#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. """ Example property-based test for wildcard synthesis. Verifies that otherwise-empty zone with single wildcard record * A produces synthesized answers for .test. A, and returns NODATA for .test. when rdtype is not A. Limitations - untested properties: - empty non-terminals prevent expansion - or more generally any existing node prevents expansion - DNSSEC record inclusion - possibly others, see RFC 4592 and company - content of authority & additional sections - flags beyond RCODE - special behavior of rdtypes like CNAME """ import pytest pytest.importorskip("dns", minversion="2.0.0") import dns.message import dns.name import dns.query import dns.rcode import dns.rdataclass import dns.rdatatype import dns.rrset # in FIPs mode md5 fails so we need 4.41.2 or later which does not use md5 try: import hashlib hashlib.md5(b"1234") pytest.importorskip("hypothesis") except ValueError: pytest.importorskip("hypothesis", minversion="4.41.2") from hypothesis import assume, example, given, settings from isctest.hypothesis.strategies import dns_names, dns_rdatatypes_without_meta import isctest.check import isctest.name import isctest.query pytestmark = pytest.mark.extra_artifacts( [ "ns1/K*", "ns1/dsset-*", "ns1/*.signed", "ns1/allwild.db", "ns1/example.db", "ns1/nestedwild.db", "ns1/nsec.db", "ns1/nsec3.db", "ns1/private.nsec.conf", "ns1/private.nsec.db", "ns1/private.nsec3.conf", "ns1/private.nsec3.db", "ns1/root.db", "ns1/signer.err", "ns1/trusted.conf", ] ) # labels of a zone with * A wildcard SUFFIX = dns.name.from_text("allwild.test.") WILDCARD_RDTYPE = dns.rdatatype.A WILDCARD_RDATA = "" IP_ADDR = "" TIMEOUT = 5 # seconds, just a sanity check @settings(deadline=None) @given(name=dns_names(suffix=SUFFIX), rdtype=dns_rdatatypes_without_meta) def test_wildcard_rdtype_mismatch( name: dns.name.Name, rdtype: dns.rdatatype.RdataType, named_port: int ) -> None: """Any label non-matching rdtype must result in NODATA.""" assume(rdtype != WILDCARD_RDTYPE) # NS and SOA are present in the zone and DS gets answered from parent. assume( not ( name == SUFFIX and rdtype in (dns.rdatatype.SOA, dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdatatype.DS) ) ) # Subdomains of *.allwild.test. are not to be synthesized. # See RFC 4592 section 2.2.1. assume(name == SUFFIX or name.labels[-len(SUFFIX) - 1] != b"*") query_msg = dns.message.make_query(name, rdtype) response_msg = isctest.query.tcp(query_msg, IP_ADDR, named_port, timeout=TIMEOUT) isctest.check.is_response_to(response_msg, query_msg) isctest.check.noerror(response_msg) isctest.check.empty_answer(response_msg) @settings(deadline=None) @given(name=dns_names(suffix=SUFFIX, min_labels=len(SUFFIX) + 1)) def test_wildcard_match(name: dns.name.Name, named_port: int) -> None: """Any label with maching rdtype must result in wildcard data in answer.""" # Subdomains of *.allwild.test. are not to be synthesized. # See RFC 4592 section 2.2.1. assume(name.labels[-len(SUFFIX) - 1] != b"*") query_msg = dns.message.make_query(name, WILDCARD_RDTYPE) response_msg = isctest.query.tcp(query_msg, IP_ADDR, named_port, timeout=TIMEOUT) isctest.check.is_response_to(response_msg, query_msg) isctest.check.noerror(response_msg) expected_answer = [ dns.rrset.from_text( query_msg.question[0].name, 300, # TTL, ignored by dnspython comparison dns.rdataclass.IN, WILDCARD_RDTYPE, WILDCARD_RDATA, ) ] assert response_msg.answer == expected_answer, str(response_msg) # Force the `*.*.allwild.test.` corner case to be checked. @settings(deadline=None) @example(name=isctest.name.prepend_label("*", isctest.name.prepend_label("*", SUFFIX))) @given( name=dns_names( suffix=isctest.name.prepend_label("*", SUFFIX), min_labels=len(SUFFIX) + 2 ) ) def test_wildcard_with_star_not_synthesized( name: dns.name.Name, named_port: int ) -> None: """RFC 4592 section 2.2.1 ghost.*.example.""" query_msg = dns.message.make_query(name, WILDCARD_RDTYPE) response_msg = isctest.query.tcp(query_msg, IP_ADDR, named_port, timeout=TIMEOUT) isctest.check.is_response_to(response_msg, query_msg) isctest.check.nxdomain(response_msg) isctest.check.empty_answer(query_msg) NESTED_SUFFIX = dns.name.from_text("*.*.nestedwild.test.") # Force `*.*.*.nestedwild.test.` to be checked. @settings(deadline=None) @example(name=isctest.name.prepend_label("*", NESTED_SUFFIX)) @given(name=dns_names(suffix=NESTED_SUFFIX, min_labels=len(NESTED_SUFFIX) + 1)) def test_name_in_between_wildcards(name: dns.name.Name, named_port: int) -> None: """Check nested wildcard cases. There are `*.nestedwild.test. A` and `*.*.*.nestedwild.test. A` records present in their zone. This means that `foo.*.nestedwild.test. A` must not be synthetized (see test above) but `foo.*.*.nestedwild.test A` must. """ # `*.*.*.nestedwild.test.` and `*.foo.*.*.nestedwild.test.` must be NOERROR # `foo.*.*.*.nestedwild.test` must be NXDOMAIN (see test below). assume( len(name) == len(NESTED_SUFFIX) + 1 or name.labels[-len(NESTED_SUFFIX) - 1] != b"*" ) query_msg = dns.message.make_query(name, WILDCARD_RDTYPE) response_msg = isctest.query.tcp(query_msg, IP_ADDR, named_port, timeout=TIMEOUT) isctest.check.is_response_to(response_msg, query_msg) isctest.check.noerror(response_msg) expected_answer = [ dns.rrset.from_text( query_msg.question[0].name, 300, # TTL, ignored by dnspython comparison dns.rdataclass.IN, WILDCARD_RDTYPE, WILDCARD_RDATA, ) ] assert response_msg.answer == expected_answer, str(response_msg) @settings(deadline=None) @given( name=dns_names( suffix=isctest.name.prepend_label("*", NESTED_SUFFIX), min_labels=len(NESTED_SUFFIX) + 2, ) ) def test_name_nested_wildcard_subdomains_not_synthesized( name: dns.name.Name, named_port: int ): """Check nested wildcard cases. `foo.*.*.*.nestedwild.test. A` must not be synthesized. """ query_msg = dns.message.make_query(name, WILDCARD_RDTYPE) response_msg = isctest.query.tcp(query_msg, IP_ADDR, named_port, timeout=TIMEOUT) isctest.check.is_response_to(response_msg, query_msg) isctest.check.nxdomain(response_msg) isctest.check.empty_answer(query_msg)