/* $NetBSD: gptsubr.c,v 1.5 2025/03/02 01:07:11 riastradh Exp $ */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: gptsubr.c,v 1.5 2025/03/02 01:07:11 riastradh Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "gpt.h" #include "gptsubr.h" #include "map.h" #define DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG #define DPRINTF(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define DPRINTF(fmt, ...) do { } while (/*CONSTCOND*/0) #endif static const char * map_type_name(int map_type) { const char *xtbl[] = { "UNUSED", // 0 "MBR", // 1 "MBR_PART", // 2 "PRI_GPT_HDR", // 3 "SEC_GPT_HDR", // 4 "PRI_GPT_TBL", // 5 "SEC_GPT_TBL", // 6 "GPT_PART", // 7 "PMBR", // 8 }; if (map_type >= (int)__arraycount(xtbl)) return "UNKNOWN"; return xtbl[map_type]; } #if 0 struct map { off_t map_start; off_t map_size; struct map *map_next; struct map *map_prev; int map_type; #define MAP_TYPE_UNUSED 0 #define MAP_TYPE_MBR 1 #define MAP_TYPE_MBR_PART 2 #define MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_HDR 3 #define MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_HDR 4 #define MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_TBL 5 #define MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_TBL 6 #define MAP_TYPE_GPT_PART 7 #define MAP_TYPE_PMBR 8 unsigned int map_index; void *map_data; int map_alloc; }; struct gpt_ent { uint8_t ent_type[16]; /* partition type GUID */ uint8_t ent_guid[16]; /* unique partition GUID */ uint64_t ent_lba_start; /* start of partition */ uint64_t ent_lba_end; /* end of partition */ uint64_t ent_attr; /* partition attributes */ uint16_t ent_name[36]; /* partition name in UCS-2 */ }; struct gpt_hdr { int8_t hdr_sig[8]; /* identifies GUID Partition Table */ uint32_t hdr_revision; /* GPT specification revision */ uint32_t hdr_size; /* size of GPT Header */ uint32_t hdr_crc_self; /* CRC32 of GPT Header */ uint32_t hdr__rsvd0; /* must be zero */ uint64_t hdr_lba_self; /* LBA that contains this Header */ uint64_t hdr_lba_alt; /* LBA of backup GPT Header */ uint64_t hdr_lba_start; /* first LBA usable for partitions */ uint64_t hdr_lba_end; /* last LBA usable for partitions */ uint8_t hdr_guid[16]; /* GUID to identify the disk */ uint64_t hdr_lba_table; /* first LBA of GPE array */ uint32_t hdr_entries; /* number of entries in GPE array */ uint32_t hdr_entsz; /* size of each GPE */ uint32_t hdr_crc_table; /* CRC32 of GPE array */ /* * The remainder of the block that contains the GPT Header * is reserved by EFI for future GPT Header expansion, and * must be zero. */ }; #endif struct map_widths { uint start; uint size; uint type_name; }; static struct map_widths get_map_widths(gpt_t gpt) { struct map_widths w; off_t max_start = 0; off_t max_size = 0; map_t m; w.type_name = 0; for (m = map_first(gpt); m != NULL; m = m->map_next) { uint n; if (max_start < m->map_start) max_start = m->map_start; if (max_size < m->map_size) max_size = m->map_size; if (m->map_type == MAP_TYPE_GPT_PART) { struct gpt_ent *ent = m->map_data; gpt_uuid_t gpt_uuid; char ent_type[128]; memcpy(&gpt_uuid, ent->ent_type, sizeof(gpt_uuid)); n = (uint)gpt_uuid_snprintf(ent_type, sizeof(ent_type), "%s", gpt_uuid); if (w.type_name < n) w.type_name = n; } } w.start = (uint)snprintf(NULL, 0, "%" PRIx64, max_start); w.size = (uint)snprintf(NULL, 0, "%" PRIx64, max_size); #define MIN_WIDTH_OF(s) (sizeof(s) - 1) if (w.type_name < MIN_WIDTH_OF("TYPE_NAME")) w.type_name = MIN_WIDTH_OF("TYPE_NAME"); if (w.start < MIN_WIDTH_OF("START")) w.start = MIN_WIDTH_OF("START"); if (w.size < MIN_WIDTH_OF("SIZE")) w.size = MIN_WIDTH_OF("SIZE"); #undef MIN_WIDTH_OF return w; } static void show_map_banner(struct map_widths w) { printf("IDX %*s %*s ATTR PARTITION_GUID" " TYPE_UUID %*s " "TYPE_NAME ENTRY_NAME DESCRIPTION\n", w.start, "START", w.size, "SIZE", w.type_name, ""); } static void show_map(map_t m, struct map_widths w) { struct gpt_ent *ent; struct gpt_hdr *hdr; gpt_uuid_t gpt_uuid; uuid_t uuid; uint32_t status; char *type_uuid; char *part_guid; uint64_t ent_attr; uint8_t