/* $NetBSD: main.c,v 1.5 2025/03/02 01:07:11 riastradh Exp $ */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: main.c,v 1.5 2025/03/02 01:07:11 riastradh Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "efiio.h" #include "defs.h" #include "bootvar.h" #include "devpath.h" #include "getvars.h" #include "gptsubr.h" #include "map.h" #include "setvar.h" #include "showvar.h" #include "utils.h" /* * The UEFI spec is quite clear that it is intended for little endian * machines only. As a result (and lazyness), byte ordering is * ignored in this code and we build/run only on little endian * machines. */ __CTASSERT(_BYTE_ORDER == _LITTLE_ENDIAN); #define _PATH_EFI "/dev/efi" /* XXX: should be in */ #define DEFAULT_PARTITION 1 #define DEFAULT_LABEL "NetBSD" #define DEFAULT_LOADER "\\EFI\\NetBSD\\grubx64.efi" #define DEFAULT_DEVICE parent_of_fname(".") /****************************************/ static uint __used get_max_namelen(efi_var_t **var_array, size_t var_cnt) { uint max_len = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < var_cnt; i++) { uint len = (uint)strlen(var_array[i]->name); if (len > max_len) max_len = len; } return max_len; } /************************************************************************/ enum { OPT_BRIEF = UCHAR_MAX + 1, OPT_DEBUG = UCHAR_MAX + 2, }; #define OPTIONS "@:A::a::B::b:CcDd:FfG::hL:l:Nn:Oo:p:qR:rTt:Vvw::X:x:y" #define OPTION_LIST \ _X("brief", _NA, OPT_BRIEF, "set brief mode") \ _X("debug", _OA, OPT_DEBUG, "raise or set the debug level") \ _X("append-binary-args",_RA, '@', "Append extra variable args from file") \ _X("inactive", _OA, 'A', "clear active bit on '-b' variable") \ _X("active", _OA, 'a', "set active bit on '-b' variable") \ _X("delete-bootnum", _OA, 'B', "delete '-b' variable or arg") \ _X("bootnum", _RA, 'b', "specify a boot number") \ _X("create-only", _NA, 'C', "create a new boot variable") \ _X("create", _NA, 'c', "create a new boot variable and prefix BootOrder") \ _X("remove-dups", _NA, 'D', "remove duplicates in BootOrder") \ _X("disk", _RA, 'd', "specify disk device") \ _X("no-reconnect", _NA, 'F', "do not force driver reconnect after loading (requires '-r')") \ _X("reconnect", _NA, 'f', "force driver reconnect after loading (requires '-r')") \ _X("show-gpt", _OA, 'G', "show GPT for device") \ _X("help", _NA, 'h', "this help") \ _X("label", _RA, 'L', "specify boot label") \ _X("loader", _RA, 'l', "specify boot loader on EFI partition") \ _X("delete-bootnext", _NA, 'N', "delete NextBoot variable") \ _X("bootnext", _RA, 'n', "set NextBoot variable") \ _X("delete-bootorder", _NA, 'O', "delete BootOrder entirely") \ _X("bootorder", _RA, 'o', "set BootOrder") \ _X("part", _RA, 'p', "specify partition number") \ _X("quiet", _NA, 'q', "quiet mode") \ _X("regexp", _RA, 'R', "regular expression for variable search (default: '^Boot')") \ _X("driver", _NA, 'r', "operate on Driver#### instead of Boot####") \ _X("delete-timeout", _NA, 'T', "delete timeout") \ _X("timeout", _RA, 't', "set timeout to argument, in seconds") \ _X("version", _NA, 'V', "show Version") \ _X("verbose", _NA, 'v', "increment verboseness") \ _X("write-signature", _OA, 'w', "write MBR signature") \ _X("remove-bootorder", _RA, 'X', "remove argument from BootOrder") \ _X("prefix-bootorder", _RA, 'x', "prefix argument to BootOrder") \ _X("sysprep", _NA, 'y', "operate on SysPrep#### instead of Boot####") #define TARGET_BOOT "Boot" #define TARGET_DRIVER "Driver" #define TARGET_SYSPREP "SysPrep" #define IS_TARGET_DRIVER(opt) ((opt).target[0] == TARGET_DRIVER[0]) #define ACTION_LIST \ _X(active, NULL) \ _X(create, NULL) \ _X(delete, NULL) \ _X(del_bootnext, del_bootnext) \ _X(set_bootnext, set_bootnext) \ _X(del_bootorder, del_bootorder) \ _X(set_bootorder, set_bootorder) \ _X(prefix_bootorder, prefix_bootorder) \ _X(remove_bootorder, remove_bootorder) \ _X(del_bootorder_dups, del_bootorder_dups) \ _X(set_timeout, set_timeout) \ _X(show, NULL) \ _X(show_gpt, show_gpt) static void __dead __printflike(1, 2) usage(const char *fmt, ...) { const char *progname = getprogname(); struct { const char *help; const char *name; int opt; } tbl[] = { #define _NA "" #define _OA "[=arg]" #define _RA "=" #define _X(n,a,o,m) { .name = n a, .opt = o, .help = m, }, OPTION_LIST #undef _X #undef _RA #undef _OA #undef _NA }; if (fmt != NULL) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } printf("%s version %u\n", progname, VERSION); printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", progname); for (size_t i = 0; i < __arraycount(tbl); i++) { int n; if (isprint(tbl[i].opt)) n = printf("-%c | --%s", tbl[i].opt, tbl[i].name); else n = printf(" --%s", tbl[i].name); printf("%*s %s\n", 32 - n, "", tbl[i].help); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static int __used append_optional_data(const char *fname, efi_var_ioc_t *ev) { char *buf, *cp; size_t cnt; buf = read_file(fname, &cnt); ev->data = erealloc(ev->data, ev->datasize + cnt); cp = ev->data; cp += ev->datasize; memcpy(cp, buf, cnt); ev->datasize += cnt; return 0; } typedef enum { MBR_SIG_WRITE_NEVER = 0, MBR_SIG_WRITE_MAYBE, MBR_SIG_WRITE_FORCE, } mbr_sig_write_t; #define OPT_LIST \ _X(bool, active, false ) \ _X(bool, b_flag, false ) \ _X(bool, brief, false ) \ _X(bool, prefix_bootorder, false ) \ _X(bool, quiet, false ) \ _X(bool, reconnect, false ) \ _X(char *, bootorder, NULL ) \ _X(char *, csus, NULL ) \ _X(char *, device, NULL ) \ _X(char *, opt_fname, NULL ) \ _X(char *, regexp, NULL ) \ _X(const char *, label, DEFAULT_LABEL ) \ _X(const char *, loader, DEFAULT_LOADER ) \ _X(const char *, target, NULL ) \ _X(int, verbose, 0 ) \ _X(uint, debug, 0 ) \ _X(mbr_sig_write_t, mbr_sig_write, MBR_SIG_WRITE_NEVER ) \ _X(uint16_t, bootnum, 0 ) \ _X(uint16_t, partnum, DEFAULT_PARTITION ) \ _X(uint16_t, timeout, 0 ) \ _X(uint32_t, mbr_sig, 0 ) #define IS_MBR_SIG_FORCE(o) ((o).mbr_sig_write == MBR_SIG_WRITE_FORCE) static struct options { /* setable options */ #define _X(t,n,v) t n; OPT_LIST #undef _X } opt = { #define _X(t,n,v) .n = v, OPT_LIST #undef _X }; static inline void get_bootnum(struct options *op, const char *oarg) { op->b_flag = true; op->bootnum = strtous(oarg, NULL, 16); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { static struct option longopts[] = { #define _NA no_argument #define _OA optional_argument #define _RA required_argument #define _X(n,a,o,m) { n, a, NULL, o }, OPTION_LIST { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }, #undef _X #undef _RA #undef _OA #undef _NA }; enum { act_create, act_set_active, act_del_variable, act_del_bootnext, act_set_bootnext, act_del_bootorder, act_set_bootorder, act_prefix_bootorder, act_remove_bootorder, act_del_bootorder_dups, act_set_timeout, act_del_timeout, act_show, act_show_gpt, } action = act_show; efi_var_t **var_array; void *var_hdl; char *fname = NULL; size_t i, var_cnt; int ch, efi_fd; union { /* Just in case the above __CTASSERT() is ignored ... */ uint32_t val; uint8_t b[4]; } byte_order = { .val = 0x01020304, }; if (byte_order.b[0] != 4 || byte_order.b[1] != 3 || byte_order.b[2] != 2 || byte_order.b[3] != 1) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "sorry: %s only runs on little-endian machines!", getprogname()); } setprogname(argv[0]); optreset = 1; optind = 1; opterr = 