/* * Copyright 2021 Alyssa Rosenzweig * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Collabora, Ltd. * Copyright 2010 Red Hat Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include "pipe/p_defines.h" #include "pipe/p_state.h" #include "pipe/p_context.h" #include "pipe/p_screen.h" #include "util/u_memory.h" #include "util/u_inlines.h" #include "util/u_transfer.h" #include "gallium/auxiliary/util/u_draw.h" #include "gallium/auxiliary/util/u_helpers.h" #include "gallium/auxiliary/util/u_viewport.h" #include "gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blend.h" #include "gallium/auxiliary/util/u_framebuffer.h" #include "gallium/auxiliary/tgsi/tgsi_from_mesa.h" #include "gallium/auxiliary/nir/tgsi_to_nir.h" #include "compiler/nir/nir.h" #include "asahi/compiler/agx_compile.h" #include "agx_state.h" #include "asahi/lib/agx_pack.h" #include "asahi/lib/agx_formats.h" static struct pipe_stream_output_target * agx_create_stream_output_target(struct pipe_context *pctx, struct pipe_resource *prsc, unsigned buffer_offset, unsigned buffer_size) { struct pipe_stream_output_target *target; target = &rzalloc(pctx, struct agx_streamout_target)->base; if (!target) return NULL; pipe_reference_init(&target->reference, 1); pipe_resource_reference(&target->buffer, prsc); target->context = pctx; target->buffer_offset = buffer_offset; target->buffer_size = buffer_size; return target; } static void agx_stream_output_target_destroy(struct pipe_context *pctx, struct pipe_stream_output_target *target) { pipe_resource_reference(&target->buffer, NULL); ralloc_free(target); } static void agx_set_stream_output_targets(struct pipe_context *pctx, unsigned num_targets, struct pipe_stream_output_target **targets, const unsigned *offsets) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); struct agx_streamout *so = &ctx->streamout; assert(num_targets <= ARRAY_SIZE(so->targets)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_targets; i++) { if (offsets[i] != -1) agx_so_target(targets[i])->offset = offsets[i]; pipe_so_target_reference(&so->targets[i], targets[i]); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < so->num_targets; i++) pipe_so_target_reference(&so->targets[i], NULL); so->num_targets = num_targets; } static void agx_set_blend_color(struct pipe_context *pctx, const struct pipe_blend_color *state) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); if (state) memcpy(&ctx->blend_color, state, sizeof(*state)); } static void * agx_create_blend_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, const struct pipe_blend_state *state) { struct agx_blend *so = CALLOC_STRUCT(agx_blend); assert(!state->alpha_to_coverage); assert(!state->alpha_to_coverage_dither); assert(!state->alpha_to_one); assert(!state->advanced_blend_func); if (state->logicop_enable) { so->logicop_enable = true; so->logicop_func = state->logicop_func; return so; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_COLOR_BUFS; ++i) { unsigned rti = state->independent_blend_enable ? i : 0; struct pipe_rt_blend_state rt = state->rt[rti]; if (!rt.blend_enable) { static const nir_lower_blend_channel replace = { .func = BLEND_FUNC_ADD, .src_factor = BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO, .invert_src_factor = true, .dst_factor = BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO, .invert_dst_factor = false, }; so->rt[i].rgb = replace; so->rt[i].alpha = replace; } else { so->rt[i].rgb.func = util_blend_func_to_shader(rt.rgb_func); so->rt[i].rgb.src_factor = util_blend_factor_to_shader(rt.rgb_src_factor); so->rt[i].rgb.invert_src_factor = util_blend_factor_is_inverted(rt.rgb_src_factor); so->rt[i].rgb.dst_factor = util_blend_factor_to_shader(rt.rgb_dst_factor); so->rt[i].rgb.invert_dst_factor = util_blend_factor_is_inverted(rt.rgb_dst_factor); so->rt[i].alpha.func = util_blend_func_to_shader(rt.alpha_func); so->rt[i].alpha.src_factor = util_blend_factor_to_shader(rt.alpha_src_factor); so->rt[i].alpha.invert_src_factor = util_blend_factor_is_inverted(rt.alpha_src_factor); so->rt[i].alpha.dst_factor = util_blend_factor_to_shader(rt.alpha_dst_factor); so->rt[i].alpha.invert_dst_factor = util_blend_factor_is_inverted(rt.alpha_dst_factor); so->blend_enable = true; } so->rt[i].colormask = rt.colormask; } return so; } static void agx_bind_blend_state(struct pipe_context *pctx, void *cso) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); ctx->blend = cso; } static const enum agx_stencil_op agx_stencil_ops[PIPE_STENCIL_OP_INVERT + 1] = { [PIPE_STENCIL_OP_KEEP] = AGX_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, [PIPE_STENCIL_OP_ZERO] = AGX_STENCIL_OP_ZERO, [PIPE_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE] = AGX_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE, [PIPE_STENCIL_OP_INCR] = AGX_STENCIL_OP_INCR_SAT, [PIPE_STENCIL_OP_DECR] = AGX_STENCIL_OP_DECR_SAT, [PIPE_STENCIL_OP_INCR_WRAP] = AGX_STENCIL_OP_INCR_WRAP, [PIPE_STENCIL_OP_DECR_WRAP] = AGX_STENCIL_OP_DECR_WRAP, [PIPE_STENCIL_OP_INVERT] = AGX_STENCIL_OP_INVERT, }; static void agx_pack_rasterizer_face(struct agx_rasterizer_face_packed *out, struct pipe_stencil_state st, enum agx_zs_func z_func, bool disable_z_write) { agx_pack(out, RASTERIZER_FACE, cfg) { cfg.depth_function = z_func; cfg.disable_depth_write = disable_z_write; if (st.enabled) { cfg.stencil_write_mask = st.writemask; cfg.stencil_read_mask = st.valuemask; cfg.depth_pass = agx_stencil_ops[st.zpass_op]; cfg.depth_fail = agx_stencil_ops[st.zfail_op]; cfg.stencil_fail = agx_stencil_ops[st.fail_op]; cfg.stencil_compare = (enum agx_zs_func) st.func; } else { cfg.stencil_write_mask = 0xFF; cfg.stencil_read_mask = 0xFF; cfg.depth_pass = AGX_STENCIL_OP_KEEP; cfg.depth_fail = AGX_STENCIL_OP_KEEP; cfg.stencil_fail = AGX_STENCIL_OP_KEEP; cfg.stencil_compare = AGX_ZS_FUNC_ALWAYS; } } } static void * agx_create_zsa_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, const struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state *state) { struct agx_zsa *so = CALLOC_STRUCT(agx_zsa); assert(!state->depth_bounds_test && "todo"); so->base = *state; /* Z func can be