/* * Copyright 2002-2004 Red Hat Inc., Durham, North Carolina. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL RED HAT AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * Authors: * Rickard E. (Rik) Faith <faith@redhat.com> * */ /** \file * This file implements the server-side part of the DMX protocol. A * vector of fucntions is provided at extension initialization time, so * most all of the useful functions in this file are declared static and * do not appear in the doxygen documentation. * * Much of the low-level work is done by functions in \a dmxextension.c * * Please see the Client-to-Server DMX Extension to the X Protocol * document for details about the protocol. */ #ifdef HAVE_DMX_CONFIG_H #include <dmx-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "misc.h" #include "os.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "extinit.h" #include "opaque.h" #include "dmx.h" #include "dmxextension.h" #include <X11/extensions/dmxproto.h> #include <X11/extensions/dmx.h> #include "protocol-versions.h" #ifdef PANORAMIX #include "panoramiXsrv.h" #endif static unsigned char DMXCode; static int _DMXXineramaActive(void) { #ifdef PANORAMIX return !noPanoramiXExtension; #else return 0; #endif } static void dmxSetScreenAttribute(int bit, DMXScreenAttributesPtr attr, CARD32 value) { switch (1 << bit) { case DMXScreenWindowWidth: attr->screenWindowWidth = value; break; case DMXScreenWindowHeight: attr->screenWindowHeight = value; break; case DMXScreenWindowXoffset: attr->screenWindowXoffset = value; break; case DMXScreenWindowYoffset: attr->screenWindowYoffset = value; break; case DMXRootWindowWidth: attr->rootWindowWidth = value; break; case DMXRootWindowHeight: attr->rootWindowHeight = value; break; case DMXRootWindowXoffset: attr->rootWindowXoffset = value; break; case DMXRootWindowYoffset: attr->rootWindowYoffset = value; break; case DMXRootWindowXorigin: attr->rootWindowXorigin = value; break; case DMXRootWindowYorigin: attr->rootWindowYorigin = value; break; } } static int dmxFetchScreenAttributes(unsigned int mask, DMXScreenAttributesPtr attr, CARD32 *value_list) { int i; CARD32 *value = value_list; int count = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (mask & (1 << i)) { dmxSetScreenAttribute(i, attr, *value); ++value; ++count; } } return count; } static void dmxSetDesktopAttribute(int bit, DMXDesktopAttributesPtr attr, CARD32 value) { switch (1 << bit) { case DMXDesktopWidth: attr->width = value; break; case DMXDesktopHeight: attr->height = value; break; case DMXDesktopShiftX: attr->shiftX = value; break; case DMXDesktopShiftY: attr->shiftY = value; break; } } static int dmxFetchDesktopAttributes(unsigned int mask, DMXDesktopAttributesPtr attr, CARD32 *value_list) { int i; CARD32 *value = value_list; int count = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (mask & (1 << i)) { dmxSetDesktopAttribute(i, attr, *value); ++value; ++count; } } return count; } static void dmxSetInputAttribute(int bit, DMXInputAttributesPtr attr, CARD32 value) { switch (1 << bit) { case DMXInputType: attr->inputType = value; break; case DMXInputPhysicalScreen: attr->physicalScreen = value; break; case DMXInputSendsCore: attr->sendsCore = ! !value; break; } } static int dmxFetchInputAttributes(unsigned int mask, DMXInputAttributesPtr attr, CARD32 *value_list) { int i; CARD32 *value = value_list; int count = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (mask & (1 << i)) { dmxSetInputAttribute(i, attr, *value); ++value; ++count; } } return count; } static int ProcDMXQueryVersion(ClientPtr client) { xDMXQueryVersionReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .majorVersion = SERVER_DMX_MAJOR_VERSION, .minorVersion = SERVER_DMX_MINOR_VERSION, .patchVersion = SERVER_DMX_PATCH_VERSION }; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXQueryVersionReq); if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.majorVersion); swapl(&rep.minorVersion); swapl(&rep.patchVersion); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXQueryVersionReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXSync(ClientPtr client) { xDMXSyncReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXSyncReq); dmxFlushPendingSyncs(); rep = (xDMXSyncReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .status = 0 }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.status); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXSyncReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXForceWindowCreation(ClientPtr