/* $NetBSD: showvar.c,v 1.5 2025/03/02 01:07:11 riastradh Exp $ */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: showvar.c,v 1.5 2025/03/02 01:07:11 riastradh Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "efiio.h" #include "defs.h" #include "bootvar.h" #include "certs.h" #include "devpath.h" #include "getvars.h" #include "showvar.h" #include "utils.h" #define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI __BIT(0) #define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_TIMESTAMP_REVOCATION __BIT(1) #define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_FILE_CAPSULE_DELIVERY_SUPPORTED __BIT(2) #define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_FMP_CAPSULE_SUPPORTED __BIT(3) #define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_CAPSULE_RESULT_VAR_SUPPORTED __BIT(4) #define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_START_OS_RECOVERY __BIT(5) #define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_START_PLATFORM_RECOVERY __BIT(6) #define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_JSON_CONFIG_DATA_REFRESH __BIT(7) #define OS_INDICATIONS_BITS \ "\177\020" \ "b\x0""BootFWui\0" \ "b\x1""TimeStamp\0" \ "b\x2""FileCap\0" \ "b\x3""FMPCap\0" \ "b\x4""CapResVar\0" \ "b\x5""StartOsRecovery\0" \ "b\x6""StartPltformRec\0" \ "b\x7""JSONConfig\0" \ //******************************************************** // Boot Option Attributes //******************************************************** #define EFI_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_KEY __BIT(0) // 0x00000001 #define EFI_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_APP __BIT(1) // 0x00000002 #define EFI_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_SYSPREP __BIT(4) // 0x00000010 #define EFI_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_COUNT __BITS(8,9) // 0x00000300 // All values 0x00000200-0x00001F00 are reserved #define BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_BITS \ "\177\020" \ "b\x0""Key\0" \ "b\x1""App\0" \ "b\x4""SysPrep\0" \ "f\x8\x2""Count\0" /************************************************************************/ static int show_filelist_data(efi_var_t *v, bool dbg) { char *dmsg, *path; path = devpath_parse(v->ev.data, v->ev.datasize, dbg ? &dmsg : NULL); printf("%s: %s\n", v->name, path); free(path); if (dbg) { printf("%s", dmsg); free(dmsg); } return 0; } static int show_asciiz_data(efi_var_t *v, bool dbg __unused) { char *cp, *ep; printf("%s: ", v->name); cp = v->ev.data; ep = cp + v->ev.datasize; for (/*EMPTY*/; cp < ep; cp += strlen(cp) + 1) { printf("%s\n", cp); } if (cp != ep) warnx("short asciiz data\n"); return 0; } static int show_array8_data(efi_var_t *v, bool dbg __unused) { size_t cnt, i; uint8_t *array = v->ev.data; printf("%s: ", v->name); cnt = v->ev.datasize / sizeof(array[0]); i = 0; for (;;) { printf("%02x", array[i]); if (++i == cnt) { printf("\n"); break; } printf(","); } return 0; } static int show_array16_data(efi_var_t *v, bool dbg __unused) { size_t cnt, i; uint16_t *array = v->ev.data; printf("%s: ", v->name); cnt = v->ev.datasize / sizeof(array[0]); i = 0; for (;;) { printf("%04X", array[i]); if (++i == cnt) { printf("\n"); break; } printf(","); } return 0; } static int show_uuid_array_data(efi_var_t *v, bool dbg) { size_t cnt, i; uuid_t *array = v->ev.data; const char *name; printf("%s: ", v->name); cnt = v->ev.datasize / sizeof(array[0]); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { name = get_cert_name(&array[i]); printf("%s%c", name, i + 1 < cnt ? ' ' : '\n'); } if (dbg) { for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { printf(" "); uuid_printf(&array[i]); name = get_cert_name(&array[i]); printf(" %s\n", name ? name : "unknown"); } } return 0; } /************************************************************************/ static int show_key_data(efi_var_t *v, bool dbg) { typedef union { struct { uint32_t Revision : 8; uint32_t ShiftPressed : 1; uint32_t ControlPressed : 1; uint32_t AltPressed : 1; uint32_t LogoPressed : 1; uint32_t MenuPressed : 1; uint32_t SysReqPressed : 1; uint32_t Reserved : 16; uint32_t InputKeyCount : 2; #define BOOT_KEY_OPTION_BITS \ "\177\020" \ "f\x00\x08""Rev\0" \ "b\x08""SHFT\0" \ "b\x09""CTRL\0" \ "b\x0a""ALT\0" \ "b\x0b""LOGO\0" \ "b\x0c""MENU\0" \ "b\x0d""SysReq\0" \ /* "f\x0e\x10""Rsvd\0" */ \ "f\x1e\x02""KeyCnt\0" } Options; uint32_t PackedValue; } __packed EFI_BOOT_KEY_DATA; typedef struct { uint16_t ScanCode; uint16_t UnicodeChar; } __packed EFI_INPUT_KEY; typedef struct _EFI_KEY_OPTION { EFI_BOOT_KEY_DATA KeyData; uint32_t BootOptionCrc; uint16_t BootOption; EFI_INPUT_KEY Keys[3]; uint16_t DescLocation; /* XXX: a guess! Not documented */ uint8_t UndocData[]; } __packed EFI_KEY_OPTION; union { EFI_KEY_OPTION *ko; uint8_t *bp; } u = { .bp = v->ev.data, }; char buf[256], c, *cp, *desc; uint i; printf("%s:", v->name); /* * Note: DescLocation is not documented in the UEFI spec, so * do some sanity checking before using it. */ desc = NULL; if (offsetof(EFI_KEY_OPTION, UndocData) < v->ev.datasize && u.ko->DescLocation + sizeof(uint16_t) < v->ev.datasize) { size_t sz = v->ev.datasize - u.ko->DescLocation; desc = ucs2_to_utf8((uint16_t *)&u.bp[u.ko->DescLocation], sz, NULL, NULL); printf(" %s", desc); } /* * Parse the KeyData */ snprintb(buf, sizeof(buf), BOOT_KEY_OPTION_BITS, u.ko->KeyData.PackedValue); /* * Skip over the raw value */ c = '\0'; if ((cp = strchr(buf, ',')) || (cp = strchr(buf, '<'))) { c = *cp; *cp = '<'; } else cp = buf; printf("\tBoot%04X \t%s", u.ko->BootOption, cp); if (c != '\0') *cp = c; /* restore the buffer */ for (i = 0; i < u.ko->KeyData.Options.InputKeyCount; i++) printf(" {%04x, %04x}", u.ko->Keys[i].ScanCode, u.ko->Keys[i].UnicodeChar); printf("\n"); if (dbg) { printf(" KeyData: %s\n", buf); printf(" BootOptionCrc: 0x%08x\n", u.ko->BootOptionCrc); printf(" BootOption: Boot%04X\n", u.ko->BootOption); for (i = 0; i < u.ko->KeyData.Options.InputKeyCount; i++) { printf(" Keys[%u].ScanCode: 0x%04x\n", i, u.ko->Keys[i].ScanCode); printf(" Keys[%u].UnicodeChar: 0x%04x\n", i, u.ko->Keys[i].UnicodeChar); } if (desc) printf(" Desc: %s\n", desc); } free(desc); return 0; } /************************************************************************/ static char * format_optional_data(char *od, size_t sz) { char *bp; size_t i; bp = emalloc(sz + 1); for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { char c = od[i]; bp[i] = isprint((unsigned char)c) ? c : '.'; } bp[i] = '\0'; return bp; } static int show_boot_data(efi_var_t *v, uint debug, uint max_namelen) { struct { char *name; uint32_t Attributes; char *Description; devpath_t *devpath; char *OptionalData; size_t OptionalDataSize; } info; union { char *cp; boot_var_t *bb; } u = { .cp = v->ev.data, }; char *args, *dmsg, *path; size_t sz; bool dbg = debug & DEBUG_STRUCT_BIT; bool verbose = debug & (DEBUG_MASK | DEBUG_VERBOSE_BIT); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.name = v->name; info.Attributes = u.bb->Attributes; sz = (v->ev.datasize - sizeof(*u.bb)) / sizeof(uint16_t); sz = (ucs2nlen(u.bb->Description, sz) + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t); info.Description = ucs2_to_utf8(u.bb->Description, sz, NULL, NULL); info.devpath = (devpath_t *)((uint8_t *)u.bb->Description + sz); info.OptionalData = (char *)info.devpath + u.bb->FilePathListLength; char *ep = u.cp + v->ev.datasize; assert(info.OptionalData <= u.cp + v->ev.datasize); if (info.OptionalData <= u.cp + v->ev.datasize) { info.OptionalDataSize = (size_t)(ep - info.OptionalData); } else { printf("ARG!!! " "FilePahList[] extends past end of data by %zd bytes\n", info.OptionalData - ep); info.OptionalDataSize = 0; } printf("%s%c %-*s", v->name, IS_ACTIVE(info.Attributes) ? '*' : ' ', max_namelen, info.Description); dmsg = NULL; if (verbose) { path = devpath_parse(info.devpath, u.bb->FilePathListLength, dbg ? &dmsg : NULL); args = format_optional_data(info.OptionalData, info.OptionalDataSize); printf("\t%s%s", path, args);/* XXX: make this conditional on verbose? */ free(args); free(path); } printf("\n"); if (dbg) { char attr_str[256]; snprintb(attr_str, sizeof(attr_str), LOAD_OPTION_BITS, info.Attributes); printf(" Attr: %s\n", attr_str); printf(" Description: %s\n", info.Description); assert(dmsg != NULL); printf("%s", dmsg); if (info.OptionalDataSize > 0) { show_data((void *)info.OptionalData, info.OptionalDataSize, " ExtraData: "); } free(dmsg); } free(info.Description); return 