used as-is */ STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_zs_func) PIPE_FUNC_NEVER == AGX_ZS_FUNC_NEVER); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_zs_func) PIPE_FUNC_LESS == AGX_ZS_FUNC_LESS); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_zs_func) PIPE_FUNC_EQUAL == AGX_ZS_FUNC_EQUAL); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_zs_func) PIPE_FUNC_LEQUAL == AGX_ZS_FUNC_LEQUAL); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_zs_func) PIPE_FUNC_GREATER == AGX_ZS_FUNC_GREATER); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_zs_func) PIPE_FUNC_NOTEQUAL == AGX_ZS_FUNC_NOT_EQUAL); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_zs_func) PIPE_FUNC_GEQUAL == AGX_ZS_FUNC_GEQUAL); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_zs_func) PIPE_FUNC_ALWAYS == AGX_ZS_FUNC_ALWAYS); enum agx_zs_func z_func = state->depth_enabled ? ((enum agx_zs_func) state->depth_func) : AGX_ZS_FUNC_ALWAYS; agx_pack_rasterizer_face(&so->front, state->stencil[0], z_func, !state->depth_writemask); if (state->stencil[1].enabled) { agx_pack_rasterizer_face(&so->back, state->stencil[1], z_func, !state->depth_writemask); } else { /* One sided stencil */ so->back = so->front; } return so; } static void agx_bind_zsa_state(struct pipe_context *pctx, void *cso) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); if (cso) memcpy(&ctx->zs, cso, sizeof(ctx->zs)); } static void * agx_create_rs_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, const struct pipe_rasterizer_state *cso) { struct agx_rasterizer *so = CALLOC_STRUCT(agx_rasterizer); so->base = *cso; /* Line width is packed in a 4:4 fixed point format */ unsigned line_width_fixed = ((unsigned) (cso->line_width * 16.0f)) - 1; /* Clamp to maximum line width */ so->line_width = MIN2(line_width_fixed, 0xFF); agx_pack(so->cull, CULL, cfg) { cfg.cull_front = cso->cull_face & PIPE_FACE_FRONT; cfg.cull_back = cso->cull_face & PIPE_FACE_BACK; cfg.front_face_ccw = cso->front_ccw; cfg.depth_clip = cso->depth_clip_near; cfg.depth_clamp = !cso->depth_clip_near; }; return so; } static void agx_bind_rasterizer_state(struct pipe_context *pctx, void *cso) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); struct agx_rasterizer *so = cso; /* Check if scissor state has changed, since scissor enable is part of the * rasterizer state but everything else needed for scissors is part of * viewport/scissor states */ bool scissor_changed = (cso == NULL) || (ctx->rast == NULL) || (ctx->rast->base.scissor != so->base.scissor); ctx->rast = so; if (scissor_changed) ctx->dirty |= AGX_DIRTY_SCISSOR; } static enum agx_wrap agx_wrap_from_pipe(enum pipe_tex_wrap in) { switch (in) { case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_REPEAT: return AGX_WRAP_REPEAT; case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: return AGX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_MIRROR_REPEAT: return AGX_WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT; case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: return AGX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_BORDER; default: unreachable("todo: more wrap modes"); } } static enum agx_mip_filter agx_mip_filter_from_pipe(enum pipe_tex_mipfilter in) { switch (in) { case PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_NEAREST: return AGX_MIP_FILTER_NEAREST; case PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_LINEAR: return AGX_MIP_FILTER_LINEAR; case PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_NONE: return AGX_MIP_FILTER_NONE; } unreachable("Invalid mip filter"); } static const enum agx_compare_func agx_compare_funcs[PIPE_FUNC_ALWAYS + 1] = { [PIPE_FUNC_NEVER] = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_NEVER, [PIPE_FUNC_LESS] = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_LESS, [PIPE_FUNC_EQUAL] = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_EQUAL, [PIPE_FUNC_LEQUAL] = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_LEQUAL, [PIPE_FUNC_GREATER] = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_GREATER, [PIPE_FUNC_NOTEQUAL] = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_NOT_EQUAL, [PIPE_FUNC_GEQUAL] = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_GEQUAL, [PIPE_FUNC_ALWAYS] = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS, }; static void * agx_create_sampler_state(struct pipe_context *pctx, const struct pipe_sampler_state *state) { struct agx_device *dev = agx_device(pctx->screen); struct agx_bo *bo = agx_bo_create(dev, AGX_SAMPLER_LENGTH, AGX_MEMORY_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER); assert(state->min_lod == 0 && "todo: lod clamps"); assert(state->lod_bias == 0 && "todo: lod bias"); agx_pack(bo->ptr.cpu, SAMPLER, cfg) { cfg.magnify_linear = (state->mag_img_filter == PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR); cfg.minify_linear = (state->min_img_filter == PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR); cfg.mip_filter = agx_mip_filter_from_pipe(state->min_mip_filter); cfg.wrap_s = agx_wrap_from_pipe(state->wrap_s); cfg.wrap_t = agx_wrap_from_pipe(state->wrap_t); cfg.wrap_r = agx_wrap_from_pipe(state->wrap_r); cfg.pixel_coordinates = !state->normalized_coords; cfg.compare_func = agx_compare_funcs[state->compare_func]; } struct agx_sampler_state *so = CALLOC_STRUCT(agx_sampler_state); so->base = *state; so->desc = bo; return so; } static void agx_delete_sampler_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, void *state) { struct agx_bo *bo = state; agx_bo_unreference(bo); } static void agx_bind_sampler_states(struct pipe_context *pctx, enum pipe_shader_type shader, unsigned start, unsigned count, void **states) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); ctx->stage[shader].sampler_count = states ? count : 0; memcpy(&ctx->stage[shader].samplers[start], states, sizeof(struct agx_sampler_state *) * count); } /* Channels agree for RGBA but are weird for force 0/1 */ static enum agx_channel agx_channel_from_pipe(enum pipe_swizzle in) { STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_channel) PIPE_SWIZZLE_X == AGX_CHANNEL_R); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_channel) PIPE_SWIZZLE_Y == AGX_CHANNEL_G); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_channel) PIPE_SWIZZLE_Z == AGX_CHANNEL_B); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_channel) PIPE_SWIZZLE_W == AGX_CHANNEL_A); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_channel) PIPE_SWIZZLE_0 & 0x4); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_channel) PIPE_SWIZZLE_1 & 0x4); STATIC_ASSERT((enum agx_channel) PIPE_SWIZZLE_NONE & 0x4); if ((in & 0x4) == 0) return (enum agx_channel) in; else if (in == PIPE_SWIZZLE_1) return AGX_CHANNEL_1; else return AGX_CHANNEL_0; } static enum agx_layout agx_translate_layout(uint64_t modifier) { switch (modifier) { case DRM_FORMAT_MOD_APPLE_64X64_MORTON_ORDER: return AGX_LAYOUT_TILED_64X64; case DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR: return AGX_LAYOUT_LINEAR; default: unreachable("Invalid modifier"); } } static enum agx_texture_dimension agx_translate_texture_dimension(enum pipe_texture_target dim) { switch (dim) { case PIPE_TEXTURE_2D: return AGX_TEXTURE_DIMENSION_2D; case PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE: return AGX_TEXTURE_DIMENSION_CUBE; default: unreachable("Unsupported texture dimension"); } } static struct pipe_sampler_view * agx_create_sampler_view(struct pipe_context *pctx, struct pipe_resource *texture, const struct pipe_sampler_view *state) { struct agx_device *dev = agx_device(pctx->screen); struct agx_resource *rsrc = agx_resource(texture); struct agx_sampler_view *so = CALLOC_STRUCT(agx_sampler_view); if (!so) return NULL; /* We prepare the descriptor at CSO create time */ so->desc = agx_bo_create(dev, AGX_TEXTURE_LENGTH, AGX_MEMORY_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER); const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(state->format); /* We only have a single swizzle for the user swizzle and the format fixup, * so compose them now. */ uint8_t out_swizzle[4]; uint8_t view_swizzle[4] = { state->swizzle_r, state->swizzle_g, state->swizzle_b, state->swizzle_a }; util_format_compose_swizzles(desc->swizzle, view_swizzle, out_swizzle); unsigned level = state->u.tex.first_level; assert(state->u.tex.first_layer == 0); /* Pack the descriptor into GPU memory */ agx_pack(so->desc->ptr.cpu, TEXTURE, cfg) { cfg.dimension = agx_translate_texture_dimension(state->target); cfg.layout = agx_translate_layout(rsrc->modifier); cfg.format = agx_pixel_format[state->format].hw; cfg.swizzle_r = agx_channel_from_pipe(out_swizzle[0]); cfg.swizzle_g = agx_channel_from_pipe(out_swizzle[1]); cfg.swizzle_b = agx_channel_from_pipe(out_swizzle[2]); cfg.swizzle_a = agx_channel_from_pipe(out_swizzle[3]); cfg.width = u_minify(texture->width0, level); cfg.height = u_minify(texture->height0, level); cfg.levels = state->u.tex.last_level - level + 1; cfg.srgb = (desc->colorspace == UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_SRGB); cfg.address = rsrc->bo->ptr.gpu + rsrc->slices[level].offset; cfg.unk_2 = false; cfg.stride = (rsrc->modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR) ? (rsrc->slices[level].line_stride - 16) : AGX_RT_STRIDE_TILED; } /* Initialize base object */ so->base = *state; so->base.texture = NULL; pipe_resource_reference(&so->base.texture, texture); pipe_reference_init(&so->base.reference, 1); so->base.context = pctx; return &so->base; } static void agx_set_sampler_views(struct pipe_context *pctx, enum pipe_shader_type shader, unsigned start, unsigned count, unsigned unbind_num_trailing_slots, bool take_ownership, struct pipe_sampler_view **views) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); unsigned new_nr = 0; unsigned i; assert(start == 0); if (!views) count = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (views[i]) new_nr = i + 1; if (take_ownership) { pipe_sampler_view_reference((struct pipe_sampler_view **) &ctx->stage[shader].textures[i], NULL); ctx->stage[shader].textures[i] = (struct agx_sampler_view *)views[i]; } else { pipe_sampler_view_reference((struct pipe_sampler_view **) &ctx->stage[shader].textures[i], views[i]); } } for (; i < ctx->stage[shader].texture_count; i++) { pipe_sampler_view_reference((struct pipe_sampler_view **) &ctx->stage[shader].textures[i], NULL); } ctx->stage[shader].texture_count = new_nr; } static void agx_sampler_view_destroy(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_sampler_view *pview) { struct agx_sampler_view *view = (struct agx_sampler_view *) pview; pipe_resource_reference(&view->base.texture, NULL); agx_bo_unreference(view->desc); FREE(view); } static struct pipe_surface * agx_create_surface(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *texture, const struct pipe_surface *surf_tmpl) { struct pipe_surface *surface = CALLOC_STRUCT(pipe_surface); if (!surface) return NULL; pipe_reference_init(&surface->reference, 1); pipe_resource_reference(&surface->texture, texture); surface->context = ctx; surface->format = surf_tmpl->format; surface->width = texture->width0; surface->height = texture->height0; surface->texture = texture; surface->u.tex.first_layer = surf_tmpl->u.tex.first_layer; surface->u.tex.last_layer = surf_tmpl->u.tex.last_layer; surface->u.tex.level = surf_tmpl->u.tex.level; return surface; } static void agx_set_clip_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, const struct pipe_clip_state *state) { } static void agx_set_polygon_stipple(struct pipe_context *ctx, const struct pipe_poly_stipple *state) { } static void agx_set_sample_mask(struct pipe_context *pipe, unsigned sample_mask) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pipe); ctx->sample_mask = sample_mask; } static void agx_set_scissor_states(struct pipe_context *pctx, unsigned start_slot, unsigned num_scissors, const struct pipe_scissor_state *scissor) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); assert(start_slot == 0 && "no geometry shaders"); assert(num_scissors == 1 && "no geometry shaders"); ctx->scissor = *scissor; ctx->dirty |= AGX_DIRTY_SCISSOR; } static void agx_set_stencil_ref(struct pipe_context *pctx, const