client) { xDMXForceWindowCreationReply rep; REQUEST(xDMXForceWindowCreationReq); WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXForceWindowCreationReq); #ifdef PANORAMIX if (!noPanoramiXExtension) { PanoramiXRes *win; int i; if (Success != dixLookupResourceByType((void **) &win, stuff->window, XRT_WINDOW, client, DixReadAccess)) return -1; /* BadWindow */ FOR_NSCREENS(i) { if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWin, win->info[i].id, client, DixReadAccess)) return -1; /* BadWindow */ dmxForceWindowCreation(pWin); } goto doreply; } #endif if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWin, stuff->window, client, DixReadAccess)) return -1; /* BadWindow */ dmxForceWindowCreation(pWin); doreply: dmxFlushPendingSyncs(); rep = (xDMXForceWindowCreationReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .status = 0 }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.status); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXForceWindowCreationReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXGetScreenCount(ClientPtr client) { xDMXGetScreenCountReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetScreenCountReq); rep = (xDMXGetScreenCountReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .screenCount = dmxGetNumScreens() }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.screenCount); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXGetScreenCountReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXGetScreenAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetScreenAttributesReq); xDMXGetScreenAttributesReply rep; int length; int paddedLength; DMXScreenAttributesRec attr; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetScreenAttributesReq); if (stuff->physicalScreen < 0 || stuff->physicalScreen >= dmxGetNumScreens()) return BadValue; if (!dmxGetScreenAttributes(stuff->physicalScreen, &attr)) return BadValue; length = attr.displayName ? strlen(attr.displayName) : 0; paddedLength = pad_to_int32(length); rep = (xDMXGetScreenAttributesReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = bytes_to_int32((sizeof(xDMXGetScreenAttributesReply) - sizeof(xGenericReply)) + paddedLength), .displayNameLength = length, .logicalScreen = attr.logicalScreen, .screenWindowWidth = attr.screenWindowWidth, .screenWindowHeight = attr.screenWindowHeight, .screenWindowXoffset = attr.screenWindowXoffset, .screenWindowYoffset = attr.screenWindowYoffset, .rootWindowWidth = attr.rootWindowWidth, .rootWindowHeight = attr.rootWindowHeight, .rootWindowXoffset = attr.rootWindowXoffset, .rootWindowYoffset = attr.rootWindowYoffset, .rootWindowXorigin = attr.rootWindowXorigin, .rootWindowYorigin = attr.rootWindowYorigin }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.displayNameLength); swapl(&rep.logicalScreen); swaps(&rep.screenWindowWidth); swaps(&rep.screenWindowHeight); swaps(&rep.screenWindowXoffset); swaps(&rep.screenWindowYoffset); swaps(&rep.rootWindowWidth); swaps(&rep.rootWindowHeight); swaps(&rep.rootWindowXoffset); swaps(&rep.rootWindowYoffset); swaps(&rep.rootWindowXorigin); swaps(&rep.rootWindowYorigin); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXGetScreenAttributesReply), &rep); if (length) WriteToClient(client, length, attr.displayName); return Success; } static int ProcDMXChangeScreensAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXChangeScreensAttributesReq); xDMXChangeScreensAttributesReply rep; int status = DMX_BAD_XINERAMA; unsigned int mask = 0; unsigned int i; CARD32 *screen_list; CARD32 *mask_list; CARD32 *value_list; DMXScreenAttributesPtr attribs; int errorScreen = 0; unsigned int len; int ones = 0; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDMXChangeScreensAttributesReq); len = client->req_len - bytes_to_int32(sizeof(xDMXChangeScreensAttributesReq)); if (len < stuff->screenCount + stuff->maskCount) return BadLength; screen_list = (CARD32 *) (stuff + 1); mask_list = &screen_list[stuff->screenCount]; value_list = &mask_list[stuff->maskCount]; for (i = 0; i < stuff->maskCount; i++) ones += Ones(mask_list[i]); if (len != stuff->screenCount + stuff->maskCount + ones) return BadLength; if (!_DMXXineramaActive()) goto noxinerama; if (!