This directory contains files to test menus. Instructions: - Execute the shell script install.menus to copy some files needed by the config file to /tmp. - Start fvwm. - Execute the command "Read /tmp/". - A number of menus will pop up. Verify that they work correctly. - Some test information will be printed to the console. NOTE: No error messages must show up. functionality tested: --------------------- - Menu layout code. - MenuStyle options: SidePic SideColor SeparatorsLong / SeparatorsShort TitleUnderlines0 / TitleUnderlines1 / TitleUnderlines2 VerticalItemSpacing VerticalTitleSpacing VerticalMargins BorderWidth Hilight3DThickness / Hilight3DThick / Hilight3DThin / Hilight3DOff ItemFormat: %l %c %r %i %| %< %> %s %(left).(right)(...) [%](space) [%](tab) %p - Empty menus, items, formats and missing parts in the menus, separators