/* $NetBSD: parser_test.c,v 1.3 2025/01/26 16:25:51 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #include #include /* IWYU pragma: keep */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UNIT_TESTING #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static isc_logcategory_t categories[] = { { "", 0 }, { "client", 0 }, { "network", 0 }, { "update", 0 }, { "queries", 0 }, { "unmatched", 0 }, { "update-security", 0 }, { "query-errors", 0 }, { NULL, 0 } }; ISC_SETUP_TEST_IMPL(group) { isc_result_t result; isc_logdestination_t destination; isc_logconfig_t *logconfig = NULL; isc_log_create(mctx, &lctx, &logconfig); isc_log_registercategories(lctx, categories); isc_log_setcontext(lctx); destination.file.stream = stderr; destination.file.name = NULL; destination.file.versions = ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER; destination.file.maximum_size = 0; isc_log_createchannel(logconfig, "stderr", ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC, ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC, &destination, 0); result = isc_log_usechannel(logconfig, "stderr", NULL, NULL); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { return -1; } return 0; } ISC_TEARDOWN_TEST_IMPL(group) { if (lctx == NULL) { return -1; } isc_log_setcontext(NULL); isc_log_destroy(&lctx); return 0; } /* mimic calling nzf_append() */ static void append(void *arg, const char *str, int len) { char *buf = arg; size_t l = strlen(buf); snprintf(buf + l, 1024 - l, "%.*s", len, str); } ISC_RUN_TEST_IMPL(addzoneconf) { isc_result_t result; isc_buffer_t b; cfg_parser_t *p = NULL; const char *tests[] = { "zone \"test4.baz\" { type primary; file \"e.db\"; };", "zone \"test/.baz\" { type primary; file \"e.db\"; };", "zone \"test\\\".baz\" { type primary; file \"e.db\"; };", "zone \"test\\.baz\" { type primary; file \"e.db\"; };", "zone \"test\\\\.baz\" { type primary; file \"e.db\"; };", "zone \"test\\032.baz\" { type primary; file \"e.db\"; };", "zone \"test\\010.baz\" { type primary; file \"e.db\"; };" }; char buf[1024]; /* Parse with default line numbering */ result = cfg_parser_create(mctx, lctx, &p); assert_int_equal(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(tests); i++) { cfg_obj_t *conf = NULL; const cfg_obj_t *obj = NULL, *zlist = NULL; isc_buffer_constinit(&b, tests[i], strlen(tests[i])); isc_buffer_add(&b, strlen(tests[i])); result = cfg_parse_buffer(p, &b, "text1", 0, &cfg_type_namedconf, 0, &conf); assert_int_equal(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); /* * Mimic calling nzf_append() from bin/named/server.c * and check that the output matches the input. */ result = cfg_map_get(conf, "zone", &zlist); assert_int_equal(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); obj = cfg_listelt_value(cfg_list_first(zlist)); assert_ptr_not_equal(obj, NULL); strlcpy(buf, "zone ", sizeof(buf)); cfg_printx(obj, CFG_PRINTER_ONELINE, append, buf); strlcat(buf, ";", sizeof(buf)); assert_string_equal(tests[i], buf); cfg_obj_destroy(p, &conf); cfg_parser_reset(p); } cfg_parser_destroy(&p); } /* test cfg_parse_buffer() */ ISC_RUN_TEST_IMPL(parse_buffer) { isc_result_t result; unsigned char text[] = "options\n{\nrecursion yes;\n};\n"; isc_buffer_t buf1, buf2; cfg_parser_t *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL; cfg_obj_t *c1 = NULL, *c2 = NULL; isc_buffer_init(&buf1, &text[0], sizeof(text) - 1); isc_buffer_add(&buf1, sizeof(text) - 1); /* Parse with default line numbering */ result = cfg_parser_create(mctx, lctx, &p1); assert_int_equal(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); result = cfg_parse_buffer(p1, &buf1, "text1", 0, &cfg_type_namedconf, 0, &c1); assert_int_equal(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); assert_int_equal(p1->line, 5); isc_buffer_init(&buf2, &text[0], sizeof(text) - 1); isc_buffer_add(&buf2, sizeof(text) - 1); /* Parse with changed line number */ result = cfg_parser_create(mctx, lctx, &p2); assert_int_equal(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); result = cfg_parse_buffer(p2, &buf2, "text2", 100, &cfg_type_namedconf, 0, &c2); assert_int_equal(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); assert_int_equal(p2->line, 104); cfg_obj_destroy(p1, &c1); cfg_obj_destroy(p2, &c2); cfg_parser_destroy(&p1); cfg_parser_destroy(&p2); } /* test cfg_map_firstclause() */ ISC_RUN_TEST_IMPL(cfg_map_firstclause) { const char *name = NULL; const void *clauses = NULL; unsigned int idx; name = cfg_map_firstclause(&cfg_type_zoneopts, &clauses, &idx); assert_non_null(name); assert_non_null(clauses); assert_int_equal(idx, 0); } /* test cfg_map_nextclause() */ ISC_RUN_TEST_IMPL(cfg_map_nextclause) { const char *name = NULL; const void *clauses = NULL; unsigned int idx; name = cfg_map_firstclause(&cfg_type_zoneopts, &clauses, &idx); assert_non_null(name); assert_non_null(clauses); assert_int_equal(idx, ISC_R_SUCCESS); do { name = cfg_map_nextclause(&cfg_type_zoneopts, &clauses, &idx); if (name != NULL) { assert_non_null(clauses); } else { assert_null(clauses); assert_int_equal(idx, 0); } } while (name != NULL); } ISC_TEST_LIST_START ISC_TEST_ENTRY(addzoneconf) ISC_TEST_ENTRY(parse_buffer) ISC_TEST_ENTRY(cfg_map_firstclause) ISC_TEST_ENTRY(cfg_map_nextclause) ISC_TEST_LIST_END ISC_TEST_MAIN_CUSTOM(setup_test_group, teardown_test_group)