(attribs = xallocarray(stuff->screenCount, sizeof(*attribs)))) return BadAlloc; for (i = 0; i < stuff->screenCount; i++) { int count; if (i < stuff->maskCount) mask = mask_list[i]; dmxGetScreenAttributes(screen_list[i], &attribs[i]); count = dmxFetchScreenAttributes(mask, &attribs[i], value_list); value_list += count; } #ifdef PANORAMIX status = dmxConfigureScreenWindows(stuff->screenCount, screen_list, attribs, &errorScreen); #endif free(attribs); if (status == BadValue) return status; noxinerama: rep = (xDMXChangeScreensAttributesReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .status = status, .errorScreen = errorScreen }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.status); swapl(&rep.errorScreen); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXChangeScreensAttributesReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXAddScreen(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXAddScreenReq); xDMXAddScreenReply rep; int status = 0; CARD32 *value_list; DMXScreenAttributesRec attr; int count; char *name; int len; int paddedLength; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDMXAddScreenReq); paddedLength = pad_to_int32(stuff->displayNameLength); len = client->req_len - bytes_to_int32(sizeof(xDMXAddScreenReq)); if (len != Ones(stuff->valueMask) + paddedLength / 4) return BadLength; memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); dmxGetScreenAttributes(stuff->physicalScreen, &attr); value_list = (CARD32 *) (stuff + 1); count = dmxFetchScreenAttributes(stuff->valueMask, &attr, value_list); if (!(name = malloc(stuff->displayNameLength + 1 + 4))) return BadAlloc; memcpy(name, &value_list[count], stuff->displayNameLength); name[stuff->displayNameLength] = '\0'; attr.displayName = name; status = dmxAttachScreen(stuff->physicalScreen, &attr); free(name); rep = (xDMXAddScreenReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .status = status, .physicalScreen = stuff->physicalScreen }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.status); swapl(&rep.physicalScreen); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXAddScreenReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXRemoveScreen(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXRemoveScreenReq); xDMXRemoveScreenReply rep; int status = 0; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXRemoveScreenReq); status = dmxDetachScreen(stuff->physicalScreen); rep = (xDMXRemoveScreenReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .status = status }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.status); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXRemoveScreenReply), &rep); return Success; } #ifdef PANORAMIX static int dmxPopulatePanoramiX(ClientPtr client, Window window, CARD32 *screens, CARD32 *windows, xRectangle *pos, xRectangle *vis) { WindowPtr pWin; PanoramiXRes *win; int i; int count = 0; DMXWindowAttributesRec attr; if (Success != dixLookupResourceByType((void **) &win, window, XRT_WINDOW, client, DixReadAccess)) return -1; /* BadWindow */ FOR_NSCREENS(i) { if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWin, win->info[i].id, client, DixReadAccess)) return -1; /* BadWindow */ if (dmxGetWindowAttributes(pWin, &attr)) { screens[count] = attr.screen; windows[count] = attr.window; pos[count] = attr.pos; vis[count] = attr.vis; ++count; /* Only count existing windows */ } } return count; } #endif static int dmxPopulate(ClientPtr client, Window window, CARD32 *screens, CARD32 *windows, xRectangle *pos, xRectangle *vis) { WindowPtr pWin; DMXWindowAttributesRec attr; #ifdef PANORAMIX if (!noPanoramiXExtension) return dmxPopulatePanoramiX(client, window, screens, windows, pos, vis); #endif if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWin, window, client, DixReadAccess)) return -1; /* BadWindow */ dmxGetWindowAttributes(pWin, &attr); *screens = attr.screen; *windows = attr.window; *pos = attr.pos; *vis = attr.vis; return 1; } static int dmxMaxNumScreens(void) { #ifdef PANORAMIX if (!noPanoramiXExtension) return PanoramiXNumScreens; #endif return 1; } static int ProcDMXGetWindowAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetWindowAttributesReq); xDMXGetWindowAttributesReply rep; int i; CARD32 *screens; CARD32 *windows; xRectangle *pos, *vis; int count = dmxMaxNumScreens(); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetWindowAttributesReq); if (!(screens = xallocarray(count, sizeof(*screens)))) return BadAlloc; if (!(windows = xallocarray(count, sizeof(*windows)))) { free(screens); return BadAlloc; } if (!