ent_desc[128]; char ent_type[128]; ent_desc[0] = '\0'; ent_type[0] = '\0'; ent_attr = 0; switch (m->map_type) { case MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_HDR: case MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_HDR: hdr = m->map_data; memcpy(&uuid, hdr->hdr_guid, sizeof(uuid)); uuid_to_string(&uuid, &part_guid, &status); type_uuid = estrdup(""); break; case MAP_TYPE_GPT_PART: ent = m->map_data; memcpy(&uuid, ent->ent_type, sizeof(uuid)); uuid_to_string(&uuid, &type_uuid, &status); memcpy(&uuid, ent->ent_guid, sizeof(uuid)); uuid_to_string(&uuid, &part_guid, &status); ent_attr = ent->ent_attr; memcpy(&gpt_uuid, ent->ent_type, sizeof(uuid)); gpt_uuid_snprintf(ent_type, sizeof(ent_type), "%s", gpt_uuid); /* * Use the gpt.c code here rather than our * ucs2_to_utf8() as we are in their world. */ utf16_to_utf8(ent->ent_name, sizeof(ent->ent_name), ent_desc, sizeof(ent_desc)); break; case MAP_TYPE_MBR_PART: part_guid = estrdup(""); type_uuid = estrdup(""); break; case MAP_TYPE_MBR: { struct mbr *mbr = m->map_data; easprintf(&part_guid, "%02x%02x%02x%02x-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", mbr->mbr_code[440], mbr->mbr_code[441], mbr->mbr_code[442], mbr->mbr_code[443]); uuid_to_string(&(uuid_t)GPT_ENT_TYPE_MBR, &type_uuid, &status); break; } default: part_guid = estrdup(""); type_uuid = estrdup(""); break; } printf("%2u: %*" PRIx64 " %*" PRIx64 " %08" PRIx64 " %36s %36s %*s %-11s %s\n", m->map_index, w.start, m->map_start, w.size, m->map_size, ent_attr, part_guid, type_uuid, w.type_name, ent_type, map_type_name(m->map_type), ent_desc); free(part_guid); free(type_uuid); } PUBLIC map_t find_gpt_map(const char *dev, uint idx) { gpt_t gpt; map_t m; gpt = gpt_open(dev, GPT_READONLY, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (gpt == NULL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "gpt_open"); if (map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_HDR) == NULL) printf("GPT not found, displaying data from MBR.\n"); for (m = map_first(gpt); m != NULL; m = m->map_next) { if (m->map_index == idx) break; } gpt_close(gpt); return m; } PUBLIC char * parent_of_fname(const char *fname) { struct dkwedge_info dkinfo; struct statvfs vfsb; struct stat sb; const char *d, *b; char *p; size_t n; int fd, rv; rv = stat(fname, &sb); if (rv == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "stat: %s", fname); if (S_ISBLK(sb.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(sb.st_mode)) return estrdup(fname); rv = statvfs(fname, &vfsb); if (rv == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "statvfs: %s", fname); b = basename(vfsb.f_mntfromname); d = dirname(vfsb.f_mntfromname); easprintf(&p, "%s/r%s", d, b); fd = open(p, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "open"); rv = ioctl(fd, DIOCGWEDGEINFO, &dkinfo); close(fd); if (rv != -1) { free(p); return estrdup(dkinfo.dkw_parent); } warn("ioctl: DIOCGWEDGEINFO"); /* * Hum. No wedges? Assume we have the old disklabel * "/dev/rwd0x" syntax. Convert it to "/dev/rwd0d". * XXX: this probably won't work. */ n = strlen(p); p[n - 1] = 'd'; return p; } PUBLIC int mbr_sig_write(const char *fname, uint32_t new_sig, bool force, int verbose) { gpt_t gpt; map_t m; struct mbr *mbr; const char *dev; uint32_t old_sig; if (fname == NULL) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "please specify a device"); dev = parent_of_fname(fname); if (dev == NULL) { warnx("unable to find parent device of %s\n", fname); return -1; } gpt = gpt_open(dev, GPT_MODIFIED, verbose, 0, 0, 0); if (gpt == NULL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "gpt_open"); m = map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_MBR); if (m == NULL) printf("No MBR partition found!