 lelong =0      map data
>>>>>>>>>>136040 lelong >0      spurious map data
>>>>>>>>>>136040 lelong <-1     spurious map data