(pos = xallocarray(count, sizeof(*pos)))) { free(windows); free(screens); return BadAlloc; } if (!(vis = xallocarray(count, sizeof(*vis)))) { free(pos); free(windows); free(screens); return BadAlloc; } if ((count = dmxPopulate(client, stuff->window, screens, windows, pos, vis)) < 0) { free(vis); free(pos); free(windows); free(screens); return BadWindow; } rep = (xDMXGetWindowAttributesReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = count * 6, .screenCount = count }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.screenCount); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { swapl(&screens[i]); swapl(&windows[i]); swaps(&pos[i].x); swaps(&pos[i].y); swaps(&pos[i].width); swaps(&pos[i].height); swaps(&vis[i].x); swaps(&vis[i].y); swaps(&vis[i].width); swaps(&vis[i].height); } } dmxFlushPendingSyncs(); WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXGetWindowAttributesReply), &rep); if (count) { WriteToClient(client, count * sizeof(*screens), screens); WriteToClient(client, count * sizeof(*windows), windows); WriteToClient(client, count * sizeof(*pos), pos); WriteToClient(client, count * sizeof(*vis), vis); } free(vis); free(pos); free(windows); free(screens); return Success; } static int ProcDMXGetDesktopAttributes(ClientPtr client) { xDMXGetDesktopAttributesReply rep; DMXDesktopAttributesRec attr; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetDesktopAttributesReq); dmxGetDesktopAttributes(&attr); rep = (xDMXGetDesktopAttributesReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .width = attr.width, .height = attr.height, .shiftX = attr.shiftX, .shiftY = attr.shiftY }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swaps(&rep.width); swaps(&rep.height); swaps(&rep.shiftX); swaps(&rep.shiftY); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXGetDesktopAttributesReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXChangeDesktopAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXChangeDesktopAttributesReq); xDMXChangeDesktopAttributesReply rep; int status = DMX_BAD_XINERAMA; CARD32 *value_list; DMXDesktopAttributesRec attr; int len; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDMXChangeDesktopAttributesReq); len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xDMXChangeDesktopAttributesReq) >> 2); if (len != Ones(stuff->valueMask)) return BadLength; if (!_DMXXineramaActive()) goto noxinerama; value_list = (CARD32 *) (stuff + 1); dmxGetDesktopAttributes(&attr); dmxFetchDesktopAttributes(stuff->valueMask, &attr, value_list); #ifdef PANORAMIX status = dmxConfigureDesktop(&attr); #endif if (status == BadValue) return status; noxinerama: rep = (xDMXChangeDesktopAttributesReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .status = status }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.status); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXChangeDesktopAttributesReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXGetInputCount(ClientPtr client) { xDMXGetInputCountReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetInputCountReq); rep = (xDMXGetInputCountReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .inputCount = dmxGetInputCount() }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.inputCount); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXGetInputCountReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXGetInputAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetInputAttributesReq); xDMXGetInputAttributesReply rep; int length; int paddedLength; DMXInputAttributesRec attr; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetInputAttributesReq); if (dmxGetInputAttributes(stuff->deviceId, &attr)) return BadValue; length = attr.name ? strlen(attr.name) : 0; paddedLength = pad_to_int32(length); rep = (xDMXGetInputAttributesReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = bytes_to_int32(paddedLength), .inputType = attr.inputType, .physicalScreen = attr.physicalScreen, .physicalId = attr.physicalId, .nameLength = length, .isCore = attr.isCore, .sendsCore = attr.sendsCore, .detached = attr.detached }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.inputType); swapl(&rep.physicalScreen); swapl(&rep.physicalId); swapl(&rep.nameLength); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXGetInputAttributesReply), &rep); if (length) WriteToClient(client, length, attr.name); return