struct pipe_stencil_ref state) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); ctx->stencil_ref = state; } static void agx_set_viewport_states(struct pipe_context *pctx, unsigned start_slot, unsigned num_viewports, const struct pipe_viewport_state *vp) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); assert(start_slot == 0 && "no geometry shaders"); assert(num_viewports == 1 && "no geometry shaders"); ctx->dirty |= AGX_DIRTY_VIEWPORT; ctx->viewport = *vp; } struct agx_viewport_scissor { uint64_t viewport; unsigned scissor; }; static struct agx_viewport_scissor agx_upload_viewport_scissor(struct agx_pool *pool, struct agx_batch *batch, const struct pipe_viewport_state *vp, const struct pipe_scissor_state *ss) { struct agx_ptr T = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(pool, AGX_VIEWPORT_LENGTH, 64); float trans_x = vp->translate[0], trans_y = vp->translate[1]; float abs_scale_x = fabsf(vp->scale[0]), abs_scale_y = fabsf(vp->scale[1]); /* Calculate the extent of the viewport. Note if a particular dimension of * the viewport is an odd number of pixels, both the translate and the scale * will have a fractional part of 0.5, so adding and subtracting them yields * an integer. Therefore we don't need to round explicitly */ unsigned minx = CLAMP((int) (trans_x - abs_scale_x), 0, batch->width); unsigned miny = CLAMP((int) (trans_y - abs_scale_y), 0, batch->height); unsigned maxx = CLAMP((int) (trans_x + abs_scale_x), 0, batch->width); unsigned maxy = CLAMP((int) (trans_y + abs_scale_y), 0, batch->height); if (ss) { minx = MAX2(ss->minx, minx); miny = MAX2(ss->miny, miny); maxx = MIN2(ss->maxx, maxx); maxy = MIN2(ss->maxy, maxy); } assert(maxx > minx && maxy > miny); float minz, maxz; util_viewport_zmin_zmax(vp, false, &minz, &maxz); agx_pack(T.cpu, VIEWPORT, cfg) { cfg.min_tile_x = minx / 32; cfg.min_tile_y = miny / 32; cfg.max_tile_x = DIV_ROUND_UP(maxx, 32); cfg.max_tile_y = DIV_ROUND_UP(maxy, 32); cfg.clip_tile = true; cfg.translate_x = vp->translate[0]; cfg.translate_y = vp->translate[1]; cfg.scale_x = vp->scale[0]; cfg.scale_y = vp->scale[1]; /* Assumes [0, 1] clip coordinates. If half-z is not in use, lower_half_z * is called to ensure this works. */ cfg.translate_z = minz; cfg.scale_z = maxz - minz; }; /* Allocate a new scissor descriptor */ struct agx_scissor_packed *ptr = batch->scissor.bo->ptr.cpu; unsigned index = (batch->scissor.count++); agx_pack(ptr + index, SCISSOR, cfg) { cfg.min_x = minx; cfg.min_y = miny; cfg.min_z = minz; cfg.max_x = maxx; cfg.max_y = maxy; cfg.max_z = maxz; } return (struct agx_viewport_scissor) { .viewport = T.gpu, .scissor = index }; } /* A framebuffer state can be reused across batches, so it doesn't make sense * to add surfaces to the BO list here. Instead we added them when flushing. */ static void agx_set_framebuffer_state(struct pipe_context *pctx, const struct pipe_framebuffer_state *state) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); if (!state) return; /* XXX: eliminate this flush with batch tracking logic */ pctx->flush(pctx, NULL, 0); util_copy_framebuffer_state(&ctx->framebuffer, state); ctx->batch->width = state->width; ctx->batch->height = state->height; ctx->batch->nr_cbufs = state->nr_cbufs; ctx->batch->cbufs[0] = state->cbufs[0]; ctx->batch->zsbuf = state->zsbuf; ctx->dirty = ~0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < state->nr_cbufs; ++i) { struct pipe_surface *surf = state->cbufs[i]; struct agx_resource *tex = agx_resource(surf->texture); const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(surf->format); agx_pack(ctx->render_target[i], RENDER_TARGET, cfg) { cfg.layout = agx_translate_layout(tex->modifier); cfg.format = agx_pixel_format[surf->format].hw; cfg.swizzle_r = agx_channel_from_pipe(desc->swizzle[0]); cfg.swizzle_g = agx_channel_from_pipe(desc->swizzle[1]); cfg.swizzle_b = agx_channel_from_pipe(desc->swizzle[2]); cfg.swizzle_a = agx_channel_from_pipe(desc->swizzle[3]); cfg.width = state->width; cfg.height = state->height; cfg.buffer = tex->bo->ptr.gpu; cfg.stride = (tex->modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR) ? (tex->slices[0].line_stride - 4) : AGX_RT_STRIDE_TILED; }; } } /* Likewise constant buffers, textures, and samplers are handled in a common * per-draw path, with dirty tracking to reduce the costs involved. */ static void agx_set_constant_buffer(struct pipe_context *pctx, enum pipe_shader_type shader, uint index, bool take_ownership, const struct pipe_constant_buffer *cb) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); struct agx_stage *s = &ctx->stage[shader]; util_copy_constant_buffer(&s->cb[index], cb, take_ownership); unsigned mask = (1 << index); if (cb) s->cb_mask |= mask; else s->cb_mask &= ~mask; } static void agx_surface_destroy(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_surface *surface) { pipe_resource_reference(&surface->texture, NULL); FREE(surface); } static void agx_delete_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, void *state) { FREE(state); } /* BOs added to the batch in the uniform upload path */ static void agx_set_vertex_buffers(struct pipe_context *pctx, unsigned start_slot, unsigned count, unsigned unbind_num_trailing_slots, bool take_ownership, const struct pipe_vertex_buffer *buffers) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); util_set_vertex_buffers_mask(ctx->vertex_buffers, &ctx->vb_mask, buffers, start_slot, count, unbind_num_trailing_slots, take_ownership); ctx->dirty |= AGX_DIRTY_VERTEX; } static void * agx_create_vertex_elements(struct pipe_context *ctx, unsigned count, const struct pipe_vertex_element *state) { assert(count < AGX_MAX_ATTRIBS); struct agx_attribute *attribs = calloc(sizeof(*attribs), AGX_MAX_ATTRIBS); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const struct pipe_vertex_element ve = state[i]; const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(ve.src_format); unsigned chan_size = desc->channel[0].size / 8; assert(chan_size == 1 || chan_size == 2 || chan_size == 4); assert(desc->nr_channels >= 1 && desc->nr_channels <= 4); assert((ve.src_offset & (chan_size - 1)) == 0); attribs[i] = (struct agx_attribute) { .buf = ve.vertex_buffer_index, .src_offset = ve.src_offset / chan_size, .nr_comps_minus_1 = desc->nr_channels - 1, .format = agx_vertex_format[ve.src_format], .divisor = ve.instance_divisor }; } return attribs; } static void agx_bind_vertex_elements_state(struct pipe_context *pctx, void *cso) { struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); ctx->attributes = cso; ctx->dirty |= AGX_DIRTY_VERTEX; } static uint32_t asahi_shader_key_hash(const void *key) { return _mesa_hash_data(key, sizeof(struct asahi_shader_key)); } static bool asahi_shader_key_equal(const void *a, const void *b) { return memcmp(a, b, sizeof(struct asahi_shader_key)) == 0; } static void * agx_create_shader_state(struct pipe_context *pctx, const struct pipe_shader_state *cso) { struct agx_uncompiled_shader *so = CALLOC_STRUCT(agx_uncompiled_shader); if (!so) return NULL; so->base = *cso; if (cso->type == PIPE_SHADER_IR_NIR) { so->nir = cso->ir.nir; } else { assert(cso->type == PIPE_SHADER_IR_TGSI); so->nir = tgsi_to_nir(cso->tokens, pctx->screen, false); } so->variants = _mesa_hash_table_create(NULL, asahi_shader_key_hash, asahi_shader_key_equal); return so; } static bool agx_update_shader(struct agx_context *ctx, struct agx_compiled_shader **out, enum pipe_shader_type stage, struct asahi_shader_key *key) { struct agx_uncompiled_shader *so = ctx->stage[stage].shader; assert(so != NULL); struct hash_entry *he = _mesa_hash_table_search(so->variants, key); if (he) { if ((*out) == he->data) return false; *out = he->data; return true; } struct agx_compiled_shader *compiled = CALLOC_STRUCT(agx_compiled_shader); struct util_dynarray binary; util_dynarray_init(&binary, NULL); nir_shader *nir = nir_shader_clone(NULL, so->nir); if (key->blend.blend_enable) { nir_lower_blend_options opts = { .format = { key->rt_formats[0] }, .scalar_blend_const = true }; memcpy(opts.rt, key->blend.rt, sizeof(opts.rt)); NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_lower_blend, opts); } else if (key->blend.logicop_enable) { nir_lower_blend_options opts = { .format = { key->rt_formats[0] }, .logicop_enable = true, .logicop_func = key->blend.logicop_func, }; NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_lower_blend, opts); } if (stage == PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT) NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_lower_fragcolor, key->nr_cbufs); agx_compile_shader_nir(nir, &key->base, &binary, &compiled->info); struct agx_varyings *varyings = &compiled->info.varyings; unsigned packed_varying_sz = (AGX_VARYING_HEADER_LENGTH + varyings->nr_descs * AGX_VARYING_LENGTH); uint8_t *packed_varyings = alloca(packed_varying_sz); agx_pack(packed_varyings, VARYING_HEADER, cfg) { cfg.triangle_slots = cfg.point_slots = varyings->nr_slots; } memcpy(packed_varyings + AGX_VARYING_HEADER_LENGTH, varyings->packed, varyings->nr_descs * AGX_VARYING_LENGTH); if (binary.size) { struct agx_device *dev = agx_device(ctx->base.screen); compiled->bo = agx_bo_create(dev, ALIGN_POT(binary.size, 256) + (3 * packed_varying_sz), AGX_MEMORY_TYPE_SHADER); memcpy(compiled->bo->ptr.cpu, binary.data, binary.size); /* TODO: Why is the varying descriptor duplicated 3x? */ unsigned offs = ALIGN_POT(binary.size, 256); for (unsigned copy = 0; copy < 3; ++copy) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) compiled->bo->ptr.cpu) + offs, packed_varyings, packed_varying_sz); offs += packed_varying_sz; } compiled->varyings = compiled->bo->ptr.gpu + ALIGN_POT(binary.size, 256); } ralloc_free(nir); util_dynarray_fini(&binary); he = _mesa_hash_table_insert(so->variants, key, compiled); *out = he->data; return true; } static bool agx_update_vs(struct agx_context *ctx) { struct agx_vs_shader_key key = { .num_vbufs = util_last_bit(ctx->vb_mask), .clip_halfz = ctx->rast->base.clip_halfz, }; memcpy(key.attributes, ctx->attributes, sizeof(key.attributes[0]) * AGX_MAX_ATTRIBS); u_foreach_bit(i, ctx->vb_mask) { key.vbuf_strides[i] = ctx->vertex_buffers[i].stride; } struct asahi_shader_key akey = { .base.vs = key }; return agx_update_shader(ctx, &ctx->vs, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX, &akey); } static bool agx_update_fs(struct agx_context *ctx) { struct asahi_shader_key key = { .nr_cbufs = ctx->batch->nr_cbufs, }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < key.nr_cbufs; ++i) { struct pipe_surface *surf = ctx->batch->cbufs[i]; if (surf) { enum pipe_format fmt = surf->format; key.rt_formats[i] = fmt; key.base.fs.tib_formats[i] = agx_pixel_format[fmt].internal; } else { key.rt_formats[i] = PIPE_FORMAT_NONE; } } memcpy(&key.blend, ctx->blend, sizeof(key.blend)); return agx_update_shader(ctx, &ctx->fs, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT, &key); } static void agx_bind_shader_state(struct pipe_context *pctx, void *cso) { if (!cso) return; struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); struct agx_uncompiled_shader *so = cso; enum pipe_shader_type type = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(so->nir->info.stage); ctx->stage[type].shader = so; } static void agx_delete_compiled_shader(struct hash_entry *ent) { struct agx_compiled_shader *so = ent->data; agx_bo_unreference(so->bo); FREE(so); } static void agx_delete_shader_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, void *cso) { struct agx_uncompiled_shader *so = cso; _mesa_hash_table_destroy(so->variants, agx_delete_compiled_shader); free(so); } /* Pipeline consists of a sequence of binding commands followed by a set shader command */ static uint32_t agx_build_pipeline(struct agx_context *ctx, struct agx_compiled_shader *cs, enum pipe_shader_type stage) { /* Pipelines must be 64-byte aligned */ struct agx_ptr ptr = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(&ctx->batch->pipeline_pool, (16 * AGX_BIND_UNIFORM_LENGTH) + // XXX: correct sizes, break up at compile time (ctx->stage[stage].texture_count * AGX_BIND_TEXTURE_LENGTH) + (PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS * AGX_BIND_SAMPLER_LENGTH) + AGX_SET_SHADER_EXTENDED_LENGTH + 8, 64); uint8_t *record = ptr.cpu; /* There is a maximum number of half words we may push with a single * BIND_UNIFORM record, so split up the range to fit. We only need to call * agx_push_location once, however, which reduces the cost. */ unsigned unif_records = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < cs->info.push_ranges; ++i) { struct agx_push push = cs->info.push[i]; uint64_t buffer = agx_push_location(ctx, push, stage); unsigned halfs_per_record = 14; unsigned records = DIV_ROUND_UP(push.length, halfs_per_record); /* Ensure we don't overflow */ unif_records += records; assert(unif_records < 16); for (unsigned j = 0; j < records; ++j) { agx_pack(record, BIND_UNIFORM, cfg) { cfg.start_halfs = push.base + (j * halfs_per_record); cfg.size_halfs = MIN2(push.length - (j * halfs_per_record), halfs_per_record); cfg.buffer = buffer + (j * halfs_per_record * 2); } record += AGX_BIND_UNIFORM_LENGTH; } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < ctx->stage[stage].texture_count; ++i) { struct agx_sampler_view *tex = ctx->stage[stage].textures[i]; agx_batch_add_bo(ctx->batch, tex->desc); agx_batch_add_bo(ctx->batch, agx_resource(tex->base.texture)->bo); agx_pack(record, BIND_TEXTURE, cfg) { cfg.start = i; cfg.count = 1; cfg.buffer = tex->desc->ptr.gpu; } record += AGX_BIND_TEXTURE_LENGTH; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS; ++i) { struct agx_sampler_state *sampler = ctx->stage[stage].samplers[i]; if (!sampler) continue; struct agx_bo *bo = sampler->desc; agx_batch_add_bo(ctx->batch, bo); agx_pack(record, BIND_SAMPLER, cfg) { cfg.start = i; cfg.count = 1; cfg.buffer = bo->ptr.gpu; } record += AGX_BIND_SAMPLER_LENGTH; } /* TODO: Can we prepack this? */ if (stage == PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT) { agx_pack(record, SET_SHADER_EXTENDED, cfg) { cfg.code = cs->bo->ptr.gpu; cfg.register_quadwords = 0; cfg.unk_3 = 0x8d; cfg.unk_1 = 0x2010bd; cfg.unk_2 = 0x0d; cfg.unk_2b = 1; cfg.unk_3b = 0x1; cfg.unk_4 = 0x800; cfg.preshader_unk = 0xc080; cfg.spill_size = 0x2; } record += AGX_SET_SHADER_EXTENDED_LENGTH; } else { agx_pack(record, SET_SHADER, cfg) { cfg.code = cs->bo->ptr.gpu; cfg.register_quadwords = 0; cfg.unk_2b = cs->info.varyings.nr_slots; cfg.unk_2 = 0x0d; } record += AGX_SET_SHADER_LENGTH; } /* End pipeline */ memset(record, 0, 8); assert(ptr.gpu < (1ull << 32)); return ptr.gpu; } /* Internal pipelines (TODO: refactor?) */ uint64_t agx_build_clear_pipeline(struct agx_context *ctx, uint32_t code, uint64_t clear_buf) { struct agx_ptr ptr = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(&ctx->batch->pipeline_pool, (1 * AGX_BIND_UNIFORM_LENGTH) + AGX_SET_SHADER_EXTENDED_LENGTH + 8, 64); uint8_t *record = ptr.cpu; agx_pack(record, BIND_UNIFORM, cfg) { cfg.start_halfs = (6 * 2); cfg.size_halfs = 4; cfg.buffer = clear_buf; } record += AGX_BIND_UNIFORM_LENGTH; /* TODO: Can we prepack this? */ agx_pack(record, SET_SHADER_EXTENDED, cfg) { cfg.code = code; cfg.register_quadwords = 1; cfg.unk_3 = 0x8d; cfg.unk_2 = 0x0d; cfg.unk_2b = 4; cfg.frag_unk = 0x880100; cfg.preshader_mode = 0; // XXX } record += AGX_SET_SHADER_EXTENDED_LENGTH; /* End pipeline */ memset(record, 0, 8); return ptr.gpu; } uint64_t agx_build_reload_pipeline(struct agx_context *ctx, uint32_t code, struct pipe_surface *surf) { struct agx_ptr ptr = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(&ctx->batch->pipeline_pool, (1 * AGX_BIND_TEXTURE_LENGTH) + (1 * AGX_BIND_SAMPLER_LENGTH) + AGX_SET_SHADER_EXTENDED_LENGTH + 8, 64); uint8_t *record = ptr.cpu; struct agx_ptr sampler = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(&ctx->batch->pool, AGX_SAMPLER_LENGTH, 64); struct agx_ptr texture = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(&ctx->batch->pool, AGX_TEXTURE_LENGTH, 64); agx_pack(sampler.cpu, SAMPLER, cfg) { cfg.magnify_linear = true; cfg.minify_linear = false; cfg.mip_filter = AGX_MIP_FILTER_NONE; cfg.wrap_s = AGX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; cfg.wrap_t = AGX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; cfg.wrap_r = AGX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; cfg.pixel_coordinates = true; cfg.compare_func = AGX_COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS; cfg.unk_2 = 0; cfg.unk_3 = 0; } agx_pack(texture.cpu, TEXTURE, cfg) { struct agx_resource *rsrc = agx_resource(surf->texture); const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(surf->format); cfg.layout = agx_translate_layout(rsrc->modifier); cfg.format = agx_pixel_format[surf->format].hw; cfg.swizzle_r = agx_channel_from_pipe(desc->swizzle[0]); cfg.swizzle_g = agx_channel_from_pipe(desc->swizzle[1]); cfg.swizzle_b = agx_channel_from_pipe(desc->swizzle[2]); cfg.swizzle_a = agx_channel_from_pipe(desc->swizzle[3]); cfg.width = surf->width; cfg.height = surf->height; cfg.levels = 1; cfg.srgb = (desc->colorspace == UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_SRGB); cfg.address = rsrc->bo->ptr.gpu; cfg.unk_2 = false; cfg.stride = (rsrc->modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR) ? (rsrc->slices[0].line_stride - 16) : AGX_RT_STRIDE_TILED; } agx_pack(record, BIND_TEXTURE, cfg) { cfg.start = 0; cfg.count = 1; cfg.buffer = texture.gpu; } record += AGX_BIND_TEXTURE_LENGTH; agx_pack(record, BIND_SAMPLER, cfg) { cfg.start = 0; cfg.count = 1; cfg.buffer = sampler.gpu; } record += AGX_BIND_SAMPLER_LENGTH; /* TODO: Can we prepack this? */ agx_pack(record, SET_SHADER_EXTENDED, cfg) { cfg.code = code; cfg.register_quadwords = 0; cfg.unk_3 = 0x8d; cfg.unk_2 = 0x0d; cfg.unk_2b = 4; cfg.unk_4 = 0; cfg.frag_unk = 0x880100; cfg.preshader_mode = 0; // XXX } record += AGX_SET_SHADER_EXTENDED_LENGTH; /* End pipeline */ memset(record, 0, 8); return ptr.gpu; } uint64_t agx_build_store_pipeline(struct agx_context *ctx, uint32_t code, uint64_t render_target) { struct agx_ptr ptr = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(&ctx->batch->pipeline_pool, (1 * AGX_BIND_TEXTURE_LENGTH) + (1 * AGX_BIND_UNIFORM_LENGTH) + AGX_SET_SHADER_EXTENDED_LENGTH + 8, 64); uint8_t *record = ptr.cpu; agx_pack(record, BIND_TEXTURE, cfg) { cfg.start = 0; cfg.count = 1; cfg.buffer = render_target; } record += AGX_BIND_TEXTURE_LENGTH; uint32_t unk[] = { 0, ~0 }; agx_pack(record, BIND_UNIFORM, cfg) { cfg.start_halfs = 4; cfg.size_halfs = 4; cfg.buffer = agx_pool_upload_aligned(&ctx->batch->pool, unk, sizeof(unk), 16); } record += AGX_BIND_UNIFORM_LENGTH; /* TODO: Can we prepack this? */ agx_pack(record, SET_SHADER_EXTENDED, cfg) { cfg.code = code; cfg.register_quadwords = 1; cfg.unk_2 = 0xd; cfg.unk_3 = 0x8d; cfg.frag_unk = 0x880100; cfg.preshader_mode = 0; // XXX } record += AGX_SET_SHADER_EXTENDED_LENGTH; /* End pipeline */ memset(record, 0, 8); return ptr.gpu; } static uint64_t demo_launch_fragment(struct agx_context *ctx, struct agx_pool *pool, uint32_t pipeline, uint32_t varyings, unsigned input_count) { struct agx_ptr t = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(pool, AGX_BIND_PIPELINE_LENGTH, 64); agx_pack(t.cpu, BIND_PIPELINE, cfg) { cfg.tag = AGX_BIND_PIPELINE_FRAGMENT; cfg.sampler_count = ctx->stage[PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT].texture_count; cfg.texture_count = ctx->stage[PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT].texture_count; cfg.input_count = input_count; cfg.pipeline = pipeline; cfg.fs_varyings = varyings; }; return t.gpu; } static uint64_t demo_interpolation(struct agx_compiled_shader *fs, struct agx_pool *pool) { struct agx_ptr t = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(pool, AGX_INTERPOLATION_LENGTH, 64); agx_pack(t.cpu, INTERPOLATION, cfg) { cfg.varying_count = fs->info.varyings.nr_slots; }; return t.gpu; } static uint64_t demo_linkage(struct agx_compiled_shader *vs, struct agx_pool *pool) { struct agx_ptr t = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(pool, AGX_LINKAGE_LENGTH, 64); agx_pack(t.cpu, LINKAGE, cfg) { cfg.varying_count = vs->info.varyings.nr_slots; // 0x2 for fragcoordz, 0x1 for varyings at all cfg.unk_1 = 0x210000 | (vs->info.writes_psiz ? 0x40000 : 0); }; return t.gpu; } static uint64_t demo_rasterizer(struct agx_context *ctx, struct agx_pool *pool, bool is_points) { struct agx_rasterizer *rast = ctx->rast; struct agx_rasterizer_packed out; agx_pack(&out, RASTERIZER, cfg) { bool back_stencil = ctx->zs.base.stencil[1].enabled; cfg.front.stencil_reference = ctx->stencil_ref.ref_value[0]; cfg.back.stencil_reference = back_stencil ? ctx->stencil_ref.ref_value[1] : cfg.front.stencil_reference; cfg.front.line_width = cfg.back.line_width = rast->line_width; cfg.front.polygon_mode = cfg.back.polygon_mode = AGX_POLYGON_MODE_FILL; cfg.unk_fill_lines = is_points; /* XXX: what is this? */ /* Always enable scissoring so we may scissor to the viewport (TODO: * optimize this out if the viewport is the default and the app does not * use the scissor test) */ cfg.scissor_enable = true; }; /* Words 2-3: front */ out.opaque[2] |= ctx->zs.front.opaque[0]; out.opaque[3] |= ctx->zs.front.opaque[1]; /* Words 4-5: back */ out.opaque[4] |= ctx->zs.back.opaque[0]; out.opaque[5] |= ctx->zs.back.opaque[1]; return agx_pool_upload_aligned(pool, &out, sizeof(out), 64); } static uint64_t demo_unk11(struct agx_pool *pool, bool prim_lines, bool prim_points, bool reads_tib) { #define UNK11_FILL_MODE_LINES_1 (1 << 26) #define UNK11_FILL_MODE_LINES_2 (0x5004 << 16) #define UNK11_LINES (0x10000000) #define UNK11_POINTS (0x40000000) #define UNK11_READS_TIB (0x20000000) uint32_t unk[] = { 0x200004a, 0x200 | ((prim_lines || prim_points) ? UNK11_FILL_MODE_LINES_1 : 0) | (reads_tib ? UNK11_READS_TIB : 0), 0x7e00000 | (prim_lines ? UNK11_LINES : 0) | (prim_points ? UNK11_POINTS : 0), 0x7e00000 | (prim_lines ? UNK11_LINES : 0) | (prim_points ? UNK11_POINTS : 0), 0x1ffff }; return agx_pool_upload(pool, unk, sizeof(unk)); } static uint64_t demo_unk12(struct agx_pool *pool) { uint32_t unk[] = { 0x410000, 0x1e3ce508, 0xa0 }; return agx_pool_upload(pool, unk, sizeof(unk)); } static uint64_t agx_set_scissor_index(struct agx_pool *pool, unsigned index) { struct agx_ptr T = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(pool, AGX_SET_SCISSOR_LENGTH, 64); agx_pack(T.cpu, SET_SCISSOR, cfg) { cfg.index = index; }; return T.gpu; } static void agx_push_record(uint8_t **out, unsigned size_words, uint64_t ptr) { assert(ptr < (1ull << 40)); assert(size_words < (1ull << 24)); uint64_t value = (size_words | (ptr << 24)); memcpy(*out, &value, sizeof(value)); *out += sizeof(value); } static uint8_t * agx_encode_state(struct agx_context *ctx, uint8_t *out, uint32_t pipeline_vertex, uint32_t pipeline_fragment, uint32_t varyings, bool is_lines, bool is_points) { agx_pack(out, BIND_PIPELINE, cfg) { cfg.tag = AGX_BIND_PIPELINE_VERTEX; cfg.pipeline = pipeline_vertex; cfg.vs_output_count_1 = ctx->vs->info.varyings.nr_slots; cfg.vs_output_count_2 = ctx->vs->info.varyings.nr_slots; cfg.sampler_count = ctx->stage[PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX].texture_count; cfg.texture_count = ctx->stage[PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX].texture_count; } /* yes, it's really 17 bytes */ out += AGX_BIND_PIPELINE_LENGTH; *(out++) = 0x0; struct agx_pool *pool = &ctx->batch->pool; struct agx_ptr zero = agx_pool_alloc_aligned(pool, 16, 256); memset(zero.cpu, 0, 16); bool reads_tib = ctx->fs->info.reads_tib; agx_push_record(&out, 0, zero.gpu); agx_push_record(&out, 5, demo_interpolation(ctx->fs, pool)); agx_push_record(&out, 5, demo_launch_fragment(ctx, pool, pipeline_fragment, varyings, ctx->fs->info.varyings.nr_descs)); agx_push_record(&out, 4, demo_linkage(ctx->vs, pool)); agx_push_record(&out, 7, demo_rasterizer(ctx, pool, is_points)); agx_push_record(&out, 5, demo_unk11(pool, is_lines, is_points, reads_tib)); if (ctx->dirty & (AGX_DIRTY_VIEWPORT | AGX_DIRTY_SCISSOR)) { struct agx_viewport_scissor vps = agx_upload_viewport_scissor(pool, ctx->batch, &ctx->viewport, ctx->rast->base.scissor ? &ctx->scissor : NULL); agx_push_record(&out, 10, vps.viewport); agx_push_record(&out, 2, agx_set_scissor_index(pool, vps.scissor)); } agx_push_record(&out, 3, demo_unk12(pool)); agx_push_record(&out, 2, agx_pool_upload(pool, ctx->rast->cull, sizeof(ctx->rast->cull))); return (out - 1); // XXX: alignment fixup, or something } static enum agx_primitive agx_primitive_for_pipe(enum pipe_prim_type mode) { switch (mode) { case PIPE_PRIM_POINTS: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_POINTS; case PIPE_PRIM_LINES: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_LINES; case PIPE_PRIM_LINE_STRIP: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_LINE_STRIP; case PIPE_PRIM_LINE_LOOP: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_LINE_LOOP; case PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLES: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES; case PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP; case PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_FAN; case PIPE_PRIM_QUADS: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_QUADS; case PIPE_PRIM_QUAD_STRIP: return AGX_PRIMITIVE_QUAD_STRIP; default: unreachable("todo: other primitive types"); } } static uint64_t agx_index_buffer_ptr(struct agx_batch *batch, const struct pipe_draw_start_count_bias *draw, const struct pipe_draw_info *info) { off_t offset = draw->start * info->index_size; if (!info->has_user_indices) { struct agx_bo *bo = agx_resource(info->index.resource)->bo; agx_batch_add_bo(batch, bo); return bo->ptr.gpu + offset; } else { return agx_pool_upload_aligned(&batch->pool, ((uint8_t *) info->index.user) + offset, draw->count * info->index_size, 64); } } static bool agx_scissor_culls_everything(struct agx_context *ctx) { const struct pipe_scissor_state ss = ctx->scissor; return ctx->rast->base.scissor && ((ss.minx == ss.maxx) || (ss.miny == ss.maxy)); } static void agx_draw_vbo(struct pipe_context *pctx, const struct pipe_draw_info *info, unsigned drawid_offset, const struct pipe_draw_indirect_info *indirect, const struct pipe_draw_start_count_bias *draws, unsigned num_draws) { if (num_draws > 1) { util_draw_multi(pctx, info, drawid_offset, indirect, draws, num_draws); return; } if (info->index_size && draws->index_bias) unreachable("todo: index bias"); struct agx_context *ctx = agx_context(pctx); struct agx_batch *batch = ctx->batch; if (agx_scissor_culls_everything(ctx)) return; /* TODO: masks */ ctx->batch->draw |= ~0; /* TODO: Dirty track */ agx_update_vs(ctx); agx_update_fs(ctx); agx_batch_add_bo(batch, ctx->vs->bo); agx_batch_add_bo(batch, ctx->fs->bo); bool is_lines = (info->mode == PIPE_PRIM_LINES) || (info->mode == PIPE_PRIM_LINE_STRIP) || (info->mode == PIPE_PRIM_LINE_LOOP); uint8_t *out = agx_encode_state(ctx, batch->encoder_current, agx_build_pipeline(ctx, ctx->vs, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX), agx_build_pipeline(ctx, ctx->fs, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT), ctx->fs->varyings, is_lines, info->mode == PIPE_PRIM_POINTS); enum agx_primitive prim = agx_primitive_for_pipe(info->mode); unsigned idx_size = info->index_size; if (idx_size) { uint64_t ib = agx_index_buffer_ptr(batch, draws, info); /* Index sizes are encoded logarithmically */ STATIC_ASSERT(__builtin_ctz(1) == AGX_INDEX_SIZE_U8); STATIC_ASSERT(__builtin_ctz(2) == AGX_INDEX_SIZE_U16); STATIC_ASSERT(__builtin_ctz(4) == AGX_INDEX_SIZE_U32); assert((idx_size == 1) || (idx_size == 2) || (idx_size == 4)); agx_pack(out, INDEXED_DRAW, cfg) { cfg.restart_index = info->restart_index; cfg.unk_2a = (ib >> 32); cfg.primitive = prim; cfg.restart_enable = info->primitive_restart; cfg.index_size = __builtin_ctz(idx_size); cfg.index_buffer_offset = (ib & BITFIELD_MASK(32)); cfg.index_buffer_size = ALIGN_POT(draws->count * idx_size, 4); cfg.index_count = draws->count; cfg.instance_count = info->instance_count; cfg.base_vertex = draws->index_bias; }; out += AGX_INDEXED_DRAW_LENGTH; } else { agx_pack(out, DRAW, cfg) { cfg.primitive = prim; cfg.vertex_start = draws->start; cfg.vertex_count = draws->count; cfg.instance_count = info->instance_count; }; out += AGX_DRAW_LENGTH; } batch->encoder_current = out; ctx->dirty = 0; } void agx_init_state_functions(struct pipe_context *ctx); void agx_init_state_functions(struct pipe_context *ctx) { ctx->create_blend_state = agx_create_blend_state; ctx->create_depth_stencil_alpha_state = agx_create_zsa_state; ctx->create_fs_state = agx_create_shader_state; ctx->create_rasterizer_state = agx_create_rs_state; ctx->create_sampler_state = agx_create_sampler_state; ctx->create_sampler_view = agx_create_sampler_view; ctx->create_surface = agx_create_surface; ctx->create_vertex_elements_state = agx_create_vertex_elements; ctx->create_vs_state = agx_create_shader_state; ctx->bind_blend_state = agx_bind_blend_state; ctx->bind_depth_stencil_alpha_state = agx_bind_zsa_state; ctx->bind_sampler_states = agx_bind_sampler_states; ctx->bind_fs_state = agx_bind_shader_state; ctx->bind_rasterizer_state = agx_bind_rasterizer_state; ctx->bind_vertex_elements_state = agx_bind_vertex_elements_state; ctx->bind_vs_state = agx_bind_shader_state; ctx->delete_blend_state = agx_delete_state; ctx->delete_depth_stencil_alpha_state = agx_delete_state; ctx->delete_fs_state = agx_delete_shader_state; ctx->delete_rasterizer_state = agx_delete_state; ctx->delete_sampler_state = agx_delete_sampler_state; ctx->delete_vertex_elements_state = agx_delete_state; ctx->delete_vs_state = agx_delete_state; ctx->set_blend_color = agx_set_blend_color; ctx->set_clip_state = agx_set_clip_state; ctx->set_constant_buffer = agx_set_constant_buffer; ctx->set_sampler_views = agx_set_sampler_views; ctx->set_framebuffer_state = agx_set_framebuffer_state; ctx->set_polygon_stipple = agx_set_polygon_stipple; ctx->set_sample_mask = agx_set_sample_mask; ctx->set_scissor_states = agx_set_scissor_states; ctx->set_stencil_ref = agx_set_stencil_ref; ctx->set_vertex_buffers = agx_set_vertex_buffers; ctx->set_viewport_states = agx_set_viewport_states; ctx->sampler_view_destroy = agx_sampler_view_destroy; ctx->surface_destroy = agx_surface_destroy; ctx->draw_vbo = agx_draw_vbo; ctx->create_stream_output_target = agx_create_stream_output_target; ctx->stream_output_target_destroy = agx_stream_output_target_destroy; ctx->set_stream_output_targets = agx_set_stream_output_targets; }