WindowTitle {FvwmScript-ComExample} WindowSize 360 290 Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-* Init Begin # set the com name Set $pid = (GetPid) Set $ComName = {ComExample-}$pid # defined when build Set $DATADIR = {xFVWM_DATADIRx} Set $Perl = {xPERLx} # run Do {Exec }$Perl{ -w }$DATADIR{/ --com-name=}$ComName{ &} # startup cmd Set $Startup = (SendMsgAndGet $ComName {startup} 1) If $Startup == 0 Then Set $tmp = {An error occur at startup!} Else Set $tmp = $Startup ChangeTitle 10 $tmp End #---------------------------------------- # Title Widget 10 Property Position 10 10 Size 340 20 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus Type ItemDraw Title {} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 11 Property Flags NoReliefString Position 10 35 Size 340 205 Type Rectangle Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End #--------------------------------------- # count Widget 20 Property Flags NoReliefString Position 30 60 Size 150 20 Type PushButton Title {Send Msg Count} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Set $tmp = (SendMsgAndGet $ComName {count} 1) ChangeTitle 21 $tmp End End Widget 21 Property Position 190 60 Size 150 20 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus Type ItemDraw Title {No count Msg Send} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End #--------------------------------------- # an unkwon msg Widget 30 Property Flags NoReliefString Position 30 100 Size 150 20 Type PushButton Title {Send An Unknown Msg} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Set $tmp = (SendMsgAndGet $ComName {unknown} 1) Set $tmp = {Returned value: }$tmp ChangeTitle 31 $tmp End End Widget 31 Property Position 190 100 Size 150 20 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus Type ItemDraw Title {No unknown Msg Send} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End #--------------------------------------- # A "multilines" answer Widget 40 Property Flags NoReliefString Position 30 140 Size 150 20 Type PushButton Title {A "Multilines" Msg} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Set $tmp = (SendMsgAndGet $ComName {multilines} 1) Set $t1 = (Parse $tmp 1) Set $t2 = (Parse $tmp 2) Set $t3 = (Parse $tmp 3) ChangeTitle 41 $t1 ChangeTitle 42 $t2 ChangeTitle 43 $t3 End End Widget 41 Property Position 190 140 Size 150 20 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus Type ItemDraw Title {No multiline Msg Send} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 42 Property Position 190 170 Size 150 20 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus Type ItemDraw Title {No multilines Msg Send} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 43 Property Position 190 200 Size 150 20 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus Type ItemDraw Title {No multilines Msg Send} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End #--------------------------------------- # Quit Widget 99 Property Size 80 20 Position 250 250 Flags NoReliefString Type PushButton Title {Quit} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin # say to to exit the 0 says that we do not # need an answer Set $dummy = (SendMsgAndGet $ComName {exit} 0) Quit End End