Success; } static int ProcDMXAddInput(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXAddInputReq); xDMXAddInputReply rep; int status = 0; CARD32 *value_list; DMXInputAttributesRec attr; int count; char *name; int len; int paddedLength; int id = -1; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDMXAddInputReq); paddedLength = pad_to_int32(stuff->displayNameLength); len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xDMXAddInputReq) >> 2); if (len != Ones(stuff->valueMask) + paddedLength / 4) return BadLength; memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); value_list = (CARD32 *) (stuff + 1); count = dmxFetchInputAttributes(stuff->valueMask, &attr, value_list); if (!(name = malloc(stuff->displayNameLength + 1 + 4))) return BadAlloc; memcpy(name, &value_list[count], stuff->displayNameLength); name[stuff->displayNameLength] = '\0'; attr.name = name; status = dmxAddInput(&attr, &id); free(name); if (status) return status; rep = (xDMXAddInputReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .status = status, .physicalId = id }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.status); swapl(&rep.physicalId); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXAddInputReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXRemoveInput(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXRemoveInputReq); xDMXRemoveInputReply rep; int status = 0; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXRemoveInputReq); status = dmxRemoveInput(stuff->physicalId); if (status) return status; rep = (xDMXRemoveInputReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .status = status }; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.status); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDMXRemoveInputReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDMXDispatch(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_DMXQueryVersion: return ProcDMXQueryVersion(client); case X_DMXSync: return ProcDMXSync(client); case X_DMXForceWindowCreation: return ProcDMXForceWindowCreation(client); case X_DMXGetScreenCount: return ProcDMXGetScreenCount(client); case X_DMXGetScreenAttributes: return ProcDMXGetScreenAttributes(client); case X_DMXChangeScreensAttributes: return ProcDMXChangeScreensAttributes(client); case X_DMXAddScreen: return ProcDMXAddScreen(client); case X_DMXRemoveScreen: return ProcDMXRemoveScreen(client); case X_DMXGetWindowAttributes: return ProcDMXGetWindowAttributes(client); case X_DMXGetDesktopAttributes: return ProcDMXGetDesktopAttributes(client); case X_DMXChangeDesktopAttributes: return ProcDMXChangeDesktopAttributes(client); case X_DMXGetInputCount: return ProcDMXGetInputCount(client); case X_DMXGetInputAttributes: return ProcDMXGetInputAttributes(client); case X_DMXAddInput: return ProcDMXAddInput(client); case X_DMXRemoveInput: return ProcDMXRemoveInput(client); case X_DMXGetScreenInformationDEPRECATED: case X_DMXForceWindowCreationDEPRECATED: case X_DMXReconfigureScreenDEPRECATED: return BadImplementation; default: return BadRequest; } } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXQueryVersion(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXQueryVersionReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXQueryVersionReq); return ProcDMXQueryVersion(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXSync(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXSyncReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXSyncReq); return ProcDMXSync(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXForceWindowCreation(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXForceWindowCreationReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXForceWindowCreationReq); swapl(&stuff->window); return ProcDMXForceWindowCreation(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXGetScreenCount(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetScreenCountReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetScreenCountReq); return ProcDMXGetScreenCount(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXGetScreenAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetScreenAttributesReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetScreenAttributesReq); swapl(&stuff->physicalScreen); return