\n"); else { mbr = m->map_data; memcpy(&old_sig, &mbr->mbr_code[440], 4); if (old_sig == 0) force = true; if (force) { memcpy(&mbr->mbr_code[440], &new_sig, 4); if (gpt_write(gpt, m) == -1) warn("gpt_write"); else if (verbose) printf("sig: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x\n", old_sig, new_sig); } else if (verbose) printf("sig: 0x%08x (unchanged)\n", old_sig); } gpt_close(gpt); return 0; } PUBLIC int show_gpt(const char *fname, int verbose) { gpt_t gpt; map_t m; struct map_widths w; const char *dev; dev = parent_of_fname(fname); if (dev == NULL) return -1; gpt = gpt_open(dev, GPT_READONLY, verbose, 0, 0, 0); if (gpt == NULL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "gpt_open"); if (map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_HDR) == NULL) warnx("GPT not found, displaying data from MBR."); w = get_map_widths(gpt); show_map_banner(w); for (m = map_first(gpt); m != NULL; m = m->map_next) show_map(m, w); gpt_close(gpt); return 0; } #if 0 /* UNUSED */ PUBLIC char * wedge_of_fname(const char *fname) { struct statvfs vfsbuf; int rv; rv = statvfs(fname, &vfsbuf); if (rv) { warn("statvfs: %s", fname); return NULL; } return estrdup(vfsbuf.f_mntfromname); } PUBLIC int find_partition_idx(const char *fname, int verbose) { struct dkwedge_info dkinfo; struct stat sb; struct statvfs vfsbuf; gpt_t gpt; map_t m; off_t offset; size_t size; const char *parent; char *b, *d; int rv; /* the following are for gpt_open() */ off_t mediasz = 0; u_int secsz = 0; time_t timestamp = 0; rv = stat(fname, &sb); if (rv == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "stat: %s", fname); if (S_ISBLK(sb.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(sb.st_mode)) { parent = fname; offset = 0; size = 0; goto doit; } rv = statvfs(fname, &vfsbuf); if (rv == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "statvfs: %s", fname); b = basename(vfsbuf.f_mntfromname); d = dirname(vfsbuf.f_mntfromname); { char *p; easprintf(&p, "%s/r%s", d, b); int fd = open(p, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "open"); rv = ioctl(fd, DIOCGWEDGEINFO, &dkinfo); if (rv != -1) { parent = dkinfo.dkw_parent; offset = dkinfo.dkw_offset; size = dkinfo.dkw_size; } else { struct disklabel dl; warn("ioctl: DIOCGWEDGEINFO"); rv = ioctl(fd, DIOCGDINFO, &dl); if (rv == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "ioctl: DIOCGDINFO"); size_t n = strlen(p); int pnum = p[n - 1] - 'a'; p[n - 1] = 'd'; printf("num_parts: %u\n", dl.d_npartitions); printf("partition %d\n", pnum); printf(" offset = %u (%#x)\n", dl.d_partitions[pnum].p_offset, dl.d_partitions[pnum].p_offset); printf(" size = %u (%#x)\n", dl.d_partitions[pnum].p_size, dl.d_partitions[pnum].p_size); parent = p; // vfsbuf.f_mntfromname; offset = dl.d_partitions[pnum].p_offset; size = dl.d_partitions[pnum].p_size; } close(fd); free(p); } doit: DPRINTF("parent: %s\n", parent); DPRINTF("offset: 0x%lx\n", offset); DPRINTF("size: 0x%lx\n", size); gpt = gpt_open(parent, GPT_READONLY, verbose, mediasz, secsz, timestamp); if (gpt == NULL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "gpt_open"); if (map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_HDR) == NULL) printf("GPT not found, displaying data from MBR.\n"); int index = -1; struct map_widths w; if (verbose) { w = get_map_widths(gpt); show_map_banner(w); } for (m = map_first(gpt); m != NULL; m = m->map_next) { if (verbose) show_map(m, w); if (m->map_type != MAP_TYPE_GPT_PART || m->map_index < 1) { continue; } if ((off_t)offset == m->map_start && (off_t)size == m->map_size) { if (index != -1) printf("match: %u\n", index); index = (int)m->map_index; } } return index; } PUBLIC char * find_partition_pathname(const char *fname) { char *pname; /* partition name */ char *rname; /* real name */ struct statvfs vfsbuf; int i, rv; rname = realpath(fname, NULL); DPRINTF("fname: %s\n", fname); DPRINTF("rname: %s\n", rname); rv = statvfs(rname, &vfsbuf); if (rv) { warn("statvfs: %s", rname); free(rname); return NULL; } DPRINTF("mount: %s\n", vfsbuf.f_mntonname); i = 0; while (vfsbuf.f_mntonname[i] == rname[i] && vfsbuf.f_mntonname[i] != '\0') i++; if (vfsbuf.f_mntonname[i] != '\0') errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "mntonname mismatch: %s", vfsbuf.f_mntonname + i); pname = estrdup(rname + i); free(rname); return pname; } #endif