/* $XConsortium: pexocp.98.5.c,v 1.0 93/11/22 12:38:02 rws Exp $ */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 1993, Fort Collins, Colorado */ /* */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its */ /* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, */ /* provided that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that */ /* both the copyright notices and this permission notice appear in */ /* supporting documentation, and that the name of Hewlett-Packard not be */ /* used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the */ /* software without specific, written prior permission. */ /* */ /* HEWLETT-PACKARD MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS */ /* SOFTWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard */ /* shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, */ /* special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the */ /* furnishing, performance or use of this software. */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/PEX5/PEXlib.h> #include <misc.h> #include <lut.h> typedef struct { int u_order; int v_order; int num_trim_loops; int trim_rationality[3]; int trim_visibility[3]; int trim_order[3]; PEXSurfaceApprox approx; int psc_type; int interior_style; int surface_edge_flag; char *message; char *description; } _attr_value; static _attr_value attr_values[]={ { 2, 2, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 2, vord = 2, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, with Edges", "Order 2 in u and v, but smooth trim order, should trim flat surfaces." }, { 2, 3, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 2, vord = 3, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, with Edges", "Order 2 in u, 3 in v, should trim correctly." }, { 3, 3, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 3, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 3, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, with Edges", "Order 3 in u and v, anomalies in v but still smooth trimming." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, with Edges", "Order 3 in u, 4 in v, should look pretty good." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 2, 3 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 2, 3, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, with Edges", "Middle trim loop order 2 (should be angular), outer loop is order 3 (curvy)." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 2, 2, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 2, 2, 2, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, with Edges", "All trim loops are order 2, all angular." }, { 3, 4, 1, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 1, order 3, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, with Edges", "One trim loop, just the 4-lobed central shape." }, { 3, 4, 0, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 0, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, with Edges", "No trim loops, the whole surface should be visible." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCImpDep, PEXInteriorStyleHollow, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Hollow, with Edges, all visible", "Hollow with visibility on all trim loops, all should be in edge color." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOff, PEXOn, PEXOff }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleHollow, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Hollow, with Edges, some visible", "Hollow with visibility off for inner and outer loops, they should be in interior color." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOff, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, PSCNone, no Edges", "No edging or PSC, should be trimmed green surface." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxImpDep, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCImpDep, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOff, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, ImpDep approx, Solid, PSCImpDep, no Edges", "No edging, PSCNone, same as last until Core supports interior edging." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxDCRelative, 0, 0.0, 0.0 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, DCRelative approx 0.0,0.0, Solid, with Edges", "Low surface approximation, trim curve should adapt." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxDCRelative, 0, 0.5, 0.5 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, DCRelative approx 0.5,0.5, Solid, with Edges", "Medium surface approximation, trim curve should adapt." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxDCRelative, 0, 0.9, 0.9 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, NonRational, DCRelative approx 0.9,0.9, Solid, with Edges", "Pretty good surface approximation, trim curve should adapt." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXRational, PEXNonRational, PEXNonRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxDCRelative, 0, 0.9, 0.9 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, one Rational, DCRelative approx 0.9,0.9, Solid, with Edges", "Looks same as last but inner loop uses rational control points." }, { 3, 4, 3, { PEXRational, PEXRational, PEXRational }, { PEXOn, PEXOn, PEXOn }, { 3, 3, 2 }, { PEXApproxDCRelative, 0, 0.9, 0.9 }, PEXPSCNone, PEXInteriorStyleSolid, PEXOn, "uord = 3, vord = 4, num_trim = 3, orders 3, 3, 2, all Rational, DCRelative approx 0.9,0.9, Solid, with Edges", "Looks same as last but all loops use rational control points." }, }; #define NUM_ATTR_SETS (sizeof(attr_values)/sizeof(_attr_value)) /* The surface knots and control points. */ #define NUM_COLS 3 #define NUM_ROWS 4 static PEXCoord surf_points[NUM_COLS*NUM_ROWS]={ { 0.0, 0.5, 0.0}, { 0.0, 0.6, 0.5}, { 0.0, 0.5, 1.0}, { 0.3, 0.5, 0.0}, { 0.3, 1.0, 0.5}, { 0.3, 0.5, 1.0}, { 0.6, 0.4, 0.0}, { 0.6, 0.5, 0.5}, { 0.6, 0.4, 1.0}, { 0.9, 0.5, 0.0}, { 0.9, 0.3, 0.5}, { 0.9, 0.2, 1.0}, }; static float uknots[][NUM_COLS+6]={ /* order 2 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, }, /* order 3 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, }, /* order 4 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, }, /* order 5 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, }, /* order 6 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, }, }; static float vknots[][NUM_ROWS+6]={ /* order 2 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.33, 0.66, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, }, /* order 3 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, }, /* order 4 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, }, /* order 5 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, }, /* order 6 */ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, }, }; /* Trimming Curves, from inner-most to outer-most. */ #if 0 static float t0_knots_2[] = {0,0,1,1,2,2,2.5,3,3,4,4 }; static float t0_knots_3[] = {0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4 }; static PEXCoord2D t0_pts[] = { {0.5,0.42}, {0.68,0.32}, {0.58,0.5}, {0.68,0.68}, {0.5,0.58}, {0.32,0.68}, {0.42,0.5}, {0.32,0.32}, {0.5,0.42} }; static PEXCoord t0_pts_rational[] = { {0.5,0.42,1.0}, {0.68,0.32,1.0}, {0.58,0.5,1.0}, {0.68,0.68,1.0}, {0.5,0.58,1.0}, {0.32,0.68,1.0}, {0.42,0.5,1.0}, {0.32,0.32,1.0}, {0.5,0.42,1.0} }; #else /* Inner trim loop is composed of three trim curves */ static float t0_0_knots_2[] = {0,0,1.5,2.5,4,4 }; static float t0_1_knots_2[] = {0,0,1.5,2.5,4,4 }; static float t0_2_knots_2[] = {0,0,2,4,4 }; static float t0_0_knots_3[] = {0,0,0,2,4,4,4 }; static float t0_1_knots_3[] = {0,0,0,2,4,4,4 }; static float t0_2_knots_3[] = {0,0,0,4,4,4 }; static PEXCoord2D t0_0_pts[] = { {0.5,0.42}, {0.68,0.32}, {0.58,0.5}, {0.68,0.68}, }; static PEXCoord2D t0_1_pts[] = { {0.68,0.68}, {0.5,0.58}, {0.32,0.68}, {0.42,0.5}, }; static PEXCoord2D t0_2_pts[] = { {0.42,0.5}, {0.32,0.32}, {0.5,0.42} }; static PEXCoord t0_0_pts_rational[] = { {0.5,0.42,1.0}, {0.68,0.32,1.0}, {0.58,0.5,1.0}, {0.68,0.68,1.0}, }; static PEXCoord t0_1_pts_rational[] = { {0.68,0.68,1.0}, {0.5,0.58,1.0}, {0.32,0.68,1.0}, {0.42,0.5,1.0}, }; static