1; while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, OPTIONS, longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case OPT_BRIEF: opt.brief = true; break; case OPT_DEBUG: if (optarg) opt.debug = strtous(optarg, NULL, 0); else opt.debug++; opt.debug &= DEBUG_MASK; break; case '@': opt.opt_fname = estrdup(optarg); break; case 'A': if (optarg) get_bootnum(&opt, optarg); opt.active = false; action = act_set_active; break; case 'a': if (optarg) get_bootnum(&opt, optarg); opt.active = true; action = act_set_active; break; case 'B': if (optarg) get_bootnum(&opt, optarg); action = act_del_variable; break; case 'b': get_bootnum(&opt, optarg); break; case 'C': opt.prefix_bootorder = false; action = act_create; break; case 'c': opt.prefix_bootorder = true; action = act_create; break; case 'D': action = act_del_bootorder_dups; break; case 'd': opt.device = estrdup(optarg); break; case 'F': opt.reconnect = false; break; case 'f': opt.reconnect = true; break; case 'G': fname = estrdup(optarg ? optarg : "."); action = act_show_gpt; break; case 'L': opt.label = estrdup(optarg); break; case 'l': opt.loader = estrdup(optarg); break; case 'N': action = act_del_bootnext; break; case 'n': opt.b_flag = true; opt.bootnum = strtous(optarg, NULL, 16); action = act_set_bootnext; break; case 'O': action = act_del_bootorder; break; case 'o': opt.bootorder = estrdup(optarg); action = act_set_bootorder; break; case 'p': opt.partnum = strtous(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'R': if (opt.regexp != NULL) free(opt.regexp); opt.regexp = estrdup(optarg); break; case 'r': if (opt.target != NULL) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "only one of '-r' or '-y' are allowed"); opt.target = TARGET_DRIVER; break; case 'T': action = act_del_timeout; break; case 't': opt.timeout = strtous(optarg, NULL, 0); action = act_set_timeout; break; case 'q': opt.quiet = true; opt.verbose = 0; break; case 'V': printf("version: %u\n", VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'v': opt.verbose++; opt.brief = false; break; case 'w': if (optarg != NULL) { opt.mbr_sig_write = MBR_SIG_WRITE_FORCE; opt.mbr_sig = (uint32_t)estrtou(optarg, 0, 0, 0xffffffff); } else { opt.mbr_sig_write = MBR_SIG_WRITE_MAYBE; srandom((uint)time(NULL)); opt.mbr_sig = (uint32_t)random(); } break; case 'X': action = act_remove_bootorder; if (opt.csus != NULL) { usage("Comma Separated Hex list" " already specified!\n"); } opt.csus = estrdup(optarg); break; case 'x': action = act_prefix_bootorder; if (opt.csus != NULL) { usage("Comma Separated Hex list" " already specified!\n"); } opt.csus = estrdup(optarg); break; case 'y': if (opt.target != NULL) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "only one of '-r' or '-y' are allowed"); opt.target = TARGET_SYSPREP; break; case 'h': usage(NULL); default: usage("unknown option: '%c'\n", ch); } } if (opt.target == NULL) opt.target = TARGET_BOOT; argv += optind; argc -= optind; if (argc != 0) usage(NULL); /* * Check some option requirements/overrides here. */ if (opt.quiet) opt.verbose = 0; switch (action) { case act_create: if (opt.regexp != NULL) {/* override any previous setting */ printf("Ignoring specified regexp: '%s'\n", opt.regexp); free(opt.regexp); } break; case act_show_gpt: return show_gpt(fname, opt.verbose); case act_set_active: case act_del_variable: if (!opt.b_flag) usage("please specify a boot number\n"); /*FALLTHROUGH*/ default: if (opt.mbr_sig_write) { /* * This overrides all but act_create and * act_show_gpt. */ return mbr_sig_write(opt.device, opt.mbr_sig, IS_MBR_SIG_FORCE(opt), opt.verbose); } break; } efi_fd = open(_PATH_EFI, O_RDONLY); if (efi_fd == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "open"); switch (action) { case act_del_bootorder_dups: return del_bootorder_dups(efi_fd, opt.target); case act_del_bootorder: return del_bootorder(efi_fd, opt.target); case act_del_bootnext: return del_bootnext(efi_fd); case act_del_timeout: return del_timeout(efi_fd); case act_del_variable: return del_variable(efi_fd, opt.target, opt.bootnum); case act_set_active: return set_active(efi_fd, opt.target, opt.bootnum, opt.active); case act_set_bootnext: return set_bootnext(efi_fd, opt.bootnum); case act_set_bootorder: return set_bootorder(efi_fd, opt.target, opt.bootorder); case act_set_timeout: return set_timeout(efi_fd, opt.timeout); case act_remove_bootorder: return remove_bootorder(efi_fd, opt.target, opt.csus, 0); case act_prefix_bootorder: return prefix_bootorder(efi_fd, opt.target, opt.csus, 0); case act_show_gpt: assert(0); break; /* handled above */ default: break; } /* * The following actions are handled below and require a call * to get_variables() using a regexp. Setup the regexp here. * XXX: merge with above switch()? */ switch (action) { case act_create: easprintf(&opt.regexp, "^%s[0-9,A-F]{4}$", opt.target); break; case act_show: default: if (opt.regexp != NULL) break; if (opt.b_flag) { easprintf(&opt.regexp, "^%s%04X$", opt.target, opt.bootnum); } else { easprintf(&opt.regexp, "^%s", opt.target); } break; } var_hdl = get_variables(efi_fd, opt.regexp, &var_array, &var_cnt); free(opt.regexp); opt.regexp = NULL; /* * preform the remaining actions. */ switch (action) { case act_create: { uint16_t bootnum; efi_var_t v; uint32_t attrib; int rv; if (opt.device == NULL) { opt.device = DEFAULT_DEVICE; if (opt.device == NULL) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "specify disk with '-d'"); } attrib = LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE; if (opt.reconnect && IS_TARGET_DRIVER(opt)) attrib |= LOAD_OPTION_FORCE_RECONNECT; /* * Get a new variable name */ bootnum = (uint16_t)find_new_bootvar(var_array, var_cnt, opt.target); easprintf(&v.name, "%s%04X", opt.target, bootnum); if (!opt.quiet) printf("creating: %s\n", v.name); /* * Initialize efi_ioc structure. */ efi_var_init(&v.ev, v.name, &EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS); /* * Setup the efi_ioc data section */ v.ev.data = make_bootvar_data(opt.device, opt.partnum, attrib, opt.label, opt.loader, opt.opt_fname, &v.ev.datasize); #if 1 if (!opt.quiet) { /* * Prompt user for confirmation. * XXX: Should this go away? */ opt.debug &= (uint)~DEBUG_BRIEF_BIT; opt.debug |= DEBUG_VERBOSE_BIT; show_variable(&v, opt.debug, 0); printf("are you sure? [y/n] "); if (getchar() != 'y') goto done; } #endif /* * Write the variable. */ rv = set_variable(efi_fd, &v.ev); if (rv == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "set_variable"); /* * Prefix the boot order if required. */ if (opt.prefix_bootorder) rv = prefix_bootorder(efi_fd, opt.target, NULL, bootnum); /* * Possibly write the MBR signature. * XXX: do we really want this here? */ if (opt.mbr_sig_write) { assert(opt.device != NULL); mbr_sig_write(opt.device, opt.mbr_sig, IS_MBR_SIG_FORCE(opt), opt.verbose); } break; } case act_show: { uint max_namelen = get_max_namelen(var_array, var_cnt); uint flags = opt.debug; if (opt.verbose) flags |= DEBUG_VERBOSE_BIT; if (opt.brief) flags |= DEBUG_BRIEF_BIT; if (max_namelen > 32) max_namelen = 32; for (i = 0; i < var_cnt; i++) { if (opt.brief) show_generic_data(var_array[i], max_namelen); else show_variable(var_array[i], flags, 0); } break; } default: assert(0); break; } done: free_variables(var_hdl); close(efi_fd); return 0; }