ProcDMXGetScreenAttributes(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXChangeScreensAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXChangeScreensAttributesReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDMXGetScreenAttributesReq); swapl(&stuff->screenCount); swapl(&stuff->maskCount); SwapRestL(stuff); return ProcDMXGetScreenAttributes(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXAddScreen(ClientPtr client) { int paddedLength; REQUEST(xDMXAddScreenReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDMXAddScreenReq); swapl(&stuff->displayNameLength); swapl(&stuff->valueMask); paddedLength = pad_to_int32(stuff->displayNameLength); SwapLongs((CARD32 *) (stuff + 1), LengthRestL(stuff) - paddedLength / 4); return ProcDMXAddScreen(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXRemoveScreen(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXRemoveScreenReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXRemoveScreenReq); swapl(&stuff->physicalScreen); return ProcDMXRemoveScreen(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXGetWindowAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetWindowAttributesReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetWindowAttributesReq); swapl(&stuff->window); return ProcDMXGetWindowAttributes(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXGetDesktopAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetDesktopAttributesReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetDesktopAttributesReq); return ProcDMXGetDesktopAttributes(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXChangeDesktopAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXChangeDesktopAttributesReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDMXChangeDesktopAttributesReq); swapl(&stuff->valueMask); SwapRestL(stuff); return ProcDMXChangeDesktopAttributes(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXGetInputCount(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetInputCountReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetInputCountReq); return ProcDMXGetInputCount(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXGetInputAttributes(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXGetInputAttributesReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXGetInputAttributesReq); swapl(&stuff->deviceId); return ProcDMXGetInputAttributes(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXAddInput(ClientPtr client) { int paddedLength; REQUEST(xDMXAddInputReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDMXAddInputReq); swapl(&stuff->displayNameLength); swapl(&stuff->valueMask); paddedLength = pad_to_int32(stuff->displayNameLength); SwapLongs((CARD32 *) (stuff + 1), LengthRestL(stuff) - paddedLength / 4); return ProcDMXAddInput(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXRemoveInput(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDMXRemoveInputReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDMXRemoveInputReq); swapl(&stuff->physicalId); return ProcDMXRemoveInput(client); } static int _X_COLD SProcDMXDispatch(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_DMXQueryVersion: return SProcDMXQueryVersion(client); case X_DMXSync: return SProcDMXSync(client); case X_DMXForceWindowCreation: return SProcDMXForceWindowCreation(client); case X_DMXGetScreenCount: return SProcDMXGetScreenCount(client); case X_DMXGetScreenAttributes: return SProcDMXGetScreenAttributes(client); case X_DMXChangeScreensAttributes: return SProcDMXChangeScreensAttributes(client); case X_DMXAddScreen: return SProcDMXAddScreen(client); case X_DMXRemoveScreen: return SProcDMXRemoveScreen(client); case X_DMXGetWindowAttributes: return SProcDMXGetWindowAttributes(client); case X_DMXGetDesktopAttributes: return SProcDMXGetDesktopAttributes(client); case X_DMXChangeDesktopAttributes: return SProcDMXChangeDesktopAttributes(client); case X_DMXGetInputCount: return SProcDMXGetInputCount(client); case X_DMXGetInputAttributes: return SProcDMXGetInputAttributes(client); case X_DMXAddInput: return SProcDMXAddInput(client); case X_DMXRemoveInput: return SProcDMXRemoveInput(client); case X_DMXGetScreenInformationDEPRECATED: case X_DMXForceWindowCreationDEPRECATED: case X_DMXReconfigureScreenDEPRECATED: return BadImplementation; default: return BadRequest; } } /** Initialize the extension. */ void DMXExtensionInit(void) { ExtensionEntry *extEntry; if ((extEntry = AddExtension(DMX_EXTENSION_NAME, 0, 0, ProcDMXDispatch, SProcDMXDispatch, NULL, StandardMinorOpcode))) DMXCode = extEntry->base; }