PEXCoord t0_2_pts_rational[] = { {0.42,0.5,1.0}, {0.32,0.32,1.0}, {0.5,0.42,1.0} }; #endif #if 0 static float t1_knots_2[] = {0,0,1,1,2,2,2.5,3,3,4,4 }; static float t1_knots_3[] = {0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4 }; static PEXCoord2D t1_pts[] = { {0.5,0.35}, {0.25,0.25}, {0.35,0.5}, {0.25,0.75}, {0.5,0.65}, {0.75,0.75}, {0.65,0.5}, {0.75,0.25}, {0.5,0.35}, }; static PEXCoord t1_pts_rational[] = { {0.5,0.35,1.0}, {0.25,0.25,1.0}, {0.35,0.5,1.0}, {0.25,0.75,1.0}, {0.5,0.65,1.0}, {0.75,0.75,1.0}, {0.65,0.5,1.0}, {0.75,0.25,1.0}, {0.5,0.35,1.0}, }; #else /* Middle trim loop is composed of two trim curves */ static float t1_0_knots_2[] = {0,0,1,2,3,4,4 }; static float t1_1_knots_2[] = {0,0,1,2,3,4,4 }; static float t1_0_knots_3[] = {0,0,0,1.33,2.67,4,4,4 }; static float t1_1_knots_3[] = {0,0,0,1.33,2.67,4,4,4 }; static PEXCoord2D t1_0_pts[] = { {0.5,0.35}, {0.25,0.25}, {0.35,0.5}, {0.25,0.75}, {0.5,0.65}, }; static PEXCoord2D t1_1_pts[] = { {0.5,0.65}, {0.75,0.75}, {0.65,0.5}, {0.75,0.25}, {0.5,0.35}, }; static PEXCoord t1_0_pts_rational[] = { {0.5,0.35,1.0}, {0.25,0.25,1.0}, {0.35,0.5,1.0}, {0.25,0.75,1.0}, {0.5,0.65,1.0}, }; static PEXCoord t1_1_pts_rational[] = { {0.5,0.65,1.0}, {0.75,0.75,1.0}, {0.65,0.5,1.0}, {0.75,0.25,1.0}, {0.5,0.35,1.0}, }; #endif static float t2_knots_2[] = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 }; static float t2_knots_3[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4 }; static PEXCoord2D t2_pts[] = { {0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 0.0} }; static PEXCoord t2_pts_rational[] = { {0.0, 0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0,1.0}, {0.0, 1.0,1.0}, {0.0, 0.0,1.0} }; void draw_image( Display *dpy, XID res_id, PEXOCRequestType req_type, int attr_index ) { int uorder, vorder; unsigned int num_u_points = 3, num_v_points = 4; PEXArrayOfCoord grid; PEXColor color; PEXPSCData psc; unsigned long num_trim_loops; PEXListOfTrimCurve trim_loops[3]; PEXTrimCurve trim_curves_0[3]; PEXTrimCurve trim_curves_1[2]; PEXTrimCurve trim_curves_2[1]; float *uknot_list, *vknot_list; /* Build the trimming loops. Inner loop has 3 curves Middle loop has 2 curves Outer loop has 1 curve */ num_trim_loops = 0; if ((attr_values[attr_index].num_trim_loops == 1) || (attr_values[attr_index].num_trim_loops == 3)) { /* Setup inner loop here for both single & triple loop cases */ num_trim_loops = 1; trim_loops[0].count = 3; trim_loops[0].curves = trim_curves_0; trim_curves_0[0].rationality = trim_curves_0[1].rationality = trim_curves_0[2].rationality = attr_values[attr_index].trim_rationality[0]; trim_curves_0[0].visibility = trim_curves_0[1].visibility = trim_curves_0[2].visibility = attr_values[attr_index].trim_visibility[0]; trim_curves_0[0].order = trim_curves_0[1].order = trim_curves_0[2].order = attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[0]; trim_curves_0[0].tmin = trim_curves_0[1].tmin = trim_curves_0[2].tmin = 0; trim_curves_0[0].tmax = trim_curves_0[1].tmax = trim_curves_0[2].tmax = 4; if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[0] == 2) { trim_curves_0[0].knots.count = sizeof(t0_0_knots_2)/sizeof(t0_0_knots_2[0]); trim_curves_0[1].knots.count = sizeof(t0_1_knots_2)/sizeof(t0_1_knots_2[0]); trim_curves_0[2].knots.count = sizeof(t0_2_knots_2)/sizeof(t0_2_knots_2[0]); trim_curves_0[0].knots.floats = t0_0_knots_2; trim_curves_0[1].knots.floats = t0_1_knots_2; trim_curves_0[2].knots.floats = t0_2_knots_2; } else if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[0] == 3) { trim_curves_0[0].knots.count = sizeof(t0_0_knots_3)/sizeof(t0_0_knots_3[0]); trim_curves_0[1].knots.count = sizeof(t0_1_knots_3)/sizeof(t0_1_knots_3[0]); trim_curves_0[2].knots.count = sizeof(t0_2_knots_3)/sizeof(t0_2_knots_3[0]); trim_curves_0[0].knots.floats = t0_0_knots_3; trim_curves_0[1].knots.floats = t0_1_knots_3; trim_curves_0[2].knots.floats = t0_2_knots_3; } trim_curves_0[0].count = sizeof(t0_0_pts)/sizeof(t0_0_pts[0]); trim_curves_0[1].count = sizeof(t0_1_pts)/sizeof(t0_1_pts[0]); trim_curves_0[2].count = sizeof(t0_2_pts)/sizeof(t0_2_pts[0]); if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_rationality[0] == PEXNonRational) { trim_curves_0[0].control_points.point_2d = t0_0_pts; trim_curves_0[1].control_points.point_2d = t0_1_pts; trim_curves_0[2].control_points.point_2d = t0_2_pts; } else { trim_curves_0[0].control_points.point = t0_0_pts_rational; trim_curves_0[1].control_points.point = t0_1_pts_rational; trim_curves_0[2].control_points.point = t0_2_pts_rational; } trim_curves_0[0].approx_method = trim_curves_0[1].approx_method = trim_curves_0[2].approx_method = PEXApproxImpDep; trim_curves_0[0].tolerance = trim_curves_0[1].tolerance = trim_curves_0[2].tolerance = 0.0; } if (attr_values[attr_index].num_trim_loops == 3) { num_trim_loops = 3; trim_loops[1].count = 2; trim_loops[1].curves = trim_curves_1; trim_loops[2].count = 1; trim_loops[2].curves = trim_curves_2; trim_curves_1[0].rationality = attr_values[attr_index].trim_rationality[1]; trim_curves_1[1].rationality = attr_values[attr_index].trim_rationality[1]; trim_curves_1[0].visibility = attr_values[attr_index].trim_visibility[1]; trim_curves_1[1].visibility = attr_values[attr_index].trim_visibility[1]; trim_curves_1[0].order = attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[1]; trim_curves_1[1].order = attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[1]; trim_curves_1[0].tmin = 0; trim_curves_1[1].tmin = 0; trim_curves_1[0].tmax = 4; trim_curves_1[1].tmax = 4; if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[1] == 2) { trim_curves_1[0].knots.count = sizeof(t1_0_knots_2)/sizeof(t1_0_knots_2[0]); trim_curves_1[1].knots.count = sizeof(t1_1_knots_2)/sizeof(t1_1_knots_2[0]); trim_curves_1[0].knots.floats = t1_0_knots_2; trim_curves_1[1].knots.floats = t1_1_knots_2; } else if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[1] == 3) { trim_curves_1[0].knots.count = sizeof(t1_0_knots_3)/sizeof(t1_0_knots_3[0]); trim_curves_1[1].knots.count = sizeof(t1_1_knots_3)/sizeof(t1_1_knots_3[0]); trim_curves_1[0].knots.floats = t1_1_knots_3; trim_curves_1[1].knots.floats = t1_1_knots_3; } trim_curves_1[0].count = sizeof(t1_0_pts)/sizeof(t1_0_pts[0]); trim_curves_1[1].count = sizeof(t1_1_pts)/sizeof(t1_1_pts[0]); if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_rationality[1] == PEXNonRational) { trim_curves_1[0].control_points.point_2d = t1_0_pts; trim_curves_1[1].control_points.point_2d = t1_1_pts; } else { trim_curves_1[0].control_points.point = t1_0_pts_rational; trim_curves_1[1].control_points.point = t1_1_pts_rational; } trim_curves_1[0].approx_method = PEXApproxImpDep; trim_curves_1[1].approx_method = PEXApproxImpDep; trim_curves_1[0].tolerance = 0.0; trim_curves_1[1].tolerance = 0.0; trim_curves_2[0].rationality = attr_values[attr_index].trim_rationality[2]; trim_curves_2[0].visibility = attr_values[attr_index].trim_visibility[2]; trim_curves_2[0].order = attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[2]; trim_curves_2[0].tmin = 0; trim_curves_2[0].tmax = 4; if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[2] == 2) { trim_curves_2[0].knots.count = sizeof(t2_knots_2)/sizeof(t2_knots_2[0]); trim_curves_2[0].knots.floats = t2_knots_2; } else if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_order[2] == 3) { trim_curves_2[0].knots.count = sizeof(t2_knots_3)/sizeof(t2_knots_3[0]); trim_curves_2[0].knots.floats = t2_knots_3; } trim_curves_2[0].count = sizeof(t2_pts)/sizeof(t2_pts[0]); if (attr_values[attr_index].trim_rationality[2] == PEXNonRational) trim_curves_2[0].control_points.point_2d = t2_pts; else trim_curves_2[0].control_points.point = t2_pts_rational; trim_curves_2[0].approx_method = PEXApproxImpDep; trim_curves_2[0].tolerance = 0.0; } uorder = attr_values[attr_index].u_order; vorder = attr_values[attr_index].v_order; uknot_list = uknots[uorder-2]; vknot_list = vknots[vorder-2]; PEXSetViewIndex( dpy, res_id, req_type, (unsigned int) 1 ); /* Set interior attributes. */ PEXSetInteriorStyle( dpy, res_id, req_type, attr_values[attr_index].interior_style ); color.rgb.red = 0.0; color.rgb.green = 1.0; color.rgb.blue = 0.0; PEXSetSurfaceColor (dpy, res_id, req_type, PEXColorTypeRGB, &color); PEXSetSurfaceEdgeFlag( dpy, res_id, req_type, attr_values[attr_index].surface_edge_flag ); color.rgb.red = 1.0; color.rgb.green = 0.0; color.rgb.blue = 0.0; PEXSetSurfaceEdgeColor (dpy, res_id, req_type, PEXColorTypeRGB, &color); /* * Set the parametric surface characteristics */ psc.imp_dep.length = 0; psc.imp_dep.data = NULL; PEXSetParaSurfCharacteristics( dpy, res_id, req_type, attr_values[attr_index].psc_type, &psc ); /* * Set the surface approximation criteria */ PEXSetSurfaceApprox( dpy, res_id, req_type, attr_values[attr_index].approx.method, attr_values[attr_index].approx.u_tolerance, attr_values[attr_index].approx.v_tolerance ); /* Create the surface. */ grid.point = surf_points; PEXNURBSurface( dpy, res_id, req_type, PEXNonRational, uorder, vorder, uknot_list, vknot_list, num_u_points, num_v_points, grid, num_trim_loops, trim_loops ); } static void set_view( dpy, view_table ) Display *dpy; PEXLookupTable view_table; { PEXViewEntry view; PEXCoord2D window[2]; double view_plane, front_plane, back_plane; PEXCoord prp; PEXNPCSubVolume viewport; /* The view orientation parameters. */ static PEXCoord view_ref_pt = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}; static PEXVector view_plane_normal = {0.5643, 0.4775, 0.6735}; static PEXVector view_up_vec = {0,1,0}; /* Compute the view orientation transform. */ PEXViewOrientationMatrix( &view_ref_pt, &view_plane_normal, &view_up_vec, view.orientation ); /* The view mapping parameters. */ prp.x = 0; prp.y = 0; prp.z = 10; window[0].x = -0.78; window[1].x = 0.7; window[0].y = -0.78; window[1].y = 0.7; front_plane = 1; view_plane = 0; back_plane = -1; viewport.min.x = 0; viewport.max.x = 1; viewport.min.y = 0; viewport.max.y = 1; viewport.min.z = 0; viewport.max.z = 1; /* Compute the view mapping transform. */ PEXViewMappingMatrix( window, &viewport, False, &prp, view_plane, back_plane, front_plane, view.mapping ); /* The view clipping parameters. */ view.clip_flags = PEXClippingAll; view.clip_limits = viewport; /* Set view 1. */ PEXSetTableEntries( dpy, view_table, 1, 1, PEXLUTView, (PEXPointer) &view ); } void inquire_test_params(char *test_name, int *num_images, int *supported_modes, char *win_title) { strcpy(test_name, "pexocp.98.5"); *num_images = NUM_ATTR_SETS; *supported_modes = IMM_MODE | STR_MODE | WKS_MODE; strcpy(win_title, "pexocp.98.5"); } void misc_setup(Display *dpy, Window window, PEXRenderer renderer, int cur_image) { unsigned long mask = PEXRAHLHSRMode; PEXRendererAttributes attrs; if (cur_image == 1) { attrs.hlhsr_mode = PEXHLHSRZBuffer; PEXChangeRenderer(dpy, renderer, mask, &attrs); set_view(dpy, viewLUT); } } void execute_test(Display *dpy, XID resourceID, PEXOCRequestType req_type, int cur_image) { char desc_msg[80]; if (cur_image == 1) { describe_test ("\n\n"); describe_test ("This is a mainline test for NURB surfaces with multisegment trimming curves.\n"); describe_test ("Surface approximation criteria, parametric surface criteria,\n"); describe_test ("and interior attributes are varied to make sure that they correctly affect\n"); describe_test ("the spline surface rendering. Several orders of surface spline\n"); describe_test ("are tested. Several orders of trim curve are also tried,\n"); describe_test("as are individual control over loop visibility (edging) and rationality.\n"); describe_test("The test describes each image as it is generated.\n\n"); } sprintf (desc_msg, " %s\n", attr_values[cur_image-1].description); describe_test(desc_msg); draw_image( dpy, resourceID, req_type, cur_image-1 ); } void testproc(Display *dpy, Window window, int cur_image) { char image_name[80], test_name[80]; sprintf(image_name,"pexocp.98.5_%d", cur_image); sprintf(test_name, "pexocp.98.1_#%d", cur_image); image_testproc(image_name, test_name, img_desc, dpy,window, 0, 0, glob_window_width, glob_window_height); }