0; } /************************************************************************/ static int show_OsIndications_data(efi_var_t *e, bool dbg __unused) { uint64_t OsIndications; char buf[256]; assert(e->ev.datasize == 8); OsIndications = *(uint64_t *)e->ev.data; snprintb(buf, sizeof(buf), OS_INDICATIONS_BITS, OsIndications); printf("%s:\t%s\n", e->name, buf); return 0; } static int show_BootOptionSupport_data(efi_var_t *e, bool dbg __unused) { uint32_t boot_option_support; char buf[256]; assert(e->ev.datasize == 4); boot_option_support = *(uint32_t *)e->ev.data; snprintb(buf, sizeof(buf), BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_BITS, boot_option_support); printf("%s:\t%s\n", e->name, buf); return 0; } static int show_Timeout_data(efi_var_t *e, bool dbg __unused) { uint16_t *timeout = e->ev.data; if (e->ev.datasize != 2) printf("bad timeout datasize: %zu\n", e->ev.datasize); else printf("Timeout: %u seconds\n", *timeout); return 0; } PUBLIC int show_generic_data(efi_var_t *e, uint var_width) { char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN]; char attr_str[256]; uuid_snprintf(uuid_str, sizeof(uuid_str), &e->ev.vendor); snprintb(attr_str, sizeof(attr_str), EFI_VAR_ATTR_BITS, e->ev.attrib); printf("%-*s %s %5zu %s\n", var_width, e->name, uuid_str, e->ev.datasize, attr_str); return 0; } /************************************************************************/ struct vartbl { const char *name; int (*fn)(efi_var_t *, bool); }; static int varcmpsortfn(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct vartbl *p = a; const struct vartbl *q = b; return strcmp(p->name, q->name); } static int varcmpsrchfn(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct vartbl *q = b; return strcmp(a, q->name); } PUBLIC int show_variable(efi_var_t *v, uint debug, uint max_namelen) { #define REGEXP_BOOTXXXX "^((Key)|(Boot)|(lBoot)|(Driver)|(SysPrep)|(OsRecovery))[0-9,A-F]{4}$" static regex_t preg = { .re_magic = 0, }; static struct vartbl *tp, tbl[] = { { "AuditMode", show_array8_data, }, { "BootCurrent", show_array16_data, }, { "BootNext", show_array16_data, }, { "BootOptionSupport", show_BootOptionSupport_data, }, { "BootOrder", show_array16_data, }, { "BootOrderDefault", show_array16_data, }, { "db", show_cert_data, }, { "dbDefault", show_cert_data, }, { "dbr", show_cert_data, }, { "dbrDefault", show_cert_data, }, { "dbt", show_cert_data, }, { "dbtDefault", show_cert_data, }, { "dbx", show_cert_data, }, { "dbxDefault", show_cert_data, }, { "devdbDefault", show_cert_data, }, { "ConIn", show_filelist_data, }, { "ConInDev", show_filelist_data, }, { "ConOut", show_filelist_data, }, { "ConOutDev", show_filelist_data, }, { "DriverOrder", show_array16_data, }, { "ErrOut", show_filelist_data, }, { "ErrOutDev", show_filelist_data, }, { "KEK", show_cert_data, }, { "KEKDefault", show_cert_data, }, { "OsIndications", show_OsIndications_data, }, { "OsIndicationsSupported", show_OsIndications_data, }, { "PK", show_cert_data, }, { "PKDefault", show_cert_data, }, { "PlatformLang", show_asciiz_data, }, { "PlatformLangCodes", show_asciiz_data, }, { "ProtectedBootOptions", show_array16_data, }, { "SecureBoot", show_array8_data, }, { "SetupMode", show_array8_data, }, { "SignatureSupport", show_uuid_array_data, }, { "SysPrepOrder", show_array16_data, }, { "Timeout", show_Timeout_data, }, { "VendorKeys", show_array8_data, }, }; bool dbg = debug & DEBUG_STRUCT_BIT; int rv; if (preg.re_magic == 0) { const char *regexp = REGEXP_BOOTXXXX; if (regcomp(&preg, regexp, REG_EXTENDED) != 0) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "regcomp: %s", regexp); qsort(tbl, __arraycount(tbl), sizeof(*tbl), varcmpsortfn); } if (debug & DEBUG_EFI_IOC_BIT) { rv = show_generic_data(v, max_namelen); if (debug & DEBUG_VERBOSE_BIT) return rv; } if (regexec(&preg, v->name, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) { /* matched */ if (v->name[0] == 'K') rv = show_key_data(v, dbg); else rv = show_boot_data(v, debug, max_namelen); } else { tp = bsearch(v->name, tbl, __arraycount(tbl), sizeof(*tbl), varcmpsrchfn); if (tp != NULL) rv = tp->fn(v, dbg); else if(!(debug & DEBUG_EFI_IOC_BIT)) rv = show_generic_data(v, max_namelen); } if (debug & DEBUG_DATA_BIT) show_data(v->ev.data, v->ev.datasize, " "); return rv; }